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Southern Winter / Northern Summer 2012
Gaia Home
Filipe Freitas – Terra Una (translated with love by Simon
Stewart-Richardson, Portuguese original on next page)
View from the Peoples Summit
Gaia Home was a singularly supportive space bringing
learning, art, knowledge, living together, articulation,
exchange, cooperation, music, dance, spirituality, activism,
integration, celebration, companionship, research, project
creation, community, health and peace culture to the
Peoples Summit in Rio de Janeiro between 16th and 23rd
of June 2012.
The space, shared by Gaia Education, GEN (Global
Ecovillage Network), the recently created CASA (Council
of Sustainable Settlements of the Americas) and the
Brazilian network of the Transition Towns movement,
saw thousands of people passing through it during the
seven days of activity. We were privileged to experience
a great global gathering of people and groups from five
continents in a bubbling cauldron of creativity.
Gaia Home’s activities attracted
thousands of people daily
The day’s programme started early with meditation, qi gong, yoga and dance.
Following, the days were taken up with diverse activities which included talks
and presentations, workshops and gatherings of the participating networks.
Facilitators from across the globe presented concepts, experiences and
solutions in a remarkable space of learning and articulation.
At the day’s end, a council of visions embraced diversity, bringing the voice of
the heart and active listening to all who were present and reverberating the
voice of the earth through our circle.
Dances for peace, biodanza, cinema, the launching of the official Rio+20
CD ‘Rhythms del Mundo’ and pocket shows from great artists infused our
programme with art and culture.
The general public, who had never heard of ecovillages and sustainable cities,
were filled with curiosity and could feel the (r)evolutionary potential of these
new concepts. These were days of community, celebrating the presence of
new friends as they made contact with ‘gaianos’, ecovillagers, agents of
urban transformation, artists and scientists.
Gaia Home was the fruit of a collective collaboration between the NGO
and ecovillage Terra Una and AMOGAIA, the network of participants in Gaia
Education in Rio. The collaborative tool of crowdfunding was used to raise the
finances required to build the space, supported by individuals and institutions
worldwide, in a truly successful demonstration of this new way of financing
dreams with the support of those who believe in the idea.
The Gaia Education, GEN & Transition Brazil Stand
The Peoples Summit
at Flamengo Park
May Gaia Home’s vibration continue in every direction, connecting virtually
and physically our networks of GEESE & Gaianos across the planet. May it
become a platform for a community of practices into the new paradigm,
helping to stimulate the collective awareness in the direction of a culture of
peace and sustainability.
And may our networks increasingly influence society in the direction of
growing participation in the construction of public policies which bring balance,
reciprocity, coherence and cohesion. May we usher in a process of high
synergy, restoring the health of Gaia and sparking a new age of abundance
for all humanity, allowing us to honour the majestic family of life to which we
all belong.
Português: O Gaia Home foi um espaço de afeto, pedagogia, arte, conhecimento,
convivência, articulação, troca, cooperação, música, dança, espiritualidade, ativismo,
integração, celebração, vivência, pesquisa, empreendedorismo, comunidade, cultura
de paz e saúde, trazendo uma abordagem diferenciada para a Cúpula dos Povos, no
Rio de Janeiro, entre os dias 16 e 23 de junho de 2012.
Milhares de pessoas transitaram por nosso espaço compartilhado pelo Gaia Education, a
GEN (Global Ecovillage Network), o recém criado C.A.S.A. (Conselho de Assentamentos
Sustentáveis das Américas), e a rede brasileira do movimento Cidades em Transição.
Tivemos o privilégio de viver um grande encontro global,
pessoas e grupos dos cinco continentes em uma efervescente
ciranda criativa ao longo dos sete dias de programação.
Meditação, QiGong, Yoga e dança iniciavam os trabalhos bem
cedinho. Na sequência, ao longo de todo o dia, aconteciam
atividades diversas, entre palestras, vivências, encontros
das redes participantes, com facilitadores de todo o mundo,
trazendo conceitos, experiências, soluções, em um espaço de
educação e articulação de excelente qualidade.
No fim do dia, um conselho de visões abraçava a diversidade, trazendo a voz do
coração e a escuta ativa dos que estavam ali presentes, reverberando a voz da Terra
através do nosso círculo.
Danças da Paz, biodanza, cinema, o lançamento do CD Rythms of the Earth, e pequenos
shows de grandes artistas, completaram com arte e cultura a nossa programação.
Participants during the
International Gaia Ed. Session
Dias em comunidade, em que celebramos a presença de muitos gaianos, ecovileiros,
agentes de transição urbana, artistas e cientistas de toda a natureza, em contato
com o público geral, que se aproximavam com enorme curiosidade e podiam sentir a
potência (r)evolucionária do design de ecovilas e cidades sustentáveis.
Gaia Home foi fruto de um trabalho coletivo cocriado pela ONG e ecovila Terra Una
e a AMOGAIA, a rede de gaianos do Rio de Janeiro, através de uma campanha de
financiamento colaborativo que contou com o suporte de pessoas e instituições do
mundo inteiro. Um case de sucesso nesta nova forma de financiar os sonhos com o
apoio de quem acredita na ideia.
Radio Peoples Summit – On air,
online and mobile
Que possa o Gaia Home repercutir por todas as direções, vinculando virtual e
fisicamente nossa rede de gansos através do mundo, sendo plataforma para uma
comunidade de prática no novo paradigma, impulsionando a consciência coletiva na
direção de uma cultura de paz e sustentabilidade.
E que cada vez mais nossas redes comunitárias influenciem a sociedade na construção
participativa de políticas públicas em que prevalesçam equilíbrio, reciprocidade,
coerência e coesão, em um processo de alta sinergia para restabelecer a saúde de
Gaia e deflagrar um novo tempo de prosperidade para toda a humanidade, no qual
poderemos honrar a majestosa família da vida a qual pertencemos.
Transition Brazil Gathering
Postscript: Albert Bates on Rio+20
Albert Bates
We were so actively involved, buzzing around between meetings from dawn until
midnight, doing radio and TV interviews, and giving talks and open sessions at
the Peoples Summit, that we didn’t have the time we would have liked to write a
timely, more thoughtful report. That may yet come, but for now, our sense of the
meeting was that, as usual, there was small incremental progress made and some
very large setbacks. An end to fossil fuel and nuclear power subsidies was almost
within grasp, and we could not have said that 20 years ago. But, fiddling while the
planet burns is dead meme.
Sadly, when it comes to binding global treaties, the UN is the only game in town,
apart from business vehicles like the G77 and the Pentagon, and if the UN, too,
becomes a corporate capture, we truly are doomed. From what we witnessed in
Rio, that is well underway. Hillary Clinton seems to be the lead cheerleader.
There will be another Climate Summit in December, with more negotiations on the
Green Climate Fund (now also called the Green Power Fund) and interim meetings
on the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). While realism is creeping in with
the steady collapse of ever more institutions, the negotiating process for climate,
income equity, and food security seems glacial when compared to the daily loss of
species, jobs, and freshwater resource, among other indicators.
If we are going to avert utter disaster, which grows steadily less likely, something
needs to change, and quickly. We certainly saw nothing resembling change from
world leaders assembled in Rio. The miasma is intact. Moreover, the impetus
for making change has clearly shifted to the opinion leaders not in the press or
blogosphere but in the streets.
The clearest and wisest voices heard in Rio were heard every hour in the Peoples
Summit, from the Occupy and related protest movements, from indigenous
peoples, and from youth. Our own venue, the crowd-sourced Gaia Home in Cupula
dos Povos, developed a steady and regular attendance of hundreds, with barely
standing room at the edges of our large circus tent on the days we talked about
ecovillages, transition towns, eCoolnomics (carbon-minus food, fuel and housing),
education, networks and social equity. We flew in experts, authors and activists
from six continents although some biked 1000 km to get there, or came by sail,
and we’d all like to see more of that. By the final day of the conference, we were
told we had become the main stage for the entire event, much to our surprise.
Read more of Albert Bates’ Rio+20 reflections
on his blog: http://peaksurfer.blogspot.co.at
Radio Gaia
Potira Preiss
ENGLISH: Among our contributions to the Peoples
Summit, we had a great opportunity to step into new
grounds by producing a daily radio program at the
Peoples Summit Radio. We spread seeds of reflection
on how ecovillages and transition towns are already
creating a new future through many GEESE voices. And
of course, always accompanied by very good music!
This experience enabled us to contribute to the
democratisation of communication, to fine-tune our
connection with other social movements attending the
Summit and to reaffirm that the practice of sustainable
lifestyles is a political act.
Giovanni Ciarlo and Radio Gaia DJ Potira Preiss
If you were unable to listen to us live, don’t worry! All programs are recorded and available
here (see 12:00 slot – Gaia Education) http://rede.cupuladospovos.org.br/category/radio
Português: Entre as nossas contribuições na Cúpula dos Povos, tivemos uma
grande oportunidade de pisar em um novo solo, produzindo um programa
na Rádio Cúpula dos Povos. Através da voz de GANSOS (GEESE) de diferentes
origens, disseminamos sementes de reflexão sobre como as ecovilas e
as cidades em transição já estão criando um novo futuro. É claro, sempre
acompanhados de muito boa musica.
May East on Radio Gaia
Além disso, esse experiência nos possibilitou contribuir para o processo de
democratização da comunicação e afinar nossa conexão com os movimentos
sociais presentes na Cúpula, reafirmando o caráter político da prática de estilos
de vida mais sustentáveis.
Se você não pode nos escutar ao vivo, fique tranqüilo! Todos os programas foram gravados
e estão a disposição – http://rede.cupuladospovos.org.br/category/radio
Namita Samal, John George &
Hildur Jackson on Radio Gaia
Occupy World Street
Ross Jackson
Gaia Home & the Peoples Summit saw the launch of Ross
Jackson’s new song, Occupy World Street. Ross is the author
of the book Occupy World Street: A Global Roadmap for
Radical Economic and Political Reform. Both the lyrics and
song can be downloaded for free for personal use from
Well I walked downtown to Zuccotti Park.
It was 6 p.m. and getting dark
When I saw a young couple chattin’ and drinkin’ cokes.
I asked them what was going on here,
And the young lady answered loud and clear,
“We’re here to send a message to our folks.
“This land was once the land of the free,
Of justice and democracy.
Now America’s lost her way and got off track.
One man one vote was the order then.
Now our land’s been stolen by the money men
And all of us here are just trying to get it back.”
New York City
Santa Fe
San José
We might be in Salt Lake City
Or in Washington D.C.
Speaking out for human
Rights and more equality.
The young man said his name was Bob
And recently he’d lost his job.
His firm had pulled up stakes and moved offshore.
“They say it’s cheaper in Shanghai
Where profit rates are record high
And they don’t pay much in taxes anymore”.
“The one percenters cheat and steal
And don’t produce a thing that’s real.
Asset speculation is their style.
Ross Jackson presenting Occupy World Street in Gaia Home
These guys are parasites,” he said.
“They ought to get real jobs instead,
And make a contribution that’s worthwhile”.
San Francisco
Occupy Minnesota
Occupy Tennessee
Standing up for nature
And sustainability
Then I went to Europe to just check out
What the euro fuss was all about.
The youth are without jobs and that’s the key.
The young folks want their countries back
But leaders take a different tack;
Bank bailouts and more austerity.
The euro was a big mistake;
A backdoor to a Eurostate
That citizens would rather be without.
The people want a deal that’s fair
Where bankers pay their rightful share.
Until that day they’ll roam the streets and shout.
We are camping out in Athens
As we make a final plea:
“We’d rather leave the euro
Than have more austerity.”
We will occupy Milano
Occupy Luxembourg
Occupy Barcelona
Occupy this whole world
Now our numbers they are growing,
And we won’t accept defeat,
Time to end injustice...
Time to Occupy World Street
On Love and Compassion in Current Times
Carmen e Fernando Simões
Não gosto das coisas.
Gosto de gostar e de não gostar das coisas, logo existo.
Enquanto eu construir a minha felicidade gostando de não gostar do
capitalismo, de políticos corruptos, de opositores, etc. eu não transformo!
A escolha do amor, do respeito e da compaixão como
movimento transformador propõe uma equação que
leva ao Nada alcançando o Todo: Unidade
Amor, Respeito e Compaixão às Diferenças.
I don´t like things.
I like to like and not like things, therefore I exist.
Do I exist?
While I´m building my happiness liking of not to like of the capitalism,
of corrupt politicians, of enemies, etc… I cannot transform myself!
The choice of love, respect and compassion as a transforming
movement is an equation that Nothing becoming Everything: Unity
Love, Respect and Compassion to Differences.
With love and gratitude!
St. Francis of Assisi at Rio+20
(photo by Daniel Wahl)
EDE South Africa, Sustainability Institute & Lynedoch Ecovillage, 15 March – 12 April 2012
Ninnette Eliasov
The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)
and GEN Africa, via the tireless efforts
of Lua Bashala-Kekana, Lucky Kekana
and Kosha Anja Joubert, initiated
the first Ecovillage Design Education
(EDE) course in South Africa. Hosted
by the Sustainability Institute &
Lynedoch Ecovillage in Stellenbosch,
approximately 50km outside Cape
Town, the course was funded by
Heidehof Stiftung and Lush Cosmetics
and enabled by the open generosity
of the Sustainability Institute, who
accommodated the need for a last
minute change of venue, to the
Lynedoch Ecovillage.
The EDE’s twenty five participants included nineteen South Africans,
representing a diverse spectrum of South Africa’s socio-economic, racial
and spiritual landscape, six Africans representing Egypt, Ghana, Namibia,
Madagascar and Zimbabwe, and two Europeans - an Englishman and a
German, both with close ties to Africa. Lua Bashala-Kekana, Lucky Kekana
and Paola Vidulich weaved the course with guest trainers including Kosha
Anja Joubert, Ninnette Eliasov, Paulo Mellet, Gillian Wilton, Judy Bekker and
Mthunzi Funo.
In a unique twist of events, the majority of the participants and weaving
facilitators lived together in one large house, with an integrated training
room, kitchen and dining room, for the entire 4 week period of the course.
Commencing with the Social week helped foster deep connections and
bonding among the participants, though also awakened deeply rooted
sensitivities and emotions, steeped in the enormity of South Africa’s racially
turbulent past.
Building a bench using adobe
and recycled tyres
Among the themes explored were collective wisdom,
community building, rank awareness and a Dragon
Dreaming visioning exercise which considered GEN
South Africa.
The Worldview and Economic Dimensions helped crack
open some of the critical themes that were surfacing
in the group. A weekend of Gender Reconciliation
further integrated the group, surfacing tragic and
triumphant stories of the human will and capacity to
heal. The group looked at the past by unpacking world
history and the different economic systems that have
evolved. Experiences were shared of alternative economies and local trading
systems. The Ecological Dimension and open space sessions offered a rich
buffet of tools and methods for creating alternatives and taking EDE forward
throughout the continent.
Forum & feedback sessions were held throughout the course and sometimes
brutally honest and raw emotion arose to rock the group’s equilibrium, yet despite
this, they managed to remain energetic, enthusiastic, caring and focused.
Outings to the Spier Wine Estate & Bio Dynamic farm, Khayelitsha Township
and Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens broadened perspectives and welcomed
fresh air into the rhythms of the programme.
The course has laid a firm cornerstone and set a high standard for future EDEs
planned in Africa. The group expressed their deepest gratitude for a deeply
touching, truly liberating and wonderfully integrating experience.
Gaia Education Design for
Educación a distancia para
la Sostenibilidad
The distance learning courses Gaia
El curso de educación a distancia
de Gaia Education Diseño para la
Sostenibilidad, GEDS, está basado en
las cuatro dimensiones fundamentales
del Programa de Diseño de Ecoaldeas
de Gaia Education: las dimensiones
social, económica, ecológica y de visión
del mundo.
Education Design for Sustainability
(GEDS) are based on the four core
dimensions of Gaia Education’s Ecovillage Design Curriculum: the social,
worldview, ecological and economic
dimensions of sustainability.
Basado en la experiencia y conocimientos desarrollados en una red formada
por algunas de las ecoaldeas y lugares
de transición más exitosos del planeta,
el curso GEDS se ofrece en colaboración
con el Campus por la Paz de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
expertise developed in a network
of some of the most successful
ecovillages and transition settings
across the Earth, GEDS is offered
by Gaia Education in collaboration
with the Campus for Peace of the
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Si eres estudiante o educador, si te interesa el desarrollo comunitario a nivel
urbano, rural o regional, si eres entusiasta de la permacultura o un emprendedor con interés social y ecológico, el curso GEDS puede ser de gran
ayuda para ti. Ofrecido en inglés como
diploma certificado por Gaia Education
y en español como curso oficial de posgrado de la UOC, el curso en línea GEDS
se puede hacer desde cualquier lugar
del mundo y con suficiente flexibilidad
para adaptarse a tu estilo de vida.
Whether you’re a student or educator, involved in urban, rural or
regional community development,
a permaculture enthusiast or a socially and environmentally interested business leader, GEDS is of
relevance to you. Offered as both a
diploma and a postgraduate course,
this online course can be completed
from anywhere in the world, with
the flexibility to suit your lifestyle.
GEDS English
16 Oct 2012 – 30 Sep 2013
[email protected]
Posgrado Español
17 October 2012 – 12 Jul 2013
[email protected]
GEDS Português
Oct 2012 – Jul 2013
[email protected]
EDE China – May 2012
Frede Ng, Partnerships for Community Development
The month of May brings spring to
most parts of China and this year, it
also brought the second EDE training to
the country. Taking place in a century’s
old Buddhist monastery in the city
of Chengdu in Sichuan Province, SW
China, the course was co-organised
by Partnerships for Community
Development, a Hong Kong-based
NGO, and the Sustainability Research
and Education Centre of Sichuan
University. We are thankful to the
continuous support from Pracha, Mon
and Nuttarote from Wongsanit Ashram
in Thailand, who have provided much
treasured guidance to us for designing
the programme and facilitating some
major sessions.
The curriculum, inspired by Gaia Education, is to be done week by week
separately over one year. In this first week, we covered the social dimension
with the major goal to build a learning community among the twenty-five
participants. Coming from rural areas and cities of four provinces in SW China
(Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi), the group included NGO members,
youth development workers, teachers, students, farmers and community
artists, in an age range from 20-ish to 60-ish. These diverse backgrounds
brought a wealth of knowledge and life experience, lighting up a vibrant
learning atmosphere for the week.
The training also reaped benefits from EDEs across the world, including
last year’s China EDE – alumni co-facilitated, shared their own learning and
provided logistics support as volunteers while others simply visited in a show
of their support! The sense of identity of such a group of ‘EDE alumni’ in China
is just amazing.
Since the first EDE in China, the reading of Tao Te Ching to begin every day
has become an icon of the training. Perplexed by so many contemporary
problems of development in the country and in the world, we are trying to
gain inspiration from our traditional wisdom. The reading of the classic gives
us food for thought on the meaning of “to know”, “the sense of oneness”
and “leadership”.
The EDE training approach brought new experiences to many participants. To
quote one participant, “there is no textbook, we just experience and create
the learning together” in the workshop. The games of trust, cooperation and
leadership were powerful in inspiring personal reflection and building up
team spirit among the participants. The workshop design allows flexibility
to integrate emergent issues as part of the learning, such as setting up a
new time table and the management of group conflict with the principles of
respect and team consent.
Now we, the organizers and participants, are expecting more to come in
the EDE weeks that follow in the coming autumn. We want to have more
cases, both local and global, for learning, more understanding on the links
between macro paradigm shifts and daily living at micro level. We want to
have part of the training taking place within a community. And we want to
meet each other again very soon.
EDE China 2012 par ticipants!
EDE Pedro do Sabiá, Brazil, April–June 2012
Olivia Martin
Our EDE took place in the state of Bahia between April and
June 2012 on the ‘Cocoa Coast’, near the sea-side town of
Itacaré, at Pedra do Sabiá, a holistic center located in the
midst of a beautiful nature reserve.
One unique feature of our programme was the cultural
richness and great diversity of the participants, five of whom
were native, Afro-descendants, two connected to a nearby
“kilombola” (slave descendants’ community), as well as
Brazilians from states as far afield as the Amazon’s Pará.
Argentina, North America and Europe were also represented.
Mecenas da Vida, a carbon-neutral NGO supporting local
farmers, with a strong vision for ecological and social
transformation, supplied locally grown organic food which in
turn helped us offer further bursaries.
The Pedro do Sabia EDE took place in two separate modules
in April and June. The first module, centering around
worldview and ecology, had a strong focus on ecovillage
design. One of the most exciting features – and among the
core reasons for choosing our program location - was that
participants had the chance to work practically on the design
of two emerging intentional communities: the place that
was hosting us, and ‘Aldeia’, a boat ride across the river.
Both locations represented a clean slate on which students
could explore newly acquired skills in direct relation with the
existing communities.
Students presented their designs to the respective stakeholders, receiving direct feed-back and with the extra buzz of
knowing that their designs may be used in the development
of these ecovillages. This module also had a strong permaculture focus and integrated a PDC as part of the curriculum.
The second module, Co-Creating a New Culture, centred
around the socio-economic dimensions and had a strong
focus on conscious communication and inner growth.
We took opportunities to explore practical tools to
transform conflict and had particularly powerful sharings
and healings during forum, men and women’s circles
and a beautiful feed-back session. These, together with
dance, creativity and round the fire ceremonial moments,
weaved a special connection of intimacy and sacredness
between us.
One of the course’s special highlights was an evening
spent at the nearby community and a celebratory
gathering ‘Sarau’, where locally produced crafts merged
with talent shows and we were able to practically explore
issues relating to bio-regionalism and solidarity economy.
Another highlight was our end-of-course especially cocreated St. John’s party, a traditional Brazilian festivity.
Special guests of our program included indigenous
representatives from the Tupinambá nation - who held
our opening land blessing - and a dance show from a
local NGO who help Afro-Brazilian youth find their identity
through art and culture, the Casa do Boneco.
In the spirit of continuing to integrate our future courses
into emerging communities, recognizing this as a
mutually symbiotic relationship, the next EDE, planned
for January and March of 2013, will be partly based at the
Kilombo d’Oiti, where Casa do Boneco is also working to
develop their own Afro-Brazilian rooted community.
Visit onedropsolutions.wordpress.com for more photos and
The Song of the Earth
A Synthesis of the Scientific & Spiritual Worldviews
The Fourth Key of Gaia Education’s series Four Keys to Sustainable Communities Everywhere, which has been 6 years in the making, is finally available!
Including articles by Joanna Macy, Vandana Shiva, May East, Hildur Jackson,
Pracha Hutanuwatr & Jane Rasbash, Tenzin Palmo, among others, and edited by
William Keepin and Maddy Harland, this is a Key not to be missed!
Under UNESCO Patronage, The Song of the Earth is available for free download,
along with the other Keys, from www.gaiaeducation.net, and available in
printed format from www.green-shopping.co.uk.
For a limited period, Permanent Publications are offering a reduction on Gaia Education’s 4Keys.
Visit http://www.green-shopping.co.uk/books/pp/gaia-education-1.html to take advantage of this offer.
EDE Case Study: ShrubhillWorks
ShrubhillWorks was the 2011 Integrated Habitat
Design Competition Winner. Michael Bryan, designer
of ShrubhillWorks, accredited his time at Findhorn and
the Findhorn College MSc in Sustainable Community
Design as the main influence that helped him win the
competition. The Findhorn College MSc is inspired by
Gaia Education’s Ecovillage Design Education Curriculum
and is taught by Gaia Education faculty at Findhorn.
The design is the adaption and development of an existing
brownfield site in Edinburgh, Scotland, with the aim of
creating a Cohousing community that will encourage
its residents to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle by
forming a stronger bond with their surrounding natural
environment and neighbours.
Read more about the design and download the complete case study from
Upcoming EDEs Around the World
Re-Certified Programmes
Several EDE’s are currently taking place – Kibbutz Lotan in Israel, EDE Instituto
Nhandecy in Curitiba, Brazil and EDE UECE, also in Brazil. Further upcoming
programmes are listed below. For the full list, visit www.gaiaeducation.net
Ecobairro Salvador, Instituto Roerich
July - December 2012
Gaia Brasilia
26 Jul 2012 - 17 Mar 2013
Hallingelille Ecovillage & Learning Lab
for Sustainable Living
5th Aug – 1st Sep 2012
Sieben Linden Ecovillage
12 Aug - 11 Sept 2012
Belo Horizonte EDE
18 Aug - 16 Dec 2012
Siddharthvillage, Orissa, India
3 - 30 Oct 2012
Findhorn Ecovillage, Scotland
13 Oct - 9 Nov 2012
yy Terra UNA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
yy Kibbutz Lotan, Israel
yy EDE Porto Alegre, Brazil
New Certification
yy Umphakatsi Peace Eco Village,
South Africa
The Park, Findhorn
Forres IV36 3TZ
Morayshire, Scotland
United Kingdom
[email protected]
phone: +44 1309 692011
Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered in Scotland No 353967
Scottish Charity No SC040839

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