i-collaboration: Um modelo de colaboração inteligente


i-collaboration: Um modelo de colaboração inteligente
Recife, December 3rd, 2008
My name is Eduardo Araujo Oliveira. I graduated in Computer Science
(B.Sc.) from the Catholic University of Pernambuco in 2005 and pursued further
studies through a master degree (M.Sc.) in Computer Science at the Federal
University of Pernambuco, which I concluded in 2008. This letter is aimed to state
my interest in studying at INRIA and research on “Data reconciliation in trust-based
collaboration” (project number 44). Here in below I briefly describe my academic
and practical professional career which led my current interest on researching such
a topic at this time.
Ever since I was studying my B.Sc. degree, I was interested on researching.
I was a student of the Institutional Program of Scholarships for Scientific
Initialisation (PIBIC) of the Catholic University of Pernambuco from 2002 to 2004.
During two years of research as a trainee in PIBIC, I studied areas such as
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning (CSCL), e-Learning and i-Learning, Groupware, and Mobile
tools. I have worked with Moodle, AulaNET, Groove, Share 360, Blackboard and
other virtual collaborative environments.
During my master studies I researched on the use of Intelligent Agents in
collaborative and mobile works. I proposed the concept of “i-collaboration” or
intelligent collaboration model into my MSc program. This model is composed by a
learning agent which plays the role of a virtual friend integrated with collaborative
tools in virtual learning environments, so that it can act in promotion and in
mediation of collaborative interactions in the environments. At the “i-collaboration”
model, the learning agent provides a unique view (perception) of the environment
to each user. Such a view is based on the user’s own needs and preferences.
Moreover, the model seeks to provide each student the motivation to continue
learning virtually. The proposed model uses intelligent agents and provides
conditions to learn virtually in a mobile way, providing access to students in mobile
phone environments, msn chatterbot agents and others mobile mechanisms
(external to websites environments, not centralised).
Besides my academic activities, since August 2004 I am a system engineer
at C.E.S.A.R - Recife Centre for Advanced Studies and Systems, where I am
currently working on the development for Motorola's Developer Tool suite,
MOTODEV Studio’s. I have been engaged in several projects including Java ME
and SE for Motorola projects since 2004, where I have recently had experience
with mobile applications (Java ME and SE applications, SWT, Plug-ins
development, Eclipse Communication Framework…). I have also the Sun Certified
Java Programmer certification (as required, Java experience for the research
As a result of my professional background and previous academic
researches, I believe that this is the appropriate time to take deeper research
through an internship during my PhD studies in the fields of collaborative
environments and artificial intelligence. After analysing several programmes in
such areas, I strongly believe INRIA may provide me with valuable skills and
knowledge necessary for a broader and more accurate understanding on my
research topic. Apart of it, as I understand, to foster my academic network abroad
is an important step toward my future as an academic, so I may be able to spread
the knowledge and network of my own place for next generations of researchers at
the UFPE.
Yours Sincerely,
Eduardo Araujo Oliveira.
Curriculum Vitae
Eduardo Araújo Oliveira
Address: Graças Street, 142/1501, Graças, Recife – PE - Brazil
+55 (81) 9194.0283
Birthday: 30/11/1982
[email protected]
Oct/2008 – Actual
Virtual Tutor
Virtual tutor of Programming Introduction Course in Information Systems
Bachelor of UFRPE. A project of Distance Education (EAD) held by the
Open University of Brazil (UAB).
Sep/2005 – Actual
C.E.S.A.R - Recife Center for Advanced Studies and Systems
Motorola – Brazil Development Center – MIDT
System Engineer
Jan/2005 – Aug/2005
Motorola SDK development;
JME applications development;
Eclipse plug-ins development;
C.E.S.A.R - Recife Center for Advanced Studies and Systems
Motorola – Brazil Test Center – Java Standards
System Engineer
Aug/2004 – Jan/2005
JSR 232 TCK development;
C.E.S.A.R - Recife Center for Advanced Studies and Systems
Motorola – P2K
System Engineer
Desenvolvimento em Java de aplicações para testes em nova
plataforma da Motorola;
Mar/2004 – Aug2004
WIT - Information Technology and Planning
Jan/1999 – Oct/2004
VB.NET, Aspx, XML and SQL Server development.
Som do Mangue – Site of Cultural Contents of Pernambuco
Ago/2002 – Sep/2004
PHP development;
Flash resources;
Audio and Video technologies (streaming);
SQL Server;
Institutional Program of Cientific Beggining for
Undergraduate (PIBIC) - Catholic University of Pernambuco
“Developing collaborative applications for virtual learning
environments”. From: 08/2002 to 07/2003.
“Developing collaborative applications for virtual learning
environments in health”. From: 10/2003 to 09/2004;
Software Processes
RUP, XP, SCRUM, CMMI [level 3].
Software Quality
Software development, Code Inspection, Change Requests (CR), CRs Estimatives, WideBand Delphi,
Programming Languages
Java (J2SE/ J2ME), Pascal, Object Pascal (Delphi).
Development IDEs
Eclipse, NetBeans.
Modeling Tools
Rational Rose, Poseidon, Omondo Eclipse Plugin, JUDE, ArgoUML.
Software Testing and Debugger Tools
JUnit, J2MEUnit, Apache Ant.
Control Systems Maintenance
BugZilla, Mantis.
Versioning Systems Control
Rational Clearcase, CVS.
Scripting Language
Markup languages
Operational Systems
Linux (Debian, Knoppix, Fedora, Red Hat), Windows.
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server.
Application Servers
Master in Computer Science
Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Brazil.
Mar/2006 – Aug/2008.
Bachelor in Computer Science
Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP) – Brazil
Aug/2000 - Jun/2005
E-Comerce & E-Business
JCR e Calado Consultores
Macromedia Shockwave Flash 4.0
Brazilian Institute of Technology (IBRATEC)
Summer in Campus - UFPE
Java Introduction
Pernambuco University (UPE)
Groupware Engineering: Collaborative Applications Development
Brazilian Computer Society
Wireless Networks
Brazilian Computer Society
Conventional and Real-Time Operational Systems organization
Brazilian Computer Society
Red Alert
Requirements and OO Projects with UML
Java and Database
Java ME
Cultura Inglesa (English Culture)
Level - Master 3 – 2005 - 2007
Workshop E-Commerce & E-Business – Participant – Realization: JCR & Calado Consultants – 2002 –
Recife – PE
4º Brazilian Congress of Technology and Education – Participant – Realization: SENAC – Recife/PE.
V Symphosium on Virtual Reality – Participant – Realization: Brazilian Computer Society – 2002 –
Fortaleza – CE
XXII Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society – Participant – Realization: Brazilian Computer
Society – 2002 – Florianópolis – SC
V Cientific Beggining Program of Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP) – Speaker –
Realization: UNICAP – 2003 – Recife - PE
VI Cientific Beggining Program of UNICAP – Speaker – Realization: UNICAP – 2004 – Recife - PE
XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer in Education (SBIE) – Speaker – Realization: Brazilian
Computer Society – 2007 – São Paulo – SP.
II Informatic Week of Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP) - Instructor of the "Development
of Java ME Mobile Applications" course. Duration: 8h. Realization: UNICAP - 2008 - Recife - PE.
SCJP - Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform. Out/2005.
Distance Education
Virtual Learning Environments
Groupware Engineering
Software Engineering
Software Development
Software Automation Tests.
Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent Agents
Mobile Agents
OLIVEIRA, E. A. i-collaboration: Um modelo de colaboração inteligente
personalizada para ambientes de EAD, Dissertação de Mestrado, Centro de Informática,
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), 2008.
OLIVEIRA, E.; TEDESCO, P. i-collaboration: Um modelo de colaboração inteligente
personalizada para ambientes de EAD. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na
Educação, 2007, São Paulo, SP. Anais do XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática
na Educação, ISBN 978-85-7669-158-7, 2007.
VILAR, G.; VILAR, D. S.; OLIVEIRA, E. A.; JATOBA P. H. G. Processos Colaborativos
e Tecnologias da Informação Aplicados ao Ensino de Medicina. Revista Colabor@ Revista Digital da CVA-Ricesu, vol.2, n.7, ISSN 1519-8529. Maio, 2004.
OLIVEIRA, E. A.; VILAR, G. Ambientes Colaborativos de Ensino/Aprendizagem. In: V
Jornada de Iniciação Científica da UNICAP, 2004, Recife - PE. Anais da VI Jornada
de Iniciação Científica da UNICAP, 2004.
JATOBA, P.H.; LIMA, R.; Vilar, G.; OLIVEIRA, E.; Mattos, S.S. Collaborative
environments for telecardiology. In: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,
2003. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE.
Volume: 4, On page(s): 3646- 3648. ISBN: 0-7803-7789-3. 2003.
OLIVEIRA, E. A.; MURILO, S. Processos de Ensino/Aprendizagem. In: VI Jornada de
Iniciação Científica da UNICAP, 2003, Recife. Anais da V Jornada de Iniciação
Científica da UNICAP, 2003.
Personal website: http://sites.google.com/site/eaoufpe/