citi activity report 2009 - Universidade Nova de Lisboa


citi activity report 2009 - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
 CITI CENTRO DE INFORMÁTICA E TECNOLOGIAS DA INFORMAÇÃO Departamento de Informática Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Universidade Nova de Lisboa ACTIVITY REPORT 2009 (DRAFT JULY/2010) Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION 3 1. UNIT DESCRIPTION 2. MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT TEAM 3. OBJECTIVES SOFTWARE PRINCIPLES AND METHODS COMPUTER SYSTEMS MULTIMODAL SYSTEMS 4.RESEARCH TEAM 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 7 II. ACTIVITY INDICATORS 8 III. ACHIEVEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES 9 1. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS 2. INTEGRATIVE / MULTIDISCIPLINARY ACTIVITIES 3. OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 9 10 10 IV.RESEARCH THEMATIC AREAS 12 1.SOFTWARE PRINCIPLES AND METHODS 1.1.OBJECTIVES 1.2.MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS 1.3.FUTURE RESEARCH 2.COMPUTER SYSTEMS 2.1.OBJECTIVES 2.2.MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS 2.3.FUTURE RESEARCH 3. MULTIMODAL SYSTEMS 3.1.OBJECTIVES 3.2.MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS 3.3.FUTURE RESEARCH 13 13 14 15 18 18 19 19 22 22 23 24 V. RESEARCH OUTPUT IN 2009 27 1. FUNDED PROJECTS ONGOING PROJECTS CONCLUDED IN 2009 2. PUBLICATIONS PEER REVIEW JOURNALS INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWED CONFERENCE PAPERS BOOKS & BOOK CHAPTERS NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 3. PHD AND MASTER THESIS PHD THESIS MSC THESIS 4. PROTOTYPES 5. CITI SEMINARS 6. ORGANIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC EVENTS 27 27 32 33 33 33 37 38 38 38 39 42 43 45 2 I. INTRODUCTION 1. Unit Description The Center for Informatics and Information Technologies (Centro de Investigação em Informática e Tecnologias da Informação -­‐ CITI) is a research institute partially funded by FCT/MCTES and the FCT/UNL, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. The host department is a leader in post-­‐graduate education and research in Computer Science and Informatics in Portugal since the late 70s. The CITI research team currently engages 33 integrated researchers (FTE). The general objective of CITI is to produce new scientific knowledge in the fields of Computer Science, Informatics Engineering, and Information Technology, and contribute to its dissemination and transfer to knowledge and technology users, with a focus on a set of state-­‐of-­‐the art themes of clear scientific, social and economic impact. CITI’s research is organized in three thematic areas, which characterize the mission in the long term: 
Software Principles and Methods Computer Systems Multimodal Systems Each research area identifies a broad area of scientific methods and focus, while being expected to develop connections with any one of the other areas, and corresponds to a formally registered FCT MCTES research group. Each thematic area/research group is led by a researcher responsible by steering, promoting, and coaching the general activities of project-­‐teams, in coordination with the CITI coordinating committee and board. To promote agility and flexibility, researchers are organized in smaller goal-­‐directed "team-­‐projects", that may cut across the thematic areas, giving rise to an effective "matrix" organizational model. Each team-­‐project focus on a set of goals shared by all members of the team, is led by a responsible PI, and subject to competitive use of plurianual funding. Team-­‐projects are rather flexible units, and are expected to change periodically in order to allow research activities to easily adapt to the changes in focus typical of the Computer Science and Informatics field, and exploit emergent themes and fresh human resources. Team projects are also internal units of funding, internal evaluation, and research seeding. Plurianual funding is managed through a two-­‐tier model in which basic costs (e.g., conferences, basic equipment) are managed centrally by the board, while targeted items (scholarships, missions, visitors, special equipment) are competitively distributed by team projects as results of bi-­‐annual calls. An extra slice remains for prizes and incentives. This model enabled CITI to enforce a very effective use of resources, leading to a 100% budget execution in 2009. 2. Management CITI is managed by the Executive Board, composed by a Director (scientific coordinator) and two effective members, elected by the Scientific Commission. Scientific activities are overseen by the Scientific Board, which includes all CITI researchers holding a Ph.D. degree and their assistants. The Steering Committee is composed by the executive Board, Research Group Coordinators and two effective members elected by the Scientific Commission. The Advisory Board is composed by internationally recognized seniors researchers, and proposed by the Steering Committee. 3 Much of the described organization structure resulted from changes recently enforced in the current evaluation period, benefiting from the intense interactions with CITI Advisory Board, composed by Professor Rocco De Nicola (U. Firenze, Italy), Dr. Marc Shapiro (INRIA and LIP6, France), and Professor Steven Feiner (U. Columbia, USA). As the report of the Advisory Board on the 2009 Internal Workshop highlights, the current organizational and management framework will "improve CITI's ability to conduct relevant, top-­notch research, to attract the best minds, and to be a fertile ground for new ideas". Management team Executive Board Luís Caires, Associate Professor (Habil), CITI Director Nuno Correia, Associate Professor (Habil) Nuno Preguiça, Assistant Professor Steering Committee Luís Caires, Associate Professor (Habil), CITI Coordinator Nuno Correia, Associate Professor (Habil) (Area Coodinator, Multimodal Systems) Nuno Preguiça, Assistant Professor Luís Monteiro, Full Professor (Area Cordinator, Software Principles and Methods) José Cardoso e Cunha, Full Professor (Area Coordinator, Computer Systems) José Legatheaux Martins, Full Professor Manuel Próspero dos Santos, Associate Professor Advisory Board Rocco De Nicola (U. Firenze, Italy) Marc Shapiro (INRIA and LIP6, France) Steven Feiner (U. Columbia, USA) 4 3. Objectives The general objective of CITI is to produce new scientific knowledge in the fields of Computer Science, Informatics Engineering, and Information Technology, and contribute to its dissemination, with a focus on a set of key state-­‐of-­‐the art themes of clear scientific, social and economic impact, clustered in three main research groups: Software Principles and Methods, Computer Systems, and Multimodal Systems. Towards sustaining this long term general objective, and keep consolidating as a reference research unit in its field, at the national and international level, CITI is committed to the following three related sub-­‐goals: 
Sustaining the international level of its research and dissemination activities, fostering effective networking links not only with the relevant international scientific communities, but also, and very importantly, with related research units at the national level. Promoting top quality post-­‐graduate education in Computer Science and Informatics Engineering, with an emphasis on the PhD level, contributing to consolidate an internationally competitive PhD program in Informatics and Computer Science in the host department. Leveraging the results and side effects of its research activities in the general society, with a focus on the professional, industrial and economic levels, by pursuing and expanding existing partnerships and projects with companies in Portugal and abroad. This objective is particularly important given the key economical value of ICT. We briefly expose the key scientific objectives of each research group: Software Principles and Methods Software Principles and Methods researches new programming languages concepts and implementations, software development systems, and software development methods. We are investigating novel programming abstractions and methods, and other fundamental tools and techniques to increase the flexibility and reliability of software systems. Concrete research themes currently addressed include: 
Programming Languages for Communication-­‐Centric Software Systems. Languages, Tools, Environments for Software Verification and Validation. Software Languages Engineering for Requirements Specification and Design. Validation of Software Engineering Methods, Techniques and Tools. Computer Systems Computer Systems is developing new techniques to leverage on the modern computing platforms, ranging from clusters, grids, and multicores to large scale networks and the Internet of things. Concrete research themes currently addressed include: 
Programming and Runtime Systems for Clusters of Multicores. Transactional Systems for Distributed and Multicore Systems. Parallel and Distributed Problem-­‐Solving Environments. Pervasive Information Dissemination Systems for the Internet. Multimodal Systems Multimodal Systems research exploits information processing techniques to support communication with the user through different modalities such as voice, gesture, and text. Multimodal computing is a key enabling technology for communicating ideas and 5 data between humans and machines, with applications in areas where information technology may achieve a more short term social impact, ranging from environmental and emergency control systems, navigation, gaming, and education. Concrete research themes currently addressed include: 
Interaction and Information Processing in Multimedia Environments. Applied Computer Graphics and Visualization. Geographic Information and Simulation Systems. Text Mining and Translation using Full Indexing Data Structures. 6 4.Research Team RESEARCH TEAM POSITION NUMBER Full Professor 4 Associate Professor 5 Assistant Professor 32 Assistant Lecturer 4 Post. Doc. 2 RESEARCH TEAM NAME DEGREE NAME DEGREE Adriano Lopes PhD Luis Monteiro Agregação Ana Moreira PhD Luis Russo PhD António Baptista Dias PhD Manuel Prospero dos Santos PhD (*) António Alarcão Ravara PhD Margarida Mamede PhD Artur Miguel Dias PhD (*) Maria Cecília Gomes PhD (*) Carla Ferreira PhD Miguel Goulão PhD (*) Carmen Pires Morgado PhD (*) Miguel Pessoa Monteiro PhD Elisabete Freire PhD Nuno Correia Agregação Fernanda Barbosa PhD (*) Nuno Preguiça PhD Fernando Brito e Abreu PhD Paulo Afonso Lopes PhD (*) Fernando Birra PhD (*) Pedro Guerreiro Agregação Henrique Domingos PhD Pedro Medeiros PhD Hervé Paulino PhD Rui Marques PhD (*) João Araújo PhD Sergio Duarte PhD João Costa Seco PhD Tamito Kajiyama PhD João Lourenço PhD Vasco Amaral PhD João Costa Magalhães PhD Vitor Duarte PhD Joaquim Ferreira da Silva PhD Maria Armanda Rodrigues PhD José Cardosos e Cunha Agregação Sofia Cavaco PhD (*) José Legatheaux Martins Agregação Teresa Romão PhD Levi Lúcio PhD (*) Vitor Rocio PhD Luís Caires Agregação José Gabriel Pereira Lopes PhD (*) Colaborating Researcher 7 II. ACTIVITY INDICATORS MAIN INDICATORS FTE Integrated Researchers Journal Articles Peer reviewed International Proceedings Other Publications National – FCT.MCTES Projects Ongoing National – FCT.MCTES Projects Concluded National – ADI MCTES Projects Ongoing National – ADI Projects Concluded International Projects Ongoing International Projects Concluded Industrial R&D Projects Concluded Industrial R&D Projects Ongoing PhD Thesis concluded MSc Thesis Concluded PhD Thesis Ongoing MSc Thesis Ongoing Prototypes produced Events Organization -­‐ PC Chair Events Organization -­‐ OC Chair Events Organization -­‐ PC Member Events Organization -­‐ OC Member Events Organization -­‐ Other Visits Visitors 2007 2008 2009 37 13 49 24 11 4 0 0 6 2 1 3 4 11 15 122 10 2 7 26 1 2 3 11 39 14 50 12 11 4 1 0 5 3 2 2 3 36 18 90 17 1 0 14 3 2 5 7 33 12 66 22 9 1 2 1 3 2 0 3 5 65 36 139 35 3 4 24 3 1 8 6 8 III. Achievements and Activities 1. Main Achievements CITI team (33 FTE) increased its overall productivity and impact during 2009. More than 80 research papers were published in archiving journals (12), international peer-­‐
reviewed conferences (66) and book chapters (6), from a total of about 90 publications. 6 PhD thesis and 65 MSc thesis supervised by CITI members were concluded in 2009 (for a total of 21 PhDs and 95 MScs since 2005), while 36 PhD and 119 MSc are ongoing. We expect our PhD student recruitment capability to continue increasing in the near future, due to the seeding of research among undergraduates. In particular, we are contributing to launch an UROP in the host department (30 BII and BMSc granted). The citation trail for our publication record continues to increase. However, not just citations witness the impact and international visibility of CITI research. CITI researchers are involved in more than 15 national and international projects, including EU Projects, networks and bilateral actions. Among these, 18 FCTMCTES funded, 3 internationally or UE funded, and 5 with firms (OutSystems SA, EVOLVE, SINFIC, Duvideo), including two 100% privately funded, are ongoing. CITI also coordinates the CMU|Portugal lead project Interfaces with CMU, LASIGE on security and integrity of web applications. CITI was also recently awarded a research grant from GOOGLE Inc, in collaboration with INRIA, to investigate scalability in the kind of cloud applications of which Gmail and Facebook are familiar examples. More than 10 project proposals are currently submitted, and a participation in a new UE funded network (Euro-­‐TM) was recently granted. CITI is involved in several international actions, in particular in the context of the governmental partnerships with universities in the USA. CITI participation in recently concluded UE projects has also been recognizably influential. CITI results played an important role in the European Projects SENSORIA and AMPLE were extremely well graded in their final reviews, with AMPLE results featured in ACM Technews. Main co-­‐directors of the UT Austin partnerships are CITI PIs. CITI students are enrolled in the Carnegie-­‐Mellon|PT PhD in Computer Science, co-­‐supervised by CITI researchers. CITI is promoting a pole of the program at FCT UNL, contributing with elective courses in 2009, and involved in its national co-­‐direction. CITI members also increased their participation in conference program committees (more than 30 participations in 2009), editorial boards, and have been nominated members of distinguished technical committees (IFIP TC 2 WG2.2, IFIP TC14). CITI members are chairing or involved otherwise in organizing top conferences, such as Coordination 2009, ACE 2010, and Mobile HCI 2010. Internationalization is also witnessed by noting that publications with foreign researchers reached 30% in 2009. CITI members have been invited to deliver research talks at international events and project meeting. Co-­‐supervision of foreign PhD students is also a running activity. CITI hosts a regular seminar series, with talks by members, students and visiting researchers. 21 seminars were delivered in 2009, 8 by external speakers. CITI research integrates theory and applications, including tool building. We are contributing with high quality research in most target topics, and leading in some fields (e.g., advanced software foundations, development and verification tools and methods, aspect-­‐oriented software engineering, multimedia frameworks, data management for mobile systems). Many results led to the development of prototypes (more than 30 systems in 2009), some of them available in open source and tested in the field. New 9 bridges from our core research fields to other scientific or societal disciplines also are being established, in collaboration with domain experts, as described below. 2. Integrative / multidisciplinary activities CITI research has been establishing bridges to other scientific disciplines, developing applications and field experiments that exploit results in Computer Science and Informatics. Below, we give examples of these kind of activities. CITI is involved in the national consortium "RISCOS", together with many other national institutions, including LNEC, Civil Protection, University of Lisbon, and Lisbon Technical University. The CITI team working in the consortium is developing generic simulation tools for supporting Emergency Management. These tools should be integrated collaboratively, facilitating the concurrent intervention of emergency specialists. Project "LifeSaver" is also targeting related research issues. The Multimedia group have been working with artists and specialists in communication sciences in the context of projects targeted to the production of applications merging digital context, sensed reality, and computational artifacts, using techniques from augmented and mixed reality, image and video processing, rich media spaces, personalization, and collaborative video annotation. Concrete examples are the "TKB -­‐ A Transmedia Knowledge Base for contemporary dance", a trans-­‐disciplinary project aiming at the design and construction of an open ended multimodal knowledge base to document, annotate and support the creation of contemporary dance pieces (with Rui Horta, well-­‐known PT choreographer), "VideoFlow", an automated archiving system for video production, involving the company DUVIDEO, and "Colour in medieval illuminated manuscripts", to build an interactive application that explores the integration of objects to demonstrate the illumination's creation process (with the Portuguese National Document Archives). Other application domains have included e-­‐learning support platforms and mobile storytelling systems (an example installed in Quinta da Regaleira, a UNESCO classified XIX century palace in Sintra). CITI has also been working in the themes cross-­‐cutting Linguistics, Text-­‐Processing, and Computer Science and Informatics, related to Web portal text indexing, text alignment, repair of translation errors, word sense disambiguation. Project GEOINFO, lead at CITI by Computer Systems, is pursuing interdisciplinary research on the integration of information for Earth, Sea and Space Sciences, involving other research units at FCTUNL and the Centre for Oceanography of Faculty of Sciences of University of Lisbon. A related CITI project involving researchers from Computer Systems and Multimodal systems and Material Sciences experts (CENIMAT) seeks to design and implement an advanced problem solving environment suitable for researchers in the area of Materials Science, for processing tomographic data acquired from samples of composite materials. The system is particularly designed to be run in desktop computers and to take advantage both of general purpose multi-­‐core processors and general purpose graphical processing units. Another example from Software Principles and Methods is an ongoing collaboration with the CERN, on domain specific languages for High Energy Physics analysis, to be used in Large Hadron Colider experiments. 3. Outreach activities CITI has been developing outreach actions related to specific research activities, to the overall mission of the host department, and to scientific community and public service both at the national and international level. 10 Research dissemination activities are important not only as a vehicle to improve awareness about what computer science and informatics research is really about among the general public, but also as a means of recruiting students for computer science research. In this setting, CITI members have been involved in the organization of various activities promoting computer science and informatics, and presentations of research projects on media (e.g. TV), namely those related to international research partnerships. Frequentlty, CITI produced prototypes have been demonstrated in public events for useful purposes, a recent case is the installation of an innovative multimedia module for the interactive exhibition "Sem Rede" by internationally acclaimed artist Joana Vasconcelos at Museu Colecção Berardo. CITI researchers were invited for steering committees of the national innovation networks on "Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection", and "Services and Technologies for Interactive Media" launched by FCT/MCTES, and will be also playing a similar role in the forthcoming launching of a Carnegie Mellon University "Software Engineering Institute" pole in Portugal. All these activities are being performed in close cooperation with many other Portuguese universities and, which is quite significant, with industrial partners. Ongoing cooperations with industry often create interesting opportunities, an example is the 2009 OutSystems SA engineering kickoff, featuring invited talks by CITI researchers, which contributed for launching further privately funded collaboration. CITI has organized and co-­‐organized several initiatives to promote science and technology among the general public and in secondary schools. Among these are the Open Days of FCT where CITI researchers usually present their work and ongoing projects to an audience of hundreds of secondary school students, which involved the participation of many CITI researchers and their graduate students. Dissemination actions aimed at explaining CITI research within the FCT/UNL community, namely among MSc students, have also been organized, as a mean to attract the best students for a PhD. Related activities have contributed to disseminate international PhD programs, namely the CMU|PT PhD in Computer Science among undergraduate students in the Lisbon area. CITI researchers have also been playing an active role in research evaluation activities, integrating evaluation panels for national (ADI) and European projects, awards (e.g. the ZON-­‐Multimedia award) and for scholarships (FCT/MCTES, PROTEC) as well. Several CITI members are also involved in scientific steering committees at FCT/UNL. On special occasions, special events have been organized or are under planning (e.g., the forthcoming Turing Centenary). Similar actions have also taken place in Almada (local county) targeted to an even wider audience. Members of CITI have organized several programming contests to students of different levels, both nationally and internationally. Among these are SWERC (South Western Europe Regional ACM Programming Contest) and the national contests MIUP and TIUP. CITI is involved in the following educational programs, where most researchers are also lecturers: BSc in Computer Science, MSc in Computer Science, PhD in Computer Science, CMU|PT Dual Degree PhD in Computer Science, PhD in Digital Media. 11 IV.RESEARCH THEMATIC AREAS The long term research mission of CITI is organized in three main thematic areas:  Software Principles and Methods  Computing Systems  Multimodal Systems 12 1.Software Principles and Methods 1.1.Objectives The Software Principles and Methods thematic area is addressing emergent topics related to software science and engineering, where the group’s contributions are internationally recognized for significant innovation in programming languages and verification logics for concurrent systems, early aspect-­‐oriented requirements, programming and verification techniques for service-­‐based systems. How may one simplify the construction of complex software intensive systems, while making sure they correctly capture the users' needs, and do not incur in unexpected erroneous behavior, or break security constraints, by building on sophisticated, provably correct, software language-­‐based verification techniques? How can we structure the software production and engineering process, so as to increase the cost-­‐effectiveness, adaptability, and quality of the developed artifacts, while taking into account the requirements of modern large scale information systems? These are examples of the kind of challenges SPM is tackling by introducing novel programming abstractions and type systems, logics and models for reasoning about distributed systems, model-­‐checking tools, and other fundamental tools and techniques to increase the flexibility and reliability of software systems. We are also proposing new approaches to promote the reusability of software, building on early aspects based requirements, new software architecture and software product line solutions, and developing novel approaches to experimental software engineering, reengineering, and visualization. Our research approaches bridges from investigation of theoretical principles to prototype development and experimental validation. Current SPM research activities are being pursued in the context of several team-­‐projects, focusing on the following topics: 
Programming Languages for Flexible Communication-­‐Centric and Service-­‐based Software Systems. Semantic foundations for the validation of concurrent systems. Software languages Engineering for Requirements Specification and Design. Validation of software engineering methods, techniques and tools, using experimental methods. Algorithms and data structures for information retrieval in large scale software systems. These research directions are being pursued by several team-­‐projects, targeting the following focused objectives. Develop language-­‐based techniques and tools for widening the scope of code analysis beyond the usual "type safety" validations, while still enabling tools / runtime systems to validate code / models before execution, and even during execution (self-­‐healing). Exploit new notions of logics/types, to deliver new interface languages, constructs, and validation procedures (provably correct), supported by proof of concept compilers and runtime systems (including implementation of prototypes). Investigate syntax-­‐free model-­‐based properties of concurrent systems and will apply our results to concrete languages and calculi for concurrency. Develop languages for systematic transformations between different models of software systems at different level of abstraction, together with tools for editing and check consistency. 13 Introduce specialized modularization mechanisms, as well as traceability of variations during product line evolution. Integrate Aspect Oriented Programming with the refactoring process, augmented modeling and scaffolding for workflow software, and providing support for qualitative and quantitative reasoning. Develop algorithms and data structures for addressing spatial proximity problems in large databases. 1.2.Main Achievements SPM has delivered 4 PhD thesis in 2009, supervised or co-­‐supervised by team members. 14 PhD thesis are currently in the pipeline, with 5 new students recruited. 21 MSc students have concluded their thesis, and 24 are ongoing on SPM related themes. Our involvement in funded projects is still increasing (9 ongoing), with a particular highlight to international collaborative activities developed in the context of European Projects AMPLE (STREP) and SENSORIA (IP). Both SENSORIA and AMPLE were extremely well evaluated in their final reviews, and AMPLE results featured in ACM Technews. Main research themes of SPM for the 2009 period include: 
Language and type-­‐based verification for service-­‐based / concurrent software. Validation of distributed systems and resources based on spatial/resource logics and types. Early aspects requirement engineering techniques. Metrics for object-­‐oriented design. Several prototype and tools publicly available on the Internet. We have successfully established strong collaborations with some companies through privately funded projects, also as an effect of joint projects funded by FCT|MCTES. Some of these projects were noted by the media. Membership in editorial board of international journals (3 participations), and PC membership in significant international conferences is routine (16 participations in 2009). Extremely intense refereeing activities, missions and visitor hosting are also significant achievements of STM research activities. Summary of key technical results obtained in the period (2009). See associated publication list in section "Productivity”. 
Conversation calculus and conversation types for the verification of protocol correctness and termination in multiparty service based applications, including prototype development. These results were important recent contributions for the European IP SENSORIA Project, of which the CITI team, in cooperation with colleagues at LASIGE / FCUL where participants. SENSORIA was extremely well appreciated in the final review. New techniques for aspect oriented requirement engineering and model-­‐driven software development are some of the results obtained in the UE STREP AMPLE Project, on which SPM at CITI has produced key contributions. According to the EC evaluators, AMPLE achieved results well beyond their expectations. Both Siemens AG and SAP are working to bring to market tools and processes developed. The design of an improved reconfigurable module system for agile web application development, validated on the OutSystems SA service studio. The systems features several innovative self-­‐healing capabilities, based on sophisticated interface types. 14 
Spatial-­‐behavioral types for automated verification of concurrency and resource control in Java like programming languages. Model checking and type-­‐based language techniques and tools for checking security protocols. A characterization of behaviors of concurrent systems using a refined notion of objects of behavior, that yields a very general class of models. Model transformation techniques for a given decomposition criteria (e.g., object oriented, aspect-­‐oriented). Software Language and Engineering has been successfully investigated, from both languages and tools engineering. DSLs have been explored in several contexts, from software product lines, to goal-­‐oriented and aspect-­‐oriented paradigms. Tool support for model transformation, producing several tool prototypes (e.g., edition and validation tool) have been delivered. Strengthening Refactoring for Software Evolution with Quantitative+ and Experimental Grounds. Algorithms for information storage and retrieval, with a focus on proximity query answering. 1.3.Future Research Objectives General objectives of the "Software Principles and Methods" Thematic Research Area includes continue to raise the number of PhD students, increasing the involvement in local and international partnerships, and leveraging on the several already launched industrial cooperations. Research in the area is currently organized in five team-­‐
projects, each one involved in several related activities, many of them supported by externally funded projects (both FCT MCTES, UE, and privately funded). We summarize below the research directions and the expected results for the forthcoming years (2010-­‐
2011). Research directions and expected results 
Programming Languages for CommunicatIon-­‐Centric Software Systems o Directions: Extend existing notions of spatial / behavioral / refinement type systems to much more general settings, allowing their application to a wider class of programming languages (object-­‐oriented), investigating efficient implementations of related programming tools. Increase the expressiveness of programming languages to deal with code evolution, supporting the certification of stronger safety properties, in particular those related to resource usage and control. Study models in which data outlives the applications that create and manipulate it. Find ways of safely manipulate and change running software systems that rely on persistent external databases, associated with different program modules. Develop logical and type-­‐based approaches to reason about transaction based and lock free concurrency, based on extensions of Hoare logics. o Results: Programming language primitives and type systems for disciplining interactions in multiparty service based systems and related verification algorithms and prototype compilers. Static type systems for thread safety, security, and resource control in object-­‐oriented programming languages, related verification algorithms / compilers. Verification logics and type systems for verifying lock-­‐free concurrency. 15 Interface languages for web applications and web applications development systems, taking into account security and resource usage concerns, and associated programming and automated verification techniques. 
Semantic FOundations for Concurrent Systems o Directions: Develop a body of knowledge on the general notion of behaviour based on quasi-­‐finality, including the generalisation of final semantics to quasi-­‐final semantics. Give semantics to concurrent languages based on quasi-­‐finality, in particular, to the language CSP combined with CASL. o Results: Descrition of (most of) the behaviours in van Glabbeek’s spectrum using quasi-­‐final coalgebras. Mathematical operational and denotational semantics terms of quasi-­‐final coalgebras. Semantics of a language combining CSP and CASL using the semantic framework described above and particularized to failures/divergences. Denotational semantics for dynamic control of interference, based on syntax-­‐free interpretations of the spatial-­‐behavioural type structure. 
Software Languages Engineering for Requirements Specification and Design o Directions: Create techniques, methods and tools to support the systematic development of requirements specification languages as well as design languages. A set of activities includes; Mapping and/or integration of goal-­‐oriented requirements specification models; Composition of SPL feature models with requirements and design models; Mapping and/or integration of aspect-­‐orientation to requirements and design models; Developing transformation languages. All these approaches will be supported by tools and validated by applying them to several industry case studies. Together with the development of effective supporting tools, re-­‐enforce the systematic approach for Software Languages Engineering, specially the early phases of Domain Engineering and Language Design, and the late phases of Validation and Experimentation. o Results: Requirements specification and design languages, methods and tools supported by SLE and MDD techniques. Support for SPL requirements variability where aspect-­‐orientation and multicriteria decision making are typical techniques we plan to use in this context. Means for improved support for requirements modularity based on AOSD techniques. 
Algorithms and Data Structures for Information Retrieval o Directions: To improve the applicability of the Recursive List of Clusters metric data structure in interactive databases. We want to develop an iterator over RLC, which will allow answering proximity queries incrementally. Results could then be reported one by one, from the closest object to the farthest one with respect to the given query point. o Results: An efficient algorithm, based on the sweep line technique, for computing the Voronoi diagram of a set of points on a sphere’ surface. An efficient and dynamic metric data structure, implemented in secondary memory, which could compete with the existing ones. An efficient iterator over RLC, which will allow to implement three types of incremental proximity searches: range queries, k-­‐nearest neighbour queries and range k-­‐nearest neighbour queries. 16 
VaLidation of Software Engineering methods, techniques and tools o Directions: We wil assess: the relative advantages and drawbacks of proposed AOP languages; open-­‐source software evolution; how do large and complex software systems evolve through time? IT services provision; how can we formalize services integration within enterprise architectures? Improve / automate: experiments execution; how can we formalize and speedup the process that goes from experimental design definition to data analysis (thus leaving room to more “noble” activities such as results interpretation)? workflow software development; how can we speed up the development of these systems using model-­‐driven and DSL techniques? the refactoring process; alternative compositions of elementary refactorings produce similar effects? how can catalog-­‐based approaches be used to automate this process? software development project management; how can a precise and comprehensive process model of inherent activities be used to support the project management activities? o Results: a quantitative based approach to allow speeding-­‐up the aspect-­‐
oriented refactoring process. integration of service level management with enterprise architecture approaches. A model-­‐based analysis of Service Level Agreements (SLAs). A process modeling based approach to Software Engineering Project Management. The production of a catalog of code-­‐level patterns for parallel computing, based on the analysis of an objectoriented framework. The exploitation of a 3D visualization metaphor to support the comprehension of complex legacy software systems. 17 2.Computer Systems 2.1.Objectives The widespread availability of high performance computing systems, of low cost parallel architectures, of high capacity file storage devices, and of clusters, grids and clouds, is fostering the development of applications, involving huge amounts of data, processing power, and distributed resources, in all areas of science and engineering. We are addressing the issues posed by these applications at several levels. First, by developing solutions for multi-­‐core and heterogeneous architecture in multi-­‐core computers and clusters of tightly connected computers. Second, by developing solutions for grid environments, mainly problem-­‐solving environments in cooperation with domain-­‐
specific experts. All computing devices, from servers to mobile phones and tiny sensors, are becoming inter-­‐connected in a global Internet-­‐of-­‐things world. A large number of challenges are posed in the development of systems for such environments. We are investigating innovative solutions for managing data in mobile computing, disseminating events and notifications in large scale networks, securing access control within groups of users, and coordinating sensor networks. These are examples of the kind of questions and topics addressed by Computer Systems researchers, whose research activities are being pursued in the context of several team-­‐
projects, focusing on the following themes: 
Programming and Runtime Systems for Clusters of Multi-­‐cores. Transactional Systems for Distributed and Multi-­‐core Systems. Parallel and Distributed Problem-­‐Solving Environments. Pervasive Information Dissemination Systems for the Internet. These research directions are being pursued by several team-­‐projects, targeting the following general objectives: 
Develop extensions of existing programming languages to better exploit the parallelism currently offered by clusters of multi-­‐core computers, by defining abstractions to denote parallelism in high-­‐level programming languages, and by supporting the execution of such abstractions in concrete implementations of compilers and runtime systems, namely virtual machines, middlewares and communication libraries. Investigate and develop computing abstractions, models and environments to exploit parallelism and distribution for complex scientific simulations, with massive data archiving, processing, scientific data visualization and user interaction. Apply the proposed approaches in an integrated Problem-­‐Solving Environments (PSE) supporting high-­‐performance solutions in Science and Engineering applications, in particular in selected problems in Materials Science, and in Earth and Sea Sciences. Develop efficient solutions for data and event dissemination in distributed and pervasive computing environments, with particular emphasis on scenarios combining mobility and large-­‐scale requirements. Propose solutions for concurrent programming/shared data access based on the transaction model, addressing two main settings: one, for managing shared data in the context of concurrent programs in multi-­‐core systems; two, in distributed LAN settings for managing shared replicated data accessed in the context of database systems and distributed shared memory. 18 2.2.Main Achievements Research Highlights of Computer Systems for the period ending in 2009 include models and tools for: 
Programming systems for multi-­‐core and heterogeneous architectures. Programming systems in cloud computing environments. Problem-­‐solving environments for high-­‐performance computing applications. Content based-­‐routing in large-­‐scale and pervasive distributed systems. We have published in important conferences and have accepted papers in important journals, with several external collaborators. The group has good national and international connections that have been strengthen during this period in the context of several on-­‐going projects. Team members have received a GOOGLE Research Award. Members of the team are involved in the UT Austin Portugal project. We have a very good level of participation in the community at national and international levels (CoreGRID, PCs and organization, UT Austin -­‐ Portugal program). We have attracted a large number of MSc students, with 17 thesis completed during 2009 and more than 15 on-­‐going. We have delivered 2 Phd thesis and have been able to recruit 5 new PhD students in 2009. We will continue recruiting new Phd students in a regular basis. The summary of key technical results in the period is the following. See associated publication list in section "Group Productivity". 
An unified model to integrate memory transactions, database transactions and access to file system. A concurrency control model for synchronous editing, based on commutative replicated data types. Definition of service abstractions for parallel computing and orchestration of services in dynamic environments. Techniques for parallelizing experiments in oceanography. A Graphical Tool for the Tomographic Characterization of Microstructural Features on Metal Matrix Composites. Design and evaluation of a Shared-­‐disk Cluster Filesystem. Extension of Tabled Logic Programming with Multi-­‐Threading. Event dissemination algorithms for large-­‐scale environments have been developed and evaluated. Algorithms for byzantine fault-­‐tolerant database replication, optimizing read-­‐
only transactions. 2.3.Future Research Objectives General objectives of the ‘’Computer Systems'' Thematic Research Area include raising the number of PhD students and increasing the involvement in national and, more important, international partnerships. Research in the thematic area is currently organized in four team-­‐projects, each one involved in several related activities, many of them supported by externally funded projects (both FCT MCTES, UE, and privately funded). We summarize below the research directions and the expected results for the forthcoming years. (2010-­‐2011). Research directions and expected results 19 
Languages and Runtime Systems for Clusters of Multicores. o Directions: A first iteration of the service-­‐based parallel programming model has been specified. Our current work focuses on its instantiation on the C and Java programming languages. An initial prototype resorting only to shared-­‐memory will provide us a framework to validate and improve the model. After this stage the foundations for efficient runtime support on both shared and distributed memory architectures. One other direction is the inclusion of pattern and operator-­‐based abstractions in the service-­‐based model. These will serve to represent the aggregation of services whose (control and data flow) dependencies are well defined and can be manipulated with separation of concerns. Their existence may, therefore, provide extended coordination/ ynchronization mechanisms. Finally, we are beginning to research the use of pattern and operator-­‐based abstractions to dynamically reconfigure networks of services. Our application domain is sensor networks, building on previous work that provides a Web interface for the interaction and management of sensor networks. This is initial work that may lead to a future research direction. o Results: A service-­‐centric model for the development of parallel in applications Instantiation of the model in imperative and object-­‐
oriented, which requires the definition of concrete syntaxes and the implementation of compilers. Runtime systems for the execution of the model instantiations, first resorting only to shared memory, and later to distributed memory. Extend the service-­‐centric model with pattern-­‐based service aggregation Parallel and Distributed Problem-­‐Solving Environments. o Directions: Develop abstraction and tools to ease the tasks of application development, and the management of the life-­‐cycle of scientific experiments. This work encompassed the following main dimensions: Scientific workflows for parallel and distributed computing; the integration of pattern-­‐based abstractions into PSEs; exploration of group-­‐based approaches to support dynamic organization and cooperation paradigms, and to manage distinct forms of process interactions. These abstractions are being developed in the context of two domain-­‐specific projects. PSE development for Earth/Sea Sciences. In this context, it is being developed suitable support for experiments based on the MonteCarlo method, for Ocean Color applications with the goal of investigating light focusing and defocusing effects induced by sea-­‐
surface waves. Advanced PSE support for Heterogeneous Computing Platforms with application to Materials Science. In his context, we will target the processing of tomographic data acquired from samples of composite materials. This PSE is particularly designed to be run in desktop computers and to take advantage both of general purpose multi-­‐
core processors and General Purpose Graphical Processing Units (GPGPU). o Results: Development of parallel applications and HPC toolkits for Geosciences and for Materials Science. PSE abstractions and tools, including: enhanced scientific workflows with abstractions for parallelism and distribution; abstract layer for pattern-­‐based aggregation and deployment; and a visualization environment for Materials Science. Technique for performance and scheduling based on history-­‐based performance analysis and by scheduling for adjustable jobs. 20 
Pervasive Dissemination Systems. o Directions: Conclude the development of a set of P2P algorithms for efficient dissemination and filtering of RSS feeds in the context of the LiveFeeds project. LiveFeeds algorithms mainly target fixed-­‐
infrastructure environments. The team will continue to divert its resources to address the growing ubiquity and importance of mobile settings, ad hoc and wireless sensor networks. The goal is to research distribution models for supporting pervasive and ubiquitous applications that leverage hybrid infrastructures of mobile and fixed nodes. In particular, the team is focusing on solutions for contextaware content-­‐based routing, aggregation and summarization of events applied to Participatory Sensing contexts. Moreover, the team is also pursuing similar techniques applied to dependable large-­‐scale Wireless Sensor Networks. o Results: Final algorithms for cooperative content-­‐based routing in large-­‐
scale distributed systems. Model for development of participatory sensing/pervasive applications. Evaluation of alternative algorithms for supporting the proposed model. Development of several techniques for secure communication in sensor networks, with focus on key-­‐
distribution algorithms. Transactional Systems for Distributed and Multi-­‐core Systems. o Directions: Explore the use of snapshot isolation algorithms in TM programs. This will the development of algorithms to detect snapshot isolation anomalies. Understanding TM programs. We are considering both, static and dynamic program analysis to anticipate/register the behavior of TM programs and aid in its understanding. Optimizing access to replicated data. Enhance our middleware system for database replication, by optimizing general transactions in the context of previously developed algorithms. Start exploring the use of similar ideas in the context of multi-­‐core system, by replicating software components. o Results: Design of a middleware for database replication providing byzantine fault-­‐tolerance with efficient support for read-­‐only transactions. Integration of support for speculative execution based on memory tranasctions for improving performance of applications. Monitoring and visualization tool for transactional memory applications Design of a transaction-­‐aware middleware for DSM support Design of a framework/system to explore component replication in multi-­‐core architecture. Design of CRDT for ky-­‐value stores used in cloud computing environments. 21 3. Multimodal Systems 3.1.Objectives Multimedia computing is a key enabling technology for communicating ideas and data between humans and machines. How can we explore and invent the new paradigms of communication and interaction supported by the myriad of computing devices currently available to everyone? We are developing new techniques for building mobile storytelling applications, for processing and accessing personal memories, for representing and observing natural phenomena, and to improve the user interfaces of technology assisted education systems. How efficiently is it possible to automatically extract information from natural language text? We are developing efficient techniques, based on statistics and machine learning, to extract knowledge from human written text collections, so as to improve language independent parsing, translation, and information retrieval tasks. We are advancing the state of the art in computer-­‐based visualization of physical and virtual phenomena, with an emphasis on application fields such as medical imaging, cloth simulation, 3D modeling, and animation. These are examples of the kind of questions and topics addressed by Multimodal Systems researchers, whose research activities are being pursued in the context of several team-­‐projects, focusing on the following themes: 
Applied Computer Graphics and Visualization. Full Indexing Data Structures for Translation and other Mining Tasks. Geographic Information and Simulation Systems. Interaction and Information Processing in Multimedia Environments. Algorithms and data structures for information retrieval. These research directions are being pursued by several team-­‐projects, targeting the following general objectives: 
Improve and optimize of algorithms for scientific visualization and simulation namely through the exploration of new architectural approaches such as those offered by heterogeneous distributed computing environments. Speed up the graphical rendering for realistic visualization. Solve problems in the area of computational geometry and graphs. Develop feature preserving polygonal mesh conversion algorithms, especially for meshes used in the simulation of deformable materials, such as cloth. Use of a new approach to Phrase-­‐Based Statistic-­‐Based Machine Translation (PBSMT) for translating. Improve succinctness of used data structures for dealing with huge volumes of data and improve response times for various Text Mining operations. Continue work on classification and parallel alignment. Develop methods for facilitating visualization and interaction with geographic events (geo-­‐referenced information that evolves in space and time). Conceive tools for enabling collaboration in geo-­‐referenced activities for distributed users. Explore and design new interaction mechanisms for multimedia environments, as well as study appropriate techniques for interaction design and testing. Develop methods to process and extract the semantics of multimodal information. Explore the use of augmented reality technology and tangible interfaces in multimedia environments for learning and entertainment purposes. 22 3.2.Main Achievements Research Highlights of Multimodal Systems for the period ending in 2009 include: 
New techniques and solutions for data modeling and interactive visualization, especially in the field of industrial applications. Application of Full Text Indexing Data Structures to Text Mining and, in particular, to Translation (for PT, ES, EN, HI), from huge text collections within acceptable response times. Methods and tools to represent, visualize and interact with spatial‐temporal data (trajectories). Tools for enabling collaboration in geo‐referenced activities for distributed users. Methods for actively designing and positioning actors in spatially mapped simulation activities (namely in emergency simulation). New interaction mechanisms for multimedia environments. Techniques for multimedia information processing and analysis in interactive systems. We are publishing in top conferences and journals and we have very good connections with the research community at national and international levels. The participation in the UT Austin Portugal lead to new educational opportunities (PhD Program in Digital Media) and to new research and collaboration opportunities – a new project was recently submitted. Students in the group are already participating in this program. The area has produced several prototypes that have been presented extensively, one of them to thousands of visitors of an art exhibition. We have delivered one PhD thesis in the period, but there are about 10 PhD and 20 MSc thesis ongoing. As mentioned, we have a very good level of participation in the community at national and international levels (PCs and organization, Eurographics, IFIP, Coordination of the UT Austin – Portugal program, National CG and Interaction Group). We also have collaborations with industry and social impact (LNEC, Cultursintra, Duvideo, Zon, Museu Berardo). The summary of key technical results in the period is the following. See associated publication list in section “Group Productivity”. 
Document visualization system to retrieve information from email archives via a zoomable interface and to use the magnetism concept as a metaphor for the user An algorithm for tessellating a trimmed NURBS surface based on a triangle mesh, as well as another algorithm for approximating a NURBS surface by a triangle mesh within a specified error tolerance. A depth of field model was implemented in order to help the human visual system to properly decode the elements of a 3D scene. Evaluation of term translation extraction from Suffix Arrays indexed aligned parallel corpora and progressive construction of a bilingual translation dictionary for validation (71% BLEU score). Improved the quality of automatically extracted phrase translations by using a Support Vector Machine engine to train a classifier and obtained an F-­‐measure of 99% for unknown phrase translations. Work on document classification and key-­‐terms extraction. Evaluation of data structures for representing geographic events (trajectories). Simulation engine and interaction interface for Emergency management, instantiated for Alqueva Dam. Extension of Aspect-­‐based Modeling framework for location-­‐aware behavior. Framework for the development of public participation systems involving geo-­‐
referenced collaborative activities. 23 
Interaction devices and methods for information exploration, gaming and storytelling. Semantic based processing of multimodal information, including algorithms and user interface design and evaluation. Study and development of persuasive applications. 3.3.Future Research Objectives Objectives for the Multimodal Systems area include increasing the number of funded projects, especially international projects since now we have an excellent level of national projects, including with industrial partners. More publications in journal is also a major objective, already being pursued with several submissions underway. Research in the thematic area is currently organized in four team-­‐projects, each one involved in several related activities, many of them supported by externally funded projects (FCT MCTES, UE, and privately funded). We summarize below the research directions and the expected results for the forthcoming years (2010-­‐2011). Research directions and expected results 
Applied Computer Graphics and Visualization o Directions: Use, development and integration of techniques to render a scene in an industrial context application. On the other hand, and also under the same focus, this will be complemented with research work in modeling to solve some problems related to polygonal meshes and parametric surfaces, such as intersection operations. Finally, the team will also carry on the research work in the simulation area of deformable materials. o Results: Improved visualization modules to deal with large-­‐scale data sets we collect in the Material Science field. Efficient and accurate algorithms for intersection of parametric surfaces, to be used in CAD systems. Methods to generate and control a radiosity rendering. Feature preserving remeshing plug-­‐ins for commercial modeling applications, such as Maya. Techniques to take advantage from IBR instead of accurate geometric models exclusively. 
Full Indexing Data Structures for Translation and other Mining Tasks. o Directions: 1. We will work on the translation of four languages – English (EN), Spanish (ES), Portuguese (PT), and Hindi (HI) – 6 language pairs, twelve translation directions – due to their diversity and economical potential. Our own approach to translation will be completed with a reordering model that may incorporate procedures from hierarchical Phrase-­‐Based STM for handling long distance reordering phenomena. 2.Pivoting will be a main concern: we will make use of EN as a pivot language for enabling translation from/to HI into/from PT and ES, as there is an immense volume of parallel corpora for the HI-­‐EN language pair that is non-­‐overlapping with huge parallel corpora for EN, ES, and PT. Pivoting will also be used for enabling quicker and more precise term translation extraction, by taking existing lexicon for PT-­‐EN and its entries as guides. 3. Improving the classification of extracted phrase (sequence of words) translation pairs will be another concern: using earlier validated term translations, available positive and negative knowledge will be used to train an existing classifier (SVMs) and use it to 24 o
classify new entries as good or bad, contributing to save validation effort and improve translation quality, even prior to human validation of classified phrase translation entries. 4. Alignment and translation technologies will be improved by bringing in results from extraction of monolingual phrases, phrase translation, stem and affixes translation, monolingual and bilingual paraphrase identification, from document classification and language identification. 5. By bringing in a specialist on Suffix Trees (a data structure correlated to Suffix Arrays), an effort will be made for enhancing the use of both data structures in translation. In this mood, we will research the applicability of Suffix Trees in the various tasks required by a translation process. We expect that by reducing the space requirements of the index structures it will be possible to process much larger corpora and hence improve translation quality. Results: Parallel texts alignment making full use of Suffix arrays for maintaining the bilingual lexicon and for having the texts to be aligned indexed, extraction of single-­‐ and multi-­‐word term translations, text aligner using extracted and validated term translations, evaluation of alignment quality evolution for different language pairs, methods for topic extraction and document classification. 
Geographic Information and Simulation Systems. o Directions: Improving emergency planning and management through agent-­‐based simulation. Visualization and interaction tools for simulation inspired by gaming technology. Developing tools for location-­‐
based collaborative activities. Developing collaborative tools for decision support and public participation in local and regional planning processes, extending existing work towards synchronous geo-­‐referenced collaboration. Raising awareness for emergency issues by developing social tools for interaction with emergency simulations. Information Representation, visualization and interaction for geographic events. Developing representations for geographic events that facilitate both information querying and retrieval. Using visual techniques for evaluating the performance of metric data structures in proximity searching for representing large geographic datasets, in comparison with other types of data structures. Location-­‐based services for moving people. Modelling volatile GIS concerns. Development of a mobile tool that gathers movement information and identifies patterns in the user’s daily activities. o Results: A visual tool for evaluating and predicting emergency scenarios based on real past occurrences data, in an emergency management context. The extension of the collaborative geo-­‐referenced platform already mentioned above. New available tools should facilitate synchronous communication. An information-­‐based platform for managing emergency collaborative activities. A mobile system to reveal hidden patterns of everyday life, using data mining of GPS logs. Book on Geographic Information Technology for the Internet. 
Interaction and Information Processing in Multimedia Environments. o Directions: Develop interaction devices that provide natural interfaces. Create algorithms and methods for multimodal information analysis and processing and methods for integration and manipulation of different media content in multimedia environments. Develop methods for user experience design and evaluation, e.g., tangible and AR interfaces in 25 o
learning contexts. Develop tools to create and evaluate persuasive applications. Results: User experience design and evaluation methods. Methods to design and test children interaction. Means for improved development of persuasive applications. Methods for integration and manipulation of different media content in multimedia environments. Methods and algorithms for information analysis and processing, e.g. an auditory scene recognizer and contextual multimodal recognizers. Prototypes of interaction devices for ubiquitous environments. Methods to integrate computer vision techniques and rendering in simulations and data visualization. 26 V. RESEARCH OUTPUT IN 2009 1. Funded Projects Ongoing Projects International Funded INTERFACES -­‐ Certified Interfaces for Integrity and Security in Extensible Web Based Applications [May 2009 -­‐ May 2012] CITI Research Team: Luis Caires (PI), Bernardo Toninho, Carla Ferreira, Filipe Militão. Hugo Torres Vieira, João Costa Seco Coordinating Partner: CITI Funding Entity: ICTI @ CMU-­‐Portugal Description: The project aims at the development of new techniques for enforcing security, integrity, and correctness requirements on distributed extensible web‐based applications by introducing novel, semantically rich notions of interface description languages, based on advanced type systems and logics. Main objectives: a)define logic and type based interface languages for describing security and integrity properties of distributed extensible applications or services on the Internet; b) develop programming models and languages supporting rich interface languages, amenable to formal analysis, based on logical reasoning, type checking and model-­‐checking, in the context of high-­‐
level specifications of integrity and security requirements; c) produce implementations of prototypes for specification, programming, and reasoning about case studies, including scenarios provided by an industrial strength web-­‐based application development environment. SENSORIA -­‐ Software Engineering for Service-­Oriented Overlay Computers [Sep 2005 -­‐ May 2010] CITI Research Team: Carla Ferreira, Hugo Torres Vieira, João Costa Seco, Luís Caires (PI), Luís Monteiro Coordinating Partner: Technische Universität München Funding Entity: European Union Description: The aim of SENSORIA is to develop a novel comprehensive approach to the engineering of software systems for service-­‐oriented overlay computers where foundational theories, techniques and methods are fully integrated in a pragmatic software engineering approach. The focus is on global services that are context adaptive, personalisable, and may require hard and soft constraints on resources and performance, and takes into account the fact that services have to be deployed on different, possibly interoperating, global computers, to provide novel and reusable service-­‐oriented overlay computers. IBM SUR 2007-­‐2010 [Oct 2007 -­‐ Oct 2010] 27 CITI Research Team: José Cardoso e Cunha (PI), Paulo Afonso Lopes, Pedro Duarte Medeiros Coordinating Partner: CITI Funding Entity: IBM International Description: This research project has specific targets on the following areas: Computer Science Concepts & Technologies; Parallel and Distributed Computing (including Cluster & Grid); Constraint Programming. FCT MCTES Funded Colour in medieval illuminated manuscripts: between beauty and meaning [Oct 2009 -­‐ Sep 2011] CITI Research Team: António Eduardo Dias, Nuno Correia (PI), Teresa Romão Coordinating Partner: Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FFCT/FCT/UNL) Funding Entity: FCT / MCTES Description: In this project we propose to explore the issues related with the symbolic and social meaning of colour in medieval Portuguese illuminations, produced during the twelfth and first quarter of the thirteenth century in the Alcobaça, Lorvão and St Cruz monasteries. Colour use and production in Portuguese medieval illuminations was a consequence of the technology available as well as of cultural and artistic options; by defining the specificities of its use and production we intend to contribute to fingerprint the influences of the three different cultures that coexisted in Portugal at that time, Arab, Jewish and Christian. We will approach this subject from an art history and molecular sciences point of view, aiming to characterize the monastery scriptoria and their evolution during the twelfth and first quarter of the thirteen centuries. The tasks and objectives proposed within this project are new and will bring innovation, and this progress beyond the state of the art will contribute to a better access and conservation of medieval illuminations. PRIA -­‐ Parallel Programming Refinements for Irregular Applications [Jul 2009 -­‐ Jun 2011] CITI Research Team: Miguel Pessoa Monteiro (Coordinator) Coordinating Partner: Universidade do Minho Funding Entity: FCT / MCTES Description: This project will explore the idea of promoting the separation of parallelization concerns from domain specific and platform specific concerns, with the aim to improve reusability, enable independent evolution and increase the flexibility to switch and to compose parallelization strategies. Decomposition of parallelization concerns into high level features (fine-­‐grained refinements that add implementation detail, such as parallelism or the use of particular data structures) will make it possible to synthesize/tune applications for each class of target platforms and/or problems by selecting the set of features to attain the best performance. We aim to identify and modularize refinements that parallelize computations in programs, and to be able to compose such refinements to map base programs to efficient, platform specific, parallel applications. 28 VIP-­‐ACCESS -­‐ Ubiquitous Web Access for Visually Impaired People (Acesso Ubíquo à WEB para cegos) [May 2008 -­‐ Apr 2011] CITI Research Team: Gabriel Pereira Lopes (Coordinator), Joaquim Ferreira da Silva Coordinating Partner: Universidade da Beira Interior Funding Entity: FCT / MCTES Description: Visually impaired people are info-­‐excluded due to the overwhelming task they face to read information on the web. We aim at developing a wide range of technological solutions so that visually impaired people can take advantage of the new ubiquitous technologies that are fast growing in our every day lives. This project aims at tackling this challenging task by introducing on-­‐line services to existing search engines. Indeed, the most efficient way to access to information is search engines. As a consequence, our focus will be to provide solutions via a meta search engine which will include the following tasks: (1) Automatic Clustering of Web Page Results, (2) Accurate Synthetic Automatic Description of Documents, (3) Automatic Summarization of Web Pages, (4) Automatic Description of Images based on Text and Image features, (5) Speech-­‐to-­‐Speech Interfaces. Byzantium -­‐ Byzantium: Eficient Byzantine fault-­tolerant database replication [Jan 2008 -­‐ Dec 2010] CITI Research Team: Nuno Preguiça (Coordinator), João Lourenço, Ricardo Dias, Sérgio Duarte, Vítor Duarte Coordinating Partner: CITI Funding Entity: FCT / MCTES Description: The central goal of this project is to build a replicated database system that tolerates Byzantine faults. The main challenge resides in the fact that Byzantine fault tolerance replication introduces a non-­‐negligible performance overhead. This fact, combined with the necessity of the use of eager replication, has led to a low adoption of Byzantine fault tolerance in database replication. This project aims at developing novel techniques for improving the performance of Byzantine fault tolerant replicated databases. Our solution will be built as a middleware layer. We intend to reduce to the minimum the dependencies on the underlying database engine, thus improving the portability of our solution and making it easily usable with different database engines. CALLAS -­‐ Calculi and Languages for Sensor Networks [Jan 2008 -­‐ Dec 2010] CITI Research Team: Hervé Paulino Coordinating Partner: Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto Funding Entity: FCT / MCTES Description: The main goals of this research project are: a) to contribute towards a fundamental understanding of wireless sensor networks by developing formal tools based on process calculi; b) to provide adequate programming architectures for dynamically configurable sensor nodes; c) and to validate the proposed designs in real-­‐
life prototype sensor applications. LiveFeeds -­‐ P2P Dissemination of Web Syndication Content [Jan 2008 -­‐ Dec 2010] 29 CITI Research Team: Sérgio Duarte (Coordinator), José Legatheaux Martins, Margarida Mamede, Nuno Preguiça Coordinating Partner: CITI Funding Entity: FCT / MCTES Description: LiveFeeds focuses on Web Syndication -­‐ a concept that enhances the World Wide Web experience by helping users to keep track of the updates made to their favorite websites, blogs and web content in general. The project will devise ways to incorporate P2P principles to form the basis of a new Web Syndication event dissemination infrastructure, which will be modeled primarily around a (true) push-­‐
based model. Additionally, the project will seek ways to enhance the Web Syndication model with support for fine-­‐grained filtering and prioritization of syndication content in ways compatible to its large-­‐scale dissemination goals and, in particular, without cumbering the servers with that additional effort. LIFE-­‐SAVER -­‐ Flood Emergency Simulator [Feb 2007 -­‐ May 2010] CITI Research Team: Armanda Rodrigues (Coordinator), André Sabino, Nuno Correia, Rui Nóbrega Coordinating Partner: CITI Funding Entity: FCT / MCTES Description: In Portugal, Flood Emergency planning and management (EM) is based on Flood Emergency Special Plans. In Dam Break emergencies, Emergency Plans (EP) aim to protect people and assets and result from the direct intervention of the Fire and Civil Protection National Service (SNBPC) and the Water Institute. One of this project partners supports the scientific and technologic development of EPs, in the areas of flood wave propagation modelling and warning and information systems. PEs require a modern management system, enabling flexible access to updateable information and the control of specialised rescue teams. The simulator is justified by the need to concurrently study phenomena with explicit and implicit representation, and it will be able to define emergency scenarios which will include available PE resources, actors and roles. BATIC3S -­‐ Building Adaptive Three-­dimensional Interfaces [Oct 2005 -­‐ Nov 2010] CITI Research Team: Vasco Amaral (Coordinator), Ana Moreira, Bruno Fontes Barroca, João Araújo, Vasco Sousa Coordinating Partner: CITI Funding Entity: FCT / MCTES Description: This project proposes a framework for prototyping 3D stereoscopic user interfaces for complex control systems starting from their formal specification. The use of formal languages allows for specifications both at the structural and behavioural level of the system and the interface, and enables rapid prototyping of adaptive 3D user interfaces which can be easily tested with users and adapted to their needs. The development of a framework and a methodology is foreseen to guide the modelization of the system using the CO-­‐OPN language (object-­‐oriented specification language based on synchronized algebraic Petri nets), and the transformation into an executable prototype. 30 With Companies VideoFlow – VideoFlow [Jul 2009 -­‐ Dec 2011] CITI Research Team: Nuno Correia (PI), Sofia Cavaco, Teresa Romão Coordinating Partner: Duvideo Funding Entity: Agência de Inovação Description: Videoflow intends to develop, based on existing video and film files, a file technology, automatic segmentation and pre-­‐classification of video clips, unifying, for the first time, the technical data of the video sequences with semantic information extracted from its own clips and indexed by dynamic classifiers. The expected results are: a) for each clip, to get a file integrally compatible with the most modern standard of video file; b) create a group of entrances in database directly accessible for the video
FLEX-­‐AGILE -­‐ Flexibility and Confidence in Application Development [Aug 2008 -­‐ Dec 2012] CITI Research Team: Coordinating Partner: CITI Funding Entity: OutSystems, SA Description: The OutSystems integrated development environment supports the agile development of web applications based on the high level descriptions of business logic and database models, written in several Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). The general challenge for this project is to find appropriate programming language abstractions and associated static validation mechanisms to capture enterprise web applications business rules, process rules, and security rules, and uniformly integrate them in a (domain specific) programming language that primarily provides simplicity, robustness, detection of errors as early as possible, preferably before deployment / execution, thus involving static analysis, and scalability, without compromising development speed, flexibility, and conciseness. IPDMS -­‐ Integrated Process Design and Management System [Dec 2008 -­‐ Dec 2010] CITI Research Team: Fernando Manuel Pereira da Costa Brito e Abreu (co-­‐PI) Vasco Amaral (co-­‐PI) Coordinating Partner: CITI Funding Entity: SINFIC Description: The objective of this project is producing a DSL-­‐based tool for process modelling as an extension of BPMN, a UML profile for business process modelling. This DSL-­‐based tool will act as a front-­‐end configurator in a distributed, low-­‐coupling architecture based upon web services. This project includes the following tasks: a) BPMN metamodeling (DSL abstract syntax); b) DSL tool generation / adaptation; DSL tool integration; c) Tests and knowledge transfer. 31 VIRTU -­‐ Virtualization and Management of Application Apliances [Sep 2008 -­‐ Jun 2009] CITI Research Team: Hervé Paulino (Coordinator) João Lourenço (Coordinator) Coordinating Partner: Evolve Space Solutions Funding Entity: Agência de Inovação Description: The project aimed to develop the VIRTU tool for the management and configuration of applications on a virtualized environment. The development used as baseline the GoVI solution being developed by ORISTEBA/EVOLVE to the European Space Agency (ESA), and improvements were made on the way to generalize the solutions to other customers in particular the configuration of applications. Concluded in 2009 International AMADEUS -­‐ ASPECTS AND COMPILER OPTIMIZATIONS FOR MATLAB SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT [Jan 2007 -­‐ Dec 2009] CITI Research Team: Miguel Pessoa Monteiro Coordinating Partner: INESC Id Funding Entity: European Union Description: This project intended to address aspect-­‐oriented extensions to MATLAB in order to help system modeling and exploration of certain features conceiving system implementation. Aspect mining was used in order to acquire some aspects relevance from third party MATLAB code. We intended to identify aspects that could help optimization phases in order to generate performance and memory efficient implementation code. Code optimizations were researched in order to inference types, array dimensions and sizes, and memory minimization. AMPLE -­‐ Aspect-­Oriented, Model-­Driven Product Line Engineering [Oct 2006 -­‐ Sep 2009] CITI Research Team: Ana Moreira (Coordinator) Antonielly Garcia Rodrigues João Araújo Mauricio Alférez Uirá Kulesza Vasco Amaral Coordinating Partner: Lancaster University Funding Entity: European Union Description: The aim of this project was to provide a software Product Line (SPL) development methodology that could offer improved modularisation of variations, their 32 holistic treatment across the software lifecycle and maintenance of their (forward and backward) traceability during SPL evolution. 2. Publications Peer review Journals 
C. Silva and J. F. B. Castro and J. Araújo and A. Moreira. Advanced Separation of Concerns in Agent-­‐Oriented Design Patterns. International Journal of Agent Oriented Software Engineering, 2009. 
J. Legatheaux Martins and S. Duarte. Routing algorithms for contentbased publish/subscribe systems. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, To be published in 2010 Q1, 01 2010. 
J. Whittle and A. Moreira and J. Araújo. MATA: A Unified Approach for Composing UML Aspect Models Based on Graph Transformation. Transactions on Aspect Oriented Software Development, 2009. 
L. Caires and H. T. Vieira. Conversation Types. Theoretical Computer Science, 2010. 
L. Cruzeiro and P. A. Lopes. Are the native states of proteins kinetic raps? Molecular Physics, 107(14):1485-­‐1493, 01 2009. 
L. Russo and G. Navarro and A. Oliveira and P. Morales. Approximate String Matching with Compressed Indexes. MDPI Algorithms Journal, 2009. 
N. A. and Uirakulesza and R. Mitschke and A. Moreira and J. Royer and A. Rummler. A Model-­‐Driven Traceability Framework for Software Product Lines. Software and Systems Modeling, 2009. 
P. D. Medeiros. A graphical tool for the tomographic characterization of microstructural features on metal matrix composites. International Journal of Tomography & Statistics, 14(S10):3-­‐15, 06 2010. 
P. Sanchez and A. Moreira and L. Fuentes and J. Araújo and J. M. Lopes. Model-­‐
Driven Development for Early Aspects. Information of Software and Technology, 2009. 
S. Agostinho and A. Moreira and A. Marques and J. Araújo and R. Ferreira and R. Raminhos and R. Ribeiro and I. S. Brito and P. Chevalley. Aspect-­‐oriented Specification: a Case Study in Space Domain. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2010. International Peer Reviewed Conference Papers 
Aires, J., Lopes, G. P. and dos Santos Gomes, L. M. Phrase Translation Extraction from Aligned Parallel Corpora Using Suffix Arrays and Related Structures. In Proceedings of the Progress in Artificial Intelligence (2009 / 10). 
Anacleto Correia and F. Brito e Abreu. Integrating IT Service Management within the Enterprise Architecture. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2009).IEEE Computer Society, 2009. 33 
C. Morgado, J. C. Cunha, J. F. Custódio, and N. Correia. A group-­‐based model for dynamic communities. In The International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN 2009), Fontainebleau, France, June 24-­‐27, 2009. IEEE Computer Society, 06 2009. 
C. Morgado, J. C. Cunha, N. Correia, and J. F. Custódio. Group-­‐based interactions for multiuser applications. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC 2009), 11 2009. 
C. Vaz and C. Ferreira. Towards Compensation Correctness in Interactive Systems. The 6th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods, 2009. 
Cabral, D. and Correia, N. Pen-­‐Based Video Annotations: A Proposal and a Prototype for Tablet PCs. In Proceedings of the INTERACT '09: Proceedings of the 12th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-­‐Computer Interaction (Part II) (2009 / 08). 
Castro, P. A. and Lopes, A. Magnet Mail: A Visualization System for Email Information Retrieval. In Proceedings of the SG '09: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Smart Graphics (2009 / 05). 
Coelho, J. and Rocio, V. An integration of the academic portal with the Moodle VLE. In Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education including the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference (2009). EADTU. 
da Silva, J. F. and Lopes, G. P. A Document Descriptor Extractor Based on Relevant Expressions. In Proceedings of the Progress in Artificial Intelligence (2009 / 10). 
E. Piveta and J. Araújo and M. Pimenta and A. Moreira and P. Guerreiro and T. Price. Representing Refactoring Opportunities. 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC'09), ACM, 2009. 
E. R. Freire and L. Monteiro. Defining Behaviours by Quasi-­‐finality. Symposium on Formal Mewthods (SBMF 2009). Springer-­‐Verlag, 2009. 
F. Rosa and V. Amaral. Designing a DSL solution for the domain of Augmented Reality Software applications Specification. 4th International Conference on E-­‐
Learning and Games, 2009. 
Grangeiro, F., Jesus, R. and Correia, N. Face Recognition and Gender Classification in Personal Memories. In Proceedings of the ICASSP 2009 -­‐ 34th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (2009 / 04). IEEE, 2009 
Hervé Paulino and C. Tavares. Sedeuse: A model for service-­‐oriented computing in dynamic environments. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference in Mobile Wireless Middleware, Mobilware 2009, Berlin, Germany, April 28-­‐29, 2009m pages 157-­‐170, 04 2009. 
Hervé Paulino, P. Cancela, and T. Franco. Orchestration of middleware services. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009 Workshops, Confederated International Workshops and Posters, number 5872 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-­‐3, 11 2009. 
Hervé Paulino. On the definition of service abstractions for parallel computing. In Roman Wyrzykowski, editor, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 8th International Conference, PPAM 2009, Wroclaw, Poland, September 13-­‐16, 2009, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 03 2010. 34 
Iria, J. and Magalhães, J. Exploiting Cross-­‐Media Correlations in the Categorization of Multimedia Web Documents. In Proceedings of the IJCAI'09 Workshop on Cross-­‐Media Information Access and Mining (Pasadena, USA, July 2009). 
Iria, J., Ciravegna, F. and Magalhães, J. Web news categorization using a cross-­‐
media document graph. In Proceedings of the Proceeding of the ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (Santorini, Fira, Greece, 2009). ACM. 
J. Araújo and C. Silva. Adapting the Framework i* for Software Product Lines. Workshop on Requirements, Intentions and Goals in Conceptual Modeling (RIGIM 2009), 2009. 
J. C. Cunha, C. Morgado, and J. F. Custódio. Group abstractions for organizing dynamic distributed systems. In Euro-­‐Par 2008 Workshops -­‐ Parallel Processing, number 5415 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 450-­‐459, 04 2009. 
J. C. Cunha, M. C. Gomes, and O. Rana. Scientific workflows abstractions and models for parallel and distributed computing. In Proceedings of PARA08: State-­‐
of-­‐the-­‐art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, Trondheim, Norway, 2008, LNCS Applied Parallel Computing series, 2010. 
J. F. Custódio and J. C. Cunha. Jgroupspace: Combining shared spaces and groups. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS 2009). IEEE, 06 2009. 
J. M. S. Lourenço, Ricardo Dias, J. Luís, M. Rebelo, and V. Pessanha. Understanding the behavior of transactional memory applications. In PADTAD '09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM workshop on Parallel and distributed systems: testing and debugging. ACM Press, 07 2009. 
L. Assunção, C. J. S. Gonçalves, and J. C. Cunha. On the difficulties of using workflow tools to express parallelism and distribution -­‐ an application case study in geological sciences. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Workflow Management (ICWM2009) at the 4th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC2009), pages 104-­‐110. IEEE Computer Society, 05 2009. 
L. Caires and H. T. Vieira. Conversation Types. Programming Languages and Systems, 18th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2009. Springer-­‐
Verlag, 2009. 
L. Monteiro. A coalgebraic characterization of behaviours in the linear time -­‐ branching time spectrum, Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT 2008). Springer-­‐Verlag, 2009. 
L. S. Lúcio and V. Amaral and L. M. V. Pedro and D. Buchs. DSL Composition for model-­‐based test generation. Proceedings MPM@MODELS, 2009. 
L. Wei, J. C. Cunha, V. Duarte, and T. Luo. A grid workload modeling approach for intelligent grid. In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, pages 811-­‐816. IEEE, 03 2009. 
Lobo, P., Romão, T., Dias, A. E. and Danado, J. C. A Framework to Develop Persuasive Smart Environments. In Proceedings of the Ambient Intelligence -­‐ Proceeding of AMI 2009 (2009). 
Lobo, P., Romão, T., Dias, A. E. and Danado, J. C. Smart Bins: An Educational Game to Encourage Recycling Activities. In Proceedings of the Proceedings of IADIS 35 International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI 2009) (2009). IADIS Press. 
Luís A. Silva and F. Brito e Abreu. Exploring and Overcoming Major Challenges in IT Infrastructures Faced by IT Executives. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2009). IEEE Computer Society, 2009. 
Luís A. Silva and F. Brito e Abreu. Patterns for IT Infrastructure Design. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP'2010), 2010. 
Luisa Lourenço and L. Caires. Type Inference for Conversation Types. Proceedings Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and communication-­‐cEntric Software, ENTCS, 2009. 
M. Alferez and A. Moreira and U. Kulesza and J. Araújo and R. Mateus and V. Amaral. Detecting Feature Interactions in SPL Requirements Analysis Models. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Feature-­‐Oriented Software Development (FOSD), ACM, 2009. 
M. Alferez and J. Santos and A. Moreira and A. Garcia and U. Kulesza J. Araújo and V. Amaral. Multi-­‐View Composition Language for Software Product Line Requirements. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Language Engineering, Springer-­‐Verlag, 2009. 
M. Letia, N. Preguiça, and M. Shapiro. Consistency without concurrency control in large, dynamic systems. In LADIS09: The 3rd ACM SIGOPS International Workshop on Large Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware. ACM Press, 10 2009. 
Madeira, R.N., Correia, N. divingForPearls: A System with RFID based on a Ubiquitous Infrastructure. ICUT '09: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies & Applications, Fukuoka, Japan, IEEE Press, 12 2009. 
Mário Pires and L. Caires. A Type System for Access Control Views in Object-­‐
Oriented Languages. Proceedings Joint Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and Issues in the Theory of Security, 2009. 
N. Preguiça, J. M. Marquès, and M. Shapiro. A commutative replicated data type for cooperative editing. In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS-­‐2009). IEEE Computer Society, 06 2009. 
N. Yoshida and V. T. Vasconcelos and Herve Paulino and K. Honda. Session-­‐Based Compilation Framework for Multicore Programming. Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 7th International Symposium, FMCO 2008, Springer-­‐
Verlag, 2009. 
Nóbrega, R. and Cavaco, S. Detecting key features in popular music: case study – singing voice detection. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music at ECML PKDD 2009 (2009 / 09). 
Nóbrega, R. and Correia, N. Multi-­‐Touch Integration in Interactive Applications. In Proceedings of the TouchAffordances Workshop at Interact 2009 (2009 / 08). . 
P. Sanchez and J. Santos and M. Alferez and A. Rashid and L. Fuentes and A. Moreira and J. Araújo. VML* -­‐ A Family of Languages for Variability Management 36 in Software Product Lines. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Language Engineering. ACM, 2009. 
Pedro Sousa, N. Preguiça, and C. Baquero. Forby: Providing groupware features relying on distributed file system event dissemination. In CRIWG2009: Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use, 15th International Workshop, number 5784 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 158-­‐173 , 09 2009. 
Postolache, O., Madeira, R.N., Correia, N., Girão, P. UbiSmartWheel – A Ubiquitous System with Unobtrusive Services Embedded on a Wheelchair. PETRA '09: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on PErvsive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Corfu, Greece, ACM Press, 06 2009. 
R. Marques, T. Swift, and J. C. Cunha. A simple and efficient implementation of concurrent local tabling. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages -­‐ PADL'10, LNCS series, 2010. 
Ricardo Dias and J. M. S. Lourenço. Unifying memory and database transactions. In Euro-­‐Par '09: Proceedings of the 15th international Euro-­‐Par conference on Parallel Processing, LNCS, pages 349-­‐360, 08 2009. 
Rocio, V. and Coelho, J. A course template for undergraduate courses. In Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education including the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference (2009). EADTU. 
Rodrigues, R. and Rodrigues, A. Spatial Operators for Collaborative Map Handling. In Proceedings of the Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use (2009 / 09). 
S. J. Gay, V. T. Vasconcelos, A. Ravara, N. Gesbert, A. Z. Caldeira: Modular session types for distributed object-­‐oriented programming. 37th ACM SIGPLAN-­‐SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL 2010. 
Sabino, A. and Rodrigues, A. Visual Specification of Spatially Constrained, Agent-­‐
Based Simulation Scenarios. In Proceedings of the 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science (2009 / 06). Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe (AGILE). 
T. Kajiyama, D. D'Alimonte, J. C. Cunha, and Giuseppe Zibordi. High-­‐performance ocean color monte carlo simulation in the geoinfo project. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2009), LNCS 6067-­‐6068, 09 2009. Books & Book Chapters 
C. S. Calude and J. F. Costa and N. Dershowitz and E. R. Freire and G. Rozenberg. Unconventional Computation 8th International Conference, UC 2009, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, September 7-­‐11, 2009, Proceedings. Springer-­‐Verlag, 2009. 
Henrique Domingos. Proceedings of the NetCoM 2009 – International Conference on Networks and Communications. IEEE Computer Society, 12 2009. 
M. Aleksy and V. Amaral and R. Gitzel and J. Power and J. Waldron. PPPJ Special Issue -­‐ Foreword. Science of Computer Programming. Elsevier, 2009. 
T. Kajiyama, A. Nukada, R. Suda, H. Hasegawa, and A. Nishida. Toward automatic performance tuning for numerical simulations in the SILC matrix computation framework. , 2010. 37 
V. Amaral and M. Risoldi and D. Buchs and G. Falquet. A language and a methodology for prototyping user interfaces for control systems. Human Machine Interaction, 2009. National Publications 
A. Teixeira and J. Legatheaux Martins. Enhancing ethernet forwarding algorithms. In Actas da Conferência de Redes de Computadores 2009 (CRC'2009). Instituto Superior Técnico, 10 2009. 
Bruno Félix and N. Preguiça. Pipe: Uma infra-­‐estrutura genérica de serviços para ambientes de computação ubíqua. In R. Lopes L. Rodrigues, editor, Actas do INForum -­‐ Simpósio de Informática 2009, pages 215-­‐226. Universidade de Lisboa -­‐ Faculdade de Ciências, 07 2009. 
de rede -­‐ um estudo de caso. In Actas da Conferência de Redes de Computadores 2009 (CRC'2009). Instituto Superior Técnico, 10 2009. 
dos Santos Gomes, L. M., Aires, J. and Lopes, G. P. Parallel Texts Alignment. In Proceedings of the New Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 14th Portuguese Conference in Arificial Intelligence, EPIA 2009, Aveiro, October, 2009, Proceedings (2009 / 10). Universidade de Aveiro. 
João Soares and N. Preguiça. Few phone file system. In R. Lopes L. Rodrigues, editor, Actas do INForum -­‐ Simpósio de Informática 2009, pages 383-­‐394. Universidade de Lisboa -­‐ Faculdade de Ciências, 07 2009. 
Madeira, R.N., Correia, N. Uma Arquitectura Computacional para Aumentar Objectos". Proceedings of the 5th Conference: Engenharia' 2009 -­‐ Inovação e Desenvolvimento, Covilhã, Portugal, (2009/11). 
Moutela, M. and Birra, F. Malhas Poligonais Baseadas em Regiões de Afinidade para Simulação de Tecidos. In Proceedings of the Actas do 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (2009). Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica / Eurographics. 
P. Rodrigues and J. Legatheaux Martins. Improving the accuracy and usefulness of synthetic as-­‐level topology models. In Actas da Conferência de Redes de Computadores 2009 (CRC'2009). Instituto Superior Técnico, 10 2009. 
Pedro Amaral Henrique Domingos. Uma arquitectura para um sistema de encaminhamento seguro em redes de sensores sem fios. In R. Lopes L. Rodrigues, editor, Actas do INForum -­‐ Simpósio de Informática 2009. Universidade de Lisboa -­‐ Faculdade de Ciências, 07 2009. 
R. P. S. Lopes, J. Legatheaux Martins, and S. Duarte. Optimização de algoritmos p2p através de sistemas de coordenadas. (Best Article Award). 
Ventura, H. M. P. and dos Santos, M. P. Simulação e Controlo do Efeito de Profundidade de Campo em Tempo de Interacção. In Proceedings of the 17.º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (2009 / 10). Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica / Eurographics. 3. PhD and Master Thesis PhD Thesis 38 
CARMEN MORGADO. Modelos de Grupo para Aplicações Multimédia com Mobilidade. Phd. FCT/UNL. CO-­‐SUPERVISORS: José Cardoso e Cunha (CITI), Nuno Correia (CITI). 
EDUARDO PIVETA. Improving the Search for Refactoring Opportunities on Object-­
Oriented and Aspect-­Oriented Software. CO-­‐SUPERVISORS: Ana Moreira (CITI), Roberto Tom Price (Universidade de Rio Grande do Sul). 
MARTA TABARES. A Traceability Pattern to Control the Concern Evolution in a Multidimensional Space. CO-­‐SUPERVISORS: Ana Moreira (CITI), Fernando Arango Isaza (Universidad Nacional de Colombia). 
PAULO LOPES. A Shared-­Disk Parallel Cluster File System. SUPERVISOR: Pedro Medeiros (CITI). 
RICARDO RAMOS. Evaluation of requirements Techniques with Aspects. CO-­‐
UPERVISORS: João Araújo (CITI), Jaelson Castro (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco). 
ISABEL SOFIA DE BRITO. Aspect-­Oriented Requirements Engineering. SUPERVISOR: Ana Moreira (CITI), 
MSc Thesis  AFONSO PIMENTEL. Multicriteria Analysis in Architectural Choices for Software Product Lines. SUPERVISOR: Vasco Amaral. 
ANA CRISTINA LAMEIRA. Processamento de Imagem em Dispositivos Móveis. SUPERVISOR: Nuno Correia. 
ANA DIAS. Towards a DSL based on KAOS goal and agent-­oriented paradigms. SUPERVISOR: Vasco Amaral. 
ANDRÉ CORREIA ROSA. MediaAccess -­ Componentes para Arquivos Audiovisuais. SUPERVISOR: Nuno Correia. 
ANDRÉ ROSA. Designing a DSL solution for the domain of Augmented reality software applications specification. SUPERVISOR: Vasco Amaral. 
BERNARDO TONINHO. Symbolic Model-­Checking of Spatial-­behavioral properties of concurrent systems. SUPERVISOR: Luís Caires. 
BRUNO FÉLIX. PIPE: uma infra-­estrutura genética para ambientes de computação ubíqua. SUPERVISOR: Nuno Preguiça. 
CARLOS NUNES. Towards a DSL based on the i* framework. SUPERVISOR: João Araújo. 
CÁTIA REIS DE OLIVEIRA. Uma Linguagem de Domínio Específico para a Framework i*. SUPERVISOR: João Araújo. 
CRISTÓVÃO HONORATO. Byzantium: Byzantine fault-­tolerant database middleware. IST. CO-­‐SUPERVISOR: Nuno Preguiça. DAGMAR BAPTISTA. Tailoring KAOS for Product Lines. SUPERVISOR: João Araújo. 
DAVID NAVALHO. Unified Cooperative Location System. SUPERVISOR: Nuno Preguiça. 
EMANUEL COUTO. Improving System Performance by Speculative Execution Based on Software Transactional Memory. SUPERVISOR: João Lourenço. 
EUNICE SILVA. Verificação da consistencia de modelos UML. SUPERVISOR: Carla Ferreira. 39 
FÁBIO NEVES. Suporte à Cooperação em Computação Móvel e Ubíqua. SUPERVISOR: Sérgio Duarte. 
FÁTIMA BERNARDES. Detecção automática de documentos paralelos. SUPERVISOR: Gabriel Pereira Lopes. 
FÁTIMA REIS. Verificação de Protocolos de e-­Voting. SUPERVISOR: Carla Ferreira. 
FAUSTO MOURATO. Analisador Táctico 3D para Match Racing. SUPERVISOR: Manuel Próspero dos Santos. 
FILIPA PELEJA. Classificação de documentos. SUPERVISOR: Gabriel Pereira Lopes. 
FILIPE AFONSO. Comanche: Aplicações Web Estendidas nos clientes. SUPERVISOR: Nuno Preguiça. 
FILIPE BARRENHO. Interactive Narratives Authoring. SUPERVISOR: Teresa Romão 
FRANCISCO COSTA. Geração automática de "playlist" de músicas semelhantes. SUPERVISOR: Fernanda Barbosa. 
GONÇALO COELHO. Localização Espacial de Serviços. SUPERVISOR: Armanda Rodrigues 
GUSTAVO MARQUÊS. Integrating Problem Frames and Aspects. SUPERVISOR: João Araújo. 
HÉLIO DOLORES. SQL Query source-­level optimizations in a DS Programming Language for Web Application Development. SUPERVISOR: Luís Caires. 
HUGO VENTURA. Simulação da Profundidade de Campo. SUPERVISOR: Manuel Próspero dos Santos. 
IGOR CARVALHO. CxProlog Plugin for the Code: Blocks IDE. SUPERVISOR: Artur Miguel Dias. 
JOÃO ARAÚJO. Paralelização de Algoritmos de Filtragem baseados em XPATH/XML com recurso a GPUs. SUPERVISOR: Sérgio Duarte. 
JOÃO CALDEIRA. IT Service Management: An Experimental Approach. SUPERVISOR: Fernando Brito e Abreu. 
JOÃO CARLOS TANGANHO DE SOUSA. Run-­time for parallel execution of domain specific languages (DSL). SUPERVISOR: João Lourenço. 
JOÃO GOMES. Design Pattern Implemenatation in Object Teams. SUPERVISOR: Miguel Pessoa Monteiro. 
JOÃO MARTINS. SmART: An Application Reconfiguration Framework. CO-­‐
SUPERVISORS: João Lourenço, Hervé Paulino. 
JOÃO RUIVO SANTOS. Um Middleware para Acesso e Gestão de Redes de Sensores em Ambientes Web. SUPERVISOR: Hervé Paulino. 
JOÃO SOARES. FEW Phone File System. SUPERVISOR: Nuno Preguiça. 
JORGE SOUSA COSTA. Synchronous Spatial Operators for Collaborative Map Handling. SUPERVISOR: Armanda Rodrigues. 
JOSÉ SANTOS RODEIA. Analysis and Recognition of Similar Environmental Sound. SUPERVISOR: Sofia Cavaco. 
LAETITIA SILVA MENDES. Learning with Tangible Interfaces. SUPERVISOR: Teresa Romão. 
LUIS GOMES. Parallel Text Alignment. SUPERVISOR: Gabriel Pereira Lopes. 40 
LUIS MIRANDA. Context-­Aware Multi-­Factor Authentication. SUPERVISOR: Henrique João. 
MANUEL PIMENTA. Viewpoints and Goals: Towards an Integrated Approach. SUPERVISOR: João Araújo. 
MARGARIDA PIRIQUITO. Sistema de tipos para linguagem Component J. SUPERVISOR: João Costa Seco. 
MARIA JOÃO MOUTELA. Malhas de Polígonos para Simulação de Tecidos Baseadas em Regiões Afins. SUPERVISOR: Fernando Birra. 
MÁRIO PIRES. A Type System for Access Control in Object Oriented Languages. SUPERVISOR: Luís Caires. 
NUNO FARRUCA. Wireshark para sistemas distribuídos. SUPERVISOR: Vítor Duarte. 
NUNO LUÍS. A Transactional File System Over FUSE. SUPERVISOR: João Lourenço. 
NUNO PRATA. Selecção Automática de Vistas para Objectos Gráficos Tridimensionais. SUPERVISOR: Manuel Próspero dos Santos. 
PAULO CASTRO. Document Visualization. SUPERVISOR: Adriano Lopes. 
PEDRO AMARAL. Uma arquitectura para um serviço de encaminhamento seguro em redes de sensores sem fios. SUPERVISOR: Henrique João. 
PEDRO BOAVIDA. GPU-­based Isosurface Rendering. SUPERVISOR: Adriano Lopes. 
PEDRO CANCELA. Orchestration of Heterogeneous Middleware Services and Its Application to a Command and Control Platform. SUPERVISOR: Hervé Paulino. 
PEDRO LOBO. Developing Persuasive Applications. SUPERVISOR: Teresa Romão. 
PEDRO SANTOS CALADO. Specifying Adaptivity Rules for Building User Interfaces for Complex Control Systems. SUPERVISOR: Vasco Amaral. 
PEDRO SILVA. Pesquisa de Imagens de Rosto. SUPERVISOR: Fernanda Barbosa. 
PEDRO SOUSA. Forby: Sistema de disseminação de notificações sobre ficheiros partilhados. SUPERVISOR: Nuno Preguiça. 
RENATO RODRIGUES. Spatial Operators for Collaborative Map Handling. SUPERVISOR: Armanda Rodrigues. 
RUI CATARINO. Serviços Grid Computing. SUPERVISOR: Carlos Sousa Gonçalves. 
RUI GARCIA. Byzantium: Contribuições para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de replicação de bases de dados tolerante a falhas bizantinas. SUPERVISOR: Nuno Preguiça. 
RUI SILVA LOPES. Sistemas de Localização e de Medida de Distância na Internet – Contribuição para a Avaliação da sua Integração com Algoritmos P2P. SUPERVISOR: José Legatheaux Martins 
SANDRA ANTÓNIO. Adapting the i* Framework for Product Lines. SUPERVISOR: João Araújo. 
SÉRGIO BRAZ. Exploring the CaesarJ Language usin the Gang-­of-­Four design patterns. SUPERVISOR: Miguel Pessoa Monteiro. 
SIMÃO MATA. Design and Evaluation of the Membership Algorithm of the LiveFeeds Project. SUPERVISOR: Vasco Amaral. 
SOFIA PENIM. Integrating the Theme Approach with Aspectual Scenarios. SUPERVISOR: João Araújo. 41 
TARQUÍNIO MIGUEL ESTEVÃO MOTA. Interfaces Baseadas em Gestos e Movimento. SUPERVISOR: Nuno Correia. 
VASCO DIONÍSIO. Tecnologia Java na representação de curvas e superfícies paramétricas. SUPERVISOR: Manuel Próspero dos Santos. 
VASCO SOUSA. Modeling Control Systems' Interfaces (DSL editors and model transformation). SUPERVISOR: Vasco Amaral. 4. Prototypes 
Agenda21 Public Participation collaborative Platform. Gonçalo Coelho, Armanda Rodrigues. 
ArtTech3D -­‐ Multimedia application for the documentation of Installation type works of Art. Ricardo Noguês, Nuno Correia. 
ATF-­‐QL. A query language for retrieving trace information on artifacts during an MDD engineering process. João Araújo, Ana Moreira, Vasco Amaral. 
Byzantium v.2. Rui Garcia, Nuno Preguiça. 
Comanche browser extender. Filipe Afonso, Nuno Preguiça. 
CO-­‐OPN Parallel Run-­‐Time. João Lourenço, Vasco Amaral. 
DistNetcap. Vítor Duarte. 
DSL Trans -­‐ A Model Transformation tool with a visual language for specifying the transformation rules. Vasco Amaral, Bruno Fontes Barroca, Vasco Sousa. 
DSL-­‐AR. A Domain Specific Language for the Domain of Augmented Reality. Joint cooperation with the YDreams Portuguese Company. Bruno Fontes Barroca, Vasco Amaral. 
DualPointer. Teresa Romão. 
FEW phone file system. João Soares, Nuno Preguiça. 
Forby file system event dissemination. Nuno Preguiça. 
I* Star Editor. João Araújo, Vasco Amaral, Vasco Sousa. 
JTraceView -­‐ Monitoring and Visualization of Transactional Memory Programs. João Lourenço, Ricardo Dias. 
KAOS Editor A visual editor for the GOAL oriented language. João Araújo, Vasco Amaral, Vasco Sousa. 
LEXICAL -­‐ Supervised evolving parallel text aligner that uses previously automatically extracted and validated phrase translations for realigning any parallel corpora at a sub-­‐sentence grain. Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Luis Manuel dos Santos Gomes. 
LEXVIEW -­‐ An interface for validation of monolingual and plurilingual lexical entries automatically extracted from parallel corpora. Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Luis Manuel dos Santos Gomes. 
Meeds -­‐ Livefeeds with support for mobility. Sérgio Duarte. 
Memoria multimedia retrieval system -­‐ A system to retrieve personal pictures that uses multimodal information including visual features, audio information and contextual metadata obtained at capture time. Rui Jesus, Nuno Correia. 42 
Model Checker for SOA systems modeled in the Conversation Calculus. Luis Caires, Hugo Torres Vieira. OHMS -­‐ OrcHestration of Middleware Services. Hervé Paulino. 
PCTRANS -­‐ A phrase-­‐based statistical machine translation system that works on top of a parallel corpus aligned at a subsentence grain level. Gabriel Pereira Lopes, José Aires. 
PIPE. Bruno Félix, Nuno Preguiça. 
SenSer -­‐ A Middleware Framework for the Remote Access and Management of Sensor Networks, Hervé Paulino. 
SLMC-­‐K -­‐ extension of SLMC for checking security protocol verification. Luis Caires, Bernardo Toninho. 
SmART -­‐ A Smart Reconfiguration Tool. João Lourenço, Hervé Paulino. 
SmartBins -­‐ Persuasive educational game to encourage recycling among children. Teresa Romão, Pedro Lobo. 
SpecDB -­‐ Speculative Execution of Database Queries. João Lourenço, Nuno Preguiça. 
SVMTEC -­‐ Support Vector Machine classifier of automatically extracted translation equivalents form parallel corpora. Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Kavitha Mahesh. 
T-­‐Games -­‐ Tangible game authoring tool for children. Teresa Romão, Laetitia Mendes. 
Transactional File System over FUSE. João Lourenço. 
Typechecker for a type and effect system for access control. Mário Pires. 
Video Writer -­‐ A prototype for Tablet PCs, implementing video annotations based on digital ink, i.e., pen-­‐based video annotations. Diogo Cabral, Nuno Correia. 
VML* -­‐ a tool supported language that support traceability from features to models and product derivation in Software Product Lines. Ana Moreira, João Araújo, João Santos, Mauricio Alférez. 
VML4RE -­‐ Variability Modelling Language for Requirements Engineering. João Araújo, Ana Moreira, Mauricio Alférez, João Santos. 5. CITI Seminars CITI organizes a regular seminar series since its foundation in 1997. Talks at the CITI seminar are usually given by visitors, but also by CITI members and their students. Under this series, we have hosted the following seminars, 8 by external speakers, during the year of 2009: On the Use of Software Mobility and Services Hervé Paulino, 14 Jan 2009 An evidence-­‐based approach to the validation of Software Engineering claims Miguel Afonso Goulão, 28 Jan 2009 Predicting the Sentence-­‐Level Quality of Machine Translation Systems Lucia Specia (Xerox Research Centre Europe), 5 Feb 2009 43 Telex: A Platform for Decentralised Sharing Lamia Benmouffok (INRIA), 25 Feb 2009 Byzantium: Byzantine-­‐Fault-­‐Tolerant Database Replication Providing Snapshot Isolation Nuno Preguiça, 11 Mar 2009 Towards Distributed Software Transactional Memories Paolo Romano (INESC Id), 1 Apr 2009 Multi-­‐threaded Prolog -­‐ Recent Developments Rui Marques, 15 Apr 2009 Integrating MATA mechanisms to requirements approaches João Araújo, 29 Apr 2009 Representing Almost All Local Longest Common Subsequence Values Luís Russo, 27 May 2009 Semantic-­‐Based and Syntactic-­‐Based Feature Interactions in Aspect-­‐oriented Models Gunter Mussbacher (University of Ottawa), 9 Jun 2009 Sourcerer: Slicing and dicing large amounts of open source code Cristina Videira Lopes (University of California, Irvine), 1 Jul 2009 Typestate Verification for Aliased Objects using Invariant-­‐Carrying Permissions Jonathan Aldrich (Carnegie Mellon University), 14 Jul 2009 Of Bugs and Men (and Plugins too) Michel Wermelinger (Open University Milton Keynes), 24 Jul 2009 Patterns and Operators for Application Development and Execution Control Maria Cecília Gomes, 7 Oct 2009 DSL Composition for model-­‐based test generation Levi Silva Lúcio (CITI), 14ct 2009 Advanced Code Coverage Analysis Using Substring Holes Eitan Farchi (IBM Research Labs at Haifa), 28 Oct 2009 A Note on Sparse Anti-­‐Monge Matrices Luís Russo, 4 Nov 2009 Towards a service-­‐oriented parallel programming model Hervé Paulino, 18 Nov 2009 Unifying Memory and Database Transactions Ricardo Dias, 2 Dec 2009 A Spatial-­‐Epistemic Logic and Tool for Reasoning about Security Protocols Bernardo Toninho, 16 Dec 2009 A Type System for Access Control in an Object-­‐Oriented Language Mário Pires, 16 Dec 2009 44 6. Organization of Scientific Events Ana Moreira @ ACM International Conference on Aspect-­‐Oriented Software Development 2009
[Mar 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Chair Artur Miguel Dias @ 7th PPPJ -­‐ (in coop. ACM) Principles and Practices of Programming in Java
[Aug 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Elisabete Raposo Freire @ Unconventional Computation 2009 [Sep 2009] -­‐ Organizing Committee Member Fernando Brito e Abreu @ 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR’2009) [Mar 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Fernando Brito e Abreu @ 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS’2009) [Jun 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Gabriel Pereira Lopes @ ICAART-­‐2009 (International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence) [Jan 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Gabriel Pereira Lopes @ 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems -­‐ ICEIS 2009 [May 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Gabriel Pereira Lopes @ STIL 2009 -­‐ The 7th Brasiliam Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology [Sep 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Gabriel Pereira Lopes @ EPIA 2009 -­‐ Portuguese Conference on Artificial Inteligence [Oct 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Gabriel Pereira Lopes @ TEMA -­‐ Text Mining and Applications at EPIA09 [Oct 2009] -­‐ Organizing Committee Chair Henrique João Domingos @ WiMo-­‐2009: The First International Workshop on Wireless & Mobile Networks [Jul 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Henrique João Domingos @ Inforum 2009 -­‐ Track of Computer and Communications Security
[Sep 2009] -­‐ Organizing Committee Chair Henrique João Domingos @ The First International Workshop on Wireless & Mobile Networks Security (WMNS-­‐2009) [Oct 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Henrique João Domingos @ WIMOA 2009 -­‐ International Workshop on Wireless, Mobile Networks & Applications 2009 [Oct 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member 45 Henrique João Domingos @ WNSA 2009 -­‐ 1st International Workshop on Network Security and Applications [Nov 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Henrique João Domingos @ International Workshop on Ad Hoc & Ubiquitous Computing (AUC-­‐2009) [Dec 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Henrique João Domingos @ NetCom 2009 -­‐ 1st International Conference on Networks and Communications [Dec 2009] -­‐ Organizing Committee Chair Hugo Torres Vieira @ ICE 09, 2nd Interaction and Concurrency Experience [Aug 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member João Araújo @ AOSD'09 [Mar 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member João Araújo @ IDEAS 2009 [Apr 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Co-­‐Chair João Araújo @ Onward 2009 [Oct 2009] -­‐ Organizing Committee Member João Costa Seco @ 4th International federated conferences on Distributed Computing Techniques [Jun 2009] -­‐ Organizing Committee Member João Lourenço @ PADTAD 2009 -­‐ Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis and Debugging [Jul 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member
João Lourenço @ InForum 2009 -­‐ Simpósio de Informática [Sep 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member João Lourenço @ The Second Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Parallel Applications on Large-­‐Scale Systems [Sep 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Joaquim Ferreira da Silva @ TEMA -­‐ Third Text Mining and Applications Workshop [Oct 2009] -­‐ Organizing Committee Co-­‐Chair Luis Caires @ IFIP WG2.2 [Sep 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Luis Caires @ FoSSaCS 2009 [Oct 2008 -­‐ Apr 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Luis Caires @ Concur 2009, the 20th International Conference on Concurrency Theory [Sep 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Luis Caires @ PSPL 2010, FLOC 2010 Workkshop on Proof Systems for Program Logics [Oct 2009 to Jul 2010] -­‐ Program Committee Member Nuno Correia @ IFIP TC 2.1 46 [Sep 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Nuno Preguiça @ CSCWD 2009 -­‐ 3th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design [Apr 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Nuno Preguiça @ CRIWG2009 -­‐ 15th International Workshop on Groupware [Sep 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Nuno Preguiça @ INForum 2009 [Sep 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Teresa Romão @ 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica [Oct 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Teresa Romão @ ACE 2009 [Oct 2009] -­‐ Organizing Committee Member Teresa Romão @ VideoJogos 2009 [Nov 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Vasco Amaral @ CISIS 2009 [Mar 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Vasco Amaral @ ICEIS 2009 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems [May 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member
Vasco Amaral @ HCI International 2009 Session: Rapid User Interface Prototyping – RUIP [Jul 2009] -­‐ Organizing Committee Co-­‐Chair
Vasco Amaral @ INFORUM [Sep 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Vasco Amaral @ NBiS2009 -­‐ 12th International Conference on Network-­‐Based Information Systems [Sep 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Vasco Amaral @ 7th PPPJ (in coop. ACM) Principles and Practices of Programming in Java [Sep 2009] – Coordinator
Vasco Amaral @ MoDeVVa'09 -­‐ 6th edition of the workshop on Model Engineering, Verification, and Validation [Oct 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member Vasco Amaral @ International Symposium on Database Theory and Application [Dec 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member
Vítor Duarte @ ICCS 2009-­‐International Conference on Computational Science [May 2009] -­‐ Program Committee Member 47 José C Cunha @ SSS 2009 -­‐ The 11th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, Lyon, France, November 2009. Program Committee Member [3 Nov 2009 ] José C Cunha @ # DART 2009 -­‐ The 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Agent-­‐
based Retrieval Tools, Milan, Italy, September 2009. Program Committee Member [15 Sep 2009 ] José C Cunha @ # LaSCoG 2009 -­‐ 5th Workshop on Large Scale Computations on Grids (PC Member), 2009, Program Committee Member. [13 Sep 2009 ] José C Cunha @ ICCSA 2009 -­‐ The International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, Yongin (Korea), 2009. Program Committee Member. [29 Jun 2009 ] José C Cunha @ # ICA3PP 2009 -­‐ The 9th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2009, Program Committee Member. [8 Jun 2009 ] José C Cunha @ IBERGRID’2009 – The 3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference, 2009, Program Committee Member. [20 May 2009 ] José C Cunha @ # HPC 2009 -­‐ High Performance Computing Symposium, part of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, 2009, Program Committee Member. [27 Mar 2009 ] José C Cunha @ ICCS 2009 -­‐ The International Conference on Computational Science 2009, Baton Rouge, Louisianna (USA), 2009, Program Committee Member. [25 Mar 2009 ] José C Cunha @ SACC 2009 -­‐ The 5th International Conference on Self-­‐Organization and Adaptation of Computing and Communications,, 2009, Program Committee Member-­‐. [23 Mar 2009 ] José C Cunha @ SACC @ # CODS 2009-­‐ The 3rd International Conference on Complex Open Distributed Systems, 2009, Program Committee Member [23 Mar 2009 ] José C Cunha @ SIWN 2009-­‐ The 2nd SIWN Systemics and Informatics Congress (Awards Chair), 2009, Organizing Committee Member. [23 Mar 2009 ] José C Cunha @ # CCGRID 2009 -­‐ 9th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2009, Program Committee Member. [18 Mar 2009 ] José C Cunha @ # LCI 2009 -­‐ The 10th LCI International Conference on High-­‐
Performance Clustered Computing, 2009, Program Committee Member. [9 Mar 2009 ] José C Cunha @ # PDP-­‐2009 -­‐ 17th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network based Processing, 2009, Program Committee Member [18 Feb 2009 ] 48 

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