Das Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis SS 11


Das Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis SS 11
Welcome to the English Seminar!
Allgemeine Vorbemerkungen zu diesem Kommentar
Das kommentierte Vorlesungsverzeichnis bietet ergänzend zum Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis (HIS-LSF-System) eine kompakte und übersichtliche Darstellung des Lehrangebots des Englischen Seminars sowie zusätzliche seminarbezogene Informationen. Für die Erstellung des kommentierten Vorlesungsverzeichnisses werden die Daten direkt aus dem HIS-LSF exportiert und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Rombach-Verlag entsprechend formatiert. Die Kommentare in
diesem Heft stammen von den Kursleiterinnen und Kursleitern selbst. Die Raumangaben zu den Lehrveranstaltungen sowie sämtliche aktuelle Änderungen und Ergänzungen zu diesem Veranstaltungskommentar finden Sie im
Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis des Englischen Seminars unter:
Das Seminar
Das Englische Seminar der Universität Freiburg steht für international anerkannte
Forschung und zugleich für hervorragende Lehre. Nationale und internationale
Rankings haben diese Spitzenposition immer wieder bestätigt. Selektive Zulassungsverfahren für alle Studiengänge sichern zudem den hohen Qualitätsstandard in Betreuung und Lehre und damit ein erfolgreiches Studium. Darüber hinaus
konnte das Englische Seminar als eines der ersten Institute die Hochschulreform
erfolgreich umsetzen. Im Zuge der Bologna-Reform wurde neben einem Bachelor in English and American Studies in den letzten Jahren auch eine breite Palette
von Masterstudiengängen in Literatur-, Kultur- und Sprachwissenschaft geschaffen:
Master of Arts in English Language and Linguistics
Based on the state of the art in contemporary linguistic theory, the Master in
English Language and Linguistics focuses on the structure, use and variability of
the English language, emphasising present-day English but including the essential
stages in the historical development of the language. A major role will be played
by the use of digitised language-corpora for linguistic description, reflecting Freiburg’s position as a leading international centre in corpus-linguistic research. In
addition to taking the three obligatory modules “Essentials of Modern English
Structure”, “Present-Day English: Regional, Social and Stylistic Variability” and
“Language Change and the History of English”, you choose a further optional
module from one of the following four areas: “Discourse and Communication”,
“Psycholinguistics: Language Acquisition and Bilingualism”, “Corpus Linguistics
and Language Technology”, “School of Thought in English Linguistics.”
Master of Arts in European Linguistics
The University of Freiburg Master’s in European Linguistics is a unique and innovative two-year multilingual programme. It is designed for students interested in
a more in-depth study of theoretical and descriptive linguistics. The modular
structure of this programme offers an exceptional degree of flexibility and freedom as students are able to choose from a wide variety of lectures and seminars.
These cover an array of topics related to the structure and usage of contemporary
European language, European schools of linguistic thought, language contact, and
historical and socio-cultural contexts. Some of the core areas of study include:
typology, corpus linguistics, synchronic and diachronic linguistics, historical linguistics, grammaticalisation, construction grammar, sociolinguistics, multilingualism, language contact and language policy among others.
Master of Arts in British and North American Cultural Studies
The Master of Arts in British and North American Cultural Studies specialises in the
theory and practice of English-speaking cultures in Great Britain and North America. This means that we study the world of Shakespeare as much as the world of
Walt Disney, and work wit dialects, literatures, media and theoretical and methodological concepts that have developed and proliferated over the past decades.
This Master’s is a trans-Atlantic programme of study. Therefore the often complementary yet also conflicting British and American schools of cultural theory
receive equal treatment. As instructors possess a wide range of specialisations
extending from the Indian Subcontinent to Canada, and from Africanamerican
literature to the detective novel, a vast spectrum of subjects is available for Master’s Thesis topics.
Master of Arts in English Literatures and Literary Theory
Offering a wide range of theoretical approaches, the Master of Arts in English
Literatures and Literary Theory concentrates on the literatures of Great Britain,
Ireland, the USA, Canada and the so-called “New Literatures in English” such as
Indian or South African texts, including the writings of English language diaspora
authors. The course work covers literature from several periods and genres (and
includes a linguistic component). Theory-wise, instructors specialize in postcolonial theory, narratology, law and literature studies, cultural studies and new historicist approaches.
Master of Arts in European Literatures and Cultures
The Master of Arts in European Literatures and Cultures is designed to promote
the historical, sociocultural and theoretical study of the literatures and cultures of
Europe from synchronic as well as diachronic perspectives. Besides comparatively
focussing on inner-European interactions in the cultural field, courses will moreover examine the relationship between European literature and cultural traditions
outside Europe. The programme also considers the process of innovation and
transformation on a global scale and within a transmedial framework. Instruction
in the programme is predominantly in German, but some courses are taught in
English or the Romance languages.
Nähere Informationen zu den Masterstudiengängen finden Sie
Die Homepage des Seminars
Die zentrale Informationsquelle des Seminars ist die Homepage des Englischen
Hier findet sich eine Fülle von ausführlichen und aktuellen Informationen zu allen
Aspekten des Studiums und der Lehre. Please visit us at:
Anmeldungen zu Lehrveranstaltungen
Da es in der Vergangenheit oft Unsicherheiten über das Anmeldeprozedere gab,
gilt ab sofort für alle Lehrveranstaltungen (mit Ausnahme von Vorlesungen) der
folgende Beschluss der Direktorenkonferenz des Englischen Seminars:
Nur die schriftliche Anmeldung und die Teilnahme an der 1. Veranstaltungssitzung konstituieren die verbindliche Aufnahme eines Studierenden/
einer Studierenden in eine Veranstaltung.
Im Einklang mit einem Dekanatsbeschluss werden alle Veranstaltungen grundsätzlich auf eine TeilnehmerInnenzahl von 30 begrenzt. Dabei werden die ersten
25 Plätze nach Reihenfolge des Eingangs der schriftlichen Anmeldung vergeben
(„first come, first served“). Darüber hinaus werden bis zur ersten Sitzung 5 Plätze
reserviert für Studierende, die von einer anderen in- oder ausländischen Hochschule nach Freiburg gewechselt haben. Werden diese Plätze nicht gefüllt, können
weitere reguläre Freiburger Studierende nachrücken, die ihren Namen auf einer
Warteliste registriert haben, die die VeranstaltungsleiterInnen führen.
Online-Anmeldung Amerikanistik und Fachdidaktik
Bei Lehrveranstaltungen der Amerikanistik und der Fachdidaktik erfolgt die
Anmeldung online über das HIS-LSF-System:
http://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen. Tragen Sie
sich bitte nur für Veranstaltungen ein, die Sie tatsächlich besuchen wollen. Bitte
beachten Sie, dass Sie nur dann für eine Lehrveranstaltung zugelassen sind, wenn
der Vermerk „zugelassen“ und „ZU“ in Ihrer elektronischen Stundenplanübersicht erscheint. Der Hinweis „Belegwunsch“ bedeutet nicht, dass Sie für eine
Veranstaltung zugelassen sind, sondern entweder, dass Ihr Belegwunsch noch
nicht bearbeitet wurde (die Bearbeitung des Belegwunsches erfolgt in der Regel
3-4 Tage nach Ihrer Anmeldung) oder, dass Sie keinen regulären Seminarplatz
mehr erhalten haben und sich auf der Warteliste des Kurses befinden. Sollten Sie
eine Veranstaltung nicht besuchen können, löschen Sie bitte Ihren Belegwunsch!
Mehrfachanmeldungen, d.h. Anmeldung für zwei linguistische oder zwei
literaturwissenschaftliche Hauptseminare im gleichen Semester, werden nicht
toleriert. Vielmehr ist von den Studierenden maximal nur jeweils 1 Hauptseminar
pro Semester aus jeder der beiden Teildisziplinen zu absolvieren.
Um einen Nachfragestau bei den Lehrveranstaltungen durch Überbelegungen zu
vermeiden, bitten wir alle Studierenden
1. nur die tatsächlich gewünschten Lehrveranstaltungen zu belegen.
2. bei Änderungen des Belegwunsches die Belegung zu stornieren bzw. sich aus
den TeilnehmerInnenlisten auszutragen.
3. einen Umfang von insgesamt 10 SWS (im Fach Englisch) nach Möglichkeit nicht
zu überschreiten (ausgenommen der Besuch von Vorlesungen).
Der zentrale Anmeldebeginn für sämtliche anmeldepflichtigen Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars mit Ausnahme der der Sprachpraxis (bitte
beachten Sie hier die Hinweise in den Kursbeschreibungen) läuft in der Regel in
der ersten Woche der vorlesungsfreien Zeit an und wird auf der Homepage und
den Schwarzen Brettern des Seminars rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben. Die Form der
Anmeldung entnehmen Sie bitte den Kursbeschreibungen der einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen.
Die Anmeldung zu den Hauptseminaren in der Sprachwissenschaft erfolgt
über ein standardisiertes Anmeldeverfahren der Sprachwissenschaft. Das entsprechende Anmeldeformular ist im Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis unter den
Veranstaltungskommentaren sowie auf der Homepage des Seminars unter
http://www.anglistik.uni-freiburg.de/studierende/Anmeldemodi verlinkt. Die Anmeldung zu den Hauptseminaren in der Literaturwissenschaft erfolgt bei den
SeminarleiterInnen bzw. in deren Sekretariat. Bitte beachten Sie bei den nachfolgenden Veranstaltungsbeschreibungen die entsprechenden Hinweise.
Bitte beachten Sie die Unterscheidung zwischen Proseminar I und Proseminar II,
sowohl in Literatur- als auch in Sprachwissenschaft.
PS I: empfohlen für Studierende vor der Zwischenprüfung
PS II: empfohlen für Studierende höherer Semester nach der Zwischenprüfung
Zur Erfüllung der Prüfungsordnungen (Magister HF/ NF, Lehramt HF, B.A. HF, nicht
aber Lehramt BF und B.A. NF) ist es notwendig, jeweils zwei Proseminare in den
Teildisziplinen (Sprachwissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft) zu erbringen. Hier
wird für die Literaturwissenschaft dringend empfohlen, zuerst ein Proseminar I
zu wählen und dann ein Proseminar II; für die Sprachwissenschaft ist dies gemäß
der aktualisierten Zwischenprüfungsordnung für StudienanfängerInnen und
WechslerInnen zum WS 04/05 sogar zwingend vorgeschrieben (Zulassungsvoraussetzung zur Zwischenprüfung ist ab sofort ein Proseminar aus der synchronen
Sprachwissenschaft, also ein Proseminar I).
N.B. Soweit von den DozentInnen nicht anders angekündigt, finden in den Hauptseminaren in Sprachwissenschaft und PS II in Literaturwissenschaft zentrale
Abschlussklausuren statt. Die genauen Termine werden über die jeweiligen
DozentInnen bekannt gegeben.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Bezeichnung ‚Masterseminar’ nicht bedeutet, dass
ein entsprechendes Seminar für sämtliche Masterstudiengänge relevant ist. Die
spezifischen Informationen zur Prüfungszuordnung der einzelnen Seminare finden Sie im Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis unter:
General Rules am Englischen Seminar
Für den Erhalt eines Scheines ist die regelmäßige Teilnahme an der Unterrichtsveranstaltung grundsätzliche Voraussetzung. Wer im Wintersemester mehr als
drei, im Sommersemester mehr als zwei Unterrichtsveranstaltungen versäumt,
verliert die Möglichkeit, einen Schein zu erwerben.
Die Studierenden sind grundsätzlich dafür verantwortlich, sich über die Inhalte
versäumter Lehrveranstaltungen zu informieren. Dies gilt auch für administrative
Alle schriftlichen Arbeiten, die Sie im Verlauf Ihres Studiums im Rahmen von
Lehrveranstaltungen einreichen, müssen selbständig und ohne fremde Hilfe verfasst werden. Zitate sowie der Gebrauch von Quellen und Hilfsmitteln müssen von
Ihnen deutlich nach den Regeln wissenschaftlicher Dokumentation markiert werden.
Es kommt immer häufiger vor, dass Texte oder Teile von Texten entweder aus dem
Internet oder anderen Quellen kopiert und als eigene Leistung ausgegeben werden. Dies ist ein schwerwiegender Verstoß gegen die Grundregeln wissenschaftlicher Dokumentationspflicht. Hinzu kommt, dass durch solche Plagiate („Diebstahl
geistigen Eigentums“) die Lehrenden mit Absicht getäuscht und die Mitstudierenden benachteiligt werden. Daher gilt am Englischen Seminar folgende Regelung
für alle Fälle nachgewiesenen Plagiats:
1. Schriftliche Arbeiten, in denen Fremdtexte (bzw. einzelne Elemente solcher
Texte) als Eigenleistungen ausgegeben sind (Plagiat), werden mit der Note „ungenügend“ zurückgegeben. Eine Wiederholung der betreffenden Arbeit kann nicht
gewährt werden.
2. Studierende, denen ein Plagiat nachgewiesen wird, werden aus dem betreffenden Kurs mit sofortiger Wirkung ausgeschlossen.
Information und Beratung im Englischen Seminar
Alle MitarbeiterInnen im Englischen Seminar bemühen sich um die kompetente
Beratung und Information der Studierenden. Alle Lehrenden bieten daher
wöchentlich mindestens zwei Sprechstunden an. Frau Prof. Dr. Brigitte Halford
(Sprachwissenschaft) und Dr. Gert Fehlner (Literaturwissenschaft) kümmern
sich zusätzlich um spezielle Fragen zu den Teildisziplinen. Zudem hält Herr Dr.
Gert Fehlner in der Geschäftsführung Sprechstunden ab, in denen primär solche
Fragen behandelt werden, die sich nicht unmittelbar auf bestimmte Lehrveranstaltungen beziehen (z.B. Prüfungsordnung/ -planung, Auslandsaufenthalte,
Anrechnung von Studienleistungen, etc.).
Sprechstunden der Geschäftsführung in diesem Semester:
Dr. Gert Fehlner
Siehe: http://www.anglistik.uni-freiburg.de/seminar/mitarbeiter-und-sprechstunden
und Alternativtermine nach Absprache
Email: [email protected]
Darüber hinaus organisiert die Geschäftsführung in Zusammenarbeit mit der
Fachschaft in jedem Semester eine Reihe von Informationsveranstaltungen zu
verschiedenen Themen (Auslandsstudium, Praktika, Berufsaussichten, Examensvorbereitung, etc.).
In diesem Semester sind Infoveranstaltungen zu den folgenden Themen vorgesehen:
- Examenskandidaten treffen Examinierte
- Zwischenprüfung
- Praxissemester
- Studium/ Praktikum im Ausland
Wo drückt der Schuh?
Mit dieser Frage wendet sich die Geschäftsführung des Seminars an alle Studierenden, die auf Mängel im Studienbetrieb hinweisen wollen. Das Seminar versucht,
auf diese Weise auch jene kritischen Anregungen aufzufangen, die sonst vielleicht
im Alltag des Seminarbetriebs untergingen.
Die Bitte also: Kritik, am besten in Verbindung mit Verbesserungsvorschlägen, per
E-Mail an [email protected] schicken – you will be heard!
Hinweise für Studierende im Lehramtsstudiengang
Ethisch-Philosophisches Grundlagenstudium (EPG)
Nach der neuen Prüfungsordnung müssen im Lehramtsstudium zwei Scheine im
ethisch-philosophischen Grundlagenstudium erworben werden.
– Die erste Veranstaltung (EPG-1) ist interdisziplinär angelegt und besitzt einführenden Charakter. Dieser EPG-1 Schein sollte möglichst im Grundstudium erworben werden.
– Die zweite Veranstaltung (EPG-2) ist eher fachspezifisch ausgerichtet, bezieht
sich dann also auf eines Ihrer zwei Hauptfächer. Der EPG-2 Schein soll im Hauptstudium erworben werden.
Kurse des Englischen Seminars, in denen Sie einen EPG-Schein (in der Regel EPG2) erwerben können, sind im Kommentartext gekennzeichnet.
Genaue Modalitäten finden Sie unter: http://www.epg.uni-freiburg.de
Eine Liste aller EPG Veranstaltungen finden Sie im allgemeinen Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Universität Freiburg, sowie unter: http://www.epg.uni-freiburg.de
Exkursion als Zulassungsvoraussetzung zur Magisterprüfung im Hauptund Nebenfach
Alle Studierenden, die
1. die Magisterprüfung im Haupt- oder Nebenfach ablegen und
2. den Schwerpunkt auf die Sprachwissenschaft legen oder
3. innerhalb des Schwerpunkts Literaturwissenschaft ein Spezialgebiet aus der
mittelalterlichen Literatur wählen,
müssen an einer mindestens eintägigen Exkursion zur Besichtigung mittelalterlicher Handschriften teilgenommen haben und bei der Prüfungsanmeldung darüber
eine Bescheinigung vorlegen. Die Exkursion wird am Lehrstuhl von Professor Mair
organisiert und findet in der Regel im Wintersemester statt. Detaillierte Informationen sind erhältlich im Sekretariat des Lehrstuhls (Raum 4107, Tel. 203-3338).
Important Information for Incoming Visiting Students
All students intending to study at the English Department are advised to consult
with their Coordinators at their home institution which courses to choose and to
contact the Freiburg English Department well ahead of the beginning of the
semester. All visiting students have to take the English Department assessment
test before choosing their courses (for more information:
http://www.anglistik.uni-freiburg.de/visiting-students.index.html or send an
email to the mobility coordinator [email protected]).
ECTS – the “European Community Credit Transfer System” – was developed by
the European Union to provide an equal basis for the recognition of students’
credits which are obtained during study abroad. The credits are rated on the
basis of a common grading scheme, thus making it easier for the home university
to fit the credits into its own requirements. The ECTS credits are awarded by a
system which assesses the volume of work in relation to what students must
perform during an academic year. The minimum study period for ECTS students is
one semester: Students participating in ECTS programmes can receive 30 credits
per semester and 60 credits per year under the following conditions: normally,
each course and lecture lasts 2 x 45 minutes and is counted as 2 Semesterwochenstunden (SWS; the number of hours per week a given course takes place
during a semester). In addition, each course is allocated a certain number of ECTS
credits, depending on the workload of the course.
The following credit system applies:
Type of Course
SWS/Contact Hours
Civilization Classes (Landeskunde)
Introduction to Synchronic
Lecture + Tutorial
Introduction to Diachronic
Lecture + Tutorial
Introduction to English/ American Literature
Lecture + Tutorial
Survey of English Literature
Lecture + Tutorial
Lecture + Tutorial
Lecture + Tutorial
Lecture (without tutorial)
Exercise (Translation, Oral
Formulation, etc.)
For visiting students who need to obtain more or fewer credits for a certain course
they are required to take special arrangements can be made. Some additional
course work (e.g. another oral report, a written report) can be assigned to the
students in order to justify additional credits, or certain course-requirements may
be dropped if fewer than the designated credit points are necessary.
The following grading scale applies:
Grade Description
ECTS Grading
extraordinary performance, brilliant
sehr gut
very good; an excellent performance
whichcompletely meets the requirements
good; a good performance which meets
therequirements in a good manner
satisfactory; a performance, which in
generalcorresponds to the requirements
sufficient; a performance which in spite of
some faults still corresponds to the
failed; a performance which does not
correspond to the requirements but which
neverthelesss proves some basic knowledge and justifies the hope that the deficiencies can be removed in the foreseeable future
failed, a performance which does not
correspond to the requirements and
where even the basic knowledge is so
faulty that the deficiencies are unlikely to
be removed in the foreseeable future
Contact for Visiting Students
If you have further questions, please get in touch with our mobility coordinator
Tanja Zwicker ([email protected]), Room 4011. Weekly
office hours are announced at her door. Tanja Zwicker will also arrange for foreign
visiting students to obtain a Transcript of Records at the end of a semester.
Fachschaft Anglistik
Als Fachschaft kümmern wir uns um Euch, die StudentInnen des Englischen Seminars. Wir sind Ansprechpartner bei Fragen und Problemen rund ums Englischstudium und vertreten Eure Interessen gegenüber dem Englischen Seminar.
Außerdem sind wir Eure Vertretung in verschiedenen Gremien der Hochschulpolitik, zum Beispiel in der Fachschaftenkonferenz. Während des Semesters organisieren wir regelmäßig Infoveranstaltungen zu Themen wie Auslandsaufenthalt,
Orientierungs- und Zwischenprüfung, Staatsexamen und Verwendung der Studiengebühren am Englischen Seminar.
Damit auch der Spaß nicht zu kurz kommt, organisieren wir die Erstibetreuung
(Frühstück, Kneipenbummel, Hüttenwochenende) und mindestens einmal im
Semester eine rauschende Party!
Wenn Ihr Fragen oder Probleme im Studium habt oder Euch einfach für unsere
Arbeit interessiert, könnt Ihr gerne per E-Mail ([email protected]), oder persönlich (Fachschaftskaffee immer donnerstags von 12-14 Uhr
im Foyer des KG IV oder in unserer Sitzung mittwochs um 20 Uhr im U-Asta Haus,
Belfortstraße 24, zweiter Stock) auf uns zukommen! Aktuelle Infos findet Ihr auch
auf unserer Internetseite (http://www.anglistik.uni-freiburg.de/seminar/fachschaft).
Enjoy your Studies!
Die maniACTs sind die Theatergruppe am Englischen Seminar.
Wie jedes Semester wollen wir auch diesen Winter ein englischsprachiges Theaterstück auf die Beine stellen und suchen dafür motivierte Schauspieler/innen und
Willkommen sind alle, die sich für englischsprachiges Theater begeistern. Bei uns
könnt Ihr Euch nicht nur auf der Bühne, sondern auch im Bereich Kostüm, Licht,
Bühnenbau und mehr verwirklichen. Schaut einfach beim Casting in der 2. Semesterwoche vorbei – den genauen Termin geben wir rechtzeitig bekannt. Bitte achtet
auf Aushänge und Infos unter www.maniacts.de.
Sie verschleudern nicht gerne Ihre
Zeit beim Lernen? Bei uns finden
Sie eine Auswahl an Studienliteratur, „die sich gewaschen hat.“
Walthari – und Ihr Studium ist in
trockenen Tüchern
Introduction to Literary Studies
Dozent/in: Dr. Stefanie Lethbridge
Zeit: Mo 16–18
Literatur: William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet (Arden ed.), Henry James, The
Turn of the Screw, a list of poems and short stories will be available during the
Anmeldung: registration during first session
Leistungsnachweis: regular participation, 2 essays, final exam, bibliography
This introductory lecture course is designed to give an overview of current analytical
tools for the analysis of drama, prose, poetry and film. Central terms will be introduced
and their application demonstrated.
This lecture course is complemented by a Begleitübung’ which is compulsory to gain 6
ECTS. Registration for lecture course and Übung will take place during the first lecture.
Introduction to Literary Studies – Begleitübung
Dozent/in: Dr. Stefanie Lethbridge
Zeit: Di 8–10
Di 12–14
Di 18–20
Mi 8–10
Mi 10–12
Do 8–10
Do 12–14
Do 18–20
Literatur: as lecture course
Anmeldung: Registration for the Übung will take place during the first lecture.
Leistungsnachweis: regular participation, 2 essays, final exam, bibliography
exercise (as lecture course)
This Übung complements the lecture course “Introduction to Literary Studies” (see
separate announcement). Registration for the Übung will take place during the first
Survey of English Literature II
Dozent/in: PD Dr. Marie-Luise Egbert
Zeit: Mo 16–18
Literatur: Stephen Greenblatt, gen. ed. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol 2. 8th ed. New York: Norton, 2006.
Anmeldung: registration in first session
Leistungsnachweis: regular attendance, written exam (tutorial obligatory for
This lecture course offers a survey of English literature and of major cultural developments from Romanticism to the 20th century. Most of the texts for the lecture are
contained in the Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 2. A list of obligatory
reading for students who want to take the written exam will be obtainable from March.
BA students (6 ECTS credits) will also have to sign up for one of the tutorials that
accompany the lecture (registration in first session of tutorial).
Survey of English Literature III – North America
Dozent/in: Prof. Jon K Adams, Ph.D.
Zeit: Mo 16–18
This lecture focuses on the major works, periods, and genres of the Northamerican
literature, from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 21st century.
Survey of English Literature III – North America –
Dozent/in: Prof. Jon K Adams, Ph.D.
Zeit: Di 16–18
This course is a tutorial for the lecture on Northamerican literature.
Literary Modernism
Dozent/in: PD Dr. Marie-Luise Egbert
Zeit: Di 10–12
Anmeldung: registration in first session
Leistungsnachweis: regular attendance, written exam
This lecture course explores Literary Modernism in its manifold cultural and social
contexts, discussing a wide selection of works by Modernist poets and novelists.
Modernism will be placed in relation to literary trends preceding it, and its influence
on later developments will also be considered. A list containing the texts discussed in
the lecture will be obtainable from March.
Proseminare I
A History of English Poetry
Dozent/in: Dr. Miriam Nandi
Zeit: 26.–30.04.11, 9–13
Fr 06.05.11, 14–18
Fr 01.07.11, 14–18
Literatur: mastercopies will be made available in the term break
Voraussetzung: Introduction to Literary Studies
Anmeldung: Email: [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: oral report, mid-term essay, final paper, regular attendance
This seminar addresses the history of English poetry from the Renaissance to the postmodern era. We will acquaint ourselves with the most important genres and historical
epochs of English poetry and also with analytical tools that shall help us analyze lyrical
texts. Furthermore, we will revisit strategies of writing academic papers composing a
short mid-term essay and a longer final paper.
Since this course is particularly designed for students who wish to take their ZP in the
summer semester, it will be held in the form of a block seminar which starts BEFORE the
beginning of term. This will allow you enough time to compose your papers and to
revise your material for the ZP.
As we are operating on a very dense schedule, it is mandantory that you read all the
texts before the beginning of the first block (a mastercopy will be made available in a
seminar folder) before the first block. Please sign up for an oral report via doodle – I will
send you the link when you sign up for the course. We will start with Stanley Fish’s short
essay “How to Recognize a Poem When you See One” in the first session.
Animals in Literature
Dozent/in: Ulrike Zimmermann, M.A.
Zeit: Mi 10–12
Literatur: Please obtain Virginia Woolf, Flush (Oxford World’s Classics) and Yann
Martel, Life of Pi. Further texts: see below; a detailed list and additional reading
material will be made available by April.
Voraussetzung: Introduction to Literary Studies
Anmeldung: per Email an [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: short presentation, mid-term essay, term paper
From the Bible and Aesop’s Fables to short stories of the 21st century, texts have
engaged with animals, investing them with symbolic value or using them for moralistic
purposes. Literary animals can elicit joy by their beauty as well as horror and fear, they
can appear as god-like mythical creatures or are seen as siding with hell.
In this class, which is for students who have passed the Introduction to Literary Studies,
we will study a variety of texts. Next to the two novels, we will read short stories (by E.
A. Poe, Patricia Highsmith, and Jackie Kay) and poems (for example by Marvell, Coleridge, Keats, and Shelley). Recent material will be included. We will analyse the manifold
ways in which animals are represented, the roles they play, and we will also look at
crucial historical changes in the view on animals. One example would be Darwin’s On
the Origin of Species, which in effect began to blur the boundaries between animal and
We will use the opportunity to study a variety of genres. Time will be set aside for the
development of academic skills (writing a term paper, giving a presentation).
Distant Times and Different Worlds – The Birth of Science
Fiction Literature
Dozent/in: Marko Glaubitz
Zeit: Mi 10–12
Literatur: reading list and syllabus outside room 4014 by February 2011
Voraussetzung: Introduction to Literary Studies
Anmeldung: per e-mail an [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: active participation (in-class and online activities), ultrashort presentation, mid-term essay (2000 words), final essay (4000 words)
Zielgruppe: 3rd semester or higher
Science fiction is one of the most fascinating and versatile literary genres in the 20th
century. However, tracing its roots and determining the beginnings of science fiction
writing is a very intricate task of possibly galactic complexity. This class will aim at
exactly doing that. We will start out with a profound discussion of the variety of definitions of the term ’science fiction’ in order to establish basic criteria and boundaries for
the subsequent analysis of early science fiction texts.
In general, participants will be confronted with a high amount of primary and secondary
reading. We will cover a great variety of texts ranging, for example, from Jules Verne,
Kurd Lasswitz and H.G. Wells, to early American science fiction stories published in
magazines like Hugo Gernsback’s Amazing Stories.
Be prepared to explore the cultural and literary spheres of writers who dared to go
where no man had gone before.
A detailed reading list and a preliminary syllabus will be provided outside room 4014 by
February 2011.
American Dystopian Novels
Dozent/in: Dr. Irina Burlui-Wahrig
Zeit: Mo 10–12
Literatur: Jack London – The Iron Heel (1908); Sinclair Lewis – It Can’t Happen
Here ( 1935); Ayn Rand – Anthem (1938); Ray Bradbury – The Martian Chronicles
(1950), Fahrenheit 451 (1950); Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Player Piano (1952), The Sirens
of Titan (1959).
Anmeldung: Online-Anmeldung über die Online-Belegungsfunktion auf dieser
Seite (http://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen). If
you decide not to participate it is mandatory that you cancel your
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur dann für den Kurs zugelassen sind, wenn in
Ihrem elektronischen Stundenplan der Vermerk “ZU” erscheint. Sie sind nicht
zugelassen, wenn dort der Vermerk “AN” oder “AB” erscheint. Sollte innerhalb
einer Woche nach Ihrer Anmeldung für den Kurs noch immer der Vermerk “AN” in
Ihrem Stundenplan erscheinen, so befinden Sie sich auf der Warteliste für den
entsprechenden Kurs. Bitte beachten Sie zudem, dass bis zur ersten Sitzung 5
Plätze der max. TeilnehmerInnenplätze für Studierende reserviert werden, die von
einer anderen in- oder ausländischen Hochschule gewechselt haben.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
The outstanding development of technologies in the twentieth century and its obvious
impact on the social and political background of the human being’s existence has
generated a widespread disquiet over the future of civilization. Deriving from the
pulp SF productions booming at the time, the dystopian fiction creates visions of dangerous if not even destructive future societies in which the individuals gradually lose
their connections to nature, their lives being ruthlessly manipulated by oppressive
totalitarian systems. While the ruling authorities pretend to be creating the “perfect”
world, the individual helplessly witnesses the repression of essential humane, cultural
and moral values. The satiric tone, the disturbing vision on the consequences of present-day cultural trends, the themes of topical significance make this fiction into a
serious warning against irresponsible developments in the future.
Less is More: Writing the Short Short Story
Dozent/in: Kirk Nesset, Ph.D.
Zeit: 09.–19.08.11, 10–12
09.–19.08.11, 13–15
Please sign up online via Belegwunsch/Stornierung (button above)
(http://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen). If you
decide not to participate it is mandatory that you cancel your registration.
There will be a retreat at Altglashütten August 11/12 (additional cost & 40).
Since the mid-80s, the short short story in English has continued to assert itself as a
vibrant subgenre in fiction, even as it blurs into spaces formerly occupied by poetry –
the prose poem especially. In this class we’ll work to discover what makes such stories
tick, how and why they succeed. We will also write and revise mini-fictions, sharpening
our editorial skills in workshop format. No advanced submissions necessary.
Postcolonial Narratives – Centres and Margins Revisited
Dozent/in: Dr. Eva Ulrike Pirker
Zeit: Di 10–12
Literatur: Dionne Brand, At the Full and Change of the Moon; Abdulrazak Gurnah,
By the Sea; Arundathi Roy, The God of Small Things. Additional texts provided in
Anmeldung: per Email: [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: active participation, presentation, term paper
Zielgruppe: students who have passed the intermediate exam or have successfully participated in a PS 1
In this course, we will look at novels and a selection of short stories that have emerged
in different parts of what used to be the British Empire. These literatures and their
authors originate from such diverse territories as the Indian Subcontinent, Africa, the
Caribbean, Australia, Canada and, of course, the British Isles (which also have to be
considered a postcolonial space). Despite the great disparity of local contexts, the
selected narratives all provide assessments of the history, impact and legacy of British
colonialism and imperialism from a postcolonial perspective. The course will introduce
into basic concepts of postcolonial writing and theory and apply these (or question
these) in our readings of primary texts. Please buy and read: Dionne Brand, At the
Full and Change of the Moon. Abdulrazak Gurnah, By the Sea and Arundathi Roy, The
God of Small Things. Short stories and additional texts will be provided in class.
Proseminare II
18th Century Novel
Dozent/in: Ulrike Zimmermann, M.A.
Zeit: Di 14–16
Literatur: Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (preferably the Norton edition); Henry
Fielding, Jonathan Wild; Oliver Goldsmith, The Vicar of Wakefield; Horace Walpole,
The Castle of Otranto; Ann Radcliffe, The Romance of the Forest
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldung: per Email an [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: short presentation, mid-term essay, final exam
Zielgruppe: für Studierende im Hauptstudium
In the eighteenth century, the literary scene changed in many ways, as a literary
market emerged and the reading public began to grow. Influenced by a variety of
fictional and non-fictional genres, the novel established itself as a distinct kind of
prose fiction. In this class, we will study paradigmatic novels of the 18th century, for
instance criminal biographies and Gothic novels. We will take a close look at the issues
the texts engage with, the narrative strategies, and the positions of the texts within the
development of the genre. In this framework, we will analyse the success story known
as the rise of the novel.
This class serves as a preparation for the Staatsexamensklausur. It is also possible to
obtain a Proseminar II Schein.
Gender and Sexuality in Theory, Literature, and Culture
Dozent/in: Christopher Young
Zeit: Mi
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
The first session scheduled for May 4, 2011 is mandatory!
Leistungsnachweis: Grades for the course will be determined as follows:
(1) regular attendance and active in-class participation – 15%
(2) article summary paired with a short in-class presentation and discussion
questions – 20%
(3) minutes (Protokoll) of one session – 20%
(4) final examination (Wednesday, August 10, 2011) – 45%
This course will introduce students to the thinking on gender and sexuality that has
developed in the academy over the course of the past century.
In particular, this course is geared toward Lehramt (post-ZP) and (especially) BA students who are: (1) interested in learning more about literary theory and cultural studies; (2) looking to incorporate theoretical insights into their interpretation of literary
and filmic texts; and, (3) seeking to engage with dense, sometimes confounding
thought in a lively classroom setting.
Students enrolling should: (1) be prepared for a course that carries a heavy and challenging reading load of both literary and theoretical texts; (2) be ready to engage
actively and consistently in in-class discussions that not only test the limits of their
thinking, but also may leave them (and the instructor himself) with additional questions
rather than definitive answers; and, (3) be open to pushing the boundaries of their
writing in an effort to bring precision and nuance to the work they produce.
The course itself is organized into seven three-hour sessions to allow us the time
necessary to truly engage with a week’s given theorists, articles, and literary texts/
films. The course will most likely cover the following broad topics:
-Foundations: Saussurean Linguistics, Deconstruction, and Foucault
-Feminism and Feminisms
-Gender Studies and Performative Acts
-Theorizing Masculinities
DVDs, Periodicals, Non-Fiction
EBSCO Database
Study Material (TOEFL,GRE, SAT)
*OPEN DIALOG - German-American Topics
For details please see our website or call: Tel. 0761-556527-0
-Gay and Lesbian Literature
-Cyborgs and Other Unknown Creatures
-Gender and Sexuality in Cultural Studies
-Queer Theory, Time, and Space
Theoreticians and thinkers to be read may include: Saussure, Derrida, Foucault, Irigray, Felman, Gilbert and Gubar, hooks, Butler, Sedgwick, Connell, Fanon, Halberstam,
Harraway, Duggan, and Freeman, among others. Fictional texts will be culled from a
variety of British and American authors across literary periods with the greatest
emphasis being placed on 20th century American literature and film. Students should
expect to encounter a variety of texts ranging from Shakespeare’s As You Like It to
Alison Bechdel’s graphic novel Fun Home, and from episodes of WIll and Grace to
Kimberly Peirce’s film Boys Don’t Cry.
Readings for the second session (May 11, 2011) will be made available to students
shortly before the start of the semester. Please be sure a working email address is on
file with the university when registering for the course. If you are a student wondering if
this course is right for you or if you have further questions, please feel free to contact
me via email ([email protected]) or sign up to see me during
my office hours (KGIV, Room 4006).
I, We, and They – Dialogue and Authoritativeness in FirstPerson-Plural Fictional Narratives
Dozent/in: Dr. Amit Marcus
Zeit: Fr 27.05.11, 9–18
Sa 28.05.11, 9–13
Fr 08.07.11, 9–18
Sa 09.07.11, 9–13
Literatur: [to be announced]
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldung: email to [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: oral report, mid-term essay, final exam, regular attendance
The course will present different approaches in fictional narratives to the relations
between the individual and the group in which he or she takes part as well as between
this group and other groups (e.g., blacks and whites). The link between first-personplural-narration and collectivist or authoritarian ideologies will be examined. Mikhail
Bakhtin’s Discourse in the Novel will help to illuminate the complex dialogue between I,
We, and They in the discussed narratives.
Life Writing – Histories, Genres, Theories
Dozent/in: Dr. Miriam Nandi
Zeit: Fr 10–12
Literatur: Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre, Frank McCourt. Angela’s Ashes, other
texts will be made available as a mastercopy
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldung: Aushang Raum 4207, oder per Mail: miriam.nandi@anglistik.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: oral report, mid-term, final Klausur, regular attendance
In the era of Facebook and Twitter, autobiographical writing is becoming both more
prominent and more questionable at the same time. How “authentic” are these
accounts of the self, when much of what we read appears to be hopelessly narcissistic?
Where do we draw the line between fictional autobiographies, such as the Bildungsroman, and “actual” autobiographies in which the author and the narrator appear to
converge? This seminar addresses these questions introducing recent cultural and
literary theory. We will also acquaint ourselves with the most important genres of
autobiographical writing (diary, spiritual autobiography, domestic memoir), and discuss the role gender may or may not play in the process of writing one’s life. Since the
diary (as well as autobiography) is a comparatively new genre which only emerged in
the 16th century we will also pay particular attention to the history of autobiography.
Therefore, students are required to read some nastily difficult, but ultimately very
interesting theoretical and historical texts.
Victorian Poetry
Dozent/in: Dr. Eva Ulrike Pirker
Zeit: Mi 10–12
Literatur: Victorian Poetry: An Annotated Anthology (ed. Francis O’Gorman,
Anmeldung: per Email: [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: active participation, presentation, term paper
This course will serve as a general introduction to the analysis of poetry and to the
poetry of the Victorian period more specifically. With the massive spread of the novel
and prose writing, poetry assumed new functions in the literary landscape of the nineteenth century, but it certainly did not diminish as a form of literary expression. On the
contrary, the breadth of poetic forms flowing from the pens of mid- and late nineteenthcentury poets offer a good starting point for newcomers to the analysis of poetry. Please
buy and start reading Victorian Poetry: An Annotated Anthology (ed. Francis
O’Gorman, Blackwell). Additional texts will be provided in class.
18th-Century Women Writers
Dozent/in: Dr. Dorothee Birke
Zeit: Mo 16–18
Literatur: Please buy: Susannah Centlivre, A Bold Stroke for a Wife, Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Frances Burney, Evelina.
A reader with additional material will be available at the Man Copy Shop at the
beginning of the semester.
Anmeldung: per email an [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regular attendance, active participation, study assignments, term paper
In this seminar, we will read texts by 18th-century female authors, covering a range of
different genres – drama, novel, poetry and essay. We will ask how these texts engage
with the situation and specific experience of women during their time – how they, for
example, satirize social conventions, represent subjective experience, participate in
discussions on moral conduct, and question or propagate particular gender roles. We
will also trace and critically discuss different ways of approaching the subject of
women’s writing in eighteenth-century studies: what are the various motivations and
foci of scholars, from a traditional view of women writers as mostly “minor” contributors to literary history, to a feminist project of rewriting a traditionally male canon by
celebrating women’s achievements, to gender-studies approaches that are interested
in exploring both “masculinity” and “femininity” as evolving categories?
American Literature and Culture after 9/11
Dozent/in: Dr. Michael Butter
Zeit: Mi 16–18
Literatur: Please buy Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
(2005) and Don DeLillo, Falling Man (2007). All other texts will be collected in a
reader available from the Copy Man Shop (Rempartstr. 11) a week before our first
Voraussetzung: ZP
Anmeldung: Online-Anmeldung über die Online-Belegungsfunktion auf dieser
Seite (http://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen). If
you decide not to participate it is mandatory that you cancel your
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur dann für den Kurs zugelassen sind, wenn in
Ihrem elektronischen Stundenplan der Vermerk “ZU” erscheint. Sie sind nicht
zugelassen, wenn dort der Vermerk “AN” oder “AB” erscheint. Sollte innerhalb
einer Woche nach Ihrer Anmeldung für den Kurs noch immer der Vermerk “AN” in
Ihrem Stundenplan erscheinen, so befinden Sie sich auf der Warteliste für den
entsprechenden Kurs. Bitte beachten Sie zudem, dass bis zur ersten Sitzung 5
Plätze der max. TeilnehmerInnenplätze für Studierende reserviert werden, die von
einer anderen in- oder ausländischen Hochschule gewechselt haben.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regular attendance and participation, weekly reading response, term paper
Nearly ten years after 9/11, various disciplines are debating the significance of this
event. How have the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon impacted
upon American culture, society, and politics? Does 9/11 mark a caesura in American
history, did the country become a “nation transformed” that day, as the 9/11 Report
claims? Or did 9/11 “merely” function as a catalyst, accelerating and reinforcing development that had begun much earlier? In this class we will dedicate some sessions to
these debates, but our focus will be on cultural and literary responses to 9/11 and its
aftermath. How do poems, novels, comics, and films represent the attacks and their
consequences? Do they project them as a caesura or as something else? And in what
fashion do they represent them? We will analyze a broad range of cultural texts, raging
from Art Spiegelman’s In the Shadow of No Towers to Don DeLillo’s Falling Man, and
from Oliver Stone’s World Trade Center to Battlestar Galactica. As the reading load will
be quite heavy, you should start reading DeLillo and Foer during the break already.
City Cultures
Dozent/in: Dr. Stefanie Lethbridge
Zeit: Di 10.05.11, 18–20
Mi 11.05.11, 18–20
Mi 10–12
Literatur: A detailed reading and viewing list will be available on registration.
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldung: registration via email to stefanie.lethbridge@anglistik.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regular and active participation, presentation in expert
group, term paper
The construction and significance of urban spaces has been a focus of interest in much
recent (and not so recent) research in Cultural Studies. In this class we will explore the
impact of city spaces on cultural experience as expressed in literature and film. The
class will start off with three sessions held by Prof. Christoph Lindner from the University of Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) We will then turn to an exploration of theoretical positions on the meaning of space. These positions will then be tested
in analyses of prose fiction, poetry and film. We will look at representations of city
spaces (mostly London) at various times, starting with early modern London, for ex.
in John Gay’s Trivia, Or the Art of Walking the Streets of London, continuing with
Dickens’ London both in a novel and on film, and moving into the 20th century with
a postcolonial perspective on London in Hanif Kureishi’s Buddha of Suburbia and an
examination of globalized spaces in the Jason Bourne trilogy (the film version only).
There will be two lectures by Prof. Lindner outside regular class time on Tue 10th May,
18-20h and Wed 11th May 18-20h. Attendance at these lectures is mandatory.
Class Matters
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Sieglinde Lemke
Zeit: Mi 14–16
AN: Please sign up online via Belegwunsch/Stornierung (button above)
If you decide not to participate it is mandatory that you cancel your
In the history of American Studies from its beginnings up to the recent financial crisis,
socio-economic differences have been mostly overlooked. The poor American is the
veritable forgotten American. Due to the long ideological tradition of individualism,
which tends to blame the individual citizen for his or her own demise, economic injustice has been a blind spot in the collective imaginary. This seminar will give an overview
of class related matters from naturalism to street lit, this new popular genre that
illustrates the looming presence of a lumpenproletariat in contemporary urban America. We shall examine the documentary tradition of the Great Depression as well as
today’s bestselling documentaries on working poverty.
The seminar’s overall approach is that of cultural studies since we analyze various
media including photography, fiction, non-fiction, and film. The format of this Hauptseminar is a blend of old-style lectures and student presentations.
Schein requirements: response papers, moderation, standard HS term pape r.
Narrative and Film
Dozent/in: Prof. Jon K Adams, Ph.D.
Zeit: Fr 14–18
Literatur: H. Porter Abbott, The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative, 2nd ed.
(Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008).
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldung: Online-Anmeldung über die Online-Belegungsfunktion auf dieser
Seite (http://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen). If
you decide not to participate it is mandatory that you cancel your
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur dann für den Kurs zugelassen sind, wenn in
Ihrem elektronischen Stundenplan der Vermerk “ZU” erscheint. Sie sind nicht
zugelassen, wenn dort der Vermerk “AN” oder “AB” erscheint. Sollte innerhalb
einer Woche nach Ihrer Anmeldung für den Kurs noch immer der Vermerk “AN” in
Ihrem Stundenplan erscheinen, so befinden Sie sich auf der Warteliste für den
entsprechenden Kurs. Bitte beachten Sie zudem, dass bis zur ersten Sitzung 5
Plätze der max. TeilnehmerInnenplätze für Studierende reserviert werden, die von
einer anderen in- oder ausländischen Hochschule gewechselt haben.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: Referat/Hausarbeit
The course will focus on the narrative and non-narrative features of Hollywood movies,
from the Maltese Falcon to No Country for Old Men. Each week a movie will be shown at
14:00 and then it will be discussed at 16:00.
South African Fiction – Apartheid and Beyond
Dozent/in: PD Dr. Marie-Luise Egbert
Zeit: Mi 8.30–10
Literatur: Apart from a selection of critical texts to be made available, participants
are asked to read the following novels:
Nadine Gordimer, The Conservationist (1974)
Miriam Tlali, Muriel at Metropolitan (1975)
J.M. Coetzee, Waiting for the Barbarians (1980)
———, Disgrace (1999)
Zakes Mda, The Heart of Red (2000)
Niq Mhlongo, Dog Eat Dog (2004)
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung, Proseminar II
Anmeldung: To register, send an e-mail message containing your course of
studies, semester standing, and matriculation number to marie-luise.egbert@
anglistik.uni-freiburg.de. Note that applications arriving before the official start of
registration cannot be considered.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regular attendance, oral presentation, term paper
This course has a twofold aim: it combines the study of South African fiction with an
introduction to seminal writing from the field of post-colonial criticism (Said, Bhabha,
Spivak and others). The selection of novels read in class will give students an idea of the
multifaceted literature and culture of South Africa with its complex legacy of colonization and apartheid. The texts by black and white authors range from the period of
apartheid to the era after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The rupture
between people and places continues to be a pressing problem in a country that saw the
forced relocation of blacks to townships during apartheid and where, after 1994, urban
spaces were reclaimed by blacks. While racism remains a topic in post-apartheid
novels, issues such as the debate about reconciliation vs. justice in the wake of the
TRC, the rise of consumer culture, unemployment and AIDS also become important.
The American Short Story of the 20th and 21st Century
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Sieglinde Lemke
Zeit: 09.–19.08.11, 14–16
AN: Please sign up online via Belegwunsch/Stornierung (button above)(http://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen).
If you decide not to participate it is mandatory that you cancel your
This seminar prepares the Staatsexamen students for their written exam. It gives a
survey of the evolution of the genre and acknowledges its most pertinent feature:
diversity. The classics of modern American short fiction will be examined through
narratological and historical approaches.
A reader with the primary texts will be made available at Copy Man by March 15, 2011.
It will also include exerpts from the accompanying textbook: Alfred Bendixen and
James Nagel. A Companion to the American Short Story (2010)
There will be a retreat at Altglashütten August 11/12 (additional cost & 40).
Translation Theory through the Ages
Dozent/in: PD Dr. Marie-Luise Egbert
Zeit: Di 14–16
Literatur: Albrecht, Jörn. Literarische Übersetzung: Theorie. Geschichte. Kulturelle Wirkung. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1998, Part I.
Munday, Jeremy. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications.
London: Routledge, 2008 [2001].
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung, Proseminar II
Anmeldung: To register, send an e-mail message containing your course of
studies, semester standing, and matriculation number to marie-luise.egbert@
anglistik.uni-freiburg.de. Note that applications arriving before the official start of
registration cannot be considered.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regular attendance, oral presentation, term paper
Even though translation studies is relatively recent as an academic discipline, reflection
on translation per se is as old as the practice itself. Translators’ remarks about their
work offer us a glimpse of the nature of the translation process, at the same time
mirroring contemporary views on language and literature. Moreover, they can help to
explain and justify a translator’s textual decisions. The focus of this course will be on
the study of primary sources, ranging from St Jerome’s comments on his Bible translation and Martin Luther’s “Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen” (1530) across Friedrich
Schleiermacher’s “Über die verschiedenen Methoden des Übersetzens” (1813) to Walter Benjamin’s “Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers” (1923). A reader with relevant material
will be available at the start of the semester.
British Cultural Studies Theory and Practice
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Barbara Korte
Zeit: Di 18–19, 14tgl.
Literatur: tba
Anmeldung: in der Sprechstunde
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Zielgruppe: only PhD students and invited MA students
only PhD students and invited MA students
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Sieglinde Lemke
Zeit: Fr 13.05.11, 13–16
Anmeldung: Online-Anmeldung über die Online-Belegungsfunktion auf dieser
Seite (http://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen). If you
decide not to participate it is mandatory that you cancel your registration.
This colloquium gives B.A., Magister and State Board Examination candidates the
opportunity to present parts of their thesis. Moreover, the candidates will write a test
essay in preparation for the final exam and practice for the oral examination.
Dozent/in: Dr. Stefanie Lethbridge
Zeit: Mi 8–10
Anmeldung: Registration via email to [email protected].
de. Please indicate your (oral) exam topics.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lerveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt am Montag,
Zielgruppe: Exam Candidates Korte
This course is designed for Prof. Korte’s candidates for the state board exam. We will
revise basic concepts and exam techniques, both for the oral and written part of the
exam. As Prof. Korte will not be teaching this term, most of the class will be taken by Dr.
Lethbridge. Prof. Korte will attend the introductory session and the mock exams.
Dozent/in: PD Dr. Marie-Luise Egbert
Zeit: Mi 10–11
registration in first session
This course is addressed to students preparing their state board examination or their
Magisterprüfung and gives participants an opportunity to take a mock exam.
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck
Zeit: Di 8–10
Anmeldung: Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Designed for both B.A., Magister, and State Board Examination candidates registered
for the Fall 2011 examination session. We will discuss relevant issues and repeat the
most important features of British and North American literature, methodology, and
theory. Magister candidates should expect to write at least one test essay; State Board
Examination candidates should also register for those courses preparing for the written
exam. All candidates will have the chance for a mock oral examination.
Research and Teaching – Design and Practice
Dozent/in: Dr. Stefanie Lethbridge
Zeit: 29.–30.04.11, 9–18
Di 10–12, 14tgl.
Anmeldung: Registration via email to [email protected].
de. Please indicate your study programme.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lerveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt am Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regular and active participation, 2 short papers
Zielgruppe: MIBNACS or MELLIT programme
This course is designed for students in the MIBNACS and MELLIT programme. To adequately address the double focus of the course (research and teaching), the course is
divided into two sections. A compact session on 29th April (8-17h) and 30th April
(9-13h) will explore basic issues and considerations in teaching and/or giving seminar
presentations. In fortnightly meetings on Tue 10-12h, we will revise and practice strategies for writing research papers – according to the needs of participants this will
include practice in organizing an argument and writing.
Thesis Writers’ Workshop
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck
Zeit: Mi 9–10
Zielgruppe: This workshop is intended for Professor Hochbruck’s thesis candidates.
Writing Research Papers
Dozent/in: Prof. Jon K Adams, Ph.D.
Zeit: Mi 16–17
Anmeldung: Online-Anmeldung über die Online-Belegungsfunktion auf dieser
Seite (http://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen). If
you decide not to participate it is mandatory that you cancel your
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur dann für den Kurs zugelassen sind, wenn in
Ihrem elektronischen Stundenplan der Vermerk “ZU” erscheint. Sie sind nicht
zugelassen, wenn dort der Vermerk “AN” oder “AB” erscheint. Sollte innerhalb
einer Woche nach Ihrer Anmeldung für den Kurs noch immer der Vermerk “AN” in
Ihrem Stundenplan erscheinen, so befinden Sie sich auf der Warteliste für den
entsprechenden Kurs. Bitte beachten Sie zudem, dass bis zur ersten Sitzung 5
Plätze der max. TeilnehmerInnenplätze für Studierende reserviert werden, die von
einer anderen in- oder ausländischen Hochschule gewechselt haben.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Zielgruppe: This course can be attended by students of all levels.
The course will focus on the planning and writing of research papers.
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Halford
Zeit: Mi 12–14
Literatur: a lecture script will be provided
Voraussetzung: Introduction to Linguistics
registration not required
Leistungsnachweis: written exam
This lecture series will provide an overview over various topics in individual and societal
bilingualism. The actual process of acquiring two or more languages, the question
whether, how and when children are able to separate the two languages, the storage
of the two languages in the brain, the effects of growing up bilingually on cognition and
academic success, and the age factor in language acquisition will be addressed as well
as different types of societal bilingualism and bilingualism in education.
Essentials of English Linguistics
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Halford
Zeit: Fr 8.30–10
Literatur: course folder will be provided
Anmeldung: register by email
Anmeldung: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt am Montag,
This course offers guidance for those preparing for the linguistics part of their final
exam. The areas covered include the phonology, morphology, and syntax of English
including differences between British and American English and a comparison between
German and English, the history of English as well as various branches of linguistics
such as semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, and language
Major Changes in the History of English
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Mair
Zeit: Mo 10–12
Literatur: Aitchison, Jean. 2001. Language Change: Progress or Decay? 3rd ed.
Cambridge: CUP.
Bailey, Richard W. 1991. Images of English: A Cultural History of the Language.
Ann Arbor MI: University of Michigan Press.
Baugh, Albert C., and Thomas Cable. 2002. A History of the English Language. 5th
ed. London: Routledge.
Cable, Thomas. 2002. A Companion to Baugh and Cable’s History of the English
Language. 3rd ed. London: Routledge.
Crystal, David. 2003. “Part I: The History of English.” In Crystal, The Cambridge
Encyclopedia of the English Language. 2nd ed. Cambridge: CUP. p. 4-115.
Kemenade, Ans van. 1994. “OId and Middle English,” in Ekkehard König and Johan
van der Auwera, eds. The Germanic Languages. London: Routledge. p. 110-141.
Mair, Christian. 2008. “Language Change and the History of English.” In Mair,
Bachelor-Wissen: English Linguistics. Tübingen: Narr. p. 187-206.
Voraussetzung: Introduction to Linguistics
Leistungsnachweis: final written exam
This lecture will introduce you to the essentials of the history of English from its beginnings in the 7th and 8th centuries to the present. In addition to studying the history of
English sounds, words and grammatical constructions, we will emphasise the links
between language history, literature, culture and linguistic theory – by asking questions
such as:
- What do you need to know about Early Modern English in order to understand Shakespeare?
- How is English changing and diversifying as a global language today?
- What is the interplay of structural, cognitive and cultural factors in language change?
The Grammars of Non-Standard Englishes around the
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Bernd Kortmann
Zeit: Di 14–16
Literatur: Literature for first meeting:
Kortmann, B. 2006. “Syntactic Variation in English: A Global Perspective”. In: B.
Aarts/A. McMahon, eds. Handbook of English Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell. 603624.
Kortmann, B. 2010. “Variation across Englishes”. In: A. Kirkpatrick, ed. Routledge
Handbook of World Englishes. London: Routledge. 400-424.
Melchers, G. 2010. “A treasury of Englishes.” REVIEW ARTICLE of Bernd Kortmann, Clive Upton, Edgar Schneider, Kate Burridge & Rajend Mesthrie (eds.),
Varieties of English. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2008. Vol. 1: The British Isles. Pp.
xxix + 512. Vol. 2: The Americas and the Caribbean. Pp. xxix + 800. Vol. 3: The
Pacific and Australasia. Pp. xxix + 618. Vol. 4: Africa, South and Southeast Asia.
Pp. xxix + 655. English Language and Linguistics 14.3: 485–506.
The lecture will largely be based on the following sources:
Kortmann, Bernd/Edgar Schneider in collab. with Kate Burridge/Raj Mesthrie/Clive
Upton, eds. 2004. A Handbook of Varieties of English. 2 vols + 1 CD-ROM. Berlin/
New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [4 volume paperback publication in 2008; see above
review by Melchers]
Kortmann, B./K. Lunkenheimer, eds. in preparation. The Electronic World Atlas of
Variation in English: Grammar. Max Planck Digital Library in cooperation with
Mouton de Gruyter. (to appear 2011)
Kirkpatrick, A. ed. 2010. Routledge Handbook of World Englishes. London: Routledge.
Mesthrie, R/R. Bhatt, R. 2008. World Englishes: The Study of New Linguistic
Varieties. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Anmeldung nicht erforderlich
Leistungsnachweis: regelmäßige Anwesenheit und Mitarbeit in Arbeitsgruppen
Anyone interested in a bird’s eye view at grammatical variation in the Anglophone world
is invited to attend this lecture. Questions to be addressed include the following:
* What are vernacular angloversals (i.e. the most widespread grammatical properties
of non-standard varieties of English)?
* What are varioversals (i.e. distinctive properties of mother-tongue, i.e. L1, varieties
as opposed to L2 varieties of English and English-based Pidgins and Creoles)?
* What are areoversals in the Anglophone world (i.e. features distinctive of individual
anglophone world regions, like the British Isles vs. North America, the Caribbean,
South and Southeast Asia, (West vs. East vs. South) Africa, Australasia and the Pacific)?
* How powerful is geography in explaining language variation?
* What is the role of language contact and second language acquisition in shaping the
grammars of Englishes around the world?
* Is it possible to quantify different degrees of structural complexity (and simplicity) so
that more complex varieties of English can be distinguished from less complex varieties?
This and more will be covered on the basis of recent and ongoing research. Two major
research tools which will be drawn upon have been designed in Freiburg: the Handbook
of Varieties of English (incl. CD-ROM; see below) and, most importantly, the new World
Atlas of Variation in English (WAVE).
Lektürehinweis für die erste Sitzung: s. Kommentar. (PDFs der Artikel online unter:
ls_kortmann/ Courses/Kortmann/Grammars)
Introduction to Linguistics
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Halford
Zeit: Mo 10–12
Literatur: a lecture script will be provided
Voraussetzung: none
Leistungsnachweis: written exam
This lecture offers a trip around the world of linguistics to beginning students with little
or no previous knowledge of the discipline. Present-Day English will be our travelling
guide to the basic concepts of semantics (the study of meaning relations), morphology
(the study of words and other meaning-carrying elements), phonology (the study of
sound patterns), and syntax (the study of sentence patterns). After this encounter with
language as a system, we will venture into the area of language and its use in actual
communication (discourse analysis and pragmatics), and language and its users (the
geographic and social variability of English, English as a world language).
Note: The lecture series will be accompanied by obligatory practical classes called
Doing Linguistics, which will allow you to put your acquired knowledge into practice.
The first part of these classes is closely related to the lecture, the second part allows for
a practical research projects on your part and thus a closer look at one topic of specialisation. Registration for these classes will be in the first lecture on May 2,2011.
Anne-Julie Maurer Mo 12-14
Susanne Gundermann Di 12-14
Andrea Moll Di 14-16
Bianca Kossmann Mi 14-16
Koloniale Sprachpolitik und deren sprachökologischen
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Peter Mühlhäusler
Zeit: Fr 10–13
Literatur: Eine Literaturliste wird noch nachgereicht.
Nach einer Übersicht über den derzeitigen Stand der Koloniallinguistik geht die Veranstaltung auf die konkreten Praktiken und sprachlichen Folgen folgender Kolonialmächte
eingehen: Portugal-Frankreich-England-USA-Niederlande-Deutschland-Dänemark
Die einstündigen Vorlesungen befassen sich mit allgmeinen Problemen der Koloniallinguistik; in den Seminaren werden jeweils eine oder mehrere Kolonialmächte unter
die Lupe genommen und im zweiten Teil Fallstudien vorgestellt (z.B: Portugal im fernen
Osten (Malacca, Macau, Vietnam, Timor); Frankreich in der Karibik, Mauritius, Reunion
und Neukaledonien; England in Australien und Neuseeland, Neuguinea und Pitcairn;
USA auf den Philippinen, Niederlande in Suedafrika, Karibik und Indonesien; Deutschland in Westafrika , Neuguinea und Mikronesien; Dänemark in der Karibik, Südindien
und Island).
Besonders geht es um den Wettbewerb zwischen den Kolonialsprachen und die Dynamik von Sporachökologien wie der Karibik oder dem Pazifik.
The Comparative Typology of English and German
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Mair
Zeit: Mo 16–18
Literatur: König, Ekkehard, and Volker Gast, Understanding English German
Contrasts. 2007. Berlin: Schmidt.
Leisi, Ernst, and Christian Mair, Das heutige Englisch: Wesenszüge und Probleme.
1999. Heidelberg: Winter.
Mair, Christian, Englisch für Anglisten: Eine Einführung in die englische Sprache.
1995. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.
This lecture will take a contrastive approach to the phonology, grammar, vocabulary
and discourse conventions of present-day English from a German speaker’s perspective. On the theoretical plane, the systematic comparison of two languages will help us
develop a better understanding of the two fundamental questions of linguistic typology,
(1) What are the limits of possible variation across languages? And
(2) What can be considered a linguistic universal?
On a practical plane, we shall explore how the study of German-English contrasts
enables us to monitor our own progress as advanced foreign learners and to become
better teachers of English as a foreign language.
Proseminare I
Accents of English
Dozent/in: Dr. Véronique Lacoste
Zeit: Mi 10–12
Literatur: tba
Anmeldung: Liste LS Mair, raum 4105
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,14.02.2011.
Leistungsnachweis: Weekly reading assignments, oral presentation and term
This course investigates the phonetics and the phonology of several World English
varieties. Students will first be introduced to some aspects of segmental phonology
and speech production, as well as suprasegmentals such as stress, rhythm and intonation. An emphasis will be put on contemporary regional and social accent variation;
students will be expected to transcribe and analyse speech samples of English accent
varieties from the UK, North America, the Caribbean, Africa, among various others.
Asian Englishes
Dozent/in: Dr. Jakob Leimgruber
Zeit: Di 14–16
Voraussetzung: Introduction to synchronic linguistics
Anmeldung: CampusOnline
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: presentation + coursework
This proseminar focuses on the varieties of English spoken in South (India, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka), East (Hong Kong, China), and Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei,
Philippines). The sociolinguistic background of each polity will be investigated, with an
emphasis on their colonial past and the indigenous languages present. After an introduction to the study of variation in general, the varieties themselves will be investigated, both phonologically and grammatically (morphology, syntax, semantics), as well
as sociolinguistically. Students will read material on each variety, as well as on general
World Englishes research. The assessment will comprise a presentation (30%) and
coursework (70%).
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
Dozent/in: Michael Percillier
Zeit: Mi 10–12
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Language Change in Present-Day English
Dozent/in: Dr. Bianca Kossmann
Zeit: Di 16–18
Voraussetzung: Introduction to Linguistics
Anmeldung: Liste Raum 4015
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: term paper
Languages are in constant flux and therefore language change is continuously happening around us. This course investigates recent, ongoing changes in contemporary
English. Various types of change such as lexical, grammatical as well as sound changes
among others will be on the agenda. These changes will be assessed with the help of
variegated data. Additionally, a critical evaluation of theoretical aspects, problems and
methods in this field of study will be included. Furthermore, we will also discuss the
reasons and causes for language change in general.
Major Topics in English Grammar
Dozent/in: Dr. Véronique Lacoste
Zeit: Mo 10–12
Literatur: Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum. 2005. A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar. Cambridge: CUP. Greenbaum, S. and Quirk,
R. 1990. A Student’s Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman.
Voraussetzung: Introduction to Synchronic Linguistics
Anmeldung: Liste LS Mair, raum 4105
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: Weekly reading assignments, oral presentation and term
This course looks at theoretical aspects of some major topics in English grammar.
Students will be introduced to issues surrounding the verb and the noun, and topics
on the syntax of English, including the structure of the phrase and the clause. In-class
exercises on the selected topics will be offered. Students will be expected to read on
major descriptive English grammars such as Huddleston and Pullum (2005) and Greenbaum and Quirk (1990).
Dozent/in: Alice Blumenthal, M.A.
Zeit: Mo 12–14
Literatur: All relevant readings will be made available on CampusOnline
Voraussetzung: VL “Introduction to Synchronic Linguistics”
Anmeldung: email to [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: active participation, reading assignments, oral presentation, final written exam or term paper
This seminar will familiarise students with the study of word structure. We will look into
a broad range of morphological phenomena in English (like inflection, derivation and
productivity), explore different mechanisms known to be related to morphological
change (analogy formation, reanalysis, chunking) and compare how different theories
handle these phenomena. Particular emphasis will be placed on the interface between
morphology and syntax and morphology and phonology. Finally, we will discuss the
extent to which different models of morphological processing mayor may not be considered to be psychologically realistic.
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Halford
Zeit: Di 12–14
Literatur: tba
Voraussetzung: Introduction to Linguistics
Anmeldung: Listeneintrag vor R 4215 ab Februar
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regular active participation and a final written exam
This seminar is an introduction to the basic concepts of phonetics and phonology. It is
mainly descriptive rather than theory-oriented. The methods of articulatory, auditory
and acoustic phonetics will be addressed using English language material. This will be
followed by an analysis of the phonological systems of different varieties of English and
a contrastive comparison between English, German, French and Spanish. The last part
of the term will be devoted to applied phonology: the mechanisms of first language
acquisition and second language teaching and learning. The course is intended for
students of English and of phonetics (with a good knowledge of English).
Note: Also suitable for Phonetics students.
Dozent/in: Dr. Jakob Leimgruber
Zeit: Do 14–16
Literatur: Meyerhoff, M. 2006. Introducing Sociolinguistics. Abingdon: Routledge.
Voraussetzung: Introduction to synchronic linguistics
Anmeldung: CampusOnline
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: presentation + coursework
This proseminar will be concerned with the way in which social factors influence language variation. Topics covered will include style, politeness, social class, gender, and
language change. The textbook’s overall structure will be followed, complemented with
in-class exercises and discussions. Students will be expected to actively participate in
the class; a presentation on a given topic will form part of the final assessment, which
will comprise of the presentation (30%) and of coursework (70%).
Speaking and Understanding Modern Irish II
Dozent/in: Dr. Britta Irslinger
Zeit: Mi 14–16
Literatur: Ó SIADHAIL, Mı́cheál. 1995: Learning Irish. An introductory self-tutor.
Dublin, oder Ó SIADHAIL, Mı́cheál. 21992: Lehrbuch der irischen Sprache. Hamburg.
Voraussetzung: Teilnahme an “Speaking and Understanding Modern Irish
(Gaelic) I” oder vergleichbare Irischkenntnisse
Anmeldung: [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: aktive Mitarbeit, Hausaufgaben, Klausur am Semesterende
Zielgruppe: linguistisch interessierte Studierende der Anglistik und anderer Philologien
A course for students interested in the linguistic situation of present day Ireland focussing on the first national language of the Republic of Ireland.
The aim will be to create the knowledge and the confidence to master basic conversational topics. Subjects covered will be basic expression and vocabulary, grammar,
pronunciation and the spelling system. Familiarity with linguistic terminology (from an
Introduction to Linguistics) will be helpful, but is facultative. Participants should have
attended “Speaking and Understanding Modern Irish (Gaelic) I”.
Strukturkurs Irisch II
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Hildegard Tristram
Zeit: Do 16–20
Literatur: Arndt Wigger, “Keltische Sprachen: Irisch“, in: Variationstypologie: ein
sprachtypologisches Handbuch der europäischen Sprachen in Geschichte und
Gegenwart, ed. Thorsten Roelcke, Berlin [u.a.]: de Gruyter 2003, 252-276.
Voraussetzung: Strukturkurs Irisch I oder Einführung in die Allgem. Sprachwissenschaft, erwünscht, aber nicht Voraussetzung: Kenntnisse der irischen
Anmeldung: per e-mail ([email protected])
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: Regelmäßige Teilnahme, Hausarbeiten, bei Bedarf:
Der Kurs führt die Arbeit des Strukturkurses “Irisch I“ anhand der Diskussion ausgewählter linguistischer Thematiken (Prosodie und Emphase, Mutationen, Verbalaspekt,
HABEN Konstruktionen etc.) fort. Diese führen die Teilnehmer/innen in den jeweiligen
Forschungsstand ein, und zwar im Vergleich zum Englischen und Deutschen, je nach
Teilnehmer/inne/n ggf. auch zu anderen Sprachen.
In der ersten Hälfte der Sitzung werden die wiss. Thematiken durchgesprochen. Nach
einer gemeinsamen Teepause werden die erworbenen Kenntnisse anhand von Beispieltexten angewandt. Bei Interesse der Teilnehmer/innen wird der Kurs auf Englisch
durchgeführt. Er eignet sich auch als Hauptseminar für MEL Studierende.
Dieser Kurs wird durch das Ciste na Gaeilge Programm der Regierung der Republik
Irland finanziert, siehe http://www.pobail.ie/en/IrishLanguage/CistenaGaeilge/.
Proseminare II
Diachronic Syntax – Sentence Structure in Space and Time
Dozent/in: Dr. Christian Langstrof
Zeit: Do 16–18
Literatur: Reading material will be made available on CampusOnline.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,14.02.2011.
Leistungsnachweis: Assessment will consist of either a written exam + oral
presentation, or a term paper.
Languages undergo change on all levels of linguistic structure. This class aims at
providing students with an in-depth understanding of change on one particular level
of linguistic structure, namely syntax. A number of interwoven topics will be looked at in
detail: (1) The history of sentence structure in English, (2) general models of explaining
syntactic change (such as grammaticalisation, Lightfoot’s p&p model, etc.), (3) the
relation between syntactic change vis-à-vis change in other components of language
such as phonology and morphology. Furthermore, the question of the relevance of
syntax for models of linguistic evolution in the human species will also be discussed.
Introduction to Early Modern English
Dozent/in: Dr. Bianca Kossmann
Zeit: Mo 14–16
Literatur: Barber, Charles. 1997. Early Modern English. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press; Görlach, Manfred. 1991. Introduction to Early Modern English.
Cambridge: CUP; Nevalainen, Terttu. 2006. An Introduction to Early Modern
English. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Voraussetzung: VL Diachronics; Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldung: Liste Raum 4015 (zentralen Anmeldebeginn beachten)
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: final written exam, take-home assignment, regular attendance, active participation
This course aims at the study of structural features of Early Modern English (15001700). We will use a selection of texts from the period in question and analyse these
from a phonological, morpho-syntactical as well as lexico-semantic perspective. Further topics will include attitudes towards the English language during the period in
question as well as the inkhorn controversy among others. The socio-cultural and
historical background to the Renaissance will also be included into our discussions.
Middle English
Dozent/in: Dr. Bianca Kossmann
Zeit: Di 10–12
Voraussetzung: VL Diachronics; Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldung: Liste Raum 4015 (zentralen Anmeldebeginn beachten)
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: final written exam, take-home assignment, regular attendance, active participation
In this course, we will focus on the structure of Middle English (phonology, morphology,
syntax and lexico-semantics). After discussing the major linguistic changes from Old to
Middle English as exemplified in the Peterborough Chronicle, we will take a closer look
at the aforementioned linguistic areas by reading and analysing selective parts from
various different Middle English texts. Furthermore, we will consider the socio-linguistic
situation in post-Conquest England, as well as dialectal variation in Middle English
texts. In addition, the historical and socio-cultural background of the period will be
part of our discussions.
English Words – Current Studies in Morphology
Dozent/in: Martin Hilpert, Ph.D.
Zeit: Fr 10–12
Literatur: wird bereitgestellt
Anmeldung:per email ([email protected])
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: Hausarbeit
This seminar focuses on English words such as shopaholic, skypable, and e-cruitment
in order to address questions such as the following: What is a word? How can we
analyze the internal structure of words? How do new words come into being? We will
look at examples of major word formation processes in English; and we will consider
how these processes are currently studied on the basis of corpus data and psycholinguistic experiments. The research that we will deal with investigates the productivity
of word formation processes, studies how new words enter the English language over
time, and probes how speakers store and process complex words in their minds.
Grundlagen der europäischen Sprachwissenschaft
Dozent/in: Alice Blumenthal, M.A.
Zeit: Mo 14–16
Literatur: All relevant readings will be made available on CampusOnline
Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Zielgruppe: MA students in linguistics
This is the obligatory entry-level linguistics class for Masters-students (and hence
restricted to students enrolled in these programmes).
The aim is (a) to check and consolidate the previous knowledge of the field which a
usually heterogeneous group of beginners brings to the course, and (b) to provide
orientation for subsequent coursework in linguistics classes offered in Freiburg.
Language and Identity in Canada
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Halford
Zeit: Mi 10–12
Literatur: tba, you will be contacted via email
Voraussetzung: ZP or equivalent
Anmeldung: Zentrale Anmeldung über standardisiertes Anmeldeverfahren für HS
der Sprachwissenschaft. Anmeldeformulare auf der Homepage des Englischen
Seminars unter “Prüfungs- & Anmeldemodi” sowie in den Sekretariaten der
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regular active participation in class, work in an expert team
plus term paper or final written exam
The objective of the course is an overview over the linguistic diversity in Canada and the
way in which linguistic choices reflect the construction of identity. This connection
between language and identity will be discussed on three levels: the construction of
personal, ethnic and national identity through language choices, the societal treatment
of multilingualism in Canada, and the identification with and evaluation of choices in
Canadian English. On the fist level, individual bilingualism and multilingualism in
Canada, past and present immigration patterns and identification with language, and
the maintenance patterns of heritage languages over generations of Canadian immigrants will be discussed. We will deal with provincial and federal language policies and
education programs in Canada, multiculturalism with and without multilingualism, First
Nation languages maintenance, shift and revival. In the last part of the course, Canadian English will be the focus of attention with questions such as the evaluation of
English accents by Canadians and the potential of Canadian English as a marker of
national identity. Variable features like glide retention, t-flapping and front vowel shifting and the use of certain discourse markers will be discussed in the light of attitudinal
studies published so far.
Ongoing Projects on Variation, Change and Contact in
World Englishes
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Mair
Zeit: Di 10–12
Anmeldung: persönliche Anmeldung in der Sprechstunde
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lerveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt am Montag,
On the basis of ongoing Freiburg-based research projects, this seminar will explore a
number of contemporary challenges for our current models of varieties of English or
“English as a World Language” (EWL). These challenges include:
- the role of English in cultural globalisation
- the description of New Englishes in their multilingual settings
- increasing multilingualism and “super-diversity” in the major cities of the “Englishspeaking” world.
The class has a strong “hands on” research orientation and, while all students are
welcome, is specifically addressed to those considering specialising in (socio)linguistics, for example in their future BA, MA or Staatsexamen theses.
A reading list and list of topics will be available from mid February. Please register in one
of my office hours.
Dozent/in: Dr. Verena Haser
Zeit: Do 10–12
Voraussetzung: ZP
Anmeldung: Zentrale Anmeldung über standardisiertes Anmeldeverfahren für HS
der Sprachwissenschaft. Anmeldeformulare auf der Homepage des Englischen
Seminars unter “Prüfungs- & Anmeldemodi” sowie in den Sekretariaten der
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: Referat, Hausarbeit
Pragmatics can roughly be described as the study of meaning in context. The principal
goal of research in the field is to explain how it is possible for language users to mean
more – or something different – than what they literally say, and for comprehenders to
understand speakers in spite of these facts. This seminar aims to familiarise participants with key issues in pragmatics, covering not only the influential theories developed by Searle, Austin, and Grice, but also more modern approaches – e.g., relevance
theory and conversation analysis – that are designed to redress apparent weaknesses
of the “classical” theories.
Projects in Second-Language Phonetics
Dozent/in: Dr. Christian Langstrof
Zeit: Mo 08.08.11, 10–16
Do 28.04.11, 10–16
Fr 29.04.11, 10–16
Literatur: Reading material will be made available on CampusOnline.
Anmeldung: Zentrale Anmeldung über standardisiertes Anmeldeverfahren für HS
der Sprachwissenschaft. Anmeldeformulare auf der Homepage des Englischen
Seminars unter “Prüfungs- & Anmeldemodi” sowie in den Sekretariaten der
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
By far the majority of second-language (L2) learners retain an accent when speaking
the target language. Whereas most previous researchers on L2-characteristics have
focussed on phonology, this class will be concerned with accent features on the level of
phonetic detail. This class is organised as a block seminar, divided up into 4 sessions:
The first two sessions, taking place in the last week of the spring break, will familiarise
students with the necessary knowledge in acoustic phonetics as well as provide a
hands-on induction to analysing acoustic and perceptual data. In addition, the state
of the art in L2 phonetics will be discussed. During the summer semester, students will
design and conduct their own research project as well as familiarise themselves with
the relevant literature. Class will then meet again in the first week of the summer break,
where the data as elicited in the projects will be discussed and analysed.
Second Language Acquisition
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Halford
Zeit: Di 10–12
Literatur: S. Gass and G. Selinker, (2009) Second Language Acquisition;
L. Ortega (2008) Understanding Second Language Acquisition; M. Saville-Troike
(2006) Introducing Second Language Acquisition.
additional material will be provided in a folder and on Campus Online
Voraussetzung: ZP or equivalent
Anmeldung: Zentrale Anmeldung über standardisiertes Anmeldeverfahren für HS
der Sprachwissenschaft. Anmeldeformulare auf der Homepage des Englischen
Seminars unter “Prüfungs- & Anmeldemodi” sowie in den Sekretariaten der
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regular active participation in class, work in an expert team
plus term paper or final written exam.
Sie verschleudern nicht gerne Ihre
Zeit beim Lernen? Bei uns finden
Sie eine Auswahl an Studienliteratur, „die sich gewaschen hat.“
Walthari – und Ihr Studium ist in
trockenen Tüchern
This seminar will deal with various approaches to second language acquisition from
contrastive analysis to cognitive approaches focusing on the learner to more sociologically and psychologically oriented models. Against the background of monolingual
and bilingual first language acquisition by young children we will look at second language acquisition by older children and adults. The focus will be on explaining the
acquisition process including the highly variable success of learners, as well as on
the analysis of typical errors on various linguistic levels and their consequences for
language teaching. You will be expected to conduct a small research project with preschoolers, pupils or students.
Dozent/in: Dr. Bianca Kossmann
Zeit: Mi 10–12
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldung: Zentrale Anmeldung über standardisiertes Anmeldeverfahren für HS
der Sprachwissenschaft. Anmeldeformulare auf der Homepage des Englischen
Seminars unter “Prüfungs- & Anmeldemodi” sowie in den Sekretariaten der
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: oral presentation; final exam or term paper
This course is dedicated to the standardisation of the English language. The notion of
Standard English will be critically assessed including an evaluation of its characteristics
and functions. Furthermore, the standardisation of English will be studied from a historical perspective, taking into consideration the various stages within the development
of Standard English. Further aspects to be examined will be linked to the fact that
standardisation is not just a linguistic phenomenon but very much an ideological one
as well. Therefore we will try to evaluate critically the political, historical as well as
social factors which play a role in standardisation – both in past and present situations.
As (standard) English is not monolithic, the examination of variation (regional, social,
functional; standardisation with regard to New Englishes) will be an important point of
The Southern Hemisphere Englishes
Dozent/in: Dr. Christian Langstrof
Zeit: Do 8.30–10
Literatur: Reading material will be made available on CampusOnline.
Anmeldung: Zentrale Anmeldung über standardisiertes Anmeldeverfahren für HS
der Sprachwissenschaft. Anmeldeformulare auf der Homepage des Englischen
Seminars unter “Prüfungs- & Anmeldemodi” sowie in den Sekretariaten der
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: Assessment will consist of a term paper + oral presentation.
This class will take an in-depth look at the major (post)colonial varietes of English
spoken in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Apart from providing a general
overview of the linguistic structure of these varieties in comparison with European and
North American Englishes, the major aim of this class is to show the relevance of
historical data from the Southern Hemisphere Englishes for general models of language
variation and change, dialectology, and sociolinguistics. The special role of New Zealand English and the ONZE (Origins of New Zealand English) project will be discussed in
much detail.
Current Issues of European Linguistics
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Bernd Kortmann
Zeit: Mi 10–12
Literatur: Kortmann, Bernd and Johan van der Auwera, eds. 2011. The languages
and linguistics of Europe: A comprehensive guide. Berlin/New York: Mouton de
Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich
Leistungsnachweis: regelmäßige Anwesenheit, Referate, Mitarbeit in Arbeitsgruppen
Zielgruppe: nur für MEL-Studierende
We will discuss recent publications on a wide range of issues relating to the linguistic
landscape of Europe, incl. language policies, minority languages, multilingualism, language contact, areal typology, the role of English in Europe, and European schools of
linguistic thought. The basic textbook for this class will be: Kortmann, Bernd and Johan
van der Auwera, eds. 2011. The Languages and Linguistics of Europe: A Comprehensive Guide. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Individual chapters of this handbook plus other recent journal and book publications
will be made available on CampusOnline.
This class should give all Master students in their second year some ideas for topics
worthwhile pursuing in a Master’s thesis. Anyone with concrete ideas on their Master’s
thesis will have the opportunity of presenting them in class and receive first feedback
and guidance for the next steps.
Doing Linguistics
Dozent/in: Anne-Julie Maurer
Susanne Gundermann
Andrea Moll, M.A.
Dr. Bianca Kossmann
Zeit: Mo 12–14
Di 12–14
Di 16–18
Mi 14–16
Voraussetzung: Paralleler (!) Besuch der VL “Introduction to Linguistics” zwecks
Anmeldung: siehe VL “Introduction to Linguistics“
Leistungsnachweis: siehe VL “Introduction to Linguistics“
siehe VL “Introduction to Linguistics“
Sprachpraktische Lehrveranstaltungen
Foundation Course: Speaking English
Foundation Course: Speaking English
Dozent/in: Charla Teufel, M.A.
Dr. Rebecca Davies
Teresa Woods-Czisch, M.A.
Alison Nagel, M.A.
Kai Woodfin, M.A.
Zeit: Di 12–14
Do 12–14
Mo 12–14
Mi 10–12
Mi 8–10
Do 8–10
Do 12–14
Fr 10–12
Mo 14–16
Mi 12–14
Voraussetzung: Students must be registered for BA / MA / Lehramt / Promotion
with English as one of their subjects; no exchange students
Application forms will be available as of Tuesday 26th April, 8 am, and must be
submitted by 8 pm on Thursday 28th April
Leistungsnachweis: regular participation and preparation; final assessment
Zielgruppe: 1st or 2nd semester
This course combines practice in the skills relating to correct pronunciation and oral
formulation. There will be an initial assessment of all students taking the course at the
beginning of the semester. For the first half of the semester work will focus on matters
of pronunciation and learning how to work with phonemic transcription. This will be
followed by a mid-term assessment. In the second half of the semester work will
consist of speaking practice: descriptions, interviews, discussions and presentations.
There will be a final assessment in the last week of the semester.
Foundation Course: Grammar and Writing
Foundation Course: Grammar and Writing
Dozent/in: Charla Teufel, M.A.
Zeit: Di 14–16
Do 14–16
Mo 14–16
Di 8–10
Di 14–16
Do 14–16
Di 12–14
Do 10–12
Dr. Rebecca Davies
Kai Woodfin, M.A.
Alison Nagel, M.A.
Voraussetzung: Students must be registered for BA / MA / Lehramt / Promotion
with English as one of their subjects; no exchange students
Application forms will be available as of Tuesday 26th April, 8 am, and must be
submitted by 8 pm on Thursday 28th April
Leistungsnachweis: regular participation and preparation; final assessment
Zielgruppe: 1st or 2nd semester
This course combines practice in grammatical skills and in writing English. There will be
an initial assessment of all students taking the course at the beginning of the semester.
For the first half of the semester work will focus on matters of controlling sentence
structure. This will be followed by a mid-term assessment. In the second half of the
semester work will consist of writing practice: descriptions, reports and essays. There
will be a final assessment in the last week of the semester.
Andere sprachpraktische Lehrveranstaltungen
American News Media
Dozent/in: Jason Brown, M.A.
Zeit: Do 14–16
Voraussetzung: Participants are required to have successfully completed both
Foundation Courses.
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: 2-3 written assignments, final exam, further homework /
research / reading as required, active participation
Zielgruppe: 3rd semester and above
The courses British News Media and North American News Media have developed out of
the respective newspaper courses of previous semesters in order to take into consideration the changing face of news presentation through the Internet. Students will
be introduced to the range of major newspapers available in the relevant geographical
area along with the online versions and gain a broad overview of other online options for
following (and contributing to) the news. Through regular reading, discussion of texts
and newspaper characteristics in class, and the completion of the various assignments,
students will develop awareness and knowledge of the media landscape and culture of
the region chosen, as well as focusing on a range of language issues (e.g. headline
style, tabloid vs. broadsheet register) and textual comparisons (e.g. how different
newspapers treat the same topic). The assignments will offer the opportunity to develop creative writing and descriptive skills as well as textual analysis, while the final exam
will deal with a range of topics encountered during the course. The course presupposes
an interest in current affairs in the region concerned.
British News Media
Dozent/in: N.N.
Zeit: Mo 16–18
Voraussetzung: Participants are required to have successfully completed both
Foundation Courses.
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: 2-3 written assignments, final exam, further homework /
research / reading as required, active participation
Zielgruppe: 3rd semester and above
The courses British News Media and North American News Media have developed out of
the respective newspaper courses of previous semesters in order to take into consideration the changing face of news presentation through the Internet. Students will
be introduced to the range of major newspapers available in the relevant geographical
area along with the online versions and gain a broad overview of other online options for
following (and contributing to) the news. Through regular reading, discussion of texts
and newspaper characteristics in class, and the completion of the various assignments,
students will develop awareness and knowledge of the media landscape and culture of
the region chosen, as well as focusing on a range of language issues (e.g. headline
style, tabloid vs. broadsheet register) and textual comparisons (e.g. how different
newspapers treat the same topic). The assignments will offer the opportunity to develop creative writing and descriptive skills as well as textual analysis, while the final exam
will deal with a range of topics encountered during the course. The course presupposes
an interest in current affairs in the region concerned.
Intercultural Communication
Dozent/in: Alison Nagel, M.A.
Zeit: Di 10–12
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: presentation, active participation, home assignments
Zielgruppe: ZP upwards
This course will focus on developing oral skills in the context of intercultural communication. Using a variety of methods and materials – self-assessment, interviews,
simulations, analysis of adverts and other representations of “culture” in the world
around us – we shall be reflecting on our various cultural identities and considering
what this means for communication. We will draw on the experiences of those who have
spent time abroad, although this is not a pre-requisite for the course, as it may serve
equally well as preparation for a period abroad. The class generally attracts visiting
students of various nationalities, which leads to lively exchanges of first-hand information on how it’s possible to do things differently.
Language and the Praxissemester
Dozent/in: Teresa Woods-Czisch, M.A.
Zeit: Mi 10–12
Do 10–12
Voraussetzung: students who are about to start on their “Praxissemester” or
have done half of it.
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: active participation, simulation, peer-evaluation, contribution to a text-collection, in-class test
Zielgruppe: students who are about to start on their “Praxissemester” or have
done half of it.
This course aims at meeting the practical language needs of students teaching English
at German secondary (grammar) schools. Students will be expected to do classroom
simulations, peer-evaluation, an in-class written test, and contribute to a portfolio of
classroom English. Likely areas covered will be language for giving instructions, explaining grammar, correcting pronunciation, introducing cultural issues, discussing different sorts of texts and coping with classroom occurrences.
Oral Formulation
Dozent/in: Charla Teufel, M.A.
Jason Brown, M.A.
Zeit: Mi 12–14
Do 12–14
Voraussetzung: Participants are required to have successfully completed both
Foundation Courses.
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: preparation of texts and topics for in-class group work
discussions; oral presentation; facilitation of a plenary discussion; mini-presentations in small groups; group and pair work activities; peer assessment; active
Zielgruppe: 3rd semester to ZP
The aim of this course is to strengthen oral performance and aural comprehension.
Students will have the opportunity to develop their skills in giving oral presentations
and leading discussions. The oral presentations will include producing an outline, documentation of sources, and prior consultation with the instructor and making use of
audio or visual aids. Students will also participate in class discussions as well as pair
and group activities involving problem-solving, information-sharing, argumentation
and the correction of typical student errors. In addition, students will be expected to
evaluate and provide feedback to other class participants on their language and presentation skills.
Practical Writing Skills
Dozent/in: Helen Kotthoff
Jason Brown, M.A.
Zeit: Mo 10–12
Do 10–12
Voraussetzung: Students must have successfully completed both Foundation
Courses; exchange students must have performed adequately on the entrance
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: Several short pieces to be submitted for grading, plus peerediting duties
Zielgruppe: 3rd semester and above
This course focuses on writing skills required within and beyond the context of university study. Students will have the opportunity to practise a range of types of short
expository texts and methods of presenting themselves and their ideas in a register
appropriate for academic and professional use. CVs / resumés, letters, reports and
summaries are examples of the kinds of text to be dealt with in the course; the emphasis will be on functional texts, not on creative writing as such. Attention will be paid to
the planning, formulation and presentation of written work, and students must be
prepared to peer-edit each other’s work as well as receive feedback from the instructor
on pieces submitted for grading.
Reading and Discussion
Dozent/in: Helen Kotthoff
Zeit: Mo 12–14
Voraussetzung: Participants are required to have successfully completed both
Foundation Courses
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: regular attendance, regular preparation of reading material, oral report on a section of reading material, active participation in and-or
chairing a discussion, final written report.
Zielgruppe: 3rd semester or above
The aim of this course is to increase students’ competence in analysing and discussing
literary and cultural texts (essays, articles, chapters, short monographs, etc.) assigned
on a weekly basis. By giving oral reports, students will be able to practise and improve
their oral skills, and by taking part in a panel discussion, they should be able to improve
their ability to represent a particular position and to argue against other positions. A
graded Schein will be awarded for three assessed assignments (oral report, participation in discussion panel, written report).
Translation Advanced
Dozent/in: Dr. Rebecca Davies
Teresa Woods-Czisch, M.A.
Alison Nagel, M.A.,
Kai Woodfin, M.A.
Alison Nagel, M.A.
Zeit: Do 8–10
Do 10–12
Di 14–16
Do 14–16
Fr 12–14
Mi 10–12
Voraussetzung: successful completion of Translation Intermediate
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: active participation, exams, assessed assignments, text
Cascade: preparation of texts, an individual contribution for class work, co-correction of assignments for Translation Introductory students, contribution to a
Zielgruppe: 7th semester and above
Cascade: 6th semester onwards, preferably with Assistant Teacher experience.
This course offers German-English translation at Staatsexam level. Students will be
expected to achieve near-native competence in grammar, formulation and rhetorical
skills. Assessed work will be marked at Staatsexam level. Since the texts for translation
generally treat issues and current affairs in the anglophone world regular reading of
American & British newspapers and journals is essential. Students will build up a collection of parallel texts in the course of the term. Knowledge of significant cultural and
political issues and institutions is expected at this stage. This course can be done once
for credit and once as an auditor (if there is space!).
Translation Exam Candidates
Dozent/in: Dr. Rebecca Davies
Charla Teufel, M.A.
Teresa Woods-Czisch, M.A.
Kai Woodfin, M.A.
Dr. Rebecca Davies,
Charla Teufel, M.A.,
Teresa Woods-Czisch, M.A.
Zeit: Mi
Mi 12–17
Voraussetzung: evidence of registration for Staatsexamen (as soon as available)
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: active participation, 3-4 translations under exam conditions
(4 hours)
Zielgruppe: exam semester only
This course is reserved exclusively for students in their exam (final) semester and can
be done once only. It provides an opportunity to work on exam-type texts, both in class
and under exam conditions. It assumes that the questions of technique handled in
other classes have been properly mastered. At regular intervals there will be mock
exams. These will be marked according to Staatsexam criteria and discussed in
depth in class. In addition there will be some in-class translation of unseen text.
Since the texts for translation generally treat issues and current events in the anglophone world regular reading of American & British newspapers and journals is essential.
Translation Intermediate
Dozent/in: Noirin Veselaj
Zeit: Mo 18–20
Di 18–20
Di 16–18
Do 16–18
Kai Woodfin, M.A.
Voraussetzung: successful completion of Translation Introductory
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: active participation, exams, assessed assignments, text
Zielgruppe: ZP to 7th semester
This class is intended for post ZP students. It concentrates on the translation of more
challenging German journalistic texts. Since the texts for translation generally treat
issues and current affairs in the anglophone world regular reading of American & British
newspapers and journals is essential. Students will build up a collection of parallel texts
in the course of the term.
Translation Introductory
Dozent/in: Charla Teufel, M.A.
Zeit: Mo
Patrick O’Mealy
Voraussetzung: Participants are required to have successfully completed both
Foundation Courses.
Anmeldung: Registration will take place during the week preceding the beginning
of the semester, 26.04.-28.04.2011. Please watch for more details posted on
notices in the Department and on the Department’s website: in early April.
Registration forms will be available for download from 18th April on.
Leistungsnachweis: active participation, exams, assessed assignments, text
Zielgruppe: 3rd semester to ZP
This class concentrates on the translation of German journalistic texts. Particular attention will be paid to comprehensibility, factual accuracy, and grammatical and orthographical accuracy. Since the texts for translation generally treat issues and events in
the anglophone world regular reading of American & British newspapers and journals is
essential. Students will build up a collection of parallel texts on a selection of topics in
the course of the term.
Cultural Studies Bachelor of Arts/Lehramt
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Dozent/in: Dr. Stefanie Lethbridge,
Dr. Eva Ulrike Pirker
Zeit: Mo 14–16
Literatur: A reading list /material will be made available through Campus Online
at the beginning of term.
Anmeldung: via Campus Online
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regular participation, end-of-term exam
Zielgruppe: BA (Hauptfach) English and American Studies/Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Lehramtsstudiengang
This course will introduce students to basic concepts for the analysis of culture as well
as the practical application of these concepts. Examples are largely taken from British
(and in some cases US-American) contexts. Please register via Campus Online.
Gender and Sexuality in Theory, Literature, and Culture
Dozent/in: Christopher Young
Zeit: Mi
Voraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
The first session scheduled for May 4, 2011 is mandatory!
Leistungsnachweis: Grades for the course will be determined as follows:
(1) regular attendance and active in-class participation – 15%
(2) article summary paired with a short in-class presentation and discussion
questions – 20%
(3) minutes (Protokoll) of one session – 20%
(4) final examination (Wednesday, August 10, 2011) – 45%
This course will introduce students to the thinking on gender and sexuality that has
developed in the academy over the course of the past century.
In particular, this course is geared toward Lehramt (post-ZP) and (especially) BA students who are: (1) interested in learning more about literary theory and cultural studies; (2) looking to incorporate theoretical insights into their interpretation of literary
and filmic texts; and, (3) seeking to engage with dense, sometimes confounding
thought in a lively classroom setting.
Students enrolling should: (1) be prepared for a course that carries a heavy and challenging reading load of both literary and theoretical texts; (2) be ready to engage
actively and consistently in in-class discussions that not only test the limits of their
thinking, but also may leave them (and the instructor himself) with additional questions
rather than definitive answers; and, (3) be open to pushing the boundaries of their
writing in an effort to bring precision and nuance to the work they produce.
The course itself is organized into seven three-hour sessions to allow us the time
necessary to truly engage with a week’s given theorists, articles, and literary texts/
films. The course will most likely cover the following broad topics:
-Foundations: Saussurean Linguistics, Deconstruction, and Foucault
-Feminism and Feminisms
-Gender Studies and Performative Acts
-Theorizing Masculinities
-Gay and Lesbian Literature
-Cyborgs and Other Unknown Creatures
-Gender and Sexuality in Cultural Studies
-Queer Theory, Time, and Space
Theoreticians and thinkers to be read may include: Saussure, Derrida, Foucault, Irigray, Felman, Gilbert and Gubar, hooks, Butler, Sedgwick, Connell, Fanon, Halberstam,
Harraway, Duggan, and Freeman, among others. Fictional texts will be culled from a
variety of British and American authors across literary periods with the greatest
emphasis being placed on 20th century American literature and film. Students should
expect to encounter a variety of texts ranging from Shakespeare’s As You Like It to
Alison Bechdel’s graphic novel Fun Home, and from episodes of WIll and Grace to
Kimberly Peirce’s film Boys Don’t Cry.
Readings for the second session (May 11, 2011) will be made available to students
shortly before the start of the semester. Please be sure a working email address is on
file with the university when registering for the course. If you are a student wondering if
this course is right for you or if you have further questions, please feel free to contact
me via email ([email protected]) or sign up to see me during
my office hours (KGIV, Room 4006).
Irish (Gaelic) in its Cultural Context
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Hildegard Tristram
Zeit: Fr 13.05.11, 16–18
Literatur: Helmut Birkhan, ed., Bausteine zum Studium der Keltologie, Vienna:
Edition Praesens 2005; Stefan Zimmer, ed., Die Kelten – Mythos und Wirklichkeit,
Stuttgart: Theiss Verlag, 2. aktualisierte Auflage 2009;
inmalige “scheinfähige“ und kostenpflichtige Blockveranstaltung für Selbstzahler/
innen am Wochenende vom 03.-05. Juni 2011 im Fachschaftshaus der Universität
Freiburg auf dem Schauinsland, siehe
Beginn: Freitag, den 03. Juni, um 12.00 Uhr auf dem Schauinsland, Ende: Sonntag, den 05. Juni, um 18.00 Uhr auf dem Schauinsland; eventuelle terminliche
Veränderungen werden bekannt gegeben; siehe Anschlag vor Raum 4008 (KG IV).
VB: Fr 13. Mai, Raum 4008 (KG IV), 16.00 Uhr s.t. (Termin- und/oder Raumänderung möglich, bitte Anschlag beachten), Unkostenbetrag von EUR 70.00 (für
Übernachtung und Vollverpflegung) bei VB zur Festbuchung passend mitbringen.
Anmeldung: [email protected]
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: aktives Einbringen in Gruppenarbeit, party piece, data
sheet on Irish history, take home essay
Irish (Gaelic) is spoken by a substantial portion of the people in Northern Ireland and in
the Republic of Ireland. The language was accepted by the EU on 01 January 2007 as its
23rd “official” language. Scottish Gaelic and Manx are closely related to Irish. In this
Cultural Studies course, we will take an active look at Irish in its many different cultural
contexts (i.e. its political, historical, art historical, musical, dance related, religious
[“Celtic spirituality, ancient and modern”] and literary contexts) as well as its connection with the other Celtic languages and cultures. We will also explore what it means to
people to be “Celtic.” Irish and German instructors will lead us through the course. The
evenings will be filled with the students’ so-called party pieces, i.e. live performances of
folk-drama or storytelling, instrumental music, singing and dance, etc.
The tuition fees for this course are sponsored by the Ciste na Gaeilge programme of the
Irish Government, please see .
Tales of Derring-do – From Legendary Explorers to Modern
Day Adventurers
Dozent/in: Dr. Claudia Duppé
Zeit: Di 14–16
Literatur: Shackleton, Ernest. South: The story of Shackleton’s 1914–17 expedition. London: Century Publishing, 1982.
Scott, Robert Falcon. Journals. Captain Scott’s Last Expedition. Oxford World’s
Classics. Oxford: OUP 2006 (2008).
Reader with further primary and secondary texts.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Since its early 20th century exploration and conquest, Antarctica has not lost any of its
attraction as the last frontier of humankind. In fact, the fascination with legendary
explorers’ struggles, like Ernest Shackleton’s and Robert Falcon Scott’s, is very much
alive a century on. Many a modern day adventurer would like to participate in the reenactment of these legendary journeys and follow in the explorers’ footsteps. This
course interrogates the way the stories of Antarctic expeditions are related in the
various autobiographical and biographical accounts of these journeys as well as in
photographs and films. It puts a particular emphasis on the question of authenticity
and the socio-political role the heroes play(ed) in pushing territorial and personal
boundaries. Building on this, the course will engage critically with the 21st century
re-enactment and seek to uncover underlying discursive patterns of then and now.
We will look in depth at the BBC TV serial Shackleton, released in 2002 and investigate
the offers of various adventure tour operators for Antarctica and their representation in
the web’s blogosphere.
The American West
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Mechthild Hesse
Zeit: Di 8–10
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Landeskunde Lehramt
American Society Today
Dozent/in: Kai Woodfin, M.A.
Zeit: Fr 14–16
Literatur: Most provided by instructor. Others by students.
Voraussetzung: Students must have passed both Foundation Courses.
Anmeldung: AN: Please send an email from 10 a.m., 12 February to 12 a.m., 20
April 2011 (Wed)
to register for this course. You must include the following information: Name,
Fachsemester, your intended degree (i.e. BA, LA), and Matrikelnummer. You will be
notified by email starting from 22 April 2011 as to whether you will be taking part.
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: Oral and written reports
In this course we will cover several current and significant aspects of culture and
society in the United States, occasionally stepping away from the present to look at
traditions, trends and ideas that might serve to explain the whys and wherefores of
American society today. Active participation on the part of students is not only the basis
for a grade: active and creative input is an absolute must as every student will be
expected to do some basic research. Texts and tasks will regularly be given to students.
You must be prepared to read and prepare these on a weekly basis. Please note that
there will be at least two double sessions, i.e. 12-18; the dates for these sessions will be
set at the beginning of term.
Contemporary Britain
Dozent/in: Alison Nagel, M.A.
Dr. Rebecca Davies
Zeit: Mi 12–14
Di 12–14
Literatur: Students must be prepared to work with CampusOnline, wikis and
other online facilities
Anmeldung: Applications must be sent to the course instructor by e-mail between the Zentraler Anmeldebeginn and 15th April – you MUST include the following details: Name, Fachsemester, Studiengang, Matrikelnummer. You should
await information from the instructor as to whether you can be accepted for the
course. Registration at other times or by other means is not possible
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: assignments during the semester, plus final exam
Zielgruppe: Students in higher semesters will be given priority; students are
permitted to take no more than ONE Landeskunde course per semester
This Proseminar provides a survey of important aspects of British life, institutions and
culture(s). Topics will include the political system, the historical developments that
have made Britain what it is today, current cultural patterns and developments, social
structures, questions of identity and Britain’s place on the world stage. Since there is a
widespread and annoying fallacy that England’ and Britain’ are synonyms, we will
spend time looking at non-English Britain and how it differs from England itself. Students will regularly be given topics to research and reading material to prepare. The
final exam will test how successfully they have absorbed the course material and how
well they can apply the insights and knowledge gained in the course.
Fachdidaktische Übung
Dozent/in: Martin Miller
Zeit: Mo 14–16
Mo 16–18
Di 16–18
Matthias Zimmer
Voraussetzung: Kurs muss vor dem Praxissemester absolviert werden (1.4. Semester) (n.PO)
Offen für alle Lehramtsstudierenden (alte PO)
Anmeldung: Online-Anmeldung über die Online-Belegungsfunktion auf dieser
Seite (http://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen).
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur dann für den Kurs zugelassen sind, wenn in
Ihrem elektronischen Stundenplan der Vermerk “ZU” erscheint. Sie sind nicht
zugelassen, wenn dort der Vermerk “AN” oder “AB” erscheint. Sollte innerhalb
einer Woche nach Ihrer Anmeldung für den Kurs noch immer der Vermerk “AN” in
Ihrem Stundenplan erscheinen, so befinden Sie sich auf der Warteliste für den
entsprechenden Kurs.
Bitte melden Sie sich nur für einen der vier Fachdidaktikurse am Englischen
Seminar an. Sollten Sie nach Ihrer Anmeldung doch nicht an dem Kurs
teilnehmen wollen, stornieren Sie bitte Ihre Anmeldung!
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
Leistungsnachweis: regelmäßige aktive Teilnahme; Mitgestaltung der Sitzungen durch Übernahme eines kurzen Impulsreferats, Abschlussklausur
Im Rahmen dieser Übung beschäftigen wir uns exemplarisch mit grundlegenden und
aktuellen Fragen und Aspekten der englischen Fachdidaktik:
- Reflexion grundlegender Spracherwerbs- und -lerntheorien in ihrer Bedeutung für den
- Grundlagen der Didaktik und Methodik des kompetenzorientierten und kommunikativen Englischunterrichts
- Theorien, Ziele und Verfahren des fremdsprachlichen und interkulturellen Lernens
unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Bildungsstandards und des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GeR)
Die Beschäftigung mit diesen Fragen erfolgt häufig auf der Grundlage theoretisch dargelegter Positionen und Konzepte, aber immer mit Blickrichtung auf die Unterrichtspraxis, und bezieht die Erarbeitung, Übertragung, Erprobung und Reflektion stets mit
Introduction to the Teaching of English
Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Matthias Hutz
Zeit: Do 14–16
Anmeldung: Online-Anmeldung über die Online-Belegungsfunktion auf dieser
Seite (http://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen).
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur dann für den Kurs zugelassen sind, wenn in
Ihrem elektronischen Stundenplan der Vermerk “ZU” erscheint. Sie sind nicht
zugelassen, wenn dort der Vermerk “AN” oder “AB” erscheint. Sollte innerhalb
einer Woche nach Ihrer Anmeldung für den Kurs noch immer der Vermerk “AN” in
Ihrem Stundenplan erscheinen, so befinden Sie sich auf der Warteliste für den
entsprechenden Kurs.
Bitte melden Sie sich nur für einen der vier Fachdidaktikurse am Englischen
Seminar an. Sollten Sie nach Ihrer Anmeldung doch nicht an dem Kurs
teilnehmen wollen, stornieren Sie bitte Ihre Anmeldung!
Anmeldebeginn: Die zentrale Anmeldefrist für anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars (Ausnahme Sprachpraxis) beginnt Montag,
This introductory course presents a survey of the main fields of Teaching English as a
Foreign Language (TEFL). Based on the Common European Framework of Reference
and Balanced Teaching, it discusses purposes, participants, practices, competences,
areas and contexts of language teaching, learning and use. A special focus will be put
on methodology.

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