

Raquel Guerra e Cristina B. Soeiro
The crime of rape: typologies and the technique of criminal profiles. Exploratory study
Ousar integrar – revista de reinserção social e prova 2009 4: 35-48.
The present study stands in the scope of research of variables connected to the crime
of rape and with the definition from a representative typology of the portuguese reality. It
is an exploratory study, which the most important aim is to identify different profiles from
the crime of rape, combining the characteristics of the aggressors, victims and the
criminal phenomenon. The collect of data was based on an Inquire for the Research of
the Violent Offender - Version for the Crime of Rape (QIPAV-V, ISPJCC, 2006). There
were analysed 33 cases of rape examined by the Department of Sexual Crimes from
the Directorate of Lisboa and Vale do Tejo - Polícia Judiciária, between 2000 and 2007.
The data were analysed using statistic procedures from the homogeneity analysis
(HOMLS), from which there were identified four distinct profiles that define the existence
of different sort of aggressors: criminal rape profile by opportunity, criminal rape profile
by aggressivity, criminal rape profile by sexual nature and, at last, the criminal rape
profile in a criminal context. There were replicated some of the profiles from the
typologies of Groth (1979) and Knight and Prentky (1990).
Keywords - crime of rape, sexual aggressors, typologies, criminal profiles