Aberta seleção de bolsas de estudos para doutorado na Alemanha


Aberta seleção de bolsas de estudos para doutorado na Alemanha
Aberta seleção de bolsas de estudos
para doutorado na Alemanha
DAAD, CAPES e CNPq recebem até 15 de maio as candidaturas de brasileiros
interessados em realizar doutorado integral, doutorado­sanduíche ou duplo doutorado
em instituição de ensino superior ou centro de pesquisa na Alemanha. O doutorado
integral pode ter duração de até 48 meses, o doutorado­sanduíche, de até 24 meses
e o duplo doutorado, de 18 a 24 meses. As inscrições são realizadas via Plataforma Carlos Chagas, do CNPq. Nesta edição, serão concedidas até 85 bolsas de estudos. Os documentos requeridos são: projeto de pesquisa, carta de aceitação do orientador
na Alemanha acompanhada do respectivo currículo, currículo do orientador alemão,
duas cartas de recomendação, comprovante de conhecimentos de inglês ou de
alemão (OnDaF). Recomenda­se ler o edital com atenção. Edital 2015: http://www.daad.org.br/pt/18314/index.html
Divulgação de oportunidades
DAAD realiza palestras em Blumenau, Brusque e Joinville
Depois da bem­sucedida série de palestras pelo Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul e
pelo Oeste de Santa Catarina, o DAAD visitará
universidades de Joinville, Blumenau e Brusque, cidades
catarinenses com forte colonização alemã. O objetivo é
divulgar as oportunidades de estudo e de pesquisa na
Alemanha, os programas de bolsas de estudos do DAAD
e, especialmente, as ofertas do programa brasileiro
Ciência sem Fronteiras. Confira a programação: 14/04 ­ FURB Blumenau – Auditório do Campus 2 (D­
010), Rua São Paulo, 3250, Itoupava Seca Horário: 18h30 15/04 ­ UNIVILLE Joinville – Sala C 317, Bloco C, Campus Joinville, Rua Paulo
Malschitzki, 10, Zona Industrial Norte Horário: 10h 15/04 ­ UNIFEBE Brusque – Sala 12.1 do Bloco D – Campus Santa Terezinha Horário: 19h e 20h30 Em maio, o DAAD viajará ao Paraná. »
Graduação na Alemanha
Study­in.de reúne especialistas para tirar
dúvidas sobre inscrição
O site Study­in.de reunirá especialistas nesta semana
(até o dia 17/04) em seminários on­line para responder a
perguntas de estudantes interessados em realizar a
graduação em uma universidade alemã. Conecte­se e
saiba quando, onde e como obter uma vaga em uma
instituição no país. Acesse agora mesmo: https://www.study­in.de/en/service/special­applying­to­a­
Joint Road Show ​
Ciência sem Fronteiras
Representantes de 10 países participarão
da edição 2015 em maio
Programe­se para participar do Joint Road Show ­
Ciência sem Fronteiras de 11 a 21 de maio. Estarão
presentes representantes de instituições da Alemanha, da
Austrália, da Áustria, do Canadá, da França, da Holanda,
da Hungria, da Irlanda, da Nova Zelândia e da Suíça, que
farão palestras e atendimento ao público nas seguintes
universidades brasileiras: 11/05, das 10h às 14h: Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Parque de Ciência e
Tecnologia do Guamá, Belém 12/05, das 11h às 15h: Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília 14/05, das 10h às 14h: Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador 15/05, das 11h às 15h: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Auditório e
Saguão da Reitoria, Belo Horizonte 18/05, das 11h às 15h: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de
Janeiro 19/05, das 11h às 15h: Universidade do Estado de São Paulo (UNESP), Campus
Bauru, Anfiteatro Guilherme R. Ferraz (Guilhermão), Bauru 20/05, das 10h às 14h: Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba 21/05, das 11h às 15h: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis
O acesso será gratuito. No Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, 18/05), em Bauru (UNESP, 19/05) e em Florianópolis
(UFSC, 21/05) serão realizadas edições do Matchmacking PhD: Interessados em
cursar doutorado na Alemanha poderão agendar reuniões individuais com
pesquisadores e representantes de universidades. O e­mail para agendamento é
[email protected]. Mais informações, em breve, no site www.daad.org.br
Bolsas de estudos para Artes e Música
Treze brasileiros foram selecionados para
especialização na Alemanha
O programa de bolsas de estudos do DAAD para
especialização em artes e música selecionou 13
brasileiros: cinco da área de artes plásticas, dois de
música, dois de artes cênicas e quatro de arquitetura e
urbanismo. Entre as instituições alemãs escolhidas para
os períodos de especialização estão a BTK – Hochschule
für Gestaltung Hamburg, a UDK Berlin, a Fachhochschule Köln, a Hochschule für
Künste Bremen, a Musikhochschule Mannheim, a Hochschule für Musik und Tanz
Köln, a Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Berlin, a Universität Stuttgart, a Technische
Universität München, a Technische Universität Berlin e a Städelschule
Frankfurt/Main. No programa de especialização são oferecidas bolsas de estudos mensais no valor
de 750 euros, passagem aérea, seguro­saúde, além de curso de alemão. A duração
da bolsa é de 12 meses, podendo ser prorrogada até 24 meses. O próximo edital será lançado no segundo semestre, com inscrições até outubro. Os
selecionados viajarão na metade do ano seguinte para realizar o curso de alemão. As
aulas da especialização escolhida são iniciadas no semestre de inverno
(setembro/outubro). O edital é divulgado no site:
NoPa ­ Novas Parcerias
Matchmaking em Brasília contou com
cientistas e representantes dos setores
público e privado
Entre os dias 16 e 20 de março de 2015 foi realizado o
Matchmaking do programa NoPa no Hotel Brasília Palace.
Foi uma semana intensa de reuniões individuais com o
objetivo de trabalhar no desenvolvimento de projetos nas
áreas prioritárias do NoPa, o que certamente contribuiu
para a ampliação de redes de contato. Houve também mesas­redondas e palestras
seguidas de discussões, apresentação de pôsteres, um seminário sobre elaboração
de propostas, assim como excursões temáticas. Os três parceiros institucionais do
programa, DAAD, CAPES e GIZ, estavam presentes para sanar as dúvidas dos
participantes sobre processo de candidatura, financiamento e apoio ao
desenvolvimento de parcerias. Mesmo quem não participou do Matchmaking, poderá se candidatar ao programa
NoPa. O prazo para candidatura ocorre até o dia 17 de abril de 2015 para as
universidades alemãs (via DAAD em Bonn) e 30 de abril para universidades
brasileiras (via PGCI da CAPES). Mais informações sobre o edital nos respectivos sites: https://www.daad.de/hochschulen/ausschreibungen/projekte/de/11342­
foerderprogramme­finden/?s=1&projektid=57194624 http://www.capes.gov.br/cooperacao­internacional/multinacional/programa­geral­de­
Julia Wisniewska
Technische Universität Berlin
Master’s degree programs in Energy
Engineering, Urban Development and Water
Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Germany,
established a satellite Campus in El Gouna to act as an
academic hub and research center at the Red Sea in
Egypt. TUB Campus El Gouna currently conducts three
advanced Master’s degree programs in: ­ Energy Engineering ­ Urban Development ­ Water Engineering All two­year programs comprise 120 Credit Points (ECTS) and are taught in English.
Students graduate with a full Master’s degree by Technische Universität Berlin. Next
to their study time in El Gouna, they spend up to one year at TUB’s mother campus in
Berlin. Deadline for application: 31 May 2015 TUB Campus El Gouna was founded as a nonprofit Public­Private­Partnership
between TU Berlin, Orascom Development Holding (ODH), and Sawiris Foundation
for Social Development (SFSD). Teaching and research are conducted by staff of
Technische Universität Berlin and international experts under German regulations for
higher education. The exceptional location of TUB Campus El Gouna provides a state­of­the­art
environment for studying and research, while serving as bridge for scientific and
intercultural exchange between Europe, the MENA region, and worldwide. For more information, please visit: www.campus­elgouna.tu­berlin.de and follow us on
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
International Summer University 2015
The Summer University is a short term program taught in
English focused on green buildings and the efficient use of
energy in planning, constructing and maintaining a
building. You will get to know technologies which are
unique in the world and visit innovative buildings or
building sites. We are welcoming undergraduate and
graduate students from all over the world with a
background in Civil Engineering, Architecture, Energy Management, or related
disciplines. For more information, please visit our website: http://international.h­da.de/isu
Ruhr­Universität Bochum
Molecular Sciences – International Master’s
Program with a Focus on Spectoscopy and
iMOS offers you the unique chance to acquire and to
apply in practice cutting­edge skills in theoretical and
spectroscopic techniques in the fields of molecular
chemistry, bio­chemistry, and physics. Ruhr­Universität Bochum, Faculty of Chemistry and
Biochemistry Solvation Science @ RUB University Alliance Ruhr UA RUHR Deadline for application: may 31st Specialization: spectroscopic and theoretical techniques, simulation, molecular
physics, chemistry, and bio­chemistry Application: open for Bachelor students in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Bio­
Chemistry, and related Engineering fields Duration: 2 years including a 3 month international internship Teaching language: English, German and English language courses included Scholarships: available for outstanding applicants, housing guaranteed Get ready:
Study within a very active, interdisciplinary research environment
Work together with top researchers in their field
Early hands­on experience in high profile research
Qualify for your funded doctoral thesis in Germany
Fast Track Option for outstanding students: Start your doctoral work after
only one year
Apply now:
Online application: www.ruhr­uni­bochum.de/imos
Submit your academic certificates
If you are not a native speaker, file your English language certificate
Talk to us in a skype introductory conversation
Get your visa
Course start: October
Freie Universität Berlin
Center for Global Politics
War in Ukraine, terrorism on the rise, streams of refugees, economic uncertainties,
climate change: The world faces serious challenges. In
order to tackle them, an in­depth understanding of today´s
complexities is necessary. Experts that are able to
analyze the situation, give policy advice and cope with
conflicting situations are desperately needed. The Center for Global Politics at Freie Universität Berlin
offers three distinct blended learning master programs that
help working professionals to navigate this complexity: ­ M. A. International Relations ­ M. A. East European Studies ­ Leadership in Eastern Europe Each program is designed to allow you to stay on the job while gaining fresh insight
and enhancing your global career perspective. They feature a unique digital platform,
making them available via distance learning, with students enrolled from around the
world. Course work is compatible with heavy work schedules and flexible for
professionals who complete their studies from various global locations. The
assignments on a digital learning platform are complemented by in­house classes held
twice each year in Berlin. Our students and alumni are employed by governments and
NGOs, business corporations, international organizations and the media. International Relations arms students with the tools necessary for acting in a
globalized world. They create their own study focus in either Global Politics or Area
Studies, and then select from a series of electives on various capital flows (migration,
capital and finance, energy, ICTs) and policy issues (conflict management, global
cities, cultural narratives). East European Studies is the world’s only blended learning master program on this
region. The focus is on the political, economic, social and cultural developments in
Eastern Europe. Students learn to analyze complex situations, give policy advice and
reach mutual understandings. Leadership in Eastern Europe, our newest program, provides reality­based challenges
in preparation for getting started in a different cultural and professional background.
The one­year Executive Master program provides the professional and
entrepreneurial skills needed by professionals of different backgrounds entering an
East European context. Further information is available online at http://www.cfa.global­politics.org. Our Student Advisor, Ms. Sabine Pag, is available to answer your questions by phone
(+49) 030 8385 4033, and email at sabine.pag@fu­berlin.de.
Uni Heilbronn
International Tourism Management (M.A.)
Tourism is a highly dynamic, continuously expanding and developing phenomenon. It
has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, and
the tourism sector is nowadays one of the industries that
generate the highest levels of employment Tourism therefore needs managing. Activities in strategic
planning, market research, e­commerce, project
management and other specific management functions
are becoming more significant all the time. All these
activities demand an international and intercultural
approach. The Master Programme in International Tourism Management prepares
first­degree graduates for a successful career in this vibrant and dynamic sector. The MA International Tourism Management Programme aims to develop graduates
who: •can demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles and methods of working appropriate to the Tourism industry •have developed the cognitive abilities of critical evaluation, analysis and synthesis, •can demonstrate practical management skills relevant to the Tourism sector, •are self­reliant, self­disciplined learners capable of working in an interdisciplinary environment •are able to meet the challenges presented by a career in a national or international environment About the Programme: •Lectures delivered entirely in English •A clearly structured, time­efficient schedule (3 semesters, full­time Programme) •Multidisciplinary content •Innovative teaching and learning strategies •A favourable student/lecturer ratio •An international learning environment •Aligned with the needs of the labour market. •Tuition free The application deadline for our Programme is July 15th. If you have any further
queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Contact Master Programme Office http://www.hs­heilbronn.de/mitm Phone: +49 (0)7131 504­426 Email: mitm@hs­heilbronn.de
Uni Heilbronn
MA International Business & Intercultural
Our MA International Business & Intercultural
Management (MIBIM) qualifies first­degree graduates for
management positions in globally operating organisations.
It is intended to equip future business leaders with the
subject knowledge and the methodological, interpersonal
and intercultural skills that will enable them to excel and
become standout leaders in our rapidly changing business world. ­ Lectures delivered entirely in English ­ One of the few available master programmes focusing on the intercultural aspects of
organisations. ­ Write your master thesis anywhere in the world in the 3rd semester ­ A favourable student/lecturer ratio ­ International learning environment ­ Aligned with the needs of the labour market ­ No tuition fees With this Master programme we provide students with an international learning
environment. We guarantee innovative teaching and learning strategies delivered
entirely through English, and address the future needs of the labour market by offering
multidisciplinary content with a focus on sustainability. For more information, see https://www.hs­heilbronn.de/mibim Application deadline: 15th July Contact: mibim@hs­heilbronn.de
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V.
Kennedyallee 50
D ­ 53175 Bonn
Responsável, de acordo com a Lei das Telecomunicações:
Dr. Dorothea Rüland
Responsável editorial:
Martina Schulze
Rafaela Giordano
Francine Camelim
Direitos de imagem: DAAD Brasil:
Tel.: +55 21 2553­3296
[email protected]
Você está recebendo este informativo após se cadastrar junto ao DAAD Brasil
Gostaria de cancelar a assinatura
Copyright © by DAAD Brasil. O conteúdo deste informativo é protegido por direitos autorais.
Todos os direitos reservados. É vetado o uso dos textos ­ ou parte deles ­ publicados no
informativo sem prévia autorização escrita do DAAD Brasil.
www.daad.org.br | Feedback

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