THE BARD biographies


THE BARD biographies
THE BARD biographies
Manuel Henriques (1986). BA at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (Lisbon, Portugal) and MA
in International Performance Research at University of Warwick and University of Amsterdam,
(Erasmus Mundus Scholarship). Works as a professional actor and performer since 2007 and
collaborates with several artists in the areas of theatre, dance and performance. As an author
and director he has created Alguma vez caminhaste sozinho pelo bosque (2010), O Mensageiro
(2011-2014), Sobre a preparação do actor #1 (2013), O BARDO – Performance para uma Galeria
(2015), and Brumário (2014-2016). + info
Ana Bigotte Vieira (Lisbon, 1980). PhD candidate in Contemporary Culture at Universidade
NOVA de Lisboa for which she has received a grant from FCT Portugal. She was a Visiting
Scholar at NYU’s Performance Studies Department from 2009 to 2012. She researches on the
‘cultural transformation’ which occurred in Portugal after it joined the European Union. She
graduated in Modern and Contemporary History at ISCTE. She has worked as a dramaturge,
and has translated Giorgio Agamben, Maurizio Lazzarato, Luigi Pirandello, Mark Ravenhill,
Annibale Ruccello, and Spiro Scimone. Founder of the project baldio | Performance Studies.
André Pinto (Mestre André). MA in Musical Arts at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, during which
he undertook a research visit to SFU Burnaby (CA), supervised by Barry Truax. André explored
rupture aesthetics and theorised on the ‘social and political aesthetics of art and noise’.
Currently, his work develops around deep listening as an ecological approach towards sound
and music. André has developed work as a Sound Artist, Field-Recordist, Performer,
Installation Artist, Free Improviser, Composer and Sound Designer, doing live Sound Design
for movies and theatre performances, sound installations and interactive live concerts,
amongst other things. + info