A Sustainable Christmas Project


A Sustainable Christmas Project
Christmas and Sustainability
Profa. Sonia Nascimento
November 19, 26 2010
December 3,2010
The Symbols and Traditions of
Christmas is a Christian festival, celebrated
in different ways by different countries.
What are they talking about?
My favorite day: Christmas
My favorite holiday:Christmas
What is the boy’s favorite
holiday? / Qual é o feriado
preferido do menino?
What do the people do to
celebrate this holiday in his
country? / O que as pessoas
fazem neste feriado no país
Christmas Vocabulary
Natal - Christmas - pronuncie /crismas/
Natal – Xmas (abreviação de Christmas);
Christ in Greek is Xristos
Feliz Natal – Merry Christmas! Happy Christmas!
Época de Natal – Christmas time
Véspera de Natal – Christmas Eve
Manhã de Natal – Christmas morning (dia no qual
as crianças recebem seus presentes)
Natal com neve – White Christmas
Christmas Vocabulary
Espírito de Natal – Christmas Spirit
Encenação de Natal – Nativity play (representação teatral do
nascimento de Jesus)
José, Maria e Jesus – Joseph, Mary and Jesus
Manjedoura – Manger
Estrela – Star
Estrela de Belém – The star of Bethlehem (a estrela que
anunciou o nascimento de Jesus)
Mago – Magi (homem sábio que trouxe presente para Jesus)
Presépio – Nativity scene
Christmas Vocabulary
Enfeites de Natal – Christmas ornaments
Luzes de Natal, pisca-pisca de Natal – Christmas light
Guirlandas de Natal – Christmas wreath
Cartão de Natal – Christmas card
Árvore de Natal – Christmas tree
Montando a árvore – Trimming the tree
Presentes – Gifts, presents
Presentes embaixo da árvore – Gifts under the tree
Canções de Natal, Músicas natalinas – Christmas carols
Christmas Vocabulary
Papai Noel – Santa Claus, Father Christmas, St. Nick
Chaminé, trenó, renas – Chimney, sleigh, reindeers
Jantar de Natal -Christmas dinner
Peru – Turkey
Cortar o peru – Carving the bird
Bolo de Natal – Christmas cake
Amigo secreto, amigo oculto – Secret santa
Sinterklaas...Santa Claus
The original Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, was born in Turkey in
the 4th century. He was very religious from an early age,
devoting his life to Christianity.He became widely known for
his generosity for the poor. He is especially noted for his love
of children and for his generosity. He is also, of course, the
patron saint of children. The Dutch kept the legend of St.
Nicholas alive. In 16th century Holland, Dutch children would
place their wooden shoes by the window in hopes that they
would be filled with a treat. The Dutch spelled St. Nicholas as
Sint Nikolaas, which became corrupted to Sinterklaas, and
finally, in Anglican, to Santa Claus.
Christmas Vocabulary
Santa Claus trimming
the tree!
Happy New Year!
Christmas Vocabulary
Luzes de Natal, pisca-pisca de Natal – Christmas light
Guirlandas de Natal – Christmas wreath
Cartão de Natal – Christmas card
Árvore de Natal – Christmas tree
Montando a árvore – Trimming the tree
Presentes – Gifts, presents
Presentes embaixo da árvore – Gifts under the tree
Canções de Natal, Músicas natalinas – Christmas carols
Christmas Vocabulary
Feliz Ano Novo! – Happy New Year!
Missa do Galo – Midnight Mass
Desejo a você um próspero Ano Novo – Wishing you a
prosperous new year!
Tudo de bom no próximo ano! – All the best for the
coming year!
Véspera de Ano Novo (31 de dezembro) – New Year’s
Primeiro de Janeiro – New Year’s Day
Extracted from: http://www.inglesnosupermercado.com.br/minidicionario-de-vocabulario-de-natal-e-ano-novo-portugues-ingles/
What about Christmas in Brazil?
How do people celebrate Christmas in Brazil? / Como as
pessoas comemoram o Natal no Brasil?
Do people usually have a Christmas party at home? / As
pessoas geralmente fazem festas em casa?
What does it represent for Brazilians in general? / O que
ele representa para os brasileiros em geral?
What about Christmas in Brazil?
Is Christmas Brazilians' favorite holiday? Why? /
O Natal é o dia favorito dos brasileiros? Por quê?
How is Christmas celebrated in your family circle?
/ Como o Natal é comemorado em seu círculo
Let's think about these issues!
THE MAGIC OF XMAS: What makes Xmas magical for you? Here
are some categories. Talk about them with your partner and rank
which in order of importance – food / presents / family / lights /
shopping / alcohol / church / no work / no school / other.
THE NIGHTMARE OF XMAS: What makes Xmas a nightmare for
you? Here are some categories. Talk about them with your partner
and rank which in order of ‘nightmare ness’ – food / bad presents /
family / shopping / alcohol / hangover / small children / Frosty the
Snowman songs / cold weather / other.
WHITE XMAS: Talk about which is better – a white Xmas or a
golden Xmas (on the beach in a hot country, like Brazil).
Online Investigation
Although Christmas is not celebrated by all
people around the world, it does have
important significance in the lives of many
people. Choose a country and use the
Internet to find out how Christmas is
celebrated in that country.
Online Investigation
How do these celebrations differ? Investigate
some of these celebrations, then plan how your
family would celebrate Christmas if they lived in
another country.
Some sites for your research:
Christmas around the world:
What does Christmastime have to do

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