Movies - Kantoo


Movies - Kantoo
Exercícios adicionais
Circule a palavra que não tem relação com as demais:
1. actor - screen - director - screenwriter
2. horror - drama - action - clapboard
3. popcorn - hot dog - review - soda
4. role - Oscars - award - red carpet
Traduza os seguintes gêneros:
5. Aventura: ________________________________________
6. Biografia: ________________________________________
7. Documentário: ____________________________________
8. Ficção científica: ___________________________________
9. Suspense: ________________________________________
10. Faroeste: _________________________________________
True or False? (Verdadeiro ou Falso?)
11. The first movie theater in the world opened in the 19th century. ( T / F )
12. Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't have so many lines in “Terminator 2.” ( T / F )
13. Lea Thompson and Michael J. Fox, who worked together in "Back to the Future," are
mother and son in real life. ( T / F )
14. It took 91 years of computer time to make "Toy Story." ( T / F )
15. Bollywood is the biggest movie industry in the world. ( T / F )
Preencha as lacunas com as palavras corretas:
16. He was _____________ for Best Director.
named - nominated - choice - win
17. She was offered the lead _____________.
role - paper - character - person
18. Best _____________ is considered the most important of the Academy Awards.
Make up - Song - Picture - Photography
19. The director yelled: “Lights! _____________! Action!"
Start - Crew - Cast - Camera
20. The _____________ to the movie were sold out.
popcorn - tickets - theater - box office
Resolva este caça-palavras:
Resolva estas cruzadinhas em inglês:
1. screen 2. clapboard 3. review 4. role
5. Adventure 6. Biography 7. Documentary 8. Sci-Fi 9. Thriller/Suspense 10. Western
11. F 12. T 13. F 14. F 15. T
16. nominated 17. role 18. Picture 19. Camera 20. tickets

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