"Campus" do HC Liceo + Centro Liceu La Paz
"Campus" do HC Liceo + Centro Liceu La Paz
President Communication / Comunicação do Presidente ref: FG-014/2014 English version (page 1) / versão em português (página 2) + Annex (pages 3 +4) / Anexo( páginas 3 + 4) To: EUROPEAN FEDERATIONS From: CERH PRESIDENT Date: 12h of June 2014 Subject: RINK-HOCKEY “CAMPUS” ORGANIZED BY HOCKEY CLUB LICEO + CENTRO LICEO LA PAZ Dear Sirs: Assuming the importance of the training of young athletes as one of the "master springs " of the implementation and development of Roller Hockey in Europe, CERH signed a hosting protocol with HOCKEY CLUB LICEO for its “XII CAMPUS” that is open to female and male young athletes, aiming to initiate or develop their specific skills. This “Campus” will take place in LA CORUÑA, SPAIN, at “COLEGIO LICEO LA PAZ”, with the presence of qualified coaches, as well as well known national and international players CONDITIONS OF APPLICATION: 1. The Athletes who participate in any of the mentioned stages will have to bring their sports equipment. 2. Two different “stages” will be organized according to the following schedule (see the "promotional poster " in page 3 of this Communication): • STAGE 1- Players that were born in 2002 or after - From the 29th of June to the 5th of July, 2014 • STAGE 2- Players that were born before 2002 - From the 6th to the 12th of July, 2014 3. Applications for this “Campus” should be urgently addressed to CERH, until the deadline of June 20, 2014. 3.1 All the applications must include a permission statement from their parents. 3.2 The National Federation of the affiliated Athlete is responsible before CERH for the presentation of each application that should be sent by an e-mail addressed to: [email protected] 3.3 The costs of the participation of Athletes will be broken down as follows: a) b) c) The Athlete's National Federation will be responsible for the organization, the logistics and the costs incurred in the country of origin CERH will organize and pay the costs of travel (round-trip) of the Athlete selected for each Clinic, between the origin country and the country where the Clinic will take place. The “Campus organizers” will assume the cost of the reception and logistics stages, including the transportation costs to and from the Airport, as well as the costs related to the stay (bed and board) and participation in all the Clinic activities. With kind regards CERH President Page 1 of 3 – Página 1 de 3 President Communication / Comunicação do Presidente ref: FG-014/2014 English version (page 1) / versão em português (página 2) + Annex (pages 3 +4) / Anexo( páginas 3 + 4) Page 3 of 3 – Página 3 de 3