2008 Faculty Archive


2008 Faculty Archive
2008 Faculty Archive
Associate Professor, College of Charleston; Ph.D., University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Assistant Director: REGINA SANTOS
Ph.D. in Literature, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Writer in Residence
ROBERTO DAMATTA , Professor, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio de Janeiro;
Ph.D. in Anthropology, Harvard University
Scholar in Residence
ALBERTO R. MONTEIRO , Professor, Universidade do Vale da Paraíba, São Paulo;
Ph.D. in Biology, Universidad de Navaja, Pamplona, Spain; Post-Doctorate,
Louisiana State University
CAMILA ALVAHYDO , M.A. in Romance Languages, University of Georgia
LEILA DA COSTA, M.A. in Linguistics, University of Michigan
MERCIA FLANNERY, Ph.D. in Linguistics, Georgetown University
ANTONIO LADEIRA, Ph.D. in Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures, University of
California at Santa Barbara
Administrative Staff
SANDRA BONOMO , Portuguese School Coordinator
LUCAS MOREIRA , Bilingual Assistant, College of Charleston
ROBERTA BINS ELY , Universidad Federal of Rio Grande do Sul, and Pontificia
Universidade Católica - Porto Alegre, RS
SAMUEL BURLAMARQUI, Instituto de Ensinos Superiores da Amazônia, Belém,
JEFF CASON, Associate Professor of Political Science and Dean of International
Studies, Middlebury College; "Contemporary Politics of Brazil"
TONI COWLES, Certified OPI Tester, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; Recipient of
the 2007 Middlebury College Baker Fellowship, "The Impact of Target Country vs.
Home Country Immersion Programs on Intermediate Second Language Learners"
ROBERTO DAMATTA, "The Symbolism of Animals in Brazil and in the United States"
GREG EWING, Supervisor, ESOL and FL Program, Cobb County School District,
CHERIE HAMILTON, Writer, "Cuisine in the Lusophone World"
RUSSELL HAMILTON, Professor of Lusophone Studies (Emeritus), Vanderbilt
University; "CPLP: Eight Countries Divided and United by the Same Language"
RICHARD MILLER, Ph.D. in Music, Catholic University of America; "Raízes da
Africa. na Música Brasileira: O Choro, O Violão, e Villa-Lobos"
ALBERTO R. MONTEIRO, "The Amazon Rain Forest and its Sustainability"
CLAUDIA MONTEIRO, Universidade de Uberaba; "Plastic Arts of Brazil: The Week
of Modern Art in Brazil"
LUCIA RIBEIRO, Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi "Salvador, the Magic
SIMONE SILVA, University of Oregon; "The Bicentennial of the Royal Family in
Brazil: Consequences to the Brazilian Society"

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