J. Serôdio Short CV - CESAM


J. Serôdio Short CV - CESAM
Curriculum vitae
João Serôdio
February 2016
Full name: João António de Almeida Serôdio
Date of birth: 3 January 1967, Porto, Portugal
Nacionality: Portuguese
Address: Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus de Santiago,
3810-193 Aveiro
Telephone: +351 234370787
E-mail: [email protected]
Webpage: http://joaoserodio.flavors.me
1999 – Ph.D. in Biology (Ecology and Biosystematics), University of Lisbon
1993 – M.Sc. in Probability and Statistics, University of Lisbon
1989 – Degree (“Licenciatura”) in Biology, University of Lisbon
2007-present – Assistant Professor with tenure, Department of Biology, University of
2002-2007 – Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Aveiro
2000-2002 – Invited Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Aveiro
Research unit affiliation
2003-present – Center for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM), University of
1999-2003 – Center of Oceanography, University of Lisbon
2010 – “Directeur de Recherche”, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
Université de La Rochelle, France
2009 – Sabbatical leave grant, FCT SFRH/BSAB/962/2009
1999 – Post-Doc grant, FCT, PRAXIS XXI, BPD/22087/99
1997-1998 – Research grant, project "Nitrogen Cycling in Estuaries", MASTIII nº MAS3CT96-0048
1997 – Grant for attending scientific meeting, FLAD - Luso-American Development
1996-1997 – Doctoral grant, FCT, PRAXIS XXI, BD5045/95
1993-1996 – Doctoral grant, JNICT, FRMH/BD/359/92
1993 – Grant for stay at the Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille (France), French Embassy
in Portugal
1991-1992 – M.Sc. grant, JNICT, Program CIÊNCIA, Department of Statistics and
Operational Research, University of Lisbon
1989-1990 – Research assistant grant, JNICT project 87310, Department of Plant
Biology, University of Lisbon
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
Research Projects, as Principal Investigator/Coordinator
2016-2018 – Symbiolite – A novel microbial-alga calcification process driven by coral
symbiotic algae: Structure, function, ecological role and evolutionary significance,
FCT, PTDC/MAR-EST/3726/2014, 199784 €.
2012-2013 – Photoinhibition of benthic diatoms: a limiting factor of the productivity of
estuarine intertidal flats, Bilateral cooperation Portugal-France, program PESSOA
2012-2013, 5000 €.
2012-2014 – PhotoSymbiOxiS - Physiological and Behavioural Photoprotective Processes
against Oxidative Stress in Marine Photosynthetic Symbioses, European Union, FP7
Marie Curie Actions, People, Career Integration Grant to Sónia Cruz, PCIG11-GA2012-322349, 50000 €.
2011-2014 – SymbioCoRe - SYnergies through Merging BIOlogical and biogeochemical
expertise in COral Research, European Union, FP7 Marie Curie Actions, People,
IRSES, PIRSES-GA-2011-295191, 281400 €.
2011-2014 – MigROS - The ‘behavioural photoprotection’ hypothesis revisited: coupling
between vertical migration and photooxidative stress in estuarine
microphytobenthos biofilms, FCT, PTDC/MAR/112473/2009, 180204 €.
2011-2014 – SeReZoox - Sexual reproduction of zooxanthellae: an overlooked aspect of
coral bleaching? FCT, PTDC/MAR/113962/2009, 161820 €.
2002-2005 – A new methodology for the quantification of the primary productivity of
estuarine microphytobenthos, FCT, PDCTM/1999/ MAR/15318, 120599 €.
Research Projects, as team member
2011-2013 – REIMAGE - Respuesta de los ecosistemas costeros a los aportes aloctonos de
materia en el contexto del cambio ambiental global antropogenico (Response of
coastal ecosystems to allochthonous matter inputs in the context of
anthropogenic global change) University of Vigo (Spain), CTM2011-30155-C0301, (PI Emilio Fernandez Suarez, U.Vigo)
2011-2012 – Processos Tróficos nas Águas Costeiras Portuguesas (Trophic Processes in
Portuguese Coastal Waters) SimRia; Marectec (Instituto Superior Técnico,
Universidade de Lisboa) & Departamento de Biologia (Universidade de Aveiro) (PI
Ramiro Neves, IST)
2011-2014 – LAGOONS - Integrated water resources and coastal zone management in
European lagoons in the context of climate change, European Union, 7th FWP,
283157 (PI Ana Lillebo, U.Aveiro)
2012-2016 – BioChangeR - Biochemical Processes induced by climate and anthropogenic
circulation changes: The case study of the Ria de Aveiro, FCT, PTDC/AACAMB/121191/2010 (PI Nuno Vaz, U.Aveiro)
2009-2012 – DyEPlume - Estuarine Dynamics and Plume Propagation in the Portuguese
Coast - Impacts of Climate Change, FCT, PTDC/MAR/107939/2008 (PI João Dias)
2011-2013 – LTER-RAVE – Long-term monitoring in the Ria de Aveiro: towards a deeper
understanding of ecological, environmental and economic processes, FCT, LTER/BIABEC/0063/2009 (PI Daniel Cleary, U.Aveiro)
2009-2011 – EEMA - Avaliação do Estado Ecológico das Massas de Água Costeiras e de
Transição Adjacentes e do Potencial Ecológico das Massas de Água Fortemente
Modificadas. INAG – Instituto da Água (PI Fernanda Rocha, INAG)
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
2005-2008 – BenthicLink – Trophic links regulated by tidal and daily rhythms: benthic
microflora and fauna in estuaries, FCT, POCTI/BIA-BDE/61977/2004 (PI Henrique
Queiroga, U.Aveiro)
1996-1998 – Nitrogen Cycling in Estuaries, MASTIII, nº MAS3-CT96-0048 (PI Tage
Dalsgaard, Vanda Brotas, U.Lisboa)
1993-1995 – Estudo do Efeito da Turbidez na Productividade Primária do Estuário do Tejo,
JNICT, STRIDE/239/MAR/92/A (PI Fernando Catarino, U.Lisboa)
1993-1994 – The Effect of Environmental Change on European Salt Marshes. Structure, CE
nº V4V-0172-F (EDB) (PI Alexandre Bettencourt, U.Évora)
1992-1994 – Role of benthic macrophytes in matter and energy fluxes in estuarine
environment, Portugal-France cooperation in Oceanology (PI Fernando Catarino)
1990-1992 – Comparative Studies on Salt Marsh Processes, CE nº V4V- 0172-F (EDB) (PI
Alexandre Bettencourt, U.Évora)
1989-1990 – Structure, dynamics and productivity of the plant communities of mudflats
and salt marshes of the Tagus estuary, JNICT, nº 87310 (PI Fernando Catarino)
1988-1989 – Study of the biogeochemical processes in salt marshes and intertidal areas of
the Ria Formosa, JNICT, nº 869.86.141 (PI Fernando Catarino, U.Lisboa)
Evaluation Panels of Research Projects Proposals
2015 – Research proposal submitted to “Discovery Grants Program”, Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada
2013, 2012 – Research proposals submitted to the “Fonds Wetenschappelijk
Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO”, Belgium
2010 – Research proposal submitted to “Programme Jeunes Chercheuses et Jeunes
Chercheur”, Agence National de la Recherche, France
2005 – Research proposal submitted to “Geo and Biosphere ALW”, Netherlands
Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), The Netherlands
Ph.D. supervision
Silja Frankenbach, Estuaries as carbon sinks: photosynthetic activity, photoinhibitory
stress and resilience mechanisms in pelagic-benthic primary productivity, grant
FCT SFRH/BD/86788/2012
Gisela João Ribeiro Lemos Dionísio, Sun powered animals in changing oceans – effect
of global climate change on the physiology and photobiology of marine
photosynthetic symbioses, grant FCT SFRH/BD/73205/2010 (co-supervision;
supervision of R. Calado)
João Paulo Ferreira Ezequiel, Photoprotection, oxidative stress and photoinhibition in
the estuarine microphytobenthos, grant FCT SFRH/BD/44860/2008
2014 – Miguel Albuquerque da Costa Leal, Trophic plasticity in coral nutrition – its
relevance for marine biotechnology and coral reefs conservation, grant FCT
SFRH/BD/63783/2009 (co-supervision; supervision of R. Calado)
2013 – Rui Jorge Miranda Rocha, “Efeito da iluminação no cultivo ex situ de orais
simbióticos” (co-supervision; supervision of R. Calado)
2010 – Helena Isabel Soares Dinis Coelho, Microfitobentos versus Hydrobia:
acoplamento trófico em ambiente estuarino (co-supervision of H. Queiroga)
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
Post-doc supervision
Gregor Christa, Functional kleptoplasty in Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Gastropoda): The role
of photoprotection mechanisms of Ulvophycea (Chlorophyta) as a prerequisite,
grant SFRH/BPD/109892/2015 (2015-2018) (co-supervision of H. Wagele,
Centre for Molecular Biodiversity Research (ZMB), Bonn, Germany)
Jörg Christian Frommlet, SymbioSphere – Developing a mechanistic and functional
understanding of the Symbiodinium-driven formation of carbonate spherulites,
grant BPD/111685/2015 (2015-2018) (co-supervision of M. Kühl, Univ.
Copenhagen, Denmark; A. Alves, CESAM)
Ana Isabel Francisco Sousa, Seagrass meadows resilience to climate and other human
induced changes: impacts on ecosystem services, grant BPD/SFRH/74848/2010
(2012-2015) (co-supervision; supervisor: A. Lillebo)
Martin Yann François Laviale, The behavioural photoprotection hypothesis:
photobehaviour, photoacclimation and photoinhibition susceptibility, grant
BPD/CESAM/PTDC/MAR/112473/2009 (2011-2014)
Jörg Christian Frommlet, Sexual reproduction of zooxanthellae: an overlooked aspect of
coral bleaching?, grant BPD/CESAM/PTDC/MAR/ 113962/2009 (2011-2014)
Sónia Marisa Gonçalves da Cruz, Photobiology of photosynthetic symbioses: the
photoprotective role of animal host photobehaviour and algal symbiont
photophysiology against oxidative stress, grant FCT BPD/74531/2010 (20112014) (co-supervision of R. Calado)
Paulo Jorge Sousa Dias Cartaxana, Photosynthesis, photoprotection and
photoinhibition in estuarine diatoms, grant FCT BPD/26637/2005 (2007-2008)
Ph.D. evaluation committees
2015 – Member of evaluation committee, Ph.D. in Ecology (Population Ecology) of
Tânia Ribeiro Pereira, Ecology of west Iberian kelps: Laminaria ochroleuca and
Saccorhiza polyschides living near their distributional limits, University of
Algarve, 8 May.
2014 – Member of evaluation committee, Ph.D. in Marine and Environmental Sciences
of Micaela de Fátima da Rocha Mota, Biology and Ecology of the Allis Shad,
Alosa alosa (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Minho River, University of Porto, 6
2014 – External examiner, Ph.D. in Marine Sciences (Marine Ecology) of João Gama
Monteiro, Ecological assessment and diversity of coral and their endosymbiotic
dinoflagellates Symbiodinium spp. In Cape Verde, University of Açores, 1 April.
2014 – External examiner, Ph.D. in Biology of Susana Isabel Eusébio Coelho,
Environmental conditions and biotic communities in Foz de Almargem and
Salgados coastal lagoons, Algarve (South Portugal), University of Algarve, 14
2013 – External examiner (“Examinateur”), Ph.D. in Biology of organisms of Alexandre
Barnett, Régulation de l’activité photosynthétique du microphytobenthos et
conséquence sur la dynamique temporelle de la production primaire dans les
vasières intertidales de la côte atlantique de l’Europe de l’Ouest, University of La
Rochelle, France, 17 December.
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
2013 – External examiner (“Opponent”), Ph.D. in Biology of Finn Baumgartner, What
makes Elysia viridis tick? Fitness consequences of diet selection and kleptoplasty,
University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 20 September.
2013 – Member of evaluation committee, Ph.D. in Biology of Rui Jorge Miranda
Rocha, Efeito da iluminação no cultivo ex situ de orais simbióticos, University of
Aveiro, 10 September.
2011 – Member of evaluation committee, Ph.D. in Marine Sciences of Jose González
Fernández, Variabilidad estacional delefecto del fuel sobre las comunidades
microbianas mantenidas en mesocosmos, University of Vigo, Spain, 15 December.
2010 – Member of evaluation commite, Ph.D. in Biology of Helena Isabel Soares Dinis
Coelho, Microfitobentos versus Hydrobia: acoplamento trófico em ambiente
estuarino, University of Aveiro, 22 December.
2009 – External examiner, Ph.D. in Biology (Ecology) of Carla Alexandra Lapa Pereira
Gameiro, Fitoplâncton do Estuário do Tejo (Portugal): Dinâmica sazonal,
Interanual e Produção Primária, University of Lisbon, 6 June.
2006 – External examiner, Ph.D. in Biology (Ecology and Biosystematics), Bruno
Miguel Freire Boa de Jesus, Ecophysiology and spatial distribution of
microphytobenthic biofilms, University of Lisbon, 6 January.
2004 – Member of evaluation committee, Ph.D. in Ecology (Ecophysiology) of João
Miguel Sousa da Silva, The photosynthetic ecology of Zostera noltii, Faculdade
de Ciências do Mar, University of Algarve, 29 April.
Teaching (last 5 years)
2011-2016 – Plant Physiology, General Ecology, Marine Biology and Diversity, Field
Techniques in Marine Biology
2010-2011 – Biological Oceanography, General Physiology, Plant Physiology, General
Ecology, Marine Biology and Diversity
2008-2009 – Marine Primary Productivity, General Physiology, General Ecology,
Fundamentals of Ecology, Physiology, Marine Biology and Diversity,
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
2000-2007 – Biodiversity, Biostatistics, Marine and Estuarine Ecology, Plant
Biodiversity, General Botany, Plant Cytology and Histology
2013 – Organization of Advanced Course “PAM fluorometry: A tool for the in vivo study
of productivity and stress in plants and algae”, University of Aveiro, 1-5 July
2011 – Organization of Advanced Course “Optical techniques for the in vivo study of
photosynthesis”, University of Aveiro, 4-8 July
University management
2011-present – Director of M.Sc. Course in Applied Biology, Department Biology,
University of Aveiro
2013-present – Director of M.Sc. Course in Marine Biology, Department Biology,
University of Aveiro
2011-present – Member of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program in
Do*Mar – Marine Sciences, Technology and Management, Universities of
Minho, Aveiro and Porto (Portugal) and Universities of Vigo, Santiago de
Compostela and Coruña (Spain)
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
2009-2011 – Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral Program in Plant
Biology, Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto
Serôdio J., J. Frommlet, M. Laviale, J. Ezequiel, inventors. July 9 2013, Sistema e método
de medição da resposta da fluorescência da clorofila a variações da intensidade ou
qualidade da luz (System and method for measuring the response of chlorophyll a
fluorescence to variations in light intensity or quality) Portuguese Patent
Application No. PT107.052
Bibliometrics (source: Scopus, 01.02.2016)
Number of publications: 65
h index: 20
Total citations: 1124
Citations per article: 17.3
Serôdio J., 1999. Modelling the primary productivity of intertidal microphytobenthos. Role
of migratory rhythms studied by in vivo chlorophyll a fluorometry. Ph.D. thesis,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, 168 p.
Serôdio J., 1993. Processos de nascimento e morte em ambiente oscilante: modelação
estocástica da dinâmica populacional do microfitobentos (Birth and death
processes in an oscillating environment: stochastic modelling of the population
dynamics of microphytobenthos) M.Sc. thesis, Department of Statistics, Faculty of
Sciences, University of Lisbon, 148 p.
Books (editor)
Queiroga, H., M. R. Cunha, A. Cunha, M. H. Moreira, V. Quintino, A. M. Rodrigues, J.
Serôdio, R. M. Warwick (Eds.) 2006. Marine Biodiversity. Patterns and processes,
Assessment, Threats, Management and conservation. Developments in
Hydrobiology 183, reprinted from Hydrobiologia, 555. ISBN:1-4020-4321-x
Almeida, A., C. Bernardes, E. Pereira, F. Lopes Alves, H. Queiroga, J. M. Dias, J. Serôdio,
N.C.M. Gomes, N. Vaz (Eds.) 2011. Jornadas da Ria de Aveiro, Livro de Actas.
Universidade de Aveiro, 363 p. ISBN:978-972-789-337-9
Books chapters
Serôdio J. 2012. Biofilmes microalgais. In Biofilmes – Na saúde, no ambiente, na
indústria (Ed. Azevedo N. F. and N. Cerca) pp:135-140. Publindústria, Porto.
Queiroga H., M. R. Cunha, A. Cunha, M. H. Moreira, V. Quintino, A. M. Rodrigues, J.
Serôdio, R. M. Warwick (Eds.) 2006. Marine Biodiversity. Patterns and processes,
Assessment, Threats, Management and conservation. Developments in
Hydrobiology 183, reprinted from Hydrobiologia, 555.
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
Serôdio J. 2002. Ritmos migratórios do microfitobentos e produtividade primária
estuarina. In Martins-Loução, M.A. (ed.) Fragmentos em Ecologia, Faculdade de
Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Escolar Editora, Lisboa, pp. 223-238.
Serôdio J., M. L. Carvalho. 1994. Processos de nascimento e morte em ambiente
oscilante: escalas de tempo e resposta de populações naturais de microalgas em
ambiente intermareal. In D. Pestana, A. Turkman, J. Branco, L. Duarte, A. Pires (eds.)
A Estatística e o Futuro e o Futuro da Estatística. Edições Salamandra, Colecção
Novas Tecnologias - Estatística, Lisboa, pp. 61-76.
Máguas C., J. Ehleringer, H. Griffiths, J. Serôdio. 1993. Carbon isotopic discrimination
techniques distinguishing lichens with green and cyanobacterial photobionts. In J.
R. Ehleringer, A. E. Hall, G. D. Farquhar (eds.) Stable Isotopes and Plant CarbonWater Relations. Academic Press, San Diego. pp. 201-212.
Papers in peer-reviewed international journals
1. Laviale M., S. Frankenbach, J. Serôdio. 2016. The importance of being fast:
comparative kinetics of vertical migration and non-photochemical quenching
of benthic diatoms under light stress. Marine Biology In press.
2. Costa A.P.L., R. Calado, B. Marques, A. Lillebø, J. Serôdio, A.M.V.M. Soares, E.A.
Serrão, R.J.M. Rocha. 2016. The effect of mixotrophy in the ex situ culture of
the soft coral Sarcophyton cf. glaucum. Aquaculture 452:151-159
3. Leal, M.C., I.C.S. Cruz, C.R. Mendes, R. Calado, R.K.P. Kikuchi, R. Rosa, A.M.V.M.
Soares, J. Serôdio, R.J.M. Rocha. 2015. Photobiology of the zoanthid Zoanthus
sociatus in intertidal and subtidal habitats. Marine & Freshwater Research. doi:
4. Frommlet J., M.L. Sousa, A. Alves, S.I. Vieira, D.J. Suggett, J. Serôdio. 2015. Coral
symbiotic algae calcify ex hospite in partnership with bacteria. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112:6158-6163
5. Ezequiel J., M. Laviale, S. Frankenbach, P. Cartaxana, J. Serôdio. 2015.
Photoacclimation state determines the photobehaviour of motile microalgae:
the case of a benthic diatom. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology. 468:11-20
6. Laviale M., J. Ezequiel, C. Pais, P. Cartaxana, J. Serôdio. 2015. The “crème brûlée”
sampler: A new high-resolution method for the vertical sampling of intertidal
fine sediments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 468:37-44
7. Cruz I.C.S., M.C. Leal, C.R. Mendes, R.K.P. Kikuchi, R. Rosa, A.M.V.M. Soares, J.
Serôdio, R. Calado, R.J.M. Rocha. White but not bleached: photophysiological
evidence from white Montastrea cavernosa reveal potential overestimation of
coral bleaching. Marine Biology 162:889-899
8. Cruz S., P. Cartaxana, R. Newcomer, G. Dionísio, R. Calado, J. Serôdio, K.N.
Pelletreau, M.E. Rumpho. 2015. Photoprotection in sequestered plastids of sea
slugs and respective algal sources. Scientific Reports 5:7904
9. Frommlet J.C., B. Guimarães, L. Sousa, J. Serôdio, A. Alves. 2015. Neptunomonas
phycophila sp. nov. isolated from a culture of Symbiodinium sp. a
dinoflagellate symbiont of the sea anemone Aiptasia tagetes. International
Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65:915-919
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
10. Rocha, R., J. Serôdio, B. Bontas, P. Cartaxana, J.M. Ferreira, R. Rosa, R. Calado.
2015. Development of a standardized modular system for experimental coral
culture. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 46:235-251
11. Laviale M., A. Barnett, J. Ezequiel, B. Lepetit, S. Frankenbach, V. Méléder, J.
Serôdio, J. Lavaud. 2015. Response of intertidal benthic microalgal biofilms to
a coupled light-temperature stress: evidence for latitudinal adaptation along
the Atlantic coast of Southern Europe. Environmental Microbiology 17:36623677
12. Leal M.C, B. Jesus, J. Ezequiel, R. Calado, R.J.M. Rocha, P. Cartaxana, J. Serôdio.
2015. Concurrent imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll a content
and GFP-like proteins of symbiotic cnidarians. Marine Ecology 36:572-584
13. Kalaji H.M., G. Schansker, R.J. Ladle, V. Goltsev, K. Bosa, S.I. Allakhverdiev, M.
Brestic, F. Bussotti, A. Calatayud, P. Dąbrowski, N.I. Elsheery, L. Ferroni, L.
Guidin, S.W. Hogewoning, A. Jajoo, A.N. Misra, S.G. Nebauer, S. Pancaldim, C.
Penella, D. Poli, M. Pollastrini, Z.B. Romanowska-Duda, B. Rutkowska, J.
Serôdio, K. Suresh, W. Szulc, E. Tambussi, M. Yanniccari, M. Zivcak. 2014.
Frequently Asked Questions about in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence: practical
issues. Photosynthesis Research 122:121-158.
14. Frankenbach S., C. Pais, M. Martinez, M. Laviale, J. Ezequiel, J. Serôdio. 2014.
Evidence for gravitactic behaviour in benthic diatoms. European Journal of
Phycology 49:429-435.
15. Cruz S., R. Calado, J. Serôdio, B. Jesus, P. Cartaxana. 2014. Kleptoplast pigments
in the sea slug Elysia viridis (Montagu, 1804): tracking food source and effects
of starvation. Journal of Molluscan Studies 1-7.
16. Van Colen C., G.J.C. Underwood, J. Serôdio, D. Paterson. 2014. Intertidal
microbial biofilm dynamics: mechanisms, patterns and future research needs.
Journal of Sea Research 92:2-5
17. Serôdio J., S. Cruz, P. Cartaxana, R. Calado. 2014. Photophysiology of kleptoplasts:
photosynthetic use of light by chloroplasts living in animal cells. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society B 369: 20130242.
18. Serôdio J., J. Ezequiel, J. Frommlet, M. Laviale, J. Lavaud. 2013. A method for the
rapid generation of nonsequential light-response curves of chlorophyll
fluorescence. Plant Physiology 163:1087-1088
19. Cruz S., R. Calado, J. Serôdio, P. Cartaxana. 2013 Crawling leaves: photosynthesis
in sacoglossan sea slugs. Journal of Experimental Botany 64:3999-4009
20. Rocha R.J.M., R. Calado, P. Cartaxana, J. Furtado, J. Serôdio. 2013. Photobiology
and growth of leather coral Sarcophyton cf. glaucum fragments stocked under
low light in a recirculated system. Aquaculture 414-415:235-242
21. Leal M.C., N. Cristóvão, S. Kempf, A. Reis, T.L. Silva, J. Serôdio, D.F.R. Cleary, R.
Calado. 2013. Effect of light, temperature and diet on the fatty acid profile of
the tropical sea anemone Aiptasia pallida. Aquaculture Nutrition 19:818-826
22. Cartaxana P., N. Domingues, S. Cruz, B. Jesus, M. Laviale, J. Serôdio, J. Marques
da Silva. 2013. Photoinhibition in benthic diatom assemblages under light
stress. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 70:87-92
23. Rocha R.M., T. Pimentel, J. Serôdio, R. Rosa, R. Calado. 2013. Comparative
performance of light emitting plasma (LEP) and light emitting diode (LED) in
ex situ aquaculture of scleractinian corals. Aquaculture 402-403:38-45
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
24. Dionísio G., R. Rosa, M.C. Leal, S. Cruz, C. Brandão, G. Calado, J. Serôdio, R.
Calado. 2013. Beauties and beasts: A portrait of sea slugs aquaculture.
Aquaculture 408-409:1-14
25. Luís A. T., H. Coelho, S.F.P. Almeida, E. Ferreira da Silva, J. Serôdio. 2013.
Photosynthetic activity and ecology of benthic diatom communities from
streams affected by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in pyritic mines. Fundamental
and Applied Limnology 182:47-59
26. Rocha R. J. M., J. Serôdio, M.C. Leal, P. Cartaxana, R. Calado. 2013. Effect of light
intensity on post-fragmentation photobiological performance of the soft coral
Sinularia flexibilis. Aquaculture 388-391:24-29
27. Brito A. C, V. Brotas, M. Caetano, T. P. Coutinho, A. A. Bordalo, J. Icely, J. M. Neto,
J. Serôdio, T. Moita. 2013. Reply to letter to the editor. Ecological Indicators
28. Cima F., G. Ferrari, N.G.C. Ferreira, R.J.M. Rocha, J. Serôdio, S. Loureiro, R. Calado.
2013. Preliminary evaluation of the toxic effects of the antifouling biocide SeaNine 211TM in the soft coral Sarcophyton cf. glaucum (Octocorallia,
Alcyonacea) based on PAM fluorometry and biomarkers. Marine
Environmental Research 83:16-22
29. Cruz S., G. Dionísio, R. Rosa, R. Calado, J. Serôdio. 2012. Anesthetizing solarpowered sea slugs: a need for photobiological studies of kleptoplasts using
PAM fluorometry. Biological Bulletin 160:43-54
30. Serôdio J., J. Ezequiel, A. Barnett, J.-L. Mouget, V. Méléder, M. Laviale, J. Lavaud.
2012. Efficiency of photoprotection in microphytobenthos: the role of vertical
migration and the xanthophyll cycle against photoinhibition. Aquatic Microbial
Ecology 67:161-175
31. Rodriguez E., R. Azevedo, A. Costa, J. Serôdio, C. Santos. 2012. Chloroplast
functionality assessment by flow cytometry: case study with pea plants under
paraquat stress. Photosynthetica 50:197-205
32. Brito A. C, V. Brotas, M. Caetano, T. P. Coutinho, A. A. Bordalo, J. Icely, J. M. Neto,
J. Serôdio, T. Moita. 2012. Defining phytoplankton class boundaries in
Portuguese Transitional Waters: an evaluation of the ecological quality status
according to the Water Framework Directive. Ecological Indicators 19:5-14
33. Vieira S., H. Coelho, R. Nolasco, J. Serôdio, R.S.K. Barnes, H. Queiroga. 2012.
Repeated cycles of immersion and emersion amplify the crawling rhythm of
the intertidal gastropod Hydrobia ulvae. Journal of the Marine Biological
Association of the United Kingdom 92:565-570
34. Leal M.C., J. Puga, J. Serôdio, N.C.M. Gomes, R. Calado. 2012. Trends in the
discovery of new marine natural products from invertebrates over the last two
decades – Where and what are we bioprospecting? PLoS One 7:e30580
35. Coelho H., S. Vieira, J. Serôdio. 2011. Endogenous versus environmental control
of the vertical migration by intertidal benthic microalgae. European Journal of
Phycology 46:271-281
36. Coelho H., P. Cartaxana, V. Brotas, H. Queiroga, J. Serôdio. 2011. Pheophorbide a
in Hydrobia ulvae faecal pellets as a measure of microphytobenthos ingestion:
variation over season and period of day. Aquatic Biology 13:119-126
37. Cartaxana P., M. Ruivo, C. Hubas, I. Davidson, J. Serôdio, B. Jesus. 2011.
Physiological versus behavioral photoprotection in intertidal epipelic and
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
epipsammic benthic diatom communities. Journal of Experimental Marine
Biology and Ecology 405:120-127
Serôdio J., J. Lavaud. 2011. A model for describing the light response of the
nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence. Photosynthesis
Research 108:61-76
Coelho H., T.L. Silva, A. Reis, H. Queiroga, J. Serôdio, R. Calado. 2011. Fatty acid
profiles indicate the habitat of mud snails Hydrobia ulvae within the same
estuary: mudflats vs. seagrass meadows. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Serôdio J., R. Silva, J. Ezequiel, R. Calado. 2011. Photobiology of the symbiotic
acoel flatworm Symsagittifera roscoffensis: algal symbiont photoacclimation
and host photobehaviour. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the
United Kingdom 91:163-171
Perkins R.G., J. Lavaud, J. Serôdio, J.-L. Mouget, P. Cartaxana, P. Rosa, L. Barillé, V.
Brotas, B.M. Jesus. 2010. Vertical cell movement is the primary response of
intertidal benthic biofilms to increasing light dose. Marine Ecology Progress
Series 416:93-103
Vieira S., H. Coelho, R. Nolasco, J. Serôdio, R. S. K. Barnes, H. Queiroga. 2010. The
circatidal rhythm of the estuarine gastropod Hydrobia ulvae (Gastropoda,
Hydrobiidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 100:439-450
Serôdio J., S. Pereira, J. Furtado, R. Silva, H. Coelho, R. Calado. 2010. In vivo
quantification of kleptoplastic chlorophyll a content in the “solar-powered”
sea slug Elysia viridis using optical methods: spectral reflectance analysis and
PAM fluorometry. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 9:68-77
Perkins R.G, J. Kromkamp, J. Serôdio, J. Lavaud, B. Jesus, J.-L. Mouget, R. Forster,
S. Lefebvre. 2010. The application of variable chlorophyll fluorescence to
microphytobenthic biofilms. In D. Suggett, O. Prasil, M.A. Borowitza (eds.)
Chlorophyll a Fluorescence in Aquatic Sciences: Methods and Applications,
Developments in Applied Phycology, 4. Springer, pp. 237-275
Coelho H., S. Vieira, J. Serôdio. 2009. Effects of desiccation on the photosynthetic
activity of intertidal microphytobenthos biofilms as studied by optical
methods. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 381:98-104
Serôdio J., P. Cartaxana, H. Coelho, S. Vieira. 2009. Effects of chlorophyll
fluorescence on the estimation of microphytobenthos biomass using spectral
reflectance indices. Remote Sensing of Environment 113:1760-1768
Vieira S., R. Calado, H. Coelho, J. Serôdio. 2009. Effects of light exposure on the
retention of kleptoplastic photosynthetic activity in the sacoglossan mollusc
Elysia viridis. Marine Biology 156:1007-1020
Coelho C., R. Calado, A. O. Olaguer-Feliú, S. Vieira, H. Queiroga, J. Serôdio. 2009.
Nondestructive quantification of phytoplankton gut content of brachyuran
crab megalopae using in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence. Journal of Plankton
Research 31:577-581
Cartaxana P., J. Serôdio. 2008. Inhibiting diatom motility: a new tool for the
study of the photophysiology of intertidal microphytobenthic biofilms.
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 6:466-476
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
50. Serôdio J., S. Vieira, S. Cruz. 2008. Photosynthetic activity, photoprotection and
photoinhibition in intertidal microphytobenthos as studied in situ using
variable chlorophyll fluorescence. Continental Shelf Research 28:1363-1375
51. Cartaxana P., V. Brotas, J. Serôdio. 2008. Effects of two motility inhibitors on the
photosynthetic activity of the diatoms Cylindrotheca closterium and
Pleurosigma angulatum. Diatom Research 23:65-74
52. Cruz S., J. Serôdio. 2008. Relationship of rapid light curves of variable
fluorescence to photoacclimation and non-photochemical quenching in a
benthic diatom. Aquatic Botany 88:256-264
53. Serôdio J., S. Vieira, F. Barroso. 2007. Relationship of variable chlorophyll
fluorescence indices to photosynthetic rates in microphytobenthos. Aquatic
Microbial Ecology 49:71-85
54. Serôdio J., S. Vieira, S. Cruz, H. Coelho. 2006. Rapid light-response curves of
chlorophyll fluorescence in microalgae: relationship to steady-state light
curves and non-photochemical quenching in benthic diatom-dominated
assemblages. Photosynthesis Research 90:29-43
55. Serôdio J., H. Coelho, S. Vieira, S. Cruz. 2006. Microphytobenthos vertical
migratory photoresponse as characterised by light-response curves of surface
biomass. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 68:547-556
56. Elias E., J. Capela, J. Marques da Silva, J. Serôdio, 2005. Effects of simazine on the
photosynthesis of the benthic diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. In A. van der
Est, D. Bruce (ed.) Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives,
Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis, The
International Society of Photosynthesis, pp. 986-988
57. Serôdio J., S. Cruz, S. Vieira, V. Brotas. 2005. Non-photochemical quenching of
chlorophyll fluorescence and operation of xanthophyll cycle in
microphytobenthos. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
58. Serôdio J., S. Vieira, S. Cruz, F. Barroso. 2005. Short-term variations in the
photosynthetic activity of microphytobenthos as detected by measuring rapid
light curves using variable fluorescence. Marine Biology 146:903-914
59. Serôdio J. 2004. Analysis of variable chlorophyll fluorescence on
microphytobenthos assemblages: implications of the use of depth-integrated
measurements. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 36:137-152
60. Brotas V., N. Risgaard-Petersen, L. Ottossen, J. Serôdio, L. Ribeiro, T. Dalsgaard,
2003. In situ measurement of photosynthetic activity and respiration of
intertidal benthic microalgal communities undergoing vertical migration.
Ophelia 57:13-26
61. Serôdio J. 2003. A chlorophyll fluorescence index to estimate short-term rates of
photosynthesis by intertidal microphytobenthos. Journal of Phycology 39:3346
62. Serôdio J., J. Marques da Silva, F. Catarino. 2001. Use of in vivo chlorophyll a
fluorescence to quantify short-term variations in the productive biomass of
intertidal microphytobenthos. Marine Ecology Progress Series 218:45-61
63. Serôdio J., F. Catarino. 2000. Modelling the primary production of intertidal
microphytobenthos: time scales of variability and effects of migratory rhythms.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 192:13-30
Curriculum vitae João Serôdio
64. Serôdio J., F. Catarino. 1999. Fortnightly light and temperature variability in
estuarine intertidal sediments and implications for microphytobenthos
primary productivity. Aquatic Ecology 33:235-241
65. Serôdio J., J. Marques da Silva, F. Catarino. 1998. Relationship between chlorophyll
fluorescence quenching and O2 evolution in microalgae. In G. Garab (ed.)
Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, Vol. V. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp.
66. Silva J., R. Santos, J. Serôdio, R. Melo. 1998. Light response curves for Gelidium
sesquipedale from different depths, determined by two methods: O2 evolution
and chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Applied Phycology 10:295-301
67. Serôdio J., J. Marques da Silva, F. Catarino. 1997. Nondestructive tracing of the
migratory rhythms of intertidal microalgae using in vivo chlorophyll a
fluorescence. Journal of Phycology 33:542-553
68. Brotas V., J. Serôdio. 1995. A mathematical model for the vertical distribution of
chlorophyll a in estuarine intertidal sediments. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic
Ecology 29:315-321
69. Brotas V., T. Cabrita, A. Portugal, J. Serôdio, F. Catarino. 1995. Spatio-temporal
distribution of microphytobenthic biomass in tidal flats of the Tagus estuary
(Portugal). Hydrobiologia 300/301:93-104
Peer review for international journals
Anonymous review of 83 manuscripts submitted to 40 journals: AmBio (2), Aquatic
Botany (3), Aquatic Biology, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems,
Aquatic Microbial Ecology (7), Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Biogeochemistry, Biogeosciences
Discussions, Bioresource Technology, BMC Research Notes, Botany, Continental Shelf
Research, Coral Reefs, Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology
Reports, Environmental Science – Processes and Impact (2), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science (8), European Biophysics Journal, European Journal of Phycology (2),
Hydrobiologia (6), Journal of Applied Phycology (3), Journal of Coastal Conservation,
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Journal of the Marine Biological
Association of the UK, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Journal of
Phycology (3), Journal of Plankton Research, Journal of Sea Research, Limnology and
Oceanography (2), Marine Biology (4), Marine Ecology Progress Series (10), Marine
Environmental Research (2), Marine and Freshwater Research, Marine Pollution Bulletin,
Photosynthetica (2), Phycological Research, PLosOne, Proceedings of the Royal Society B,
Remote Sensing of Environment, Symbiosis, Tree Physiology.

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