Representação Política e Instituições Eleitorais - IESP-UERJ


Representação Política e Instituições Eleitorais - IESP-UERJ
Representação Política e Instituições Eleitorais (3 créditos) Prof. Jairo Nicolau Horário: Quinta‐feira, das 16 às 19 horas Consultas: A combinar com o professor ___________________________________________________________________________ O propósito do curso é familiarizar os alunos com alguns dos temas centrais da literatura internacional sobre representação política: origem e consolidação dos regimes representativos; ampliação do sufrágio; características dos sistemas eleitorais; modelos de relação representados‐
representantes; obrigatoriedade do voto: funcionamento dos partidos; formas de financiamento dos partidos e campanhas. Em cada seminário será discutido um conjunto de textos que apresentam informações básicas sobre estes temas, com ênfase em estudos comparados. Serão discutidos ainda, textos de autores brasileiros que estudam estes tópicos; a literatura será apresentada durante o curso. O curso pressupõe um envolvimento ativo dos alunos, com leitura obrigatória e apresentação cuidadosa dos textos escolhidos. Por esta razão, apenas alunos formalmente inscritos podem participar dos seminários. A avaliação do curso levará em conta a participação em aula e a apresentação de trabalho sobre os tópicos discutidos em aula. 1‐ Representação política: questões conceituais Urbinati, Nadia, and Mark E. Warren. 2008. The Concept of Representation in Contemporary Democratic Theory. Annual Review of Political Science 11, no. 1: 387‐Saward, Michael. 2008. Thomassen, Jacques. 1994. “Empirical research into political representation: Failing democracy or failing models” edited by Thomas E. Mann and M. Kent Jennings. Elections at home and abroad: Essays in honor of Warren E. Miller 237–264. Biezen, Ingrid van, and Michael Saward. 2008. “Democratic Theorists and Party Scholars: Why They Don’t Talk to Each Other, and Why They Should.” Perspectives on Politics 6(01): 21‐35. 2‐ Origem e desenvolvimento do governo representativo Manin, Bernard. 1997. The Principles of Representative Government. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, February. 3‐ Processos de democratização e expansão do eleitorado Bartolini, Stefano. 2000. “Franchise Expansion.” In International Encyclopedia of Elections, ed. Richard Rose. Washington: CQ Press, p. 117‐139. Colomer, Josep M. 2008. “The Invisible Hand in Institutional Design.” Conference on “Designing Democratic Institutions” London School of Economics, 13‐14 May 2008: 1‐25. Paxton, Pamela, and Melanie M Hughes. 2007. Women, Politics, and Power: A Global Perspective. Los Angeles: Pine Forge Press. Powell Jr., G.Bingham. 2010. “Consequences of Elections.”Pp. 225‐241 in Comparing Democracies 3, edited by Lawrence LeDuc, Richard G. Niemi, and Pippa Norris. Sage. LeDuc, Lawrence, Richard G. Niemi, and Pippa Norris. 2010. “Introduction.” In Comparing Democracies 3, eds. Lawrence LeDuc, Richard G. Niemi, and Pippa Norris. London: Sage. 4‐ Voto Obrigatório e Participação eleitoral Przeworski, Adam. 2008. Constraints and Choices: Electoral Participation in Historical Perspective. Comparative Political Studies 42, no. 1: 4‐30. Birch, Sara. 2009. Full Participation: A Comparative Study of Compulsory Voting. United Nations. Blais, André. 2006. “What Affects Voter Turnout?” Annual Review of Political Science 9(1): 111‐125. 5‐6‐ Sistemas eleitorais: origem e tipologias Reynolds, Andrew, Ben Reilly, and Andrew Ellis. 2005. Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook. Ed. Andrew Reynolds, Ben Reilly, and Andrew Ellis. Pap/Map. International Idea. Mitchell, Paul, and Michael Gallagher. 2005. The Politics of Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Colomer, Josep M. 2004. The strategy and history of electoral sytem choice. In Handbook of Electoral System Choice, ed. Josep M. Colomer, 3‐78. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, December. 7‐ Sistemas eleitorais: voto em nome, voto em partidos Curtice, John, and W. Phillips Shively. 2000. “Who Represents Us Best ? One Member or Many?” (79). Karvonen, Lauri. 2004. “Preferential Voting: Incidence and Effects.” International Political Science Review 25(2): 203‐226. Carey, John M., and Matthew Soberg Shugart. 1995. “Incentives to cultivate a personal vote: A rank ordering of electoral formulas.” Electoral Studies 14(4): 417–440. Shugart, Matthew Soberg. 1992. “Electoral reform in systems of proportional representation.” European Journal of Political Research 21(3): 207–224. Farrell, David M., and Roger Scully. 2007. Representing Europe’s Citizens?: Electoral Institutions and the Failure of Parliamentary Representation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 8‐ Padrões de Constituence Service e Accountability Katz, Richard S. 1997. “Representational roles.” European Journal of Political Research 32(2): 211‐
226. Hellwig, Timothy, and David Samuels. 2007. “Electoral Accountability and the Variety of Democratic Regimes.” World 1‐26. Mitchell, Paul. 2000. “Voters and Their Representatives: Electoral Institutions and Delegation in Parliamentary Democracies.” European Journal of Political Research 37(3): 335‐351. Kitschelt, Herbert. 2000. “Linkages Between Citizens and Politicians in Democratic Polities.” Comparative Political Studies 33(6/7): 845‐879. Powell Jr., G.Bingham. 2004. “The Chain of Responsiveness.” Journal of Democracy 15(4). Latner, Michael, and Anthony Mcgann. 2005. “Geographical representation under proportional representation: The cases of Israel and the Netherlands.” Electoral Studies 24(4): 709‐734. 9‐10‐ Partidos: origem e tipologias Colomer, Josep M. 2007. On the origins of electoral systems and political parties: The role of elections in multi‐member districts. Electoral Studies 26, no. 2 (June): 262‐273. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2006.02.002. Gunther, Richard, and Larry Diamond. 2003. Species of political parties: A New Typology. Party Politics 9, no. 2: 167‐199. Krouwel, André. 2006. Party Models. In Handbook of Party Politics, ed. William J Crotty and Richard S Katz, 249‐269. London: Sage. Van Biezen, Ingrid. 2004. Political Parties as Public Utilities. Party Politics 10, no. 6: 701‐722 Biezen, Ingrid Van, and Petr Kopecký. 2007. “The State and the Parties: Public Funding, Public Regulation and Rent‐Seeking in Contemporary Democracies.” Party Politics 13(2): 235‐254. 11 e 12‐ Financiamento da Política Biezen, I. van, and P. Kopecky. 2007. The State and the Parties: Public Funding, Public Regulation and Rent‐Seeking in Contemporary Democracies. Party Politics 13, no. 2 (March): 235‐254. Pinto‐Duschinsky, Michael. 2002. “Financing Politics: A Global View.” Journal of Democracy 13(4): 69‐
86. Scarrow, Susan E. 2007. “Political Finance in Comparative Perspective.” Annual Review of Political Science 10(1): 193‐210. Austin, Reginald, and Maja Tjernstrom, eds. Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns. International Idea. Morgenstern, Scott, and Javier Vázquez‐DElía. 2007. “Electoral Laws, Parties, and Party Systems in Latin America.” Annual Review of Political Science 10(1): 143‐168. 

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