

Evaluation of transition from fluid to elastic solid of
cementitious pastes with bauxite residue using oscillation
rheometry and isothermal calorimetry
Roberto Cesar de Oliveira Romano1*, Caio Cesar Liberato1, Marcelo Montini2,
Jorge Borges Gallo2, Maria Alba Cincotto1, Rafael Giuliano Pileggi1
1 Department
2 Alcoa
of Civil Construction, University of São Paulo, São Paulo 61548, Brazil
Latin America, Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais, cep 37719-900, Brazil
* Corresponding author: [email protected]
Fax: x55.11.30915544
Received: 14.5.2012, Final version: 10.1.2013
This work evaluates the impact of using bauxite residue (BR) as filler addition in cementitious compositions, during the early ages of transformation from the viscous fluid phase to an elastic solid. Chemical reaction and consolidation (physical phenomena of hardening) were also correlated. The chemical reaction rate was accompanied using isothermal calorimetry and the consolidation measured using oscillatory rheometry (quantifying the
storage modulus – G’ and relating with yield stress, s0 ). The results show that BR accelerates the cement hydration reaction, but in pastes with pure cement, consolidation was faster, showing a distinct effect on the fluidsolid transition.
In dieser Arbeit wird der Einfluss von Bauxitabfällen (BR) als Füllstoffzusätze für Zementmaterialien im Anfangsstadium des Überganges von der viskosen Phase zu einem elastischen Festkörper untersucht. Die chemische
Reaktion und die Verfestigung (physikalische Phänomene der Erhärtung) wurden ebenfalls in Beziehung gesetzt.
Die chemische Reaktionsrate wurde mit der isothermen Kalorimetrie und der Verfestigung ermittelt, die mit
Hilfe der oszillatorischen Rheometrie (Bestimmung des Speichermoduls G' und Untersuchung des Zusammenhanges mit der Fliessspannung s0 ) gemessen wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Bauxitabfälle die Hydrierungsreaktion des Zementes beschleunigen. Jedoch findet in Pasten mit reinem Zement die Verfestigung schneller statt, was auf einen deutlichen Einfluss auf den Flüssig-Fest-Übergang hindeutet.
Ce travail évalue l’impact de l’utilisation de résidus de bauxite (BR) comme charge dans des compositions de
ciment, pendant le commencement de la transition de la phase fluide visqueuse vers un solide élastique. Nous
avons aussi corrélé la réaction chimique avec a consolidation (phénomène physique de durcissement). La vitesse de réaction chimique a été suivie à l’aide de la calorimétrie isothermique, tandis que la consolidation a été
mesurée à l’aide de la rhéomètrie oscillatoire (en quantifiant le module élastique – G’ et en reliant avec la contrainte seuil, s0 ). Les résultats montrent que le BR accélère la réaction d’hydratation du ciment, mais dans les ciments
purs, la consolidation est plus rapide, montrant un effet distinct sur la transition fluide-solide.
Key words: oscillatory rheometry, isothermal calorimetry, cement paste, bauxite residue
Bauxite residue (BR) is a by-product generated in
large scale by the Bayer process and has high
alkalinity and sodium content due to the bauxite digestion with sodium hydroxide. Although
much effort and many different applications
have been tried in disposing of this waste, this
material is still being discarded in especially
designed dams [1 – 7]. In recent years, an alterna© Appl. Rheol. 23 (2013) 23830
tive application for this by-product residue has
been in use as a partial substitution to or as an
addition to cement in the formulation of mortars
and concretes, or in the production of clinker to
obtain cement [2 – 4, 8 – 15]. These practices are
continuously under investigation due to the
worldwide high demand for supplementary cementitious materials. Most of the investigations
found in literature are studies focused on the
DOI: 10.3933/ApplRheol-23-23830
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Volume 23 · Issue 2
after 60 minutes. Considering that cement hydrates and the residue particles develop opposite
zeta potentials in the alkaline pH, it is possible to
infer that the BR particles are probably attached
on the cement surface, thus creating a steric barrier effect, preventing direct contacts among
cement particle and hydrates. This fact contributed to stabilization of the transition from
viscous fluid to elastic solid state.
The authors are thankful to CAPES and Alcoa
Latin America for their support of this work.
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Volume 23 · Issue 2