Newsletter - St. Nicholas School


Newsletter - St. Nicholas School
St. Nicholas
Newsletter :: June I :: 2010
Upcoming events
LAHC Orchestra
14th to 17th
Interhouse Festival NR
Thu 17th
Last day for Infants and Junior (12:00)
My biggest concern was language since
most of the other members of the orchestra
spoke Spanish. If I were the only English
speaker I knew the trip would be very
hard for me. I quickly discovered that all
musicians studied at IB and LAHC schools
and could speak English.
Fri 18th
Prize Giving (Hall)
Last day for Senior
26th to 28th
Senior - Recuperação
Wed 4th
School starts for pupils
Tomohisa Takeda was invited to join the
LAHC Orchestra that played 4 concerts in
Buenos Aires this May. There were three
musicians representing Brazil, Tomohisa
and two musicians from British Rio.
Tomohisa, who joined the school in August
reports, I went to BA to play violin in LAHC
Year 11 - Quilombo
Tomohisa Takeda (Y10)
orchestra which was composed of musicians
gathered from different countries, Brazil,
Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Colombia.
Even though everyone could play their
own instrumental individually very well
we needed to practice as an orchestra.
It was just horrible at the 1st session
and we realized that we needed to create
team work. As a result, we improved by
ourselves before the final concert which
was the most important one because our
teachers came to listen to us.
LAHC Annual Members Conference
Winter Fun
Nursery to Year 6
June 21st to July 2nd
This May, Nick Thody represented St
Nicholas School at the 14th Latin American
Conference. The conference was held at
the Marriott Plaza hotel in Buenos Aires and
the theme of the conference was Education
for Sustainability; Education was led by two
Peruvian based speakers, Tom Jolly and
Dave Bruggers. Tomohisa Takeda of Year
10 joined the 90 strong international LAHC
Orchestra that entertained the heads and
delegates at the formal dinner. Nick serves
on the LAHC executive committee and was
heavily involved in the organisation of the
conference and is now very glad it is over
so he can dedicate himself to leading St
Nicholas School. At the AGM, after two years
as chair, Nick left the position and accepted
the role of Student Activities Officer on the
executive committee. Constitutionally Nick
can serve for a further two years on the
executive committee before his maximum
term of six years is reached.
Action Committee - Projeto Semente do Amanhã
"In helping others, we shall help ourselves,
for whatever good we give out completes
the circle and comes back to us."
- Flora Edwards
One of the projects that the Action
Committee supported in the year of 2009
– 2010 was “Projeto Semente do Amanhã”,
co-ordinated by our dear friend Poliana
who most of us know as Polly.
We are very pleased to say that many of
the actions we took as a community were
able to help her continue with her Sunday
school where she helps children from her
community in many different ways.
We surely learnt that there is certainly more
happiness in giving than in receiving!
Julio Rocha na St. Nicholas
Mr Costa
Autor do livro Teia Negra
vem à St. Nicholas
Autor conversa sobre seu
processo criativo
“Meus pais liam muito, e isso me
incentivou a escrever. Para ser um escritor,
é importante ter talento; a técnica pode
ser aprendida. O elemento principal de
uma história é o personagem, pois se ele
não tiver profundidade suficiente, mesmo
que a trama seja boa, a história não fica
legal”. Estas são algumas das colocações
que os alunos de Português do Year 7
(Ms. Lima, Ms. dos Santos e Mr. Costa) e
os alunos de Drama do Year 8 (Mr. Trinx)
ouviram do escritor Julio Rocha, que
esteve na St. Nicholas para conversar
com as turmas no dia 14 de maio.
Ms Lima
Nesta sexta-feira, dia 14 de maio, Julio
Rocha, escritor carioca, autor do romance
policial Teia Negra (que foi lido pelos
alunos do year 7), veio ä Saint Nicholas
falar sobre seu processo criativo.
Autor da peça “Fui... E quem não vai?” e do
livro de suspense Teia Negra, Julio Rocha
demonstrou ser um autor desinibido
tanto na frente de uma página em branco
quanto na frente de um auditório cheio.
Ele falou sobre a importância de escrever
um bom início e de haver um final que
“amarre” todos os personagens em um
livro. Segundo Rocha, o ponto de vista é
que nos permite contar um mesmo fato
através de diferentes olhares. Ao darmos
voz a alguém, o elegemos como foco para narrar uma história.
Os alunos leram Teia Negra e gostaram muito de poder, pela
primeira vez, conversar com o escritor de um livro que leram.
Julio Rocha considerou nossos alunos “capazes de fazer perguntas
e colocações inteligentes e com espírito crítico”. Ele acha que é
importante ler os clássicos, mas é adepto da leitura como forma
de entretenimento. Teia Negra acaba de ser traduzido para o
inglês (com o título de Black Web) e, no momento, Julio Rocha
negocia os direitos de transformá-lo em filme. Ele pediu aos
alunos sugestões de nomes de atores para a possível filmagem
de Teia Negra. Alguns nomes ventilados pelas turmas foram
Leonardo de Caprio, Thiago Lacerda e Fábio Assunção. Teia Negra,
como o título sugere, remete a um emaranhado de personagens
e situações conflituosas, cujos nós precisam ser desatados (pelo
leitor). É uma atividade que não desapontará o autor: ler este
livro é, no mínimo, divertido.
Contou que seu romance foi inspirado no
assassinato de um executivo americano
da Companhia Petrolífera Shell, que
ficou sem resolução há alguns anos. O
personagem Robert, assassinado logo
no início, leva à construção do romance
que se desenvolve por intermédio de
vários personagens. O protagonista
chama-se Michael, um ex-agente da CIA,
contratado por um sino-americano, pai
do executivo, que deseja desvendar e
revidar o assassinato do filho.
A trama se desenvolve em cerca de
cinqüenta capítulos, curtos e rápidos –
com teor cinematográfico – cujo autor
confessou ansiar por vê-lo filmado.
Contou-nos de sua ida, em breve, para
Atlanta a fim de negociar sua produção
cinematográfica. Informou além disso,
que o livro já está traduzido para o Inglês,
Black Web, com breve edição norte-americana.
Os alunos de Português, do year 7, afirmaram ter gostado do
livro. Participaram ativamente com várias perguntas, inclusive
sobre suas cenas teatrais, gentilmente cedidas aos alunos de
Drama do year 8. Foi um ótima oportunidade para se conversar
sobre o processo de criação dos romances, bem como sobre a
importância de se elaborar personagens reais e definir o ponto de
vista de uma história. A ocasião ofereceu ensejo para levarmos
adiante um projeto do Departamento de Português de trabalhar
com escrita criativa.
A todos fica a sugestão do livro Teia Negra, que pode ser apreciado
por leitores de todas as idades.
José Miguel Wisnik e o Futebol no Brasil
No dia 9 de junho, José Miguel Wisnik,
compositor, ensaísta e professor de
Literatura Brasileira da USP, veio à St.
Nicholas para falar sobre seu último livro
Veneno e Remédio: O Futebol e o Brasil.
Ele falou com os alunos dos Years 6, 7, 8
e 9.
Wisnik veio a convite dos Departamentos
de Música e de Português e da PTA, que
consideraram a proximidade da Copa do
Mundo uma ótima ocasião para uma reflexão
sobre um dos temas mais importante para
o Brasil do ponto de vista cultural.
José Miguel Soares Wisnik, 62 anos,
estudou piano clássico e apresentou-se
pela primeira vez como solista da Orquestra
Municipal de São Paulo aos 17 anos,
interpretando o Concerto nº 2, de Camille
Saint-Saëns. Ele tem três discos gravados
e apresenta-se regularmente em shows
no Brasil e no exterior. Publicou, além de
Mr Neder & Mr Costa
Veneno e Remédio, vários outros livros e
ensaios Wisnik uniu literatura e música em
seu mestrado e doutorado. Agora integrou
também o futebol.
Year 12 Graduation
The St. Nicholas Annual Graduation
Ceremony Ball was held at the Brazilian
British Centre on the evening of Saturday
29th May. The event for the Graduating
Class of 2010 was held on a cold winter São
Paulo evening but the warmth of emotion
and companionship made the event truly
The 14 students of Year 12 were
accompanied by their families, friends
and teachers in an evening which included
memories, laughter and tears as they
looked back at their days at St Nicholas
School and looked forward to their
futures. The Headteacher, Mr. Nicholas
Thody, focussed his address on how the IB
Diploma was for life and the skills learned
in their two years of the course would
not only support their higher education
learning but also their chosen occupational
field. The Brazilian Director, Mrs. Raquel
Muniz, speech stressed the importance of
students’ following their dreams.
The Graduating Class of 2010 were:
Carlo Victor Carrieri
Luna de Tomi
Ellen Deckij
Lucas Gonzalez Carrau
Dohng Kim
Valeria Larrinaga
Fabiana Leandro Rios
Pedro Lima
Kento Nishimura
Alice Peneau
Jéssica Salomão
Yoshiaki Tanabe
Roger Themes
Xinyan Wang
The honour of the Academic Achievers Award
was presented to a poised and elegant Alice
Peneau while the CAS prize was awarded
to a shocked Yoshiaki Tanabe. The Most
Supportive Student Award was presented to
an elated Ellen Deckij. Thanks to the Kirsten
family for hosting the event and special
thanks to Priscilla Oyola, Head of Marketing,
for her dedication in ensuring the evening
was a success and will be remembered by
the graduates with fondness.
Christopher Hudson (Y5Y)
Year 5 - You Can Make a Difference
Tuesday the 8th of June was an exciting day
at St. Nicholas school with many different
events like: the Junior Rock Band Concert
and Nursery Graduation, but another
event taking place was “You Can Make a
In this event, Year 5 pupils got the chance
to come dressed up as the heroes they
had chosen at the start of this unit. Year 5
teachers wanted to teach the pupils what
a real hero is.
There were interviews and a balloon debate
going on and each child got the chance to
show their parents their newspaper articles
they wrote about their heroes and each parent
took their sons/daughters article home.
The balloon debate in Year 5y was between
four heroes: Ludwig Van Beethoven (Se-Yun
Kim), Princess Isabel (Giovanna Fletcher),
Mahatma Gandhi (Nikita Ayyagari) and
Florence Nightingale (Pamela Moreno).
The judge was Eddie Van Halan (Thomas
Geller). Each hero was trying to convince
the audience that they were more
important than the other heroes so as not
to get thrown out of the hot air balloon,
which was 2300m high. The winner of the
debate was Florence Nightingale (Pamela
Moreno). But every person did incredibly
well answering even the hardest questions.
The audience was very into it!
In Year 5x, visitors were able to listen to
conversations between heroes such as YiSun Sin and Ghandi, Leonardo da Vinci and
Anne Frank, Socrates and Albert Einstein,
Charles Darwin and Jesus, Martin Luther
King Jr. and Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa
and Florence Nightingale, Barack Obama
and Che Guevara, Benjamin Franklin with
Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson,
and Evita Peron.
This day was a special day for everyone
and proves that now Year 5 knows what it
takes to be a real hero.
Festa Junina 2010
Muito obrigado à Anna Kirsten, Padaria Delícias Colméia, Isidoro Guerreiro, Chocofesta,
Laysa Murakami, Julia Macedo, South African Consulate São Paulo, Pousada do
Almirante, Brm, Ianoni Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda, Jennifer Pepe, Bus
Children, Débora Barros, Manutenção, Sodexo, Segurança e a todas as pessoas que, de
uma maneira ou de outra, contribuiram para o sucesso da festa.
A Banda Big e
Democrática Agradece
Mr Neder & Mr Nogara
O Music Dept gostaria de agradecer aos
alunos e professores que se juntaram a
nós para tocar na Festa Junina deste ano.
Parabéns, vocês tocaram muito bem!
Recebemos vários feedbacks atestando o
Muito obrigado a:
Alice Pottes, violino (professora assistente
de Infants)
Ana Luiza Bueno, voz (professora de
Nicholas Bittencourt, guitarra (Y8)
Nicholas Reid, bateria (Y 8)
Sophie Barros, guitarra (Y9)
Yum Shu, flauta transversal (Y7)
A Big Democratic Band se reúne de novo
para tocar no Carnaval de 2011.
Contamos com vocês!
PE Dept.
Year 1 and 2 just completed their Capoeira lessons, as part of their PE curriculum. They
had two months of lessons and showed everything they have learnt in an enthusiastic and
enjoyable presentation during Festa Junina. We could see how proud children, parents
and teachers were.
During Capoeira lessons, children were given the opportunity to have the knowledge and
access to this very traditional and rich Brazilian activity, which goes beyond the physical,
music and cultural enhancements. It also develops personal and social skills, as it is
worked in a group environment. Self-awareness, discipline, respect, team-work and cooperation are all strongly developed. Capoeira awakens the artistic, musical and creative
aspects of the children in a very fun and playful way, challenging them all the time in a
positive way.
Well done to all Year 1 and 2 children and a big thank you to our special teacher, Jessé,
who for the fourth year has come to St. Nicholas to teach Capoeira together with Mrs.
Anna Paula and Miss Débora.
A HUGE Thank You!
Lia & Nadia (Yr 9)
Yesterday (June 8) we met with some
representatives of a large group of
homeless people who live around Marginal
Pinheiros. They were of course more than
happy to receive our donations on such a
cold day. Thank you St Nicholas community
for your significant support!
Junior Rock Band
Mr Carlos
Last Tuesday, we had the
opportunity to witness the
first Junior Rock Bands
Concert. The performance
of the four bands was
astonishing and we could
all see the 70 pupils that
took part in the program
making great progress and
excelling when playing their
instruments. We are looking
forward to next term’s
performance, and if you
are not in one of the bands,
maybe now is the time for
you to join us!
Loads of Rock and Roll...
Rock History ECA
Mr Moss
Finishing lessons from St Nicks as the end of the
season grants two St Paul wins
Field Football
U12 Boys: St Nicks 4 vs. St Pauls 1
U14 Girls: St Nicks 4 vs. St Pauls 1
After performances that had urgency,
creativity and intensity, both victories for the
boys and girls finalised a rewarding season.
Gabriel (Yr6) must be considered the man
of the match having an outstanding game,
where he played above his years. As ever
the rest of the team played an important
role, creating balance, compactness and
support. The irrepressible Sofia Soares
was at it again and a sublime hat trick from
such a fine player, Luiza Maragoni, with
equally good performances from Camilla
D and Julia H, were the highlights of the
girls evening. This also capped off the end
of the season for the girls who may win
the Team of the Year award at the senior
presentation evening on June 18th.
Yr3&4 Boys at Home
St Nicks 7 vs. St Pauls 2
With Mr Eagles’s side in this form, ‘upsets’
just don’t happen. After the loss against
Heibraca’s it was with much anticipation
to see if the youngsters would show
‘bouncebackability’? They certainly did as St
Nicholas dominated the proceedings on the
pitch and the scoreline reflected that. With
characters like Jun, Paulo, Damian and the
calmness of Enzo and Nicolas, the match
was secured after the 1st period. There are
moments that connect the young players
to all their efforts this year in the ECA. This
was one of them!! The movement, passing,
shape and finishing was a joy to watch and
if not for some excellent goalkeeping from
the visitors the score line could have gone
way into double figures.
Student Council
End of Year Disco
On Wednesday, 2nd June, the Junior School
Student Council organised an end of year
disco party to celebrate a successful year
of learning. There were dance competitions
and costume competitions that were
judged by Mrs Borges, Mr Chambers and
Luiza Caramez.
From Year 3 and Year 4, the best dancer
prize went to Dhruv Bhatia and the best
costume went to Lucca Kirsten.
From Year 5 and Year 6, the best dancer
prize went to Claudia Chakmati and the
best costume went to Luanna Quinn.
Thank you all for your participation!
Visit to Creche Nova Esperança
On Monday 7th June, the Junior Student
Council visited ‘Creche Nova Esperança’
to deliver donations and spend a morning
doing fun activities. Part of these donations
were from the proceeds raised through this
year’s Rock Band Concert.
Tadpoles come to school
Description of a place
João Gado Fernandes Costa (Yr 5X)
Ms Jenny Vinas
Kindergarten Y was learning about ‘Life
Cycles’ and had the great excitement of
watching a TADPOLE change into a FROG.
Eric Ferrari brought 10 tadpoles and a fish
from his country house. The children fed
the tadpoles with a delicious diet of cooked
lettuce, baby fish food and dried mosquito
One day the frog escaped and disappeared
but came back the next day. Children wrote
what they thought the frog had done that
The frog went to The plaigrowd.
by Eric Joseph
I think the frog went to the tree. the frog
went to KgZ. He want to eat food.
by Grace Shim
The frog ment to the pgrc.
by Luca Calabria
The frog went to the playgrand. The frog
went to the muzac rm. he went to find
some food.
by Nanda Aizemberg
The frog went to the playgrand. Then
he went to the muzic room and he playd
with marker.
by Danny Kim
The frog go to the plagrat and the frog
went on the slaid and the frog stai hugri
and ten the frog look for flais.
by Gabriel Haddad
Teh frog want to The plagroud to eat sam
bee. He want to Teh plagroud to look at
The trees.
by Stefano Bolzan
The frog went on a tree. and The frog
was hungree. The frog went back to The
by Max Egger
The frog went to the luchroon. he it the
by Thomas Boyd
The frog went to The bethroom end Teh
frog went to the miozic clas and Hi woz
hopiing in the clas.
by Eric Ferrari
The frog went to the playgrownd. He want
to eat the fliees.
by Fernanda Hattori
The frog went in the lunchroom.
He ate the salad.
by Guilherme Munemori
Lost & Found
Collect from Reception
Think Green
Pedro Camargo (Yr 6Y)
Eco Corner is coming!
Eco Corner is a Project initiated
by the Environmental Group,
together with Mr. James Kirsten. Most of
the ideas were brought by the children
from the Green Technology group (PYP
2010) formed by Pedro Camargo, Gustavo
Borges, Noah Cukiert, Mark Chatchnev,
Miki Sugimoto, Juno Youn.
The Eco Corner will be a place that will
teach our community about ecological
ideas that can be use in our houses as well.
It will be located between both main gates,
right at the entrance of our school.
Yellow and red flowers group together
making patches separated only by puddles
of grass. Together they make a quilt of
colours. Behind them towering trees with
branches that cascade to the ground.
Further on a pond with fish and birds.
But the bright green leaves that flood the
branches make a wall of curtains closing
away the little pond. All theses things are
together on bright, sunny, warm and happy
spring day.
In the Eco Corner, we are planning
to implement some systems that can
help people sustain the environment,
such as solar panels, recycling bins,
battery disposal, worm house, rain water
containers, etc.
The Environmental Group has been meeting in
a regular basis with Mrs. Vassellucci and every
other Friday with Mr. Kirsten, in order to discuss
and develop our ideas about the corner.
We will be more than happy to share our
goals with you. If you have any good and
useful idea, please bring it to us!
Please be reminded that there are many
items in the Lost & Found cupboard in
Reception. Besides uniform there are bags,
trainers, jackets, and many other items such
as braces and glasses. Please collect as we
will be donating what is left to Charity.
Language Corner
• Beatrice (4X)
• Sally and Pedro Camargo (6Y)
• Lizzie MacDonald (1X Teacher)
Commemorations, celebrations and fun events around the world
Action Committee / International Committee
20th June - World Refugee Day, held on June 20, celebrates
the lives and contributions of refugees everywhere. This was
established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000 with
the date coinciding with Africa Refugee Day. The United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) selects a theme each
year, and coordinates events across the globe.
Father's Day falls on the third Sunday of June, and is
celebrated to honour fathers, complementing Mother’s Day.
This is to celebrate fatherhood, and to commemorate fathers
and forefathers. Brazil celebrates Father's Day on the second
Sunday of August.
21st June - The Winter Solstice, or Midwinter, occurres around
December 21 or 22 in the Northern hemisphere, and June 21 or
22 in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the shortest day and the
longest night of the year, marking the beginning of Winter.
24th June - The Summer Solstice, or Midsummer is observed in
Great Britain traditionally with the lighting of bonfires, feasting
and merrymaking. This is actually three days after the actual
solstice on the 21st, the longest day of the year.
Dedé Toffoli
Last issue's winners: