ATA PLD in Canada


ATA PLD in Canada
Volume XI
Issue 3
September 2002
Newsletter of the Portuguese Language Division of the
American Translators Association -ATA
PLD in Canada
Quality Control in-Home (Literally!)
An interview with husband-wife team Nelson and Isabella Laterman
PLDATA: How did you become translators and how
long have you each been in the field?
Latermans: Isabella had already done some
translation work while living in Brazil, but our
careers took off in the mid-nineties, already in
Canada. We were mentored by Melany Laterman,
Nelson’s sister.
PLDATA: Do you work together or separately?
Latermans: Together. One of us will take the lead
on a project, the other will edit it. Then the one who
translated will proofread the work. If the job is large,
we’ll share and work on it together (our computers
are linked in a net and we use Déjà Vu). We always
check each other’s work at least twice.
Continua na página 16
PLDATA: Hello, guys. We’ve come way north for this
interview. How did two Brazilians end up in British
Columbia, Canada?
Latermans: We had been thinking about
Nesta edição:
emigrating since the early 1980s and Canada
worked very well for us. Mostly, we wanted to
Interview with Nelson and Isabella Laterman .................... 1
bring up our two children in a place with more
Editor's Note ...................................................................... 2
safety and stability. Our oldest is a teenager
Events .......................................................................... 2, 19
now, and they are all doing very well.
Administrator's Corner ....................................................... 3
Vancouver is a beautiful area and has a mild
Brasilia sedia encontro da CPLPe ........................... 4, 5, 16
climate. We actually live in Richmond, BC, with
Making the Most of the Internet ......................... 6, 7, 16, 17
a lovely historical fishing village nearby.
Canto Legal.................................................................... 8, 9
Elections 2002 in Brazil...................................................... 9
PLDATA: When and where did you two first
Dictionary Review ...................................................... 10, 11
EuroEnglish?.................................................................... 11
Latermans: We were high-school sweethearts,
Dicionário de Quandos .................................................... 12
in São Paulo, where we both grew up. We each
A Truly Global Classroom ................................................ 13
went our own way for a while and spent time
Mentoring: it may be what you need ................................ 14
abroad in different countries during our college
43rd Annual Conference in Atlanta .................................. 18
years, but reunited again later, got married and
the rest is history.
Volume XI
Issue 3
September, 2002
Tereza d'Ávila Braga
Phone: (972) 690-7730 Fax: (792) 690-5088
[email protected]
Assistant Administrator
Kátia Iole
Phone: (954) 349-4085 Fax (954) 349-4021
[email protected]
Ines N. Bojlesen
Phone: (503) 699-0998 Fax (503) 675-8609
[email protected]
Arlene M. Kelly
Phone: (617) 698-3216 Fax (617) 698-1874
[email protected]
Dear PLD Members,
I would like to announce that as of the next issue, I will no
longer be working as co-editor of the PLData. This decision
was hard for me to make, as I have thoroughly enjoyed
working with Tereza and all the other wonderful people who
contribute to the PLData. Luckily, Ines Bojlesen has agreed
to co-edit the PLData in my place. She has already done a
fabulous job as our new DTP person and I know that she will
be terrific as the new co-editor. Please welcome her and give
her the support that she deserves! I wanted to thank
everyone who has sent in suggestions, articles and words of
support these past two years; hearing from our readers is
always a pleasure. Muito obrigada!
Best wishes to all,
Heather Murchison
[email protected]•
Tereza Braga
Heather Murchison
Inês N. Bojlesen
Suggestions? Events you want to post?
Email them to [email protected]
Final proof
Heather Murchison
PLData is a quarterly publication.
Opinions expressed in this Newsletter are solely
those of their authors. Articles submitted become
the property of PLData and are subject to editing.
Submissions for publications are invited and may
be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the editor.
Members of the Portuguese Language Division
receive this newsletter for free. Non-members:
Portuguese Language Division is a non-profit
organization and a division of the
American Translators Association
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone (703) 683-6100 Fax (703) 683-6122
Rates for Ads:
Full page (7.5 pol x 9.75 pol) - US$100
Half page (7.5 pol x 4.87 pol) = US$75
1/4 page (4.75 pol x 4.87 pol) = US$50
Business Card (9 pol x 6 pol) = US$12
September 2002
9th-13th, San Jose, California, USA. 22nd International Unicode
Conference. For more information visit
10th - 26th, Misano Adriatico, Italy. 13th Summer Session of
CETRA, translation research. This year's CETRA Professor is
Mona Baker, Director of CTIS at UMIST (University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology) and Editor of the journal The
Translator (St. Jerome Publishing, 1995- ). For more information:
12th-14th, Toledo, Spain. The Toledo Conference: Language for
Specific Purposes: European Economy and European Law. For
more information visit
14th. San Francisco, California, USA. The ATA presents Court
Interpreting & Translation Seminar. For more information visit
20th-23rd Slavonice, Czech Republic. Slavonice International
Translators Conference. Information: Zuzana Kulhánková, +420332-493777, or email
[email protected]
Continua na página 20
Page 2
September 2002
The Administrator's
It is September again
– and what a year this
has been!… The
world continues to
get smaller and
smaller, but now at a
much faster pace, it
seems to me, since
last September.
My summer was very productive, following a winter
and spring that seemed to have been difficult,
businesswise, for all of us. Last month I was able to
squeeze in the XVI World Congress of the FIT – the
International Federation of Translators. FIT is
headquartered in Montréal and has conferences
every 3 years, always in a different country. This year
it was in Vancouver, Canada. The congress was much
smaller than our ATA annual conferences (attendance
was around 350 people) and has a larger concentration
on academic research activities. Most of the speakers
work in academia and seven panelists came from
Brazil (professors and researchers) to participate in
roundtables and/or present their dissertation papers
and exposés. It was also a good chance to meet literary
professionals I knew by name only, such as Peter
Bush, who heads a translation center in London and
has translated some works of Brazilian poet, author
and musician Chico Buarque.
I especially enjoyed a roundtable moderated by Chris
Durban, who chairs the Public Relations committee of
the ATA. The theme was Translator Training & The Real
World: Concrete Suggestions for Bridging the Gap.
Chris brought together five professionals from
different segments of the market to discuss, among
others, the limitations of translation schools in
preparing students for the workplace; the need to
prepare students not just for the market, when they
graduate, but also for a life-long career; and the
importance of self-monitoring for our success as
translators. We concluded that more professional
development is essential to complement formal
training. Also, we need to mentor beginners to think of
translation in an organized way. Practitioners can and
should get involved in training. There is no right and
wrong in translation; only choices; and nobody better
than us, practitioners, to teach students to trust their
instincts. Teaching benefits our own work
Page 3
On Academia, Money and Machine Translation
enormously, because it makes us question our own
assumptions. Clients will always try to treat us as
slaves; this phenomenon is not exclusive of our
industry. However, it is a sad and misleading
commentary on us that advice such as the following is
still heard frequently: “I hope you love languages,
because you will never make any money”.
The general set-up is various speakers at each session,
with less than 30 minutes for each to speak. In the
common room, however – a large auditorium – there
was a different keynote speaker every morning. My
favorite was Alan K. Melby, who spoke on “Translators
and Technology”. Alan is an ATA director and chairs an
ATA committee called Translation and Computers. He
defined the concepts of “dynamic” and “frozen”
languages. Dynamic language is our rich human
language, full of subtle new meaning, created for the
occasion at hand. Frozen language is formalized human
language that has been agreed upon in advance and is
re-usable and recyclable. He gave an example with the
word “key”:
The piano has black and white KEYS (frozen
The KEY difference between Japanese and American
cultures is … (dynamic language).
Computers, Alan said, cannot handle the difference
between dynamic and frozen language. However, they
help us enormously with frozen language. Machines
are not our enemies, but our colleagues. Let us use
machines for what they do well, and not ask them to do
what they do poorly. Translation tools will be what
calculators were in the 1950s. Nobody would think
today of considering calculators as a threat or a
problem, but back then, we did think that calculators
were going to make us unlearn how to add! Machines
will only impoverish language if we let them. The only
people that feel threatened by machines are those who
do not use them and are trying to compete with people
who do.
I will be taking a vacation this month that I have been
planning for years. No notebooks in my luggage this
time, except for a hard-cover one, for journaling my
adventures. I will be re-visiting some ancestral lands –
Continua na página 15
September 2002
Brasília sedia encontro da CPLPe
dá as boas-vindas a Timor Leste
News about the IV Conference of Heads of State of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP), which
took place in Brasília, Brazil, July 31st – August 1st, 2002 and welcomed East Timor into the CPLP. Excerpts of the
speech given at the occasion by the President of Portugal, Jorge Sampaio. For more information, visit
O Brasil acaba de sediar a IV
Conferência de Chefes de Estado e
de Governo da Comunidade dos Países de Língua
Portuguesa (CPLP), ocorrida em Brasília, de 31
de julho a 1o de agosto de 2002.
A grande novidade foi a entrada oficial de Timor
Leste na organização, alguns meses depois de se
tornar o mais novo país do mundo. Com o
ingresso de Timor Leste, a Comunidade dos
Países de Língua Portuguesa passa a ter oito
membros. Os outros sete são Angola, Brasil,
Cabo Verde, Guiné Bissau, Moçambique,
Portugal e São Tomé e Príncipe.
O território de Timor foi colônia portuguesa até o
ano de 1975 e acabou conseguindo sua
independência em 20 de maio desse ano, depois
de dois anos e meio de uma dura transição,
administrada pela ONU. Entre 1975 e agosto de
1999, quando os timorenses aprovaram em
plebiscito a sua independência, o território foi
controlado pela Indonésia, que invadiu e anexou
de forma unilateral a região depois da saída de
Os membros da PLD interessados podem visitar o
site da CPLP, em, para aprender
mais sobre a Conferência e ler os discursos
proferidos, inclusive o do Presidente do Brasil,
Fernando Henrique Cardoso, que assumiu na
ocasião a presidência da CPLP. O novo
secretário-executivo da organização é o também
brasileiro João Augusto de Médicis, diplomata de
carreira, que assumiu em 26 de agosto passado
um mandato de dois anos. Para os nossos leitores,
aqui seguem trechos do discurso do Presidente de
Portugal, Jorge Sampaio:
Page 4
“Apenas dois anos nos separam do
nosso último encontro, em Maputo, e no
entanto como é diferente o mundo em que hoje
vivemos. Os acontecimentos de 11 de Setembro
marcaram a cena internacional de forma indelével,
criando um sentimento de vulnerabilidade e
insegurança anteriormente desconhecido.
Paradoxalmente, neste contexto difícil, as alianças e
solidariedades ganharam um novo valor e a
cooperação entre os Estados tomou-se, mais do que
nunca, imprescindível. Num mundo em que o peso da
globalização é cada vez maior e em que a ameaça
terrorista se tomou numa constante, também a CPLP
se viu assim revestida de uma nova dimensão, que as
suas múltiplas vertentes de cooperação potenciam.
Mas também no próprio seio da grande família da
CPLP ocorreram, desde a Cimeira de Maputo,
transformações de assinalável impacto. Destacaria,
pela sua importância, os avanços muito significativos
registados no Processo de Paz em Angola e sobretudo,
a independência de Timor Leste, Estado irmão que, no
histórico dia de ontem, acolhemos na nossa
Formulo aqui os mais sinceros votos de que Angola
enverede definitivamente pela via da Paz, do
progresso e da reconciliação nacional. Saúdo o
Presidente José Eduardo dos Santos pelos passos
alcançados nos últimos meses, decisivos para o futuro
do país e estou seguro de que o Governo angolano, os
partidos políticos e a Sociedade Civil, tudo farão para
que o sonho de uma Angola pacificada, democrática e
moderna se tome numa realidade. Com o apoio, é
certo, da ONU e da Comunidade Internacional, caberá
sobretudo aos angolanos, nesta fase de sua história,
tomar em mãos o seu destino, permitindo a Angola
ocupar o lugar de destaque que lhe cabe no continente
September 2002
Acompanhámos todos com empenho e sentida
emoção, o processo de transição que conduziu ao
nascimento da República Democrática de Timor
Leste. São inúmeros e diversificados os desafios,
que nesta fase de consolidação e afirmação
internacional do novo Estado, se colocam aos
seus dirigentes. Estou porém seguro de que, com
a sabedoria, o equilíbrio e o sentido de
responsabilidade que têm caracterizado a sua
acção, saberão garantir o correcto enquadramento
de Timor Leste na região em que se insere e o
respeito e interesse da Comunidade Internacional
pelo seu país.
Lanço aqui um vivo apelo a todos os Estados
Membros da Comunidade para que se associem a
este esforço, tão importante para os nossos irmãos
timorenses, mas também para todos nós, na medida
em que, mais uma vez, da divulgação da Língua
Portuguesa no mundo se trata.
Saúdo muito vivamente o Presidente Xanana
Gusmão, congratulando, na sua pessoa, o novo
Estado membro da Comunidade dos Países de
Língua Portuguesa. A pertença de Timor Leste à
nossa Comunidade, que é inteiramente natural,
reforçando a sua diversidade e alargando o seu
importante leque geográfico, que passará agora a
abranger quatro continentes, constitui um factor
de enriquecimento que muito prezamos.
Pensamos que a promoção e o ensino da Língua
Portuguesa em Timor Leste, pela relevância de
que se revestem para a afirmação do novo Estado,
deverão merecer uma atenção muito especial por
parte da CPLP, constituindo já uma das principais
prioridades da Cooperação Portuguesa. Lanço
aqui um vivo apelo a todos os Estados Membros
da Comunidade para que se associem a este
esforço, tão importante para os nossos irmãos
timorenses, mas também para todos nós, na
medida em que, mais uma vez, da divulgação da
Língua Portuguesa no mundo se trata.
Ao longo destes últimos dois anos, Cabo Verde,
São Tomé e Príncipe e mais recentemente
Portugal, atravessaram processos eleitorais,
nalguns casos complexos, que se traduziram em
alterações significativas dos espectros políticos de
cada um dos países. Em todos eles, porém, foram
Page 5
observados os princípios da alternância democrática,
da separação de poderes e do respeito pelas
instituições, num quadro de continuidade
constitucional, pedras basilares e elementos
aglutinadores da nossa Comunidade, que gostaríamos
de ver universalmente respeitados.
Mas o nosso esforço de aperfeiçoamento da
democracia não poderá quedar-se pela simples
realização de actos eleitorais, devendo igualmente
traduzir-se num trabalho constante, que passa pela
defesa, no dia a dia, dos direitos fundamentais dos
cidadãos, do Estado de Direito e do pluralismo
político e por um combate tenaz a todas as formas de
violência, corrupção e injustiça.
Também o Brasil deverá em breve atravessar um
importante processo eleitoral, que encaramos com a
serenidade e a confiança que nos inspiram a
maturidade, o sentido de responsabilidade dos
brasileiros e a força sempre renovada da sua
Gostaria de deixar aqui o meu sincero preito de
homenagem ao Presidente Fernando Henrique
Cardoso, grande figura política, de altas qualidades
humanas e intelectuais, respeitado amigo desde os
tempos difíceis, que ao longo dos seus dois mandatos
como Chefe do Estado tanto fez pelo seu país e pelo
progresso e estabilidade desta região. (…)
É indiscutível que a Comunidade goza hoje de uma
projecção considerável na cena internacional,
suscitando um interesse crescente por parte de países
terceiros e de outras organizações internacionais (…)
Continua na página 16
Mark your calendars and reserve the last week
of April for a productive and fun time in Florida
with your PLD fellow translators and
Send your proposal or suggestion for a
conference presentation to Tereza Braga at
[email protected]
September 2002
Making the Most of the Internet
By Giovanna L. Lester
(Adapted from a presentation given to FLATA – the Florida Chapter of the ATA - last April)
I have been working with languages since
1980 and have witnessed many changes in
our business, in our careers, and in our
languages themselves. However, very few
things have had the impact the Internet has
had in our business. It changed the market,
making it broader; the expectations of our
clients, making them more demanding in
terms of time; and the prices of our services but that is another story.
When I started translating my tools were my
American husband, his En/Port Michaelis, an
AHD, a Portuguese/English MEC dictionary,
and my knowledge of Portuguese. My clients’
projects were never too rushed and I had
time to go to the library and research...
Nowadays, time is a much more precious
commodity and unless you are translating a
book, the library better be behind your desk
or easily accessible via computer.
jumble on Google® doesn’t make your task easy.
No reason to panic. In your monolingual
dictionary you find the scientific name of the bird.
Go to your faithful search engine and type it
there. You may be lucky enough to find a multilingual glossary with the answer right off the bat.
Yet, you may not.
Accurate Internet Data: an oxymoron?
Publishing on the Internet is easy and cheap,
but you find a lot of misinformation out there.
So, how can you be sure the data you just
collected is accurate? How can you make
sure the source is reliable? That is a big
problem, and we need to learn how to
validate the information we come across,
sometimes unexpectedly. Let's see…
You are doing a nice, easy travel piece when
all of a sudden the text mentions the "loons
love our weather this time of the year and
flock to our lakes and marshes in great
numbers." You don’t know what “loons”
mean. Now what? If they “flock,” you can at
least guess that these are birds. Ornithology
is not your forte. How do you say "loons" in
Portuguese? Where in the cyberworld do you
go to get the information? A generic search
will not be of much help if you are not familiar
with the subject: 69,000 hits of meaningless
Page 6
Use the new information to narrow down your
search - use Boolean or similar parameters.
Select your data source carefully.
A Boolean search will help you narrow the results
and qualify them better. Before embarking on
one, it is important to determine your “type of
curiosity” – that will assist you in choosing the
right words to use in your search. In our case,
once we have identified the scientific name for
“loon”, we can do an advanced search.
September 2002
Advanced search interfaces vary between
search engines. I like Google’s: it is foolproof. Google’s Advanced Search lets you
indicate language, country, location of string
in text, type of final presentation (PowerPoint,
Adobe Acrobat, Excel document, etc.),
domain (.edu, .org, .net, .de, .br) and a few
others to choose from.
search engines for different purposes – you’ll
learn a lot in his site. Once you hang a
"Translator" shingle on your door, you've bought
a lot of hot potatoes. Most clients expect you to
do the proofing, the editing, the accuracy
checking... They will give you the money for
keeping the headaches away. So, charge
And, most importantly, take your responsibility
What are the benefits
professional groups?
Why is it necessary to indicate Portuguese
as the language and then “.br ” as the
domain? If you indicate only “.br,” you might
get results published in Brazil, but in other
languages; if you indicate only Portuguese,
you may get results in Portuguese, but
published in other countries - and we don’t
have time to try and qualify a translation right
now. Of course, if you know the name of a
Brazilian Ornithological Society, that is the
first place you should go to.
Once you've found what you believe to be
the right answer, you still have to doublecheck it. That can be as easy as doing a cut
& paste: copy the search result in the query
window of your search engine and see what
comes back. The origin of the results you get
back should clue you in as to their accuracy not the total number of hits. Why not the
number of hits? Have you ever tried typing
"beleive"or "recieve" in the query window?
Try it. That should give you your answer.
Professional groups are always a good source of
assistance when we reach a road block, as well
as a good source for links, glossaries, electronic
dictionaries and information on tools of the trade.
Even if you do not actively participate in the
discussions, “listening in” on the exchanges can
be rather enlightening. And having a private
inroad to professionals with solid background on
a variety of subjects in a language in your pair is
a good stress-reduction tool. Trust me on this
The PLD page is a good starting point for
locating translators, interpreters and other
language-related groups. Through the PLD page
you will have access to a list of colleagues whose
brains you can pick. There are also languagespecific translation groups, literary translators
groups and legal translators groups, as well as
various associations catering to the language
Brazilian Portuguese translators in Miami can
also rely on the Centro Cultural Brazil USA of
Florida's Nélida Piñon Library for their research.
You may reach the CCBU via e-mail at
[email protected].
Continua na página 16
Robert Harris’ page, is a must for those of
us who do most of our research over the
wires. He goes over techniques, rules,
Page 7
September 2002
Canto Legal
(The Legal Corner)
by Enéas Theodoro
Nota: A finalidade desta coluna é
informar e servir de mini-fórum para
debate e elucidação de termos e
expressões jurídicos. O autor não é
advogado, embora tenha cursado
Direito e trabalhado intensamente na
área durante uns bons vinte anos.
Dúvidas ou sugestões?
[email protected]
Quanto ao setor privado, em contratos de
prestação de serviço, de fato os vocábulos
“supervision”, “control” e suas variantes
são mais convenientes. Além disso,
voltando ao setor público, vale mencionar
que a diligência de fiscalização tributária é
um “tax audit” nos EUA (fiscal =
“auditor”), coisa que alguns bons
tradutores desconhecem no Brasil.
A Psicologia e a Cognição dos Falsos Cognatos
Muito tem-se escrito sobre falsos cognatos mas muito
pouco sobre a preocupação exagerada em evitá-los. É
como se houvesse uma certa paranóia em cair em tais
insidiosas armadilhas. Isso é um perigo, pois pode não
apenas conduzir a outras síndromes ainda mais graves
mas, também, induzir profissionais absolutamente
bem intencionados a cometerem erros exatamente pelo
excesso de cuidados.
Outros exemplos interessantes do mesmo dilema são
as palavras “compromise” e “sanction” e suas
respectivas ramificações em português. Como
sabemos, esta última pode tanto significar uma
aprovação como uma cominação (penalidade) e,
quanto à primeira, trata-se de algo que igualmente
merece mais delongas. Pois senão vejamos:
Nenhuma ilustração do tema, na área jurídica, me
parece mais ululante do que o caso do termo
“oversight”. Como em outros tantos casos, este
vocábulo tem mais de uma acepção: (a) descuido,
inadvertência, omissão, e (b) supervisão ou
fiscalização. Já fui, mais de uma vez, admoestado por
colegas e até por acadêmicos nas áreas de tradução e
interpretação pelo uso do termo na segunda acepção.
A polêmica merece maior detalhamento:
Compromise – (a) “to reach a compromise” é chegar a
um meio termo, ou transação (eis aí mais um para a
coleção dos menos versados no Direito), ou fazer
transigência, pois “to compromise” quer dizer transigir
ou transacionar nesta acepção; pode parecer
linguagem hermética para quem não conhece a
disciplina jurídica com alguma profundidade, mas faz
parte da linguagem cotidiana na advocacia; (b) noutra
conotação, “the project was compromised by a
shortage of funds” (como versão de “o projeto ficou
comprometido dada a escassez de recursos”) e
expressões quetais já fizeram muita gente erguer a
sobrancelha, criticando o não uso do verbo “to
jeopardize” (“the project was jeopardized...”). Mais
uma vez, o maior conhecimento da língua deixa
evidentes as menores sutilezas semânticas... (c) Em
português, claro, é preciso ter cuidado com
“compromisso”, “comprometimento” e os seus
respectivos falsos cognatos.
Oversight – No setor público, nos EUA, é lugar
comum o emprego das expressões “oversight
committee” (no Legislativo) e “oversight agency” (no
Executivo) no sentido de comissão fiscalizadora e
órgão fiscalizador. Então, por que não utilizar por
vezes o mesmo termo ao verter para o inglês alguns
nomes de órgãos públicos brasileiros, usando
“oversee” como o verbo correspondente?
Tudo isso para dizer que a tradução na área jurídica
requer alguma assessoria psicoterápica? Muito embora
o nosso trabalho seja de deixar qualquer um maluco,
não vamos chegar a tanto... É só tomar cuidado com o
emprego do termo certo na hora certa, diferenciando
entre os devidos cognatos, que qualquer episódio
esquizóide, com um lado do cérebro dizendo “falso” e
o outro “correto”, será facilmente evitado.
Chega de psicologia; vamos à cognição. Não existe
“bala de prata” para isso, mas quanto mais profundos
forem os conhecimentos do idioma alvo, mais patente
será a distinção entre o verdadeiro e o falso cognato.
Seguem alguns exemplos.
Page 8
September 2002
Aliás, o trabalho da tradução na área do Direito, mais
do que em qualquer outra, se assemelha muito mais –
fazendo uma analogia profissional – à ocupação do
alfaiate do que à do psicólogo. Qualquer tentativa de
concluir uma obra sem levar em conta o sujeito
específico corre o risco de conter imperfeições, ou
seja, a tradução tem de ser “sob medida” mesmo, caso
a caso.
Assim, ecleticamente, seguimos nós, tradutores(as),
batalhando nas muitas áreas do vasto conhecimento
humano, com a expectativa corrente do mercado
sendo que não podemos jamais cometer erros. Na
verdade, quando a gente comete algum (ahem, mui
raramente..., não é mesmo?), deve bastar um bom
papo com colegas em algum “work-chopp” para
afastar qualquer risco de distúrbios bipolares, ou
maníaco-depressivos, whether or not derived from the
horns of a (schizoid-translation) dilema...
Legal Musings
A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
(Samuel Goldwyn)
Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass
and the little ones get caught. (Honoré de Balzac)
It was so cold one day last February that I saw a
lawyer with his hands in his own pockets. (Robert
It ain’t no sin if you crack a few laws now and then,
just as long as you don’t break any. (Mae West)•
Elections 2002 in Brazil
On October 6th, Brazilians will be electing
their next President, replacing the two-term
administration of Fernando Henrique Cardoso,
which lasted 8 years. It is a significant election
day because Brazilians will actually be voting for
18,151 candidates running for 1,600 offices in the
executive and legislative branches, according to
Agência Brasil (
In this year’s elections, a total of 114
million Brazilians are eligible to vote. There will
be 406,000 electronic voting machines.
According to Nelson Jobim, the chief justice of
the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), the Brazilian
electronic voting system was evaluated by the
University of Campinas (Unicamp) and found to
be “robust, secure and trustworthy”, (from “The
Four-Year Itch”, Brazzil Aug 2002).
The only race where the number of
candidates has actually fallen is for president. In
1998 Brazil had twelve candidates; this time,
there are only half of that – six. Polls on
September 1st show front-runner Luiz Inácio
“Lula” da Silva, on his fourth attempt for the
presidency, still ahead of the pack. José Serra,
Ciro Gomes and Anthony Garotinho follow. For
updated election news, our readers can visit
For “8 years of Fernando Henrique
Cardoso” and several other articles of interest
about the elections and the Brazilian economy,
we suggest BRAZZIL.COM.
With the elections coming up, pundits and
comedians are having a ball, as usual. For
laughs, we suggest the column called “Hilário
Eleitoral”, a pun with “Horário Eleitoral” (free
TV spots granted by the government to
candidates for public office in Brazil), in
“Monkey News”, WWW.RANTAC.COM.BR
New York University Programs
A Truly Global Classroom
by Milena Savova
A professional certificate
in English-to-Portuguese translation
on site at NYU.
Starting January 2003
a Master of Science in Translation
will be offered online,
including Portuguese
-- Thanks to T. Barile for indication of “Hilário
Eleitoral” – T. Braga•
Read on page 13
Page 9
September 2002
(both Portuguese-English only)
Author: Danilo Nogueira
Publisher: SBS – Special Book Services, São Paulo
Publication: 2000
Reviewed by: Marian S. Greenfield
Reprinted with permission from The ATA Chronicle, August 2002
These two dictionaries are identical in format and type of
content. There is some, but not excessive, overlap between
them. Each offers 60-odd pages of hard to find jewels.
Lookup is convenient, with many compound terms listed
under a given headword. Given their size, neither dictionary
stands alone as a primary source for legal or financial
translation, but they are certainly a good place to start a
terminological search. They are worth much, much more
than their price of approximately $10, and are a tremendous
addtion to the scant Portuguese-English resources available
in this country. You should be able to purchase these books
directly from the publisher (, through
Brazilian Translated (, or
through Nogueira ([email protected]).
My library of Portuguese-English financial and legal
resources is not extensive. I doubt anyone’s is, because
there simply isn’t much out there. I generally rely on my
Spanish-English resources, Noronha’s legal dictionary,
Michaelis’ business dictionary, and, more than anything
else, the Internet. (When I find financial terminology
translated into English on the Internet, it is often in an
article written by Nogueira.)
Each dictionary includes several abbreviations and
acronyms. They also contain extremely useful explanations
of many terms. Since these dictionaries are aimed at intoEnglish translators, I would have preferred these
explanations to appear in English, but they are invaluable
nonetheless. Grammatical information is provided for each
headword. Few synonyms and no appendices, tables, or
illustrations are provided. I did not find much in the way of
filler or errata in either dictionary. Both dictionaries include
primarily U. S. usage, and occasionally include a wellmarked alternative for the United Kingdom. There are
helpful notes on the differences between Brazilian and U.S.
laws and practices. (…)
There are helpful examples of usage, for instance,
distinguishing between two occurrences of “bonus”: 1) A
empresa comprou bônus do tesouro. = The company bought
Page 10
treasury bonds.; and 2) Pagamos um bônus pela
produção. = We paid a production bonus. Another
example is the difference between “liberar” as
“release” and “pay”. Nogueira gives: 1) Ele foi
liberado de seu compromisso. = He was released
from his commitment.; and 2) As ações somente
foram liberadas em 31 de dezembro. = Shares were
only paid on December 31. (…)
Nogueira gives an excellent explanation of how to
translate “quota” (meaning “share”) and how it
differs from “ação” in Portuguese, but not in
English. Nogueira also gives the expansion and
translation for the acronyms used by several Brazilian
market-related associations that I was not able to find
elsewhere. In addition, he gives “ITR,” “Quarterly
Report” (informações trimestrais), which I found
nowhere else.
Generally speaking, I agree with Nogueira’s choices
of translation, although I have some reservations
about a few. Acknowledging in a lengthy note the
difficulty of translating “ativo permanente” and
explaining what it includes, Nogueira gives
“permanent assets.” I would not use that translation,
but he gives enough information to arrive at the
translation “assets subject to indexation,” and, if
necessary, to footnote the term and explain that it
includes long-term investments (which Nogueira calls
“permanent investments”), property, plant and
equipment, and deferred charges.
For “livro de registro de ações nominativas,”
Nogueira gives “nominative shares register; stock
transfer register; stock transfer ledger.” My clients
have always accepted “stock ledger,” and, rather than
“nominative,” I would prefer “registered.” (Noronha
translates “livro de registro de ações” as “share
recorder; share registration book.”)
September 2002
The note under “interesse,” “interest; equity; stake,” is
excellent and something I’ve had to explain countless times
to students and colleagues. “Interest é
o termo genérico. Equity é uma participação societária.
Stake inclui qualquer tipo de interesse, inclusive, por
exemplo, o interesse que os fornecedores têm no sucesso de
uma empresa.”
The translations for the many entries under “ação”,
including “ação caída em comisso” (forfeited share); “ação
cheia” (cum dividend share); “ação de primeira linha”
(blue chip share); and “ação divisível” (fractional share) are
all excellent and not generally found elsewhere.
One particularly elegant entry that I think you would be
hard-pressed to find elsewhere is “corrigir”, translated as
“apply indexation; restate for inflation,” along with an
explanation of what it means and a warning not to translate
it as “correct”. This is absolutely on the money. I did not
find this term elsewhere.
Has anyone seen this circulating in cyberspace? I
received it from my 13-year old Brazilian-American
niece who lives in Lincoln, NE. She and I tried our best
to trace it, but not a single friend or acquaintance in the
long list of “forwarding agents” could help much.
Albeit devoid of a source, I decided to reproduce it
anyway because we can always use a laugh. If any of
our readers knows the source, please tell us – Tereza
The European Commission has just announced an
agreement that English will be the official language
of the EU, rather than German (the other possibility).
As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's
Government conceded that English spelling had some
room for improvement, and has accepted a 5-year
phase-in of new rules which would apply to the
language and reclassify it as EuroEnglish. Thus, the
agreed upon plan is as follows:
Another real-life usage translation given by Nogueira is
“government agency” for “órgão público,” while Noronha
gives “public agency; public officer.” At least here in the
U.S., “government agency” is the way to go.
In year 1, the soft 'c' would be replaced by 's'.
Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with
joy. The hard 'c' will be replaced by 'k'. This should
klear up konfusion and keyboards kan now have one
less letter.
Nogueira is again spot-on with his translation of “sócio
oculto” (not found elsewhere) as “dormant partner; silent
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the
sekond year, when the troublesome 'ph' is replaced by
'f'. This will reduse 'fotograf' by 20%.
In summary, I highly recommend these two little and
unbelievably inexpensive dictionaries. I am looking forward
to the next in the series. And when Nogueira decides the
series is complete, I really hope his publisher will issue a
compilation so we can have all these little books in one big
In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling
kan be expekted to reach t! he stage where more
komplikated changes are possible. Governments will
enkourage the removal of double letters, which have
always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil
agre that the horible mes of the silent 'e's in the
language is disgrasful and they should eliminat them.
Marian Greenfield is the owner of msgreenfield
Translations. Formerly the manager of translation services
at JP Morgan, she translated in New York’s Financial
District for 20 years. She is now a full-time translation
industry consultant and freelancer, translating financial
documents from Spanish, Portuguese, and French into
English. She is also an adjunct associate professor of
translation at New York University. Active at the national
and local levels, she is a member of the ATA Board of
Directors, and has served on or chaired the following ATA
committees: Chapters, Membership Rights and Benefits,
and (currently), Professional Development. Contact:
[email protected] •
By year 4, peopl wil be reseptiv to lingwistik
korektions such as replasing 'th' with 'z' and 'w' with
'v' (saving mor keyboard spas).
Page 11
During ze fifz year, ze unesesary 'o' kan be dropd
from vords kontaining 'ou' and similar changes vud of
kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.
After zis fifz year, ve vil hav a reli sensibil riten styl.
Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and evrivun vil
find it ezi to understand ech ozer....
September 2002
Dicionário de Quandos
(The ‘When’ Dictionary)
This was found in the Trad-Port email list,
contributed by Claudia Chaves. “To keep illinformed foreigners from bothering us Brazilians
saying that we promise a lot but deliver very little”,
the intro says, “a new Brazilian ‘When’ Dicionary
is being assembled and will be released soon (to
understand ‘soon’, see “LOGO” below).” The
following are excerpts from the new dictionary.
Para evitar que estrangeiros desinformados fiquem
pegando injustamente no nosso pé coletivo porque
prometemos e não cumprimos, está sendo compilado
o Dicionário Brasileiro de Quandos, com lançamento
previsto para breve (para entender ‘breve’, vide
"LOGO", abaixo). Dele foram extraídos os trechos a
“NO MÁXIMO” - Essa é fácil: quer dizer "no
mínimo". Exemplo:"Entrego em meia hora, no
máximo". Significa que a única certeza é de que
a coisa não será entregue antes de meia hora.
“PODE DEIXAR” - Traduz-se como "nunca".
“POR VOLTA” - Similar a "no máximo". É uma
medida de tempo dilatada, em que o limite
inferior é claro, mas o superior é totalmente
indefinido. "Por volta das 5 horas" quer dizer "a
partir das 5 horas".
“SEM FALTA” - É uma expressão que só se usa
depois do terceiro atraso. Depois do primeiro,
deve-se dizer: "Fique tranqüilo, que amanhã eu
“Já-já", "Um minutinho", "Veja bem", "Mês
que vem". Ledo engano.
O Dicionário Brasileiro de Quandos explica.
“DEPENDE…” - Envolve a conjunção de várias
incógnitas, todas desfavoráveis. Em situações
anormais, pode até significar "sim", embora até hoje
tal fenômeno só tenha sido registrado em testes
teóricos de laboratório. O mais comum é que
signifique diversos pretextos para dizer "não".
“JÁ-JÁ…” - Aos incautos, pode dar a impressão de
ser duas vezes mais rápido que "já". Ledo engano. É
muito mais lento. "Faço já" significa "Passou a ser
minha primeira prioridade", enquanto que o "Faço jájá" quer dizer apenas "Assim que eu terminar de ler
meu jornal, prometo que vou pensar a respeito".
“LOGO” - "Logo" é bem mais tempo que "dentro em
breve" e muito mais que "daqui a pouco". É tão
indeterminado que pode significar séculos: "Logo
chegaremos a outras galáxias". É preciso também
tomar cuidado com a frase "Mas logo eu?", que quer
dizer "Tô fora".
“MÊS QUE VEM” - Parece coisa de curso primário,
mas ainda tem estrangeiro que não entendeu.
Existem só três tipos de meses: aquele em que
estamos agora, os que já passaram e os que ainda
estão por vir. Portanto, todo mês, do próximo até o fim
do mundo (que, aliás não anda muito longe), pode ser
um "mês que vem".
Page 12
entrego". Depois do segundo: "Relaxa, amanhã
estará em sua mesa". Só aí é que vem o
"Amanhã, sem falta."
“UM MINUTINHO” - É um período de tempo
incerto e não sabido, que nada tem a ver com o
intervalo de 60 segundos conhecido como
"minuto". Raramente dura menos que cinco
“VEJA BEM” - É o day after do "depende".
Significa "Viu como pressionar não adianta?" É
utilizado da seguinte maneira: "Mas você não
prometeu os cálculos para hoje?" Resposta:
"Veja bem..."
“Xiiii....” - Se dito casualmente, acompanhado de
um olhar voltado para o alto, logo após frases
como "Não vou mais tolerar atrasos!" exprime
dó e piedade por tamanha ignorância sobre a
nossa cultura.
“ZÁS-TRÁS” - Expressão em moda até os anos
50. Significava "ligeireza no cumprimento de
uma tarefa, com total eficiência e sem nenhuma
desculpa". Por isso mesmo, caiu em desuso e
foi abolida do dicionário.•
September 2002
New York University Programs
A Truly Global Classroom
by Milena Savova
A few years ago, the Center for Foreign
Languages and Translation at New York University
joined the effort to train highly qualified Portuguese
translators. We started by offering a professional
certificate in English-to-Portuguese translation on site
at NYU. In the process, we discovered that we could
open the doors widely to prospective students and
faculty by offering it online. Thus, since last year the
program has been offered only online. We are proud
of our international faculty comprised of respected
members of the translation community: Edna Ditaranto
of the U.S., Regina Alfarano and Patricia Mello of
Brazil, and Clarissa Surek-Clark, who will be teaching
from South Africa. Our students also comprise an
international body: they are from all over the U.S.,
Brazil, Kenya and Angola.
There is anxiety among students and faculty
before their first class. They are entering a new type of
environment and a new learning and teaching mode,
and they don’t know whether they will succeed. One of
the roles of our office and the Office of Information
Technologies at the School of Continuing and
Professional Studies is to render support to this whole
community. We are always there for students and
faculty, be it online or on the phone. As everyone
discovers after the first semester, it is a different
experience from that in an onsite class, but the results
are the same. It also offers a great opportunity for
international networking.
In order to complete the certificate, the student
has to pass an admissions exam, take the mandatory
prerequisite course in Introduction to Translation
Studies, and then take four core courses and one
elective or another core course. The core areas are
legal, commercial, medical and technical translation.
The electives vary and can include literary translation
and translating the news.
The focus of this program is legal and financial
translation. The curriculum includes required and
elective courses in three groups: language
theory, subject-matter background, and practical
translation courses. Students need 42 credits for
the Master’s degree and 21 for the Certificate.
The Master’s program will conclude with a sixweek term in New York City where students will
take a capstone seminar and develop a thesis (a
translation project), which will be defended in
person before a committee. The Certificate does
not require a thesis or stay in New York. The
programs can be pursued on a full-time or parttime basis.
My staff and I are truly excited about all
new developments in our programs and are
working hard to make this a worthwhile and
rewarding experience for all involved. There are
several ways in which you can obtain more
information about these programs. On our
website at; at, you can view a demo
of the software we use; at (212) 998-7200, you
can talk to a human being about the Master’s
and the Graduate Certificate; and at (212) 9987028, you can talk to Guylaine Laperrière, our
translation coordinator, about the non-degree
professional certificate.
I look forward to meeting you at the
upcoming ATA Conference.
Milena Savova
Center for Foreign Languages and Translation
New York University-School of Continuing and
Professional Studies•
In January 2003 we are launching a Master of
Science in Translation online. The target language is
English, and there are up to ten source languages,
including Portuguese. Applicants to this program must
have two source languages. Those who have only
one, or whose C language is not strong enough yet,
can apply to a Graduate Certificate in Translation and
later, after they pass the examination in their C
language, they can transfer into the Master’s program.
Page 13
September 2002
Mentoring: it may be exactly what you need
(in the giving or the receiving end)
The upcoming 43rd ATA conference in Atlanta will
wrap up a unique pilot program that has been running
for a full year with increasing success. This program
aims at giving the right kind of structure to something
that almost everyone agrees is extremely useful and
rewarding in our profession, but has happened so far
only at the informal level. A model was devised and
and now both “mentors” and “mentees” are starting to
get their formal training. Check your preliminary
program for details – you may want to arrive early in
Atlanta to catch two pre-conference seminars on
I will never forget my first mentors and I keep
in close contact with my current ones – people
I have admired and respected from the first
time I heard them speak or saw them at work.
“Strategies for Getting the Mentoring You Need: SkillBuilding Workshop for New Mentees” (morning)
“Mentoring That Makes a Difference: Skill-Building
Workshop for New Mentors” (afternoon)
For those arriving later, there are two additional
sessions, as follows. I especially recommend the
Saturday session, in which all pilot program
participants will evaluate their experience and share it
with anyone else interested:
“How to Put the ATA Mentoring Program to Work in
Your Division or Chapter” (Friday)
“The ATA Mentoring Program: How Are We Doing?”
The speaker for all of these sessions will be Courtney
Searls-Ridge, a familiar face to many of us due to her
position as ATA Secretary. Courtney has been at the
forefront of this effort, as head of the ATA Mentoring
Program Task Force. She has been all over the
country, it seems, during the past few months,
speaking and promoting the program.
most importantly, people who helped me
navigate the waters of the marketplace,
associations, agencies and end-users. All this
apart from the enrichment in my personal life,
too, with the friendships I have forged.
Many of us have accumulated quite a few years
in the business by now. Suddenly, we seem to
be getting an increasing number of inquiries from
beginners. It is our chance to realize that we
have passed on to the other side. And it is not
just the opportunity to be generous and give
back. We feel especially good when we realize
that the rewards are much bigger than we
thought. For example, in the last two
conferences I attended I heard stories from very
busy and successful translators/company
owners – one from Denver and one from London
– who ended up getting lucrative jobs/contracts
as a result of their relationship with their
mentees. This is because many beginners are
employed with organizations that need worldclass translation providers. I could not make it to
the seminar “The Business of Translating” in
Boston this month, but I am sure it was also an
important topic there.
I am personally looking forward to learning more
about, and joining, the program. For more
information on the definition of modern
mentoring, see “Modern Mentoring: What It Is
and How to Do It”, by Linda Phillips-Jones
(Chronicle, August 2001). Here’s an excerpt:
“Organizations, companies, and associations
(like the ATA) who offer mentoring programs
increase their recruiting edge and build loyalty
and productivity”.
-- Tereza Braga•
I will never forget my first mentors and I keep in close
contact with my current ones – people I have admired
and respected from the first time I heard them speak
or saw them at work. These people helped me to
realize that yes, I could not only make a living but
excel doing something I had always loved to do. And,
Page 14
September 2002
Continuação da capa
Quality Control in Home
each other’s work at least twice.
PLDATA: What advantages do you feel there are to
working together?
Latermans: We may work together, but we work in
separate rooms. We complement each other’s abilities as
translators – and the biggest advantage is quality control.
PLDATA: What language pairs and areas do you specialize
Latermans: Portuguese and English, from and into.
Technology, software, heavy machinery and equipment
(Nelson). Health sciences, medical equipment and software
(Isabella); International agencies, federal government,
marketing and business in general (both).
Latermans: Let’s see – since 1996, we think. It has
always been great for us. We make a big effort to
attend the annual conference every year – at least one
of us. We hope to make it to the spring meeting, too –
maybe next year. From Vancouver, everything is a
little too far… But we keep in touch. Melany
suggested that Nelson take charge as webmaster for
the PLD and Tereza liked it, so it has been a good
PLDATA: What is the biggest challenge that you each face
working as translators?
Latermans: Venturing into new grounds and keeping up
with the latest technologies – but it’s also the biggest thrill!
PLDATA: How do keep in touch with Brazil and the
Latermans: Nelson goes to Brazil every year. This
year he just came back, and our son went with him.
Great adventures and great immersions – both in
Portuguese and in the actual ocean, with scuba diving
in Fernando de Noronha! We also go as a family,
from time to time. As far as the language, high speed
internet is demolishing all excuses we might have had
for not finding time to do enough reading in
Portuguese. And of course there is always the
proverbial Brazilian community everywhere, and
Vancouver is no exception.
PLDATA: What is your favorite translation resource?
Latermans: Google and our DV terminology database.
PLDATA: Thank you, Neco and Isabella and happy
translations. •
PLDATA: Do you use any translation memory tools? If so,
which ones?
Latermans: Déjà Vu and Trados. We prefer DV by a long
Continuação da página 3
PLDATA: What is the most important thing that we can do
to help each other as translators, in your opinion?
Latermans: Participating in ATA and attending
conferences. Great way to meet your fellow translators.
PLDATA: Is there an equivalent to ATA in Canada? Is it
very helpful to you guys?
Latermans: Among others, there is STIBC (Society of
Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia) and the
CTIC (Canadian Translators and Interpreters Council), the
umbrella organization for provincial associations. ATA,
however, has proven to be the most helpful and useful to us.
PLDATA: Who do you look to for inspiration (who are
your heroes, your mentors etc.)?
Latermans: Our biggest mentor is Melany Laterman, a
thoroughly conscientious and highly capable professional –
and Nelson’s lovely sister ☺.
From the Administrator
ancestral because my Brazilianess is 50% Portuguese
and at least 10% French. Not that I will disconnect
from translation – an endeavor not only impossible
but also undesirable, anyway. Visits are already
scheduled with colleagues and mentors both in the
Iberic Peninsula and in France, and I will also raid all
the bookstores I find open after the museums close.
After that, we will be counting down for our ATA
annual conference in Atlanta, coming up in
November. We are providing a list of sessions of
interest to our members in the PLData. Join us for our
own PLD meeting, scheduled for Thursday at 1:45
p.m. We also have a PLD dinner planned for that
same evening. Check the PLData for R.S.V.P. and
join us!
Tereza d’Avila Braga
PLD Administrator •
PLDATA: How long have you been involved with the ATA
and/or the PLD and what has changed since you first
became involved?
Page 15
September 2002
Continuação da página 5
Continuação da página 7
Brasília sedia encontro da CPLPe
Making the most of the Internet
(…) Penso poder afirmar, com realismo e
imparcialidade, que, no geral, o desempenho da CPLP,
ao longo destes últimos seis anos, tem sido positivo. A
Comunidade tem vindo progressivamente a afirmar-se
nas suas múltiplas valências, prosseguindo com
dinamismo os propósitos que estão na base da sua
fundação e correspondendo, razoavelmente, às
expectativas que nela depositamos.
Increase your productivity with a few free tools
Concentremo-nos pois em fortalecer as suas áreas de
maior debilidade. Não caiamos sobretudo no
facilitismo e no auto-elogio. Procuremos pautar a
nossa actuação por critérios de rigor e
responsabilidade. E emprestemos, por fim, uma
visibilidade e uma eficiência acrescidas aos nossos
projectos e realizações.
Os avanços que se vão regularmente registando, nos
mais diversos domínios, encorajam-nos a prosseguir
nesta via. Destaco, muito particularmente, o
significado da assinatura, no decurso deste nosso
encontro, de cinco Acordos no domínio da Circulação
de Pessoas no Espaço CPLP, os quais garantirão um
considerável acréscimo de mobilidade aos cidadãos da
Quero ainda aqui deixar uma palavra de apreço pela
projecção e pelos resultados alcançados pelo 1º Fórum
Empresarial da CPLP, importante iniciativa
recentemente lançada em Lisboa, que veio abrir novas
perspectivas no domínio da cooperação econômica e
empresarial entre os Estados membros da
Congratulamo-nos com o anúncio ali tornado público
da próxima criação de um Conselho Empresarial e
encorajamos vivamente o prosseguimento e a
diversificação de contactos entre os empresários da
Ao Presidente Femando Henrique Cardoso, nosso
anfitrião, formulo os mais sinceros votos de sucesso
para a Presidência Brasileira da CPLP. Trata-se sem
dúvida de um desafio estimulante e enriquecedor, ao
qual, estou certo, os nossos irmãos brasileiros saberão
responder com o brio e a determinação que lhe são
T. Braga – Fontes: , jornal e
jornal The Brasilians•
Why use online storage services? I don’t know about you,
but it has become increasingly difficult to visualize all my
bookmarks in my Favorites list. Plus, when I am helping a
client in his/her office and I need to research data, I prefer
to look professional and have all my information at hand.
I've had to work with clients during family vacations.
Besides being far from my base, I had to rely on my
husband's laptop. I needed access to my files, but did not
want to take up his memory; I also needed access to my
bookmarks to expedite research.
There are many storage services available on the web. Most
of them are premium services, but the links I’ve made
accessible are for free services. Do your own search. Use
your favorite search engine, type in "free online file storage
services" and see what you get – replace ‘bookmark’ for
‘file’, if that is what you want.
An added advantage for using online storage systems is file
sharing with customers. I've been let down by my e-mail
service during a buyout process, but I didn’t want my
clients to be affected by that. My solution: I placed my files
on my online storage facility, gave them temporary
passwords and they saw me as even more professional than
before. How about working with clients or colleagues who
use AOL? AOL limits the amount and type of data
exchanged via e-mail. Or when the cost of telephone service
(or internet connection) in the country your partner or client
is located is prohibitive? When sharing a project, those can
be deadly circumstances.
Free internet fax services can also be a blessing. You send
and receive faxes as e-mails through you computer without
worrying about hotel surcharges, finding a fax after hours,
or inconveniencing anyone. During a recent vacation in
Brazil I rented an apartment without fax equipment and I
did not want to leave behind international telephone charges
either. But they had a telephone line and I had my trusty
Internet fax service. I connected to the Internet through a
free one-month trial promotional campaign from a local
Free marketing
Free translation directories are good marketing tools. They
help you with exposure, posting your résumé for free – and
you can use the associated URL in business cards or your
professional e-mail signature.
Good hunting!
Page 16
September 2002
Giovanna Lester - LINKS
Professional Associations and online groups:
Trad-prt – and http//
Litterati – and
Lantra – The oldest –
Glossary Lists:
Gloss Post –
Logos –
References in Terminology –
Free services:
- Search Services:
E-mail :
(CARS = Credibility + Accuracy + Reasonableness + Support)
Search Engines:
See Professor Harris's comprehensive listing
( ).
File Storage: – briefcase
Summary of The CARS Checklist for Research Source
Trustworthy source, author’s credentials, evidence of quality
control, known or respected authority, organizational support.
Goal: an authoritative source, a source that supplies some good
evidence that allows you to trust it.
Up-to-date, factual, detailed, exact, comprehensive, audience and
purpose reflect intentions of completeness and accuracy. Goal: a
source that is correct today (not yesterday), a source that gives the
whole truth.
Translators Directories:
Aquarius –
Proz –
Infomarex –
Translators Consortium –
Bookmarks management:
Professor Robert Harris's take on Research Source Evaluation
Fair, balanced, objective, reasoned, no conflict of interest, absence
of fallacies or slanted tone. Goal: a source that engages the subject
thoughtfully and reasonably, concerned with the truth.
Listed sources, contact information, available corroboration,
claims supported, documentation supplied. Goal: a source that
provides convincing evidence for the claims made, a source you
can triangulate (find at least two other sources that support it).
Giovana Lester is the current President of the Florida
Chapter of ATA. She is a Brazilian who was born in Rio but
calls Salvador (Bahia) home; in the U.S., her home is
Miami. Her career has included teaching both English and
Portuguese, translating from and into both languages,
interpreting, project managing and team leader activities.
E-address: [email protected]
“The Internet as a barrier-breaker fascinates me. It brings
down geographical, social, ideological and knowledge
barriers, and even language barriers (to an extent) through
automated translation tools. It has also greatly increased
my knowledge base and my performance as a language
Page 17
September 2002
Here is the line-up of sessions of special interest to PLD members:
A. General Interest:
C. General Interest Sessions:
1) Our Portuguese Language Division annual meeting
is scheduled for Thursday at
1:45 p.m. Come network and make new friends. We’ll
discuss plans for our
Spring Meeting 2003 in Florida.
1) Understanding Argentina: What Led the Third Largest
Economy in Latin America to Default?
Alexandra Russell-Bitting – Washington, DC
2) Are you a first-timer? We all remember our first
ATA conference – it’s easy to feel disoriented!
For the first time, ATA will offer an orientation
Orientation Session for First-Time Conference
Attendees – Thursday at 11:15 a.m.
2) Boot Camp Selling! How to Sell
Translation/Localization Services Without Spending
Millions of Dollars
Renato Beninatto -- Common Sense Advisory and Michael
R. Cárdenas -- Multilingual Translations, San Diego, CA
3) The Business Side of Translation and Language Services
Joseph C. Nunes -- Cybertec USA, Inc.
3) Interested in getting a mentor or being a mentor?
See “Mentoring” in this issue of the PLData.
4) Literary Translation: Getting it Published – A Nuts and
Bolts Approach
Clifford E. Landers and Alexis Levitin
B. Portuguese-specific sessions:
5) Math, Statistics, and Similar Birds for Translators and
Interpreters Who Hate Them
Paulo Roberto Lopes – Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
1) On Deadly Ground: Translating a Harrowing
Modern Narrative (Baía dos Tigres, by Pedro R.
Clifford E. Landers
6) Translating Technical Manuals – Part II
João Roque Dias – Lisbon, Portugal
7) Computer Science for Internauts: How E-Mail and Other
Internet Services Actually Work
Naomi James Sutcliffe de Moraes – Just Right
Communications – South Weymouth, Massachusetts
5) Translating Brazil’s Arts and Parks
Regina Alfarano
6) The Syntax of Brazilian Landscaping
Catarina Feldmann
7) No Longer Camões’ Portuguese: Syntactic, Lexcial,
Grammatical and Stylistic Traps to Trip Up the
Intrepid Translator of Brazilian, European and African
Naomi James Sutcliffe de Moraes
8) On Dealing with Translation and Languages in Contact
Clarissa Surek-Clark – Philadelphia, PA
9) Gods, Kings, Priests, Writing, Encryption, Code
Breaking, Decipherment and Translation
John Rock – Hollywood, SC •
8) Portuguese Metamorphosis: The Shak-Ess-PeyAre-Eih Effect
Arlene M. Kelly
9) Editing in the (Post) Globalized World: Many
Questions… Are There Answers?
Regina Alfarano – São Paulo, Brazil
Page 18
September 2002
Continuação da página 2 -
October 2002
24th-27th, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. American
Literary Translators Association (ALTA) 2001 Annual
Conference will be hosted by: John Balaban, North
Carolina State University. Visit for more
29th-31st, Barcelona, Spain. Fifth International
Congress on Translation: Interculturality and
Translation: Less Translated Languages. Visit for more information or email [email protected]. Abstracts accepted
until April 30th, 2001.
October 31-November 3, 2001, Regal Biltmore Hotel,
Los Angeles, California, USA. 42nd Annual
Conference of the American Translators Association .
Information: fax ATA at +1(703) 683-6122 or via email
to [email protected].
November 2002
4th-7th, Heidelberg, Germany. LISA Forum Europe.
Standards in Localization and Translation. Multilingual
Content Authoring, Workflow Management, Webservices and your Company’s ROI. Visit the following
for more information:
6th-9th, Atlanta, GA, USA. ATA 43rd Annual
Conference, Hyatt Regency. Please visit the ATA site
for more information
16th, Portsmouth, England. The University of Plymouth
School of Languages and Area Studies presents “Quality
Issues in Translation”. For more information see
December 2002
4th-6th, Berlin, Germany. 4th International Conference on
Languages and the Media. For more information, visit
18th-21st, Mumbai, India. International Conference on
Natural Language Processing. Please visit the following
for more information:
January 2003
2nd-5th, Atlanta, GA, USA. Linguistic Society of America,
77th Annual Meeting Hilton Atlanta and Towers Hotel.
Please visit the following for more information:
March 2003
22nd -25th, Arlington, VA, USA. American Association for
Applied Linguistics presents "The Diversity of Applied
Linguistics". Please visit the following site for more
May 2003
Toronto, Canada. CALL FOR PAPERS. Canadian
Association for Translation Studies. Conference:
Translation and (Im)migration. May 2002 - Universities of
Toronto and Ryerson. Contact Anne Malena, University of
Alberta at [email protected]; Marco Fiola, Université
du Québec à Hull at [email protected]; Denise Merkle,
Université de Moncton, at [email protected]; or
Jane Koustas, Brock University at
[email protected] for more information.•
11th-14th, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. VI
Congresso Internacional, Transculturalismos:
Brasil/Canadá. Visit for
more information.
Portuguese Division Dinner Friday, November 8, 2002, at 7:00 pm
Name __________________________________________________________________________________
# of persons attending _____________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP ___________________________________________________________________________
email ___________________________________________________________________________________
Choice of entrées
Plum pork or
Shrimp Louisianne or
Prosciutto Chicken
Cost of dinner: $24 per person. Beverages not included
Please make your check payable to Ines Bojlesen, and mail it with this form to
497 Livingood Lane Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Phone (503) 699-0998 Fax (503) 675-8609
Questions? Email: [email protected]
Page 19
September 2002
American Translators Association
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590
Alexandria, VA 22314