Conteúdo do estágio II
Conteúdo do estágio II
Formulário de Submissão de Propostas Programa de Estágios do IST - 2015 Responsável pelo estágio: Francisco Pinto [email protected] Grupo de investigação / Empresa): BioISI/FCUL Área de investigação / projeto de investigação: Probabilistic and Optimality Criteria in the Implementation of Cellular Regulatory Mechanisms Breve descrição do projecto a realizar pelo aluno: Cells have to accomplish a multitude of tasks to survive environmental challenges and complete the cell cycle in order to generate two new cells. To cope with this multitasking scenario, cells evolved diverse regulatory mechanisms. In particular, to regulate the activity of proteins, the cell major workforce, there are multiple possible regulation points along the processes necessary to produce and degrade a protein. Is the regulation of transcription equally effective as the regulation of mRNA stability or protein degradation? Is there any advantage in combining multiple regulatory interactions controlling the expression of the same protein? Why do we observe some mechanisms more frequently than others in natural systems? The reason why some regulatory mechanisms can be evolutionarily preferred can be due to differences in the performance levels obtained by alternative mechanisms. Núcleo de Engenharia Biológica do Instituto Superior Técnico NEB IST Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 IST Campus Alameda Torre Sul 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Email: [email protected] On the other hand, natural selection does not compare the performance of all the alternative regulatory mechanisms simultaneously. The alternative systems at one point in time are dependent on the history of past selection and sequence diversification events. Additionally, some of the alternative regulatory mechanisms can be more reachable than others depending on the mechanisms of sequence diversity generation and the kind of molecular interactions needed. Consequently, the correct answer to the formulated questions is not complete without a further test: which of the regulatory mechanisms are evolutionarily feasible, meaning they have a good probability of being implemented in evolving organisms and then participate in the natural selection filter. Their success may be due to their optimal performance, to higher probabilities of evolutionary implementation or to a combination of both factors. Página 1 de 2 This research proposal will address these questions by developing controlled computational experiments to analyze a) the dynamical behavior of alternative regulatory mechanisms in response to various environmental challenges and b) the evolution of competing regulatory mechanisms in populations of individuals under defined selective pressures. Duração: 3 semanas, 1 a 23 de Julho Possibilidade de financiamento: Não disponível Cursos-alvo: Engenharia Biológica, Engenharia Química, Engenharia Mecânica, Engenharia Física e Tecnológica, Engenharia Electrotécnica, Engenharia Informática e de Computadores Requisitos do candidato: Conhecimentos de programação em Matlab ou em Python Núcleo de Engenharia Biológica do Instituto Superior Técnico NEB IST Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 IST Campus Alameda Torre Sul 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Email: [email protected] Página 2 de 2
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Formulário de Submissão de Propostas de Estágios IST Summer
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