Thanksgiving Day - Salesianos de Manique


Thanksgiving Day - Salesianos de Manique
Escola Salesiana de Manique
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day (known in Portugal as Dia de Ação de Graças) is a
national holiday especially celebrated in the USA and Canada. In the USA it's on
the fourth Thursday of November, and in Canada it's on the second Monday of
It's a very loved and celebrated holiday, were family get together and over a
rich and traditional meal and say "Thank You" for all the good things that happened
in their lives.
The history behind "Thanksgiving"
very successful and there was a lot of
food for everyone. So they decided to
invite their friends, the natives, who
lend just a big help in their difficult
times, to a big feast, to say thank you.
Thanksgiving started about 400 years
It was the first Thanksgiving meal
ago, with a small group of people
and included turkey, sweet potatoes,
called the Pilgrim Settlers, who had
smash potatoes, corn, pumpkin, nuts
just arrived overseas, from England,
and apple pie and a lot of other good
in 1620. Their first winter in America
things they got back from their hard
was very difficult and hard, a lot of
them were ill and they didn't have a
lot of food. But then, in the autumn of
1621, and with the help of the natives,
the Native Americans, the harvest
from the fields they worked on was
Projeto 6ºJ
Beatriz Vedor nº3
Carolina Neto nº 5
Margarida Silva nº 14
Escola Salesiana de Manique
... at our school
At our school, Salesianos de Manique, we tried, this year, to recreate the
spirit of Thanksgiving by typically decorating the canteen "Thanksgiving style", our
menu had roasted turkey and smash potatoes.
Some classes dressed up with self made typical hats (such as Pilgrim hats
and Native American faders).
In the spirit of sharing, we put
together a basket with all the typical
and essential goods of Thanksgiving.
We had nuts, apples, corn cobs, wheat
spikes, we made e great variety of
pies, including the traditional pumpkin
pie. Some classes made posters and
scattered them around the school.
All was a fun day!
Projeto 6ºJ
Beatriz Vedor nº3
Carolina Neto nº 5
Margarida Silva nº 14

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