Brazil - Academy of Management


Brazil - Academy of Management
By Clarice Santos ([email protected])
Coppead Graduate School of Business – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
AOM´s Gender and Diversity in
Organizations (GDO) Division
aims to bring content related to
gender and diversity within and
outside organizational
boundaries across the world to
its international community.
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With a population of over 200 million, the largest country in South America has
undergone significant growth and changes in recent years. In terms of diversity, it
presents a unique mix of religions, ethnicities and sub-cultures. A closer look
shows development in policy; however, in practice, inequalities still exist.
Urban population: 85.4% of total population
Ethnic groups: white 47.7%, mulatto (mixed white and black) 43.1%, black 7.6%,
Asian 1.1%, indigenous 0.4%
Age structure: 0-14 years: 23.8%, 15-24 years: 16.5%, 25-54 years: 43.7%, 55-64
years: 8.4%, 65 years and over: 7.6
Religion: Roman Catholic 64.6%, other Catholic 0.4%, Protestant 22.2%, other
Christian 0.7%, Spiritist 2.2%, other 1.4%, none 8%, unspecified 0.4%
Overall population sex ratio: 0.97
Labor force participation (female-to-male ratio): 0.76
Sources: CIA World Factbook, IBGE, The World Economic Forum
GDO Newsletter Editor.
What is new in gender and diversity policies?
The legally mandated 120-day maternity leave is now extended to cases of adoption of children under 12. In addition, the leave
is now transferable to the mother´s partner, in cases of death or abandonment.
The government is currently discussing changes to the country´s retirement policy. The proposed change proposes a
calculation based on the formula 85 (women)/95 (men), which is a combination of age and years worked.
What is new in gender and diversity practices?
A study conducted by Coppead with HR representatives reveals trends in diversity practices. Some of those include:
More organizations have extended health insurance coverage to same-sex partners.
Organizations are having difficulties fulfilling their people with disabilities quota. Firms with at least 100 employees must
reserve a percentage of jobs to people with disabilities (from 2% to 5% based on firm size).
What is new in gender and diversity research?
Research on gender and diversity in organizations published domestically can be found in the following management journals:
Brazilian Administration Review (BAR), Brazilian Business Review (BBR), Organizações e Sociedade (O&S), Revista de
Administração e Empresas (RAE), Revista de Administração Contemporânea (RAC), Revista de Administração da USP (RAUSP),
Revista de Administração Mackenzie (RAM), Revista de Administração Pública (RAP), among others.
Recent publications:
Caproni Neto, H. L., Saraiva, L. A. S., & Bicalho, R. D. A. (2014). Diversidade sexual nas organizações: Um estudo sobre Coming
Out. (Sexual diversity in organizations: A study about Coming Out). Revista Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração, 8(1),
Carrieri, A. D. P., Souza, E. M. D., & Aguiar, A. R. C. (2014). Work, violence and sexuality: A study of lesbians, transvestites and
transsexuals. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 18(1), 78-95.
de Faria, M. D., & dos Santos, J. L. F. (2014). Diretrizes para pesquisas com foco em pessoas com deficiência: Um estudo
bibliométrico em administração. (Directives for research focusing on people with disabilities: A bibliometric study in Management).
Revista Ciências Administrativas, 19(1).
Maccali, N., Kuabara, P. S. S., Takahashi, A. R. W., Roglio, K. D. D., & Boehs, S. D. T. (2015). Human resource practices for diversity
management: The inclusion of intellectual disabilities in a public federation of Brazil. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie,
16(2), 157-187.
Rosa, A. R. (2014). Race relations and organizational studies in Brazil. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 18(3), 240-260.
ANPAD (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração)
The Brazilian Academy of Management was founded in 1976 to promote teaching, research and knowledge development in
Management. The association has a People Management and Labor Relations division whose Work and Diversity subdivision
includes the topics of Gender, Sexual Orientation, Generations, Social Classes, Ethnicities, Religion, Disabilities,
Discrimination and Inclusion.