UNCSO Newsletter 2011 - Usakos Needy Children Support


UNCSO Newsletter 2011 - Usakos Needy Children Support
Newsletter 1/2011
©UNCSOMarianne Izaaks
1. Word from …
… the founding parents
Marianne und Izak Izaaks
„We want to extend a word of thanks to
everyone that has contributed in such ways
to make UNCSO successful. Lets keep the
burning desire to make a difference in the
life of orphans vulnerable children alive by
caring, believing and taking action. We
believe with the help of everyone that this
can be a success.
Love makes the biggest difference – Love
conquers all.“
„ A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step“
by a Chinese prophet
2. Goodbyes and Welcomes
Theresia (16)
Lesley (16)
Dankee (15)
Taleni (7)
Grade 1
Glenda (8)
Grade 1
David (8)
Grade 2
Ellen (13)
Grade 6
3. Volunteers Corner
Volunteers present:
Cristina (24), biologist
Timisoara, Romania
19.01. – 04.04.2011
Ute (51), audio engineer
Frankfurt, Germany
17.01. – 07.04.2011
Werner (62), teacher
Bremen, Germany
07.02. – 15.07.2011
Patricia (23), student of
educational science
Trier, Germany
28.01. – 14.04.2011
Annika (25), student of
educational science
Trier, Germany
28.01. – 14.04.2011
4. Work at UNCSO
Beyond the daily program which included the eating and the study time as
well as regular home visits and leisure activities, the following special events
took place during the last three month:
• Parents evening
• Trips and picnics at the river
• Sports Olympiad
• Hygiene day
5. Changes
achievements during the last months:
Two rooms, that have been renovated
New chairs and tables, so that every child has its own place to work
A new stove and a new pot, so that the children can get every day a
delicious meal
5. Visits to project:
Sister Angela and friends
Melanie Gerull with fellow travelers (Ute’s acquaintance)
Alexander Kraß (Patricia‘s boyfriend)
Edwin Ollinger, Elmar Ollinger und Gaby Ollinger (Patricia’s
Monika und Hildulf Malzbender (Werner’s relatives)
6. Donations
Our project has been supported by following donations. The help of the
donators makes the work in the project possible. Thank you!
school clothes
school clothes clothes, books, hygienic articles from Germany
chairs and tables
stove and pan
clothes from Japan
Furthermore we take the opportunity to say thank you to all our sponsors
and donators over DNG and the private ones for your loyalty and support
during 2010/2011!!
Deutsch- Namibische Gesellschaft:
Kontonummer: 2 113 508 00
Bankleitzahl: 300 800 00
Bank: Commerzbank AG
Verwendungszweck: UNCSO Usakos
Savings account:
First National Bank; Branch Karibib;
Branch code: 281073;
Account no. 62124732258
For any information please contact Marianne Izaaks (Namibia) or Ingrid
Pfannkuchen (Germany) or have a look at our homepage:
7. Future
Hopes and wishes for the future:
• Warm winter clothes, a second pair of shoes for each kid and blankets
• A secure room for storing the needle-work material
• Mending of the windows in every classroom
• Organized trips for the children, in order for them to become
acquainted with the vicinity of Usakos and of the region