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Menu Spa - Maisturismo
Vidago Palace Spa by Clarins
O Vidago Palace Spa é um lugar de sofisticada elegância e glamour entre 40 hectares de
pinho e cedro perfumado, misturado com alecrim e lavanda através de todo o parque.
A história das águas de Vidago começou a partir do século XVII, época em que se
acreditava ter propriedades terapêuticas e curativas. Estas águas são recolhidas
directamente de captações profundas em terrenos de pura rocha granítica, agora
utilizadas em vários dos nossos tratamentos exclusivos. A elegância arquitectónica do
hotel e do contemporâneo Spa, fresco de linhas limpas vem trazer uma nova dimensão
para o famoso parque e hotel de Vidago. No Vidago Palace Spa as experiências são
únicas e memoráveis, com a cura através das águas minerais terapêuticas.
Aproveite o nosso duche refrescante, a fonte de gelo revigorante e energize o seu corpo
na luxuosa piscina de vitalidade, localizada numa maravilhosa atmosfera exterior.
Com um renovado sentimento de tranquilidade, relaxe no nosso contemporâneo
“Spa Lounge” com uma selecção de cozinha criativa e saudável, desfrutando das
tentadoras “Vidago Granitas”. Entre num novo mundo de emoções e de descoberta,
com a dedicação dos nossos terapeutas, treinados pelos standards internacionais,
enriquecendo a sua experiência com a água de Vidago, o “tratamento perfeito” para a
mente, corpo e alma. Encontre a memória perfeita da sua visita na nossa área exclusiva
de loja com um aconselhamento personalizado para todas as suas necessidades.
Para o seu Spa, Hotel Vidago Palace escolheu naturalmente Clarins, líder europeia
em cuidados para o rosto e para o corpo. Esta parceria de excelência é baseada numa
filosofia comum : um sentido inato de elegância, de acolhimento e de serviço.
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Vidago Palace Spa by Clarins
The Vidago Palace Spa is a place of sophisticated elegance and glamour set amongst
40 acres of fragrant cedar and pine, mixed with lavender and rosemary through the
entire park.
The history of Vidago waters dates from the 17th century, a time when they were
believed to have therapeutic and curative properties. These waters are collected
directly from deep underground granite rock springs and are now used in several of
our exclusive signature treatments. The architectural elegance of the hotel and the
spa’s contemporary, fresh, clean lines bring a new dimension to the famous Vidago
Park and Palace.
Our treatments at Vidago Palace Spa are unique and memorable, using the renowned
healing and therapeutic mineral waters. Enjoy our refreshing, invigorating showers
and ice fountain ; energize your body at our luxurious vitality pool located in beautiful
outdoor surroundings. With a renewed sense of tranquility, relax at our contemporary
“Spa Lounge” with a creative selection of healthy cuisine and tantalizing “Vidago
Granitas”, before entering into a new world of emotions and discovery, where our gifted,
attentive Therapists, trained to international standards, enhance your your Vidago Water
experience with the “Perfect Treatment” for mind, body and soul. Find the perfect souvenir
of your visit at our exclusive retail area with expert advice for all your skin care needs.
For its Spa, Vidago Palace Hotel has naturally chosen Clarins, European leader in
luxury skin care. This partnership of excellence is based on a common philosophy : an
innate sense of elegance and service, welcome and service.
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Clarins. A ciência, a experiência, os sentidos.
A perícia dos tratamentos profissionais altamente eficazes
Na base da perícia Clarins, as plantas oferecem os seus segredos de beleza e os seus
preciosos extractos… Os nossos Cientistas seleccionam os activos mais eficazes para
oferecer às mulheres e aos homens o melhor da natureza e da ciência. Cada fórmula
Clarins é fruto de uma Pesquisa inovadora, graças ao contacto permanente com os
profissionais dos institutos e aos rigorosos testes de eficácia e de tolerância levados a
cabo nos nossos Laboratórios.
Mais de 50 anos de estudo e conhecimento da pele
Desde a criação do primeiro Instituto Clarins, a eficácia dos produtos é optimizada
graças a um gestual exclusivo para Tratamentos 100% manuais. As mãos experientes das
Terapeutas profissionais detêm um poder único: tonificar, descontrair, firmar, modelar,
rejuvenescer… É através deste diálogo permanente com as mulheres e os homens em
todo o mundo que a Clarins adquiriu uma experiência única que lhe permite melhorar
constantemente as suas fórmulas e as suas técnicas evolutivas dos Tratamentos.
Despertar, harmonizar e equilibrar
Para optimizar os benefícios do Tratamento, Clarins criou um ritual incontornável
para despertar os sentidos: um ambiente que convida à descontracção, perfumes
delicados oriundos da aromaterapia, uma música personalizada, texturas únicas e
confortáveis, a degustação de um chá ou de uma tisana depois do Tratamento.
A Terapeuta Clarins desperta suavemente os 5 sentidos para uma harmonia e um
equilíbrio perfeitos entre o corpo e a mente e um bem-estar profundo e total.
Descubra a excelência única dos Tratamentos e Massagens Clarins na atmosfera
requintada do Vidago Palace Spa by Clarins: para além de uma experiência inesquecível,
um Tratamento Clarins é a garantia de uma eficácia única e cientificamente comprovada.
Está provado. Clarins torna a vida mais bela.
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Clarins. Science, experience, senses.
The expertise behind our high-performance professional treatments
At the heart of Clarins expertise are plants which offer their beauty secrets and precious
extracts. Our researchers select the most effective active ingredients to give women and
men the very best from nature and science. Every Clarins formula is the result of innovative
research and rigorous effectiveness and tolerance tests carried out in our laboratories.
Over 50 years of studying and researching the skin
Since the first Clarins Institute was created, product effectiveness has been optimized
thanks to exclusive 100% manual application methods to ensure a personalized and
unforgettable moment of sensorial pleasure. The expert hands of Clarins professional
Beauty Therapists hold the supreme power of touch to tone, relax, firm, contour and
rejuvenate your skin. It is through a constant dialogue with women and men across
the world that Clarins has gained its unique experience, enabling us to continually
improve product formulas.
Awakening, harmony, balance
To optimize treatment benefits, Clarins has created a special atmosphere to awaken
the senses: an environment designed for relaxation with subtle aromatherapy
fragrances, soothing music, wonderfully smooth, comforting product textures and a
relaxing tea after the Treatment.
The Clarins Beauty Therapist gently awakens the 5 senses for perfect harmony and
balance of the body and mind for a deep and total feeling of well-being.
Discover the unique excellence of Clarins treatments and massages in the refined
atmosphere of the Vidago Palace Spa by Clarins: beyond an unforgettable experience,
a Clarins treatment is the guarantee of unique, scientifically-proven performance.
It’s a fact. With Clarins, life’s more beautiful.
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Treatment List
Lista de tratamentos
Tratamentos para o Rosto Clarins
Clarins Face Treatments
Tratamentos para o Corpo Clarins
Clarins Body Treatments
Massagens para o Corpo Clarins
Clarins Body Massages
Específicos Clarins
Clarins Specifics
Envolvimentos para o Corpo Clarins
Clarins Body Wraps
Rituais Clarins no Vidago Palace Spa by Clarins
Clarins Rituals at Vidago Palace Spa by Clarins
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para o Rosto Clarins
Clarins Face Treatments
Totally Gentle Facial Treatment with Christophine
Tratamento Conforto com Chuchu
Repara e reequilibra as defesas naturais das peles
fragilizadas. Atenua as vermelhidões e uniformiza a tez.
Tratamento Purificante com Pó de Tanaka
Deixa as peles mistas ou oleosas purificadas, saudáveis
e sem brilhos. Torna o grão da pele mais fino.
Tratamento Hidratação com Katafray
Deixa as peles mais sedentas perfeitamente
hidratadas, suaves e luminosas.
Tratamento Anti-Envelhecimento
com Kiwi, Lúpulo ou Pueraria Lobata
Reduz as rugas prematuras, deixa a pele lisa,
tonificada e resplandecente.
Tratamento Anti-Envelhecimento
Capital Lumière com Plantas Pioneiras
Desperta de imediato a luminosidade profunda da pele.
O seu rosto fica mais jovem, mais liso e redensificado.
Tratamento para Homem com Erva de Bisonte
Hidrata e purifica a pele. Torna os traços mais lisos
e apazigua as peles fragilizadas pelo barbear. Para
uma pele firme e um olhar luminoso. Combate o stress.
Duração do tratamento 60 min
Christophine is a plant with skin-softening virtues.
This soothing treatment was designed for fragile, weakened
skin. It repairs and rebalances the skin’s natural defences.
Radiant and Pure Facial Treatment
with Tanaka Powder
Tanaka is a tree originally from Burma and from which is
extracted a powder known for its purifying properties. The
skin’s texture becomes firmer and the complexion clearer.
Ultra-Hydrating Facial Treatment with Katafray
Katafray is a tree with water storage capacities and grows in
the desert. Its extracts help to stimulate the skin’s natural
hydration process to promote softer, more supple and more
comfortable skin.
Youthful Lift Facial Treatment with Kiwi, Hops
or Pueraria Lobata
An anti-aging treatment specially adapted to your skin’s needs.
It helps reduce the appearance of early wrinkles, stimulate the
vital functions of the skin and visibly redefine your facial features.
Your skin is smoother, younger-looking, toned and more radiant.
Vital Light Treatment with Pioneer Plants
An exceptional anti-wrinkle treatment which restores the
luminosity and vitality that disappears with age. Enables the
deep, inner luminosity of your skin to instantly be reflected
on the skin surface. The face is brighter and revitalized.
Facial for Men with Bison Grass
Bison Grass is used for its energizing properties.
A treatment to restore more supple, radiant skin.
Facial features are relaxed and firmer.
Treatments duration 60 mins
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para o Corpo Clarins
Clarins Body Treatments
Exfoliating Body Treatment with Bamboo Powder
Tratamento Esfoliante com Pós de Bambu
A esfoliação é o tratamento obrigatório antes
de qualquer outro, pois ajuda a absorção dos produtos
e aumenta a eficácia dos mesmos. Deixa a pele suave,
lisa e aveludada.
Tratamento Silhueta Adelgaçante
com Liana do Peru
Adelgaçante, drenante e desintoxicante
para um corpo elegante.
Tratamento Conforto Hidratação
com Leite de Pessegueiro
Restitui às peles sedentas conforto,
flexibilidade e suavidade.
Tratamento Silhueta Firmeza com Tomilho Limão
Regenera para restituir firmeza ao corpo
e flexibilidade à pele.
Tratamentos para Futura Mamã
com Óleos 100% Puros Extractos de Plantas
Prepara o corpo para as alterações a que é sujeito,
alivia as dores lombares, a fadiga muscular
e contribui para a prevenção das estrias.
Duração do tratamento 60 min
Exfoliating is an absolute “must” treatment before any
further body care because it helps product absorption
and increases product effectiveness. Your skin, perfectly
exfoliated and smooth, ultra-soft and luminous, is revived
and revitalized… it feels like new.
Contouring Body Treatment with Uncaria Tomentosa
Uncaria tomentosa helps to limit the formation of excess
lipids in the body. This treatment is for those who want
to slim and remodel the silhouette while gaining a real
feeling of lightness.
Moisture-Relax Body Treatment with Peach Milk
Peach extract is used for its hydrating and nourishing
virtues. A wave of hydration and comfort for thirsty skin
that becomes more comfortable, more supple and thus
more resistant to external aggressions.
Firming Body Treatment with Lemon Thyme
Lemon thyme extracts help to maintain the skin’s elasticity.
The perfect treatment to restore skin tone and streamlined
body contours, along with soft, supple skin.
Mother-to-be Body Treatment
with 100% Pure Plant Oil
A preventive treatment that prepares the body for the
changes that occur during pregnancy. It prepares skin
for stretching and thus helps to prevent stretch marks.
Provides comfort and well-being.
Treatments duration 60 mins
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para o Corpo Clarins
Clarins Body Massages
Aromatic Massage Relax or Tonic
Massagens Relaxante e Tonificante
Massagem de bem-estar com movimentos envolventes
que combatem o stress e aliviam as tensões ou
massagem de vitalidade com vários tipos de pressões
que tonificam o corpo e estimulam os sentidos
(Para mulheres e homens).
60 min
Massagem Desportiva
Antes de uma actividade desportiva, promove
e optimiza a resposta muscular. Após o exercício,
alivia as tensões e ajuda a uma melhor recuperação
(Para mulheres e homens).
75 min
A well-being massage with relaxing movements
that help fight stress and relieve tensions or a
revitalizing massage with various types of pressure
movements to tone the body and stimulate the senses
(For women and men).
60 mins
Sports Massage
A great massage for the athlete in you !
Before a sports activity, it promotes looser muscles
and optimizes muscular response. After exercise,
it relieves tension and tightness and allows joints
and muscles to recuperate better.
(For women and men)
75 mins
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Específicos Clarins
Clarins Specifics
Tratamentos específicos para todas as preocupações
de beleza. Recomendado como complemento
de um tratamento para o rosto e para o corpo.
(Para mulheres e homens).
Targeted treatments for every beauty concern
to ensure your face and body remain flawless.
A truly precise combination of expert hands and
effective skin care to ensure immediate solutions
for every beauty issue. Recommended in addition
to other Face and Body Treatments.
(For women and men).
Cintura Definida
Ajuda a drenar, firmar e definir o abdómen e cintura.
Promove de imediato uma sensação de leveza.
50 min
Pernas mais Leves
Tratamento refrescante que descontrai e alivia
a sensação de cansaço e pernas pesadas.
45 min
Refined Waist
This targeted treatment helps drain, contour
and firm the abdomen, waist and hip area.
It promotes an immediate feeling of lightness.
50 mins
Lighter Legs
A refreshing treatment that relaxes and relieves tired,
heavy-feeling legs.
45 mins
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para o Corpo Clarins
Tratamentos com óleos essenciais para dissipar o stress
e restaurar o bem-estar e a harmonia do corpo e da mente.
(Para mulheres e homens).
Envolvimento Relaxante
Este envolvimento tem como base a argila cinzenta
e óleos essenciais. Tem uma acção remineralizante
e promove uma maravilhosa sensação de descontracção.
A pele fica sedosa, suave e confortável.
Envolvimento Tonificante
Envolvimento exótico que tem como base a laranja,
canela e pó de arroz. Energiza e revitaliza.
A pele fica suave e flexível.
Envolvimento Adelgaçante
Envolvimento profundamente purificante que
tem como base arando, framboesa e pó de arroz.
Ajuda a adelgaçar e deixa a pele suave e firme.
Duração do tratamento 45 min
Clarins Body Wraps
Ideal treatments with essential oils to banish stress
and restore well-being and harmony to body and mind.
Indulgence treatments for silky skin.
(For women and men).
Body Wrap Relaxing
This gentle wrap is based on green clay and essential
oils. It has a remineralizing action on the skin
and promotes a wonderful feeling of relaxation.
Skin feels silky-soft and comfortable.
Body Wrap Tonifying
An exotic wrap based on orange, cinnamon
and rice powders. Energizes and revitalizes.
Skin feels smooth and soft.
Body Wrap Contouring
A deeply purifying wrap based on red cranberry,
raspberry and rice powders.
Helps refine contours and leaves skin soft and firm.
Treatments duration 45 mins
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Rituais Clarins no Vidago
Palace Spa by Clarins
Clarins Rituals at Vidago
Palace Spa by Clarins
Estes tratamentos exclusivos no Vidago Palace Spa by Clarins
foram criados para oferecer uma experiência única:
a combinação entre a água mineral Vidago, conhecida
pelos seus benefícios naturalmente desintoxicantes
e remineralizantes e as fórmulas ricas em plantas da Clarins.
These exclusive treatments at the Vidago Palace Spa
by Clarins are designed to create a unique experience;
all combine the Vidago mineral waters, known for their
natural detoxifying and re-mineralizing benefits, with
the Clarins plant-rich formulas.
Ritual Desintoxicante Vidago
Vidago Detox Ritual
Duche de Massagem com Água Vidago + Tratamento
Esfoliante para o Corpo + Envolvimento Adelgaçante
Vichy Shower + Exfoliating Body Treatment
+ Body Wrap Contouring
Ritual Adelgaçante Vidago
Vidago Contouring Ritual
Hidromassagem + Tratamento Esfoliante para o Corpo
+ Envolvimento Adelgaçante
Hydromassage + Exfoliating Body Treatment
+ Contouring Body Treatment
Ritual Relaxante Vidago
Vidago Relax Ritual
Hidromassagem com Aerobanho + Envolvimento
Relaxante + Massagem Aromática Relaxante
Hydromassage with aerobath + Body Wrap Relaxing
+ Aromatic Massage Relax
Ritual Tonificante Vidago
Vidago Tonic Ritual
Duche de Jacto +Tratamento Esfoliante para o Corpo
+ Massagem Aromática Tonificante
Jet Blitz + Exfoliating Body Treatment + Aromatic Massage Tonic
Ritual de Beleza Vidago
Vichy Shower + Exfoliating Body Treatment + Face Treatment
Duche de Massagem com Água Vidago + Tratamento
Esfoliante para o Corpo + Tratamento para o Rosto
Ritual Desportivo Vidago
Vidago Beauty Ritual
Vidago Sport Ritual
Jet Blitz + Sports Massage
Duche de Jacto + Massagem Desportiva
Treatments duration 120 mins
Duração do tratamento 120 min
Luxury Ritual at Vidago Palace Spa by Clarins
Ritual de Luxo no Vidago Palace Spa by Clarins
Hidromassagem com Aerobanho + Tratamento
Esfoliante para o Corpo + Massagem Aromática
+ Tratamento para o Rosto
180 min
Hydromassage with aerobath + Exfoliating Body
Treatment + Aromatic Massage + Face Treatment
180 mins
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Informação Vidago Spa
Vidago Spa Information
Horário de funcionamento
Opening hours
Todos os dias da semana: 9:00 - 21:00
A utilização do spa é reservada a maiores de 16 anos.
Open every day from 9 am to 9 pm.
The use of the spa is reserved for guests over the age of 16.
Spa reservas
Spa reservations
Agradecemos que a sua reserva seja efectuada com
antecedência. As reservas estão sujeitas à disponibilidade
do momento, no entanto, faremos todos os possíveis
para satisfazer o seu pedido. Pacotes de Spa requerem
reserva antecipada de 48 horas.
We kindly request that all reservations are made
in advance, reservations are subject to availability,
and we will make every effort to accommodate your
request. Spa Packages require 48 hour advance
booking prior to check-in.
Os hóspedes day spa (não residentes)
Day spa guests (non-resident)
A reserva só é garantida mediante cartão de crédito.
When making your reservation, we will request your
credit card details as confirmation of your reservation.
O que vestir
Robes e chinelos serão facultados. Por favor, traga
o seu fato de banho para as experiências de água.
Os descartáveis serão fornecidos para todos os
tratamentos corporais.
Hó spedes do hotel
Roupões e chinelos são fornecidos no seu quarto.
Sinta-se livre para usá-los no Spa.
Aconselhamos os nossos clientes a deixarem os seus
bens de valor no quarto.
No entanto, se preferir, tem à sua disposição cacifos no Spa.
What to wear
Robes and slippers are provided. Please bring your
swimwear for the Vidago Water spa experience.
Disposable undergarments will be provided for all
body treatments.
Hotel residents
Robes and slippers are provided in your room.
Feel free to wear them in the spa.
We encourage our clients to leave all valuables
in the bedroom. However, should you require
them, small lockers are available.
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Etiqueta do Vidago Spa
Vidago Spa Etiquette
Para respeito de todos os nossos hóspedes, o uso de
telemóveis, câmaras e computadores não são permitidos
no Spa. Agradecemos gentilmente que mantenha o nível
de ruídos minimizado, enquanto permanece nas instalações
do Spa e durante os tratamentos.
For the respect of other spa guests, the use of mobile phones,
cameras and computers when in the spa is not permitted. We
also kindly request that you keep noise levels to a minimum
whilst in the spa’s facilities and during treatments.
Para quaisquer dúvidas ou informações sobre o spa,
por favor, marque a tecla ‘SPA’ no display do telefone.
please dial the “SPA” button on your telephone display.
Agradecemos a sua chegada 30 minutos antes do seu
tratamento, a fim de proceder ao preenchimento do
nosso formulário de avaliação e poder relaxar no nosso
ambiente tranquilo antes do seu tratamento.
Todos os tratamentos podem ser debitados no seu
quarto, e liquidados no momento do check-out,
ou se preferir directamente no Spa através de cartão
de crédito ou dinheiro. Não são aceites cheques
A exposição solar não é recomendada após qualquer
tipo de tratamento por um período mínimo de vinte
e quatro horas.
· A nudez no Spa não é permitida, solicitamos
que use roupa apropriada.
Para os homens – é aconselhado desfazer a barba antes
dos tratamentos faciais para assegurar os melhores resultados.
· Não é permitido fumar e consumir álcool.
· Reservas canceladas até 24 horas de antecedência,
Sem qualquer cobrança.
Reservas canceladas com menos de 24 horas
de antecedência, 70 % do valor do tratamento.
Em caso de não comparência será cobrado 100 %
do valor do tratamento.
· For any enquiries or information regarding the spa,
Please arrive a minimum of 30 minutes prior to your
treatment, in order to complete your health assessment form
and take time to relax in our tranquil surroundings before
your treatment.
· All treatments can be charged to your room, and can be
paid at the time of check-out ;
We also take credit card payments and cash.
Cheques are not accepted.
We recommend that you do not sunbathe after any
treatment for a minimum of twenty-four hours.
· Nudity in the spa area is not permitted. We kindly request
that appropriate swimwear is worn at all times.
For men – please shave prior to all facial treatments to ensure
that maximum results are achieved.
· Smoking or alcohol consumption is not permitted in the spa.
· To cancel reservations at the Spa we require a 24-hour
notice period, to avoid any charges.
If less than 24 hours, 70% of the treatment value will
be charged. A ‘no-show’ will be charged at 100% of the
treatment price.
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For over 30 years, Aromatherapy Associates has been harnessing the healing powers of natural plant extracts, creating
exquisite essential oil blends to bring vitality, energy and a deep sense of
well-being. They use their expertise to develop
beautiful and highly effective skin, bath and body products that are acclaimed the world over. Since they bega, they have
brought their knowledge and skills to the world’s greatest spas, with treatments and rituals to restore health and vitality. From
sourcing ingredients and developing products, to blending oils and creating their unique, recognisable aromas, Aromatherapy
Associated maintains the highest standard of quality to bring you an aromatherapy experience that’s as effective as it is luxurious.
The exclusive treatments at Vidago Palace Spa are designed to create a unique experience; all combine the mineral waters, known for their
natural detoxifying and re-mineralising benefits. Essential oils and plants grown in the Palace grounds assist the sense of well-being through
the body and mind, along with skincare systems that enhance the benefits of the mineral water.
160 MIN
This tailored experience captures the essence of the Palace grounds. Unwind with a Vidago water bath surrounded with the aromas of lavender
and rosemary. Enhance your relaxation with 80 minutes of de-stressing massage, followed by an exclusively designed rejuvenating facial.
With a renewed sense of calmness enjoy one of ‘Chef’s’ creative dishes at the Spa Lounge.
110 MIN
Experience the feeling of basalt stones, gently heated in Vidago water, combined with a deeply beneficial massage using the positive influence
of essential oils. Enjoy comforting, warm, silky mud on your feet as a facial mask is applied. Completing this deeply calming treatment is a
relaxing scalp massage. Continue your relaxation therapy with one of ‘Chef’s’ creative dishes at the Spa Lounge.
Enjoy the privacy of your own couples Spa Suite; experience the mineral waters in the sumptuous bath, followed by the sensuous aroma in
our specialised heat cabinet. Relax in pure, unadulterated calmness after experiencing a tailor-made treatment, with views to the secluded
courtyard. Create your ‘special moment’ by personalizing your experience. Design a bespoke package with your therapist, encompassing all
your treatment needs. A truly memorable experience !
Enjoy the Couples Suite for 2 hours, relax in the sumptuous bath, experience the aroma steam and enjoy 50 minutes of attentive therapy.
Relax in the suite with gourmet delights from Chef’s Spa Lounge Menu.
Enjoy the Couples Suite for 3 hours, relax in the sumptuous bath, experience the aromatic steam and enjoy 110 minutes of attentive facial
and body therapy. Relax in the suite with gourmet delights from Chef’s Spa Lounge Menu.
80 MIN
A camomile and olive grain scrub refreshes legs and feet before you are treated to an uplifting inhalation of frankincense and a traditional
aromatherapy massage to target symptoms of stress. A blend of camomile, petitgrain and rosemary helps to calm and cleanse your thoughts,
whilst an Ayurvedic scalp and facial massage works to relieve physical and emotional exhaustion.
80 MIN
This treatment begins with a gentle olive grain exfoliation to legs and feet, followed by an application of vitamin rich wheat germ oil to cuticles
and dry skin. A pressure point massage with uplifting oils of geranium, frankincense and rose encourage feelings of inner harmony, whilst a
warm freshwater mud mask to the face works on your outer radiance.
80 MIN
Feel fresh and alive from the inside out. First, take a breather with our invigorating inhalation, then lie back, relax and let these deep yet
stimulating massage techniques mobilise tissue and encourage effective circulation. Experience an uplifting and balancing Ayurvedic scalp
massage, followed by a facial massage to clear and release any unwanted toxins. Feel invigorated.
80 MIN
This deeply sedating full body massage harnesses rich earthy essential oils of vetivert, camomile and sandalwood, renowned for their intense
calming and grounding effects. Acupressure point face and scalp massage helps to clear any congestion and ease an overactive mind.
A must-have treatment for those who suffer from insomnia or who are longing for a deep sense of tranquillity.
A consultation with your therapist helps to identify a highly therapeutic oil blend for your physical and emotional needs. Carefully applied
pressures then stimulate the nervous system, whilst Swedish and neuro-muscular techniques relieve muscular tension, and lymphatic
drainage encourages healthy circulation. Every part of your body will feel deeply relaxed and recharged.
This highly restorative treatment works deeply to relieve tight, stressed and aching muscles. Whether it’s a heavy exercise schedule or too
many hours spent sitting at your desk, when you push yourself to your limit, your body can easily become stiff, tight and painful. Completing
the experience with stretches (Thai style).
Targeting the most affected areas of stress, focus is given to the back, neck, shoulders and head, using a de-stressing blend. Followed by hot
stones to work deeper into the muscle leaving your muscles stress free.
Are you in need of ‘shutting out the world’ or just in the need to relax and unwind, this is the perfect solution for your mind and body. Spend
a full day with us at Vidago Spa, enjoy the extensive Day Spa facilities in our vitality pool to relax and revitalize all your senses. Begin your
day with a warming and re-mineralizing Vidago Water Hydro bath, followed by an enriching full-body scrub. Then unwind in our sumptuous
relaxation lounge and enjoy a hydrating glass of Vidago Water. With a renewed sense of calmness, your 80 minute aromatherapy massage will
begin by choosing an essential oil blend to suit your needs. Within the serene surrounding of the spa, experience Chef’s delicious food and
beverage creations at the Spa Lounge. Completing your day of relaxation, see and feel the difference with a tailor-made Prescription Facial,
for complete radiance inside and out.
Have you over indulged or are you feeling that your body needs to be cleansed? This day of detoxing is a great way to re-balance and
invigorate. Spend a full day with us at Vidago Spa, enjoy the extensive Day Spa facilities using our vitality pool to relax and revitalize all your
senses. Begin your day with an invigorating Vidago water Vichy Shower and full body scrub, then unwind in the Day Spa, whilst experiencing
new and exciting water treatments. With a renewed sense of vigor, feel the benefits of an 80 minute ‘Essential Detox’ treatment to promote the
removal of toxins and improve circulation. Add to your detox programme with a delicious salad and granites from Chef’s Spa Lounge Menu.
Complete your ‘detox’ day with a revitalizing facial, using exquisite essential oil blends for radiant skin and a glowing spirit.
Feeling in need of a ‘pick-me-up’ this is the perfect package to boost your wellbeing. Spend a day enjoying the benefits of the Vidago Day
Spa facilities, including the Vitality Pool to rejuvenate mind and body. Begin your therapy experience with an energizing Vidago water Vichy
Shower followed by a reviving body scrub. Relax at our Spa lounge and discover the tantalizing tastes of Vidago Water with one of Chef’s
delicious creations. Ready for an afternoon of pampering? Complete your experience with a therapeutic 50 minute real aromatherapy massage
and a mini facial, to restore health and vitality.
Is it time to leave the stresses of daily life behind you? This is the perfect get-away experience for you. Experience the powerful jets at the
vitality pool and enjoy the exquisite surroundings of the Vidago Spa. Immerse yourself in a warm re-mineralizing Vidago water hydro bath and
allow all your stress and tension to dissolve away before experiencing the benefits of a full-body exfoliation. Once you are feeling calm and
cosy, relax and enjoy one of Chef’s delicious creations at the Spa Lounge whilst looking forward to an afternoon of pampering. A 50 minute
de-stressing massage and mini aromatherapy facial, using highly therapeutic essential oil blends, will help clear your mind, focus your thoughts
and leave your complexion visibly soft, smooth and revitalized.
Our personal trainer will assess your fitness levels and further develop and implement a personalised programme to your fitness level. Working
with you on a ‘one to one basis, empowering you to achieve your goals
Originally from India, yoga is an ancient physical practice as well as a philosophy. Techniques aim to improve awareness, balance mind and
body to create a state of physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Personalized nutritional support is available, according to clients’ food preferences and personal goals. The main objective is to assess the
clients’ nutritional status and develop a personalised diet plan.
The use of the spa is reserved for guests over the age of 16. Spa Reservations We kindly request that all reservations are made in advance,
reservations are subject to availability, and we will make every effort to accommodate your request. Spa Packages require 48 hour advance
booking prior to check-in.
When making your reservation, we will request your credit card details as confirmation of your reservation.
Robes and slippers are provided. Please bring your swimwear for the Vidago Water spa experience. Disposable under garments will be
provided for all body treatments.
Robes and slippers are provided in your room. Feel free to wear them in the spa. We encourage our clients to leave all valuables in the
bedroom. However, should you require them, small lockers are available.
Vidago spa offers a unique location, offering relaxation tranquillity and tumost privacy. In order to achieve this, and for the respect of other spa
guests, the use of mobile phones, cameras and computers when in the spa is not permitted. We also kindly request that you maintain the noise
level to a minimum whilst in the spa’s facilities and during treatments.
· For any enquiries or information regarding the spa, please dial the ‘SPA’ button on your telephone display.
· Please arrive a minimum of 30 minutes prior to your treatment, in order to complete your health assessment form and take time to relax in
our tranquil surroundings before and after your treatment.
· We have a wonderful selection of nutritious juices and food selections, which can be prepared for you to enjoy after your treatment.
· All treatments can be charged to your room, and can be paid at the time of check out, we also take credit card payments and cash.
Cheques are not accepted.
· We recommend that you do not sunbathe after any treatment for a minimum of twenty-four hours.
· Nudity in the spa area is not permitted. We kindly request that appropriate swimwear is worn at all times.
· For men – please shave prior to all facial treatments to ensure that maximum results are achieved.
· Smoking or alcohol consumption is not permitted in the spa.
To cancel reservations at the Spa we require a 24 hour notice period, to avoid any charges.
If less than 24 hours, 70% of the treatment value will be charged.
No show will be charged at 100% of the treatment price.
The traditional Vidago Spa Water therapies are renowned for their healing and medical benefits, including digestive conditions, muscular aches
and pains, Rheumatic and Nervous conditions, assists in increasing metabolism, cardiovascular ailments and skin conditions. Under the expert
guidance of our medical team you will be advised a personalized treatment programme that adapts to your specific needs.
Dr. Consultation
Subscription fee
Check up
Simple Immersion bath
Single use
10,00 €
20,00 €
Jet Blitz - General
Jet Biltz - Lumbar
Parcial Vichy shower
General Vichy shower
Hydromassage w/ Aerobath
20,00 €
20,00 €
35,00 €
50,00 €
35,00 €
35,00 €
7 days
50,00 €
14 days
80,00 €
126,00 €
238,00 €
126,00 €
126,00 €
220,00 €
315,00 €
220,00 €
220,00 €
238,00 €
238,00 €
416,00 €
595,00 €
416,00 €
416,00 €
Vidago Palace
Parque de Vidago
apartado 16 - 5 425 - 307 / Vidago - PORTUGAL / [email protected]
Vidago Palace is managed by G.L.A HOTELS
Tel. +33 1 53 89 88 88 /