Pedro Hasselman – “Mitos arturianos”


Pedro Hasselman – “Mitos arturianos”
De Soldado a Herói Lendário
Pedro Henrique Aragão Hasselmann
Do que não vou falar:
» Mago Merlin
» Espada na Pedra
» Távola Redonda
» Lancelot
» Avalon
» Fada Morgana
» Ingleses
Contexto Histórico
» Século V  Grã-Bretanha sob o jugo Romano. Invasões
bárbaras: Picts, Scots (Norte) e Saxons (Mar Leste).
» 401: Tropas removidas para assistir à guerra contra
Alarico I.
» Zosimus: 410: Historia Nova, Book VI.→ “The
barbarians above the Rhine [...] reduced the inhabitants
of Britain and some of the Celtic peoples to defecting from
the Roman rule and living their own lives, independent
from the Roman laws. The Britons therefore took up
arms and [...] freed their cities from the barbarian
threat. And all Armorica [Brittany] and the other Gallic
provinces followed their example, freed themselves in the
same way, expelling the Roman officials and
setting up a constitution such as they pleased.”
Contexto Histórico
» 425: Gildas: “Choro dos Britões”  Again, therefore, the wretched
remnant, sending to Aetius, a powerful Roman citizen, address him
as follow:—"To Aetius, now consul for the third time: the groans
of the Britons." And again a little further, thus:—"The
barbarians drive us to the sea; the sea throws us back on
the barbarians: thus two modes of death await us, we are
either slain or drowned."
» Procopius: Invasões Anglo-Saxônicas, Scots, Picts Onda de
migração em massa para Armorica e Gália de Romanos e Britões
 Perda de fontes escritas.
Bretanha Sub-Romana. “O ínicio do fim”
» Historia Brittonum 31: Presença Romana: Vortigern then reigned in
Britain. In his time, the natives had cause of dread, not only from the
inroads of the Scots and Picts, but also from the Romans, and
their apprehensions of Ambrosius.
» 447: Gildas: Vortigern convida os Saxões  Then all the councillors,
together with that proud tyrant Gurthrigern [Vortigern], the British
king, were so blinded, that, as a protection to their country,
they sealed its doom by inviting in among them [...] Saxons, [...],
to repel the invasions of the northern nations.
» HB 36: After the Saxons had continued some time in the island of Thanet,
Vortigern promised to supply them with clothing and provision, on
condition they would engage to fight against the enemies of his country.
But the barbarians having greatly increased in number, the
Britons became incapable of fulfilling their engagement; and
when the Saxons, according to the promise they had received, claimed a
supply of provisions and clothing, the Britons replied, "Your number is
increased; your assistance is now unnecessary; you may, therefore,
return home, for we can no longer support you;" and hereupon they
began to devise means of breaking the peace between them.
Documentos Pré-Galfridianos
» Período Galfridico: Geoffrey of Monmouth: Historia Regum Britanniae History of the Kings of Britain (c. 1130)
» “Históricos”:
» Gildas: De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae – Sobre as Ruínas e Conquista
da Bretanha (c. 540)
» Annales cambriae – Anais de Gales (c. 977)
» “Nennius”: Historia Brittonum – História da Bretanha (c. 830)
» Bede: Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum – História Eclesiástica do Povo
Inglês (731)
» The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles – As crônicas Anglo-saxônicas (primeira parte
Aneirin: Y Goddodin (c. 7th ou 9th)
Book of Taliesin (c. 10th, achado em meados 14th)
Black Book of Carmarthen (c. 1250)
Mabinogion (c. 1350)
Welsh Triads (c. meados 13th)
Definindo Arthur
» Wiseman 2007: Por “Arthur histórico” queremos dizer um homem
chamado Arthur que liderou os Britões contra os Saxões na Batalha
de Badon (no fim do século V, início do século IV), e que foi
celebrado quase contemporâneo a Gildas. Obviamente não
presumimos que figuras históricas não estabelecidas não tenham
contribuído para a figura de Arthur na pseudo-história ou lenda.
Entretanto para que possamos concluir que não houve nenhum
Arthur histórico, parece necessário definir tal pessoa em termos de
um papel único: (i) Aquele atribuídos a um homem chamado Arthur
nos textos mais antigos que inegavelmente inspiraram a figura de
Arthur nas pseudo-histórias e lendas, e (ii) que foi um papel que
sem dúvida existiu historicamente.
Y Goddodin
» Poema contando conquistas de heróis.
» Estrofe 99:
He thrust beyond three hundred, most bold,
He cut down the centre and far wing.
He proved worthy, leading noble men;
He gave from his herd steeds for winter.
He brought black crows to a fort's
Wall, though he was not Arthur.
He made his strength a refuge,
The front line's bulwark, Gwawrddur.
» Koch 1997: Transcrição para o antigo Galês indica que esta estrofe possa
ser do c. 570. Todo poema parece uma compilação de diversas épocas.
» Corroborações: Descrição da luta em Catraeth (Catterick), cuja localização
necessita o cruzamento por terras Bernícias, que foram apenas tomadas
por saxões no fim do século VI.
» Duas versões: uma mais recente (A, Galês Médio) e outra mais antiga (B,
Modernização e Galês antigo). Arthur citado apenas em B.
Historia Brittonum
» At that time, the Saxons grew strong by virtue of their large number and increased in
power in Britain. Hengist having died, however, his son Octha crossed from the
northern part of Britain to the kingdom of Kent and from him are descended the
kings of Kent. Then Arthur along with the kings of Britain fought against
them in those days, but Arthur himself was the dux bellorum. His first battle
was at the mouth of the river which is called Glein. His second, third, fourth, and
fifth battles were above another river which is called Dubglas and is in the region
of Linnuis. The sixth battle was above the river which is called Bassas. The seventh
battle was in the forest of Celidon, that is Cat Coit Celidon. The eighth battle was
at the fortress of Guinnion, in which Arthur carried the image of holy Mary ever
virgin on his shoulders; and the pagans were put to flight on that day. And through
the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and through the power of the blessed Virgin Mary
his mother there was great slaughter among them. The ninth battle was waged in the
City of the Legion. The tenth battle was waged on the banks of a river which is
called Tribruit. The eleventh battle was fought on the mountain which is called
Agnet. The twelfth battle was on Mount Badon in which there fell in one day
960 men from one charge by Arthur; and no one struck them down except Arthur
himself, and in all the wars he emerged as victor. And while they were being defeated
in all the battles, they were seeking assistance from Germany and their numbers were
being augmented many times over without interruption. And they brought over kings
from Germany that they might reign over them in Britain, right down to the time in
which Ida reigned, who was son of Eobba. He was the first king in Bernicia.
Historia Brittonum
» Cobre desde a lendária fundação da Bretanha após Guerra de Tróia até o
século VII;
» O mais antigo: Manuscrito Harleiano (Coleção de Edward Harley, sec. XVIII)
3859  Autor anônimo;
» Dumville 1990: O Autor da Historia, do sec. IX, reeditou suas fontes para
acomodar-se a sua visão  Abaixo do sec. VI natureza fortemente lendária;
» Processamento  Four times did Vortimer valorously encounter the enemy;
the first has been mentioned, the second was upon the river Darent, the third at
the Ford, in their language called Epsford, though in ours Set thirgabail, there
Horsa fell, and Catigern, the son of Vortigern; the fourth battle he fought, was
near the stone on the shore of the Gallic sea, where the Saxons being defeated,
fled to their ships.  Mesmo estilo. Nada de especial para Arthur.
» Rei?  Nenhuma das genealogias conecta-se a Arthur.
» Perspectiva do Adversário: Crônicas Anglo-Saxônicas  25 anos sem vitória
sobre os Britões foi registrada (527-552)  Omissão de derrotas?
» Arthuriana: Panegírico?  Guinnion, Badon, Celidon rimam. Dubglas e Bassas
» O número 12  Lendário? Nenhum embasamento no HB;
Análise das Batalhas
» Muitas batalhas em rios: exércitos tendem a avançar por rios;
pontos de desvantagens (Travessia);
» 1º Batalha: Rio Glein  Northumbria (Centro-Norte, Deira,
Bernicia); ou Lincolnshire (Nodeste, Lindsey)
» 2º,3º,4º,5º Bt.: Rio Dubglas, região de Linnius 
Provavelmente defensivas. Lindsey (Nordeste, mas sem rio
de mesmo nome).
» 6º Bt.: Rio Bassas  Baschurch em North Shorpshire
(Centro-Norte de Gales).
» 7º Bt.: Floresta de Celidon  Caledônia (Escócia, Norte,
perto de Goddodin). Provavelmente Defensiva. Falta de
povoados saxões.
» 8º Bt.: Forte de Guinnion  Cercados. Fortificação romana.
Binchester (Nordeste).
» 9º Bt.: Cidade da Legiões  Chester (Norte de Gales) ou
Caerleon (Sul de Gales).
» 10º Bt.: Rio Tribuit  Desconhecido. Única dir. citada em
mito: Tryfrwyd em Eidyn contra cinbin (dog-heads).
» 11º Bt.: Mt. Agnet  Reforço. Possível Forte Bregomion
(Sul de Gales, Fronteira) . Interpretação Vaticana.
Mirabilia Britanniae
» There is another marvel in the region which is called Buelt. There is a mound of
stones there and one stone placed above the pile with the pawprint of a dog in it.
When Cabal, who was the dog of Arthur the soldier, was hunting the boar
Troynt, he impressed his print in the stone, and afterwards Arthur assembled a
stone mound under the stone with the print of his dog, and it is called the Carn Cabal.
And men come and remove the stone in their hands for the length of a day and a
night; and on the next day it is found on top of its mound.
» There is another wonder in the region which is called Ercing. A tomb is located there
next to a spring which is called Licat Amr; and the name of the man who is buried in
the tomb was called thus: Amr. He was the son of Arthur the soldier, and
Arthur himself killed and buried him in that very place. And men come to
measure the grave and find it sometimes six feet in length, sometimes nine,
sometimes twelve, sometimes fifteen. At whatever length you might measure it at one
time, a second time you will not find it to have the same length--and I myself have
put this to the test.
» Contida apenas na revisão Harleiana e algumas outras. Pode ou não ser do mesmo
autor de Historia.
» Buielt e Eercing  Sul e centro de Gales, sul da Grã-Bretanha.
» Folclores ligados a personagens reais não são incomuns na IdT. O mesmo acontece
com Ambrosius, clérigo Illtud e Rei Oswald.
Annales Cambriae
» Year 72 (c. AD 516) The Battle of Badon, in
which Arthur carried the cross of our Lord
Jesus Christ on his shoulders for three days
and three nights and the Britons were victors.
» Year 93 (c. AD 537) The Strife of Camlann in
which Arthur and Medraut fell [and there
was death in Britain and in Ireland.]
» Dois manuscritos sobreviveram. Mais antigo –
Harleiano 3859 - Compilado com o HB.
Entretanto, diferentes autorias.
» Contado em Ciclo Pascal (532 anos)  Indício
de ser anterior a Bede (Introdutor do Anno
Domini – A.D.).
» Apenas um evento em comum com HB 
Batalha de Badon. Indício de fontes autônomas.
» Arthur é a única figura não religiosa
documentada nos primeiros 100 anos do AC.
» Inacabado?  Nem citações à Vortigern ou
Ambrosius. Dificuldade de situá-los.
» Hughes 1973: identifica os primeiros estágios
de composição do documento entre 741 e 769
ao comparar com Anais Irlandeses de 741.
» Derivado de Camboglanna (“Vale/Riacho
Tortuoso”, Alcock 1971)
» Forte romano de Castlesteads
(Hadrian Wall, Norte). Mantido no sec.
» Camlan em Gales (Centro-Leste),
perto do Rio Dyfi. Rio afluente Afon
Gamlan. Perto de Ercing.
» Geoffrey of Monmouth: Tradição
Medieval: Rio Camel, Cornualha.
Batalha do Monte Badon
» Gildas: EB 25 ...take up arms and challenge their victors to battle
under Ambrosius Aurelianus. He was a man of unassuming character,
who, alone of the Roman race[...], whose offspring in our days have
greatly degenerated from their ancestral nobleness. To these men, by
the Lord's favour, there came victory.
» EB 26  From that time, the citizens were sometimes victorious,
sometimes the enemy, [...]. This continued up to the year of the
siege of Mons Badonicus, and of almost the last great
slaughter inflicted upon the rascally crew. And this commences, a
fact I know, as the forty-fourth year, with one month now elapsed;
it is also the year of my birth.
» EB 26  But not even at the present day are the cities of our
country inhabited as formerly; deserted and dismantled, they lie
neglected until now, because, although wars with foreigners have
ceased, domestic wars continue.
» EB 2  I will [...] endeavour to say a few words about the situation
of Britain,[...] and finally, of the peace which, by the will of God,
has been granted her in these our times.
» Localização: Possivelmente Little Solsbury Hill (perto de Bath Baddon) no Sul da Grã-Bretanha;
» Cerca de 40 anos de paz forçada com os saxões do oeste.
HB - Características de Arthur
» “Dux Bellorum” – HB usa títulos de forma sistemática;
» Dux Britanniarum  Duque das províncias britânicas  Lanceiros,
suprimentos, fortes da muralha de Adriano
» Comes Britanniarum  Comandante dos exércitos Britânicos  Reserva
Móvel, Revoltas, Invasões
» Dux e Comes em um só?
» “Arthur carried the image of holy Mary [...] on his shoulders”
» “Arthur carried the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ on his shoulders”
» Old Welsh: “Iscuit” (shield)  “Iscuid” (shoulders)
» Duas fontes separadas cometeram mesmo erro?
» Entalhe em Marfim de Stilicho – General Germano-Romano (Magister Militum,
sec. V).
» Higham 2002: Arthur no papel de Joshua na Batalha de Jericó. St. Patrick,
no de Moisés.
» Conclusão: Gidlow  Os Britânicos preservaram a estrutura de governo
Romano; Arthur pode ter sido um Dux Brit. com campanhas de sucesso no
Norte; Durante a batalha de Badon acumulou o Título de Comes Brit.