Colégio Santa Dorotéia


Colégio Santa Dorotéia
English – Levels A / B
Colégio Santa Dorotéia
Language Area: English
6a série – Ensino Fundamental
Teachers: Alessandra / Daniele / Luciene
Atividade para
Estudos Autônomos
Date: 23 / 5 / 2016
Name: _______________________________________ Nº: ______ Class: _______
Caro aluno,
Será disponibilizada uma aula no período de 30 de maio a 3 de junho para que as dúvidas sejam
sanadas com a professora.
A prova de recuperação sofreu alterações: ela contém agora quatro questões fechadas e
quatro questões abertas perfazendo um total de 30 pontos.
O assunto trabalhado nestes Estudos Autônomos de Recuperação está relacionado aos
seguintes conteúdos listados abaixo:
Verb to be (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms / short answers).
Possessive adjectives.
Como guia de estudo você deverá rever os estudos autônomos anteriores da etapa I, provas
aplicadas, além dos exercícios postados no site English Alive with Pete. As unidades 1 e 2 do
livro (páginas 06 à 33 / W2 à W18), apostilas extras trabalhadas e corrigidas em sala, PPT
disponibilizados no site da escola e os registros feitos no caderno.
Bons Estudos!
Read the text below and answer Questions 1, 2 and 3.
Available at: Access on 30, April 2016
Eight planets orbit, or revolve around, the sun. The planets and the sun are parts of our solar system.
The sun is a star. It is a giant ball of hot gas.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It has mountains, cliffs, and plains.
Venus is the hottest planet. It can reach up to 850 degrees. That is hot enough to melt a rocket ship!
Earth is the planet pictured on the cover. It is our home. It is the only planet that has the oxygen and
water that people, animals, and plants need to live.
Colégio Santa Dorotéia
English – Levels A / B
Mars is a cold planet. It is sometimes called the Red Planet because it has reddish soil.
Jupiter is the largest planet. It is made of thick gases. If you tried to land a rocket ship, you would sink
into the planet!
Saturn is the second-largest planet. Like Jupiter, it is made mostly of gases. Its rings are made up of
rock, ice, and dust.
Uranus is cold and windy. It was the first planet to be discovered with a telescope, in 1781.
Neptune is called the Blue Planet. It is the coldest planet because it is farthest from the sun.
Stay Smart!
Ring Around the Planets
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are gas planets. They all have rings. Only Saturn’s rings are thick
enough to be seen easily from Earth.
1) The main idea of this text is
a) Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has oxygen and water.
b) All of the gas planets in our solar system have rings
c) Eight different planets and the sun are part of our solar system
d) Some of the eight planets in our solar system do not have rings
e) The Sun is a star.
2) The planets that are called gas planets are
a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
b) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
c) Mercury, Saturn, Earth and Neptune
d) Jupiter, Venus, Uranus and Mars
e) Earth, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus and Mars
3) The best title for this text is
a) The Planets
b) Explore our Solar System
c) Rings in Planets
d) Earth
e) The Sun System
4) The correct answer for the question “What’s his name?” is
a) it’s a present.
b) It’s John.
c) It’s Rita.
d) Ryan and Olga.
e) Steve and Mark.
Colégio Santa Dorotéia
English – Levels A / B
5) Complete the conversations.
Hi, (1) __________ Daniel.
Hi, Daniel. Where are you from?
(2) ______________ Argentina. And what’s (3) ____________ name?
(4) __________ name (5) _______ Alexander.
Where is she from?
(6) __________ from the USA.
Is she a movie star?
No, (7) ____________. (8) _____________ a tennis player
6) Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. John / am / I
___________________________________________________________________ .
2. China / from / Mei / is
___________________________________________________________________ .
3. British / Michael and Emily / are
___________________________________________________________________ .
4. Jeff and Lyn / from / South Africa / are
___________________________________________________________________ .
5. fourteen / is / David / old / years
___________________________________________________________________ .
6. are / Mexican / We
___________________________________________________________________ .
7. Sung-ji / from / is / Busan
___________________________________________________________________ .
7) Circle the correct word.
1. This is my friend. She / Her name is Paula.
2. These are my dogs. They / Their names are Cleo and Luna.
3. Your / You computer is new. It’s fantastic.
4. My sister has white sneakers in her / she closet.
5. We are students. Mr. Barnes is our / we teacher.
6. This is Pedro. He / His dad is American.
7. You and Maria are in class ten. Your / You teacher is Mrs. White.
8. My / Me name is Belén. I’m from Lima.
9. This restaurant is cheap. Its / It’s name is Pollo Rico.
Colégio Santa Dorotéia
English – Levels A / B
8) Write the affirmative (A), negative (N) and integgogative (I) form os the sentences below.
1. They are on holiday.(A)
_______________________________________________. (N)
_______________________________________________? (I)
2. We aren’t in the bedroom.(N)
_______________________________________________. (A)
_______________________________________________? (I)
3. Is Ann very intelligent? (I)
_______________________________________________. (A)
_______________________________________________. (N)
9) Answer the questions using short answers.
1. Are you a teacher?
2. Is Mrs. Smith your mother?
3. Is your father 85 years old?
4. Are your classmates old?
5. Am I late for class?
6. Is it cold today?
10) Circle the correct word.
1. How old / age are you?
2. You are / is from Melbourne, Australia.
3. What’s / How’s your name?
4. He’s / He fifteen years old.
5. We / We’re from Tokyo, Japan.
6. Where / How are you from?
7. I’m / I Mexican.
8. They’re / They from Santiago, Chile.
Colégio Santa Dorotéia
English – Levels A / B
11) Complete the sentences with correct form of the verb be.
1. It ___________ American.
2. Sara and José ___________ from Guatemala.
3. We __________ British.
4. Maria __________ from Mexico City.
5. My name’s Kimiko. I __________ Japanese.
6. You __________ American.
7. Lionel __________ Brazilian.
12) Make questions for these answers.
1. __________________________________________________________?
No, I´m not Spanish. I’m Portuguese.
2. __________________________________________________________?
Yes, they are my friends.
3. __________________________________________________________?
No, we aren´t brother and sister.
4. __________________________________________________________?
Yes, she is new here.
5. __________________________________________________________?
No, they aren´t happy.
1) C
2) B
3) B
4) B
5) I’m / My name’s
I’m from
she isn’t
6) I am John.
Mei is from China.
Emily and Michael are British.
Jeff and Lyn are from South Africa.
David is fourteen years old.
We are Mexican.
Sung-ji is from Busan.
Colégio Santa Dorotéia
English – Levels A / B
7) Her / Their / Your / her / our / His / Your / My / Its
8) They aren’t on holiday.
Are they on holiday?
We are in the bedroom.
Are we in the bedroom?
Ann is very intelligent.
Ann isn’t very intelligent.
9) Yes, I am / No, I’m not.
Yes, she is / No, she isn’t
Yes, he is / No, he isn’t
Yes, they are / No, they aren’t
Yes, you are / No, you aren’t
Yes, you are / No, you aren’t
Yes, it is / No, it isn’t
10) old / are / What’s / He’s / We’re / Where / I’m / They’re
11) is / are / are / is / am / are / is
12) Are you Spanish?
Are they your friends?
Are you brother and sister?
Is she new here?
Are they happy?
Colégio Santa Dorotéia

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Colégio Santa Dorotéia

Colégio Santa Dorotéia Language Area: English a Série: 6 - Ensino Fundamental Teacher: Alessandra / Daniele / Luciene

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