Prezado aluno, As atividades deverão ser realizadas em seu


Prezado aluno, As atividades deverão ser realizadas em seu
Nome:________________________________________________________nº_______ Data:___/___/____
Professor_________________________ Curso/Série - ATIVIDADE APE - 2º TRIMESTRE – 9º Ano ___
Prezado aluno,
As atividades deverão ser realizadas em seu horário de estudo e deverão ser entregues para a professora
na próxima aula. Bom estudo!
Texto para as questões 1 e 2 – Leia atentamente e responda em Português
The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded roughly at its points by Miami,
Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Legend has it that many ships and planes have mysteriously vanished
in this area. But there are some skeptics who argue that the facts do not support the legend. The
number of wrecks in this area is not extraordinary, given its size, location and the amount of traffic
it receives. Many of the ships and planes that have been identified as having disappeared
mysteriously in the Bermuda Triangle were not even in that area. The real mystery, they argue, is
how the Bermuda Triangle became a mystery at all.
Adaptado de
Acessado em 14/09/2008.
Wreck – destroços
Skeptics - céticos
1 ) Indique um dos fatos invocados por alguns céticos para negar que haja algo de misterioso nos
acontecimentos associados ao Triângulo das Bermudas.
2) Segundo esses céticos, qual é o verdadeiro enigma envolvendo o Triângulo das Bermudas?
2) Look at Martha’s diary and answer the questions in ENGLISH:
-Go to school at 08:00 a.m.
-Do my homework at 1:30 p.m.
-Visit grandma and grandpa at 7:00
-Go to school at 08:00 a.m.
-Do my homework at 1:30 p.m.
-Work in the office at 3:00 p.m. – 6:30
-Go to school at 08:00 a.m.
-Do my homework at 1:30 p.m.
-Work in the office at 3:00 p.m. –
6:30 p.m.
-Go to school at 08:00 a.m.
-Do my homework at 1:30 p.m.
-Help mom at home at 2:00 p.m.
-Go to school at 08:00 a.m.
-Do my homework at 1:30 p.m.
-Go shopping with mom at 5:00 p.m.
-Study for the English test at 08:00 a.m.
-Go to Julian’s party at 05:00 p.m.
-Meet friends at the shopping mall at
4:00 p.m.
a) When is Martha going to visit her grandma and grandpa?
b) Is Martha working in the office on Friday?
c) What time does Martha go to school?
d) Is Martha meeting her friends on Wednesday?
e) When is Martha studying for the English test?
f) Is Martha going to Julian’s party on Sunday?
3) Answer the next questions with your personal information:
a) How often do you go to the dentist?
b) How often do you go to the movies?
Conditional Clauses
1) Use type “0” conditional clauses to complete the sentences:
a) If he has________ (have) got a fever, call________ (call) the doctor.
b) If you __________________(heat) water to 100 °C, it ______________________(boil).
c) If you ______________________(be) in a hurry, ____________________(take) a taxi.
d) If you ______________________(put) butter near the fire, it ________________(melt).
2) Complete the sentences with your own words:
a) If we take care of the environment, _______________________________________________________
b) If he calls me, I_______________________________________________________________________
c) If you study hard, you _________________________________________________________________
3) Match the two halves to write conditional sentences:
1. If He eats too much,
a) he gets a bike.
2. We’ll go to the beach only if
b) she’ll go on holiday.
3. We’ll go faster if
c) it is warm and sunny.
4. If she passes her exams,
d) he’ll probably get a stomachache.
5. He’ll be happier if
e) we take the train.
Future Form
Simple Future – Will
O Simple Future é formado com o auxiliary Will + infinitive do verbo, sem “to”, para todas as pessoas:
Forma Afirmativa
I will travel. (I´ll travel)
They will visit Joana. (They´ll visit her)
It will rain. (It’ll rain.)
Forma Negativa
They will not buy a new car. (They won’t buy a new car.)
It will not be sunny tomorrow. (It won’t be sunny tomorrow.)
Forma Interrogativa
Will you see your boyfriend tomorrow?
Will she go to the movie tonight?
 Will é usado para expressar previsão de futuro baseada em fatos ou idéias, fazer promessas,
tomar uma decisão enquanto estamos falando.
1) Choose the verbs from the box and complete the sentences using “will”
Enjoy - call – be – win – stay – send – go – tell
a) The weather tomorrow __________________________________cold and windy.
b) I’m sure you _______________________________your visit to the British Museum.
c) They have a very good team. I think they__________________________easily.
d) They are having a holiday next month. I think they ______________________to the beach.
e) It’s
f) She can’t keep her mouth shut. I’m almost sure she ________________everyone about her new
g) I ____________________________delighted if you get that contract.
h) He has told me Mariana is very sad. I think I ________________________her some flowers.
i) I’m exhausted. I think I _____________________________home and rest.
j) Don’t worry! I ____________________________________you as soon as I get home.
Futuro expresso por Be going to
Esta estrutura verbal é formada com o verbo to be, de acordo com o sujeito da frase, o present
continuous do verbo GO (going), e o infinitivo do verbo principal.
Forma afirmativa:
I am going to travel.
They are going to sleep.
She is going to swim.
Forma negativa:
I’m not going to have any difficulty.
He is not going to win the race.
We are not going to check e-mails now.
Forma Interrogativa:
Am I going to have problems?
Are you going to help?
Is she going to cry.
Usamos a estrutura be going to para:
1) Expressar a intenção de fazer alguma coisa.
 I’m going to eat less to try to lose weight.
2) Falar de planos para o futuro.
 They are going to build a new house in a few months.
3) Fazer previsão de futuro a partir de fatos evidentes no presente ou previsões expressas com
grande margem de segurança.
 It’s very hot today. We are going to sweat a lot.
2) Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box:
Work - Study - Visit – Stay – Read
a) He _____________________________________________________________the newspaper.
b) On Sunday, I _____________________________________________________my grandparents.
c) She ________________________________________________________with us for a few days.
d) Laura ________________________________________________________ for the English test.
e) They __________________________________________________in the office all the morning.
Have a good time!
Célia Santiago