Microsoft PowerPoint - 02 Vis\343o da CI, Alexandre Prado


Microsoft PowerPoint - 02 Vis\343o da CI, Alexandre Prado
O que a CI está fazendo
quanto às mudanças
Alexandre Prado
Mudanças climáticas e biodiversidade são
estreitamente vinculadas
Mudanças Climáticas
Conversão de
Mudanças na
chuvas, nível do
mar e padrões
naturais +
Lidar com a mudança climática será fundamental para
alcançar as metas de longo prazo de conservação e
para desenvolver ações em escala de paisagem
Conservação da
Use da terra
Qualidade de Vida
Qual é nossa visão de longo prazo?
• A Conservação Internacional e seus parceiros
desenvolvem projetos florestais de carbono que mitigam
a mudança climática, conservam a biodiversidade e
contribuem para a sustentabilidade das comunidades
• O financiamento via Mercado de Carbono contribui para a
sustentabilidade financeira das iniciativas de
• Projetos Florestais de Carbono contribuem
significativamente para a conservação da biodiversidade
– Conservação das florestas e o reflorestamento
– Mitigação das mudanças climáticas
Formando a Agenda
Com projetos, pesquisa e
• Integrando adaptação da
biodiversidade nas políticas e na
negociação com os doadores
• Mantendo o foco no bem estar
humano e na repartição justa dos
• Promovendo atividades em
conferências, etc.
• Formando parcerias com Estados,
Governos Nacionais, ONGs,
doadores, institutos de pesquisa e
setor privado, como a CCBA
Biodiversity benefits
Social benefits
Carbono Florestal na Sala
• Curso de Desenvolvimento
de Projetos – Quito, Ecuador,
Outubro de 2007
• Curso de Mudança
Climática e Workshop no
Mexico/América Central –
CATIE, Costa Rica, Janeiro de 2008
• Treinamentos específicos
para desenvolver projetos
em andamento, parcerias
foram identificadas e a
implementação está se
What research is CI doing on climate change?
• Understanding the impacts of
climate change on natural and
human communities and
identifying vulnerable areas
• Modeling present and predicted
future ranges for both terrestrial
and marine species
• Developing conservation
strategies that are ‘robust’ in
the face of climate change
Research (cont’d)
• Wall-to-wall mapping of
deforestation and identifying
deforestation drivers
• Scenario modeling to analyze
potential trajectories of land
use change
• Estimate GHG emissions from
past and future forest
Forest carbon in the field
• Landscape-level Activities: Designing
and implementing innovative forest
carbon projects that provide climate,
biodiversity and livelihood benefits –
approx. 15 projects in some stage of
• National Programs: Support
development of forest carbon nationallevel initiatives that support policy
change, transfer of technological
expertise, and that prioritize multiple
benefits for biodiversity and local
peoples – currently assisting 4
What are we doing on climate policy?
• Influencing international and
domestic climate change policies
to ensure forest and biodiversity
• Shaping the creation of new
facilities and alliances to combat
climate change
• Coordinating with other NGO’s on
climate change policy, to bring
‘biodiversity’ into the picture
What are we doing with carbon markets and
corporate relations?
• Marketing carbon from our forest
carbon projects
• Shaping the development of markets
for multi-benefit carbon projects
• Convening the Climate, Community
and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA)
• Working with companies to reduce
their carbon footprints
the growing carbon
Tengchong, China
-467 ha A/R, 167K CERs
and REDD
-275 ha A/R, 80K+ CERs
-3,000+ ha AR corredor
-Reforestation around an
ecological reserve
-Restoration of degraded
pasture lands
- 425,000 ha REDD in
Protected Areas
-Local forest cooperatives
-Choco-Manabí Corridor
-Fruit gardens, fuelwood
National level
Forest Carbon Projects
Mantadia, Madagascar
An example of an integrated REDDreforestation project- Mantadia Zahamena,
Integrated approach: 405,000 ha total
Zahmena National Park
National Park
• Restoration of 3,000 ha of degraded lands (using 90
native spp.)
• Forest Protection: > 300,000 ha
• Agroforestry: >2,000 ha
Carbon Benefits:
• 1 million tons CERs, 9 million Verified ERs
Community Benefits:
• At least 200 jobs created in first 7 years of project
• Clarification of land rights; enhanced food production
Biodiversity Benefits:
• Protection of habitat, restoration of connectivity for
endangered species
How will CI scale-up these project
• Where appropriate, move from project to national
• Use the information from testing various approaches – to
help inform what works where
• Transfer technical skills to governments and local
– Baseline, mapping, carbon accounting
– Biodiversity data and priorities
• Integrate other ecosystem service benefits: water, etc
• Portfolio approach to carbon financing
– Private Sector, ODA, Foundations
– BioFund, World Bank
• Effective benefit distribution – to relevant stakeholders
Vehicles to scale-up these carbon
• Conservation & Community Carbon Fund
– New funding mechanism for supporting start-up and
development costs of carbon forestry projects that deliver
compelling biodiversity and local community benefits
– Opportunity to capitalize Fund with philanthropic
contributions from financial service institutions (Bank of
America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup)
– Fund provides vehicle for marketing CI and partner carbon
projects at scale
– Additional benefit of highly visible mechanism for
highlighting the importance of forest carbon in emerging
carbon markets and policy frameworks
• Multilaterals -- World Bank
– Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
– Global Forest Partnership

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