Brochura Park Hotel para


Brochura Park Hotel para
Com verdadeiro sumo natural de laranja,
diferentes qualidades de pão, croissants,
arrufadas e bolo inglês, manteigas, fiambre,
queijos, compotas, marmelada, mel, flocos naturais e integrais, iogurtes de várias qualidades,
salada de frutas, ovos mexidos e bacon,
acompanhados por café de qualidade, leite
quente e frio, cappucino tipo italiano, chocolate
quente e chás variados.
Enjoy a truly energizing breakfast by choosing from the
wide range of options on offer: freshly squeezed orange
juice, different kinds of bread, croissants, buns, fruitcake, butter, ham, cheese, jams and marmalade, honey,
plain and whole-grain cereal, scrambled eggs, bacon
accompanied by excellent coffee, cappuccino,
milk, hot chocolate or one of our selection of teas.

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