Profiles Ingles International Workshop - Nepam


Profiles Ingles International Workshop - Nepam
Antaq – Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (BRAZIL)
APTA/SAA/SP – Instituto de Pesca São Paulo (BRAZIL)
CAPES – Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (BRAZIL)
CEPAM – Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas de administração Municipal (São Paulo, BRAZIL)
CIRAD – La Recherche Agronomique pour Le Développement (FRANCE)
CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (BRAZIL)
COPERPESCASS – Cooperativa de Pesca de São Sebastião (BRAZIL)
DTS – Desenvolvimento Territorial Sustentável (BRAZIL)
ECOMAR – Associação de Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros (BRAZIL)
Epagri – Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina (BRAZIL)
FFLCH/USP – Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas/USP (BRAZIL)
FURG – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (BRAZIL)
IB/UNICAMP – Instituto de Biologia/UNICAMP (BRAZIL)
IBAMA – Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (BRAZIL)
IBGE – Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (BRAZIL)
ICMBio – Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (BRAZIL)
IDRC – The International Development Research Centre (CANADA)
INPA – Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Amazônicas (BRAZIL)
LACTEC – Instituto de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento (BRAZIL)
MMA – Ministério do Meio Ambiente (BRAZIL)
MPA – Ministério da Pesca e Aqüicultura (BRAZIL)
MPEG – Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (BRAZIL)
NEPAM/UNICAMP – Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Ambientais/UNICAMP (BRAZIL)
NMD/UFSC - Núcleo Transdisciplinar do Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento/UFSC (BRAZIL)
NUPAUB/USP – Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa sobre Populações Humanas em Áreas Úmidas
Brasileiras/USP (BRAZIL)
PNUMA – Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente (BRAZIL)
PROCAM/USP – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Ambiental/USP (BRAZIL)
OSCIP – Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (BRAZIL)
RESEX – Reserva Extrativista (BRAZIL)
Rimisp – Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarollo Rural (CHILE)
SSHRC - The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (CANADA)
UFAM – Universidade Federal do Amazonas (BRAZIL)
UFF – Universidade Federal Fluminense (BRAZIL)
UFRN – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (BRAZIL)
UFPR – Universidade Federal do Paraná (BRAZIL)
UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BRAZIL)
UFSC – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (BRAZIL)
UNICAMP – Universidade Estadual de Campinas (BRAZIL)
UNIVALI – Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (BRAZIL)
USP – Universidade de São Paulo (BRAZIL)
States of Brazil
AC - Acre
AL - Alagoas
AP - Amapá
AM - Amazonas
BA - Bahia
CE – Ceará
DF - Distrito Federal
GO - Goiás
ES - Espírito Santo
MA - Maranhão
MT - Mato Grosso
MS - Mato Grosso do Sul
MG - Minas Gerais
PA - Pará
PB - Paraíba
PR - Paraná
PE - Pernambuco
PI - Piauí
RJ - Rio de Janeiro
RN - Rio Grande do Norte
RS - Rio Grande do Sul
RO - Rondônia
RR - Rorâima
SP - São Paulo
SC - Santa Catarina
SE - Sergipe
TO - Tocantins
Adenício dos Remédios (Teteco)
President of the Community Association from Ponta Negra, Paraty, Brazil.
(1) Caiçara culture protection; (2) Community-based tourism; (3) Ecological-cultural
tourism; (4) Communitary management.
Working area
(1) Paraty, RJ
Main works
Project 1
He organizes the caiçara traditional activities for local tourism at the community He
lives: Ponta Negra, Paraty, RJ.
Project 2
He owns a bar/restaurant at the community and lives mostly by its incomes.
Alexandre Lantelme Kirovsky
Assessor Chefia de Assuntos Estratégicos e Relações Institucionais
Ministério da Aquicultura e Pesca
Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco D; Sala 232; CEP: 90.043-900; Brasília-DF
Tel: (55) 61 2023-3115 ou (55) 61 3218-3817; Fax: (55) 61 3218-3714
[email protected]
(1) Socio-productive organization; (2) Cultural, social, feeding, working, economic and
environmental sustainability and development; (3) parcipative public policies zoning
management and implementations; (4) ecossystemic conservation; (5) co-management
between government and civil society levels; (6) conflict management and common
resource use.
Study area
(1) Baía de Ilha Grande/RJ - Brasil
Main research projects
Project 1
Title: Fishing Agreements at the Baía de Ilha Grande/RJ (2009 – depends on the
Study areas: Baía de Ilha Grande/RJ – cities: Mangaratiba, Ilha Grande, Angra dos
Reis and Paraty;
Objectives: participative fisheries management planning, monitoring and
evaluation of the fisheries policies at the Baía de Ilha Grande/RJ;
Partners: among civil society, Ministério da Pesca e da Aquicultura (MPA),
Núcleo de Solidariedade Técnica (SOLTEC) da UFRJ and Fundação Instituto de
Pesca do Rio de Janeiro (FIPERJ)/RJ. Participation of Instituto Chico Mendes de
Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio)/MMA, do Instituto Brasileiro do Meio
Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais (IBAMA)/MMA, do Instituto Estadual do
Ambiente (INEA)/RJ and the Mangaratiba, Angra dos Reis e Paraty Municipalities.
Funding: mainly from the Emenda Parlamentar do Deputado Estadual Luiz Sérgio
do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT);
Main themes: (1) Socio-productive organization; (2) Cultural, social, feeding,
working, economic and environmental sustainability and development; (3)
parcipative public policies zoning management and implementations; (4)
ecossystemic conservation; (5) co-management between government and civil
society levels; (6) conflict management and common resource use.
Project 2
Title: it isn‘t quite a Project, but he works at the review of the fishing agreement
Dr. Alexander Turra
Laboratório de Manejo, Ecologia e Conservação Marinha, Departamento de
Oceanografia Biológica, Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo
Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, CEP: 05508-120, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Phone: (55) 11 3091-6594
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Integrated Coastal Management; (2) Social Learning and Emancipatory
Environmental Education; (3) Beach use and conflict management; (4) Science and
public policies
Study areas
(1) São Paulo state coast, focus in the north
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Social Learning and its application in the relations between science and
environmental governance: four study cases in São Paulo state (2011-2012)
Study area: north coast of São Paulo state
Objectives: to systematize the experiences related to water governance, through the
application of innovative methodologies such as multiple-agent platforms.
Key theme: the articulation between knowledge management, learning processes
through its various manifestations, in order to analyze ongoing interactions between
scientific production and environmental governance, with the water issue as an
integrative and articulating element.
Funding: CNPq.
Project 2
Title: Biodiversity and the functioning of a subtropical landscape: ecosystemic study
model for management (2011-2014)
Study area: Baía do Araçá (north coast of São Paulo state).
Objective: to produce an integrated model of study capable of application in other
areas towards the understanding of social, economic and environmental importance
and role in coastal systems.
Funding: FAPESP
Dr. Alpina Begossi
Capesca, Preac, Lepac & CMU, UNICAMP, Brazil.
Fisheries and Food Institute, Rua Coronel Quirino 1636, Campinas 13025-002.
Phone: 55 19 7808 4276
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Fisheries; local knowledge, (2) ecological models, (3) diet and taboos, (4)
management of artisanal fisheries.
Study areas
(1) Brazil;
Main Research Projects
Project 1
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)/Canada Research Chairs (CRC)
International Research Chairs Initiative (IRCI), Alpina Begossi (IRCI) and Fikret
Berkes (CRC)
Study area: Paraty, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Objectives: (1) To generate and/or mobilize knowledge needed for communitybased resource management and food security; (2) to build local capacity to engage
stakeholders in governance processes; (3) to develop a community-based resource
management plan; and (4) to develop participatory monitoring and evaluation of
social, economic and ecological variables to promote adaptive co-management and
to secure food access for livelihoods.
Themes: Human ecology, food security, fisheries and coastal resource management;
commons; livelihoods; access and equity; adaptive management; governance
Partnership: State University at Campinas (Unicamp); University of Manitoba;
Fisheries and Food Institute (FIFO); several Brazilian and Canadian universities
Dr. Ana M. Parma
Centro Nacional Patagonico
9120 Puerto Madryn, Argentina.
Phones: (54) 2965 451026 (ext. 279) [office] and (54) 2965 457628 [home].
[email protected] or [email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) The provision of scientific/technical advice for the sustainable management of
commercial small-scale (artisanal and sport) fisheries targeting stocks of benthic
Study areas
(1) San Jose Gulf, Argentine Patagonia: Commercial diving for bivalves (mostly
scallops); Coastal shellfish (mussels, octopus);
(2) San José and Nuevo Gulfs, Argentine Patagonia: Conservation and management of
sport and semi-commercial fisheries for subtidal rocky reef fishes
(3) Chile: Implementation of territorial use privileges (AMERBs) in Chilean
shellfisheries; Commercial diving for sea urchins in south Chile.
(4) Galicia (Spain): Shellfisheries, mostly commercial diving for sea urchins.
Main research projects
Project 1
Title: Management of artisanal fisheries through territorial rights: the role of local
rules in resource sustainability (2009-present).
Partners/Funding: Guggenheim Foundation. (PI).
Project 2
Title: Stock assessment of the loco resource in open access areas and management
alternatives for northern Chile (2009-2010).
Partners/Funding: Fondo de Investigaciones Pesqueras (Chile), Project 2008-51.
Director: Dr. Wolfgang Stotz (Universidad Católica del Norte).
Key theme: assessment and management of the resource in areas outside the TURFs,
in what effectively is a dual management system (TURFs & de facto open access
Project 3
Title: Pieces of the Puzzle- Specifying the dynamics of harvested benthic
metapopulations at meaningful scales (2008-2011).
Partners/Funding: Scientific and Technological Research Projects (PICT),
Director: Dr. Ana M. Parma (CENPAT).
Key theme: assessment and dynamics of the scallop stock from San Jose Gulf.
Dr. Antônio Marcos Muniz Carneiro
Programa de Engenharia de Produção, COPPE/UFRJ
Ph. (55) 21 2562.8285/7046, [email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Conservation discourse; (2) Socio-ecology; (3) Social-environmental education; (4)
Integrated and participative natural resources management; (5) Fisheries extension; (6)
Co-management of aquatic ecosystems; (7) Social and environmental coastal
management; and, (8) Ethnoecology of small-scale fisheries.
Study areas
(1) North Coast of Rio de Janeiro, Campos Basin (since 1998).
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: An Interactive Tool for the Implementation of a Participatory Management
Plan in a Marine Extractive Reserve (2011).
Study Area: Marine Extractive Reserve of Arraial do Cabo, RJ.
Objective: To foster the training of facilitators in participatory and integrated
management of coastal and marine conservation areas who will assist with the
development and implementation of a participatory management plan for the Marine
Extractive Reserve of Arraial do Cabo, based on Ethnoconservation trends through
an interactive methodology for complex projects.
Funding: Approved by the Call for proposal for the Conservation of Coastal and
Marine Areas under the influence of the Atlantic Forest Biome - Program Atlantic
Coast – Atlantic Forest Foundation.
Partners: Association of Marine Extractive Reserve of Arraial do Cabo –
AREMAC; Office of RESEX-Mar Arraial do Cabo - ICMBio, Arraial do Municipal
Secretary of Education, Municipal Foundation for Environment, Research, Science
and Technology.
Project 2
Title: Beach Services.
Objective: To develop standards for ISO quality certification for beaches around the
Study Area: Urban beaches of the world.
Funding: ABNT/CB – 54, Brazilian Tourism Committee.
Partners: Several national institutions with research and management operations in
the Brazilian Coast.
Dr. Brian Davy
C-FOAM Canadian Fisheries, Oceans and Aquaculture Management, University of
931 Plante Dr Ottawa ON Canada, K1V 9E3
Home office telephone: 613.738.4629, Fax: 613.238.8515
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Mainly aquaculture/small scale fisheries management linked to sustainable
production systems; (2) food security; and (3) implementation thinking.
Study areas
Global but mainly at present in
(1) Asia: China, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam
(2) Caribbean
(3) Brazil
Main Research Projects
Key objectives
Better understanding change processes
aquaculture/fisheries, including links to policy, and success thinking.
Project 1
Title: Knowledge management in aquaculture/fisheries (2009 - 2010)
Study area: Global
Partners/Funding: FAO/NACA
Project 2
Title: Canadian SSHRC IOF project (2010 – 2011)
Study area: Canada/Brazil
Partners/Funding: Univ of Manitoba, Univ of Ottawa
Project 3
Title: Success Stories in Asia (2009-2011)
Study area: Various
Partners/Funding: NACA/IISD
Carina Catiana Foppa
PhD Student
Núcleo de Estudos Socioantropológicos e Políticos (NESP); Universidade do Vale do
Itajaí (UNIVALI)
Tel. (55) 47 3341 7526 e 47 9196 0787
[email protected] ou [email protected]
Interests/ research field
(1) Traditional communities: relation with Protected Areas, community organization,
conflicts, resource appropriation, traditional ecological knowledge; (2) Protected Areas:
implementation and management (resource user participation); (3) Sustainable
Territorial Planning and Development: development vs conservation, territorial
resources, cultural identity; (4) Social Movements: local organization, networks.
Study Areas
(1) State of Santa Catarina, Brazil: Balneário Camboriú, São Francisco do Sul, Itajaí,
Navegantes, Penha, Piçarras, Porto Belo e Tijucas
(2) State of Parana, Brazil Pontal do Paraná, Paranaguá e Matinhos.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Artisanal Coastal Fisheries Monitoring in Santa Catarina (2008-2010)
Study Area: State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Objectives: Technical consultant to EPAGRI (Santa Catarina state development
agency) to provide methodological advice to the implementation of participative
fisheries monitoring at 33 coastal cities.
Funding: Brazilian Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA).
Project 2
Title: Projeto Nosso Acarai – ‗Our Acarai Project‘ (2010-2011)
Study Area: São Francisco do Sul, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Objectives: Diagnostic of territorial relations, conflicts and local knowledge of
traditional communities neighbouring the Acarai State Park
Technical consultant to EPAGRI (Santa Catarina state development agency) to
provide methodological advice to the implementation of participative fisheries
monitoring at 33 coastal cities.
Funding: Santa Catarina State Environmental Agency (FATMA).
Project 3
Title: Artisanal shrimp fisheries co-management (2002 - 2008)
Study Area: State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Objectives: Community mobilization and capacity building for fisheries comanagement.
Funding: Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (Univali).
Partnerships: Local fishermen guilds and associations.
Carla Rosana Meirelles Caldas
Ph.D. Student
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política, Núcleo Transdiciplinar de Meio
Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (NMD), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Ph./fax: (55) 48 3721 8610 e (55) 48 9941 5739, [email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Coastal zone management; (2) Common property resources; and (3) Sustainable
territorial development.
Study areas
(1) Coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Lagoa do Peixe National Park and Z3 - Fishermen
(2) South-central Coast of Santa Catarina State: Garopaba, Imbituba and Paulo Lopes.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Integrated and shared management of coastal marine areas: Implications for
artisanal fisheries and biodiversity conservation (2010-2014)
Objectives: To investigate integrated and shared management of coastal marine
areas using different analytical approaches, such as sustainable territorial
development, commons theory and participatory co-management.
Study Area: Coastal Zone of Santa Catarina.
Funding: CAPES.
Project 2
Title: Governance for sustainable territorial development in coastal areas:
Contrasting views on opportunities and obstacles in Brazil and France (2009 present).
Objectives: Identify and evaluate opportunities and hindrances influencing the
formation of new territorial governance systems compatible with a sustainable
territorial development approach (DTS) in Brazil and France.
Study Area: South-Central Coast of Santa Catarina
Funding: CAPES.
Partners: University of Tours.
Carlos Julian Idrobo
PhD Candidate in Natural Resource and Environmental Management
Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Canada
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Adaptive learning and natural resource harvesting in coastal environments.
Study areas
(1) SE Coastal Brazil: Paraty, Ponta Negra (Currently);
(2) Canadian Arctic: Baffin Island, Pangnirtung (Master‘s).
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Caiçara Landscapes of Practice: Adaptive Learning, Harvesting, Natural
Resource Access and Well-being in Paraty, SE Coastal Brazil
Study area: Ponta Negra, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Objectives: My research has as purpose to understand the continuity in ways of
knowing associated with natural resource harvesting. I acknowledge the linkages
between adaptive learning, harvesting practice, access to natural resources and
human well-being to provide a holistic assessment of contempary ways of knowing
in a coastal community.
Partners: Unicamp, Ponta Negra community.
Funding: IDRC, SSHRC (through International Opportunities Fund), University of
Manitoba (through University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship)
Key themes: Adaptive learning, cultural landscapes, natural resource governance
Dr. Carolina V. Minte-Vera
NUPELIA - Núcleo de Pesquisas em Limnologia, Ictiologia e Aqüicultura
DBI - Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Av. Colombo 5790 Bloco H90, Maringá PR Brasil, CEP: 87020-900
Ph. (55) 44 30114622
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Co-management of fishing resources; (2) Popularization of science and scientific
education; (3) Fusion of local/traditional and scientific knowledge to support informed
decision-making regarding fishing resources management; (4) Empowerment of local
fishing communities.
Study area
(1) Southern Bahia State, Brazil: Corumbau, Canavieiras and Cassuruba Marien
Extractive Reserves;
(2) East Coast of United States;
(3) New Zealand.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Participatory fisheries monitoring in the Corumbau Canavieiras and Cassurubá
Marine Extractive Reserves and the Buffer Zone of Abrolhos National Marine Park,
Bahia (2010-2012).
Study Area: Corumbau, Canavieiras and Cassuruba Marien Extractive Reserves;
Nova Viçosa, Caravelas, Prado and Alcobaça, Bahia, Brazil.
Objectives: (1) To monitor fish landings from fisheries occuring in the Buffer Zone
of PARNA Abrolhos (municipalities of Mucuri, Nova Viçosa, Gulets, Alcobaça and
Prado), including monitoring shellfish extraction in the mangrove swamps of
Caravelas and Nova Viçosa, according to the prerogatives offered by the National
Plan for Fisheries Monitoring SEAP /PR; (2) To undertake training activities with
local actors who will multiply the methodologies of fisheries participatory
management; (3) To strengthen participatory fisheries monitoring in Corumbau
RESEX, supplying continuity in the training of local actors for the acquisition of data
on the production and reinforcement of the exercise for community participation in
fisheries management; (4) To begin a participatory fisheries monitoring in
Canavieiras RESEX, forming local multiplying actors in the communities within this
RESEX, and preparing them for the acquisition of data on production and
strengthening community participation in fisheries management; (5) To produce a
model of fisheries monitoring that can be used in other marine extractive reserves,
sustainable use of protected areas and protected areas in the vicinity of integral
protection protected areas; (6) To provide key elements for delineating public policy
for the artisanal fisheries sector and its relationship with protected areas; (7) To make
available the information produced by the local community, turning them into
effective instruments for fisheries management in the region.
Funding: Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura.
Partners: CI-Brasil, ECOMAR, Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura, Associações de
Pescadores, Colônias, and IBGE.
Project 2
Title: Open your eyes to science: An initiative to practice, disseminate and
popularize of science along Coastal Communities from the Banco dos Abrolhos
(2007 - Present).
Objectives: To disseminate and popularize science among local communities in the
region of the Abrolhos Bank, aiming to demonstrate the practical relevance of
scientific knowledge for understanding and solving social-environmental issues.
Study Area: Caravelas, BA.
Partners: Colégio Polivalente de Caravelas, Conservação Internacional do Brasil,
Art‘Manha,Patrulha Ecológica Escola da Vida, ICMBio/Parque Nacional Marinho
dos Abrolhos, Instituto Baleia Jubarte, and Secretaria Municipal de Educação de
Maria Aparecida Ferreira (Cidinha)
Communitary Leadership
President of the Fórum da Agenda 21 Local, Lagoa de Ibiraquera
Studento of Enviromental Management (EAD)
(1) Communitary Organization and mobilization; (2) Protection of local communitary
values; (3) Community management; (4) Agroecology; (5) Environmental Educationl;
(6) Arranges among different stakeholders.
Working area
(1) Imbituba, Ibiraquera, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Main works
Project 1
Associação de Bairro-Conselho Comunitário de Ibiraquera (CCI), is the
Communication secretary.
Project 2
The Fórum da Agenda 21 agregates every associations and organizations of civil
society from the Lagoas Ibiraquera e Garopaba, SC áreas. The Fórum acts mainly on
environmental development concernig fisheries, agriculture, communitary-based
Project 3
Articulates the public policies for the fishermen association of Ibiraquera (ASPECI).
And coordenates the implementation process for the RESEX of artisanal fisheries
Imbituba-Garopaba, SC.
Project 4
She´s member of the National Council of the Marines RESEX‘s, as a representant for
Santa Catarina (Imbituba-Garopaba e Farol de Santa Marta Grande, Laguna, SC).
Project 5
She delegates the director plan of Imbituba.
Project 6
She´s a tecnical teacher on the Prójovem Project (Saberes da Terra), specifically
concerning agroecology.
Project 7
She‘s a consultative member of the APA da Baleia Franca, SC Coucil.
Project 8
She has participated on the DTS Project (Desenvolvimento Territorial Sustentável
da Zona Costeira).
Dr. Cristiana Simão Seixas
Environmental Studies and Research Centre (NEPAM), State University at Campinas
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Commons Theory; (2) Community-based conservation and development; (3)
Traditional ecological knowledge; (4) Co-management and adaptive co-management;
(5) Social-ecological resilience; and (6) Small-scale coastal fisheries.
Study area
(1) State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Arraial do Cabo, Ilha Grande e Paraty;
(2) State of São Paulo, Brazil: Ubatuba, Caraguatatuba, São Sebastião, Ilhabela;
(3) State of Santa Catarina, Brazil: Imbituba (Ibiraquera Lagoon).
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Integrated and shared management of marine-coastal territories: Implications
for artisanal fisheries and biodiversity conservation (2010-1013) – General
Study area: (UNICAMP team) South Coast of Rio de Janeiro State and North Coast
of São Paulo State.
Objectives: (1) To create a network of action-research and education (including
graduate programs) aimed to exchange and advance scientific and practical
knowledge about the processes of creation, implementation and integrated and shared
management in marine-coastal areas; (2) To assess the potential and challenges
involved in the creation and implementation of integrated and shared management
for sustainable development of coastal-marine areas within and outside protected
areas (PAs), understanding them as mechanisms to promote the simultaneous
improvement of human well-being and biodiversity conservation; (3) To develop
social-economic and ecological indicators for monitoring, in a participatory manner,
developing each case in relation to: (i) empowerment and quality of life
improvement of artisanal fishing communities, and (ii) biodiversity conservation,
especially of fishing resources.
Funding: MCT/CAPES (09/2009), Brazil.
Project 2
Title: Building an international research network for collaborative coastal
management: sharing experiences from Brazil and Canada (2010-2011) - Main
Coordination: Iain Davidson-Hunt/University of Manitoba, Canada.
Objective: To facilitate the grownt of the network proposed by the Marine Sciences
Project (CAPES) and to create international linkages, bringing together Brazilian and
international researchers to develop new proposals for collaborative research.
Partners: All workshop participants! 
Funding: International Opportunities Fund/SSHRC, Canada.
Project 3
Title: Community-based resource management and food security in coastal Brazil
(2009-2013). Collaborating researcher.
Coordination: Dr. Alpina Begossi/UNICAMP and Dr. Fikret Berkes/University of
Manitoba, Canada.
Study Area: Paraty, RJ
Funding: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.
Partners: Univ. Mantoba, UNICAMP, FIFO
Dale Giesbrecht
Masters Student
Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
[email protected]
Interests/research field
Financial development for coastal fishing communities
Study areas
Currently: Paraty, SE Coastal Brazil
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: An Assessment of Credit Utilization by Fishermen Households in Paraty:
Identifying Current Challenges
Study area: Paraty, Praia Grande, Tarituba; Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Time Period: Field work conducted from September to December of 2010
Objectives: (1) To determine the credit needs for fisher household livelihoods; (2)
To determine how the existing credit options influence fisher household livelihood
strategies; (3) To establish the challenges that fisher households face when
borrowing credit; (4) To make policy recommendations that will enable fishers to
improve their livelihoods.
Key partners: UNICAMP
Funding: IDRC, SSHRC, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Key themes: Credit Access, Fish Marketing, Community Organization, Livelihood
Dr. Daniela C. Kalikoski
Núcleo de Estudo e Capacitação em Gestão Compartilhada e Comunitária da Pesca
Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da Informação (ICHI)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)
[email protected]
Interests/Research field
(1) Community-based and co-management of artisanal fisheries; (2) Resilience,
adaptive capacity and vulnerability; (3) Tradicional ecological knowledge; (4) Fisheries
Study areas
(1) Lagoa dos Patos Estuary, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
(2) Lisboa, Portugal
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Integrated and shared management of marine-coastal territories: Implications
for artisanal fisheries and biodiversity conservation (2010-1013) – General
Study area: (UNICAMP team) South Coast of Rio de Janeiro State and North Coast
of São Paulo State.
Objectives: (1) To create a network of action-research and education (including
graduate programs) aimed to exchange and advance scientific and practical
knowledge about the processes of creation, implementation and integrated and shared
management in marine-coastal areas; (2) To assess the potential and challenges
involved in the creation and implementation of integrated and shared management
for sustainable development of coastal-marine areas within and outside protected
areas (PAs), understanding them as mechanisms to promote the simultaneous
improvement of human well-being and biodiversity conservation; (3) To develop
social-economic and ecological indicators for monitoring, in a participatory manner,
developing each case in relation to: (i) empowerment and quality of life
improvement of artisanal fishing communities, and (ii) biodiversity conservation,
especially of fishing resources.
Funding: MCT/CAPES (09/2009), Brazil.
Project 2
Title: Building an international research network for collaborative coastal
management: sharing experiences from Brazil and Canada (2010-2011) - Main
Coordination: Iain Davidson-Hunt/University of Manitoba, Canada.
Study area: Lagoa dos Patos Estuary, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Objective: To facilitate the grownt of the network proposed by the Marine Sciences
Project (CAPES) and to create international linkages, bringing together Brazilian and
international researchers to develop new proposals for collaborative research.
Partners: All workshop participants! 
Funding: International Opportunities Fund/SSHRC, Canada.
Project 3
Title: Adaptation strategies of artisanal fishers from Patos Lagoon: crab harvest and
tourism (2008–2010).
Funding: CNPq.
Projeto 4
Title: Marine protected areas in fisheries co-management in Brazil: instruments for
rebuilding, conserving or eroding traditional livelihoods? (2009-2011)
Funding: CNPq e FAPERGS.
Projeto 5
Title: Territorial management, community-based management and co-management
of artisanal fisheries: comparing two cases from Brazil and Portugal. (2009-2010).
Funding: Programa de Bolsas Luso-Brasileiras SANTANDER.
Deborah Santos Prado
Master Student in Ecology – Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Commons; (2) coastal zone and conflict management; (3) Emphasis in production
Study area
(1) Primarily terrestrial ecosystems research.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: ‗The practice of Mariculture in the Social-ecological System: Analysis of
Resilience and Subsidies to Management‘.
Study area: Paraty
Objectives: (1) describe the mariculture productive system, with details on processes
related to system‘s resilience: attractors; fast and slow variables; possible thresholds
of change in dominion and; the existence of feedbacks and systems‘
learning/memory possibilities. (2) Understand management processes and the role of
the institutions, decision-makers and leaderships. (3) Identify the incentives and
restrictions affecting the management and development of the system, including
possible conflicts and transcalar relations.
Dr. Debora de Freitas
Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS), University of
[email protected] or [email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Integrated Coastal Zone Management; (2) Fisheries management; (3) Public
participation / local ecological knowledge; (4) Spatial planning / geographic
information systems; (5) Climate change impacts on coastal resources and livelihoods
Study Areas
(1) Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul state: Patos Lagoon Estuary;
(2) North Littoral of Sao Paulo state;
(3) Southern Littoral of Rio de Janeiro state: Paraty;
(4) Australia: Australia coast;
(5) Africa: Seychelles, Kenya;
(6) Southeast Asia: Coral Triangle Region.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Estuaries and Coastal Areas Project: Basis and Tools for a more Sustainable
Development (ECOSUD)
Study area: Patos Lagoon Estuary, Rio Grande.
Objectives: improve the existing knowledge on the different processes involved in
estuaries and coastal waters use and degradation, with a view to increasing the
reliability of predictive tools and defining a set of indicators in order to allow the
design of effective policy interventions for a more sustainable development of these
Collaborators/partners: Professor Paulo Roberto Tagliani, Federal University of
Rio Grande.
Project 2
Title: Global climate change and coastal zone impacts on the North Littoral of Sao
Paulo: models, indicators, coastal infrastructure and adaptation/mitigation factors
Study area: North coast of Sao Paulo state
Objectives: development of a scientific collaborative network in marine/coastal
science in support to the realization of joint research projects addressing the training
of human resources at post-graduate and graduate institutions involved, besides the
improvement of teaching and research missions in a post-doctorate. abroad and
receiving visiting professors centers international reference for periods of study in
Collaborators/partners: Dr Wilson Cabral de Sousa Júnior, Aeronautics
Technology Institute, Department of Water and Environmental Sanitation, Sao
Paulo, Brazil.
Project 3
Title: Artisanal Fisheries Management and Local Ecological Knowledge
Study area: Paraty
Objectives: support of development of community-based coastal resource artisanal
fisheries management; build an international research network for collaborative
coastal management.
Collaborators/partners: Dr Alpina Begossi (FIFO), Dr Daniela Kalikoski (Federal
University of Rio Grande)
Project 4
Title: CSIRO Coastal Collaboration Cluster
Study area: Australia coast
Objectives: identify barriers to uptake of science in coastal zone generating clearer
model of how researchers can engage more effectively with stakeholders and
decision makers thus enable better science uptake, and ultimately improve
management outcomes in coastal zone.
Collaborators/partners: CSIRO (Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation), Curtin University, University of Wollongong,
University of Adelaide, Flinders University, Deakin University, University of
Tasmania, University of Sunshine Coast.
Project 5
Title: The spatial behaviour of artisanal fishers. Implications for fisheries
management and development in Seychelles and Kenya
Study area: Seychelles and Kenya
Objectives: understand artisanal fishers behaviour and incorporate local fishers‘
knowledge into fisheries management
Collaborators/partners: Dr Tim Daw, University of East Anglia, UK.
Project 6
Title: Resolving tradeoffs between upstream and downstream conservation
objectives in coastal catchments of the Coral Triangle
Study area: Southeast Asia – Coral Triangle region
Objectives: apply systematic conservation planning approach to identify the spatial
patterns and trade-offs of multiple uses and conservation objectives
Collaborators: Professor Bob Pressey, Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies,
James Cook University, Australia.
Débora Peterson
Master Student at the University of East Anglia (UEA), Reino Unido
[email protected]
Interests/ research field
(1) Local Ecological Knowledge; (2) Co-management; (3) Costal management; (4)
Conflict management.
Study area
(1) The state of Santa Catarina, Brazil: Laguna
Main Research Projects
Project 1
My undergraduate thesis was in laguna, South region of Brazil, with a small-scale
fishers community which have a colaborative fishing system with dolphins, specially
at the mullet season. The main objectives were to survey the local ecological
knowledge concerning dolphins and the local institutions about this colaborative
fishing system.
Project 2
I intend to work with Colaborative Coastal Management at my PhD thesis.
Dr.. Emdad Haque
Director and Professor
Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 2N2 Canada
Phone: (204) 474-6731; Fax: (204) 261-0038
Interests/research field
(1) Public participation in resource management; (2) Coastal vulnerability and coping
capacity; (3) Local and traditional knowledge; (4) social-ecological resilience.
Study areas
(1) Bangladesh;
(2) India;
(3) Brazil;
(4) Canada.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: “Building Environmental Governance Capacity in Bangladesh”, Dr. Emdad
Haque, University of Manitoba (Canadian PI), Dr. Fikret Berkes, UM Team
Member, and Dr. Mizan Khan, North South University, Bangladesh (Bangladesh PI).
Study area: Bangladesh
Objectives: (1) To analyse coastal livelihoods and the state of various forms of
capital in local communities; (2) to analyze governance processes in regard to coastal
resource end environmental resources; and (3) to develop green micro-credit
programs for fishers and women; and (4) to develop a national network that would
influence national policies on coastal resource and environmental governance.
Partners: University of Manitoba, Canada and North South University and BRAC
University, Bangladesh; Centre for Natural Resource Studies, Bangladesh (NGO).
Funding: CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency).
Key themes: Governance, fisheries, sustainability, coastal livelihoods.
Dr. Fabio de Castro
Brazilian Studies/Human Ecology
Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation, CEDLA, University of
Keizersgracht 395-397, 1016 EK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: (31) 20 525 3257
Interests/research field
(1) Design/implementation of fishing accords (formerly developed in the
socioenvironmental context of the Amazon system) on the Atlantic Coast. I would like
to address the time, space, and institutional connections between these two regions and
evaluate the role of the state in fostering ―bottom-up‖ processes of local management
systems; (2) Development of community-based ecotourism in conservation units along
the coast. I want to address economic, social and political aspects of ecotourism and
how they influence natural resource use and management in the region.
Study areas
(1) Mainly in the Amazonian floodplain (1990-today).
(2) The Ribeira Valley, Southeast Brazil (1999-2001)
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Theme/Objective: Study of the implementation of agro-extractive settlements in the
Lower Amazonian floodplain (Santarem) with focus on land tenure regulation and
formalization of local management as part of the management plan for the region.
(2008 – Today)
Study area: Lower Amazonian floodplain (Santarem)
Collaboration: IPAM
Funding: WWF, INCRA, Moore Foundation, and European Union.
Project 2
Theme/Objective: Project on the design/implementation of fishing accords in
Paraty. I will investigate the role of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquiculture (MPA)
in the process and how other relevant stakeholders are involved in the designing
Study area: Paraty, RJ, Brazil
Collaboration: FIFO
Funding: IDRC, Canada.
Project 3
I have submitted a research proposal to the European Union (FP7) to study
community-based ecotourism in south of Bahia state, Brazil.
Study area: South of Bahia state, Brazil.
Fernanda Cervi dos Santos
Undergrad student on biology
Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná, Brazil
Research Interests
(1) Fisheries Community-based management; (2) Protected areas and co-management;
(3) NGO‘s actuation.
Study area
(1) RESEX Canavieiras, Abrolhos, BA, Brazil
Main Projects
Project 1
Theme: Sustainable crabs fisheries in the mangroove ecosystem at the RESEX
Canavieiras (starts in 2011).
Supervisor: Dr. Carolina V. Minte-Vera
Dr. Fikret Berkes
Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 2N2 Canada
Phone: (204) 474-6731;
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Community-based resource management; (2) Coastal commons; (3) Comanagement; (4) Local and traditional knowledge; and (5) Social-ecological resilience
Study areas
(1) Canada (western Arctic, eastern subarctic, Maritimes, British Columbia);
(2) Brazil;
(3) SE Asia;
(4) India and Bangladesh;
(5) Caribbean.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: ―Protected area creation, culture and development at the Cree community of
Wemindji, James Bay, Quebec‖
Colin H. Scott, McGill University, PI. Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada, CURA Program 2005-10.
Study area: James Bay area, Quebec, Canada
Objectives: To establish a network of protected areas anchored in Cree knowledge
and institutions for land and sea management, to achieve combined goals of regional
sustainability, biodiversity protection, and cultural continuity.
Themes: Indigenous communities, co-management, protected areas.
Partners: Cree Nation of Wemindji, Universities of McGill, Concordia and
Manitoba, Grand Council of the Crees, Parks Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs (MDDEP) du
Project 2
Title: ―Transformations and adaptive governance in marine social-ecological
Derek Armitage, Wilfrid Laurier University, PI. Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada, 2010-13.
Study area: SE Asia
Objectives: (1) To characterize the social-ecological transformations unfolding in
selected marine systems; (2) to analyze governance processes (institutional linkages,
boundary organizations, learning) emerging in response to transformations; and (3)
to compare and synthesize experience across sites and to identify how these
processes sustain marine ecosystem services and human well-being.
Themes: Governance, adaptation, small-scale fisheries, coastal livelihoods.
Partners: Wilfrid Laurier and Manitoba universities; SE Asia universities (mainly
Indonesia) - partnership-building in progress.
Project 3
Title: ―Coastal CURA – Community University Research Alliance‖
Tony Chares, St. Mary‘s University, PI. Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada, CURA Program 2006-12.
Study area: Canadian Maritime (Atlantic coast) Provinces of Nova Scotia, New
Brunswick and Prince Edward Island
Themes: Indigenous communities, co-management, protected areas.
Partners: academic, civil society, First Nation and other fishery-related actors.
Objectives: To help meet environmental, economic and social challenges of coastal
communities and coastal resource users through (1) participatory community-based
research that builds knowledge and understanding, (2) improving analytical and
evaluative tools, and (3) development of organizational and institutional capacity.
Francisco Gomes Wambar
Masters Student, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política, Núcleo
Transdiciplinar de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (NMD), Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Ph. /fax: (55) 48 3721 8610 and (55) 47 9621 4721, [email protected]
Interests/research field
Natural resource management in coastal zones, with an emphasis on collaborative
Study areas
Not specified.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Governance analysis of marine-coastal fisheries in Santa Catarina State: A
case study of fisheries governance in the Itajai Lower Valley micro-region from 2010
to 2012.
Objectives: To analyze fisheries governance and governability in the Itajaí Lower
Valley Micro-region, taking into account the current socio-environmental crisis in
the fishing sector and the evolution of coastal management systems institutionalized
in Brazil since the 1990s.
Study Area: Itajai Lower Valley micro-region (municipalities of Itajaí, Navegantes,
Balneário Piçarras and Porto Belo).
Funding: CAPES
Glauco Barradas
Director of Research and Production of Rio de Janeiro State Fisheries Institute and
Foundation (FIPERJ).
Secretary of Agriculture, Pecuary, Fisheries and Supplies (SEAPPA).
Alameda São Boaventura, 770. Fonseca. Niterói. RJ. CEP: 24120-191.
Phone: (55) 21 3601 5008.
[email protected].
Interests/research field
(1) Coastal Zone Management; (2) Conflict Management; (3) Food Security.
Study areas
(1) State of Rio de Janeiro coastal cities (e.g. Mangaratiba, Angra dos Reis, Paraty and
Main research projects
Project 1
Title: Development and management of fisheries and aquaculture systems at Ilha
Grande Bay, Rio de Janeiro – Fishing Accords
Partnership: Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA), Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
This project promoted discussions and actions at different institutional spaces and
indicated the necessity of a co-management proposal for fishery resources at Ilha
Grande Bay (IGB). The ‗Fishing Accords‘ will subsidize the the implementation of
co-management public policies at IGB, aggregating several stakeholders such as the
caiçaras, artisanal and industrial fishermen, mariculture and others.
Project 2
Title: Rural Rio Project – Artisanal Fisheries Communitites.
Partnership: SEAPPA and the Sustainable Development Secretary (SDS).
FIPERJ is delivering this project with the objective of promoting social, economic
and environmental development of artisanal fishermen communities in the North and
Nortwest areas of Rio de Janeiro state. The fishermen communities envolved are:
Itaperuna, São Fidélis, Coroa Grande e Ponta Grossa dos Fidalgos.
Project 3
Title: Fisheries Monitoring at Rio de Janeiro state
Objectives: to obtain fisheries statistics data on both small and large scale fisheries
fleets operating in Rio de Janeiro coast. Information on the productive chain and
biological aspects of sardines, drummers and monkfish are also focus of research.
The project aims at providing federal government and other societal sectors with
information to subsidize the formulation of public policies for sustainable fisheries.
Partnership: MPA and UFRJ.
Gustavo Goulart Moreira Moura
PhD Student, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Ambiental da Universidade de
São Paulo (PROCAM-USP)
Universidade do Rio Grande (FURG)
Núcleo de Pesquisa e Apoio a Populações de Áreas Úmidas do Brasil da Universidade
de São Paulo (NUPAUB-USP)
Ph. (55) 53 3237-7041, (55) 11 6952-0537,
[email protected], [email protected].
Interests/research field
(1) Natural Resource Management; (2) Conflict management; (3) Traditional ecological
knowledge; (4) Traditional populations; and, (5) Social movements.
Study areas
(1) Coast of Rio Grande do Sul State: Lagoa dos Patos Estuary;
(2) Coast of São Paulo State: RESEX Mandira (Cananéia), Mongaguá;
(3) São Francisco River Mouth.
Main Research Projects
Project 1 (Doctorate)
Title: “De-re-territorialization‖ of artisanal fishers in the Patos Lagoon Estuary (RS):
An etno-oceanografic perspective (2009-2013)
Study Area: Lagoa dos Patos Estuary (RS).
Funding: CAPES and FAPESP (scholarship and research grant).
Objectives: To describe the process of "de-re-territorialization" of artisanal fishers in
the Patos Lagoon Estuary (RS) caused by the current fisheries management regime
implemented by the state, based on two case studies (Marinheros Island and
Torotama Island)
Partners: Antonio Carlos Diegues (advisor); José Geraldo Marques (co-advisor);
Subproject: The traditional and official use of pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus
paulensis) in the Lagoa dos Patos Estuary (RS), Brazil (2010-2011).
Study Area: Lagoa dos Patos Estuary (RS).
Funding: International Opportunities Fund from the SSHRC (IOF – research grant).
Partners: Daniela Coswig Kalikoski (supervisor), FURG.
Project 2
Title: The Artisanal Fishers Networks (2010).
Study Area: Mongaguá (SP).
Main themes: Conflicts and traditional populations.
Role: Project coordination.
Funding: Cultural and Extension Chancellor, USP.
Partners: Sueli Angelo Furlan (supervisor), Rafael Cesário Aragi (executer); Júlio
de Toledo (executer); NUPAUB/USP and Geography Department in FFLCH/USP.
Dr. Helen Ross
School of Integrative Systems
The University of Queensland
Gatton, Queensland, Australia 4343
Phone: +61 408 195324,
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Managing marine and coastal areas (catchments/watersheds contributing to the
marine area) as a social-ecological system; (2) Climate change impacts; (3) Values; (4)
Resource use; (5) Protected Area management; (6) Monitoring and evaluation; (7)
Cross-cultural and cross-institutional partnership (Aboriginal, NGO partnership,
government); (8) Social aspects of resilience; (9) Integrated Water Resource
Management, and collaboration.
Study areas
(1) Australia: Great Barrier Reef coast (approximately Cairns to Townsville), SouthEast
Queensland (Moreton Bay), Burnett Mary region (central Queensland coast, near
(2) Pacific: Solomon Islands (Kongulai catchment, near Honiara) and Vanuatu
(Sarakata catchment, on Espiritu Santos Island).
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Managing Moreton Bay and catchments as a social-ecological system (2011 –
Study area: SE Queensland, Australia
Objectives: Explore marine and river values and resource use, towards monitoring
and management of marine national park
Partners: Dept of Environment and Resource Management, HealthyWaterways
Partnership (a collaboration), SEQ Traditional Owners Alliance
Funding: Australian Research Council
Project 2
Title: Understanding and enhancing social resilience: Science and management
integration for regional scale (2001 – 2010).
Study area: SE Queensland, Australia
Objectives: Explore the attributes of, and develop indicators for, social resilience for
monitoring and management at regional scale.
Partners: Terrain Natural Resource Management (Collaborative organisation,
technically an NGO); Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority; Wet Tropics
Management Agency; Girringun Aboriginal Corporation; Department of
Funding: Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility (Australian Government)
Project 3
Title: Australian Water Research Facility – Catchment Risk Assessment (2006 –
Study area: Solomon Islands; Vanuatu
Objectives: Develop new approaches to Integrated Water Resource Management
suited to small Pacific Island nations
Partners: Solomon Islands Government; Live and Learn Environmental Education
Funding: AusAID
Dr. Iain Davidson-Hunt
Associate Professor
Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
Phone: 204-474-8680, Fax: 204-261-0038
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Cultural landscapes; (2) Harvesting practice.
Study areas
(1) Boreal forest of northwestern Ontario, Canada: largely with the Aboriginal
harvesting practice of gathering, fishing and hunting;
(2) Grenada (Roxy Nayar): I have supported students who have worked with Sea Urchin
(3) Paraty, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: I have supported students who have worked
with harvesters in and harvesting practice in the sea/land interface (Julian Idrobo).
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Building an International Research Network for Collaborative Costal
Management: Sharing Experiences from Brazil and Canada
Coordination: Iain Davidson-Hunt/University of Manitoba, Canadá.
Objective: The Canadian team involved in this research (Davidson-Hunt, Idrobo and
Natcher) have been working to develop a conceptual framework that provides a
better understanding of the practice and performance of natural resource
management systems within different fields of extraction, including forestry,
wildlife, and fisheries. We use a cultural landscape approach as it brings together
cultural and social processes that link ecologies with harvesters‘ perceptions of how
territories and resources contribute to their well-being. We examine three interacting
domains; namely, environmental perception, access and intergenerational continuity.
Partners: All participants of the workshop!
Funding: International Oportunity Fund/SSHRC, Canada.
Key themes: coastal co-management
Dr. Joachim Carolsfeld
World Fisheries Trust
434 Russell St., Victoria, BC, Canada V9A 3X3 1-250-380-7585
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Pro-poor development of fisheries and aquatic resources; (2) Sustainable fisheries
management & coastal zone management; (3) Conservation & conflict management
Study areas
(1) Brazil: states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso do Sul,
Bahia, Pernambuco, and Rio Grande do Norte, collaborating with projects in the
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Our first project, in Sao Paulo state, helped develop aquaculture protocols for native
Project 2
Project on conservation of genetic diversity of fish being used for stocking reservoirs
in Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Santa Caterina and for conservation of endangered
stocks in the Pantanal and the Uruguay River basin led to protocols still in use today
in all of these areas, as well as building fruitful institutional partnerships with
academia, industry, and government.
Project 3
To improve the artisanal fisheries of the mid-São Francisco – incorporating
community organization, multi-stakeholder conflict management and fisheries comanagement, community policing, value-added processing and environmental
education. This project had its greatest successes through the window of
environmental education and stewardship.
Project 4
The fourth and current project is applying lessons learned to coastal community
development through clam fisheries in Rio Grande de Norte and Pernambuco, as well
as oyster culture in Bahia. This project contains similar elements to that of the São
Francisco river project, but with a greater focus on women. It is having its greatest
success through the windows of value chain optimization and occupational health.
We are currently evaluating how characteristics of the different situations and our
approach have led to successes and less successful results.
All projects Funding: CIDA funding through their bi-lateral programming.
Partnerships – Projects 2, 3 and 4 (at least on paper): from 15 -39 Brazilian
partners covering the breadth of communities, through all levels of government,
NGOs, and universities, and 3-5 Canadian partners (mostly university).
Partnerships - Project 1: lead by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) on
the Canadian side and SUDEPE on the Brazilian side. WFT was the Canadian lead
on all subsequent projects, with lead partners on the Brazilian side, respectively, the
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), the Federal University of São Carlos
(UFSCar) and the Special Secretariat for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SEAP) –
Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA).
Dr. J.M. (Lobo) Orensanz
Centro Nacional Patagonico
9120 Puerto Madryn, Argentina.
Phones: +54 2965 451026 (ext. 279) [office] and +54 2965 457628 [home].
[email protected] or [email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) The provision of scientific/technical advice for the sustainable management of
commercial small-scale (artisanal and sport) fisheries targeting stocks of benthic
Study areas
(1) San Jose Gulf, Argentine Patagonia: Commercial diving for bivalves (mostly
scallops); Coastal shellfish (mussels, octopus);
(3) Chile: Implementation of territorial use privileges (AMERBs) in Chilean
shellfisheries; Commercial diving for sea urchins in south Chile.
(4) Galicia (Spain): Shellfisheries, mostly commercial diving for sea urchins.
(2) Juan Fernandez Archipelago (off Central Chile): Lobster fishery, with a focus on an
informal tenure system (―marcas‖);
(5) British Columbia (Canada) and Washington (USA): Commercial diving for
Main Research Projects
Projetc 1
Title: Stock assessment of the loco resource in open access areas and management
alternatives for northern Chile (2009-2010).
Partners/Funding: Fondo de Investigaciones Pesqueras (Chile), Project 2008-51.
Director: Dr. Wolfgang Stotz (Universidad Católica del Norte).
Key theme: assessment and management of the resource in areas outside the TURFs,
in what effectively is a dual management system (TURFs & de facto open access
Project 2
Title: Stock & fishery dynamics in the lobster fishery of Selkirk Island. (2009 –
Partners/Funding: Fondo de Investigaciones Pesqueras (Chile), Project 2008-24.
Director: Dr. Billy Ernst (U. de Concepción, Chile), and smaller projects conducted
with syndicate and support from small NGOs.
Key theme: assessment of lobster spatial dynamics, survey of the ―marcas‖ tenure
system, and development of a monitoring program conducted by the syndicate.
Project 3
Title: Pieces of the Puzzle- Specifying the dynamics of harvested benthic
metapopulations at meaningful scales (2008-2011).
Partners/Funding: Scientific and Technological Research Projects (PICT),
Director: Dr. Ana M. Parma (CENPAT).
Key theme: assessment and dynamics of the scallop stock from San Jose Gulf
Dr. Jocemar Tomasino Mendonça
Scientific Researcher at the Fishing Institute
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Fisheries management and statistics, for resource assessment; (2) Fishing
sustainability through participatory management.
Study areas
(1) Coast of Rio Grande do Sul State: Rio Grande;
(2) Coast of São Paulo State: Itanhaém, Peruíbe, Iguape, Ilha Comprida e Cananéia.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Participatory management for the use of fishing resources in the EstuarineLagoon Complex of Cananéia Iguape and Ilha Comprida and adjacent coastal areas
(Fisheries management – South Coast) (2004 a 2009).
Objectives: To promote participatory management in the use of fishing resources in
the lagoon-Estuarine Complex Iguape-Canaanite-Ilha Comprida, with an emphasis
on the regionalization of standardization processes and natural resources use, the
sustainability of productive activities, preservation of natural available stocks and the
involvement of fishing communities as main agents in the management process.
Study Area: Coast of São Paulo State: Cananéia, Iguape and Ilha Comprida.
Funding: FNMA (National Environmental Fund - MMA).
Partners: (1) Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso/Instituto Florestal/SMA-SP; (2)
Coordenadoria de Assistência Técnica Integral – CATI/SAA-SP; (3) Fundação
Florestal/SMA-SP; (4) Área de Proteção Ambiental Federal de Cananéia, Iguape e
Peruíbe – APA CIP/IBAMA; (5) Estação Ecológica dos Tupiniquins/IBAMA; (6)
Prefeitura Municipal da Estância de Cananéia; (7) Ilha Comprida Municipality; (8)
Cooperativa dos Produtores de Ostras de Cananéia – COOPEROSTRA; (9)
Associação Reserva Extrativista dos Moradores do Bairro Mandira – REMA; (10)
Colônia de Pescadores Z-9 de Cananéia; (11) Colônia de Pescadores Z-7 de Iguape;
(12) Instituto Vid‘água; and, (13) Programa SAI/CATI/SEBRAE.
Project 2
Title: Training of traditional fishers for income generation and inclusion in the
process of fisheries management of the South Coast of São Paulo (2006-2008).
Objectives: (1) To train fishers in alternative income generation strategies; (2) To
include producers in the fisheries planning process in the municipalities of Cananéia,
Iguape, Ilha Comprida, Peruíbe and Itanhaém
Study Area: South Coast of São Paulo State: Cananéia, Iguape, Ilha Comprida,
Itanhaém and Peruíbe.
Funding: CNPq.
Partners: (1) Colônia de Pescadores de Iguape; (2) Colônia de Pescadores de
Peruíbe; (3) CATI-SAA-SP; (4) Prefeitura Municipal de Ilha Comprida; and, (5)
Prefeitura Municipal de Itanhaém.
Project 3
Title: Statistics for recreational fishing in the Canaanite, Iguape and Peruíbe
Environmental Protection Area (APA-CIP) (2009-2011).
Objectives: To establish a methodology for monitoring recreational fishing activities
in the APA-CIP in order to obtain information to support planning of fishing
activities in the region, mainly in APA-CIP.
Study Area: South Coast of São Paulo State: Cananéia, Iguape and Ilha Comprida.
Partners: (1) Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica; (2) APA-CIP/ICMBio; (3) Escola
Técnica Paula Souza; and, (4) Conservation International.
José Dias Neto
IBAMA Environmental Analyst
Fisheries Engineer and Masters in Sustainable Development
Ph. (55) 61 3316-1685 or (55) 61 8160-5353,
[email protected] or [email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Co-management and sustainable use of fishing resources; (2) Research and conflict
mediation related to collaborative coastal management.
Study areas
(1) Coast of Brazil.
Main Research Projects
Project 1 (Proposal coordination and preparation)
Title: Recovery of overfished stocks or stocks threatened by overfishing (focus on
co-management), such as:
- Lobster (from Amapá to Espírito Santo);
- Brazilian sardine (from Rio de Janeiro to Santa Catarina);
- Crab and blue crab (entire area of occurrence);
- Shrimps from Southeast and South and from North and Northeast;
- Elasmobranches (Coast of Brazil); and
- Sea horses (entire area of occurrence).
Objective: To prepare a proposal, which, applied through co-management, will
allow the recovery and maintenance of fisheries at sustainable levels.
Time-length: 5 to 10 years.
Funding: MMA and IBAMA.
Partners: MMA/IBAMA, MPA, user representatives and interested NGOs.
Dr. José Milton Andriguetto Filho
Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade Federal do Paraná
Rua dos Funcionários 1540, CEP: 80035-050, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Ph. (55) 41 3350 5666, Fax (55) 41 3350 5629, [email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Management of common resources, with an emphasis on fishing resources and
small-scale fisheries; (2) Participatory co-management and public participation
processes and potentials, with an emphasis on small-scale fishers; (3) Fishing
production and SSE systems; (4) Public policies for biodiversity protection / restoration
(especially concerning protected areas); and, (5) Global physical and institutional
change (as a cross-cutting category or context to the above).
Study areas
(1) Coast of Paraná State, including protected areas;
(2) North Coast of Santa Catarina State and Pirajubaé Navy RESEX.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Environmental policies, fisheries management and fish populations in southern
Brazil: An approach from the perspective of global change (2009 - 2012)
Objectives: To assess the relationship between biodiversity related public policies
and management practices associated with fishing SSE in three social-ecological
contexts in the coastal zone of southern Brazil, in the context of global change,
particularly climate change and the internationalization of social and environmental
Study Area: North Coast of Parana (complex of PAs from Guaraqueçaba APA and
surroundings; Guaraqueçaba municipalities and Paranaguá), north coast and southcentral Santa Catarina (six municipalities around Babitonga Bay: Itapoá, Garuva,
Joinville, Araquari, San Francisco do Sul and Balneário Barra do Sul, and the
Pirajubaé RESEX in Florianópolis).
Funding: CAPES and CNPq (scholarships), HSBC Institute (research grant) and
Partners: Mater Natura Institute (OSCIP), IBAMA, Managers of PAs involved,
Epagri, Fishing Colonies, Community Associations, LACTEC.
Project 2
Title: Network of technical assistance and rural extension (ATER) for fisheries in
the South-southeast Coast: A contribution to strengthening sustainable territories for
artisanal fisheries (2010 - 2011).
Objectives: (1) To design an extension network for fisheries on the South-Southeast
Coast of Brazil, covering the states of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Parana, Rio Grande
do Sul and Santa Catarina. This network will integrate researchers from universities,
education and research institutes, rural and fisheries extension agencies, non30
governmental organizations and users of fishing resources; (2) To systematize
experiences that can support collective and institutional learning that strengthen
extension actions to fisheries on the South-Southeast Coast of Brazil; and, (3) To
subsidize the formulation of a policy for territorial fishing extension, which
incorporates states and municipalities and provides new opportunities and
institutional contexts emerging from the creation of the Ministry of Fisheries and
Aquaculture and the National Policy on Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture.
Study Area: Coastal states in South and South-east Brazil, from Rio de Janeiro to
Rio Grande do Sul.
Funding: CNPq (scholarships and research grant), UFRJ, Instituto de Pesca de
Partners: Research institutions mentioned above and the Ministry of Fisheries and
Project 3
Title: Comparative marine and terrestrial ecosystem services and human livelihood
assessment: South Africa, Brazil and India (2010 – ?).
Objectives: Following the methodological framework of the Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment, the project aims to assess ecosystem services, human well-being and
living conditions in the three countries. This assessment will range from the
formation of a national and international research network to the development of
ecosystems evaluation and management tools. The national projects will be
structured around case studies or recurring themes in the three countries to allow a
comparative, interdisciplinary, multidimensional and multi-scale analysis. A wide
range of issues might be addressed by the project, but the themes already discussed
in the preliminary contacts are to analyze the influence of river basins in the coastal
zone, fisheries (including related traditional knowledge systems), tourism, energy,
climate change and sea level variation, biodiversity and protected areas management,
and governance and participatory processes (community and third sector).
Study Area (in Brazil): Coastal areas from Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul
Funding: PNUMA (UNU – United Nations University; Swedish Biodiversity Fund),
South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) / South Africa
National Research Foundation (NRF), CNPq (proposed).
UFRJ, PNUMA – Millennium Follow-up Program / Sub-global assessments working
group, South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) / South Africa
National Research Foundation (NRF), Garware College (India).
Dr. Katja Neves
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Concordia University
1455 DeMaisonneuve Blvd West, Montreal, QC H3G 1M8
Interests/research field
(1) common resource management pertaining to marine protected areas; (2) The
intersection of neoliberalism and nature conservation in relation to marine areas whether protected or not; (3) Socio-cultural and economic dimensions of nature
conservation and climate change as related to marine areas; and (4) Capitalist cooptation of environmental problems and development concerns (also interested in
potential attempts by local populations to (re)embed economic and ecological projects
within local social priorities - ‗social economies‘).
Study areas
(1) Portugal: Island of Pico Azores
(2) USA: Coastal areas of Louisiana, adjacent to New Orleans.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
I am currently writing a book which analyzes lines of continuity and rupture from
classic american hunting to the implementation of whale watching as ‗commercial
environmentalism‘ in the Azores. It explores the conflation of capitalism and marine
conservation in the current context of ‗neoliberal conservation‘.
Project 2
I am also currently researching the ways in which botanical gardens are re-inventing
themselves as biodiversity conservation agents within the scope of new United
Nations‘ mandates.
Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardinger
Associação de Estudos Costeiros e Marinhos - ECOMAR, Brazil
Goliath Grouper Marine Conservation Network,
PhD candidate in Environment and Society - NEPAM - UNICAMP
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Marine fish ecology and ethnoecology to the theory and practice of coastal/ocean
governance (e.g. marine conservation, marine protected areas).; (2) Multi-level coastalmarine governance with a focus on marine protected areas, including the role of
leadership, social-ecological resilience and the need of institutional adaptation in times
of accelerated social-environmental change.
Study areas
(1) South coast of Brazil: Santa Catarina state (Babitonga bay and cities of Porto Belo
and Florianópolis);
(2) Southeast coast of Brazil: São Paulo state (cities of Cananéia and Iguape) and Rio
de Janeiro state (cities of Rio de Janeiro and Niterói);
(3) Northeast coast of Brazil: Bahia state (cities of Caravelas and Prado) and
Pernambuco state (city of Tamandaré).
Main Research Projects
Project 1 (PhD)
Title: ―Learning with Leaders: Agency of Governing Interaction Systems for
Governability, Adaptability and Transformability of Social-Ecological Systems‖
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Cristiana Simão Seixas.
Project 2 (Goliath Grouper Marine Conservation Network)
Leopoldo‘s function in the network for the following two years
Implementation of a mobile unit (adapted van + trailer) to register and divulge the
traditional practices (e.g. music, folklore, etc), livelihoods and social-environmental
demands of coastal communities in Brazil.
Participative construction of a multi-institutional Program composed by
organizations belonging to 6 coastal states. This Program will establish principles
and rules to govern interactions and goals that will guide network participants to deal
with Biodiversity, Conservation and Culture in coastal-marine Brazil on the mid-long
Project 3 (PRO-ARRIBADA)
He is coordinating a research on fishers‘ knowledge on marine fish spawning
aggregations in Santa Catarina state (south Brazil).
Luciana Gomes de Araujo
Ph.D. Student, Programa de Doutorado em Ambiente e Sociedade - Núcleo de Estudos
e Pesquisas Ambientais (NEPAM/ UNICAMP)
Rua dos Flamboyants, 155, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz, CEP 13083-867,
Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil
Ph. (55) 19 35215103
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Management of common property resources; (2) Conflict management; (3) Problemsolving in coastal fisheries management; (4) Adaptation of policies and tools for
management of common property resources; (5) Knowledge systems and knowledge
construction in decision-making processes related to management of common property
resources; (6) Discussion of the concept of governance in process of coastal fisheries
management; (7) Participation and power-sharing in participative processes of fisheries
management; (8) Cross-scale linkages in management of common property resources;
(9) Role of local leaders in natural resources management; and, (10) The relationship
between formal institutions (laws, regulations, management plans, etc.) and the ‗on the
ground‘ reality of natural resource management arenas.
Study areas
(1) Coast of São Paulo State: Ilhabela, Peruíbe, Iguape;
(2) South Coast of Rio de Janeiro State: Paraty.
Main Research Projects
Project 1 (Doctorate)
Title: Scales and institutional interactions in artisanal fisheries management in
Paraty, RJ (2009 - 2013).
Study Area: Paraty, South Coast of Rio de Janeiro State.
Objectives: To analyze the management processes that either influence, or are
influenced by, artisanal fisheries of Paraty. My main theoretical emphasis are: (i)
Intra and cross-scale interactions in management processes and between
stakeholders; (ii) Institutional analysis of co-management processes.
Funding: IDRC.
Luiz Eduardo Chimello de Oliveira
Ph.D. Candidate
Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Ecosystem-based management; (2) Ecological services; (3) Drivers of change); (4)
Participative planning of management scenarios.
Study areas
(1) São Francisco, São Sebastião, North Coast of São Paulo State.
(2) Ilha Grande Bay, South of Rio de Janeiro
Main Research Projects
Project 1 (Doctorate)
Title: Drivers of change and scenarios of the future in Paraty, Brazil.
Study Area: Paraty, RJ, Brasil
Objectives: (1) To identify the main ecosystem services and drivers of change in the
Paraty region, according to the perception of different stakeholders involved in the
use and management of natural resources; (2) To understand how such forces interact
at and between local, regional and global scales and cause changes to ecosystem
services and human well-being (social-ecological system); and, (3) To plan future
scenarios based on the major forces and uncertainties in the region with the
participation of local stakeholders.
Funding: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
and International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
Dr. Maria A. Gasalla
Associate Professor
Fisheries Ecossystem Laboratory (LabPesq)
Department of Biological Oceanography
Instituto Oceanográfico
Universidade de São Paulo
Phone: 55 11 30916549
[email protected]
Interests/Research Field
(1) Marine fishery systems; (2) Fisheries management; (3) Methods for an ecosystem
approach to fisheries; (4) Fishers´s knowledge; (5) Knowledge integration; (6) Fisheries
oceanography and climate change; (7) Quantitative indicators (modeling); (8)
Integrative science (oceans); (9) Community-based methodologies.
Study area (different scales)
(1) Coast of São Paulo state (Brazil)
(2) Southeastern coast of São Paulo
(3) Area of South Brazil large Marine Ecosystem
Main Research projects
Project 1
Title: Voices from the São Paulo fisheries
Funding: The University of São Paulo Dean of Culture
Project 2
Title: Constructing a knowledge base for ecosystem-based fishery management: an
investigation of the local ecological knowledge of fishers from Ubatuba, Northern
Coast of São Paulo
Funding: CNPq
Project 3
Title: Oceanografia pesqueira, dinâmica de populações e a dimensão humana
asociada à pesca da lula no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo.
Project 4
Title: Modelling the Southeastern Brazilian shelf ecosystem with the incorporation
of social and economic variables.
Funding: CNPq
Luziana de Souza Silva
PhD Student
Ambiente e Sociedade (NEPAM/UNICAMP)
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Resilience and vulnerability of coastal sócio-ecological systems; (2) Local
knowledge; (3) Food security; (4) Commons management.
Study areas
(1) State of São Paulo, Brazil: Ubatuba;
(2) State of Santa Catarina, Brazil: Florianópolis;
(3) State of Ceará, Brazil: Fortaleza
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Urban Growth, Vulnerability and Adaptation: social and ecological
dimensions of climate change on the Coast of São Paulo (2009 - 2013)
Sub- project: Vulnerabilidade na Pesca Artesanal Costeira do Estado de São Paulo
frente às Mudanças Ambientais Globais
Study area: northern coast of São Paulo State.
Objective: To evaluate the environmental consequences of climatic changes at the
costal area of the State of São Paulo.
Funding: FAPESP (thematic Project number 08/58159-7)
Maria Carolina Dollo Contato
Master Student, Núcleo de Estudo e Capacitação em Gestão Compartilhada da Pesca –
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)
Ph. (55) 53 32935203 and 53 81410080
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Resource management models; (2) Common property resources; and, (3) Conflict
management between resource users and regulators.
Study areas
(1) Coast of Rio Grande do Sul: da Lagoa dos Patos estuary (Rio Grande, São José do
Norte, Pelotas e São Lourenço do Sul);
(2) North Coast of São Paulo State.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Closure periods as a tool for artisanal fishing resource management in the
Lagoa dos Patos Estuary.
Objectives: (1) To analyze whether closure periods in the estuary of the lagoon are
an empowerment tool or produce erosion among traditional fishers; and, (2) To
support a management model that aims for the sustainable use of fishing resources
and artisanal fishers livelihoods.
Study Area: Coast of Rio Grande do Sul: da Lagoa dos Patos estuary (Rio Grande,
São José do Norte, Pelotas e São Lourenço do Sul). Also, including fishers from the
municipalities of Arambaré, Tavares and Mostardas.
Funding: CAPES
Mariana Aquilante Policarpo
PhD. Student
Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política, Núcleo Transdiciplinar de Meio Ambiente e
Desenvolvimento (NMD), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Ph./fax: (55) 48 3721 8610 and (55) 48 9118-5936
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Coastal management; (2) Common property resources; (3) Heritage; and, (4)
Sustainable territorial development.
Study areas
(1) North-Central Coast of Santa Catarina State: Balneário Camboriú, Itapema, Porto
Belo and Bombinhas;
(2) South-Central Santa Catarina State: Garopaba, Imbituba and Paulo Lopes.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Integrated and shared management of coastal territories: Implications for
artisanal fishing and biodiversity conservation (2010-2014)
Study Area: Coast of Santa Catarina State
Objectives: To investigate integrated and shared management of coastal territories
from the perspective of sustainable territorial development, commons theory and
participatory co-management.
Funding: CAPES.
Project 2
Title 2: Sustainable territorial development in Coastal Santa Catarina State: Defining
integrated strategies based on the recovery of traditional fishing communities‘
cultural identity (2008 - present)
Objectives: To contribute to a systemic understanding of the conditions that allow
for the formation and consolidation of sustainable territorial development strategies
in specific areas of Coastal Santa Catarina State, taking into consideration artisanal
fishing and the rescue of the historic and cultural heritage of traditional fishing
communities to further the construction of integrated local production systems.
Study Area: North-Central Coast of Santa Catarina State (Balneário Camboriú,
Itapema, Porto Belo and Bombinhas) and South-Central Santa Catarina State
(Garopaba, Imbituba and Paulo Lopes).
Partners: MPA, Rimisp, CIRAD, EPAGRI, UFSC.
Funding: MPA and Rimisp.
Dr. Mariana Clauzet
Fisheries and Food Institute (FIFO), Campinas,SP.
Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas em Artes e Ciências (LEPAC-PREAC/UNICAMP),
Paraty, RJ.
Universidade Santa Cecília (UNISANTA), Santos,SP.
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Food security from the perspective of the study of Snook productive chains in
Study areas
(1) North Coast of São Paulo State: Ubatuba and Ilha Bela
(2) Coast of Bahia Sate: Valença
(3) Tocantins and Amazonas States
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Ecology of artisanal fishing in Paraty (2010-2014)
Objectives: (1) To analyze fishers‘ decision-making behaviour through optimal
foraging models (sub-project 1) and fishers‘ local knowledge through
ethnoecological studies, in a study case on grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) (subproject); (2) To analyze and understand the variables that govern the choice of fish,
fishing grounds, and time spent in fishing activities, as well as other activities
involving decision-making by artisanal fishers in Paraty; and, (3) To characterize the
artisanal fishing of grouper in Paraty in relation to fishing grounds, time spent
fishing, fishing gear employed, and other ethno-ecological information.
Study Area: Paraty, Rio de Janeiro.
Sponsor: FAPESP
Project 2
Title: Adaptive co-management in a Brazilian fishing community
Objectives: Develop a community-based adaptive management system for
livelihood resources in Paraty (Rio de Janeiro State) that may serve as a model for
other parts of Brazil.
Study Area: Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Funding: International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
Mariana Giraldi
Masters Student, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Food security; (2) Ethnobotany.
Study areas
(1) Coast of Rio de Janeiro State: Paraty;
(2) Coast of Santa Catarina State: Florianópolis.
Main Research Projects
Project 1 (Masters)
Title: Diet and vegetable food resources of two Caiçara communities in SE Coastal
Brazil: Discussing livelihoods and food security (2010 – 2011).
Study Area: Ponta Negra and Ilha do Araújo, Paraty, RJ.
Objective: To undertake an ethnobotanical study emphasizing food plants in order to
discuss livelihoods and food security in two caiçara communities in SE Brazil.
Partners and Funding: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico (CNPq), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica (PPGB) da
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE); Programa Nacional de Apoio
e Desenvolvimento da Botânica (PNADB), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES); International Research Chairs Initiative (IRCI);
Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas em Arte e Ciências (LEPAC); Laboratório de
Etnobotânica Aplicada (LEA) da UFRPE; Laboratório de Ecologia Humana e
Etnobotânica (LEHE) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).
Marina A. R. de Mattos Vieira
Masters Student, Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Ambientais, Universidade Estadual de
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Public policies; (2) Management of Common Property Resources; (3) Traditional
Ecological Knowledge.
Study areas
(1) Coast of Rio de Janeiro State: Paraty;
(2) Amazonas State: RDS Amanã, Maraã
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Legislation survey concerning the use and conservation of fishing resources
and management of artisanal fisheries in the Southern Coast of Rio de Janeiro (2009
- 2010).
Objective: To survey and analyze the federal, state and municipal legislation related
to the use and management of marine fishery resources in the South Coast of Rio de
Janeiro, with emphasis on their compatibility with local management strategies.
Study Area: Paraty, RJ.
Funding: IDRC
Project 2 (Masters)
Title: Caiçara ecological knowledge of game species: contributions to conservation
and co-management (2011 - 2013).
Advisor: Cristiana Simão Seixas
Study Area: Paraty, RJ
Objectives: To investigate the Caiçara ecological knowledge of game species and
analyze the changes in formal and informal institutions concerning wildlife
management from the mid-twentieth century, and its consequences for biodiversity
Marta Collier Ferreira Leite
Laboratório de Ecossistemas Pesqueiros, Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São
Paulo - USP
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Fisheries management; (2) Fisher local ecological knowledge (LEK and FEK) as a
tool to support fisheries management with emphasis on ecosystem approaches.
Study areas
(1) North Coast of São Paulo States: Ubatuba.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Support for ecosystem-based fishery management: An investigation of fishers‘
local ecological knowledge in Ubatuba, northern coast of São Paulo (2009-2011).
Study Area: Ubatuba, São Paulo.
Funding: CNPq
Objective: The study aims to provide, through research on fisher‘s local ecological
knowledge, subsidies for ecosystem-based fisheries management on the coast of
Ubatuba (SP)
Mauro Luis Ruffino
Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura, Departamento de Monitoramento e Controle
(Director). SBS Quadra 02, Lote 10, Bloco J, Setor Bancário Sul, CEP: 70070-120 Brasília, DF – Brasil
Presidente da Associação Brasileira de Ciências Pesqueiras – ABCPesca
Ph. (55) 61 2023-3538 and 61 9967-243; Skype: mauro.luis.ruffino
[email protected] and [email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Methodologies for participatory monitoring and research; (2) Levels/degrees of
interlocutor representativeness and legitimacy; (3) Forms of social organization; (4)
Participation structures; (5) Fishing community empowerment; (6) Rules for access and
use of fishing resources; (7) Conflict management; (8) Compatibility between fisheries
and other economic sectors.
Study areas
(1) Amazon region (Pará, Amazonas, and Rondônia States);
(2) Nicaragua;
(3) Mozambique;
(4) Caribbean;
(5) Bolivia;
(6) Coast of Rio Grande do Sul State: Patos Lagoon;
(7) Northeast Coastal Region of Brazil: RN, PE, PB, BA.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Modelling the dynamics of large migratory catfish to support fisheries
management strategies (2010 – 2012).
Objectives: To simulate different scenarios of fishing effort in order to develop
management strategies.
Study Area: Amazon and Solimões River.
Funding: CNPq.
Project 2
Title: ATER fisheries network in the south-southeast coast: Support for
strengthening sustainable territories for artisanal fisheries (2010 - 2012).
Study Area: South-southeast Coast of Brazil (RS, SC, PR, SP, RJ)
Objectives: To design an extension network for fisheries covering the states of Rio
de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.
Funding: CNPq.
Partners: UFRJ, Instituto de Pesca, UFPR, UNIVALI e FURG.
Project 3
Title: Production chain sustainability of Amazon ornamental fish: Fisheries
management, health and participatory management (2007 – 2010).
Objectives: To understand participatory systems for fisheries management in the
Study Area: Negro River, Brazilian Amazon.
Funding: CNPq.
Partners: UFAM, CEPAM.
Megan Bob
AKRC & MNRM Student
Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Canada
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) First Nation Management of Inland Fisheries; (2) Cooperation with Ontario Ministry
of Natural Resources / Fisheries Unit (OMNR) in Fisheries Management.
Study areas
(1) Ontario, Lake of the Woods: AKRC (Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource
Council) - 6 First Nation membership – one program is cooperative fisheries
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Titles: AKRC/OMNR Broad Scale Monitoring Program – 2010
Study area: Lake of the Woods Watershed, northwestern Ontario, Canada
Objectives: General: Increase capacity of AKRC to gather data and monitor
fisheries; Improve ability of AKRC & OMNR technicians to work together.
Partners/Funding: AKRC & OMNR
Key Themes: Status of Fish populations, productivity of lake, water quality,
invasive species
Project 2
Title: AKRC/OMNR Lake Whitefish Spawning Assessment - 2009
Study area: Lake of the Woods Watershed, northwestern Ontario, Canada
Objectives: (1) Assess the health of Ontario‘s Lakes; (2) Assess long term feasibility
of Lake Whitefish quotas of Northwest Angle and Windigo Island First Nations.
Partners/ Funding: AKRC, OMNR, Northwest Angle & Windigo Island First
Key themes: Status of Whitefish spawning in southern Basin of Lake of the Woods
Micaela Trimble
PhD Candidate, Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg,
Cell phones: Uruguay - (00598) 99795595. Paraty - (0055) (24) 98360508
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Artisanal fisheries co-management; (2) Fisher participation; (3) Participatory
Study areas
(1) Coast of the Río de la Plata, Uruguay: Piriápolis;
(2) Paraty, Brazil: Praia Grande e Ilha do Araújo.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Key conditions for adaptive co-management of artisanal fisheries in coastal
Uruguay, with comparisons to Paraty (Brazil) (2010 – 2013).
Study area: Piriápolis, Uruguay and Paraty, Brazil
Objectives: (1) To investigate the relationships among fishery stakeholders at
multiple levels, using a social capital framework that combines structural
components and cognitive components, and also considers power relations; (2) To
explore stakeholders‘ perceptions about the dynamics of the natural system, socioeconomic system, and governing system, in which the fishery is embedded (using
interactive governance theory terminology); (3) To analyze both the current and the
proposed fisheries legislation, with focus on how they might enable (or hinder) the
actual emergence of adaptive co-management; (4) To investigate the role of
participatory research (i.e. cooperative fisheries research) in creating conditions that
can facilitate the emergence of fisheries adaptive co-management, such as increased
social capital and enhancement of social learning.
Partners: Universidad de la República, Uruguay and Universidade Estadual de
Campinas, Brazil
Funding: Faculty of Graduate Studies - University of Manitoba and Manitoba
Key themes: Fisheries co-management; social capital; participatory research.
Natália Cristina Fidelis Bahia
Masters Student, Programa de Pós Graduação em Ecologia (UNICAMP)
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Natural resources management; (2) Local ecological knowledge; and, (3) Resilience
in social-ecological systems.
Study areas
(1) Coast of São Paulo State: Cananéia and São Sebastião.
Main Research Projects
Project 1 (Masters)
Title: The effects of environmental changes on fisheries and incidental catch of sea
turtles in Bairro São Francisco (São Sebastião – São Paulo) (2009-2011).
Objectives: (1) To investigate whether local and/or global environmental changes
impact artisanal fishing activities in the Bairro São Francisco (São Sebastião - SP);
and, (2) To verify how these changes influence the capture of fish with commercial
value and the incidental capture of sea turtles, based on scientific and fisher‘s local
ecological knowledge.
Study Area: São Sebastião, Coast of São Paulo State.
Sponsor: FAPESP.
Dr. Natalia Hanazaki
Laboratório de Ecologia Humana e Etnobotânica – Departamento de Ecologia e
Zoologia – Centro de Ciências Biológicas – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Local ecological knowledge; (2) Food security; and, (3) Conflicts related to
biological conservation.
Study area
(1) Central Coast of Santa Catarina State: Florianópolis, Governador Celso Ramos,
(2) Northern Coast of Santa Catarina State: Itapoá.
(3) Souther Coast of Santa Catarina State: Imbituba, Garopaba.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Community-based resource management and food security in coastal Brazil
(2009 – 2013).
Objective: Diet and vegetable food resources in two Caiçara communities in SE
Coastal Brazil: Discussing livelihoods and food security (Mariana Giraldi‘s Masters
Study Area: Paraty, RJ, Brasil
Funding: IDRC
Project 2
Title: Ethnobotany of the Cliff Areas in Imbituba: Knowledge concerning the use
and management of plants (2009 – 2011).
Objective: (1) To investigate traditional knowledge of native plant resources. (2) To
collaborate in order to build participatory guidelines for the use, management and
conservation of these species in protected areas with sustainable use in the
municipality of Imbituba, Santa Catarina.
Study Area: Imbituba, SC, Brazil.
Funding: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Participants: Nivaldo Peroni, Leonardo Kumagai Antunes Sampaio, Sofia Zank,
Laura Altafin Cavechia, Natalia Hanazaki (Coordinator).
Project 3
Title: Dynamic points of reference: Temporal changes in traditional ecological
knowledge of fishers in Coastal Santa Catarina, Brazil (2008 - 2010)
Objective: To investigate the local ecological knowledge of Coastal Santa Catarina
Fishers, in light of discussions about shifting baselines or dynamic benchmarks that
reveal temporal changes in this body of knowledge associated with temporal changes
in ecosystems.
Study Area: Coast of Santa Catarina State, Brazil.
Participants: Raphael Aggio, Mariana Bender Gomes, Amanda Firmino, Ivan
Machado Martins, Fernanda Bueloni, Natalia Hanazaki (Coordinator).
Nilmar Silva da Conceição
President – Fishermen Syndicate of Pelotas City
Coordinator – Patos Lagoon Fórum
Phone: (55) 53 3227 3221 or (55) 53 8119 0111
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Common pool resources; and (2) Conflict resolution.
Study areas
(1) Patos lagoon estuary: Cities of Pelotas, São Lourenço, São José do Norte, Rio
Grande and Tavares.
Main Projects
Project 1
He has worked as the coordinator of the Patos Lagoon Forum for the past four years,
having left the coordination last month after the second two-year mandate. He
participates of meetings of the Forum since 2000 as the representant of the
Fishermen Syndicate of Pelotas.
Project 2
He is also the director of the Syndicate since 1997, and since 2003 he presides the
Syndicate, which represents all fishermen from Pelotas city and the fishermen guild
‗Colônia Z3‘.
Dr. Patrick McConney
Senior Lecturer
CERMES, UWI Cave Hill Campus, Barbados
Phone: (246)-417-4725; Fax: (246)-424-4204
[email protected]
http: //
Interests/research field
(1) Mainly small-scale fisheries and marine protected areas; (2) Governance and
institutions; (3) Co-management; (4) Management planning; (5) Ecosystem approach to
fisheries; and (6) socio-economic monitoring.
Study areas
(1) Wider Caribbean, mainly English-speaking countries.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Marine Resource Governance in the Eastern Caribbean (MarGov Project)
(visit web pages at
Goal: To understand marine resource governance related to small-scale fisheries and
coastal management in the eastern Caribbean using complex adaptive system (CAS)
and social-ecological system (SES) concepts.
Objectives: (1) To construct a conceptual framework for applied research on marine
resources governance in the Caribbean using CAS and SES perspectives; (2)
Investigate governance in the context of small scale fisheries in the eastern
Caribbean primarily using cross-scale network analyses with emphasis on features
that enhance resilience and adaptation; (3) Increase the capacities of partners to
undertake their own research and use the results by involving them in the
participatory applied research; (4) Facilitate through outreach and information, the
incorporation of the research results into initiatives related to marine resource
governance for fisheries; (5) Establish applied research into marine resource
governance as a new demand-driven programme
Funding: IDRC
Dr. Patricia Pinto da Silva
Social Scientist
NOAA Fisheries, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Woods Hole, MA 02536, USA
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Food systems/seafood certification programs; (2) Co-management governance
institutions in the Northeast US; (3) Marine Protected Areas; (4) Socio-economic
monitoring and performance measures for fisheries management; (5) Ecosystem based
management/fisheries management.
Study area
(1) United States: northeast region
(2) Brazil: northeast and southeast
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: A Survey of Social Capital and Attitudes toward Management in the New
England Groundfish Fishery
PI’s: Daniel Holland, Patricia Pinto da Silva
Study area: Northeast United States
Key themes: collaborative management, social capital, New England
The New England groundfish fishery is undergoing a major transformation with the
expansion of the ―sector‖ allocation program. Sector allocations are meant to
provide fishermen with greater control, flexibility, and economic efficiency in their
fishing businesses, while simultaneously fostering sustainable management through
catch limits and improved monitoring. The program gives substantial management
responsibilities to groups of fishermen and makes members of sectors jointly liable if
the sector exceeds its catch allocation or commits other regulatory violations. These
new arrangements represent a significant departure from past management regimens
that have not required collaboration between fishermen or joint accountability.
The success of any individual sector will likely depend on the attitudes and
capabilities of the sector members, the skills and commitment of the sector leaders,
and on relationships among the members – including their degree of trust and ability
to collaborate. The value of these relationships and the ability to cooperate is
commonly referred to as ‗social capital.‘ Social capital can yield benefits that flow
from the trust, reciprocity, information, and cooperation associated with social
networks (Putnam 2000).
In the spring of 2010, a telephone survey was conducted of Northeast Multispecies
(groundfish) permit holders. A total of 542 permit holders were interviewed. This
total comprised 244 permit holders who had signed up for sectors, 56 active vessel
owners who were not planning to participate in the sector program, and 242 permit
holders who were not active in the groundfish fishery in 2009. The primary purpose
of the survey was to develop a baseline of social capital in the groundfish fishery,
both as a whole and then disaggregated by individual sectors and common pool
vessels. Permit holders were also asked questions about the current state of the
fishery and the current management system to be able to track the socio-economic
impacts of the sector allocation system on these individuals over time. A follow-up
survey will be performed in approximately two years to evaluate if – and how –
social capital has changed, and to assess the role of social capital in the success of
sectors and the sector management system.
Project 2
Title: Fishing, food systems & sustainability
Pi’s: Patricia Clay, Patricia Pinto da Silva & Julia Olson
Study area: US & Beyond
Key themes: Food systems/sovernity; community supported fisheries; certification
Consumer social movements directed towards food systems have become
increasingly prevalent as a way of merging social and environmental concerns. Such
market-based movements encompass a variety of strategies, such as certification
programs that certify products based on a variety of criteria, to local and slow food
concerns that seek to reconnect communities with food and local businesses. At the
same time, emergent scholarly concerns have raised critical questions about how
alternative these alternative markets truly are, and about what notions of
sustainability inhere in their visions of community and ecology. In this respect it is
informative to compare the more recent entry of fishing groups into these consumer
social movements, both for the ways they converge with and differ from other
agricultural products. Although a concern with the family farm—as well as tendency
to equate national security with food and agricultural security—has long connected
terrestrial food production with other cultural concerns, fisheries have tended to be
regarded more as resources. Dominant constructions in the U.S. have tended to both
privilege issues of resource management and to construct resource management as
primarily biological. Fishery certification programs have also tended to reproduce the
biological emphasis, for most in practice utilize biological criteria in assessing
sustainability of a fishery, even if their definition is in theory broader. Not only do
certification programs often provide advice that contradicts each other, they usually
rate entire stocks, at best singling out particular gears as sustainable. Yet a given
fishery may be fished in multiple ways by multiple groups, which raises important
policy questions that often crystallize around place-based concerns. Moreover, fish is
also food. Movements to both address consumer concerns and to find ways to add
value to reduced stocks require building new relations and institutions. This project
aslo considers how we can better govern for sustainable food systems, rather than
just resources, in fisheries.
Dr. Paula Ritter
Technical Assistent of FIPERJ (Rio de Janeiro State Fisheries Institute and Foundation)
Secretary of Agriculture, Pecuary, Fisheries and Supplies (SEAPPA)
Alameda São Boaventura, 770. Fonseca. Niterói. RJ. CEP: 24120-191
Phone: (55) 21 3601 5008
[email protected]. or [email protected]
Interests/Research field
(1) Coastal Zone Management; and (2) Conflict Resolution.
Study area
(1) South coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Development and management of fisheries and aquaculture systems at Ilha
Grande Bay, Rio de Janeiro – Fishing Accords
Partnership : Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA), Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
This project promoted discussions and actions at different institutional spaces and
indicated the necessity of a co-management proposal for fishery resources at Ilha
Grande Bay (IGB). The ‗Fishing Accords‘ will subsidize the the implementation of
co-management public policies at IGB, aggregating several stakeholders such as the
caiçaras, artisanal and industrial fishermen, mariculture and others.
Project 2
Title: Environmental Conservation & Social Participation
Paula participates in the management council of three Protected Areas: Tamoios
Ecological Station (Paraty city); Ilha Grande State Park (Angra dos Reis city);
Cagarras Natural Monument (Rio de Janeiro city). She act in these spaces on issues
related to fisheries. At Tamoios Ecological Station she also contributes to the
Fisheries and Aquaculture Technicam Chamber. The discussions that toke place at
this technical chamber were important to trigger project 1.
Dr. Paulo Freire Vieira
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política da Universidade Federal de Santa
Catarina e Pesquisador do Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa Científica e Tecnológica
(CNPq). Coordenador do Núcleo Transdisciplinar de Meio Ambiente e
Desenvolvimento da UFSC (Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas)
Tel. 55-48-3721-9253, [email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Theoretical and methodological elements for eco-development; (2) Sustainable
territorial development; and, (3) Natural resource management.
Study areas
(1) Coast of Santa Catarina State.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Sustainable territorial development in Coastal Santa Catarina: Defining
integrated strategies based on the recovery of traditional fishing communities‘
cultural identity (2009-2010, 1st phase)
Coordinators: Claire Cerdan (CIRAD) and Paulo Freire Vieira (UFSC)
Objectives: To contribute to the systemic understanding of the conditions enabling
the formation and consolidation of sustainable territorial development strategies in
specific areas of the coastal zone of Santa Catarina, being the rescue of historic and
cultural heritage of traditional fishing communities primers that can induce the
construction of local agro-ecological productive systems.
Funding: Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP), Ministério da
Pesca and Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le
Développement (CIRAD).
Project 2
Title: Coastal Observatory of Santa Catarina: A pilot project to establish a
permanent network for scientific-technical support for the Federal Public Ministery
(In Progress).
Coordinators: Paulo Freire Vieira (UFSC) and Marcus Polette (UNIVALI).
Objective: To organize and coordinate a network of scientific-technical support for
federal and state officers, taking into consideration the promotion of a participatory
and democratic management style to deal with conflicts related to the appropriation
of coastal environmental resources and consistent with strengthening environmental
citizenship in the country.
Project 3
Title: The role of universities in local sustainable development: Mapping
transdisciplinar-systemic research collectives in Brazil, France and Canada (20112013, 2nd phase).
Objectives: To inventory, analyze comparatively and contribute to the institutional
strengthening of innovative experiences of education extension directed towards the
promotion of a local sustainable development approach in Brazilian, French and
Canadian universities over the last ten years.
Coordinators: Paulo Freire Vieira (UFSC), Anne Latendresse and Pierre Girard e
Jean-Marc Fontan (Université du Québec à Montreal – UQAM).
Funding: Centre d´Etudes et de Recherches sur le Brésil (CERB) and SSHRC.
Raquel de Carvalho Dumith
Masters Student, Núcleo de Estudo e Capacitação em Gestão Compartilhada e
Comunitária da Pesca (GECOMP), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG
Tel. (55) 53 9151-4347 e (55) 53 2125-9656
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Coastal Management; (2) Common property resources; and, (3) Conflict
Study areas
(1) Rio Grande Municipality, RS: Port expansion area;
(2) Coast of Bahia State: RESEX Marinha do Corumbau, de Canavieiras and do
Cassurubá; and Marinho dos Abrolhos National Park.
Main Research Projects
Project 1 (Masters)
Title: Integrated and shared management of marine and coastal resources:
Implications for artisanal fishing and biodiversity conservation.
Objective: To evaluate the degree of stakeholder participation (from all levels) in
decision-making processes and the degree of satisfaction of traditional communities
living within protected areas.
Study Area: Marinhas do Corumbau, Canavieiras and Cassurubá Extractive
Reserves, and buffering zone fromt the Marinho dos Abrolhos National Park, Bahia.
Funding: Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura (MPA).
Partners: Organizações Não-Governamentais (ONGs) Conservation Internacional
do Brasil (CI-Brasil) and Associação de Estudos Costeiros e Marinhos (ECOMAR).
Roberto Ribbas Gallucci
Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA)
Interests/Research field
(1) Fisheries management; (2) Coastal management concerning ecossystems
Study areas
He participated of discussions related to coastal co-management, with a focus on
fisheries management in Marine Extractive Reserves and more specifically at Patos
Lagoon (Rio Grande do Sul state). In general, he have followed discussions regarding
fisheries co-management throughout the brazilian coastline.
Main Research Projects
He follows the project GEF Mangroves being delivered by ICMBio, which plans to
develop pilot fisheries co-management and ecosystem-based experiences. His focus is
on Marine Extractive Reserves of Pará state and crab fisheries management at the Delta
of Parnaíba river region.
Robson Dias Possidônio
Artisanal fisher from Trindade, Paraty, RJ.
Fishing and tourist guide in Trindade.
Member of Trindade Residents Association (AMOT) and Trindade Small Boaters and
Artisanal Fishers Association (ABAT).
Address: Rua João Possidônio, s/n –Trindade – Paraty - RJ
Ph. (55) 24 9949 2594
Robson represents Trindade community‘s interests in the following arenas: Mosaico da
Bocaina advisory board, fishing agreements of Ilha Grande Bay, participatory Spatial
planning of Paraty and technical board for reviewing the management plan of Cairuçú
Environmental Protection Area.
Study area
(1) South Coast of Rio de Janeiro State: Trindade, Paraty
Main Projects
Project 1
Title: Community-Based Resource Management and Food Security in Coastal
Objective: Monitoring fish landings in Trindade.
Partners and Funding: IDRC/UNICAMP.
Project 2
Title: Program for strengthening the Mosaico Bocaina.
Objective: To mobilize fishers to collect research data on the characterization of
fishing practices in Trindade.
Implementation: Associação Cunhambebe/Ubatuba/SP.
Project 3
Title: Trindade‘s Letter
Objective: To claim the recognition of Trindade as a Caiçara traditional community,
according to the national policy on national peoples and traditional communities.
Rodrigo Rodrigues de Freitas
PhD Student Programa de Doutorado em Ambiente e Sociedade - Núcleo de Estudos e
Pesquisas Ambientais (NEPAM/UNICAMP)
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Common property resources; (2) Institutional change; and, (3) Public policies.
Study area
(1) Santa Catarina State: Lagoa de Ibiraquera.
(2) Coast of Rio de Janeiro State: Paraty and Angra dos Reis.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Policy implications for artisanal fisheries in two marine protected areas within
the Mosaico da Bocaina (2010 – 2014).
Objectives: To Investigate the implications of conservation, development and
management policies for coastal artisanal fisheries within marine protected areas.
Study Area: Ilha Grande Bay, Angra dos Reis and Paraty municipalities.
Funding: CAPES – Ciências do Mar e IDRC
Dr. Rodrigo Pereira Medeiros
Programa de Mestrado em Gestão de Políticas Públicas. Universidade do Vale do Itajaí.
Rua Uruguai, 458, CEP 88302-2020.
Ph. (55) 47 33417847
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Coastal common property resources; (2) Adaptive co-management of artisanal
fishing systems; (3) Traditional ecological knowledge; (4) Institutions, democracy and
social capital; (5) Environmental and fishing policies; (6) Participatory methodologies
for studies in fishing communities; and, (7) Participatory assessment and management
of Marine Protected Areas.
Study areas
(1) Coast of Santa Catarina State: Tijucas Bay: municipalities of Governador Celso
Ramos, Tijucas, Porto Belo and Bombinhas;
(2) Northern-central coast of Santa Catarina State: Marine territory of shrimp fishing
between Governador Celso Ramos and Itapoá municipalities;
(3) North Coast of Santa Catarina State: Acarai State Park, São Francisco do Sul
(4) North Coast of Santa Catarina State: Barra Velha;
(5) Coast of Santa Catarina State: Costa Brava Environmental Protection Area and
central beach in the Balneário Camboriú;
(6) Coast of Santa Catarina State: Florianópolis (Pântano do Sul Beach).
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Participatory monitoring of marine artisanal fishing in Santa Catarina (2009 –
Study Area: Coast of Santa Catarina State.
Objectives: To develop a methodology for participatory monitoring of artisanal
Partners and Funding: Epagri and Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura.
Project 2
Title: Community mobilization for co-management processes of Local Agenda 21
and protected areas: Community management for sustainable territorial development
in coastal artisanal fishing communities in Santa Catarina State (2008 – 2010).
Study Area: Northern-central Coast of Santa Catarina State.
Objectives: Program for action-research and education extension with fishing
Funding: Univali.
Partner: Colonies and fishers‘ associations, artisanal fishers.
Project 3
Title: ATER fisheries network in the south-southeast coast: Support for
strengthening sustainable territories for artisanal fisheries (2009 – 2011).
Study Area: South-southeast Coast of Brazil.
Objectives: To design an extension network for fisheries covering SE Coastal
Funding: CNPq.
Partners: UNICAMP, UFRJ, Instituto de Pesca, UFPR, FURG, Ministério da
Pesca e Aquicultura (MPA).
Dr. Sidney Lianza
Núcleo de Solidariedade Técnica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro SOLTEC/UFRJ; Pesquisa Ação na Cadeia Produtiva da Pesca no Litoral Fluminense
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Co-management of common property resources; (2) Management of socialenvironmental conflicts; (3) Sustainability of the productive chain for artisanal fishing
and family aquaculture; (4) Networks; (5) Public consortia; and, (6) Methodologies:
dialogical, participatory, and action research.
Study areas
(1) Coast of Rio de Janeiro State: Macaé, Barra de São João, Cabo Frio (previous) Ilha
Grande, Angra dos Reis, Baia de Ilha Grande (current).
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Development and management systems for the management of aquaculture
and fisheries in the Bay of Ilha Grande (2010 - 2011).
Objective: To develop initiatives aimed at supporting the construction and
implementation of public policies for fishing co-management and fishing agreements
in Ilha Grande Bay.
Study Area: Ilha Grande Bay, RJ.
Funding: Ministerio da Pesca e Aquicultura – MPA.
Partners: MPA, Fundação Instituto de Pesca do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - FIPERJ
and UFRJ.
Tainá Barreto
Fisheries and Food Institute and Instituto Terra e Mar
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Fisheries management.
Study areas
(1) Litoral do estado de São Paulo: Bertioga
(2) Litoral sul do estado do Rio de Janeiro: Paraty
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Adaptative Co-management in a Brazilian Fisheries Community (Paraty)
(2009 - 2014).
Objective: Grouper ethno-ecology, Paraty - RJ.
Funding: International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
Participants: Alpina Begossi (Coordinator), Luiz Eduardo Chimello de Oliveira,
Mariana Clauzet, Shirley Pacheco, Renato A. M. Silvano, Cristiana Seixas, Fábio
Castro, Nivaldo Peroni, Natália Hanazaki, Priscila Lopes, Berkes Fikret, Tainá
Barreto Andreoli.
Dr. Valéria G. da Vinha
Professor of Instituto de Economia da UFRJ and researcher do INCT-PPED
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Coastal management; and, (2) Conflict management
Study areas
(1) Lagos Region, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil: Arraial do Cabo; Cabo Frio;
(2) South Coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Angra dos Reis and Paraty.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Social and environmental conflict management in a coastal and marine
Objectives: (1) To discuss the role of biodiversity management in a coastal and
marine environment; (2) To identify strategies and practices in the treatment of
environmental conflicts; (3) To recommend methods to prevent and minimize of
impacts and environmental conflicts.
Partners/Funding: SAGE/COPPE/UFRJ; CPDA/UFRRJ (Petrobras Ambiental e
Project 2
Title: Integrated coastal and marine management with payment for environmental
Objectives: To reduce conflicts between economic interests and socialenvironmental vulnerability through the consolidation of economic instruments and
institutional strengthening.
Partners/Funding: CPDA/UFRRJ and Capesca-Lepac/Unicamp (INCTPPED/CNPq)
Dr. Victoria Judith Isaac Nahum
Universidade Federal do Pará, Laboratório de Biologia Pesqueira e Manejo de Recursos
[email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Ecosystem Management in the Amazon and Coastal Zones; (2) Management
systems that encloses both the ecosystem approach and the community-based
management approach.
Study areas
(1) Northern Coastal Brazil.
(2) Northeast Coastal Brazil.
Main Research Projects
Project 1
Title: Fishing extraction in the Amazon Floodplains: Management and impact
Study Area: Amazon Floodplains.
Funding: CNPq
Project 2
Title: Capture, processing and production chain of a gillnet fleet in Northern Coastal
Study Area: Coastal Northern Brazil.
Funding: CNPq e MPA
Project 3
Title: Ecology and Management of Hypancistrus zebra (1991)
Study Area: Xingu River, Pará
Funding: FAPESPA and CNPq
Vinícius Nora
Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP/PREAC/CAPESCA & LEPAC
Ph. (24) 8132-4693
[email protected] or [email protected]
Interests/research field
(1) Coastal management with emphasis in production and food security
Study areas
(1) Rio de Janeiro State, Brasil: Baia da Ilha Grande;
(2) Espírito Santo State, Brasil: TAMAR Anchieta.
Main Research Project
Project 1
Title: Snook ecology and ethnoecology in Paraty, RJ (2009 – 2010).
Partners/Funding: IDRC e FAPESP
Main Themes: Stock assessment, reproductive and feeding dynamics, local
knowledge and fisheries.

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