Weather Event Preparedness Notice


Weather Event Preparedness Notice
Emergency Event Notice
Update Number: 2 (Final)
Date: February 9, 2013
Time: 12:00 Noon
Updated Information:
As of 12:00 Noon February 9, 2013 the Emergency Operations Center will be
deactivated. Please continue to stay off the roads until the traffic ban is lifted
by the Governor. If you need to report storm related problems please report
them directly to the responsible department.
For Hudson Light & Power call 978-568-8736
For Public Works call 978-562-9333
For Medical, Police or Fire emergencies call 911.
Earlier Notices:
UPDATE #1 February 8, 2013 2:00 pm
Please be advised that the Governor has issued an Executive Order implementing a statewide
travel ban as of 4:00 PM. The ban allows exceptions for certain public safety and public health
employees, public works and utility employees and members of the media. Violation of the
order carries possible penalties including fines and imprisonment. If you are uncertain as to
whether one of the exceptions applies to you, please call the Hudson Police Department at its
business number 978-561-7122.
Weather Event Preparedness Notice
The Hudson Emergency Management Agency is monitoring the progress of the Winter Storm
predicted to begin on 2/8/13 and last through 2/9/13. In coordination with the Massachusetts
Emergency Management Agency we will receive and publish updates on the storm’s status as
appropriate, and will open our emergency operations center at 12:00 Noon on Friday, February
8. Non-emergency Town Departments will be closed after 12:00 Noon on Friday, February 8.
Additional notices regarding the storm will be provided as indicated below.
Public notices will be made via the Town of Hudson website Home Page: throughout the storm as information and conditions
change. You may sign up to receive email notification of these announcements
on the bottom right of the home page by clicking on the link entitled Email
Subscriber and following the directions. Select the “News and Announcements”
check box when signing up. Specific notices including Verizon emergency contact
numbers and instructions for preparing a disaster supply kit are also posted on
the website.
When possible updates will also be posted on local cable channels 43, 45, and 47
for Verizon customers, and channels 8, 9, and 99 for Comcast Customers.
All emergency calls during the event should be directed to 911. If and when the
Emergency Operations Center is opened non-emergency, storm-related calls can
be made to 978-562-5565.
Non-emergency calls related to power outages should be made to The Hudson
Light & Power Department at 978-568-8736.
If you see wires OF ANY TYPE down, DO NOT touch them but call 911 to report
If your basement is flooding and threatening any of your utilities with electrical
connections call The Hudson Fire Department at 978-562-3434.
If a shelter needs to be opened, it will be announced on the website and citizens
will receive notification via the reverse 911 telephone system. If a shelter is
opened, it will be located at Farley School. Staffing at the shelter will be provided
by the Hudson Reserve Medical Corps, Hudson Emergency Services Personnel
and the Red Cross.
If an evacuation of any kind is warranted, it will be announced on the website
and citizens will receive notification via the reverse 911 system.
If you have any storm-related non-emergency questions you can send them to
[email protected] and we will try to get you an answer, as time
Aviso de Preparação Relacionado ao Tempo
A Hudson Emergency Management Agency continua a acompanhar os efeitos previstos e
possíveis locais da 2/8/13 até 2/9/13. Em coordenação com Massachusetts Emergency
Management Agency vamos receber atualizações regulares sobre o estado da tempestade e
vamos abrir o nosso centro de operações de emergência ao meio dia na sexta-feira, 8 de
Fevereiro. Os Departamentos da vila de não-emergência serão encerrados ao meio dia na
Sexta-feira, 8 de Fevereiro.
Aviso de tal abertura será fornecido conforme indicado abaixo.
Os avisos ao público serã feitos através da página inicial do site da Vila de Hudson: durante a tempestade conforme as informações e condições
alterarem. Você pode se inscrever para receber email de notificação desses anúncios no
canto inferior direito da página inicial ao clicar no link intitulado Email Subscriber e
seguindo as orientações. Selecione a caixa de seleção “News and Announcements”
quando se inscrever. Avisos específicos, incluindo os números de contatos de
emergência de Verizon e instruções para a preparação de um kit de desastres estão
também publicados no site.
Quando possível atualizações também serão postadas no canal a cabo local 43,45, e 47
para os clientes de Verizon, e canal 8,9, e 99 para clientes da Comcast.
Todas as chamadas de emergência durante o evento devem ser dirigidas ao 911.
Se e quando o Centro de Operações de Emergência abrir, todas as questões não
relacionadas a esta emergência podem ser feitas em 978-562-5565.
Chamadas relacionadas com a falta de energia devem ser feitas para o Departamento
de Hudson Light & Power em (978) 568-8736.
Se você vê fios DE QUALQUER TIPO caídos, NÃO lhe toque mas ligue para o 911
para avisá-los.
Se seu porão inundar e ameaçar qualquer um de seus utilitários com conexões
elétricas ligue para Departamento de Bombeiros de Hudson em 978-562-3434.
Se for preciso abrir um abrigo, será anunciado no site e os cidadãos irão receber a
notificação através do sistema de telefone reverso 911. Se for aberto um abrigo, ele
será localizado na Escola Farley. O pessoal do abrigo será fornecido pelos Hudson
Reserve Medical Corps, Hudson Emergency Services Personnel e a Red Cross.
Se for preciso evacuação de qualquer, será anunciado no site e os cidadãos
receberão notificação através do sistema reverse 911.
Se tiver alguma perguntas de não-emergência relacionadas à tempestade você pode
enviá-las para [email protected] e tentaremos responder, conforme o
tempo permitir.