Lista Feriado


Lista Feriado
2ª série
Ensino Médio
Professor(a): Luciano Tadeu
Turma: A ( ) / B ( )
Segmento temático:
MÊS: 05
As questões de 01 a 06 referem-se ao texto abaixo, adaptado do site
Cassini spacecraft's first Saturn pics released
The image shows Saturn's shadow falling across its rings.
Saturday, November 2, 2002 Posted: 1:21 AM EST (06:21 GMT)
PASADENA, California -- NASA on Friday released the first picture of Saturn created from images taken by the
Cassini spacecraft en route to the ringed planet.
The picture, a composite of images made with various filters, was the result of a successful test of Cassini's camera,
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory said in a statement.
The image shows Saturn's shadow falling across its rings and includes the planet's largest moon, Titan. Saturn and
Cassini were 177 million miles apart last week when the images were taken.
Officials who have worked on the mission said it was good to finally see Saturn through the spacecraft's eyes.
"Cassini has sighted the ringed planet looking distant, mysterious and serene," said Carolyn Porco, a planetary
scientist at Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, and leader of the science team using the Cassini
01- Translate the text into Portuguese.
02- Read the text and find:
a) O nome da nave espacial: ___________________
b) O nome de um estado americano: __________________
c) O nome de um planeta: ___________________
d) O nome de uma lua: ___________________
e) A profissão de Carolyn Porco: ___________________
03- Leia atentamente o texto e responda EM INGLÊS.
a) What did NASA do on Friday?
b) Besides the planet and its rings, what else can be seen in the picture?
c) What was the distance between the planet and the camera when the pictures were taken?
d) What did the people involved in the mission say about it?
04- All these verbs were used in the text. Write the simple past form of them.
a) take: _______________
b) make: _______________
c) say: _______________
d) have: _______________
e) fall: _______________
05- Mark (C) true or (E) false according to the text.
) Sexta-feira a NASA lançou um foguete que em breve atingirá a superfície de um planeta.
) Sexta-feira a NASA divulgou as primeiras imagens da sua mais nova nave espacial.
) Sexta-feira a NASA descobriu a sombra de um planeta e uma de suas luas.
) Sexta-feira a NASA publicou as primeiras fotos criadas a partir de imagens tiradas por uma nave espacial em seu
percurso para um planeta.
06- Observe os elementos lingüísticos em destaque no texto e marque (C) certo ou (E) errado.
a( ) On Friday is an adverb of time.
b( ) Last week is an adverb of frequency.
c( ) Good is a noun.
d( ) In Boulder,Colorado is an adjective.
07- Write interrogative and negative sentences.
a) Paula studies French twice a week.
b) We talk about it every day.
c) You write good compositions.
d) We eat a lot of vegetables for lunch.
e) The library has new books about physics.
f) She smokes five cigarettes a day.
08- Change to 3rd person of singular - HE or SHE.
c) You listen to radio in the car.
d) We usually swim in the morning.
e) They watch television at home.
09- Complete with DO - DOES - DON'T - DOESN'T
b) __________ you like swimming? No, I __________.
c) Where __________ Cathy come from?
d) What time __________ Scott begin work?
e) __________ Mary get up early? No, she __________.
10- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
a) They ________________ English twice a week.
b) We ________________ to bed at about 11.
c) He _______________ some beer every weekend.
d) She _______________ to class by car everyday.
e) The mechanic _______________ my car every month
f) Jane _______________ in a small town called Albany.
g) The students _______________ their homework every afternoon.
h) David _______________ tennis very well.
i) Brazilian people _______________ about their future.
j) I usually _______________ friends when I travel.
11- Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements.
Example: She ______ her mother in the kitchen. (to help)
Answer: She helped her mother in the kitchen.
They __________something to drink. (to order)
Last summer I __________to Stuttgart. (to go)
She __________her homework in the afternoon. (to do)
He __________ to 10. (to count)
Our cat __________a big mouse. (to catch)
In 2001 our class __________a trip to Norwich. (to make)
The weather __________really nice. (to be)
The secretary __________the file yesterday. (to delete)
Paul __________nothins to me. (to say)
The people __________something to each other. (to whisper)
Read the cartoon.
SCHULZ, C. M. Try it again, Charlie Brown. Greenwich: Fawcet Crest Book, 1976.
12- Charlie Brown’s anger is firstly showed in his
(A) eyes.
(B) shout.
(C) cry.
(D) words.
(E) hand-writing.
Leia o seguinte texto sobre gênero e responda às questões de 13 a 15.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em:
12 set. 2007. [Adaptado].
disclose: mostrar
templates: padrões
13- In the first paragraph, gender role is defined as distinct from biological sex. Which of the following statements
refers to biological sex rather than gender role?
(A) “Women take care of their children”.
(B) “Women support their families”.
(C) “Women discuss relationships”.
(D) “Women can become pregnant”.
(E) “Women wear dresses and skirts”.
14- O objetivo do segundo parágrafo é evidenciar que
(A) os indivíduos são categorizados como homem ou mulher conforme as crenças religiosas de cada grupo social.
(B) os papéis de gênero se diferem do sexo biológico na espécie humana e em algumas espécies animais nãohumanas.
(C) os estágios intermediários entre masculino e feminino são considerados uma fusão de ambos os sexos.
(D) a sexualidade e o comportamento de um indivíduo em diferentes sociedades são determinados pelo sexo
(E) em algumas espécies animais não-humanas há exemplos de indivíduos que sofrem mutação sexual.
15- Com base nos conceitos discutidos no terceiro parágrafo do texto, o construto gênero expresso na frase de
Simone de Beauvoir, “One is not born a woman, one becomes one”, é
(A) social.
(B) filosófico.
(C) essencialista.
(D) universal.
(E) biológico.