Workshop 1-2 December - Contact, Variation and Change in Post


Workshop 1-2 December - Contact, Variation and Change in Post
Workshop 1-2 December - Contact,
Variation and Change in Post-Colonial
Contexts: Romance Languages in Africa
1 December: GULA VILLAN
Prof. Ken Benson, Head of Dept. (Stockholm University)
09h15 Português e línguas bantu em Moçambique:
(novas) dinâmicas de uma sociedade multilingue
Prof. Perpétua Gonçalves (Universidade E. Mondlane)
10h00 A paisagem linguistica - um campo para o estudo
da variação do Português em Moçambique
Ph.D. student Manuel Guissemo (Universidade E.
Mondlane/ Stockholm University)
11h00 Alternative forms of linguistic legitimacy in
postcolonial Mozambique
Prof. Christopher Stroud (University of Western Cape/
Stockholm University)
11h45 O português oral de Maputo desde uma
perspectiva diacrônica
Ph.D. student Torun Reite & Ph.D. Anna Jon-And
(Stockholm University)
12h30 LUNCH
14h00 O crioulo e o português de Cabo Verde: alguns
aspetos do contacto
Ph.D. Nélia Alexandre (University of Lisbon)
14h45 A evolução do contexto sociolinguístico em São
Tomé e Príncipe
Ph.D. Tjerk Hagemeijer (University of Lisbon)
15h30 A variação no português de São Tomé: efeitos
Ph.D. student Rita Gonçalves (University of Lisbon)
16h15-18h00 COFFEE and DISCUSSION about CORPUS:
What kind of empirical data do we have access to? Do we
need to collect more data? What kind of data? Can we
share these data? What do we need to develop?
Digitalization? Transcription?
Moderators: Tjerk Hagemeijer/Nélia Alexandre
2 December: GULA VILLAN/AULA MAGNA, Spelbomskan
09h30 A Língua Portuguesa em Angola hoje
Ph.D Domingos Ndele Nzau (Universidade 11 de Novembro,
10h15 Atitudes linguísticas em situações de contato: dados
sobre as atitudes dos falantes de Português e línguas Bantu
em Cabinda
Ph.D. Laura Álvarez López & Ph.D. Anna Jon-And (Stockholm
11h00 Traços sintáticos inovadores no Português de Cabinda:
convergências e contrastes com o Português Brasileiro
Ph.D. Juanito Avelar & Prof. Charlotte Galves (Universidade
Estadual de Campinas)
11h45 LUNCH After lunch we move to AULA MAGNA,
13h30 COFFEE and DISCUSSION about Romance languages in
Africa. Do we have data and ideas for future international
collaborations? Which research councils could support an
international project on Romance Languages in Africa? Which
aspects of Romance languages in Africa? Where do we start?
Can we propose a number of a journal on this topic? Outlines
for joint projects? Corpus development? How can we share
tasks and responsibilities? With the participation of Ph.D.
Thaïs Machado-Borges, Research Liaison Office
Moderators: Juanito Avelar/Laura Álvarez
15h00 Características del español en Guinea Ecuatorial
Prof. Angela Bartens (University of Turku)
15h45 Persistence and obsolescence: Italian loans in the
languages of the Horn of Africa
Prof. Mauro Tosco (University of Turin)
16h30 Français en contact et nouvelles pratiques
linguistiques en Afrique sub-saharienne
Prof. Carole de Féral (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
17. 20 CLOSING, Laura Álvarez López
Organizing committee: Laura Álvarez López, Ricardo Namora,
Anna Jon-And, Gabriele Iannaccaro and Torun Reite
Financial support: RJ, Gulbenkian Foundation, Anérstiftelsen
Department of Romance Studies and Classics
08-16 1461 [email protected]