Dr. Jutta Fiegl


Dr. Jutta Fiegl
Dr. Jutta Fiegl
Curriculum Vitae
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
September 24, 1953
1971 - 1976: University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences – major in food
science and fermentation technology (studies not completed)
Studies at the University of Vienna: Psychology, European ethnology
Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.)
Completion of psychotherapist training (Systemic Family Therapy)
Officially listed as a psychotherapist, clinical psychologist and health
psychologist in the official registry of the Ministry of Health
2001 – 2004: Further education as a child and adolescent psychotherapist
2003 – 2005: Further education as a psychotherapeutic consultant
Professional experience:
1985 - 1986: Scientific and clinical collaboration at the Institute for Depth Psychology and
Psychotherapy at the University of Vienna.
Director: Prof. Dr. Hans Strotzka
1985 - 1989: Scientific and clinical collaboration at the Outpatient Clinic for Psychological
Medicine, University of Vienna’s Women’s Clinic
Development of Viennese liaison model for supervising breast carcinoma
patients and their relatives in the hospital
Accompanying research contracted by the Commission for Oncology to
evaluate the effects of medical care strategies
1986 to date: Scientific and clinical collaboration at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine
and Sterility Psychosomatics
Development of psychodiagnostic criteria as the basis for medical and
psychological care. Initial interviews, focused consulting, supervision of
1988 to date: University lecturer of the Medical Faculty at the University of Vienna.
1990 to date: Psychotherapist at the Family and Sexual Advisory Centre, part of the
Association for Family and Planning in Vienna
1990 to date: Private practice
Focus on gynaecology and obsetrics, psychooncology, reproductive medicine,
sexual therapy, family counselling and couples therapy)
Academic experience:
1988 to date: Lecturer at the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna
1993 – 2000: Lecturer in the further education curriculum for psychosomatics at the Austrian
Working Group for Group Therapy and Group Dynamics for Psychotherapists
1994 – 1995: Lecturer in the University Programme for Clinical Psychology and Health
Psychology at the Institute for Psychology of the University of Vienna
1996 – 1999: Lecturer at the Academy for Systemic Family Therapy of the Archdiocese of
Vienna for Employed Persons.
1993 – 1997: Lecturer in propaedeutics for the Austrian Working Committee for Group
Therapy and Group Dynamics (ÖAGG);
2001 – 2002: Teaching therapist in training at the Academy for Systemic Family Therapy of
the Archodiocese of Vienna
Lecturer at the Vienna Breast Cancer Early Warning Programme “Quality
Control of the Mammogram“ for radiologists at the University Clinic for
Radiodiagnostics in Vienna
Lecturer for the course of studies, “Psychoemotional Problems at Work“,
University Clinic for Internal Medicine IV, Clinical Department for
Occupational Medicine
Other professional responsibilities:
1993 – 2003: Member of the Management Board of the Austrian Working Commitee for
Group Therapy and Group Dynamics (ÖAGG)
1995 – 1997: Vice-chairperson of the Vienna Association of Psychotherapy
1997 – 1999: Chairperson of the Vienna Association of Psychotherapy
1995 – 2000: Head of negotiations to implement the Vienna Hospital Amendment Law
1997- 2000: Head of negotiations on behalf of the Austrian Professional Association for
Psychotherapy with the Association of Social Insurance Carriers on allowing
Austrian-wide psychotherapy using a health insurance certificate
Head of negotiations on behalf of the Vienna Association for Psychotherapy
with the Vienna social insurance company about social insurance contracts
with doctors
Since 1993 Member of the Management Board of the Austrian Association for
Psychosomatic Medicine in Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Since 2001: Vice chairperson of the ökids Association, the Association for Child and
Adolescent Psychotherapy
Since 2002: Head of the Association for Family and Planning
2003 – 2005: Member of the Founding Committee of the Sigmund Freund University
Since 2005: Vice-rector of the Sigmund Freund University in Vienna
Selected publications
Fiegl, J.: Kinderwunsch, das geheimnisvolle Wechselspiel zwischen Körper und Seele;
Patmos Verlag, Düsseldorf 2004
(The Secret Interplay Between Body and Soul)
Numerous publications on a variety of medical issues, including mammograms, breast cancer
operations, in-vitro fertilisation, therapeutic care, assisted conception, etc.:
Fiegl,J.,Langer,M. Ringler,M. Zur Akzeptanz psychologischer
Nachsorgeeinrichtungen; In: Frischenschlager, O (Hrsg.):
Beiträge zur Psychoonkologie Bd 3, Facultas - Univ. Verlag
Wien 1986
Fiegl,J.Langer,M.Ringler,M.: Mammakarzinompatientinnen prä- und postoperativ;
Evaluation einer kontinuierlichen Betreuung.
TW Gynäkologie 2, 274 - 281, Verlag Braun 1989
Fiegl, J., Langer,M., Ringler,M., Kubista,E.: (1989)
Präoperatives Gespräch bei Brustoperationen - Belastung für
Patientin und Arzt. In: Ringler, M.; Fennesz U., Springer-Kremser, M.
(Hrsg): Frauen“Krankheiten“ Psychosomatische Gynäkologie und
Geburtshilfe in Österreich 1982 - 1992 WUV-Universitätsverlag 1992
Fiegl,J. Kemeter,P.: Die In-vitro-Fertilisation aus der Sicht einer
gynäkologisch - psychologischen Zusammenarbeit.
Fertilität (1989): 5: 156 - 161, Springer Verlag
Fiegl,J. Kemeter,P.: Katamnestische Untersuchung von Paaren mit Kindern nach Invitro-Fertilisation oder Samenspende.
In Brähler,E. Meyer,A: (Hrsg.) Psychologische Probleme in der
Reproduktionsmedizin; Jahrbuch der psychologischen Medizin 5,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg 1991
Fiegl,J.: Ungewollt kinderlos, Zur Situation des Kinderwunschpaares und der Rolle der
Medizin; Journal f. Fertilität und Reproduktion 1/ 1991
Ringler, Langer, Fiegl: Das Wiener Liaisonmodell zur Betreuung von
Mammakarzinompatientinnen und ihrer Angehörigen. In: Pritz, Dellisch
(Hrsg.): Psychotherapie im Krankenhaus, Verlag Orac 1994
Fiegl J., Pritz A., Wagner E.: Richtlinien für die psychotherapeutische und soziale Beratung
im Rahmen der humangenetischen Beratung; Studie im Auftrag vom Bundesministerium für
Gesundheit und Konsumentenschutz; Sonderband; Bundeskanzleramt Sektion VI , 1996
Kemeter, Fiegl: Adjusting to life when assisted conception fails.
Human Reproduction vol.13 no.4 pp. 1099- 1105, 1998
Fiegl, Reznicek: Diagnostik in der Systemischen Therapie In: Laireiter
(Hrsg):Diagnostik in der Psychotherapie; Springer Verlag Wien New York 2000
Fiegl, J., Stamm, I.: Psychotherapeutische Gutachten im Rahmen humangenetischer
Untersuchungen; In: Lanske,P., Pritz, A.(Hrsg): Das psychotherapeutische Gutachten; Lexis
Nexis Verlag ARD ORAC Wien 2002
Fiegl,J.: Das psychotherapeutische Gutachten im Bereich der Fortpflanzungsmedizin; In:
Lanske,P., Pritz, A.(Hrsg): Das psychotherapeutische Gutachten; Lexis Nexis Verlag ARD
ORAC Wien 2002