workshop mittens


workshop mittens
Vão ficar a saber o seguinte:
Anatomia da Luva
Medidas Necessárias
Modelo – Mini Luva com o polegar lateral
No fim, se ainda houver tempo, vão ficar a saber como fazer uma
luva com o polegar rústico ou invisível.
Malha meia
Malha liga
Carreira / volta
1 aumento inclinado à direita –
meter a agulha esquerda, de trás para
frente, por baixo do fio horizontal entre
2 malhas, tricotar como para meia – a
malha será torcida
1 aumento inclinado à esquerda –
meter a agulha esquerda, da frente para
trás, por baixo do fio horizontal entre 2
malhas, inserir a agulha direita por trás
e tricotar – a malha será torcida.
Diminuição à direita – tricotar 2
malhas como meia juntas
Pass.tric.pass Diminuição à esquerda – inserir a
agulha direita na 1ª malha da agulha
esquerda como se fosse para fazer meia
e passá-la para a agulha direita, tricotar
a seguinte. Meter a agulha esquerda
pela frente da malha passada e passar
por cima da malha tricotada.
Colocar marcador malhas
Passar marcador de malhas
R / Rnd
Row / round
Right leaning increase – place left
needle, from back to front under yarn
between two stitches, knit through the
front loop – stitch will be twisted
Left leaning increase – place left
needle, from front to back under yarn
between two stitches, knit through the
back loop – stitch will be twisted
Right leaning decrease – Knit 2
Left leaning decrease – slip, knit,
pass slipped stitch over – slip the next
stitch on the needle knit wise, knit the
next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over
the knit stitch.
Place marker
Slip marker
Os seguintes sites tenham muita escolha em termos de luvas. Como maior parte destes sites são em Inglês adicionei
algumas das mais frequentes abreviaturas em cima para que possam continuar a fazer luvas. – uma comunidade dedicada ao fio e fibra que tem imensos modelos e muita gente por o mundo fora
dispostos a ajudar com qualquer tipo de dúvidas – necessita inscrição, mas é gratuito. – uma revista on-line gratuita que sai mais ao menos 4 vezes por ano e tem modelos de todos os
níveis de dificuldade inclusivo luvas – um site Dinamarquês dos fios da Drops que tem muitos modelos disponíveis até em Português.
Este site também tem uma lista de abreviaturas de Português para Inglês que possam fazer download e guardar. – um site que tem muitas dicas sobre o tricot
Claro que também há por ai muito livro sobre o assunto de tricot, mais outra vez maior parte deles em Inglês, aqui vão
alguns que eu acho interessante:
Knitter´s Almanac – Elizabeth Zimmermann
The Knitter´s Handy Book of Patterns – Ann Budd
Knitting New Mittens and Gloves – Robin Melanson
Grande Livro dos Lavores – Selecções do Reader´s Digest
Copyright 2013 Raquel Garcia. All rights reserved. Pattern for personal use only.
Contact at: [email protected] or or rgoriginals on Ravelry
A distância do pulso à base do polegar corresponde
a 1/3 do tamanho da mão;
O polegar também mede 1/3 do total da mão;
Normalmente o punho mede 1/3 do total da mão
A distância da base do polegar ao topo do dedo
m´dio corresponde a 2/3 do tamanho da mão;
O tamanho total da luva é 4/3, assim, quando se
dobra a luva pela base do polegar, esta fica
dobrada ao meio;
A largura da mão, sem contar com o polegar é
metade do comprimento da mão.
Circunferência da mão sem o polegar;
Circunferência da mão ao base do polegar;
Circunferência do pulso;
Distância do pulso à base do polegar;
Comprimento do polegar
Comprimento da mão. O comprimento do dedo médio é igual
ao comprimento da palma da mão
As diminuições para o topo da luva começam neste ponto
MODELO – A Mini Luva com Polegar Lateral
 15g de fio adequado para agulhas 5mm
 1 conjunto de 4 ou 5 agulhas de dupla ponto 5mm
 2 marcadores de malhas
 1 fio auxiliar, de cor contrastante, com ± 15cm
 1 agulha de coser malha
Gauge / Amostra
Não se aplica para este workshop
Pontos utilizados
1mm, 1ml
Ponto meia
tric meia nas carr do direito e liga nas do avesso
1. Punho
Montar 22 malhas e distribuir por 3 agulhas:
Agulha #1:
8 malhas
Agulha #2:
6 malhas
Agulha #3:
8 malhas
Unir, para tricotar circularmente, tendo cuidado para não torcer as malhas.
Copyright 2013 Raquel Garcia. All rights reserved. Pattern for personal use only.
Contact at: [email protected] or or rgoriginals on Ravelry
Carr 1-6:
Carr 7:
Carr 8:
1mm, 1ml
tric 11 mm, colocar marcador, fazer 1 aie, colocar marcador, tric restante 11 mm. 23 malhas
tric todas as malhas
Agulha #1:
8 malhas
Agulha #2:
7 malhas
Agulha #3:
8 malhas
O com prim ento do punho varia, norm alm ente, entre os 5cm e os 7cm
2. Formar a Base do Polegar
Vamos fazer uma série de aumentos, para desta forma podermos acomodar a base do polegar.
tric 11 mm, pm, 1 aie, tric 1mm, 1 aid, pm, tric 11 mm. 25 malhas, 3 malhas entre os marcadores
tric todas as malhas
Carr 9:
Carr 10:
Repetir carreiras 9&10 mais 3 vezes, num total de 4 aumentos duplos.
Agora temos 31 malhas, 9 malhas entre os marcadores.
Tendo em conta as m edidas pretendidas terem os de calcular a quantidade de aum entos necessários, assim
com o o total de carreiras que terem os que tricotar até chegar ao início do polegar.
Tricotar 1 carreira com aum ento duplo e 2 carreiras sem qualquer aum ento, costum a ser a norm a.
3. Divisão do Polegar da Mão
Carr 17:
tric 11 mm, passar as 9 malhas que estão entre os marcadores para um fio auxiliar, montar 1 malha e
tric 11 mm. 23 malhas
Neste m om ento a luva deverá estar a par da base do polegar. No caso das luvas com o polegar rústico ou
invisível ver instruções abaix o
4. A Mão
Carr 18-25:
tric todas as malhas
Norm alm ente tricota-se até a luva tapar o dedo m indinho
5. Ponta da luva
tric 6 mm, t2mj, 5mm, t2mj, 6mm, t2mj. 20 malhas
tric todas as malhas
*pass.tric.pass, 1mm, t2mj*, repetir de * até * até ao final da carreira. 12 malhas
*pass.tric.pass, 1mm*, repetir de * até * até ao final da carreira. 8 malhas
Cortar o fio e enfiar numa agulha de coser malha, passar o fio pelas malhas, puxar e rematar.
Ex istem várias form as de tricotar esta parte da luva, em redondo ou em bico. Depende do gosto pessoal ou do
tipo de luva que estam os a trictor.
6. O Polegar
Passar e dividir as malhas que estavam em espera para 3 agulhas e de seguida levantar 3 malhas. Total de 12 malhas,
que serão distribuídas da seguinte forma:
Carr 1:
Carr 2-5:
Carr 6:
Agulha #1:
3 malhas
Agulha #2:
3 malhas
Agulha #3:
6 malhas (3 do polegar + 3 levantadas)
tric 8mm, pass.tric.pass, 1mm, t2mj ou seja tricotar a última malha da agulha #3 com a 1ª m da
agulha #1. 10 malhas
tric todas as malhas
*t2mj* até ao fim. 5 malhas
Cortar o fio e enfiar numa agulha de coser malha, passar o fio pelas malhas, puxar e rematar.
Norm alm ente dá-se à ponta do polegar a m esm a form a que se deu à da ponta da luva.
Copyright 2013 Raquel Garcia. All rights reserved. Pattern for personal use only.
Contact at: [email protected] or or rgoriginals on Ravelry
Tricotar como no Ponto 1, omitindo o aumento.
De seguida, tricotar 7 carreiras em meia.
Na carreira seguinte tricotar 1 malha, tricotar as 4 malhas seguintes com um fio auxiliar de cor contrastante.
Voltar a passar essas 4 malhas tricotadas novamente para a agulha esquerda e tricotar a carreira até ao fim. Tricotar
mais 1 carreira.
Continuar como no Ponto 4.
No Ponto 5 na carreira correspondente a carr 26 diminuir apenas 2 malhas (9 mm, t2mj, 9 mm, t2mj – 20
malhas), tricotando as restantes da mesma maneira.
O polegar é tricotado da seguinte forma.
Com cuidado retirar o fio contrastante e passar as malhas para 2 agulhas. Vamos ter 4 malhas na agulha de baixo e 3
malhas na de cima.
Levantar 1 malha, tricotar as 3 malhas de agulha de cima, levantar 2 malhas e tricotar as 4 malhas de baixo. 10
malhas para distribuir por 3 agulhas.
Agulha #1:
3 malhas
Agulha #2:
4 malhas
Agulha #3:
3 malhas
Tricotar 4 carreiras.
Próxima carreira *t2mj* até ao fim. 5 malhas.
Cortar o fio e enfiar numa agulha de coser malha, passar o fio pelas malhas, puxar e rematar.
Copyright 2013 Raquel Garcia. All rights reserved. Pattern for personal use only.
Contact at: [email protected] or or rgoriginals on Ravelry
textured unisex mittens ♥ by Tin Can Knits
Learn to knit with Alexa and Emily! Maize is the fifth
pattern in The Simple Collection - a learn to knit series
with 8 excellent free patterns and clear tutorials.
From your first hat, to socks and sweaters, learn all you
need to know to make modern seamless knits for the
entire family. Let’s Knit a Mitten together now!
sizing: Toddler (Child, Adult S, M, L)
Fits hand: 6 (6.5, 7, 7.75, 8.5) inches around
Mitten length: 7.5 (8, 8.5, 9.5, 10) inches cuff to tip
Yarn: Worsted / aran weight yarn
70 (80, 120, 150, 200) yds for mittens
50 (60, 80, 100, 140) yds for fingerless mitts
(Toddler, Adult S, and Adult L samples shown in SweetGeorgia Superwash Worsted in ‘tumbled stone’,
‘goldmine’, and ‘bison’)
Gauge: 20 sts and 28 rounds / 4” in stockinette stitch
Needles: US #6 / 4mm double pointed needles OR a 40”+ circular needle (for the magic loop method)
(or as req’d to meet gauge)
Notions: stitch markers, darning needle, waste yarn
free patterns and tutorials
wheat scarf • malt blanket • barley hat • oats cowl
maize mitts • flax pullover • rye socks • harvest cardigan
from the Simple Collection
a free learn to knit series by Tin Can Knits
find it all at
DPNs or Magic Loop? When knitting
small tubes (like mittens or sleeves) you can
knit in the round using double pointed needles
(DPNs) or a single long (40”+) circular needle
and the magic loop technique. Try both and use
whichever you are most comfortable with!
These mitts are knit in the round from
cuff to fingertips. Make 2 the same.
CO 24 (28, 32, 36, 42) sts, PM (this is the BOR), and
join for working in the round, taking care not to
twist the cast-on.
Note: if you are working on DPN’s you won’t be able to
place a marker at the beginning of a needle. Distribute
your stitches so 1/2 are on the first needle. The
beginning of the ‘full’ needle is the BOR.
Setup ribbing: p1, k3, (p1, k1) to end
Work 11 (11, 13, 15, 17) more rounds in ribbing as set.
Setup pattern: p1, k3, PM, purl 7 (9, 11, 11, 15)
sts, [k1, p1] 3 (3, 3, 5, 5) times, k1, purl to end
Throughout the rest of the mitten or fingerless mitt
(until ribbed edge or decreases), you will maintain
the reverse stockinette stitch and ribbing pattern
at the back of hand and palm as established. The
first 3 sts (between the BOR marker and the second
marker) will become the thumb gusset.
Work 2 (2, 3, 3, 5) more rounds in pattern.
free patterns and tutorials
wheat scarf • malt blanket • barley hat • oats cowl
maize mitts • flax pullover • rye socks • harvest cardigan
BOR - beginning of round
CO - cast on
dec - decrease(d)
inc - increase(d)
k - knit
k2tog - knit 2 sts together
m1 - make 1 stitch
p - purl
p2tog - purl 2 sts
PM - place marker
st(s) - stitch(es)
work in pattern continue in pattern as
established (knit the
knits, and purl the purls)
thumb gusset: The knit sts between the
BOR marker and the 2nd marker will be increased
to accomodate the thumb.
Round 1: p1, k1, m1, k1, m1, k1, slip marker,
work in pattern to end [26 (30, 34, 38, 44) sts]
Round 2: p1, knit to marker, work in pattern to end
Round 3: p1, k1, m1, knit to 1 st before marker,
m1, k1, work in pattern to end [2 sts inc]
Round 4: p1, knit to marker, work in pattern to end
Repeat rounds 3-4 two (2, 3, 3, 4) more times until
there are 12 (12, 14, 14, 16) sts between the BOR
and the marker. [32 (36, 42, 46, 54) sts total]
Next round: p1, place the next 11 (11, 13, 13, 15)
sts on waste yarn (removing 2nd marker), CO 3 sts
using backwards loop method, then work around
on remaining sts in pattern to end of round.
[24 (28, 32, 36, 42) sts]
Check out the ‘Lets Knit
Mitts’ tutorial for an
in-depth explanation of
all the techiques
from the Simple Collection
a free learn to knit series by Tin Can Knits
find it all at
For fingerless mitts: Work as established in
reverse stockinette and ribbing pattern (purl the 3
CO sts at the start of the round) until work measures
0.5 (0.5, 1, 1.25, 1.5) inches from end of gusset.
Setup ribbing: (p1, k1) around
Work 3 (4, 4, 5, 6) more rounds in ribbing as
established, then bind off all sts in pattern.
For mittens: Work as established in reverse
stockinette stitch and ribbing pattern (purl the 3 CO
sts at the start of the round) until work measures
2.5 (3, 3.75, 4, 4.5) inches from end of gusset (or 1 (1,
1.25, 1.5, 1.5) inches short of total desired length).
Next: remove BOR marker, purl 2 (2, 2, 2, 3) sts and
replace marker. This is the new BOR. Note: if you
are using DPN’s just purl 2 stitches onto needle 3 from
needle 1.
Decrease Setup: p1, p2tog, p4 (6, 8, 8, 11), p2tog,
PM, work 7 (7, 7, 11, 11) sts in ribbing as set, PM,
p2tog, purl to last 2 sts, p2tog
[4 sts decreased]
[20 (24, 28, 32, 38) sts]
thumb: Place 11 (11, 13, 13, 15) held sts back on
needles. Pick up and knit 3 sts in the cast-on sts,
then knit around held sts to end of round. PM
[14 (14, 16, 16, 18) sts]
Knit around to last 5 sts, ssk, k1, k2tog.
[12 (12, 14, 14, 16) sts]
For fingerless mitts: knit all rounds until thumb
measures 0.5 (0.5, 0.75, 1, 1) inches. Bind off.
For mittens: knit all rounds until thumb measures
1 (1.5, 1.5, 1.75, 2) inches, or 0.25 inches short of
desired length.
Decrease round: k2tog around
[6 (6, 7, 7, 8) sts]
Break yarn, leaving 6 inch tail. Thread tail through
remaining live sts and pull tight to close thumb.
finishing: There will be a small hole at the base
of the thumb. Using your tail sew up the hole.
Weave in all ends, and block mitts.
Round 1: purl to marker, work in pattern to marker, purl to end
Round 2: p1, p2tog, purl to 2 sts before marker, p2tog, work in pattern to marker, p2tog, purl to last 2 sts, p2tog
[4 sts dec]
Repeat rounds 1-2 zero (1, 2, 2, 3) more times
Next round: (p2tog) twice, p1, (k1, k2tog) 3 (3, 3, 5, 5)
times, (p2tog) twice.
[11 (11, 11, 13, 13) sts]
Break yarn, leaving a 6 inch tail. Thread tail
through remaining live sts (removing markers) and
pull tight to close top of mitten.
free patterns and tutorials
wheat scarf • malt blanket • barley hat • oats cowl
maize mitts • flax pullover • rye socks • harvest cardigan
from the Simple Collection
a free learn to knit series by Tin Can Knits
find it all at
Cafe Au Lait Mitts
by Paula McKeever
Snapper Knits
cool d hese mitts
free t y, with fin n a
cup o old that w rs
f coff
ee or rm
 1 ball Sublime Cashmere Silk Merino
DK (127 yds), or other DK yarn
 Size 4 needles, DPNs or circulars for
Magic Loop
 2 stitch markers
 waste yarn or stitch holder
• Gauge 25 sts = 4 inches in stockinette stitch
• Size can be adjusted by going up or down a needle size, or by adding or deleting a
pattern repeat of 6 stitches.
• Length can be adjusted by working additional repeats of the stitch pattern.
• The pattern worked as written uses almost all of the skein. If you are afraid of
running out of yarn, work the body of both mitts first. Divide the remaining yarn into
two equal balls, and knit the thumbs from what is left. Any adjustments to length or
width of the mitts may require a second skein.
Cafe au Lait Mitts by Paula McKeever
Page 1
Instructions: Cast on 42 stitches loosely and join in the round. Divide stitches in
groups of 6 on your needles – for Magic Loop this will be 18 sts on the front needle,
and 24 on the back needle. Work K1b, P1 ribbing for 16 rounds. Change to
Crosshatch Lace stitch and work Rows 1-7 of pattern. The thumb gusset will be
placed in-between the pattern repeats. Thumb Gusset Set-up Row: (Pattern Row 8)
K4, YO, ssk,, place marker, m1, place marker, * K4, YO, ssk, rep from * to end of
Crosshatch Lace Pattern:
Row 1: * K3, K2tog, YO, K1, rep from *
Row 2: * K2, K2tog, YO, K2, rep from *
Row 3: * K1, K2tog, YO, K3, rep from *
Row 4: * K2tog, YO, K4, rep from *
Row 5: * K1, YO, ssk, K3, rep from *
Row 6: * K2, YO, ssk, K2, rep from *
Row 7: * K3, YO, ssk, K1, rep from *
Row 8: * K4, YO, ssk, rep from *
Chart 1: Crosshatch
Lace Pattern
Thumb Gusset: Next round (Pattern Row 1): Work 6 sts in pattern, slip marker, m1,
K1, m1, slip marker, continue in pattern to end of round.
Increase 2 sts between markers every third round as follows: work 6 sts in pattern to
the first marker, slip marker, m1, K up to the second marker, m1, slip marker, continue
to end of round. You will do increases on the following rows of the pattern: Row 1, 4,
7, 2, 5, 8, 3, and 6.
Work increases until you have 17 sts between markers. Work 2 more rows, finishing
with Row 8.
Next row: work 6 sts in pattern, place 17 sts between markers on waste yarn, continue
knitting rest of round in pattern. Do two more complete pattern repeats (16 rounds).
Work P1, K1b ribbing for 4 rounds. Bind off with sewn bind-off or other stretchy
bind off.
Thumb: Place 17 sts from waste yarn onto circular needle, or DPNs. Pick up and
knit 3 sts from top of gusset, then continue knitting around the 17 gusset sts. Work 4
rounds total, then switch to K1b P1 ribbing for 4 rounds. Bind off loosely, or use
Elizabeth Zimmerman's sewn bind-off or other stretchy bind off.
Make the second mitt the same as the first.
Cafe au Lait Mitts by Paula McKeever
Page 2
Chart 2: Mitt body and Gusset
Chart Key
K1b knit one st through the
back of the loop
YO yarn over needle
K2tog Knit 2 sts together
slip, slip, knit
sl m slip marker
make one stitch
DPN double pointed needle
Crosshatch Lace Pattern from More Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch
Instructions for Elizabeth Zimmerman’s sewn bind off can be found in the Summer 2006 issue of http://
Copyright Paula McKeever 2008. Pattern and garments made from pattern are for personal use only and not for resale.
Pattern or parts of pattern may not be reproduced for sale in any manner.
Cafe au Lait Mitts by Paula McKeever
Page 3
Design by Susanna IC
These fingerless gloves feature a decorative
lace rib pattern that looks like strings of tiny
cables on top of each mitt and a simple
ribbing on the palm side for comfort. Cable
needle or cable knitting experience is not
necessary for a successful project; the mock
cables are actually created with a basic
slipped stitch sequence followed by a yarn
over in an easy to memorize five row pattern.
The overall ribbed pattern is very stretchy
and will accommodate most women’s hands.
It can also be easily scaled up by using
thicker yarn and needles or by adding a few
more stitches in the 2x3 rib.
Finished Size: One Size
Yarn: Any fingering or sport weight yarn; the original mitts were knitted with approximately 150 yards
of Knit Picks Gloss (70% merino wool, 30% silk; 220 yards / 50 grams)
Gauge: 15 sts / 20 rows = 2” in 3x2 rib pattern knit circularly (not stretched)
Needles: Size 5 / 3.75 mm double-point or circular needles
Notions: Stitch marker, stitch holder, yarn needle
Cast on 50 sts; place marker and join for knitting in the round, being careful not to twist stitches.
Work p2, k3 ribbing until work measures approximately 2” from the edge. Start the wrap cable
pattern beginning with the next round. Work 5 horizontal repeats of the cable pattern for the top of
the mitt followed with 2x3 ribbing for the palm side. Complete approximately 2.5” in pattern before
working the thumb opening. This should be centered over 5 stitches (p, 3k, p) of a rib immediately to
the right (left) of the cable pattern. Put these stitches on a stitch holder to work the thumb later, then
cast them back on in the next row. If you choose to leave the mitts without a thumb gusset, you may
simply cast these stitches off now. Continue the cable stitch pattern as established for another 2” for
a total of 4.5” before working the final 1” in the 2x3 ribbing. Cast off loosely enough for the edge to
remain stretchy and comfortable during wear.
Thumb Gusset
Place the 5 live stitches from the stitch holder on one of the dpns, then pick up 9 additional stitches
around the thumb hole and divide these over two more needles for total of 14 stitches. Starting with
the live stitches work p1, k3, p4, k3, p3 rib pattern for 8 rows or desired length and cast off.
Weave in any remaining loose ends; block gently, if desired.
Copyright © 2009 Susanna IC
Wrap Cable Pattern
(multiple of 5 sts)
Row 1 *P2, sl1, k2, psso; rep from * to end.
Row 2 *P2, k1, yo, k1; rep from * to end.
Row 3 - 5 *P2, k3; rep from * to end.
Rep rows 1-5
Wrap Cable Chart
yarn over
slip 1, knit 2, pass slipped stitch over knit 2
pattern repeat
no stitch
Copyright © 2009 Susanna IC

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