Surfing CASE: GSAF 1998.07.26 DATE: Sunday July 26, 1998


Surfing CASE: GSAF 1998.07.26 DATE: Sunday July 26, 1998
CASE: GSAF 1998.07.26
DATE: Sunday July 26, 1998
LOCATION: The incident took place in
the South Atlantic Ocean at Boa Viagem
beach, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
34°51'W, 8°04'S (Recife)
NAME: Rodrigo Rocha Menezes
DESCRIPTION: He is a 16-year-old
MOON PHASE: July 26, 1998, Waxing
Crescent, 10% of the Moon was
illuminated. New Moon, July 24, 1998.
TIME: 17h30
View of Boa Viagem beach from Hotel Vila Rica.
NARRATIVE: Rodrigo Rocha Menezes was surfing near the Hotel Vila Rica when he was
bitten by the shark. Signs in the area warned of the danger of shark attack .
INJURY: The surfer sustained superficial lacerations to the left foot.
SPECIES: Not identified
SOURCES: JC Online, July 28, 1998
© Global Shark Accident File, 1998. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.
Estudante é atacado por um tubarão na praia de Boa Viagem
O estudante Rodrigo Rocha de Menezes, 16 anos, é a 27ª vítima de ataques de tubarão no litoral
pernambucano desde setembro de 92. O estudante teve o pé esquerdo lacerado por uma
mordida do peixe, quando surfava na praia de Boa Viagem, na altura do Hotel Vila Rica, uma
área que conta até com sinalização de advertência por ser propícia às investidas de tubarões. O
ataque aconteceu por volta das 17h30, de domingo. Das 27 pessoas atacadas por tubarões em
Pernambuco, oito morreram. Do total de vítimas fatais, seis eram banhistas e duas eram surfistas.
Rodrigo conta que já estava se preparando para sair do mar com mais quatro amigos, quando
sentiu uma pancada no pé esquerdo. O estudante costuma surfar após a linha dos arrecifes e
disse que o mar estava muito "mexido" na hora do incidente. . "A gente estava indo para a praia
na hora que senti o bote. Olhei para trás, mas não vi nada. Aí coloquei toda minha força nos
braços e cheguei na areia. Quando vi meu pé era sangue para todo lado", lembra Rodrigo.
De acordo com o ortopedista Conegundes Filho, que atendeu o surfista, a lesão no pé de Rodrigo
foi superficial e não houve comprometimento dos tendões e músculos do rapaz. O médico explica
que o ferimento ainda requer cuidados por conta do risco de infecção. "Vamos manter Rodrigo
em observação por mais dois dias para evitar infecções, mas a lesão não foi profunda e ele
provavelmente não terá nenhuma seqüela", garantiu o ortopedista.
PREVISÍVEL - Para o pesquisador do departamento de Engenharia de Pesca da Universidade
Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Fábio Hazin, o incidente com o surfista não foi nenhuma surpresa.
Segundo Hazin, no último final de semana havia uma reunião de fatores propícios para ataques.
"Neste domingo tínhamos lua nova, água turva e maré alta no horário do ataque, tudo isto entre
julho e setembro, época de maior incidência de problemas com tubarões em Pernambuco"
O pesquisador aponta a área entre as praias do Pina e Paiva como de risco máximo para os
ataques de tubarão até setembro. "Quem estiver nesta região, em dias de maré alta, deve evitar
o banho de mar ea prática do surfe", advertiu Fábio Hazin.
Student is attacked by a shark on the beach of Boa Viagem
Student Rodrigo Rocha de Menezes, 16, is the 27th victim of shark attacks off the coast of
Pernambuco since September 92. The student had his left foot torn by a bite of fish, when surfing
on the Boa Viagem beach, at the time of the Hotel Vila Rica, an area that even has warning signs
to be conducive to the attacks of sharks. The attack occurred at around 17:30, Sunday. Of the 27
people attacked by sharks in Pernambuco, eight died. Of the total fatalities, six were swimmers
and surfers were two.
Rodrigo says that he was preparing to leave the sea with four friends when he felt a blow on the
left foot. The student usually surf after line of reefs and said that the sea was very "scrambled" at
the time of the incident. "We were going to the beach at the time I felt the boat. I looked back but
saw nothing. Then I put all my strength in my arms and I got to the sand. When I saw my foot was
blood everywhere," says Rodrigo.
According to the orthopedic Conegundes Son, who attended the surfer, the foot injury to Rodrigo
was superficial and there was no involvement of tendons and muscles of the boy. The doctor
explains that the injury still requires care because of the risk of infection. "We will keep Rodrigo
under observation for two days to prevent infection, but the injury was not deep and it probably will
© Global Shark Accident File, 2006. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.
not have any sequelae," said the orthopedist.
PREDICTABLE - For the researcher of the Department of Fishing Engineering, Federal Rural
University of Pernambuco, Fabio Hazin, the incident with the surfer was no surprise. Hazin Second,
last weekend was a reunion of factors favorable to attacks. "On Sunday we had the new moon,
cloudy water and high tide in the time of the attack, all between July and September, coincided with
a high incidence of problems with sharks in Pernambuco."
The researcher points out the area between the beaches of Pina and Paiva as the maximum risk
for shark attacks until September. "Anyone in this region, in days of high tide, should avoid bathing
and surfing," warned Fabio Hazin.
SOURCE: JC, July 28, 1998
O penúltimo ataque de tubarão na costa pernambucana, aconteceu dia 26 de julho deste ano,
também na Praia de Boa Viagem, com o surfista Rodrigo Menezes, 16 anos. Ele teve o pé
esquerdo dilacerado, quando voltava do mar em direção a praia nas imediações do Hotel Vila
Rica, área que possui placa de advertência contra tubarões.
Rodrigo teve lesões superficiais mas não houve comprometimento dos tendões ou músculos.
Até esta data, 27 pessoas já tinham sido atacadas por tubarões nas praias pernambucanas e
destas, oito morreram. Das vítimas fatais, seis eram banhistas e dois surfistas.
The penultimate attack of shark in the pernambuco coast, happened day 26 of July of this year,
also in the Beach of Boa Viagem, with the surfer Rodrigo Menezes, 16 years. It had the
dilacerado left foot, when the beach in the immediacy of the Hotel came back of the sea in
direction Hotel Vila Rica, area that possesses warning sign against sharks.
Rodrigo had superficial injuries but he did not have comprometimento of the tendões or muscles.
Until this date, 27 people already had been attacked by sharks at Pernambuco beaches and of
these, eight died. Of the fatal victims, six were swimmers and two surfers.
SOURCE: JC, October 5, 1998
© Global Shark Accident File, 2006. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.

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