Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors


Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors
CNPJ/MF nº 71.673.990/0001-77
Publicly Held Company
NIRE 35.300.143.183
HELD ON APRIL 08, 2015
On April 08, 2015, at 6 p.m., at the Company's head office located in the city of São
Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Avenida Alexandre Colares, 1188, Vila Jaguara, CEP
05106-000, in the presence of all the members and having Mr. Plínio Villares Musetti as
chairman of the meeting, the Board of Directors of NATURA COSMÉTICOS S.A., in
order to decide the following subjects.
Register the resignation of Mr. Roberto Pedote, Brazilian, married, business
administrator, ID No. 13.564.073-8 SSP/SP, enrolled in the taxpayer (CPF/MF) under
No. 115.324.298-27, effective as of April 30, 2015. The resignation letter is duly filed at
Company head office.
Elects to be Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, Mr. José Roberto
Lettiere, Brazilian, married, business administrator, ID No. 8.292.387-5, enrolled in the
taxpayer (CPF/MF) under No. 054.147.548-70, having professional address at São
Paulo, Avenida Alexandre Colares, n° 1188, Vila Jaguara, CEP 05106-000. The new
Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer will assume office on May 04, 2015 and
shall have a term of office until February 5, 2016.
The Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer elected fulfills the eligibility criteria
provided for in Articles 146 and 147 of Federal Law 6,404/76, of CVM Instruction
367/2002 and of the Novo Mercado Listing Regulations, as per the declarations filed at
the registered office of the Company.
Ratify the origin of the resources for the capital budget for 2015, previously
approved by this Board of Directors, on the following terms:
Capital budget (Capex e working capital): R$ 185.000.000,00
Third parties: R$ 157.773.074,80
Own capital (Reserve for earnings retention of 2011): R$ 27.226.925,20
Total amount that originated the reserve: R$ 185.000.000,00
As there were no further matters to be discussed, these minutes were read, approved and
executed by all present. Signatures: Plínio Villares Musetti, Chairman of the meeting of
the Board of Directors; Board: Antonio Luiz da Cunha Seabra; Guilherme Peirão Leal;
Pedro Luiz Barreiros Passos; Luiz Ernesto Gemignani; Julio Moura Neto; Marcos de
Barros Lisboa; Raul Gabriel Beer Roth; Silvia Freire Dente da Silva Dias Lagnado; and
Moacir Salzstein, Secretary of the Meeting.
I hereby certify that the present is a true copy of the minutes drawn on proper book.
São Paulo, April 08, 2015.
Secretary of the Meeting