Apresentação do PowerPoint


Apresentação do PowerPoint
Professora Marcele Alves
False Friends
Falsos Cognatos ou “falsos amigos” são palavras em Inglês que derivam do Latim e possuem
grafia exata ou semelhante à da Língua Portuguesa, mas diferem em significado, dando uma
falsa ideia do seu verdadeiro sentido. Existem também as palavras transparentes, que
possuem grafia semelhante ou exata e, de fato, significam o que parecem. Mas certamente
é com os “falsos amigos” que devemos nos preocupar na hora da prova.
Come with me!
Analyse the sentences and infer the meaning by the context:
1. My mom presented the meal on the family china.
2. I lost my compass and got lost.
3. The lecture started at 9:00 a.m. Due to the traffic jam I arrived at
10 a.m, that’s why I couldn’t attend it.
4. The rate interest increased 6% this month.
5. After the surgery she felt an exquisite pain.
6. Her exquisite face was astonishing.
7. He chose his college after reading a comprehensive guide to
university courses.
8. That well-known physician published an interesting article about
stem cells.
9. The injuries were caused due to the accident.
10. He pretended to love his wife.
11. The seats were upholstered in hard fabric.
12. Small shops help to maintain the fabric of a neighborhood life.
13. This seems to be a sensible way of dealing with the problem.
14. Coral is very sensitive to water changes temperatures.
15. They won’t accept higher prices without arguing.
16. I soon realized my fault.
17. My father is retired now.
Procure não confiar apenas na sua memória,
analise cuidadosamente o contexto!