November 2013, Volume 2, Issue 9


November 2013, Volume 2, Issue 9
a way to connect
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
E d i t o r – E r r o l A n d e r s o n / G r a p h i c D e s i g n – B i l l G o o d b ra n d
• November / Novembro 2013 — Volume 2 Issue 8
340 Rebecca Street, Oak ville, Ontario L6K 1K3 • 905.845.2942 • ww w.cbcoak
From the Editor
remembrance for the men and
November calls to our minds “a time of
to serve our country during times of
women who have served, and continue
First and Second World Wars, the
war, conflict and peace; specifically, the
in which members of the Canadian
Korean War, and all conflicts since then
Baptist Church, we will take time to
Forces have participated”. Here at Central
women, past and present who safeguar
remember and to pray for our men and
our freedoms and our way of life.
e the visionaries who laid the founBut we will also remember and celebrat
who have helped over the years to mak
dation for our church, and indeed those
e to belong. This month we celebrat
our congregation such a wonderful plac
uguese brothers and sisters also celebrat
sixty years as a congregation. Our Port
tion. Pastor João Garcia, the founding
twenty-six years as a part of our congrega
and hopes for this congregation.
pastor, reflects in this issue on the issues
at Central? In this issue, Ian HallWhat does it mean to worship regularly
“Musings from a Newbie” speak to this
ford’s personal story and Bee Cooke’s
Portuguese speaking brothers and siste
question. Comments from some of our
to our newcomers. Dwight Nowlan
speak eloquently to what Central means
raising drive to celebrate our sixty year
brought to life the idea of a special fund
to our church building. His vision and
landmark with tangible improvements
What a pleasure it is to walk into the
his persistence have paid off in spades.
lobby these days!
look forward to the next generaAs we celebrate this milestone, let us also
human tendency to nostalgia – to view
tion; to the years ahead. Let us avoid the
instead embrace the idea that the best is
life through the rearview mirror. Let us
in clear view!
yet to come and to keep God’s promises
learn of the passing of Eleanor SainSadly, as we prepare this Newsletter we
memory in our hearts, and we pray that
thill and Jerry Roskaft. We cherish their
their loved ones will be comforted.
Yours in Christ!
Errol Anderson
November 2013
November 10, 2013
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
10:00 a.m. – “The Rehearsal Party”
1 2
(Matthew 25:1-13) - Rev. Dr. Michel R.
November 17, 2013
10:00 a.m. – 60th Anniversary Service Rev. Richard Root, Mississauga City
Baptist Church
November 24, 2013
10:00 a.m. – “Between me and God,
Right?” (2 Corinthians 9:1-5) - Rev. Dr.
Michel R. Belzile
December 01, 2013
10:00 a.m. – Advent 1 – Lord’s Supper,
The Babe Moses (Exodus 2:1-10) )
- Rev. Dr. Michel R. Belzile
December 01, 2013
7:00 p.m. – Evening Carol Service, Combined
December 08, 2013
10:00 a.m. – (Advent 11) The Babe
Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:1-17) - Rev. Dr.
Michel R. Belzile
Announcements for your Calendar
Saturday, November 16
7:00 p.m. – Anniversary Celebration with
light refreshments and entertainment
Sunday, November 17
10:00 a.m. – Combined 60th Anniversary
Service with former Pastor Rev. Richard
Wednesday,November 20
7:30 p.m. – Joyce Hancock, CBM
missionary to Brazil
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
For complete listing please visit
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
Anniversaries are a time for celebration, reflection and thanksgiving. As our church turns “60”
this year, our congregation should certainly rejoice. What a wonderful event. Sixty years of
serving our local community, as well as supporting missions, missionaries and ministries around
the globe!
From the
For me personally, the fact that I have been a part of Central Baptist Church for 54 years blows
my mind! How is that possible when I’m only 39?! I was practically raised at Central from the
day I was born. Mom and Dad were very involved in the life of the church by the time I arrived
on the scene on March 10, 1959. My two older brothers, Steve and Bruce, were 4 and 2 when
I was born, and our family spent a good portion of every Sunday at church. Sunday mornings
involved Sunday School and the morning service. Sunday evenings we would be back at the
church, worshipping again. Often mid-week, one or both of my parents would be involved with
meetings, or hosting bible studies at our house, or rushing off to choir practice.
Over the subsequent years, the church grew, people came and went, and by the time I was in
my teens, the “new” Sanctuary, designed by my Dad, had been constructed. During the mid-70’s,
CBC had a very active youth group with about 20 to 25 teens participating. Like the youth of our
church today, we were fortunate to have the dedicated leadership of many adults, who provided
us with the guidance and wisdom that managed to keep us from getting into too much trouble!
From my late teens until my early 30’s, I lived away from Oakville almost the whole time. I
spent three years studying at Ryerson, I travelled throughout Europe and the Middle East for
about 18 months after graduation, and I lived in Toronto, Ottawa and Huntsville. Then, in 1992,
I married Irene, and in 1993 we bought a house in Oakville, and I returned to Central Baptist
Church with my lovely new bride. On December 23, 1999, our daughter, Sandra, was born.
And suddenly another 14 years have flown by! The church has continued to change, we’ve
seen Pastors come and go, many of our members have moved on, or passed away, and many
dedicated new members have joined the church. And thankfully, the warm and welcoming spirit
that has defined our church for the past 60 years continues.
So here’s to the first 60 years, the 60 to come, and many more beyond that!
God Bless,
Ian Hallford
Induction Service for
Jacklyn Rondini Caveden, Pastor, Children and Youth Ministries
Jacklyn and several of the young people were the
worship team. Ian Hallford outlined the search for
Jacklyn. There were several questions for Jacklyn, and
for the board members from the congregation. The
congregation was asked to pledge their support for
Jacklyn. The following people took part in the Laying
on of Hands: Michel Belzile, João Garcia, Ian Hallford,
Jack Anderson, Diné Lota, Artur Simoes, and Jacklyn’s
husband Fernando, her mother Noemi and her sister
Noemi Garcia.
Jacklyn led the Sunday School choir singing “All
Because of Jesus”. Jocelyn Geisler read the scripture
November 2013 — Page 2
and Joao preached the sermon. His allegory was David
and Goliath, with the small overcoming the strong with
the help of God. Hence, the task that our new pastor has
ahead of her, strengthened by our prayers..
We sang “The Church’s One Foundation” and Jacklyn
pronounced the benediction. Then many of us went
to the Upper Hall where there was a celebratory cake.
It was a lovely introduction to our newest worker at
Central, and we all wished her well. There were 140
adults and 26 children present.
Warren McBurney
In the absence of the Church Clerk
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
Happy 60th Anniversary Central
Feliz Aniversario Central
On November 16-17, 2013 we will celebrate 60 years of ministry together as
Central Baptist Church (Oakville). Granted, we were not all here 60 years ago
when our first charter members founded Central Baptist Church, yet nevertheless
we all have the privilege of claiming this anniversary as “our” anniversary.
ral Bapt
In the Book of Deuteronomy we find God instructing Moses
and the people of Israel on the importance of sharing their story
of captivity in Egypt with their children (and their children’s
children) in generations to come:
When your children ask you in time to
come, “What is the meaning of the decrees
and the statutes and the ordinances that the LORD our God has
commanded you?” then you shall say to your children, “We were
Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt, but the LORD brought us out of Egypt
with a mighty hand.
- Deuteronomy 6:20-21 NRSV
In other words, tell your children, “Our story is your story as well.”
And thus, as we celebrate 60 years of ministry together, remember that regardless of how long you
have been a part of Central, “our” story of is “your” story as well. Together we claim the past 60 years
as our shared history, celebrating it, learning from it, growing through it, and adding to it.
Just as generation after generation of Israelites were reminded where they came from and who
had delivered them from bondage, so also, we at Central must be mindful of where we came from.
We as a church, were not birthed out of some divinely revealed vision; nor were we sent out to
plant a church with the blessing of a sending congregation. Rather we were born out of division and
strife. Our birth arose out of brokenness and disunity amidst a church split. And yet, by the grace
of God we were delivered and given a new beginning. This experience wounded us, scarred us, and
could have destroyed us as a church. Yet by the grace of God, we were delivered and new life was
breathed into us.
Maybe it is because of this painful birth that we have come to value tolerance and respect for
theological and cultural diversity. Maybe this is why we were able to emerge as one church serving
Christ in two languages.
The Lord brought us out of a place of division and transformed us into a place that values the
richness of diversity, openness, tolerance on issues where we disagree. We were once slaves in the
land of Egypt. We were once born out of church division, but the LORD forgave us, delivered us,
healed our brokenness and made us whole again. The LORD has led us to the blessed place where we
find ourselves today, and the journey has just beginning.
Happy Anniversary Central.
Feliz Aniversario!
Pastor Michel, Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
Novembro 2013 — Página 3
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
Youth Central Update
Our weekly meetings for the month of October
have been blessed. When we join on a Wednesday
nights, the Youth Band leads us into worship
before a time of sharing through Bible Study or
Testimony. When the teaching is over we break
into small groups. Small groups end with a time of accountability and prayer
before heading back to the Loft for conversation and snacks before the parents show
up at 9:00 p.m. In October we were blessed with Sergio Simoes sharing his testimony.
Youth Central is blessed through his life and leadership.
Future Youth Meetings: For the month of November we look forward to hearing
testimonies and sharing from Tony Camargo, Christie Laing and Pastor Michel Belzile.
Encontro dos Adolescentes
Nossas reuniões semanais de Outubro foram abençoados. Quando nos reunimos as
Quartas-feiras, a Banda dos Adolescentes nos leva a um momento de adoração seguido
por um periodo de Estudo da Bíblia e Pequenos Grupos. Apos o Pequenos grupos
terminamos com oração antes de voltar para o “Loft” (galeria) para tempo de comunhao
e lanches antes da chegada dos pais às 21:00 horas. No mes de Outubro tivemos o
privilegio de ouvir Sergio Simoes compartilhar seu testimunho. Somos abencoados por
sua vida e lideranca.
Futuras reuniões da Juventude: Para o mês de novembro estamos ansiosos para ouvir
testemunhos de Tony Camargo, Christie Laing e Pastor Michel Belzile.
Jacklyn Rondini Caveden
Sixtieth Anniversary Committee
Plans for Central’s 60th Anniversary celebrations are well under way. The Committee has been hard
at work planning both a program of church history and entertainment for Saturday Nov 16th,
l Bap
as well as arranging for our guest speaker and former Sr. Pastor Richard Root to come on
Sunday Nov 17th to share a message with us. It will be wonderful to see Richard and
his family again and to help us celebrate this milestone in the life of our church. Please
set aside the evening of Nov 16th at 7:00pm to come for a look back at our history,
as well as some light refreshments and some entertainment. This weekend will be a
great time of fellowship and celebration of all that God has done for us over 60 years
of Ministry together at CBC. Tickets for the Saturday program are available for a cost of
$10 per adult and $5 per child (12 and under). Children under 2 are free. There is a family
maximum for tickets of $25. Stay tuned for updates as we get closer to November.
Please continue to uphold this weekend in your prayers. Please don’t forget the 60th
anniversary fundraising efforts for church improvements, some of which are already
visible, especially our beautiful new doors and the refurbishing of the sanctuary chairs.
Marcy Scott, Chair, 60th Anniversary Committee.
November 2013 — Page 4
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
Portuguese Ministry
O que a CBC representa para mim e minha família?
A CBC representa a minha família pra mim. Juntos
podemos enfrentar alegrias, tristezas, desafios e
vitórias. É o sangue que nos une por
laços de família. Da mesma forma
l Bap
na Igreja, somos uma família
de verdade pelo sangue de
Jesus. Eu e minha família
nos sentimos muito
abençoados por fazer
parte da Central Baptist
Church. .... Nelia Ottnad
CBC significa pra mim
‘‘umaA família
em Cristo. Foi
através da Igreja que eu me
aproximei de Jesus, nosso
Senhor e descobri como a
obra de Deus é linda.
Na CBC eu me sinto seguro com meus irmãos em
Cristo pois a adoração a Deus e o convivio me
traz paz. .............................................Eduardo Magro
A Igreja Baptista Central é onde encontramos
acolhimento, amor fraternal e um lugar para servir e
CBC e a minha familia no Canada. Estando na
igreja me sinto em casa. .................... Paola Wortman
CBC é uma igreja que demonstra amor em suas
palavras e atitudes. Os pastores e todos os membros
nos acolheram de uma maneira especial, cheia de amor
e carinho.
Pastor Dine e Leila foram instrumentos que Deus usou
na nossa adaptação ao Canada e principalmente na
conversão de meu esposo.
Eles tem sido, sem duvida nenhuma, instrumentos na
salvação de toda minha familia tambem.
Foi na Cbc que tive a chance de trabalhar no meio de
pessoas maravilhosas na hora em que mais precisei e
todos me trataram com grande amor e respeito, apesar
de todas as dificuldades que eu tinha como recem
Sou grata a Deus pela existencia deste ministério em
Que Deus continue a abençoar esta igreja tão querida e
especial para nós. ........................... Carminha Soares
A CBC é para mim a minha família querida e
muito amada que Deus me deu aqui no Canadá.
Leila Lóta
’’......................... Artur José ‘‘As Tulipas do meu jardim:
‘‘A CBC é o lugar onde podemos cultuar a Deus com Vocês são minhas Tulipas!!!
adorar ao nosso Salvador.
grandes amigos e ouvir o que Jesus tem para dizer aos
nossos corações. ...........................Fernando Caveden
Quando voltei do Brasil para ficar no Canadá,
foi muito dificil. Achei na Igreja uma familia, amigos,
senti-me em casa. Tive oportunidade de servir
fazendo visitas, estudos Biblicos nas casas e até
dirigindo o culto de oração na ausência do
Pastor. .............................................Dorothy Barnard
CBC tem muito significado pra mim e pra minha
familia porque graças ao Ministério em Língua
Portuguesa eu agora posso entender meus netos e
minha nora, que moram em Curitiba e não falam
inglês. Também eu fico muito feliz porque sei
que eles recebem muitos beijos e abraços todos
os dias. É ótimo! Eu adoro minha familia
portuguesa. ......................................Sharron e Edgar
A CBC Oakville é para minha familia o local
que Deus preparou há 60 anos para que hoje nós
’’.......... Djalma
pudéssemos servi-Lo aqui no Canadá.
Pinto & Familia
As Tulipas do meu jardim enfeitam não só a minha
paisagem, mas trazem beleza a minha vida como um
todo... compartilham comigo todo momento de alegria.
Cada uma tem uma cor e um nome, mas é o conjunto
delas que torna a minha vida mais bela.
Cada Tulipa quando aqui chegou, era apenas semente.
Mas regadas e cuidadas pelo nosso Pai,
As Tulipas cresceram e desabrocharam em flor.
E unidas pela fé um jardim/bouquet se formou pelas
mão do Criador.
E juntos, na beleza de ser flor,
Que é transitória de fato, mas que não teme este fato,
Caminhamos pela nossa história/estrada.
Nesse nosso sonho de imigração,
Unidos em jardim/bouquet,
Mantendo nossos olhos naquele que nos criou, amou e
salvou. .................................................Larisse Chiara
Rev. Diné Lota, Pastor, Portuguese Ministry
Novembro 2013 — Página 5
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
Portuguese Ministry
What is the CBC for me and my family?
The CBC represents my family to me.
we can face joys, sorrows, challenges
and victories. It is the blood that unites
l Bap
us by family ties. Likewise in the
Church, we are a real family by
the blood of Jesus. My family
and I feel very blessed to be part
of the Central Baptist Church. Nelia Ottnad
CBC is my family in
Canada. Being at church I feel at
’’...............Paola Wortman
Central Baptist Church
where we were accepted, loved
and a place to serve and worship
our Saviour. .............Artur José
When I returned from Brazil to stay in
Canada, it was very difficult. Former connections
no longer existed. I found in the Church a
family, friends and just felt at ‘home’. I even had
opportunity to serve - visitation, Bible studies in
homes, and even taking the prayer mtg. when the
pastor was away. ..................... Dorothy Barnard
The CBC means to me, a family in Christ.
It was through the church that I approached
Jesus, our Lord and discovered how God’s work
is beautiful. Attending CBC I feel safe with my
brothers and sisters in Christ as God’s worship
and fellowship brings me peace. ...........Eduardo
The CBC Oakville is for my family the place
that God has prepared 60 years ago that we could
serve him here in Canada today. ... Djalma Pinto
CBC has a lot of meaning for me and
my family because thanks to the Ministry
in Portuguese I can now understand my
grandchildren and my daughter in law, who live
in Curitiba and do not speak English. Also I
am very happy because I know they get lots of
kisses and hugs every day. It’s great! I love my
Portuguese family. ............. Sharron and Edgard
‘‘CBC is the place where we can worship God
November 2013 — Page 6
with great friends and hear what Jesus has to say
to our hearts. ........................ Fernando Caveden
CBC is a church that demonstrates love in
their words and actions. Pastors and all members
welcomed us in a special way, full of love and
Pastor Dine and Leila were instruments that
God used in our adaptation to Canada and
especially in the conversion of my husband. They
have been, without any doubt, instruments for the
salvation of my entire family as well.
By the time I most needed, the CBC gave me
the chance to work with wonderful people and
everyone treated me with great love and respect,
despite all the difficulties I had as a newcomer!
I am grateful to God for the existence of this
ministry in Oakville. May God continue to bless
this church so dear and special to us. .Carminha
The Tulips from my garden
You are my tulips!
The CBC is my dear and beloved family that
God has given me here in Canada. ....Leila Lóta
The Tulips from my garden adorn not only
my landscape, but bring beauty to my life as a
whole... share with me every moment of joy.
Each has a color and a name, but it’s all of them
that make my life more beautiful.
Each tulip when it arrived here, it was
just a bulb.
But watered and cared for by our Father,
The Tulips in bloom grew and blossomed.
And united by faith a garden / bouquet formed
by the hand of the Creator.
And together, the beauty of being a flower,
What is transient in fact, but that does not fear
this fact,
We walked through our history / road.
In our dream of immigration
Enlaced in garden / bouquet,
Keeping our eyes on that which created us,
loved and saved. ...................... Larisse Chiara
Rev. Diné Lota, Pastor, Portuguese Ministry
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
Message from Pastor João Garcia
We Value Life
At the first glance you wouldn’t say that
Oakville has a large Portuguese speaking
community. When I started my Ministry at
l Bap
Central Baptist Church I found myself
asking: Where are the Portuguese
speaking People? It didn’t take me
too long before I found out that there
were more than fifteen hundred
Portuguese and Brazilian families in
this community. A large number of
them lived just around Central Baptist
our hearts burning within us while He was
talking to us on the road” (Luke 24:32).
Without any delay they went back to
Jerusalem, that same evening. Sustained by
that extraordinary enthusiasm, passion and
feeling for Jesus created in their souls, they
told the other disciples what had happened
to them.
We meet Portuguese and Brazilian
people everywhere in our city. It is in the
community that we can talk to them and
express our faith in the Living God and what
Jesus has done in our lives.
As we celebrate our 60th
anniversary, the vision of this Church
continues to reach out into the
community, to be there as a presence
of the kingdom of God. Our challenge
is to go out and meet these people and
let them know that we, at Central Baptist
Church, value life. Life is precious to God
and through Jesus Christ a person can
experience a new life in Him. We are present
at the Multicultural centre; the Portuguese
business area of Kerr Street; the cafés where
in the long Canadian winter they socialize;
the social services of Halton; the Probation
officer of the Halton Police; the Oakville
Hospital and the Alcoholics Anonymous.
“I think you speak Portuguese?” I asked a
man in a Canadian Tire store.
Such Ministry requires from all of us at
Central a passion for Jesus. We usually use
the word “passion” when we refer to the
suffering of Christ on Calvary. I think that
we can also use this word to describe the
strong feeling we have for Jesus. It is this
feeling, the desire to be faithful and obedient
to Him that will make us value life and be
good servants of Christ in the community.
The two disciples of Jesus on the Road to
Emmaus did not fully understand why Jesus
had to die until He appeared and explained
to them that It was necessary for Him to
suffer and die on the cross, in order that we
may be redeemed. When they understood
it well they said to each other: “Were not
“Yes, I do” he happily answered. I invited
him to come to our Portuguese service. It
did not take too long for him and his wife
to come. It was wonderful to see them
coming to Church every Sunday Service.
One occasion he asked me if he could give a
testimony in the service.
“It will be wonderful to hear you”, I said
That Sunday morning in the service he
said: “I thank God and you all for receiving
me at your fellowship. With all the problems
I have in my family this is the most
wonderful place to be this day. I want to give
thanks to God for having met you and Jesus
Christ. He has given me a new life!”
These people have made Canada their
promise land. In Canada they have a
better quality of life! However many of
them do not know the wonderful life that
we can have In Christ Jesus. He values
life. Everything changes when a person
knows Him. Our Ministry goes beyond our
building. It reaches the community where
people live. It is there that we are called to
say, to as many as we can that in spite of all
tribulations, struggles and disappointments
of life, Jesus still value life and is willing to
help everyone to have a new life with Him.
Pastor João Garcia
Novembro 2013 — Página 7
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
Mensagem do Pastor João Garcia
A primeira vista não se apercebe que Oakville
tem uma numerosa comunidade de pessoas que
falam a lingua portuguesa.Quando eu
l Bap
iniciei o meu Ministério na Igreja
Batista Central eu me perguntei
a mim mesmo: Onde estão os
portugueses? Não levou muito
tempo para desscobrir que
havia mais de mil e quinhentas
famílias portuguesas e
brasileiras em Oakville. Uma
grande parte vive ao redor da
Igreja Batista Central.
Ao celebrarmos sessenta
anos de existencia a visão da
Igreja de alcançar a comunidade
continua, marcando uma
presença do Reino de Deus. O nosso desafio é
encontrar as pessoas e faze-las saber que nós, na
Igreja Batista Central, valorizamos a vida. A vida
é preciosa a Deus e através de Jesus Cristo uma
pessoa pode experimentar uma nova vida nEle.
Estamoss presentes no Centro Multicultural de
Halton; no comercio portugues da Rua Kerr; nos
cafés, onde nos longos invernos canadenses, eles
se sociabilizam; no Serviço Social da Provincia;
no Departamento condicional da policia; no
hospital de Oakville e nos alcólicos anônimos.
Esse Ministério requer de cada um de nós na
Igreja Central paixão por Jesus. Usualmente
usamos a palavra “paixão” quando descrevemos
o sofrimento de Jesus na cruz do Calvário. Mas
penso que podemos tambem usar essa palavra
quando queremos falar sobre o forte sentimento
que temos por Jesus. É o sentimento, o desejo de
ser fiel e obediente a Ele, que nos faz valorizar
a vida e sermos bons servos de Jesus Cristo na
Os dois discipulos de Jesus no caminho de
Emaus não tinham compreendido plenamente
por que Jesuss tinha que morrer, até o momento
quando Jesus apareceu no meio deles e explicoulhes que era nescessario que Ele sofresse
e morresse na cruz a fim de que fossemos
redimidos. Quando eles entenderam disseram
November 2013 — Page 8
um ao outros: “Não estava queimando o nosso
coração, enquanto ele nos falava no caminho”
(Lc 24.32). E sem demorar voltaram a Jerusalem,
aquela mesma noite. Sustentados por aquele
extraordinário entusiamo, paixão e sentimento por
Jesus, criado em suas almas, disseram aos outros
discipulos tudo o que havia acontecido com eles.
Encontramos os portugueses e brasileiros
em qualquer lugar em nossa cidade. É lá na
comunidade que podemos falar e expressar a eles
a nossa fé no Deus vivo e o que Jesus tem feito
por nós.
“Acho que você fala portugues?” perguntei
àquele senhor no Canadian Tire.
“Sim, falo”, respondeu alegremente. Eu o
convidei para vir aos nossos cultos em lingua
portuguesa. Não levou muito tempo ele e sua
esposa vieram. Ficamos muito alegres que
continuaram a vir todos os domingos. Certa
ocasião aquele senhor me perguntou se ele poderia
dar um temunho no culto.
“Ficaremos muito felizes em ouvi-lo”, respondi.
Naquele domingo no culto ele disse: “Quero
agradecer a Deus e a todos voces por terem
me recebido em vosso meio. Com todos os
problemas que tenho na familia este é o lugar
mais maravilhoso para eu estar este dia. Quero dar
graças a Deus por ter encontrado voces e a Jesus
Cristo.Ele me deu uma nova vida”.
Esse povo fez do Canada a sua terra prometida.
Neste país teem uma excelente qualidade de vida.
Entretanto muitos deles não conhecem a vida
maravilhosa que podem ter em Cristo.Ele valoriza
a vida. Tudo muda quando uma pessoa O conhece
pessoalmente. O ministério da Igreja Central vai
alem do seu edificio. Ele alcança a comunidade
onde o povo vive. É lá que somos chamados a
dizer, quanto mais pudermos, que apesar das
tribulações, dificuldades e desapontamentos da
vida, que Jesus valoriza a vida e está pronto a
ajudar a todos aqueles que quiserem ter uma nova
vida nEle.
No amor de Cristo,
Pastor João Garcia
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
Marianne Hallford remembers
On December l3th, l954 Don and I moved to our newly built home on Birch
Hill Lane with our six month old son Stephen. I remember clearly the first day
in early l955 when we walked to Morden Road School to join the Convention
Baptist Congregation that was meeting there.
l Bap
Arriving at the school we were greeted by a
friendly, smiling gentleman whose name we
learned was John Anderson. He suggested
we leave our sleeping baby in his carriage
in the hallway and he assured us he would
keep a close eye on him and call us if we
were needed. We joined the others in the
auditorium (now the school library) and
experienced out first service in Oakville.
Rev. Wm. McWhinnie was the pastor and he
and many other friendly folk came over to
greet us. No tap on the shoulder from John
When we exited to the hallway we found
our son awake and John seemed to be about halfway into the carriage and they
were having a jolly time. Eventually our Church was completed on the present
sight, at least the part that is now Snyder Fellowship Hall and the space below it.
After discussion and a vote we selected the name Central Baptist. I believe “First
Baptist” was also a strong contender.
Several years later John Anderson died and sometime after that his wife
Glenda followed him. The Anderson Room was named for them. The central
light fixture in the Sanctuary was designed by Don and given in their memory
by their son Bruce and his family. We have never forgotten this wonderful
couple. Since then we have enjoyed and been grateful for all the Spiritual
encouragement and warm friendships we have enjoyed from the many Pastors
and friends at Central. Long may she live!!!!
Marianne Hallford
From the Chair of
the Board of Financ
We are over the top,
our cup runneth over,
but not on this one!!!
Anything further that
you able and are inclined
to give will be graciously
received and
faithfully employed!
Dwight Nowlan,
Chair, Board of Finance
You Never Will
Be Old
You never will be old
With a twinkle in your eye,
with the springtime in your heart
as you watch the winter fly.
You never will be old
While you have a smile to share,
Fall Clean-up
While you wonder at mankind
Our annual fall clean-up is scheduled for November 23rd. If you are able
and have some time we would love to have the pleasesure
of your company. We will working inside and out with
the focus being getting the outside ready for winter. If
you can make it please bring a rake, gloves and a tarp
if you have one. If you have a project you would like to
see addressed please let me know ahead of time.
and you have the time to care.
Bill Goodbrand, Chair Property
While there is magic in
Your world and a
Special dream to hold,
While you still can
Laugh at life,
You never will be old.
Contributed by Jean Hunter
Novembro 2013 — Página 9
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
To know Eleanor was to know a lady, a vital,
vibrant lady, who was always on top of things,
and wanting to share her enthusiasm with you.
The ladies in our Women’s Groups at Central
Baptist knew her as the exuberant leader of the
Carol singing at their annual Christmas parties.
She and her husband Don were the generous
donors of the candy at our Sunday School
Christmas Concerts.
Her good friend Brett remembers her frequent
visits to his coffee shop. She had her own seat,
and at the beginning, he says, people wondered
if she were the owner, or at least the queen of the
establishment! She accepted their adulation with
grace and good will, but then accepted them
as her friends. Everyone in the neighbourhood
knew her, on Hillhurst, on Reynolds Street and
at Churchill Place Retirement Residence. She let
her coffee man park in her driveway when he
was new in the area.
But Eleanor was also a lady with a deep Christian
faith which she shared with her family and
friends. The daughter of one of our missionaries
in South America was very ill as a child. Her
name was often on our prayer list, and we
prayed for her regularly. Eleanor was particularly
interested in Jessica, wondering with her
parents – and us – whether she would actually
grow out of her adolescence. Eleanor wrote to
Jessica - by then living in British Columbia – and
Jessica wrote back. Eleanor kept that letter in
her purse, and was always happy to share it and
her picture of Jessica with others She had made
a lasting friend of a young girl who was actually
improving in her health. When I wrote to Jessica
last evening to tell her of her friend’s death, I
assured her that although she would not meet
her here in person, she would see her in heaven
some time.
And isn’t that the living faith that we shared with
Eleanor - “I Know that my Redeemer Liveth!”
Warren and June McBurney
November 2013 — Page 10
Prayer List
Therefore I tell you,
whatever you ask for in
prayer, believe that you
have received it, and it
will be yours
Mark 11:24
Let us remember our brothers & sisters in our
prayers especially:
• Please pray for Kayla, a young friend of
Murray and Joan Wilson who will undergo
• Jerry Roskaft died peacefully on October 31,
2013. Please pray for the Roskaft family as they
mourn Jerry’s passing.
• Eleanor Sainthill died peacefully on October 28,
2013. A Memorial service was held on October
31. Please pray for the Sainthill family as they
mourn Eleanor’s passing.
Primary Source – The Gospel
of Mark
The First and Third Wednesda
ys of each month
7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Led by Pastor Michel, this semi-m
onthly evening English
language Bible Study and Discus
sion group is currently
studying the Gospel of Mark. We
meet in the Anderson
Room at Central
Choir Practices
Proposed Thursday night practices:
November 14, 21, 28
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
Community Outreach
Breakfast Club
Central Baptist Church has been
participating in the Breakfast Club
for several years. It all started
when Richard Root began
helping, at the time
there were 2 girls
from Appleby
College who were
there on Tuesday
mornings to help
serve breakfast.
mornings the
girls would
not show up and Richard
would do it by himself. About that
time Richard started getting some of us
to help. When I started the girls from
Appleby were helping, summer came
and in the fall the girls did not return.
Murray Wilson, Marianne Hallford,
Errol Anderson, Warren McBurney,
Diné Lota and I were working with
Richard, with 3 of us working each
week. Richard left and we decided
to use only 2 each week, which was
working fine, we only had to work
every other week. Over the years
people have had to give it up for
various reasons, now we only have
3 - Dine, Marianne and I which means
everyone will have to work more often.
We volunteer from 7 to 8.30 am every
Tuesday serving juice, scrambled eggs
and toast for up to 36 students.
If we had 3 more volunteers we could
have 3 teams and only have to work
every 3rd week.
Please help if you can. Contact me,
[email protected], 905-8275506.
The plan is to start serving Breakfast
November 1st.
George Caldwell
Musings from a Newbie
Since I have been a member of Central Baptist Church for only ten years, I
consider myself a “newbie”. To be a charter member must be an honor indeed.
“The Christian Church is a Society of Sinners. It is the only society in the
world in which membership is based upon the single qualification that the
candidates be unworthy of membership” (Charles Clayton Morrison) That
is very humbling and true but does not negate the importance of church
membership. So what exactly does it mean to be a member of Central?
First, for me, it’s belonging. We used to have “a
place to belong” as part of Central’s slogan. That was
important when Joe and I started attending back in 2004.
Being new to the town then, to belong to an assembly of
Christians made the transition
easier. To belong means
essentially to share. When
greeted with “Good Morning,
how are you?” I can safely share
any problems or requests for
prayer, knowing that the greeter
is sincere in wanting to know how
things are going. It’s a familial
Second, belonging leads to
involvement. You can’t belong to
something without being a part of it. So,
church membership also means finding your
“niche” within the organization. God has blessed
each of us with unique gifts to be used in His service, even if they are “behind
the scenes”. Joe and I have really appreciated the chance to be allowed to
participate in several niches. What great satisfaction there has been to do some
maintenance in the building itself, to keeping the library in good and current
order and to be part of the dynamic English as a Second Language program.
Third, every society needs good leadership and we have had that in abundance,
and not just our pastors, but many others as well: From quiet efficient George
Caldwell to enthusiastic Herb Paris with his contagious laugh to little Mary with
her handful of envelopes.
Last, but not least, church membership is a place to grow spiritually, to be
blessed and in turn to be a blessing to others. From the solemn Communion
Service, inspirational Bible Study and Worship Services to reading Scripture
with our ESL students (also newbies) we are given the mandate to put our evergrowing faith into action. In addition, the love of Christ to us translates into
giving to others and we have ample opportunity in the church to bless others,
from Kerr Street to Samaritan’s Purse to Joyce Hancock’s Free Flight etc.
“Thanks be to God” for Central Baptist Church, may it shelter, sustain and
succor for another 60 years and as long as God’s children need to belong,
believe and become.
Bee Cooke
Novembro 2013 — Página 11
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
Joyce Hancock
Joyce Hancock’s first appointment to work with
Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) was in October
1978 when she served four years in Manado, Indonesia
teaching missionary children English as a Second
Language and helped with Christian Education
throughout the region. After leaving
Indonesia, Joyce returned to Canada
where she continued her
studies, earning a Masters
of Religious Education
from Acadia University in
Nova Scotia.
Joyce returned to CBM in
1993, upon her reappointment
as Global Field Staff to work in
Brasilia, Brazil in outreach
to abandoned children.
For eleven years, Joyce
worked in Brasilia, forming
an association (Ministério
SERVO) and a rehabilitation
centre designed specifically for
youths – to stop drug use and crime, to change lifestyles
and gain job training, and to increase integration into
society and improve employment opportunities.
In 2004 Joyce and friends launched a similar program
in Águas Lindas de Golás, near a Ministério location.
This ministry is now called Free Flight Association.
Joyce and others work full time with this ministry and
m o m e n t
it has expanded to help not only youth, but children and
adults as well. In June 2005 they bought the property
where Free Flight is now located.
Recently Joyce wrote:
“Please thank CBC Oakville for their continued
financial support and prayers. We have faced several
challenges but God is always faithful and gives strength
and wisdom to see how He is working in the midst of it
all. We have had several changes in staff, something that
we have been praying about for quite some time, and
the atmosphere and help to the students has improved. I
praise the Lord very much for that. Now, I am teaching
more English classes because of staff who have left.
Please pray that in the next year, we are able to have
more people to teach some English since I hope to leave
here by the end of next year and I do not want to leave a
hole in the teaching schedule.
We also request prayer for funding for the sports court,
that we may complete the commitment by the end of this
year (2013)”. The CBM budget for this year was $28,000.
Next year’s project hasn’t been announced yet.
Joyce will be at Central on Wednesday November
20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Snyder Hall and everyone
is welcome to come and hear about Free Flight and the
projects it is undertaking as Joyce shares in both English
and Portuguese. Please remember to bring tins of tuna
and other non perishables for the Kerr Street Ministries
food bank.
Barb Keys, Canadian Baptist Mission
Please pray for travelling mercies for David Nacho as he visits
some of the highest and most remote places in Bolivia several
times during the remainder of the year. September to November
is Bolivia’s rainy season, when roads that are not pristine in
the first place, can be subjected to mudslides. Ask God to
accompany David and protect him in his travels.
And Finally…
Thank you to all who have contributed to this issue. We would love to have more participation,
especially from the Portuguese congregation. Do let the church office know if you have any items,
family news, ministry interests etc. Also, if you would like to receive this Newsletter by e-mail, please
also let the church office know.
Novembro 2013 — Página 12