inglês - Colégio 24 Horas


inglês - Colégio 24 Horas
Americans used to live in a "throw away" society. Until recently, no one
was too worried about the enormous consumption of electricity, aluminum,
paper, iron and other materials. For a long time Americans lived as if natural
resources would last forever. However, higher prices, especially for oil, have
made people more aware of how much they use. As a consequence, a
"recycling" movement has begun to use valuable materials again and again. In
spite of the advantages, sometimes it's a lot of trouble to recycle. People are
expected to drop off their old newspapers at one place, their glass bottles at
another, and their metal cans, at a third. In addition, for many industries it's
cheaper to use new material than to recycle the old, but the "recycle" attitude
is growing.
31. Por muito tempo:
tem-se falado sobre a reciclagem do papel, alumínio e ferro;
a sociedade americana foi a maior "consumista" do mundo;
o preço do petróleo tem sido muito alto;
os americanos agiam como se os recursos naturais jamais fossem
têm-se discutido muito as vantagens da reciclagem de materiais.
32. A reciclagem é um processo:
fácil de executar;
adotado no mundo inteiro;
cada vez menos utilizado.
33. “People are expected to drop off their old newspapers at one place, their
glass bottles at another...” This sentence is in the:
Future Tense;
Active voice;
Passive voice;
Past Tense;
Future Continuous.
34. "In spite of the advantages, sometimes it's a lot of trouble to recycle."
"In spite of" can be replaced by:
"To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and those who edit
and read it are old women over their tea."
(Henry David Thoreau)
35. We can infer from the text that:
news is not very important to philosophers;
philosophers do not read newspapers;
gossip is of much consequence;
old women are fond of philosophy;
Tom was rather looking forward to his first journey by Tube, as the
underground railway in London is called. He had heard a great deal about it
from his friends who had already been to England. They all advised him not to
travel alone the first time. But Tom is the kind of person who never listens to
anyone's advice.
36. Segundo o texto:
Tom não estava com pressa para andar de metrô.
Os amigos de Tom tinham falado mal da Inglaterra.
Tom estava com medo de andar de metrô.
Tom já havia estado na Inglaterra.
Tom é teimoso.
37. The passive voice of "They advised him not to travel alone" is:
He will not travel alone.
People advised them not to travel alone.
He was advised not to travel alone.
They will be advised not to travel alone.
He is advised not to travel alone.
38. "Tom was rather looking forward to his first journey by Tube". "Looking
forward to" expresses:
(A) sadness;
(B) pleasure;
(C) fear;
(D) worry;
(E) indecision.
39. The passive voice form for the sentence "The little boy ate the cake." is:
The cake is eaten by the little boy.
The cake has been eaten by the little boy.
The cake was eaten by the little boy.
The cake was being eaten by the little boy.
The cake has been eaten by the little boy.
Choose the correct alternatives:
40. It was the best play ____________ had ever been on that stage.
(A) who
(B) whose
(C) whom
(D) that
(E) what
41. The old servant, __________ son has been arrested, wants to talk to
the officer of the day.
(A) who
(B) whose
(C) whom
(D) which
(E) that
42. That's the doctor for _________ Cliff works.
(A) who
(B) that
(C) which
(D) whose
(E) whom
43. That's my friend _____________ lives in Rio.
(A) which
(B) who
(C) whom
(D) whose
(E) what
44. The sentence "Don't say anything to my parents", in the reported
speech form becomes:
He asked me not to say anything to his parents.
He asked me don't say anything to my parents.
He said not to say anything to my parents.
He asked me to say everything to my parents.
He asked me to say something to hisparents.
45. Mary said: "I read this book last month." What did Mary say?
She said she read this book last month.
She said she would read that book next month.
She said she has read this book this month.
She said she had read that book the month before.
She said she was readind this book.