Dynamics of the Airplane


Dynamics of the Airplane
'J^p 'J "''I
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Part 4 - Dynamics of the Airplane
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The Index and Bibliographies have been prepared
by workers under the supervision of' the
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Project 165-97-6055
This bibliography is one of a series which ains to
cover a large part of aeronautical literature.
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cooperation of the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences on
Works Progress Administration Project 165-9?-6055.
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A,R. G. R. & M. - Great Britain. Aeronautical research
committee. Reports and memoranda.
A.S.M.E. - American society of mechanical engineers,
Hew York.
Atti Assoc. ital. aerotecn. - Attl dell Associations
italiana di aerotecnica. Roma.
C.I.N.A.- Commission internationale- de navigation
aéri enne, Geneve.
C. R. Acad. sel. - Ûomptes rendus hebdomadaires des séance
de l'Académie des sciences, Paris.
D.V.L. - Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für luftfahrt, Berlin.
F.A.I. - Fédération aéronautique Internationale, Paris.
H.M. Stat, off. - His Majesty's Stationery office, London.
N.A.À. - National aeronautic association, Washington.
N.A.G.A. - Hational advisory committee for aeronautics,
N.P.L. - National physical laboratory, Teddington, England
Pub. scient, tech, Min. de l air. - Publications scientifiques et techniques du Ministère de l'air. Service
des recherches de 1 aéronautiaue, Paris.
R.A.F. - Royal air force (£reat Britain)
R.A.S. - Royal aeronautical society (Great Britain)
Rend. Istituto sper. aer. ~ Rendiconto dell Istituto
sperimentale aeronautico, Roma.
Si A . E . - Society of automotive engineers, New York.
U.S. Govt, print, off. - U.S. Government printing office,
V.D.I. - Verein deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin.
W.G.L, - Wissenschaftliche gesellschaft für luftfahrt,
Z.A.M. M. - Zeitschrift für angewandte mathematik und
mechanikj Berlin.
Z.T.M.^- Zeitschrift für flugtechnik und raotorluftschiffah
• .1
Control-Slow Speed and Stall
Maneuvers .
• • 27
Stability-Directional . . • .
Stalled Plight
Author Index
Reduction of hinge moments of airplane control surfaces by
tabs, by ?. A. Harris. Washington, U.S. Govt. ;crint.
off., 1 9 3 5 . 3 ? c-. (N.a.C.A, Technical reoort no, 5 2 8 )
Wind-tunnel investigation of the aerodynamic balancing of
upcer-surface ailerons and flaus, by C. J. Wenzinger.
Washington, U.S. Govt, crint. off., 1 9 3 5 . IB o.
diagrs.,, tables. (N.A.C.A. Reoort no. 5 4 9 )
Aerodynamic balancing of control, surfaces, by a. G. B.
Ketcalf. Aero digest, Au,:. 1?34, v. ?5, p. 45-46,
Balanced controls.
Flight, Jan.
Balanced elevators, by B. Eskin and N. P. De/vydow.
Aviation engineering, Jan. 1933, v. 8, p. 8-9. diagrs.
A Collection of wind tunnel data on the balancing of
controls by F, R. Bradfield. London, H. H. Stat,
off., 1 9 3 1 . 16 c. diagrs., illus., tables.
(A. R. C. ft. 5: IX. no. 1 4 2 0 )
Hinge moments of balanced and unbalanced ailerons on
P..A.F. 1 4 wing to large angles of incidence, by
F. B. Bradfield and R. A, Fairthorne. London, K. M.
Stat, off., 1 9 3 0 . 9 -c- diagrs., illus., tables.
(A.R. C. R. & W. no. 1 3 3 1 )
Study of balanced rudders, by J. A. Roche. Washington,
U.S. Govt, print, off., 1 9 2 7 . 4 p. diagrs.,'tables.
(U.S. Air corps information circular no. 5 8 6 )
Wind tunnel test for elevator hinge moment coefficients on
the horizontal tail surface no. 5 with balanced
elevator, by P. K. Lyons. Washington, U.S. Govt.
print, off., 1 9 2 6 . 3 p. diagr., illus. (U.S. Air
corps information circular no. 5 6 7 )
The Design of aeroclane control surfaces with aoecial
reference to balancing, by H, B. Irving. Aeronautical
journal, London, Oct. 1 9 2 1 , v. 2 5 , no, 1 3 0 , p. 5 3 7 ¬
5 5 5 . diagrs., illus.
Balance portion for the rudder of the F.3 flying boat,
by J. K. Parkin, H. C. Crane and S. L. Galbraith.
Toronto, Toronto university 1921. 4 p. diagrs.,
illus. (School of engineering research bulletin
The Fcrce on an aileron balanced by the "backward hinge"
method, by H. B- Irving and A. S. Batson. London,
H. M. Stat, off., 1921. 4 p. diagrs., tables.
(A.R-C. R. 4 M. no. 760)
Rudder balance for F. 3 flying boat, by J. H. Parkin,
E. V. Ahara and J, S. E. McAllister. Toronto,
Toronto university, 1921. 7 p. diagrs., illus.
(School of engineering research bulletin no. 2)
Balanced control surfaces on aircraft, bv R. w. Wing.
Aviation, New York, Feb 15, 1920, v. 8, no. 2,
o. 57-58. cLia&r.
An Investigation of the aerodynamic properties of wing
ailerons. Part IV. The effect of yaw on the
balance of ailerons of the ^horn" type, by H. B. Irving
and A. S. Batson. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1920,
19 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 728)
An Investigation of the aerodynamic properties of wing
ailerons. Part V. The balancing of ailerons by
the avro patent method, by H. 3. Irving and A. S
Batson. London, H.
Stat, off,, 1920. 1 5 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M . no. 695)
Pressure distribution on wing with fixed balanced aileron
(souare horn type), by A. S. Batson. London, K, M.
Stat. cff... 1 9 2 0 . 2 1 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. .
R. &. M . no. 7 0 9 )
An Investigation of the aerodynamic oroperties of wing
ailerons. Part III. The balancing of ailerons,
by H. B. Irving and E. Cwer. London, H.
off., 1919. 43
diagrs.. tables. (A.R.C. R. & •:.
no. 651)
The Effect of balancing a rudder; by placing the rudder
axis behind the leading edge, uoon the controlling
moment on the machine, by W. L. Cowley, L. F. G-.
Simmons and J. D. Coales, London, H. ¥,. Stat, off,,
1916. 7 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. ft. & U. no.2531
Lateral and directional control, by R. P. Alston.
craft engineering, Feb. 1936, p. 31.
The Effect of ari-a and aspect ratio on the yawing momonte
of rudders at large angles of pitch on three
fuselages, by Hugh L. Dryden and B* H. Monish.
Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off., 193?. 12 p.
diagrs., illus., tables. (K.A.C.A. Report no, 43?)
Some full scale experiments with servo rudders, by J. E.
Serby. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1932. 22 p.
diagrs. (A.R, G. P.. & hi. no. 1514)
Maximum force on the fin and rudder of a Bristol Fighter
by F. B. Bradfield. Lordon, K. M. Stat, off., 1930.
8 p.
R. & ìA.
Maximum forco on rudders, by F. B. Bradfield. London,
H. M. Stat, off., 1930. 16 p. diagrs. (A.R.C.
R. & M. no. 1329)
Maximum lift coefficient of R.A.F. 30 all-moving rudder,
by F. B. Bradfield. London, H, M. Stat, off,, 1930.
8 p. diagrs. (A.R.C. R. 5: M. no. 13£1)
Zur theorie der auerruder, von A. Betz
und K. Petersohn.
Z.F.M.j Aug. 192S, v. 8, no. 4, p. 253-25?. illus.
Wind tunnel tests of various servo-rudder systems, by
K. V. Wright. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1928. 2? p
diagrs,, tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1186)
The Aerodynamics of a simple servo-rudder system, by
H. M, Garner and C. E. W. Lockyer. London, H. M.
Stat, off,, 1927, S p. tables, {A.R.C. R. & U.
no. 1105)
Full scale tests of a Bristol Fighter with increased
rudder control, by H. L. Stevens. London, H. M.
Stat, off., 1927, 2 -q. diagr. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 1089)
Wind tunnel tests of DH-4B model fitted with various fins
and rudders. Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off.,
192?. 11 p. illus. (U.S. Air corps information
circular no. 503)
Full scale testa of a Bristol Fighter with increased
rudder control, by H. L, Stevens, London, H. M.
Stat, off., 1925. 4 o. diagrs. {A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 972)
Forces and moments {Including those due to controls} on
a model fairey N 4 " flying "boat "Atlanta", at
various angles of yaw, by H. B. Irving and A, S.
Bptson. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1 9 2 4 . 14 D.
R. & U. no..
Experiments with rudders on two twin-engine aeroclanes,
by F. W. Meredith. London, H. I.L Stat, off., 1923,
£4 p. diagrs. (A.R.C. R. &
no. 908)
The Effect on rudder control of sires "cream body, and
ground interference, by D. L. Bacon and H- I. Hoot.
Washington, 1932. 7 p. illus. (N.^.C.A. Technical
notes no. 110)
Measurements of rudder moments on an aircl&ne during
flight, by V. Heidelberg. Washington, 1922. 23 o,
illus., tables. (N.A.CtA. Technical notes no. 38)
(From Z.F.M., Nov, 15, 29, 1919, v. 10, no. 21, 22,
p. 236-241, 249-255)
Model experiments on the fin effect of balanced and
unbalanced rudders when hinged freely. London,
H. M. Stat, off., 191?. 1 D. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 391)
Experiments on bodies with fins and rudders. Part I.
Tests of vertical fin surfaces at the rear of
different shaped bodies, by L. W. Bryant and
H. B. Irving. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1915.
12 p. diagrs., tables. (A.K.G. R. & M. no. 201)
Experiments on bodies with fins and rudders. Part II,
Design of fins for the body of R.E.3., by J. R.
Pannell and N. R . Campbell. London, H. M. Stat,
off., 1915. 10 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C.
R. & M. no. 201)
experiments on bodies with fins and rudders. Part IllTests of model of F.E.4 body and tail, by L. W.
Bryant and H, E. Irving. London, H". M. Stat, off.,
1915. 13 o. diagrs,, tables, (A.R.C. R. & M,
no. 201)
experiments on bodies with fins and
Tests of a model of F.E.4 body
system, by L. W. Bryant and HH. M. Stat, off., 1915. 8 o.
(A.R. 0. R. & M. no. 201)
rudders. Part IT.
with a modified tail
B. Irving. London,
diagrs. tables.
Experiments on bodies with fins and rudders. Part V.
Tests of the yawing moment on a model of the B*E.2C
machine at small angles of yaw, by L. W. Bryant and
H. B. Irving. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1915.
4 p. dir.gr. (A.R.C. R. h M. no. 201)
The Steering of aeroplanes by ailerons alone, by Herbert
Chat ley. Aeronautics, New York, Mar. 31, 1914,
v. 14j no. 6, o. 86. (ALSO Aeronautics, London,
Oct. 1913, v. 6, no. 68, p. 365)
Some notes on the principles of steering and stability in
aeroplanos, by Maurice Boda-. Flight, London, Feb. 7,
1914, v. 6, no. 6, p. 144-147, iilus.
Querstabilität und Seitensteuerung von flugtanschinen
dissertation, Aachen, 1912, von K, G-ehlcn. Z.F.M.,
July 1*2, 26, Aug. 16, 30, 191?, v. 4, no. 15-16,
p- 173-177; 164-191; 201-226; 213-221. diagrs.,
Steering by propeller thrust. The de Bajza system. Aero­
nautics, London, July 1G12, v. 5, no, 53, p. 224-225.
A Note on steering and warping, by S. L. Walkden. Aero­
nautics , London, Apr. 191?, v. 5 , no, 50, p. 100-102.
A Note on steering and warping, by Herbert Chatley. Aero­
nautics, London, Mar". 1912, v. 5, no. 49, p. 76-77.
Die Steuerung der drachenflieger, von Raimund Nlmfuehr.
Fachzeitung für flugtechriik, Berlin, Apr. 9, 23,
1911, v. 5 , no. 1 5 / 1 ? , D. 13-15, 21-23. illus.
Differentailstuuerung für drachenflieger, von Heinz Slpel.
Fachz-eitung für flugtechnik, Berlin, Aor. 2, 1911,
v. 5, no. 14, p. 21-24. dlAgr.
Motes on steering, by R. h. S. Bacon. London, H. M. Stat.
Off., 1911. 3 p. diagrs. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 45)
Steering control, by N. F. Vftu-fler. Flight, London, July 9,
1910, v. 2, no. 28, p. 535. diagr.
Die Seitensteuarung der flugmaschinen, von H. Relasner.
2.F.M., May 10, 28, 1910, v. 1, no. 9, 10, p. 101-106,
117-123. diagrs., tables.
Steering and equilibrium-preserving devices for aeroplanes,
by L. J . Lesh. Scientific american, New York,
Aug. 10, 1907, v. 97, no. 6, p. 99.
A Suggested latornl control device for use ?rith full span
flaus . bv H. 3. Irving. Journal of the aeronautical
sciences, Jan. 1936, v. 3, no. 3. p. 95.
Lateral control at high angles of attack, by Otto C.
Koooon. Journal of the aeronautical sciences,
Jan'. 1935, v. 2, no. 1, p. 22-25.
Aerodynamic characteristics cf wings -ith cambered external¬
' airfoil flaps including lateral control with a fullscan flao, by TC. C. Piatt. Washington, U.S.Govt,
print, off.,
17 ,:. dlagrs. (fl.A.C.A. Report
.. no. 541)
Flight investigation of lateral control devices for use
vith full-sp-n flaos, by H. A. Soule and W, H .
M C A V O Y . Wnshington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 1935¬
11 p.' (W.H. O.A. Report no, 517)
Wind-tunnel research comcaring'lateral control devices
particularly at high angles cf attack. Part XIII.
Auxiliary ilrfoils used ^.s external ailerons, bv
F. E. Weick and R. W. Noyes. Washington, U.S. Govt,
print, off., 1935. 32 p. (N.A.G.A. Report no. 510)
Zac flaos and ailerons, by Temple N. Joyce. Transactions
of thp A.S.M.S., Apr. 1934, v. 56, no. 4, p. 193-201.
(Also Flight, July 27, Aug. 31, 1933. o. ?54a-£,
Aerodynamic rolling and yawing moments produced by floating
wing-tip ailerons, as measured by spinning balance,
by M. J. Bamber. Washington, 1934. 8 p. (N.A.G.A.
Technical notes no. 493) (Also L Aerotecnica, 1934,
v. 14, p. 1311)
The Aileron power of a monoplane, by A. G. pugsley and
K. Roxboe Cox. London, H. M. Strt. off., 1934. 19 c.
diagrs. (A.R. G. R. & M. no. 1640)
Flight investigation of lateral control characteristics of
short wide ailerons and various scoilers with
different amounts of wing dihedral, by P. E. Weick,
H. A. Scule and M. a. Gough. Washington, U.S. Govt,
print, off., 1934. 16 p. (N.A.C.A. Report no. 494)
Wind tunnel research comparing lateral control devices,
particularly at high angles of attack. Part XII,
by F. E. Weick and G, J. Wenzinger. Washington,
U.S. Govt, print, off., 1934. 17 p. (N.A.C.A.
Reoort no. 499) (Also L'Aerotecnica, 1934, v. 14,
p. 202)
Wind tunnel test on: 1. Frise aileron with raised nose.
2. Hartshorn aileron with twisted nose, by A. S.
Hartshorn and F. B. Bradfield. London, H. M. Stat.
off., 1934. 21 p. diagrs., tables. (a.R.C. R. £• H
no. 1587)
Lateral control in birds and airplanes, by R. R. Graham.
Mechanical engineering, July 1933, v. 55, c. 440-441
Twin pivot floating aileron flaps, by Nicolas Medvedeff.
Aviation engineering, Mar. 103?. 2 p. illus.
Aileron angles in high speod maneuvers with single seater
fighters, by B. V. Williams and J. H. Hartley.
London, K. M. Stat, off., 1933. 14 c. diagrs,,
tables. (A.R.C. R. 3c It. no, 1582)
Effect of slots
and J. W.
and flaps on lateral control of low_wxng
as determined in flight, by H. A. Soule
Wetmore. Washington', 1933. 11 p.
Technical notes no. 478)
Moments de roulis et moments de charnières ailerons, par
A. Toussaint. Technloue aeronautioue, 1933, v. 24,
no. 127, c. 3-28.
Rolling, yawing, and hinge moments produced by rectangular
ailerons, by R. H. Heald. Washington, 1933. 12 o.
(î\hA. C.A. Technical notes no. 411)
Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control, devices,
particularly at high angles of attack. Part XI.
Various floating tip ailerons on both rectangular
and tapered wings, by Fred S. Weick and Thomas A.
Karris. Washington, 1933. 19 p. (N.A.C.A.
Technical notes no. 458)
Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices,
particularly at high angles of attack. Part X.
Various control devices on a wing with a fixed
auxiliary airfoil, by Fred E. Weick and Richard W.
Noyes. Washington, 1933. 9 p. (N.A.C.A.
Technical notes no, 451)
Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices,
particularly at high angles of attack. Fart IX.
Tapered ^ings with ordinary ailerons, by Fred S.
Weick and Carl J. Wenzinger. Washington, 1933.
12 p. (&.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 449)
Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices,
particularly at high angles of attack. Part VIII.
Straight and skewed ailerons on wings with rounded
tips, by Fred E. Weick and Joseph A. Shortal.
Washington, 1933. 13 p. (N.A.G.A. Technical
notes no. 445)
Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices,
particularly at hi#h angles of attack. Part VII.
Handley Page tip and fuil-span slots with ailerons
and spoilers, by Fred S. Weich and Carl J. Wenninger.
Washington, 1933. 33 p. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes
no. 443)
Wind-tunnel tssts on Junkers type aileron, by F. B.
Bradfield and W. E. Wood. London, H. M. Stat, off.,
1933, 1? c. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 1533)
Prove dinamiche dell'aletta a fessura tipo Handley-Page,
di Aldo G-uglielmetti. Rivista aeronautica, Roma,
Dec. 1932, v. S, no. 12, p. 521-523. illus.
Weiters flugmessungen Uber die Wirksamkeit von automatischen
Handlev-Fage sohlit?querrudern, von Wilhelm Pleines,
Z.F.M/, May 28, 1932," v._ £3, no. 10, p. £87-294.
diagrs., illus. (Also Jahrbuch 1932 der D.V.L.,
München und Berlin, 1932, p. 9-16)
The Aerodynamic characteristics of a semi-rigid wing
relevant to the problem of loss of lateral control
due to wing twisting, by A. G. Pugsley. London,
H, }A. Stat, off., 1932. 15 p. diagrs., tables.
(A.R,C, R. & M, no. 1490)
Experiments on the reversal of aileron control due to
wing tv?ist, by W. J. Duncan and G-. A. McMillanLondon, H. M. Stat, off,, 1932. 22 p. tables.
(A.R. C. R. & M. no. 1499)
Preliminary investigation of rolling moments obtained
with spoilers on both slotted and plain wings, by
Fred E. Weick and Carl Wensinger. Washington,
1932. 11 o. diagrs. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes
no. 415)
Testa of floating Ailerons on a Bristol Fighter aeroplane.
Part I. Rolling balance tests on model wings,
by F. B. Bradfleld and G-. F. Midwood. Part II.
Full scale tests, by A. V. Stephens. London,
H. U. Stat, off., 1932- 44 u, diagrs., tables.
(A.R. C. R. & M. no. 1501)
Theory of loss of lateral control due to wing twisting,
by Roxbee K, Cox and A. G. Pugsley. London, H. M,
Stat, off., 1932. 15 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C.
R. & M. no. 1506)
Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices,
particularly at high angles of attack. Part V I .
Skewed ailerons on rectangular wings, by Fred E.
Weick and Thomas A . Karri3. Washington, U.S. Govt,
print, off,, 1933. 13 p. 113.us., tables,
t N, A. C. A. Report no. 444.)
Wind-tunnel research comparing lnti?ral control devices,
particularly r.t high angles of attack, Part V.
Spoilers p.nd ailorons on rectangular wings, by
Fred E. Weick and Joseph ^. Shortal. Washington,
U.S. Govt, crint. off., 1932. 19 p. diagrs.,
illus., tcftlcs. (N.A. C.A. Report no. 439)
Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices,
particularly at high ang3.es of attack. Part IV.
Floating tin ailerons on rectangular wings, by
Fred W. Weick and Thomas A> Harris. Washington,
U.S. Govt. prjnt, off., 1932- 25 p. diagrs.,
illus., tablf^i, (N.A.C.A. Report no. 424)
Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices,
particularly at high angles of attack. Part III.
Ordinary ailerons rigged up 10° when neutral,
by Fred E. Weick and Carl J. Wenzlnger. Washington,
U.S. Govt, print, off., 1932, 12 p • CILB.gr s. , illus.
(N.A. C.A. Report no. 423)
Wind-tunnel research compering lateral control devices,
particularly at high angles of attack. Part II.
Slotted ailerons and Frise ailerons, by Fred E.
Weick and Richard W. Noyes. Washington, U.S. Govt.,
print, off., 1932. 16 p. illus., tables.
(N.A.C.A. Report no. 422)
Wind-tunnel research compp.ring lateral control devices,
particularly at high angles of attack. Part I.
Ordinary ailerons on rectangular wings., by Fred E.
Weick and Carl J. Wenzinger. Washington, U.S. Govt,
print, off., 1938. 26 p. diagrs., tables.
A. C.A. Report no. 419}
Experiments in lateral control. An account of tests with
autoslots and an interceptor and_ spoiling devices
on the same aircraft, by W, G, Jennings. Aircraft
engineering, London, Oct. 1931, v, 3, no. 32,
p. 253-254. illus.
Effect of variation of chord and span of ailerons on hinge
moments at several angles of pitch, by B. H. Monish.
Washington, U.S. Govt, print/ off., 1931. 15 p.
diagrs.j illus., tables. (N.A.C.A, Report no. 370)
Einfluss der f lügelumrissf orrn und die querruderabmessungen
auf die auersteuerbarkeit beim eindecker, von G-,
Mathias. " Jahrbuch, 1931 der D.V.L., p. 712-736.
Plugmessungen über den einfltiss von Handley-Page schiltzquerrudern auf eigenschaften und leistungen eines
flugz-eugs vom muster Albatros-L-75-als im
hochstauftriebsber«,ich* Jahrbuch, 1331 der D.V.L.,
p. 631-708.
Wind-tunnel tost or. aileron loads. Part I. Force on
aileron. Pert I I . Force on main wing ahead of aileron
by F. B. Br-dfield, G. F. Miäwood and F. R. C.
Hounsfield. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1931. 45 o.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1443)
Comparison of lateral control m c ^ m d s , by G-> C. D. Ru3sel.
Flight, Feb. LS, 1930, v. 22., no. G, p. 254a-d.
Tests of various lateral controls fitted to a Siskin air­
craft, by W . G-. Jennings. London, H. M . Stat, off.,
10 p. diagrs., illus. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 1384)
Application of servo Drinciole to aileron operation, by
A. 3.- Hartshorn. London, H. M . Stat, off., 1929.
16 p.- diagrs., tables, (A.R.C, R. & M. no. 1262)
Contribution to the aileron theory, by A . Betz and
S. Petersohn. Washington, 1929. 10 p. illus,
(N.A-C.A. Technical memorandums no. 542) (From
Z.Ä.M.M.„ 1928, v. 8, p. 253-257)
Flight test on Atlas fitted with automatic slots connected
with ailerons and design of auto slots for R . A . F .
28 section wing, by E . T. Jones. London, H. M.
Stat, off., 1929, 3 p. diagrs. ( A . R . C
R. & M.
no. 1260)
Theoretical investigation of the effect of the ailerons on
the wing of an airplane, by C. Wleselsberger.
Washington, 1929, 25 p. diagrs. ( N . A . O . A . Technical
memorandums no. 510) (From Tokyo imperial university.
Aeronautical research institute report no. 16)
Theoretical relationship for a wing with unbalanced
ailerons, by A. S, Hartshorn. London, H. M. Stat.
off., 1929. 16 p. diagrs., tables* (A.R.C. R, & M,
no. 1859)
&ur theorie der querruder, von A. Betz, Zeitschrift de^s
V.D.I., Berlin, Oct. SO, 1928, v. 72, no. 42,
p. 1513. diagr.
A |^ote on lateral control with a cantilever monoplane, by
F. a. Barnw-»11. Flight, Sep. 27, 1928, v. 20, no, 39,
p. 634a-G34b. ili»s.
Full scale experiments with a Bristol fighter fitted with
slots and flaps and slot and aileron control, by
K. V. Wright. London, K. M, Stat, off-,, 1928. 6 TO,
diagrs., illus., tables. U.R.C. R. & M. no. 1188)
Oh salvation by slots, aeroolnne. Aeroplane, ©ct. 26, 1927,
v. 33, no. 17, o. 569-570, 572. illus.
The Handley-Page slot and aileron lateral eontrol. Flight,
London, Mar. 10, 192?, v, 19, no. 10, p. 150-151.
diagrProgress with the slot and aileron control. Aeroplane,
London, Feb, 16, 1927, v. 32, no. 7, p. 182".
Experiments on the action of the ailerem of a thick tapered
wing, by H. J. van der- M-aas and Koning. Verslagen en
verhandleingen van den Rljks-Studiedienst voor de
Luchtvaart, Rapport A. 32, Deel 4-192?, Amsterdam,
p. 139-C64, diagrs., illus., tables.
Full scale tests of a Bristol fighter with slot and aileron
control operated by a differential link mechanism, by
H, 11. Garner. London, H. M. Stat, off., 192?. 4 p.
diagrs, (A.R.C. R. & fi. no. 1101)
Further wind tunnel tests of a slot and aileron aontroi on
a wing of R. A. F. 31 section, by A . 3. Eartshorn.
London, K. H. Stat.off., 192?, 18 p. diagrs.,
tables. (A,R.C. R. & H, no. 1909)'
Preliminary report oh the fitting of slots and flaps and
slot-and-aileron control to a Bristol fighter, by
H. L. Stevens, London, H, M. Stat, off., 1927. 5 p,
diagrs. (A.R.C, R. & M. no, 108S)
Model tests of a combined slot and aileron control on a
wing of R.A.F,15 section. Push forward type of
auxiliary, by F. B. Bradfield and A.S. HartshornLondon, H. M. Stat, off., 1926, IS D , diagrs.,
tables. (A.R.C. R. & )L no. 1047)
Second report on full scale experience with the slot and
aileron control fitted to a Bristol fighter, by
H, L. Steven*. London, H. M, Stat, off., 1926.
5 p. diagrs. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1051)
Slot and aileron control on P. wing of R.A. F.31 section,
with various types of ailerons, by F. B. Bradfield
and A. S. Hartshorn. London, H. M. Stat. off.,
1926, 2G c.
diagrs., tables. (JL.R.C. R. & M.
no. 1048)
Bericht uber versuuhf und drackmessungen an q-uerrudern
im fluge, von 5r2edrich Buiig. Z.F.M. , Aug. 28,
16, no. 16, p. gOO-281. illusi
Full scale t*?ots of different ailerons on Bristol fighter
aeroplane, by H, wl. Garner and E. T. Jones. London,
H. M. Qlr.t. Off., 1925. ? p .
lllus. (A.R.C,
R. & M. no. 966}
Full scale tests of a new slot-and-aileron lateral control,
by H, L, Stevens. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1925.
3 p. illus. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 968)
The Lateral control of a biplane by combined use of
ailerons and varying leading edge slots, by G-. P.
Douglas, F. B, Bradfield and A. S* Hartshorn,
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1925. 14 p. illusi
(A.R. C. R. & M, no. 973)
Wind channel tests of slot and aileron control on a wing
of R.A.F.15 section; Part I. When the center
portion of the wing is slotted and fitted with
flap, by Fi B. Bradfield, A. S. Hartshorn and
L. Caygill. London, H. Mi Stat; off;, 1925. 30 p.
diagrs,, tables. {A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1008)
Wind tunnel test of aileron characteristics as affected by
design and by airfoil thickness. Washington, U.S.
Govt, print, off,, 1925. diagrs., tables. (U.S.
Air corps information circular no, 535)
Aileron effectiveness; wind tunnel tests of U.S.A.-35 (half
span) airfoil with skewed ailerons, by A. L. Morse.
Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 1924. 8 p. illus
(U.S. Air service information circular no. 454)
control - Lateral
Tile Induction factor used for computing the rolling moment
due to the ailerons, by Max Michael Kunk. Washington, 1924. 5 p. illus. (H.A. C.A. Technical notes
no. 187)
Principles of efficient aileron design; fundamental requirements for effective lateral control, by W, S. Diehl.
Aviation, Aug. 2 0 , 1933, v. 15, p. 21?. diagrs.
Ne^ type of flying control Droves successful. Demonstration of the Loening lateral pressure equalizer, by
Loening. Aviation", Mev? York,
Jan. 1, 1923, v. 14,
no. 1j p, 13. illus.
The effect of airfoil thickness and plan form on lateral
control, by Henry Xrvin Hoot. Washington, U.S. Govt,
print, off., 192?. 11 p. diagrs., illus., tables.
(M. a. C.A. Roport no. 169)
Notes on the design of ailerons, by tf, S. Disili. Washington, 1923. 13 p. diagrs,, tables. (N.A.C.A.
Technical notes no. 144)
Some experiments on a model biplane having slotted wings,
with particular reference to the improvement of
lateral control at low speeds, by H. B. Irving and
A. S. Batson. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1983. 6 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & IL no, 856)
Rolling and yawing moments due to roll of model Avrò «ings,
with standard and interplane ailerons and rudder
momenta for standard and special large rudder, by
P. B. Bradfield and 0. E. Simmonds.. London, H. M.
Stat, off., 1923. 22 -c. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C.
R. &, M, no. 848)
Lateral control of Bristol fighter at low speeds. Measurement of rolling and yawing moments of model wings,
due to rolling, by F. B. Bradfield. London, K. M.
Stat, off., 1921. 45 v.
diagrs., illus., tables.
R. & M. no. 787)
Lateral control at large angles of incidence. Yawing and
rolling moments due to aileron movement on a complete
model of SS-^A, by A. S, Batson and C, K. K, Lock.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1921. 19 u. diagrs.,
tables. (A.R.C. R. è M. no. 773)
Experiments on the rotation in the slipstream of a tractor
aeroplane. London, H. FT. Stat, off., 1919, 6 p.
diagr.j tables. (A,R, C. R. à M, no. 643)
An Investigation of the aerodynamic properties of wing
ailerons. Part II. The effect of variation of
chord of aileron. The effect of wash-out" on
ailerons. Tests on ailerons of the "Panther" type
in which the ailerons do not extend to the wing "tips,
Effect of variation in taoor towards the tips for
wings of given olan form, by H. B. Irving and E. Ower.
London, H. M. Stat. off.. 1919, 43 x>. diagrs,,
tables. U.R.C. R. & M. no. 615)
An Investigation of the aerodynamic properties of vl ng
ailerons. Part I. The effect of variation of plan
form of spin^ tip, and of span of aileron, by H. B.
Irving. S. Cvror* and 3-. A. Hankins. London, H. M.
Stat, off., 1918. 53 p. diagrs,, tables. (A.R.C.
R . & M . no. 550)
Lateral control of various aeroplanes. London, H. M . Stat,
off., 1918. 10 p. diagrs., illus., tables. (A.R.C,
R, & M. no. 4 4 1 )
Lateral control with different type of wing flaps, "by
H. Glauert. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1918. 13 p.
diagrs,, tables. (A.R.C. R. & M . no, 4 1 3 )
On a method of measuring rolling moments and aileron
hinge moments on a model biplane, by H. B. Irving,
London, H. M. Stat, off., 191&. 1 0 p. . diagrs.
(A.R.C. R. & M . no. 512)
Vergleich dor Quersteuerungen einiger deutscher flugscuge
Liit einem Sop^ithz^eisitzer in bezug auf relbungwiderstande, von Wilhelm Hoff und Anton Holtmann.
Technische berichte, Chnrlottenburg, Oct, 15., 1 9 1 ? ,
v. 1, no. 6, p. 2 7 7 - 2 8 1 . diagrs.
Th.e Control of a laterally stable and of a laterally unstabl
aeroplane, by J. L. Nayler, London, H. M. Stat, off.,
1915. E5 p. diagrs. (A.R.C. R. & H, no. 209)
On lateral control. A reply to Mr. Still, by Albert Adams
Merrill, Aeronautics, New York, Feb. 2 8 , 1 9 1 4 , v. 1 4 ,
no. 4 , p. 5 3 ,
Negative ailerons, by H. Wildeblood. Aeronautics, London,
Feb. 1914, v. 7, no. 72, p. 55-56. illus.
Some experiments with different systems of lateral control,
by William E. Sommerville. Flight, London, Jan. 3 1 ,
1914, v. 6, no. 5, p. 108-109. illus.
Negative ailerons, "by Albert Adams Merrill. Aeronautics,
London, Nov. 1913, v. 6, no. 69, v. 423.
Negative angle ailerons and waro, by Albert Ada^s Merrill.
Aeronautics, London, July 1913, v, 6, no. 65, p. 259..
Le Gauchissement actuel est un procédé gauche, par Emile
Auguste Du chêne . L ' Aero'.ihile , Paris , May 15 , 1913,
v. 21, no. 10, p. 224.
Negative balancers and
win.A tipe, by H. S. Wildeblood.
Aeron -_uti es, London, Apr. ],P1?, v. 6, no.. ¡52-,
p. 153-15i.
Mogative balancers and flexible lng tips, by Albert Adams
Merrill. Aeronautics, London, Jan. 1913, v. 6, no. 59,
p. 23.
Qucrstabilitat und seitenstcuerung von flugmaschinen, von
Karl Sohlen, Z.F.H. , Himchen, 1913, v. 4, p. 173-17?.
Negative balancers and flexible wing tips, A theory and
its application. Aeronautics, London, Nov. 1912,
v. 5, no. 57, p. 351.
A New method of lateral balance, by Philip Wakeman Wilcox.
Aircraft, New York, Aug. 1912, v. 3, no. 6, p. 175-175.
The Fallacy of existing systems of lateral control, by
Albert Adams Merrill. Aeronautics, Nev York,
Apr. 1912, v. 10, no. 4, p. 115-117,
À propos du gauchissement, par Ferdinand d'Esterno. La
Conauêto de l'air, Bruxelles, Feb. 1, 1912, v. 9,
no. 3, p. 5, diagr.
La Découverte du gauchissement en France, p,?.r Henri
Régnault. L'Aero, Paris, Jan. 25, 1912, v. 4,
no. 360, no. 2.
Le Gauchissement des ailes, par Henry A, Couannier.
aérienne, Paris, Dec. 25, 19].1, v, 4, no. 7?,
p. 665-608.
Les Gauchissements coniques ou ailerons fixes coniques,
par Georges Barbaudy. Revue aérienne, Paris,
May £5, 1911, v. 4, no. 63, p. 272-276. diagr.
control - lateral
Wing warping, by L. T. M. Plight, London, July 9, 1910,
v. £ , no. 23, p. 5 3 4 . diagr.
Flight, London, Jan. 82, 1910, v. 2
no. 4, o. 67.
Warping vs. aileron. Flight, London, Jan. 3, 1910, v. 2,
no. 2, p. 31-32.
Les Forces qui agirent au le levier de comciande du planeur,
oar E.~ Pesek* L Aeronautique, PariSj Apr. 19*38,
v. 18, no. £03, p. 41—16, illus.
Full-scale tests on the longitudinal control of a low-wing
monoplane with special reference to wing wake, by
R. P. Alston and J. E. Serby. Aircraft engineerings
Apr. 1936, p. 115,
Longitudinal control, by A. G. B. Met calf.
engineering, Apr, 1936, p. 109.
Theoretical determination of the effect of trailing edge
tabs, by G. A . Allward. Aero digest, Mar. 1935,"
v. 26, p. 24-26.
Control surface fls/os for trim and balance, by A. E.
Lombard, Flight, Feb. 28, 1935, o. 2 2 6 . (Reprinted
Journal of the aeronautical sciences, Jan. 1935
v. 2, no. 1, p. 10-15)
Elevator flao trims Boeing 40-B4,
Western flying, Feb,
The D.V.L, gliding-angle control, by Walter Huebner and
Wilhelm Pleines, Washington, 1 9 3 2 . 9 p. diagrs.,
illus., tables. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums no.
6 9 ? ) (From Z.F.M., Aug, 12, 1932, v. 23, no. 1 5 ,
p. 455-459 und Jahrbuch 1932 der D.V.L.)
Efficiency of tail -Diane behind wing of R.A.F.34 section
by D. M. Hirst and A. 3. Hartshorn. London, H.
Stat. off.. 1932. 4 p. diagrs.. illus., table.
R, & M.
Effectiveness and balance of horizontal control surfaces,
by H. Pillard. Aviation engineering, Feb. 1931,
Determination of the slope of the lift curve of horizontal
tail surfaces, by B. F. Ruffner, Jr. Daniel
Guggenheim School of aeronautics technical notes no. 1,
1931, p. £0-21. diagrs.
Study of horizontal tail surfaces of Consolidated XPT-3
(WÏ-1) Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off., 1928.
S p. illus. (U.S. Air coros information circular
no, 615)
Les Empennages, par L. Constantin. L'Aéroohile, Paris,
May 15, 1926, V. 34, no, 9-10, p. 140-141, illus.
Determination of longitudinal control forces of airplanes
during horizontal flight. Aerial -age, June 1923,
v. IS, p. 267-268.
A Study of controllability, angular velocity and dynamic
stability of an airplane about the axis of pitch,
by Leslie MacDill. Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off,
1923. 14 p. illus. (U.S. Air service information
circular no. 418)
Abaque pour le calcul de l'empennage horizontal d'un avion,
par G, Lepère. Aéronautique, Jan, 1920, v. 11,
no. 116, p. 11-18. illus.
Maximum control of elevators of different sizes. London,
H, M. Stat, off., 1919. 7 p. diagrs. (A.R.C. R. & M
no. 641)
Pressure distribution over the tailplane of B.S.2C.
Part I,, by L. W . Bryant and À. S. Batson. London,
H. M . Stat, off., 1919. 22 D . diagrs., tables.
& M.
The Longitudinal control of an aeroplane, by H. Glauert,
London, H.M. Stat, off., 1913, 28 o. diagrs.,
tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 470)
Summary of reports G.5A, B C and D- of accidents to "X"
aeroplanes, London, H, H. Stat. off., 1918. 34 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no, 629)
Full scale experiments v/ith elevators of different sizes,
by H. Olauert. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1917.
9 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & HI. no. 409)
Experiments on the effect of altering the position of the
hinges of the elevators for the B.E.2C aeroplane, by
Bryant and H. B, Irving. London, H. M. Stat,
off., 1916. 22 o. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C, R. & M.
no. 254)
Pull scale experiment on the moment about the hinge of the
air forces on an elevator. Experiment on
whirling arm. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1918. 7 p.
diagrs., illus., tables. {A.R.C. R. & M. no. 284)
Hydraulische höhensteuerung und
flugzeuge, von Donat Banki. Z.F.M., Berlin, Mar. 16,
v. 3, no. 5, p. 70-74. illus.
System of automatic balance and control of the
position of aeroplanes, by Theodore Gabon. Aircraft
New York, Oct. 1911, v. 2,
Heinz. Wiener
Zeitung, Wien,
Mar. 1909, v. 8, no. 6,
Tiefensteuer und
o, 102-104, diagrs.
To improve control at the stall, by G. D. Mattioli,
Aeroplane, Aug. 29, 1934.
Thurston wing-tip rotors; control beyond the stall, by
A. F. Thurston. Journal of the R.A.S., Jan. - Feb,
v. 38, p. 59-65, 138-140, diagrs. (Also
L'Aerotecnica, 1934, v. 14, p. 898)
Gontrol beyond the stall, by G. V. Lachmann, Journal of
the R.A.3., Apr. 1932, v. 36, no. 256, p. 276-338.
Control of airplanes at low speeds by means of conventional
ailerons. Washington, 1931. 24 p. diagrs.
Dept. of commerce bulletin no. 15. Aeronautics
branch) (Also Aircraft engineering, Dec. 1931, v. 3,
34, p. 315-318)
Controllability at low speeds and full scale measurements
of lift and drag of Parnall "Peto" fitted with
R.A.F.31 section wings (slotted and unslotted), by
R. K. Gushing. London, H, M. Stat, off., 1930. 11 p,
diagrs,, illus., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1320)
The Flap-top lift curve and control at low speed, by M.
Knight and M. J. Bamber. Popular aviation and
aeronautics, Feb. 1929, v. 4, no. 2, p. 106-107.
ill us.
Preliminary report on the flat-top lift curve as a factor
in control at low speed, by H. Knight and M. J.
Barcber. Washington, 1928. 10 p. illus, (K.A.C.A.
Technical notes no. 297)
Stalled but under perfect control. Sir Samuel Hoare tests
nc-v Handley-Page slots. Flight, London, Nov. 24,
1927, v. 19, no. 47, p. 809-810. illus.
Control of airplanes at low speeds, by V/. L. LePage,
Aviation, May 31, June 28, 1926, v. £0, p. 829-831,
984. diagra. , illu.3»
On the control of airplane-s at lov speeds, by B. V. KorvinKroukovsky, Aviation, Juno 21, 1926, v. £0, no. 25,
p. 946-947. illuo.
The Control of stalled aeroplanes, by B. Melvill Jones.
Journal of the R.A.S., London, June 1926, v. 30,
no. 186, p. 345-364. diagr.
On the control of airplanes at low speed, by W, Laurence Le
Page. Aviation, New York, May 31, 1926, v. £0,
no. £2, p. 829-831. illua.
Stalled flight and control, by Frank T, Courtney. Flight,
London, Feb. 25, 1926, v, 18, no. B, p. HOh-llOi.
The Effects of stagger and gap on the aerodynamic properties
of biplanes at large angles of incidence. Part I.
Lift, drag, and center of pressure. Part II.
Rolling and yawing moments due to rolling, by H. B.
Irvingj A. S, Bat son and C. H, Bürge. London, H, M.
Stat, off., 1926. 55 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C.
R. & M. no. 1054)
The Control of stalled aeroplanes. The Aeroplane, London,
Doc. 16, 1925, v, 29, no. £5, p. 702. (Also Flight,
London, Dec. 10, 1925, v. 17, no. 50, P. 811)
Control at stalling speed. Last week's demonstration at
Croydon. Flight, London, Apr. 23, 1925, v. 17,
no. 17, o. 239-244. illus.
The Lateral control of stalled aeroplanes. G-eneral report
by the stability and control panel, by B. M. Jones,
L. W. Bryant, H. B. Irving, E*. F. Reif, R. V.
Southwell, H. L. Stevens, R. McKinnon Wood and
J. L. Nayler. London, K. U. Stat, off., 1925.
43 p.
R. £ M, no.
The Control of a stalled aeroplane as affected by the use
of differential ailerons, by H. L. Stevens. London,
H. M. Stat, off., 1924, 5 o. dinars., illua.
(A.R. C. R. * M. no. 964)
Control of aeroplanes at lov-' speeds, by Kelvill Jones.
Journal of the R.A.S., London, Oct. 1923, v. 2?
no. 154, p. 473-43?.
Control of aeroplanes at low speeds; discussion at The
International air congress, by R . MPKinnon Wood.
Engineer, July 13, 1923, v. 135, p. 32-33. (Also
Engineering, July 5, 1923, v. 116, p. 9-10)
Control of airplanes at low speeds, by R. HcKinnon Wood,
Washington, 1923. IS p". illus. (N.Ä.CA.
Technical memorandums no. 230) (Also Report of the
International air congress, London, 1923, p. 299-307)
Some suggestion for- improving aeroplane control at slow
s-oeed, by A , Fage. London, H.M, Stat, off., 1922.
12 p. dlagrs. / tables. < A . R . C
R. & M. no. 855)
Lateral control at lov speeds, by E. F. Bradfield and
I, L. Peatfield. London, H. M- Stat, off., 1920.
41 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 71?)
The Action of the control organs of an aeroolane in
critical attitudes. Flight, London, June 19, 1914
v. 6, no. 25, T), 656. (Also Scientific american
supplement, New York, Aug. 1, 1914, no. 2013, p. 72).
Slovf flying, by Kenelm Edgcumbe, W. H. Glaser and T. 0.
Smith, aero, London, Oct. 26, 1909, v. 1, no. 23>
o. 393.
Limitations of the pilot in aoolying forces to airplane
controls, by II, N. Go ugh and A. P. Beard. Washington,
1936, 23 p*. diagrs. , illus . { N. A, C. A. Technical
notes no. 550)
Mesure des moments de charnière au laboratoire Eiffel,
par Jean Honnir.. La Technique aeronautioue, 1936.
£4 p, diagrs., illus.
Control sensitivity; control during landings, by D. C.
Kouoen. Aviation, Oct. 1935,* v. 34, p. 17-18.
Possibility of two-control operation of the airolane, by
Alexander Klemin. Aero digest, Apr. 1935, v, 26, p. 26,
23, 30. diagrs., illus,
Surpressions transitoires nu cours des manoeuvres des
gouvernes, r>ar Cr. Legrand. La Science aérienne,
May-June, 1954. 20 o. diagr.
Estimating control surf-a.ee hlr,{-;e sonents for unbalanced
controls, by A. Ü. E. ^etcalf. Anro digest,
A-or. 1934, v. 24, no. 4, p. 46-47.
Moments aérodynamiauos de different gouvernes, oar P.
Robuffet. Paris, S- Blondel La Rou^ery, 1934. 117 t>.
d i a ^ n . , illus. (Pub. sclent, tech. Min. de l'air
no. 41)
Tendencen und fortschritt in der forschung hinsichtlich
lenkb^'.rkeit von flugzeugen wahrend des fluges, von
J. V. Koroen. Z.F.M., Sep. 28, 1933, p. 5, diagr.
Maneuverability investigation of an 03U-1 observation
airplane, by F. L. Thompson and H. W. Kirschbaum.
Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off., 1933. 12 t>,
diagrs., illue., tables. (N.A.C,A. Reoort no. 457)
Flight control by air visualization, by Haloh K. Uoson.
Aircraft engineering, May 1932, v. 4, no. 39,
p. 128. (Also S.A.Ë. journal, A.5r. 1932, v. 30,
D. 159-170T
Les Gouvernes à faibles moments de charnière, appareils de
mesure du moment de charnière. 3tude des eimennages
des ailerons, par l'I. Pris. La Technique aéronautique»
Jan*-Mar.. 1932, p. 14. diagrs. (Also La Science
aérienne, July-Aug., 1932, no. 1, p. 18)
Étude de queloues croblèmes concernant la stabilité et la
maniabilité des avions, par J. Biche. Revue de la
Société général aéronautique, Jan. 1932, no. 1,
p. 12-19. diagrs., lllus.
Aoolied gyrodynamics, for students, engineers and users of
gyr&scooic apparatus, by Srvìn Sidney Ferry. New
York, J, Wiley £ sons, inc., London, Chapman & Hall,
ltd., 1932. 277 p, diagrs., illus.
The Controls at low hinge moments, by M. Pris.
17 p.
diacre., illus.
(N.A.C.A. Technical
memorandums no. 685) (From Bulletin de la Chambre
syndicale des industries aeronautiques,. v. 9, no. 5,
Nov.-Dec. 1931, p. 1-30)
^tude sur les gouvernails compenses. Travaux du Circle
d'études aéronautiques, par Leon Kìrste. Aero club
do France, 1932, no. 7,
Recherches effectives au Laboratoire Eiffel. Appareil de
mesure de moments de charniòrre. Les gouvernes à
faible moment de charnière. Étude des empennages.
Stüde des aileron?. Bulletin de la Chambre syndicale
des industries aéronautique- », Nov.-Dec. 1931, p. 31
diagrs., illus.
Considerazioni sul comando degli aeroplani ad ala deformabile In relazione al centramento, di Ercole Trigona
della Fìoresta. L Aerotecnica, Roma, Oct- 1931, v. 11,
no. 10, D. 1249-1267, diagrs.
Stability and controllability in free flight, by P. E,
Hovgard. Aeronautical engineering, July-Sep. 1931.
La Stabilità e il comando automatico dei velivoli, di
L, Marmonnier. Rivista aeronautica, Roma, June 1931,
v. 7, no. 6, p. 509-530. illus.
Flight tests on an aeroplane with a control column giving
warning of dangerous wing loads, by H. E. Wimperis.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1931. 6 P . illus."
(A.R.C. R. è M. no. 1446)
Maneuverability investigation of the
special flight instruments, by
H. W. Kirschbaum. Y/ashington,
1931. 21 p. diagrs., illus.,
Report no. 369)
F6C-3 airplane with
C. H. Dearborn and
U.S. Govt, print, off.,
table. (N.Â.C.A.
Maneuverability investigation of an F6C-4 fighting airplane,
by C. H, Dearborn and H. W. Kirschbaum, Washington,
U.S. Govt, print, off., 1931. 25 P . diagrs., illus.,
tables. (N.A.C.A. Report no. 386)
Utilisation de l'effet de réaction pour réaliser la
stabilisation commandée des avions. Réaction de
l'air comprimé. Les Ailes, May 23, 1930. 2 p.
Determination of the maximum control forces and attainable
quickness in the operation of airplane controls, by
Heinrich Hertel. Washington, 193Ö. 34 p. diagrs,.,
illus., tables. (H.A.CA. Technical memorandums no.
583) (From 2.F.M. , Jan.. 28, 1930, p. 36-45)
Relation between the stability characteristics and the
controllability of germans airplanes, by Walter
Huebner. Washington,
23 p. diagrs. , illus.,
tables. (N,A.C.A. Technical memorandums no. 551)
(From Z. F. Ivi. , Oct. 28, 1929, v, 20, no. 20, o. 52152B and Jahrbuch 1930 der E.V.L., p. 310-618)
19r 0.
Safety and control, by H. E. Irving. Air annual of the
British empire, London, 1930, c. 251-260. illus.
La Stabilite et la direction automatiques des avìoiiD, par
Louis Harmon ni «r. Lyon, Eosc Frères, M- & X*t Riou,
1330, p. ?0. illus.
Stabilite et maniabilite des avions, par Ch. Frederic Haus.
Paris, GauthiRr-Villars- et Cie., 1930. 320 p.
diagrs., illus.
Essai sur la raaniabìlité, par A. Volmérange.
Oct. 1929, v. 11, no. 125, o. 333-338.
Mechanical control of airplanes, by H. Boykow. Washington,
1929. 25 p. illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums,
no. 504) (From Jahrbuch der W.G.L., 192?, p.
Stuurstanslijnen van vliegtuigen; de bepallng ervan door
middel van vliegproeven en hare beteekenis voor de
beodeeling der stabiliteit, van Hendricus Jacobus
van der Maas. 's Gravenhage, Algemeene landsdrukkery,
1929. diagrs., tables,
Research on the control of aeroplanes, by W. Lockvood Marsh.
Nature. London, June 16, 1928, v. 121, no. 3059,
p. 939-340.
Full scale control tests on Fokker F.VII 3M monoolane, by
J. K. Hardy. London, H. H. Stat, off., 1928. 15 p.
diagrs. (A*R,C. R. & M. no. Ì228)
On the use of a follow-up mechanism in aerodynamic servo
control systems, by H. M. Garner and K. V. Wright.
London, H.H. Stat, off., 1S28, 9 D. diagrs.
(A.R.C. R. & M. no. 118?)
Research on the control of aeroplanes, by B. Melvill Jones.
Washington, 1928. 23 p, diagrs. (N.A.CA. Technical
memorandums no. 485) (From Nature, London, May IT.,
1928, v. 121, no. 3054, p. 75S-7S2, 765.
Motorische flugzeugsteuerung, von J. U. Boykow. Die Luft¬
wacht, Berlin, Oct. 1927, no. 10, p, 582-583.
The Control of the Fokker F. VTI-3M aeroulane. London,
H. Mi Stat, off., 192?. 5 o. tables, (A.R.C.
R. 8c M. no. 1236)
Aeroplane control, by A. E. Hag'?. Automobile engineer,
London, May 1925, v. IS, no, 215, p. 169-170. illus.
Flying positions of control surfaces of Bristol fighter,
by G-. ?. R- Kill. London, K. Is". Stat, off., 1926.
12 p. illu.3. (&.R.C. R. 5r M. no. 1060)
Stability and controllability of airplanes, by B. V,
Korvin-Kroukovsky. Aviation, New York, Mar. 9^May 25,
1925, v. 13, no. 19-21, p, 226-269, 296-29?, 320-322,
347-348, 380-381, 411-412, 436-438, 462-463, 488-490,
521-522, 545-546, 574-575. diagrs.
Het Automatische vliegtuig, van J. W. F. Backer, Ket
Vliegveld, Amsterdam, Feb.-tfar. 1925, v. 9, no. 2-3,
D. 46-49. illus,
Wind tunnel test of a heavy bomber study l/40 scale model
with large and small control surfaces. Washington,
U.S. Govt, orint. off. , 1925. diagrs. , tables."
{U.S. Air corps information circular no. 531)
Control in the light olane, by E. P. Warner.
Aug, 25, 1924, v. 17, p. 916.
Slot control on an Avro with standard and balanced ailerons,
by F. B. Bradfiold. London, H. H. Stat, off,, 1924.
27 p. diagrs., tobies. (a.R.C. R, 8c M. no. 916)
ye ' monoplane- control proves successful.
Jan. 1923, v. 16, no. 1, p. 20-21.
Aerial age,
Automatic landing of aeroolanes, by F. V/. Meredith. London,
H. K. Stat, off., 1923. 9 p. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 909)
Control problems on large airplanes, by S. P. Warner.
Washington, 1923. 6 p. (N.a.C.A, Technical
memorandums no, 219)
The Comparison of the maneuverability of aeroplanes by
use of a cinematograph camera, by H. A . Francis,
London, H. M. Stat. off., 1922. 20 p, diagrs.,
tables. (A.R.C. R. i M . no. 851)
Controllability and maneuverability of airplanes, by F. H.
Norton and W. G. Brown. Washington, U.S. Govt,
print, off., 1922. 18 p. diagrs. (H.A. C A . Report
no. 153)
The Effect upon the control of an feroclane- of carrying
load distributed along th«- pianos, by the aeronautics
staff of the R . A . E , London, H. M. Stat, off,, 1922.
7 p.
R. * M. no. 849)
The Elimination of dead center in controls of airplanes
with thick sect ion?, by Thomas Carroll. Washington,
1 9 2 2 . 3 c, illus. (KA.C.A. Technical notes no. 119
Control in circling flight, by F. H. Norton and E. T. Allen
Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off., 1921. 22 p.
d i a g r s i l l u s . ( N . A , C A . Technical report no. 112)
Practical stability and controllability of airplanes, by
Frederick Harwood Norton. Washington, U.S. Govt,
print, off., 1921. I S p. diagrs, (N.A. C A .
Technical report no. 120)
Experiments on an S.E, 5A aeroplane with modified control
surfaces. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1920. 13 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.Ö..R. &• H. no. 687)
Summary of the present state of knowledge with regard to
stability and control of aeroplanes, by H. Glauert.
London, K. H. Stat, off,, 1920. 13 p. (A.R.C.
R. Sc M. no. 710)
Le Gyroscope et ses applications, par H. Volta. La Nature,
Paris, Sec. 29, 1917, v. 45,'pt, 2 , no. 2296,
p. 193-200. illus.
Stability and control, by Leonard Balrstow. Aeroplane,
London, Apr. 18, 1917, v. 12, no. 16, p. 982-984.
The Controllability of aeroplanes with special reference to
rapid turning, by G. P. Thomson. London, H. M. Stat,
off., 1916. ""8 p.
no. 212)
diagrs., tables.
R. & M.
Experiments on the possible rate at which a v>ilot can pull
bac^: the control column in an aeroplane. London,
K. M, Stat, off., 1916. 1? p. Olagrg., illus.
R. & M. no. 282}
Piloting v*ith the aid of a gyroscope, by Valentine Edward
Johnson. Aero and hydro, Chicago, Sec. 12, 1914,
v. 8, no. 24, p. 296.
Some thoughts on stability ano control, by Algernon E.
Berriman. Flight, London, J?.n. ll-r>ir. 15, 191?,
v. 5, no. 2-11, p. 34-37, 61-63, 85-87, 116-117,
305-307, illus.
Steuerung und Stabilisierung von drfìchonfliegern, von Hein2
Sloel. österreichische flug-z.eitsch.rift, Wien,
Se-Ö. 10, Oct. 10, 1912, v. 6, no. 17, 19, p. 415-418,
Automatic control for aeroplanes. Scientific american,
New York, Aug. 10, 1912, v. 107, no. 5, p. 120,
Intuitive control. Aeronautics, London, June 1912, v. 5,
no. 52, p. 191, diagr.
De la direction des aeroplanes, par A. Baron. L'/iérOj
Paris, Apr. 9, 191Ì, v, 3, no. 195, p. 5. diagr.
La Direction en aeroplane, par George Bellenger. L'Aero,
Paris, Feb. 26, 1911, v. 3, no. 183, o. 5. (Also
L'Aero-ohile, Paris, Feb. 15, Mar. 1. 1911, v. 19,
no. 4-5, p. 81-84, 118)
Aeroplane control, by R, E- Flight, London, Feb. 4, 1911,
no. 110, v. 5, no. 5, p. 103.
Aeroolane control, by £. Temple Robins. Flight, London,
Jan. 14, 1911, no- 107, v. 3, no. 2, p. 40.
De la direction nutomatique des englns volants dans l espace
et de 1Anémo-3nusscle". par A. Baron. Revue
aeri enne, Paris, Dee. 10, 1910, v, 3, no. 52, p. 677¬
680. diagr.
Plan shapes of flying machines and gliders for maximum
automatic stability and control, by Albert Peter
Thurston. Aeronautical journal, London, July 1910,
v. 14, no. 55, p. 114-115.
Die Stabilität und Steuerung der drachonfliegervon Georg
Wellner. Illustrierte aeronautische Mitteilungen,
Berlin, Jan. 1 9 0 9 , v. 1 3 , no. 1 , p. 1 5 - 2 1 . diagr,
Uber die Stabilität und Steuerung dynamischer flugmaschinen,
von Georg Wellner. Zeitschrift für luftschiffahrt,
Berlin, 1 8 9 3 , v. 1 2 , no. 3 - 4 , p. 6 4 - 6 9 .
&esch? lndigkslts-und staudruckverlauf irn senkrechten
Sturzflug, von F. N. Seheubel. LuftfahrtForschung,
Nov. 1936, v, 13, no. 1 1 , p. 3 7 1 - 3 7 3 . illus.
Calculations of the motion of an ilrplane under influence
of irregular distrubances, by R, T. Jones. Journal
of the aeronautical sciences, Oct. 1 9 3 6 , p. 4 1 9 - 4 2 5 .
illus,, tables.
Der Sturzflug in veränderlicher luftdichte, von Fritz.
Becker, Z.F,M., Nov. 28, 1 9 3 2 , v. 2 3 , no. 2 2 ,
p. 6 5 9 - 6 6 3 . diagrs.
The Aeropla.ne In climbing' flight. The equations of the
aeroplane in rectilinear non-horizontal flight, by
Pierre Dupuy. Aircraft engineering, London, Jan.
1 9 3 2 , v. 4 , no. 3 5 , p. 7-9. illus.
Preliminary investigation of modifications to conventional
airplanes to give non-stalling and short-landing
characteristics, by Fred Weick. Washington, U.S.
Govt. print. off., 1 9 3 2 . 1 5 D . diagrs., illus.,
tables. (H.A.O.A. Report no. 4 1 8 )
A Study of turning performance. Part I, by S. B. Gates.
London, H. iL Stat, off,, 1 9 3 2 , 1 5 o. diagrs.
U.R. C. R. & M. no. 1 5 0 2 }
Uber flugversuche zur messung der flugzeugpolare und den
einfluss des schraubenstrahls auf die Ca- und Cwwerte, Jahrbuch 1 9 3 2 der D.V.L., Hünchen und
Berlin, 1 9 3 2 , p. 1 - 1 9 , diagrs., Illus., tables.
Meccanica servplice del volo circolare, di H . A. Met tarn.
Rivista aeronautica, Roma, July 1 9 3 1 , v, 7 , no. 7 ,
o. 1 0 2 - 1 0 5 . dlagr,, illus. {Also Aeroplane,
London, Apr. 2 9 , 1 9 3 1 , v. 4 0 , no. 1 7 , p. 7 8 3 - 7 8 4 )
A Study of curvilinear flight, by Helmuth Kruse, Washington,
1931. S3 o. diagrs., illus.. tables. ^ N - A . C . A .
Technical memorandums no. 615) {From Z.t.M., Jan. 28,
1931, v. 22, no. 2, p. 37-44)
•experimental comparison between series of turns of
different "diameter on a Gloster IV. seaplane, by
J. K. Hardy. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1929. 10 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. à M. no. 1301)
Inverted flight, by A. Williams. Aero digest, Seo, - Nov,
1928, v. 13, no. 3, 5, p. 423, S30, 632, 671-673,
851, 904, 906, 908. illus.
Sur un determination experimentale de la polaire d un
avion et d'un oiseau en vol en voi, par E. Huguenard,
A. Hagnan et A. Sainte-Lagué. C. R. Acad. sci.,
Paris,' Oct. 1, 1928, v. 187, no, 14, p. 559-561.
"Up-side-dowi out-side-in.
Western flying, Apr. 1928,
v. 4, no. 4, p. 34. illus.
The Upside-down outside loop-and others, by A. J. Williams>
Jr. U . S . Air services, Apr, 1928, v. 13, no. 4,
p. 20-22. Illus.
Loads on the main planes and tail of an aeroplane •/•'hen
recovering from a dive, by H. Bolas and G-. A. Allward.
London, K. M- Stat. off.. 1928, £4 p. illus.
( A. R.
R. & la. no. 1229)
The Effect of flight oath inclination on airplane velocity,
by W. S. Diehl. Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off.,
1926. 11 p, illus. (N.A.C.A, Report no. 238)
Note on the minimum speed from which the direction of a
gliding aeroplane can be changed to a horizontal
path for landing, by F. W. Heredith. London, H. M.
Stat, off., 1925. 6 p.
diagr. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 993)
Airplanes in horizontal curvilinear flight, by Heinrich
Kann. Washington, 1924. 18 p. diagrs. (N.A.C.A.
Technical notes no. 174) (From Technische berichte
Charlottenburg, 1918, v. 5, no. 7)
Curvilinear flight of airplanes, by E. Salko^ski. Washington,
1924. 21 p. diagrs. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes
no. 176) (From Technische berichte, Charlottenburg,
1918, v. 3, no. 7, p . 267-274)
The Maneuvers of inverted flight, by R. M. Hill. London,
H. U. Stat, off., 1 9 2 3 . 3 8 p. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 8 3 6 )
(Also Journal of the R.A.S., London,
Dec. 192?., v. 27, no. 1 5 6 , p. 5 6 9 - 6 0 5 )
The Vertical, longitudinal and. lateral accelerations
experienced by an Se5A airplane while maneuvering,
by Frederick Harwood Norton and Thomas Carroll.
Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off. , 1 9 2 3 . 5 p.
dlagrs., Illus. (N.A,O.A. Rpoort no. 1 6 3 )
Notes on aerodynamic forces. Part I. Rectilinear motion.
Part II. Curvilinear motion, by Max Michael Münk.
Washington, 1 9 2 ° . 22 o. diagrs., tables. (N.A.C.A,
Technical notes no. 1 0 * , 1 0 5 )
A Study of airplane maneuvers ^ith special reference to
angular velocities, by R. J. E . Heid. Washington,
U.S. Govt, print, off., 1922. 9 P . dlagrs., illus.
( N . A . C . A . Report no. 1 5 5 )
A Study of taking off aud. landing an airplane, by Thomas
Carroll. Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off., 1 9 2 2 .
7 p. illus. (N.A.C.A. Report no. 1 5 4 ;
Some calculations dealing- with the disturbed motion of an
aeroplane, with special reference to landing, by
L. VI. Bryant. London, H. ?(. Stat, off., 1 9 2 1 . 18 c,
dlagrs., (A.R.C. R. ßr Tu no. 8 0 5 )
Rectilinear flight of aeroplanes, by A. Rateau.
engineering, Hay 1 9 2 0 , v. 4 2 , p. 2 6 8 - 2 6 9 )
Les Regimes lents, en aviation, oar Auguste Forissier.
Genie civil, Feb, 2 1 , 1 9 2 0 , v. 1 , no. 3 8 , o. 8.
Angles of attack and air speed during maneuvers, by E . P.
Warner and Frederick H. Korton. Ytfr.shington, U.S.
Govt, print, off. , 1 9 2 0 . 1 2 p, diagrs. , illus,
O.A. C.A. Report no. 1 0 5 )
The Landing of aeroplanes
(In t^o parts), by H. Glauert.
London, H, M . Stat, off., 1 9 2 0 .
3 2 D . dlagrs.,
(A.P.C. R. ¿ 1 1 . no. 6 6 7 )
The Maximum angular velocity of aeroplanes, by F. H.
Brara^ell. London, H. M. Stat.'off., 1 9 2 0 . 8 o.
tables. (A.P.C. R. & m, no. 6 7 0 )
Note on the inverted looo, by A. J. Sutton Pippard.
London, H. H. Stat', off., 1920. 8 p. diagrs. ,
tables. (A.R.C, R, ä K, no. 7 0 7 )
Theorie des hélices propulsives, marinea et aeriennes et
des avions en vol rectiligne, par Auguste Rateau.
Paris, Gauthier-villars, 1920.
Aeroplane in curvilinear flight, Mechanical engineering,
New York, Mar. 1919, v~ 41, p. 275.
The Aeroplane in curvilinear flight. Aeronautical journal,
Jan. 1919, v. 23, no. 97, p. 23-24.
Recort on behaviour of aeroplanes '•"hen flying inverted,
with soecial reíere-nce to ßome accidents on "A" .
London, K. Ii. Stat, off., tfrlS, 54 o. diagrs.,
tables. (A.R. 0. R. 1* LL no. 617)
The Best gliding an^le In space for an aeroplane in a
wind, the'engine being shut off. London, H, M.
Stat. off.. 1918. £7 p. difl.grs., illus. (A.R.C.
R. & ii. no. 544)
Flattening-out of aeroplanes after steep glides, by
Genjiro Hamabe. Kyoto imperial university, 1913.
52 p. illus. (Memoirs oí the College of engineering,
no. 1)
Der Kurvenflug eines flugzeuges, von S. Salkowski.
Technische berichte, Charlottenburg, 1918, v. 3,
no. 7, p. 267-274. diagrs., tables.
2er Wagerechte kurvenflug des flugzeuges, von Heinrich
Kann. Technische berichteCharlottenburg, 1918,
v. 3, no. 7, p. 260-257. diagrs.
Der Wagerechte kurvenflug des flugzieuges, von Heinrich
Kann. Technische berlchte, Charlottenburg, Oct, 15,
1917, v. 1, no. S, p. 231-346. diagrs.
Looping force. La Conauete de l'air, Bruxelles, Dec. 15,
1915, v. 10, no. 24, p. 390.
A Suggested theory of the equilibrium of a turning aeroplane, by Jasko, Aeronautics, London, Apr. IS12.
v. 5, no. 50, p. 88-90. diagr.
Die Schrägenstabilisierung, von Heins Elpel. österreichische
flug-Zeitschrift, Wien, Kar. 10, 1912, v. 6, no. 5,
p. 109.
The Vee tail in spin, by A. V. Stephens, Aircraft engineer­
ing, London, Nov. 1938, v. 8, no. 93, p. 302. tables.
National physical laboratory, aerodynamics department.
Spinning and flutter. Engineering. London, Oct. 9,
1936, v. 142, o. 383.
Spinning and tail buffeting tendencies and means by which
they can be detected and suppressed on complete scale
model in a wind channel, by W, 2. Hunt. Journal of
the aeronautical sciences, Oct. 1936, v. 3, no. 12,
p, 444-447. illus., tables.
To spin or not to scin: a simplified study of the lateral
motions af an airplane at high angles of attack,
by 0. C. Kop'oen. Aviation, Sep. 1936, v. 35, o. 29-31.
Air density effect in spinning, by 3. B . Gates and A. V.
Stechens. London, H. K. Stat, off., 1936. illus.
R, AC M. no. 1663) (Also Aircraft engineering,
London, Mar, 1936, p. 88)
Effect of changes in tail arrangement upon the spinning
of a low-wing monoplane, by C. H. Zimmerman. Washing­
ton, June 1936. 12 p. diagrs. (N.A.C.A. Technical
notes no, 570)
Autorotacion, nor R. Valle. Revista de aeronaut ice., Madrid,
Apr. 1936, v. 5, no. 49, p. 190-193. diagrs.
Piloting technique for recovery from spins, by W. H. McAvoy.
Washington, Feb. 1936. 7 p. {H.A.C.A, Technical
notes no. 555)
Forces and moments acting on parts of the XN2Y-1 airplane
during spins, by N. F. Scudder. Washington, U.S.
Govt. orint. off., IS 36, 8 p. diagrs., tables.
(N.A.C.A. Report no, 559)
Preliminary tests In the N . A . C . A . free-spinning wind tunnel,
by C. HI Zimmerman. Washington, U.S.Govt, print, off.,
1936. 18 p. illus., tables. (N.A. C.A. Report
no, 557)
Slots and interceptors in spins, by S. B. C-ates, H. B.
Irving, R. P. Alston and A. V. Stephens. London,
H. M. "Stat. Off., 1936. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1650)
Spinning of a Bristol fighter model including effect of
wing tip slots and interceptors, by K. 3. Irving,
A. S, Batson and J. H. Warsao. London, H. M. St^t,
R. & M". no.
Das Trudeln des fingzeuges bisherige forschungsergebnisse,
von y. Richter. Luftwissen, Mar. 1935. 4 p .
diagr,, illus.
Das Trudeln von flugzeugen, von A. V. Stephens. Luftfahrtforschun.g, Oct. 25, 1954, Jan. 14, 1335, v. 11,
no. 5, 7, p. 140-149, 207-210. diagrs. , illus,, tables.
Aerodynamic forces and moments on spinning model of F4B-2
airplane as measured by spinning balance, by M. J.
Bamber and 0. H. Zimmernan. Washington, 1935. 9 o.
(IT.Ä.G.A. Technical notes no. 517)
Flight investigation of spinning of F-i-3-2 airplane with
various loads and tall surfaces, by N. F. Scudder and
0. Seidfiiar.. Washington, U.S. Govt".print, off., 1935.
22 p. (ivA.C.A. Report no. 529)
Spinning chariot or is tics of ings. I - Rectangular Clark
Y monoplane wing, by M. J. Bamber and C. H. Zimmerman.
Washington, U.S. Govt, urint, off., 1935. 20 p.
(NA.C.A. Report no. 519')
Englische ferschungen betreffend das trudeln, von A , V,
Stephens. Luftwissen, July 15, 1934. 3 p. illua.
Some observations on spins, by J. M. Gv?inn. A . S . M . S .
transactions, June 1934, v. 56, no, 6, p. 393-400.
(Also L'Aerotecnica, 1935, v. 15, p. 428)
Aerodynamic effects of split flap on spinning characteris­
tics of monoplane model, by \i. J, Bamber. Washington,
1934. 8 p . (K.A.CA. Technical notes no, 515)
An Analytical survey of the effect of mass distribution
on spinning equilibrium, by S. B. Gates and R. H.
Francis, London, H. M. Stat. off., 1934. 11 c,
illus. (A.R. C. R. & ~&. no. 1644)
Flight investigation of effect of mass distribution and
control setting on spinning of XN2Y-1 airplane,
by N. F. Scudder. Washington, U.S.Govt, print, off.,
10 p.
(NA.C.A. Report no. 484)
Spinning characteristics of wings. IX - Rectangular
Clark Y biplane cellule: 25 per cent staggar; 0"
docalage; gap chord 1.0., by M. J. Bamber,
Washington, 1934. 15 p. (N.a.C.A. Technical notes
no. 526)
Simplified, explanation of the spin, by H. B. Irving;
Aircraft engineering, London, Dec. 1933. v. 5.
no. 58, p. £99-300.
Recent research on spinning, by A. V, Stephens. Journal
of the R.A.S,," Nov. 1933, v. 37, no. 275. o. 944-955.
(Also L'Aerotecnica, 1334, v. 14, p. 462)
Calcolo dell'autorotazione col metado dell in&uzione in
ala monoolana, etc., di L, Poggi. L Aerotecnica,
Oct. 1933, v. 13, no. 10, p. 1255-1293. (Translated
N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums no. 747)
Introduction to the spin, by Alexander dentin,
exposition, Chicago, June 1333, ç. 16,
A. S.M.3.
Velivolo che non si a w i t a , di Alberto Gantoni. Rivista
aeronautica, Rosa, June 1933, v. 9, no. 6, p. 402-422.
diagr., illus., tables,
Uncontrolled tail spin, by B. V. Korvin-Kroukovsky. Aircraft engineering, London, May 1933, v. 5, no. 51,
p. 105-112. illus.
Some facts about airflow.
2 p. illus,
The Aeroplane, Apr. 19, 1933.
expériences sur les mouvements d auotrqtation, par D.
Rinbouchinsky. (Resume par P. Leglise) L'Aéronautique
Mar. 1933, v. 15, no. 166, c. 55-59. diagrs., illus.
The Aerodynamic forces and moments exerted on a spinning
model of the NY-1 airplane as measured by the
spinning balance, by M. J. Bamber and C. H, Zimmerman.
Washington, U.S.Govt, print, off., 1933. 13 p.
( N . A . G . A . Report no. 456)
A Comparison of the spinning properties of high and low
wing monoplane as obtained from autorotation
experiments (with yaw), by H. B- Irving, A. S.
Batson and A. G-. G-ndd. London, K. VI. Stat, off.,
1933. illus. (A.R.C. R. à M. no, 1534)
A Continuous rotation balance for the measurement of yawing
and rolling moments in a completely represented spin,
(With an appendix on the experience gained in the
use of the apparatus, by Irving and A. S, Batson)
by P. H. Allwork. London, H. M, Stat, off., 1933,
illus. (A.R.G. R. & J.L no. 1579) (Also
L Aerotecnica, 1934, v. 14, p. 1307}
The Effect of ailerons on the spinning of a Bristol fighter
aeroplane, by A. V. Stephens. London, H. M. Stat,
off.', 1933. illus. (A.R.C. R. £=
no. 1555)
Effect of stabilizer location upon pitching and yawing
moments in spins as shovn by tests with spinning
balance, by M. J. Bamber and C. H. Zimmerman.
Washington, 1933.
11 o. (N.A. C A . Technical notes
Effect on lift, drag, and spinning char--ct eristics of
sharp leading edges on airplane ings, by F. E.
WeicX. and Nathan F. Scudder. Washington, 1333.
15 p. (N. =i. O.A. Technical notes 447)
Model spinning tf-sts on an interceptor fighter, by A. V.
Stechens and R. H. Francis. London, H, M. Stat.
1933. Illus. (A.R.C. R. b. M. no.
A Simplified presentation of the subject of the spinning
of aeroplanes, by H. B. Irving. London, H. H. Stat,
4 p. Illus. (A.R.C. R. &
(Also Mechanical engineering, New York,
Oct. 1933, v. 55, p. 630-631)
Spinning of the* Petrodackyl Mark IV, by A. V, Stephens
arid Cohen. London, H. M. Stat, off,, 1933. illus,
R. & M, no. 1576)
Study of factors affecting steady spin of airolane, "by
Nathan F. Scudder. "^Washington, 1933.
21 p.
(N.A.C.A. Technical notes no, 469)
v. 147, p. 237-238.Scientific
Coming out of a spin.
amerlcan, Oct. 1932,
Pointed tips to reduce spinning. Aviation engineering,
East'Stroudsburg, Pa., Oct. 1932, v. 7, no. 4,
p, 15. diagrs.
p. 79-81,
Soin flight testing of three similar airplanes, by
11 p. T. Allen. A. S.M.S. neve, July 22, 1932.
Tail spinning of aircraft, by G. G. Bud*'i£. .
engineering, July-Sep. 1932, v. 4, no.
Untersuchung der trudeleig-nschaften des musters FockeWulf Ä. 32 "Buzza.rd , von Hans-Dietrich Knoetzsch.
Z.F.M., June
diagrs., Illus., tables. (Also Jahrbuch 1932 der
D.V.L., pt. 8, p. 35-36)
24, 1932,
LP. Vrille ordinaire -it la vrille a plat. Description.
Rech.;rches sur la vrille, essais au tunnel.^ essais de
roaouette libres, essais en vol, par R. Delbegue.
Revue des forces aeriennes, June 1932, 47 p. diagrs.,
illus., tables.
An Anti-spinning device. Possibilities of a new tail
developed in Poland. Aircraft engineering, London,
Mar. 1932, v. 4, no. 37, p, 55-56.
Safety in spinning, by H. 3. Irving, ana A. V. Stephens.
Journal of the R.a.S., Mar. 193?, v. 35, no. 255,
o. 145-204• illus. (AISO Aircraft engineering,
London, Jan., Feb. 1932, v. 4, no. 35, 36, p, 17-22,
Pointing the airfoil to prevent spinning. Aviation
engineering, Feb. 1932, v. 6, p. 44. diagr.
The Problem of the spin. The present position reached by
investigators on the subject. Aircraft engineering,
London/ Feb. 1932, v. 4, no. 56, p. 27-28.
Airflow about stalled and spinning aeroplanes shown by
cinematographic records of the movements of wool tufts,
by B. M, Jones and Haslam. London, H. M. Stat, off.,
1932. illus. (A.R.O. R. & M. no. 1494)
Characteristics of two sharp-nosed airfoils having reduced
spinning tendencies, by Eastman N . Jacobs,
Washington, 1932. b p , diagr. (N.A.C.A, Technical
notes no, 416)
Experiments on the Hawker Hornbill biplane. Fart I I .
Full-sealo spinning tests o f the R-nvker Hornbill,
by A. V, Stephens, London, H. M. Stat, off., 1932.
(A.R.C. R. a M. no. 1422) illus,
A Flight investigation o f the spinning o f the
plane ith varied mass distribution and other
modifications, and an analysis based on wind-tunnel
tests, by Nathan F. Scudder. Washington, U.S. G-ovt.
print, off., 1932. 18 p. diagrs., illus., tables.
( N . A . C . A . Report no. 441)
Further experiments on a model Fairey I I I F seaplane, by
A. S. Batson and A. G. Gadd. London, H. k. Stat,
off,, 1932. 14 c. diagrs. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 1564)
Further experiments on the spinning of a Bristol fighter
aeroplane, by A. V. Stephens. London, H. M. Stat,
off., 1932. illus. (A.R.G. R. & }-L no. 1515)
The Nature of air flow about the tail of an airplane in
a spin, by Nathan F. Scudder and M. P. Miller,
Washington, 1932. S o. illus. ( N . A . C A . Technical
notes no. 421)
Notes on recovery from a spin, by L. W , Bryant and Miss
I. IL W. Jones. London, H. M. Stat, off., Mar. 1932.
24 p. diagrs., illus. (A.R.C R. & M . no, 1426)
Spinning calculations on some typical cases, by H. B.
Irving and A. S. Batson. London, K. K. Stat. off..
R. & U.
no. 1498)
Autorotation, by Harold F. Pitcairn, Western flying,
Los Angeles, Dec. 1931, v. 10, no. 6, p. 25-26.
Spinning. Flight, Nov. 20, 1931, p. 1159-1160.
Aeroclane, Nov. 18, 1931, p. 1190-1192)
Safety In flight, by H. B. Irving and A. V. Stechens.
Engineering, London, Nov. 13, 1931, v. 132, no. 3435,
p. 614-615.
Wing ice aids spin tests.
p. 16.
National glider, Oct. 1931,
The Spinning of aeroplanes, by S. Scott-Hall. Journal of
the R.A.S., London, July 1931, v. 35, no. 24?,
p. 509-623.
The Dangerous flat spin and the factors affecting it, by
Richard Fuchs and Wilhelm Schmidt. Washington,
1931. 39 p. diagrs., illus. (N.A.O.A. Technical
memorandums no. 629) (From Z.F.M. , July 14, 28, 1930,
v. 21, no. 13, 14, p. 325-333, 359-364)
Development of a non-autorotativs airplane capable of
steep landing, by Wilhelm Schmidt. Washington, 1931,
26 p. diagrs., Illus. (N.A.CA. Technical memoran­
dums no. 650) (From Z.F.K., Sep. 2S, Oct. 14, 1931,
v. 22, no. 18, 19, p. 546-549, 569^578)
The Effect of centrifugal force on the control in a. spin,
by S. B. Gates. London, H. M. Stnt. off., 1931.
3 p. table. (A.R.G. R. & M. no. 1416)
Free-flight spinning experiments with several models, "by
A. V. Stephens. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1 9 3 1 .
12 p, diagrs., Illus., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 1 4 0 4 )
(Also Aircraft engineering, London,
1 9 3 1 , V, 3, no.
3 1 , p.
Measured spins on aeroplane K., by S. B. Gates. London,
H. M. Stat, off., 1 9 3 1 . 5 p. diagrs. (A.R.C.
R. & M. no. 1403)
A Method of flight measurement of spins, by Hartley Akin
Soule and Nathan Frost Scudder. Washington, U.S.
Govt, print, off., 1 9 3 1 . I S p. diagrs., illus.,
tables. (N.A.C.A. Report no. 3 7 ? )
On the equilibrium of steady spinning of aeroplanes, by
R. Fukntsu, Cinquième congres international de la
navigation aérienne, La Haye, Sep. 1-5, 1 9 3 0 .
La Haye, Kartinus Nijhoff, 1331, v. 1, p. 435-448.
Spinning experiments on a single seater fighter with
deepened body and raised tailplane. Part I.
Model experiments. Part II. Full-scale spinning
tests, by H. B. Irving, A. S. Batson and A. V,
Stephens. London, H, M. Stat, off., 1 9 3 1 . 7 TD.
diagrs., illus. (A.R.C. R. à M. no. 1 4 2 1 )
The Steady spin, by Richard Fuchs and Wilhelm Schmidt.
Washington, 1 9 3 1 . 2 ? p. diagrs. , illus. ( N . A . C A ,
Technical memorandums no. 6 3 0 ) (From Luftfahrtforschung, München und Berlin, Feb. 2 ? , 1 9 2 9 , v, 3 ,
no. 1, p. 1 - 1 8 and Jahrbuch 1929 der D.V.L.,
Flight research on maneuverability and spin, by J. W.
Crowley. S.a.E. journal, Dec. 1 9 3 0 , v. 2 7 , no. 6,
p. 6 6 5 - 6 7 0 . diagrs.
Cause- and prevention of spinning, by Garland Powell Peed,
Jr. S, A. E. journal, Nov. 1 9 3 0 , v. 2 7 , no. 5 , p. 5 6 6 ¬
Experience with spins, by T. N. Joyce. S.A.E. journal,
Nov. 1 9 3 0 , v. 2 ? , no. 5 , p. 563-566. (Also
U.S. Air services, Oct. 1 9 3 0 , v. 15, no. 10, p. 44-46)
Spinning experiments, bv P. E, Hovgard. S.A.E. journal,
Nov. 1 9 3 0 , v. 27, no. 5 , p. 571-572. (Also Aircraft engineering, London, Nov. 1930, v. 2, no. 1,
p. 286)
Status of research on airplane spinning, Py F. E. Weick.
B-a.E. journal, Nov. 1930,'v. 2?, no. 5 , D. 578-582.
illus. (Also Aircraft engineering, London,
Nov. 1930, v. 2, no. 1 , p. 282-284)
Why airplanes spin, by G. B. Harper. S.A.S. journal,
Nov. 1930, v. 27, no. 5, p". 560-563.
A Study of the phenomenon of spin in aeroplanes, by K. E.
Wimperis. Journal of the R - Ü . S . , London, Oct. 1930,
v. 34, no. 238, o. 872-879. (.nlso Proceedings of
the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Londcn,
1920, v. 2S, pt. II, no. 124, p. 232-242)
Symposium on scinning. Aviation, New York, Oct. 1930,
v. 29, no. 4, p. 227-231. illus.. tables. (Also
S . A . Ü . journal, Sop. 1930, v. 27,'p. 255)
Spinning characteristics under study. S.A.E, journal,
Kew York, Sop. 1930, v. 27, no. 3, p. 255, 369-370.
Causes and preventions of flat and inverted, spins.
Part I, x i , by Garland Powell Peed. Jr.* Aero digest,
June 1930, v, 1 6 , no. 6, p. 77-76, 204, July 1930,
v. 17, no. 1, p. 74-75, 200-202. diagrs.
The Problem of autorotation, by H. B- Irving. Aircraft
engineering', London, June 1930, v. 2, no. 10,
P . 142-145. diagrs.
Spin in aeroplanes, by H. E, Wimperis.
E N G I N E E R I N G ,
London, May 23, 1950, v. 129, no. 3358, p. 674.
Focke-Wulf has modified Taube ing; proof against spin,
by Edwin P. A. Heinze. Automotive industries,
May o, 1930, v. 62, p. 699. illus.
Why they spin the way they do, by P. E. Hovgard, Aviation,
New York, Apr. 15, 1930, v. 28, no, 15, p. 758-762.
diagrs,, illus.
The Effect of wing tip floating ailerons on the autorota­
tion of a monoplane wing model, by H. Knight and
C, J. Wenzlnger. Washington, 1930. 1 9 p. (N.A.C.A.
Technical notes no. 336)
Goettingen six-component scale measurements on a Junkers
A. 35 airplane model, by H. Blenk, Washington,
S P.
diagrs. (N.A.G.A. Technical memorandums
no. 583) ' (From Jahrbuch 1930 der D.V.L., p. 54-60)
Mathematical treatise on the recovery from a flat spin,
by R. FuchG. Washington, 1950. 16 o. illus.
(K.A.G.A. Technical memorandums no. 591) (From
W.G.L. Jahrbuch, 1929, p. 144-148)
A Possible method for preventing the autorotation of
airplane wings, by Oskar Schrenk. Washington, 1930,
6 p. diagrs.J illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical memoran­
dums no. 569) (From Z.F.M., Nov. 14, 1929, v. 20,
no. 21, p. 553-555)
Spinning experiments and calculations on a model of the
Fairey lllf neaplano with special reference to the
effect of floats, tailplnno modifications, differen­
tial and floating ailnrons and "interceptors," by
K. B. Irving and A. S. Batson. London, H. M. Stat,
off., 1930.' 15 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 1356)
The Flat spin, by Ral'oh A. Ofstie. Aviation, Ne* York,
Dec. 21, 1929, v. 27, no. 25, p. 1203-1206. illus.
Tail soins, by Harry A. Sutton. Aviation, New York,
Dec. 21, 1929, v. 27, no. 25, o, 1196-1202. illus.
Étude de la vrille à plat moyens préconisés pour en sortir.
Les Ailes, D e c ' S , 1929. 3 p. diagrs.
Why the spin test, by C. L. Richardson and H.
Western flying, Los Angeles, Dec, 1929, v, 6, no. 6,
p. 38-39.
Spinning, by J. D. Blyth. Flight, London, Oct. 25, Nov. 29,
1929, v, 21, no, 43, 4 S / p , 1140a-1140e, 1262d-1262g.
That "Fatal ' tail spin, by H. B. Hiller. Scientific ameri¬
can, Oct. 1929, v. 141, no. 4, p. 307-309. illus.
Why the dreaded tailspin Is so often fatal. Popular
mechanics, Chicago, Oct. 1929, v, 52, p. 558-559.
diagrs., illus. (Also Literary digest, Sep. 21.
1929, v. 102, p. 2 4 T ^
Bemerkungen zur trudelbewegung und zur kinoraotographisehen
flugvermessung (P. Raethjen), von W , Kuebner und
W, Pleines. Z.F.M. , Aug. 28, 1929, v. 20, no. 16,
p. 41S-423. diagrs., illus.
Spinning characteristics of airplanes, by H. Watter.
S.A.E. journal, May 1929/v, 24, no. 5, p. 474-478,
527. Illus. Aug. 1929, v. 25, no. 2, p, 124-127.
Airplane spine and 'ving slots, by C. B. Harper. S.A.3.
journal, July 1929, v. 25, no. 1, p. 25-33.
Tall spins and forced landings, by B. Studley. Popular
aviation and aeronautics, Apr. 1929, v. 4, no, 4,
p, 11-14, 96, illus.
Analysis of flight
wind tunnel
on Udet airplanes
with reference to spinning characteristics, by'
H.Herrmann. Washington, 1929. 21 P . illus.
(N.A.G.A. Technical memorandums no. 502) (Also
Z.F.M., München, Jan. 14, 1929, v. 20, no. 1, p. 3-15)
Beitrag zur frage der Stabilität der trudelbewegung, von
Alexis v. Baranoff. Jahrbuch 1929 der D.V.L.,
Berlin und München, p, 175-182. dia^rs., illus.
üStude dynamic.ue de
la vrille, par Frederic Ch. Haus.
Paris, S. Chiron, 1929. 68 p. dia.grs, , illus.
Experiments on the spinning of a Bristol fighter aeropla.no,
by K. V. Wright. London, H. U. Stat, off., 1929.
7 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C.
& M. no. 1261)
Kinematographieche messung der trudelbewegung an einem
flugzeug von muster Albatros L. 68, von W. Huebner
und W. Pleines. Jahrbuch 1929 der D.V.L., Berlin
und München, 1929, p.' 59-58.' diagrs.,
(Also Z.F.M., München, Jan. 23, 1929, v. 20, no. 2,
p. 29-45)
Some experiments on autorotation of an airfoil, by ShotsOber. Washington, 1929. 10 p. diagrs,, illus.
(N.A.C.A. Technical notes, no. 319)
Spinning. Aeronautics, London, 1929, v. 1, p. 33-35.
A.R.C. R. 5; H, no. 1200)
Spinning experiments on a single seater fighter. Part I.
Further model experiments. Part II. Full-scale
spinning tests, by A. S, Batson, H. B. Irving and
S. B. Gates, London, K. M. Stat, off., 1929. 10 o.
diagrs., illus., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 127S)
The Spinning of airplanes, by M. Watter. Aero digest,
1928, v. 13, no. 5, p. 912, 914, 916. illus.
La Barrena plana. Estudio por Coronel Kerrera.
July 1928, 3 p. diagrs., illus.
Airplane spinning characteristics, by H. A. Sutton.
Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off.. 1928. 32 p.
illus. (U.S. Air coros information circular no. 613)
A Dash-pot for use in spinning experiments on a model
aerofoil, by T. H. Fenster. London, H, U. Stat.
off., 192S. 3 p. illus. (A.R.G. R- ft M, no. 1208)
Effect of cellule arrangement on the rate of autorotation
calculated by tho "strip" method, by H, A. Sutton.
Washington, U.S. Govt, print- off., 1928, diagrs.,
Illus., tables. (U.S. Air corps information
circular.no. 609)
Experiments on r. model of a single-seater fighter aero­
plane in connection with spinning, by K. B. Irving
and A. S. Bat son. London, H. H. Stat, off., 1928.
19 p. diarro., illus., tables. (A.R.C. R. « M.
no. 1184)
The Way to control a ship in spinning, by Cloyd P. Clovenger
Aoro digest, New York, Oct. 1927, v. 11, no. 4,
p. 432.
Tail spins and flat soins, by B. V. Korvin-Kroukovsky.
Aviation, New York, July 18, 1927, v. 23, no. 3,
p. 152-157. diagrs., tables.
The Spinning of aeroplanes, by L, W. Bryant and S. B. Gates.
Journal of the R.A.S.. London, July 1927, v. 31,
no. 199, p. 619-6S8. diagr., illus.
Spinning tests on observation planes - MPGook Field,
Aviation, New York, Hay 30, 1927, v. 22, no. 22,
p. 1133-1134. illus.
Further experiments on a model of the "Bantam" aeroplane
with special reference to the flat spin," by H. B.
Irving and A. S. Batson, London, H . H. Stat, off.,
1927, 38 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & U.
no. 1107)
Wind tunnel tests on autorotation and the "flat spin,"
by Montgomery Knight. Washington, U.S. Govt, print,
off., 1927. 18 p. diagrs., illus., tables.
(N.A.G.A. Technical report no. 273)
Experiments on autorotation, by S. Andcrlik. Washington,
1925. 11 p. diagrs. , Illus. (H.A. C A . Technical
memorandums no. 3S0) (From Z.F.M., Aug; 28, 1926,
v. 17, no. 16, p. 338-342)
3omn experiments on a model of a B.A.T. "Bantam" aeroplane
with special reference to spinning accidents.
Part I. Longitudinal control and rolling experiments.
Part II. Experiments on forces and moments, in­
cluding rudder control, "by H. 3. Irving, A. S. Batson,
H. C. H. Townsend and T. A. Klrkup. London, H. 1L
Stat, off., 1926. 71 u. illus. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 976)
What is spinning? Scientific american, ITew York, Oct.
1925, v. 133, p. 277. diagr.
Spinning, "by Thomas Carroll. U.S. Air services, Washington,
June 1925, v. 10, no. 6, p. 35-38. illus.
Autorotation measurements on a model, aeroplane with zero
staggerj by P. B. Bradfield .and L. P. Coombes.
London, K. LI. Stat, off., 1925. 7 o. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 975)
Can the "Petrel be spun?
no. 26, p. 756.
Aviation, June 26, 1922, v. 12,
Experimental study of habituation to rotation. Aerial age.
Now York, May 15, 1922, v. 15, no. 10, p. 224.
On things which spin. The Aeroplane, London, Au,;,\ 10,
1921, v. 21, no. 6, p. 128-130,
Flight, Nov, 18, 1920, v. 12, no. 47/ u.
1195.' illus.
Concerning spins, by W. H. S. The Aeroolane, London,
Feb. 4, 1920, v. 18, no. 5, p. 270.
Preliminary note on the effect of stagger and decalage
on the autorotation of a R.A.F. 15 biplane, by
H. B. Irving, London, K. M. Stat. off., 1920.
5 p. diagrs. (A.R.C. R. 5; M. no, 733)
Experiments on a twisted aerofoil, by L. V/. Bryant, London,
H. H. Stat, off., 1919. 10 p. diagrs. U.R.C.
R. k U. no. 601)
The Investigation of the soin of an aeroplane, by K.
Glauert. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1919. 43 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C, R. & K. no. 618)
Spinning, by Dean I. Lamb. Aerial age weekly, New York,
Mar, 25, 1918, v. 7, no. 2, p. 117.
The Auto-rotation of stalled aerofoils and its relation
to the spinning speed of aeroplanes, "by Z> F. Reif and
T. Lavender, London, H. M- Stat, off., 1918. IS o.
diagrs., illus. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 549)
The Experimental and mathematical investigation of spinning,
by F, A. Lindemann, H. Glauert and R. G. Harris.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1918. 80 p. diagrs.,
illus. , tables. (A.R.C. R. & V.. no. 411)
Spinning, by George H. Bettinson. Aerial age weekly.
New Y rk, Feb. 5, 191?, v. 4, no. 21, p. 535. (Also
The Aeroplane?, London, Jan. 3, 191?, v. 12, no. 1,
p. 74-76)
Calculations on the spinnings of an aeroplane, by G. P.
Thomson. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1915. 6 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. k M. no. £11)
La Stabilisation automatioue, par Fr. Haus, L'Aéronautique,
Jan., Feb, 1936, p. 1-12, 17-24. diagrs., illus.
Automatic stabilization, by Fr. Haus. Washington, 1936.
(N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums no. 815) (From
L'Aéronautique, Mar. 1936, v. 15, no, 159, p. 29-37)
Automatic stabilisation, by Fr. Haus. Washington, 1936.
(N.a.C.A- Technical memorandums no. 802) (From
L Aeronautioue, Oct, 1935; Jan., Feb. 1936)
La Stabilization automatique. Introduction à l'étude des
stabilisateurs automatiques latéraux, par Fr. Haus.
L'Aérotechnique, Oct. 1935, v. 1?, no. 197, p. 81.
Stabilisation automatique des avions, par J. Lacaine.
La Nature, July 15, 1935. 8 o. illus.
La Stabilité automatique des avions, par G. Fandeux. Arts
et métiers, Sep. 1932, v, 85, no, 144, p. 531-534,
Stabilité automatique des avions. Introduction au problème
de la stabilité automatique, par Fr. Haus. L'Aéronautique, May-Aug. 1932. 30 c. diagrs., illus.
La Stabilisation automatique des avions par girouettes
Constantin, oar R, J. de Marolles, Génie civil,
Apr. 30, 1932, v. 100, p. 443-446. diagrs., illus.
Automatic stability of airplanes, by Fr. Haus. Washington,
1932. 5 8 p. diagrs., illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical
memorandums no, 695} (From L Aéronautique, May-AUg.
1932, v. 14, no. 156-159, o. 139-144, 171-179,
207-214, 243-252)
Deux dispositifs de stabilisation automatique. La
dispositif de stabilité par gyroscopes Karmonnier,
Les girouettes de stabilisation Constantin.
L'Aéroohile, Paris, Jan. 15, 1931, v. 39, no. 1,
p. 17-21. illus.
La Stabilisation automat-ioue au ncyen c*os girouettes
Constantin, par Pierre Le.^lise. L'Aéronautique,
Paris, Aug. Ï930, v. 12, no. 135, p. £97-298. illus.
La Stabilisation automatique des avions la perte de
vitesse et la girouette Constantin, par L. Constantin.
Bulletin de la Société d'encouragement pour
1 industrie nationale, Paris, Feb. 1929, v. 12, no.2,
p. 121-137. illus.
La Stabilité automatique des aéroplanes, par Charles
Lafon. Revue aérienne, Paris, Apr. 25, 1914, v 7,
no. 133, p. 231-232.
Stabilité automatique, par Charles Lafon. La Conauête
de l air, Bruxelles, Aar. 15, 1914, v. II, no, 8 ,
o. 115-116,
Kama's automatic stability, by Walter V. Kamp. Aeronautics,
New York, Mar. 31, 1914, v. 14, no. 6, p. 87,
Automatically stable aeroplane, by Percy Parker. Flight,
London, Feb, 14, 19Ï4, v. 6, no. 7, p. 179-180.'
La Stabilisation automatique. Technique aéronautique,
Paris, Feb. 1, 1914, v. 9, no. 99, p. 89-90.
Les Experiences de Pegaud et la stabilité automatique,
par Louis de Monge. La Conquête de l'air, Bruxelles,
Jan« 1, 1914, v. 11, no. 1, p. 5-6.
Sur la stabilité automatique, oar Alexandre See. L'Aerophile, Paris, Nov. 15, 1913, v. 21, no. 22,
p, 506-511.
Die Automatische Stabilisierung eines Bleriot-Sirid_eckc-rs,
von Louis Blériot. Fachzeitung für automobilismus
und flugtechnik, Berlin, Oct. 26, 1913, v. 7, no. 43,
o, 13,
Belle experience de stabilisation automatique, par Albert
Moreau. L Aerooh.il e, Paris, Oct. 1, '1913, v. 21,
19, p. 445.
Stabilisation automations des aéroplanes, par L. K.
L'Aero-ohlle, Paris, Aug. 15, Oct. 1, 1913, v. 21,
16, 19, p. 367-371, 436.
Sur la stabilisation automatique, par Philos. L'Aerophile,
Paris, Oct. 1, 1913, v. '21,
no. 15, p. 439-440.
für f lngrvocar."te, system
Ivloreau. Der Motorwagen, Berlin, Aug, 31, 1913, v. 16,
24, p. 611-61?. illus.
En quoi consiste le croblème de la^stabilité longitudinale
automatique? par Alexandre Se'e. Technique aéronautique, Paris, Aug. 15, 1913, no. 88, p. 97-106.
Some automatic stability aeroplane patents, by Ernest M.
Green. Flight, London, Mar. 22, 1913, v. 5, no. 12,
p. 333. illus.
Stabilité automatique. L'Aviation industrielle et commerciale, Gasteau, Mar. 1913, v. 2, no. 15, p. 119.
Automatic stability; The Moreau monoplane. Aero and hydro,
Chicago, Feb, 1, 1913, v. 5, no. 18, p. 328-329.
diagrs,j illus.
L Autostabilité, par Julien Paccttc. Technique aéronautique
Paris, Jan. 15, 1913, v. 7, no. 74, p. 33-41.
A Danger of so-called "automatic stability," by George
Hartley Bryan, Nature, London, 1913, v. 91,
p. 556-557.
Aéroplane système Drz.eni.ucki à stabilité longitudinale
automatique, par S. Drzev-ieclîi. La. Conquête de
l'air, Bruxelles, Nov. 15, 1912, v. 9, no. 22, p. 2-3.
La Stabilite automatique est enfin résolue intégralement,
par B. M. L'Aero, Paris, Nov. 10, 1912, v. 5,
647, p. 2.
Le Stabilisateur automatique lateral Alexandre Se'e, par
Pierre Riviere. Technique aéronautique, Paris,
Nov. 1, 1912, v. 6, no. 69, p. 273-276. diagr.
Automatic stability, method of obtaining, invented by
S. F. Cody. Aero, London, Oct. 1912, v. 6, no. 115,
p. 284.
Auto-mechanical stability, by T. *W. K. Clarke. Aero club
of America bulletin, New York, Sep. 1912, v. 1,
no. 8, p. 12-15, 38. illus. {Al^o Aeronautical
journal, London, Aor. 1912, v. 16, no. 62, p. 101¬
La Stabilisation automatique des aeroplanes et un moyen
de la réaliser, par A, Toussaint et G. Lepère.
Technique aéronautique, Paris, July 1, Aug. 15,
1912, v. 6, no. 61, 64, p. 1-13, 109-112.' illus.
Les Nouvelles inventions concernant la locomotion aérienne.
Stabilisation automatique des aéroplanes à l'aide
du gyroscco^j par Paul Leroux. Technique aéronautique,
Paris, Dec. 1, 15, 1911, v. 4, n e 47, 48, p. 329-337,
365-368; May 1, 1912, v. 5, no. 57, p. 272-277. illus.
Les Stabilisateurs automatiques, car 0. Crouzon. L'Aerpphile, Paris, Apr. 15, 1912', v. 20, no. 8, p. 175-177.
La Stabilisation automatique longitudinale des aéroplanes,
oar Ad. Doutre. Technique aéronautique, Paris,
Apr. 15, 1912, v. 5, ne. 56, p. 225-240. (Also
Technique moderne, Paris, 1911, v. 3, p. 550-555)
L Avenir de l'aviation. La stabilité automatique, question
capitale, par X. Technique aéronautique, Paris,
Apr. 1, 1912, v. 15, no. 55, p. 214-217.
Résumé d'une note de M. Ad, Doutre sur l'équilibre longitudinal des aéroplanes et un dispositif de stabilisation automatique, par René Chasseriaud. Technique
aéronautique. Paris, Apr. 1, 1912, v. 5, no. 55,
p. 202-204.
Automatic stability. A reply, by M. Raabe.
Apr. 1912, v. 6, no."109, p. 109.
Aero. London,
Un Nouveau système de stabilisation automatique, par Louis
Laurent. Revue aérienne, Paris, Mar. 25, 1912, v. 5,
no. 83, p. 178-179. diagr.
Les Stabilisateurs automatiques, par Alexandre Dumas.
L'Aérophile, Paris, Feb. l,~Mar. 15, 1912, v. 20,
no. 3,'6, p. 54-55, 132-153. illus.
Automatic stabilityj by J. C. S. Flight, London, Mar. 2,
1512, v. 4, no. 9, p. 189-192. diagr.
Automatic stability, by Noel TT. H. Vernham,
Feb. 1912, v. 6, no. 107, p. 43,
Aero, London,
Automatic stability, by D. Townesend.
Flight, London,
Jan. 27, 1912, v. 4, no. 4, p. 95. diagr.
Neuere Ideen und beiträte zur automatischen f lugzeugsta/bilisierung, von Frits Edelstein. Fachzeitung für
automobili snus und flu^.technih, Berlin, Jan. 14,
1912, v. 6, no. 3, p. 21-23. illus.
The Development of automatic stability. Aeroplanes to-day
only moderately stable, by Herbert Chatley.
magazine, Philadelphia, Jan. 1912, v, 4, no. 3, p. 7
Automatic stability experiments, by H. 0. Eianì. Aero,
St. Louis, Dec. 9, 1911, v. 3, no. 10, p. 199,
La Stabilite autoiruatique des aeroplanes, par Alexandre
Dumas. L'Aerophile, Paris, Oct. 15, 1911, v. 19,
no. 20, o. 486-487. diagr.
Automatic stability. Aviation, Los Angeles, Oct. 1911,
v. 1, no. 10, p. 16.
La Stabilisation automatlque, par H. Renaud. B.evue
aerienne, Paris, Aug. 25, 1911, v. 4, no, 69, p. 428
Automatic stability from a now standooint, by R, F. Macfie
Aeronautics, London, July 1911, v. 4, no. 41,
p. 98-99. illus,
The Stability of aeroplanes. The center of pressure, and
its relation to the automatic stability of flying
machines of various plan-shapes .and disposition of
planes, by Albert Peter Thurston,
London, Hay 19, 1911, v. 91, p, 642-644. illus.
Automatic stability of aeroplanes. Comments on some
american patents, by G-rover Cleveland Loening.
Scientific american, New York, May 13, 1911, v. 104,
no. 19, p. 470-471, 488. illus.
Automatic stability, by J. J. Slavin. Aviation, Los
Angeles, f|ar 1911, v. 1, no. 3, p. 31.
Stabilisationsautomat fur flugnaschinen. Bulletin dos
Schweizer aoroklubs. Barn,
Feb. 1911, v, 5-, no. 1,
p. 33-37. diagr.
Ub&r pine noue not^endige bodingung fur die automatische
st'itenetabllitat der drachenflieger, von H. Reissner.
Flugsoort, Oct. 19, Nov. 2, 1910, v. 11, no. 20, 21,
p. 633-638, 669-673. dia ,rs., tables.
Automatic stability problem solved. Aeronautics, New York,
July 1910, v. 7, no. 2 p. 36.
Automatic stability in aeroclanes. Adapted from the
german of R. Conrad, by Ivlarius G. Kraru-j. Automobile,
New York, June 2, 1910, v. 22, no. 22, P . 997, 1053¬
1054. illus.
Automatic stability. Lieutenant Dunne's remarkable flight,
by John Henry Ledeboer. Aeronautics, London, June
1910, v. 3, nc. 5, p. 83-S4. illus.
Stabilisation automatique des aeroplanes, par Phllos.
L'Aerophlle, Paris, May 1, 1910, v. 13, no. 9,
c 204-206. illus.
Stabilisation automatique, par Armengaud. L'Aeromechanique, Bruxelles, Aor. 10, 1910, v, 3, no. 9,
o. 74.
Automatic stability.
no. 34,. p. 33.
Aero, London, Jan. 11, 1910, v. 2,
Automatic stability in aeroplanes.
1910, v. 90, p, 505-506.
Engineering, London.
Sin Automat isehen stabiler monoolan, von K. J. Gramatzki.
Die Umschau, Frankfurt, 1910, v. 14, p. 70-72.
Stabilité automatique des aéroplanes, car A. Keugniot.
L'Ae'ronaute, Paris, Dec. 18, 25, 1909, v. 42, no. 514,
515, p. 146-148, 149-151. illus.
Stabilité automatique des aéroplanes. Analyse du brevet
Wright, car H. Noalhat. L'Aeronaute, aris, Dec. 11,
1909, v / 4 2 , no, 513, p. 133-137. illus.
Automatic stability, by A. Gordon ï-iacLeod. Aero, London,
Sep. 28, 1909, v. 1, no. 19, p. 314-315. illus.
Inventions for obtaining perfect automatic stability. Aero,
London, Sep. 28, 1909, v. 1, no. 19, c. 312-313.
A New alea for automatic stability. A reply to some
criticisms. Aero, London, Sep, 28, 1909, v. 1,
no. 19, p. 307.
Inventions. The automatic balance of aeroplanes, by John
V. L. Hall. Aero, London, Sep. 14, Ì909, v. 1,
no. 17, p. £82. illus.
Wrights' automatic stability. Aeronautics, New York,
Sop. 1909, v. 5, no. 3, p. 9C-S1. illus.
Automatic stability, by Valentine addarci, Johnson. Flight,
London, July 1?, 1909, v. 1, no. 29, p. 434.
L'Equilibro des aeroplanes aar la variation, automatique
de l'angle d'a'ttaaue, T:OT a. 2, L'Aérochile, Paris,
Aer, l,""l?QÇ, v. 17, no. 7, p. 152-153.
équilibre automatiaue dos aéroclanns, oar Joseph Rodet.
Cosmos, Paris, 1908, v. 5?, no. 1234, c." 326-331.
N/óte sur l'équilibre automatique du l'aéroplane, par
Joseph Rodât. L'Aéroohîlc, Paris, Nov, 1907, v. 15,
no. 11, p. 314-315.
L'équilibre longitudinal automatique dans les aéroplanes,
oar José Weiss. L'Aérophile, Paris, July 19Ö7,
v. 15, no. 7, p. 174, 175. diagrs.
Automatic stability, by S, C Hawkins. Aeronautical Journal , London, 1905, v. 9, no. 34, p. 31-36, diagrs.
Rolling and yawing moments on half wings with various
modifications of wing tips, by D. H. Williams.
London, h.
Stat, off., 1938. 6 p. illus.
(A.R.C. R, & I•. no. 1655) (Also Aircraft engineering. Mar. 1936, o. 83)
Behavior of wings in yaw, by S. Del Proposto. Journal of
the aeronautical sciences, July 1934, v. 1, no. 3,
P. 125-130.
effect of retractable-spoiler location on rolling and
yawing-moment coefficients, by J. A. Shortal.
Washington, 1934. 12 T>. ( N . A . C . A . Technical notes
no. 499)
Ibrperiments on the whirling arm yawing and rolling moments
on the Fornbill and various aerofoil. Pressure
distribution and flow teats on H.A. F. 15, b ' A. S.
Kalliday and 0. H. Bürge. London, H. M. Stat, off.,
1934, 21 p. illus, (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1642)
The Problem of the propeller in yaw with special reference
to airplane stability, by Fran a Misztn.l, Washington,
1933. "33 p. illua. (W.A. C.A. Technical memorandums
no, 696) (From Abbandlungen aus des Aerodynamischen
Institut und der Technischen hochschult;, Aachen,
1932, no. 11, p, 5-27)
Flugmessungen über den Einfluss eines spalt^s zwischen
höhenruder und. -floss;:- auf die statische Stabilität
und steuerb^.rK..-it um die queraehso, -on Walter
Huebnor. Z. F , M ü n c h e n und Berlin, June 14,
1932, v. 23. no. 11, o. 313-320. diagrs. (Also
D.V.L., 1932, .tünchen und 3erlin, p. 1-3)
Die Seitenstabilität des ungesteuerten normalfluges und
ihrer technischen Vorbedingungen, von Gotthold.
Mathias. Z.F.M. , München und Berlin. Apr. 14, 29,
1932, v, 23, no, 7, 8, p. 193-199, 224-232. table.
(Also D.V.L., München und Berlin, 1932, p. 17-31)
Combined pitching and yawing motion of airplanes, by
Alexis v. Baranoff and L. Hopf. Washington, 1931*
29 p. diagrs, (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums
no. 620) (From LuftfahrtForschung, München und
Berlin, Mar. 20, 1929, v. 3, no. 2, p. 39-58)
Moments de giration et stabilite de route, -oar A. Lapresle.
L'Aerophile, Paris, ?Car. 15, Apr, 1930, v. 33,
no. 5, 8, p. 85-88, 115-11?. diagrs., illus.
Moments and forces on a yavied model aeroplane, by w. G. A,
Perring and C. Gallen. London, H. M. Stat, off,,
Feb, 1930. 3 p. illus. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 131S)
Directional stability of high speed aircraft, by W. G.
Jennings. London, K. M. Stat, off., 1930. 4 p.
illus. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1340)
Effect of variation of chord and span of ailerons on
rolling and yawing moments at several angles of
pitch, by R. H. Heald, D. H. Strother and B. K.
Monieh. Washington, U . S . Govt, print, off., 1930,
29 p. diagrs., illus., tables. (K.A,C.A. Report
no. 343)
Experiments on s^ept-back and swept-forward aerofoils,
by D. H. Williams and A. S." Halliday. London, K. M.
Stat, off., 1920. 41 p. diagrs.. tables. (A.R.C.
R. & Id. no. 1491)
GÖttlnger sechs komconentenmcssungen an Flügeln mit V.
form Pfeilformvsrwindung, von Hermann Blenk. Luft­
fahrt forschung, Hiinchon, Feb. 1929, v. 3, no. 1,
p. 37-38. charts, tables.
Effect of variation of chord and span of ailerons on
rolling and yawing moments in level flight, by
R. H. Kef-.Id and D. H. Strother. Washington, U.S.
Govt, orlnt, off., 1529. 1C TO. dia,\Ts., illus.,
tables. (:f.A. O.A. Report no. 298)
T?.o airplrvars In tandem v-ith rudder not infringed by plane
^ith stabilizer. The United States daily, Washing­
ton, June 13, 1928, v. 3, no. 86, p. 6-G.
Pressure distribution ever a yaved airfoil, (with an
aopendix on rolling moments on a yav'sd airfoil by
A. S. Batson), by D. H. Williams. London, H. M,
Stat, off., 1928. 22 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C.
R. & M. no. 1203)
The Effect of sweep back and sweep forward on an airfoil,
by P. M. Lyons. Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off.,
1926. 6 p. illus. (U.S. air service information
circular no. 54?)
The Full scale determination of the lateral resistance
derivatives of a Bristol fighter aeroolane.
Port II. The Determination of the rate- of turn
derivative?, by H.
Garner. London, H. H. Stat,
off., 1926. 4 p. tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1068)
The Rolling and yawing moments of an aerofoil In straight
flight, by H. Glauert. London, K, i*. Stat. off.,
6 p.
R. & M. no.
A Siev; relation betveen the induced yawing moment and the
rolling moment of an airfoil in straight motion,
by Max Michael Münk. Washington, U.S. Govt, print,
off., 1924. 7 TJ. diagrs. ( N . A . C A . Report no. 19?)
Note on the relative effect of the dihedral and the s^eep
back of airplane r/ings, by Max Michael Münk.
Washington, 1924. 4 c. (N.A, C A . Technical notes
no. 177)
Calculation of the rotary derivatives duo to yawing for
a monoplane wing, by H. Glauert. London, K. l\.
Stat. off., 1923. 9 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C.
R. & H. no. 866)
Pressure distribution over the rudder and fin of an
airplane in flight, by F. K. Korton and G. C.
Brown. Washington, U.S. Govt. print, off., 1922,
9 p. diagrs. .
A . C.
Report no. 149)
Detormina.tion of s^eepback for line-up, by T. P. Wright.
Aviation, June 15, 1920, v. '3, no. 10, p. 394.
über die s^itlich-s Stabilität, von Oskar Keimstaedt.
Wien, ,.;ay 1920, no. 5, p. 45-4S. illus.
Directional stability of an airplane, by F. Bedell.
journal, AU.;;. 1913, v. 32, p. 1667. diagrs.
Variation of ya^'in^ moment due to rolling, by E. 3. Wilson.
Washington, U.S.Govt, print, off,, 1918. 4 P.
diagrs. (N.A.C.A. Report no. 26)
Zahlenrnässige wertung der länga-und seitenstabilitat von
flugzeugan, von Reinhart Skutsch. Z.F.Jvl,, München,
1913, v. 4, p. 281-284.
La Stabilite automatique des aeroplanes par 1'emploi de
plans fixes verticaux, par René Désmons. L Aeronauts,
Paris, June 25, 1910, v. 43, no. 541, c. 228-231.
The Aerodynamic wind vane and the inherent stability of
airplanes, by A. Lapresle. Washington, 1931. 16 p.
•diagrs., illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums
no. 607) (From Bulletin du Service technioue da
l'aéronautique, Feb. 1930, no. 66, p. 6-17)'
Influence des méthodes d'apprentissage sur la sécurité.
Role de la stabilité naturelle de forme, par
Robert Taorane, L Aéronautique, Paris, Mar. 1926,
v. 8, no, 82, p. 95-96.
Inherent stability. Aerial age, Nov. 1, 1920, v, 12,
p. 231. diagrs.
Aeroplane design. A simple explanation of inherent stability,
by F. S, Barnwell and W. H. Sayers. London, KcBride,
Nash & company, 191?. 102 p. illus.
Inherent and automatic stability of aeroplanes, by Theodore
Gibson, Aircraft, New York, Feb. 1916, v. 6, no. 8,
p. 535.
Report on behavior of airplane in gusts: Part I. Experi­
mental analysis of inherent longitudinal stability
for a typical biolane, by Jerome Clarke Runsaker.
Washington, U.S.Govt, print, off., 1916. 27 p.
charts, illus., tables. (r.A.C.A. Report no. 1)
The Canard ~~ype and inherent stability, by Vincent J.
3urelli". Aircraft, Hev York. June 1915, v. 6, no. 4,
p. 477. dia^r.
La Stabil It e longitudinale autcmatique de forme, par Paul
A. G-. Kauffm."nn. L Aerophlle, Paris, June 1, 1914
v. 22, no. 11. c. 244-245. (Also Schweizer aero¬
klub bulletin, Bern, Aug. 1916, v. 10, no. 8,
p. 121-124)
The Question of natural stability in aeroplanes with
comments on the lack of stability of the modern
aeroplane, together with a description and explana­
tion' of the Dunne inherently stable machines, by
Walter H. Phipps. Aircraft, New York, Sep. 1913, v. 4,
no. 7, p. 156-157. illus,
L Aeroplane a stabilite propre, par J. F. Ravat, Revue
aerienne, Paris, May 25, 1913, v. e, no. 111,
p. 283-285. illus.
Inherent stability and how it is achieved in the Fokker
monoplane, by Walter H. Phipps. Aircraft, New York,
Jan. 1913, v. 3, no. II, p. 322-323. illus.
Natural stability.
p. 297.
Aero, London, Oct. 1912, v. 6, no. 115,
Natural stability, by Vernon L. Addison. Flight, London,
July 20, 1912, v. 4, no. 29, p. 669.
Natural stability. The Redivalis principle, by William
Booth. Flight, London. Jan. 20, May 11, 1912, v. 4.
no. 3, IS, p. 71, 433-434.
Natural stability, by F. Alexander Barton. Flight, London,
Jan, 13, 1912, v. 4, no. 2, p. 47. illus
Re: naturally-stable maghine, by V. F. Forbes and A. J.
Arnold. Flight, London, Nov. 1 1 , 1 9 1 1 , v. -3,
no. 4 5 , p. 9 9 1 - 9 9 2 . illus.
Natural stability and the parachute principle in aeroplanes
by W, Le Maitre. London, Spon and Chamberlain, I P 1 1 .
4 6 p- illus.
Natural stability, by J. T. flatten.
1 9 1 0 , v. 2 , no. 16, p. 9 3 7 .
Flight, London, Nov. 1
Natural stability p.]id the Crucifer aeroplane, by L.
Beauclerc Goldman. Flight, London, Nov. 1 2 , 1 9 1 0 ,
2, no.
Natural stability, by Thomas Kelham. Flight, London,
Oct. 15, 1910, v. 2, no. 42, p. 851.
L'Instinct artificiel de l'équilibre, par Paul Regnard.
L'Aéro, Paris. Apr, 1 9 0 9 , v, 1, no. 31.
La Stabilité tranversale des avions, par E. Vellay.
Science aérienne, Jan.-Feb. 1 9 3 6 . 15 p.
Lateral stabilisation.
Flight, Jan. 9, 1 9 3 5 , p. 38.
Effect of tip shape and dihedral on lateral-stability
characteristics, by Joseph Adams Shortal. Washington
U.S. Govt, print, off,, Î 9 3 6 . 1 0 p. diagrs., illus.
tables. (N.A.C.A. Report no. 5 4 8 )
Contribution à l'étude expérimentale de la stabilité aux
grandes incidences de certaines cellules biplanes,
par M. Nenadovitsch et M. Denis. C. R, Acad.. sei.,
Paris, 1 9 3 5 , v. 2 0 1 , no. 4 , p. 2 6 0 - 2 6 1 .
Calculation of lateral stability with free controls, by
Gotthold Mathias. Washington, 1 9 3 4 . 4 4 p. tables.
( N . A . C . A . Technical, memorandums no. 7 4 1 }
Z.F.M,, München und Berlin, Aor. 1 4 , 2 8 , 1 9 3 2 , v. 2 3 ,
no. 7, 8, p. 193-199, 224-232)
Supplemental data and calculations of lateral stability
of airplanes, by Gotthold Mathias. Washington, 1934.
25 p. charts, diagrs., illus., tables. (N.A.C.A.
Technical memorandums no. 742) (From Z.F.M,, München
und Berlin, Oct. 14, IS, 1933, v. 24, no. 19, 20,
p. 527-529, 563-568)
Richtigstellung des rollmoments von tragflügeln bei Unter­
suchungen im win&kana! mit kreisquerschnitt, von
M. Blot. Z.F.M. , Aug. 14, Nov. 28, 1933, v. 24,
no. 15, 22, p. 410-411, 614-615. diagrs..
La Determination des moments de roulis, par J. Monnin.
Technique aéronautique. 1933, v. 24, no, 129,
p. 145-173, illus.
Tho Dichman effect. Aviation, Sep. 1932, v. 3, no, 9,
p. 384-385. illus.
Lateral stabilizers.
v. 7, o. 28.
Aviation engineering, Sep. 1932,
Effect of length of Handley-Page tip slots on the lateralstability factor, damping in roll, by Fred E. Weick
and Carl J. Wenzinger. Washington, 1932. 6 p.
diagrs., tables, (N.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 423)
Exoeriments on the Hawker-Hornbill biplane. Part III.
Rolling experiments on a model of the Hawker-Hornbi11
Wings and body, by H. B. Irving and A. S. Batson.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1932. Illus. (A.R.C.
R. & M. no. 1422)
Some preliminary tests on the effects of sideslip on the
rolling and yawing moments due to roll of a Bristol
biplane, by F. B."Bradfield and A. S. Hartshorn.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1932. 4 p. illus.
(A.R.C. R. 4 M. no. 1439)
Eine formel für das rollmoment bei tragflügeln, von
Werner Scheie idler. Z.F.M. , München und Berlin,
Nov. 28, 1931, v. 2 2 , no. 22, p. 658-659. tables.
Das Gefahriche seitliche kippen -.ines flugzeuges über den
flügel und seine beeinflussung, von Richard Fuchs
und Wilhelm Schmidt. Z.F.M., München und Berlin,
July 14, 1931, v. 22, no. 13, p. 393-400. diagrs.
A Method, of laboratory device to record the period of a
pendulum motion, by Mituo Syoyama. Science reoorts
of the Tokyo Bunrika daigaku, sec. A., Tokyo,
;*ay 23, 1931, v. 1, no. 7-12, p. 133-147. Illus.
Addition of rolling moments due to roll and sideslip,
by H. B. Irving. London, H. M, Stat, off., 1S31.
3 p.
R. & M. no. 1418)
The Lateral stability of the Gloster H I E seatlan«, with
controls fixeo" and. with, directional control, by
E. T. Jones. London, H, ti. Stat, off., 1^31. 7 T O .
tables. (A.R.C. R. & tf. no, 1300)
Rolling moments dua to rolling and yaw for four wing
models ir rotation, by Montgomery Knight and Carl J.
Wenzinger. V.^Shintrton, U. S. Govt, print, off. ,
1931. 27 r,.
dinars., illus., tables. (NA.C.A.
Report no. 3?e)
Span-load distribution as a factor in stability in roll,
by Montgomery Knight and Richard W. Noyes. Washington,
U.S. Govt, print, off., 1931. 17 p. diagrs., Illus.,
tables. (K.A.C.A. Report no. 393)
La Stabilita laterals. Rivlsta aeronautica, Roma, Feb.
1930, v, 6, no. 2, p. 341-345. illus.
Lateral stability calculation for the Bristol fighter
aeroplanes, by A, S. Halliday and C. K. Burge.
London, R. M. Stat, off., 1930. 14 p. diagrs.,
tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1306)
The Full scale determination of the lateral resistance
derivatives of the Bristol fighter aeroplane.
Part III. The determination of the rate of roll
derivatives, by 3. T. Jones, London, K. M. Stat,
off., 1929. 7 o. diagrs., illus., tables.
(A. R. C. R. & M. no. 1270)
Measurement of lateral derivatives on the whirling arm,
by LBryant and A.' S. Halliday. London, K. H.
Stat, off., 1929. 6 o. diagrs., illus. (A.R.C.
R. 4 ¡5. no. 1249)
Rolling and sideslip experiments on a model slotted biplane
of R.A.F. 31 section, by H. B. Irving, A. S. Batson
and A. L. Maidens. London, H. M. St=it, off., 1829.
15 P. diagrs. (A.R.C. R. & M- no. 1240)
Travel of the center of pressure of airfoils transversely
to the air stream, by Richard Katzmayr. Washington,
1929. 14 p. diagrs., tables. (N.A.C.A. Technical
memorandums no. 530) (From Berichte der Aeromechanlschen Versuchsanstalt in Wien, 192S, v. 1,
no. 1, o. 47-57)
Determination of the air forces and moments produced by
the ailerons of an airplane, by 0. Wieselsberger and
T. Asano. Washington, Nov. 1923. 15 p. diagrs.,
illus. (N.A.G.A. Technical memorandums no. 488)
(From Z.F.M,, July 14, 192S, v. 19, no. 13, o. 289-
Proportioning the plane for lateral stability, by B. V.
Korvin-Krcukovsky. Aviation, Jan. 19, 1S28, v, 26,
no. 3„ c. 8, 13-16. illus.
Zur theorle der Seitenbewegung des flugzeugs, von Richard
Fuchs und A. v. Baranoff, Z.F.M., München und
Berlin, Jan. 28, 1927, v. 18, no. 2, p. 32-41. dlagr
Lateral stability at lev speed. Part I. Measurement of
rolling moments for three wings at low rates of
roll. Part II. Pressure measurement on a wing
whilst rotating at low speeds, by S. Scott-Hall.
London, H. R. Stat, off., 1927. 33 p. diagrs.,
tables. (A,R,C. R. 4 M . no. 1075)
The Full scale determination of the lateral resistance
derivatives of a Bristol fighter aeroplane, by
H. M, Garner and S. B . Gates. London, H. K. Stat,
off., 1925. 16 o. diagr. (A.R.C. R. & U. no. 987)
Some problems on the lift and rolling of airplane wings,
by James B. Scarborough. Washington, U . S . Govt,
print, off., 1925. 16 p. illus, (N.A.C.A. Report
no. 200)
Lateral force and moments on Avro model, by R. G. Harris
and A. S. Hartshorn. London, H. M. Stat. off.,
1924. 14 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 924)
On the effect of inertia on the lateral motion of an
aeroplane under the influence of gusts ann control
movements, by L. W. Bryant and D, H, Williams.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1924. 11 p. diagrs.
(A.R.C. R. & M, no. 939}
Pitching and yawing moments with sideslip on a model
aeroplane with zero stagger, by F. B. Bradfield.
London, H. i£. Stat, off., 1924. 14 p. diagrs.,
Illus., tables. (A.R.C. R. & H. no'. 965)
A Theory of the full-scale determination of damping in
roll, by S. B . Gates and H, M. Garner. London,
E. K. Stat, off., 1924. 14 p. diagrs., tables.
{A.R.C. R. & M. no. 938)
The Measurement of the damping In roll on a JN-4h in
flight, by F- H. Norton." Vvashington, U.S. Govt,
crint. off., 1923. 6 p. diagrs,, illus. (K.A.C.A.
Report no. 167)
Plane pendulum with two degrees of freedom, applied for
determination of the height of the center of gravity
and of the nonient of inertia of a solid, by V. P.
Vetschinkin and H. ^. Tchentsoff. Transactions of
the Central aftro-hydrodynamical institute, Moscow,
1923, no. 3, o. 14. Illus. (Scientific-technical
section S.CU.E, no. 10)
Preliminary study of the damping factor in roll, by James
H. Shoemaker and John G. Lee. Washington, 1923.
17 p. diagrs., illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes
no. 161)
A Continuous rotation balance for the measurement of
Lp at small rates of roll, by E.*F. Relf and
T. Lavender. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1922. 3 p.
diagr. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 828)
Lateral stability of 3?,-5A in gliding flight, by S. F.
Relf. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1922. 20 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M, no. 846)
On the effect of sideslip on the aerodynamic forces and
moments (including those due to the controls) for
a model S.S.-5A aeroplane, by H, B. Irving and
A. S. Batson. London, H. M. Stat, off., 192?. 17 p
diagrs., illus., tables. (A.R.C. R. £- M. no. 331)
Untersuchung d.er ouerstabilitat und seitenstabilitat auf
graphischem wee, von A. Eaumann, Z.F.M., Munchen
und Berlin, July 30, 1921, v. 12, no, 1 4 , p. 212-220
Lateral stability in aeroplanes, by William R. D. Shaw.
Aeronautics, London, Mar. 1919, v. 16, no. 283,
p. 305.
Lateral stability in aeroplanes, by C. Levick. Aerial
age, Dec, 9, 1913, v. 8, no. 1-3, p. 660. illus.
(Also Flight, London, Oct. 17, 1918, v. 10, no. 4?,
p. 42, 1165)
The Lateral dihedral, by John G-. Hanna. Aerial age weekly,
New York, July 22, 1918, v. 7, no. 19, o. 918-919,
The- Lateral dihedral, by Willis?. R. D. Shaw, Aerial age
weekly, New York, July 1, lv'18, v. 7, no. 16,
p. 781, 790.
Lateral stability of an drolane, by F. Bedell, Sibley
Journal, July 1P18, v. 32, 'c. 154-156. diagrs.
Preliminary tests on the rolling and pitching of a
Handley-Pa*e machine. London, H. U. Stat, off.,
1 9 1 8 . 8 u. diagr. (A.R, 0, R, & M. no. 422)
The Lateral stability of an aeroolane over th? whole of
its speed range, bv ^, F. Reif. London, H. J*. Stat,
off., 131?. 10 c. aiagrs., tables. (A.P.. C. R. 4- M.
no, 32?)
Experiments on a dihedral angle wing, by Jerome C. Hunsaker
and D. I, Douglas. Aerial age weekly, New York,
Aug. 28, 1916, v. 3, no. 24, p.724. illus. (Also
Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, 1916. v. 6?,
no. 4)
General mathematical investigation of the stability of the
motion of an aero-lane (V). Numerical illustrations
in th* case of side-slipping without turning, by
J. L. Nayler and R. Jones, Lcndon, H. M. Stat, off.,
1916. 7 p, tables. (A.R.C. R, ft M, no. 258)
Automatic correction of siae slio. Aerial age weekly,
New York, Oct. 25, 1915, v". 2, no. 6, c. 131. illus.
Side slipping at low soeed, by 3. Melvlll Jones. Flight,
London, Aug. 7, 1914, v. 6, no. 32, p. 844-845.
The Fallacy of the pendulum stabilizers, by Elmar r.. Still.
Aeronautics, London, July 1914, v. ?, no. 77, p. 212.
A Note on lateral stability, by William R. D- Sha* .
Aeronautics, London, Mar. 1914, v.7, no, 73, v.
The Prevention of side-slip, by Elmer G. Still and
C. Bellamy. Aeronautics, London, Feb. 1914, v. ?,
no. 72, o. 55.
Investigation of lateral stability indicating the condi­
tions applicable in design for securing maximum
lateral stability, by L. Bairstow and J. L. Nayler.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1914. 14 p. diagrs.
(A. R. C. R, &- M, no. 116)
The Lateral motion of an aeroplane consequent on various
simple types Of disturbance from the conditions of
steady flight, by L. Bairstow and J. L. Nayler.
London, H. H, Stat, off., 1914. 14 c. diagr.
(A.R. C. R. & Vl* no. 119)
Reflections on th.? aerial flight. With a note on the
fallacy of condulum stabilizers, by Henry Reginald
Ar nul ah Mal lo cit. Scientific amer i can supplement,
Mew York, Dec. 20, 1913, no. 1981, p. 398-400. diagr.
Nouvel appareil Leib supprimant la chute par glissement
latéral par A. Leib. L'Aérophile, Paris, Oct. 1,
1913, v. 21, no. 19, p. 441-442. illus.
Sur la stabilisation pendulaire, par Henri Mirguet.
L'Aérophile, Paris, Sep, 1, 1913, v. 21, no. 17,
p. 593.
Stabilité pendulaire. L'Aéro-mécanique, Bruxelles, Aug. 10,
1913, v. 6, no, 1, p. 6.
The Problem of the upturned tip, by Albert Adams Merrill.
Aero and hydro, Chicago, July 19, 1913, v, 6, no. 16,
p. 316.
Le Couple moteur et la stabilité latérale, par Marcel
Leyat. L Aéroohlle, Paris, June 1> 1913, v, 21,
no. 11, p. 244-245. diagrs.
Lateral balance, by Matthew B. Sellers. Aeronautics,
New York, June 1913, v. 12, no. 6, o. 208.
Influence de la position de l'axe de roulis sur la
stabilité latérale, car Paul James. L'Aerochile,
Paris, May 1, 1913, v. SI, no. 9, o. 194-196, illus.
Incompatibilité du montage en accent circonflexe des ailes
d'aéroplane avec la stabilité de leur équilibre
transversal, par René Arnoux. L'Aérophile, Paris,
Apr. 1, 1913, v. 21, no. 7, p. 149-150. diagr.
Qaptain Duchunk's theory of lateral stability, by
Alexandre See. Aeronautics, London, Mar. 1913,
v. 6, no. 61, p. 124.
Lateral stability, by William R, D. Shaw. Aeronautics,
London, Mar. 1913, v. 6, no. 62, -p. 138-141. diagr.
À l'appui des idées du capitaine Duchene sur la stabilite
laterale, par Alexandre Sue. L'Acrophile, Paris,
Feb. 1, 1913, v. 21, no. 3, p. 55-56. diagr.
Negative wing tips and lateral stability, by J. H. Hume—
Rothery. Flight, London, Jan. 18, 1913, v. 5,
no. 3, n, 64-65. illus.
The Lateral stability of aeroplanes, by Herbert ChatleyAero, London, Jan. 1913, v. 7, no. 118, o. 3,
Note sur la recherche di', la stabilisation des aeroplanes
oar le pendula, par Renaud. Technique aeronautique,
Paris, Nov. 15, 1912, v. 6, no. 70, p. 289-295.
Lateral stability, by H. S. Wildsblood. Aero, London,
Oct. 1912, v. 6, no. 115, p. 307-309. illus.
Side-slips. (Letter 1603). Flight, London, July 27,
1912, v. 4, no. 30, c. 690.
Side-slips, by Janes H. Felix. Flight, London, June 8,
1912, v. 4, no. 23, p. 527,
Chronique docuroentaires: La stabilisation laterale, par
Robert Gratiot. Revue aeri enne, Paris, Jan. 25,
1912, v. 5, no, 79, p. 57-59. diagr.
Lat crai stability, by F. G. Brcckway, Flight, London,
Jan. 20, 1912, v. 4, no. 3, p. 70. diagr.
Les Procedés d'equìlibrage transversal, par Alexandre
Du .las. L'Aéroohile, Paris, Jan. 1, 1912, v. 20,
no. 1, p. 13-19.
Sulla stabilità laterale degli aeroplani, dì G, Arturo
Crocco. Rendiconti delle esperienze ö degli studi
eseguiti nello stabilimento dì esperienze e ecstru^ioni aeronautiche del genio. Roma, R. Acc, Lincei,
1912, 66 p. illus.
The Influence of curved wing tips on lateral stability,
by Davis and Appleyard. Flight, London, Opt. 28,
1911, v. 3, no.' 43, p. 937-938. diagr.
Seitenstabilitàt durch bewegliche tragflachensysteme, von
Paul Pfalzner und Viktor Hodek. Fachzeitung für
automobilismus und flugtechnik, Berlin, June 18,
July 2, 1911, v. 5, no. 25, 27, p. 20-22, 22-24.
Pendulum stability, bv R. T. G-. Flight, London, May 27,
1911, v. 3, no. 21, p. 472-473- diagr.
L'Axe de rculls des
Apr. 29, 1911,
Pendulum stability,
Apr. 29, 1911,
civil, Paris,
v. 58, no. 1507, o. 539-540. diagr.
by W. H. Korton. Flight, London,
v. 3, no. 17, p. 337.
Pendulum stability, by T. W. K. Clarke. Flight, London,
Mar. 13, 1111, v. 3, no. 11, p. 235. diagr.
Pendulum stability. Flight, London, Dec. 3, 1910, v. 2,
no. 49, p. 1000-1001. illus.
Dihedral and pendulum, by W. Le Maitre. Flight, London,
Nov. 19,'1910, v. £, no. 47, p. 960.
Pendulum stability, by Thomas Kelham. Flight, London,
Nov. 19, 1910, v. 2, no. 4?, P. 961.
Dihedral angle, by J, Wetter. Flight, London, Aug. 20,
1910, v. 2, no. 34, p. 677.
Pendulum contro]., by 7. H. Wintringham.
Flight, London,
Aug. 6, 1910, v. 2, no. 32, pi" 630.
Dihedral angle, by Arthur C. Basebc. Flight;, London,
July 9, 1910, v. 2, no. 28, p. 535-536. diagr.
Dihedral an^lo, by Robert S. Ball. Flight, London,
July 2, 1910, v. 2, no. 27, p. 510.
The Dihedral angle, by L. Renateau. Flight, London,
June 11, 1910, v. 2, no. 24, p. 454. diagr.
The Dihedral angle, bv B. Bruce-Walker. Flight, London,
May 21, 1910, v. 2, no. 21, p. 397. diagr.
Dihedral angle, by R. C. Clinker.
1910, v. 2, no. 19,
Flight, London, May 7,
The Dihedral angle, by C. R. L. Kenvorthy. Flight, London,
Apr. 23, 1910, v. 2, no. 17, p. 317-318.
Dihedral angle, by
E. Page.
1910, v. 2, no, 6,
Flight, London, Feb. 5,
<3 sit rag zur bomessung des hohenleitwerks, von J. Kleinwancbter. Luftfahrtforschung, May 20, 1936, v. 13,
no. 5, p. 138-139, tables.
Trends in longitudinal stability, by Otto C. Kocpen.
Journal of the aeronautical sciences, May 1936,
v. 3, no. 7, p. 232.
An Electrical device for solving the equations of longi­
tudinal stability, by R. K. Mueller. Journal of the
aeronautical sciences, H'ir. 1936, v. 3, no. 5, p. 158.
Coefficients equillbr^ longitudinal des avians. Note de
Gustave Andrs Mokrzycki. C R. Acad, sci., Feb. 17,
The Effect of horizontal variations in center of gravity
position on the static longitudinal stability of
airplanes, by William Jenney. Journal of the aero­
nautical sciences, Nov. 1935, v. 3, no. 2, o. 43-45.
Longitudinal stability of a bi-rnotor transport airplane,
by C. L. Johnson. Journal of the aeronautical sciences,
Sep. 1935, v. 3, no. 1, P. 1-6.
TJntersuchung der beschleunigten langsbewegung eines flugs,
von R. Schvrarz. Luftfahrtforschung, May 15, 1935,
v. 12, no. 2, p. 62-69.
Dynamic longitudinal stability charts for design use, by
L. E, Root. Journal of the aeronautical sciences,
May 1935, v. 2, no. 3, p. 101-108.
Luftschr-iubenstrahl und l^ngsstabilitatvon Herman Blenk..
Luftfahrtforschung, Jan. 14, 1935, v. 11, no. 7,
p. 202-206. dlagrs., tables.
Auxiliary stabilizer flaps and longitudinal equilibrium of
an airplane, by A. E. Lombard. Journal of the
aeronautical sciences, Jan. 1935. 6 p. dlagrs.
Analysis of longitudinal stability in power-off flight
with charts for use in. design, by C, H. Zimmerman.
Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off., 1935. 31 D.
(K.A.CA. Report no. 521)
Computation of longitudinal stability, by Max Michael
Kunk. Aero digest, Oct. 1933, Feb. 1934, v. 23, 24,
p. 33-39, 42. diagrs.
Additional test dnta on static longitudinal stability,,
by W. Huebner. Washington, 1934. 7 p, illus.
(N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums no. 752) (Also
Luftfahrtforschung, May 15, 1934, v. 2, no. 1, p.575
and L'Aerotecnica, 1S34, v. 14, p. 1319)
Conditions d'équilibre et de stabilité longitudinale du
monoplan, par W. Wolebner. Bulletin de l'Institut
des recherches de l'aéronautique de Varsovie, 1934,
no. 1, 30 p. diagrs., illus.
Effect of wind tunnel Interference on the pitching moments
of large models in the duple y tunnel, hj W. t, Co-ley
and C.'A. McMillan. London, K. U. Stat, off., 1934.
17 p. diagrs., tables
(A. P.. C. R. & M. no. 1639)
The Final effect of a longitudinal distrubance of an
aeroplane, by N^park. Proceedings of the 4th inter­
national congress of applied mechanics, 1934. 227 p-„
Influence of cut-outs in elevator on the static longitudinal
stability and on the static elevator effect, by
Curt Biechteler. Washington, 1934. 7 D . diagrs.,
illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums no. 750)
(From Luftfahrtforschung, May 15, 1934, v. 2 , no, 1,
p. 1-4)
Study of pitching moments and stability characteristics of
monoplanes, by S. J. Higgins. Washington, 1934.
16 p. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 511)
Untersuchung von flugzeuglängsschwingungen im wlndkanal,
von R. Seif^rth. Z.F.M., Hünchen und Berlin, Aug. 28,
1G33, v. 23, no. 16, o. 446-448. diagrs.
Longitudinal stability in aeroplanes, by L. W. Bryant,
Aircraft engineering, London, July 1933, v. 5, no. 53,
p. 150-156.
Proportioning tail surfaces for heavily loaded airplanes,
by Alexander Klerain. Aero digest, July 1933, v. 23,
no. 1, p. 36-37.
Effect of gap between stabilizer and elevator.
engineering, Feb. 1933, v, 8, o. 18.
Charts for determining pitching moment of tapered wings
with s^eepback and twist, by R. F. Anderson.
Washington, 1933. 19 p. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes
no. 483)
Effect of gap between elevator and stabilizer on static
stability and maneuverability about lateral axis
in flight, by W. Huebner. Washington, 193?. 4 o.
( N . À . C . A . Technical memorandums no, 701)
Z.F.M., June 14, 1932, v. 23, no. 11, p. 316-320)
Flight-test dat?. on the static for-^-and-aft stability of
various german airplanes, by Yv". Huebner. Washington,
1933. 7 p. illus, (From Z.F.M., Jan. 28, 1933,
v. 24, no. 2, p. 47-52)
The Influence of ^ing elasticity u-oon the longitudinal
stability of an aeroplane, by Pugsley. London, H.
Stat, off., 1933. iilus. (A.B.C, R. & M . no. 1548)
Pitching moment due to rotation in pitch, by A. S. Halliday,
L. "W. Bryant and C. K. Burge. London, H.
off., 1933. illus. (A.R.C. R, ¿- M. no. 1556)
Le Stabilisateur. (Sur les principaux avions), par ^ovge.
Congrès international de la sécurité aérienne, v. 4,
1933. 29 p.
équilibrage longitudinal des avions, par Gustave André
Mokrzycki. C.R. Acad. sci., Paris, Oct. 24, 1932,
v. 195, no. 17, p. 697.
The Effect of slipstream on longitudinal stability, by
R. G. Bowman and J. P. D. Ganges. Aviation engineering, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Aug. 1932, v. 7
no. 2, p. 13-14. diagrs., illus.
A Comparison between the theoretical and measured longitudinal stability characteristics of an airplane,
by H. A Soule and J. B. Wheatley. Washington, U.S.
Govt. print, off,, 1932. 16 ç. diagrs., illus.
(N.A.C. A. Report no. 442)
Slipstream effect on the downwash and velocity at the
tailplane, by F. B. Bradfield. London, K. M. Stat,
off., 1932. 7 p. diagrs., illus. (A.R.C. R. i IA,
no. 1488)
Auftriebsverteilung und langsstabilitat, von Carl Toepfer.
Z.F.ÌL , Nov. 28, 1931, v. 22, p. 562-563.
La Stabilità longitudinale del velivoli usuali e dei
canards, di Ugo de Caria. L'Aeronautica, Jan., July
Aug. 1931, v. 5, no. 1, 7, 8. 21 p. diagrs.
Le Prix de 13 stabilité longitudinale dp l'avion et du
canard", par W. Margoulis. L Aérotechnique, Paris ,
Kay 1931. ^v. 9, no. 101, p. 169-171. diagrs.
(Also L'Aéronautique. 1931, v. 13, no. 144)
Stagger-decalage biplane, by A. A. Kerrill. Mechanical
engineering, May 1931, v. 53, no. 5, P. 350-52, diagrs
Sull eauilibrio longitudinale del velivolo ad als deforcnabile, di Carlo MInelli . L Aerotecnica, Rcrca^
May 1931, v. 11, no. 5, p. 507-532. diagrs.
Ergebnisse von messungen der Stabilität U~J die querachse,
von W. Huebn^r. Jahrbuch 1931 der B.V.L., p. 684.
Lift distribution and longitudinal stability, by Carl
Toepfer. Washington', 1931. 7 p. diagrs. (N.A.C.A.
Technical memorandums nc, 641) ( From Z.F.M., June 29,
1931. v, 29, no. 12, P. 356-368)
Static longitudinal stability of "Ente" airclanes, by
Heinrich C-eorg Kiel. "Washington, 1931. 27 p.
dia^rs. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums no. 612)
(Fron Z.F.K., Dec. 15, 1930, v. 21, no, 23, c. 301-610)
Determination of the slope of the -lift curve of horizontal
tail surfaces, bv B. F. Ruffner, Jr. Aviationengineering, Oct, 1930, v. 3, no. 10, p. 21-22,
illus. (California institute of technology, Daniel
Guggenheim schoel of aeronautics technical notes
no. 1)
Full-scale experiments on longitudinal stability* means to
reduce oranger of stalling, by H. J. van der Maas.
Cinquième congrès international de la navigation
aérienne, SepV 1-6, 1930, v. 1, p. 375-389. diagrs.
Uber die längestabllität eines flugzeuges mit losgelassenem hohensteuer von H. Blenk, Z.F.H., Arr. 28,
1930, v. 21, no. 8, p. 189-196. diagrs. (Also
Jahrbuch 1930 der D.V.L., p. 61-68)
Flugversuche zur bestimmung der statischen längsstabll. .tät,
von Herman Blenk. Luftfahrtforschung, *.!ar. 22, l?$ü,
v. 5, no. 5, p. 161-166. diagrs., tables.
Stability and durability of airplanes, by Tetsuo Miki,
Journal of the Society of mechanical engineers, Tokyo,
Kar. 1930, v. 33, no. 1, p. 1-3. illus.'
Sur la stabilité statique longitudinale et le centrage des
avions, par S u e Carafoll. L'Aéronautique, Jan. 1930.
7 p. diagrs., illus.
Flight tests for the determination of static longitudinal
stability, by Herman Blenk. Washington, 1930. Il p.
illus. (N.A.C.A, Technical mémorandums no. 584)
(From Jahrbuch 1930 der 73.V.L., p. 49-53) (Also
Luftfahrtforschung, tünchen und Berlin, 1930, v. 6,
no. 5)
The Longitudinal stability coefficient, by Alexander Klemin.
Aviation engineering, Nov., Dec. 1929. v. 2, no, 11,
12, p. 11-12; 9-11. illus,
The Tail tlane area to give longitudinal stability, by
W. R. Andrews. Flight, June E7, July 25, 1929,
v. 21, no. 25, 27, p, 50-52, 53-55. illus.
The Balance of moments and the static longitudinal
stability of airplanes, by Horst teller. Washington,
1929. 12 p. diagrs., illus. tables. (N.A.C.A.
Technical memorandums no, 545) (From 2.F.M., Jan. 28,
1929, v. 20, no. 2, p. 45-50)
Centre of pressure travel of symmetrical section at small
incidence, by F. B. Bradfield. London, H. M. Stat,
off., 1929. 9 p. diagrs., tables, (A.R.C, R. & M.
no. 1294)
Two practical methods for the calculation of the horizontal
tail area necessary for a statically stable airplane,
by Walter S. Diehl. Washington, U.S. Govt, print,
off., 1929. 19 p. (N.A.C.A. Technical report no.293)
Longitudinal stability in aeroclanes, by S. B. Gates.
Nature, London, June 16, 1928, v. 121, no. 3059,
p. 965A Sirrrole criterion of longitudinal stability, by G. B.
Fenton. Aeroplane, London, Aor 25, 1928, v. 34,
no. 1?, p. 491-496. diagr.
Suite de l'étude de M. J. Foucault sur les calculs de
stabilité longitudinale et de maniabilité des avions.
La Technique aéronautique, Mar. 15, 1928, p. 34-49.
Slip-stream effect, by M. Watter. Aero digest, Feb. 1928,.
v. 12, no. 2, p. 175-177, 297-298. illus.
Esperimenti sulla stabilité, longitudinale degll aeroplani,
di H. J. van der Maas, IV Congresso internationale
dl navigazione aerea, Roma, Oct. 24-50, 1927. Rama,
1928, v. 3, p. 505-506. diagr.
The Lift and pitching moment of an aeroplane due to a
uniform angular velocity of citch, by H, Glauert.
London, H. H. Stat, off., 1928. 10 p. diagrs.
(A,R.G. R. & M. no. 1216)
Per Einfluss der cropellerstrahldrehung auf die belastung
des höhenleit^erks ^urde In der Versuchsanstalt der
Z.A.R. I. Technik der luftflotte, Moscow, experimental
untersucht. 2,A.H.I, Technik der luftflotte, July
1927, v. I, no. 1, p. 63-65.
Air force and moment for N-20 wing with certain cut-outs,
by R. H. Smith, Washington,"U.8. Govt, print, off.,
192?. 12 p. illus. (N.A.C.A. Report no. 266)
A Full scale determination of the angle of dovnwash below
an aeroolane, by S, T. Jones. London, H, H. Stat,
off., 1927. 10 o. diagrs.. tables. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 1094)
A Survey of longitudinal stability below the stall, with
an abstract for designer's use, by S. B. Gates.
London, H. li, Stat. off.. 1927. 48 o. diagrs.
(A.B.C. R. & M. no.1118)
Approximate calculation of the static longitudinal
stability of airplanes, by Theodor Bienen. Washington,
1926, 22 o. illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums
no. 3S7) (From Z.P.V.. , July 28, 1926, v. 1?, no.41.
5 p. )
Slipstream effect, by Charles Norton Monteith. Washington,
1926. 7 p. diagrs,, tables. (N.A.C.A. Technical
mémorandums no. 355) (From Slipstream, Dec. 1925)
Note on the longitudinal stability of aeroplanes with
soecial reference to tailplane design, by W. Laurence
Le Page. Journal of the R.A.S., London, Nov. 1925,
V, 29, no. 179, o. 586-589.
Le Centrage et la stabilité longitudinale (statioue)
des avions, par À. Toussaint. La Technique aéro­
nautique, Paris, July 15, 1925, n.s., v. 16, no. 45,
p. 198-209. diagrs., illus.
Measurement of the rotary derivative Ma on the l/5th
scale model Bristol fighter in the duplex wind tunnel,
by E. F. Reif. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1925.
26 o.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.G. R. & M. r.n. 978)
Notes on the air forces on a win$ caused by Ditching, by
Max Michael Münk. Washington, 1925. 6'p.
Technical notes no. 217)
An Investigation of the downvash in the slipstream, by
L. F. G. Simmons and E. Ower. London, H. M. Stat,
off., 1924. 14 T O .
niagrs., illus. (A.R.G. R. Sc }{.
no. 882)
Longitudinal oscillation of an airplane. °art I. Problem
and method, by R. Fuchs and L. Hoof. Washington,
1924. 40 io. diagrs. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes
no. 188)
(Fro a Technische berichte-, Berlin, 1918, v.3,
no. 7, p. 317-33C)
Measurement of pitching moments due to roll on wings of
Avro 504,
K., by"F. B. Bradfield. London, H.
off., 1924.
6 p. illus. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 944)
La Stabilite longitudina.le des avions, par -lean Kernels.
La Technique aeronautlque, Paris, June 15, 1923, n.s.,
v. 14, no. 20, c. 630-634. illus.
Zur langsstabilitat der flugz.euge, von Georg Koenig.
Z.F.M., Berlin, Apr. 26, 1923, v. 14, no. 7-S/c. 61¬
64. illus.
Interpretation of wind tunnel experimental data ith
reference to the longitudinal damping characteristics
of an airplane. Aerial age, Mar. 1923, v. 16, no. 3,
p. 137-159.
The Effect of aspect ratio variation upon the slope of the
lift curve of an aerofoil. Aerial age^ New York,
Jan. 1923, v. 16, no. 1, p. 20.
Biplane investigation with R.A.F. 15 section. Part I I I .
Tests at various staggers and gap/chord ratios, by
W, L, Cowley, A. G. Gadd, L. J. Jones and Sylvia W.
Skan. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1923. 15 p. diagrs.,
illus., tables. U.R.C. R. i- II. no. 872)
Complete study of the longitudinal oscillation of a
VS-7 airplane, by Frederick Harwood Norton and W. G.
Bro? n. Washington, U. S. Govt. print. off. , 1923.
5 s. diagrs., illus., tables. (N.-tv. C A . Report
The Determination of the angles of attack of zero lift
and of zero moment, based on Ivlunk's antegral, by
Max Michael Münk. Washington, 192.3. 1 1 p. diagrs.
(N.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 1 2 2 }
Downwash of airplane wings, by Max Michael Münk and Gunther
Cairo. Washington, 1923. 9 p, Illus. (N.A.C.A.
Technical notes no. 124)
Dynamic stability as affected by the longitudinal moment
of inertia, by Edwin Bidwell Wilson. Washington,
U.S. Govt, print, off., 1 9 2 3 . 8 P.
(N.A.C.A- Report
no. 172)
An Investigation of the influence of da^n-'ash on the
rotpry derivative Mo* Part II. The effect of the
airscrew slipstream, by L. F. G. Simmons and S. Ower.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1923. 1 2 p. diagrs.,
tables. (A.R.C. R. * ?t. no. 883)
Längsschwingungen von flugzeugen, von E. Everling.
Zeitschrift für technische physik, Leipzig, 1923,
v. 4, no. 3, p. 82-88. illus.
Longitudinal balancing of airplanes, by Albert Eteve,
Washington, Feb- 1 9 2 3 .
8 p. diagrs. (N.A.C.A.
Technical memorandums no. 1 9 0 )
(Fro? Premier congrès
international de la navigation aérienne, Paris, Nov.
1921, v, 4)
A Study of longitudinal dynamic stability in flight, by
Frederick Harwood Norton. Washington, U.S. Govt,
print, off., 1923, S p. diagrs., illus. (N.A.C.A.
Report no. 170}
Un Metodo per la deterninazione delia stability longitudinale
del velivoli, di Filicco Burzio. Ingegneria, Oct, 1,
1922, v. 1, no. 4, p. 90-93. illus.
Über auftrieb und statische langsstabllitât von flugzeugtrag¬
flügeln in ihrer Abhängigkeit von der profilform, von
Josef Geckeier. Z.F.K.', Berlin, May 21, June 30, July
15, 1922, v. 13, no. 10, 12, 13, p. 137-145, 176-180,
Center of pressure coefficients for aerofoils at high speeds,
by Walter S. Diehl. Washington, 1992. 2 p. illus.,
(N.A.C.A. Technical notes no, 25")
Damping coefficients due to tail surfaces In aircraft, by
Linn Cliu. Condensed and modified by Edward P. Warner.
Washington, U. 3. Govt, print, off., 192?. 14 c.
dlagrs. (N.A.CA. Report no, 136)
Effect of aerofoil aspect ratio on the slope of the lift
curve, by Walter's. Dlenl. Washington, 192?. 4 p.
diagrs. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 79) (Also
Aerial age, Feb. 13, 1922, v. 14, p. 540-541)
The Effect of longitudinal moment of inertia upon dynamic
stability, by Frederic!: K. Norton and Thomas Carroll.
Washington, 1922. 3 p. Illus. (K.A. C.A. Technical
notns no. 115)
The Effect of staggering a biplane, by Frederick K, Norton,
Washington, 1922. 3 p. charts. (N. A.C.A. Technical
not-is no. 70) (Also Aerial age weekly, Oct. 10, 1921.
v. 14, no. 5, o. 130)
Pressure distribution over the horizontal
an airplane. Part III, by Frederick
W. C-. Brown. Washington, U.S. Govt,
1922. 27 p. diagrs., illus. (W.A.
no. 148)
tail surfaces of
H. Norton and
print, off.,
C A . Report
Sulla stabilita longitudinale degli aeropla.nl di Filippo
Burzio. Atti dell Assoclazione italianr dl aerotecnicr
Roma, 1922, v. 2, no. 1-2, p. 45-54.
Testing airplanes in flight; determining position of
resultant of action of air and longitudinal stability
of an airplane at different angles of attack, by A.
Senouquo. Washington, 1922. 7 p. illus. (N.A.C.A.
Technical memorandums no. 86) (From Premier congres
international de la nayigat-ion aerienno, Paris,
Nov. 1921, v. 1)
Aeroplane bn.lr.nee, by L. Huguet, Aerial age, New York,
June 20, 27, July 11, 1921, v. 13, p."345-346, 371-373,
Determination of downwash, by Walter 3. Diehl. Aviation.
New York, May 15, 1921, v. 10, o. 635-63?. illus.
(Also Aerial age, New York, liar. 7, 1921, v. 12,
no. 25, p. 555-656)
Statical longitudinal stability of airplanes. Aviation,
New York, Feb. £8, 1P21, v, 10, no. 9, ;o. 262.
The Sffjct of the lag of the downwr.sh on the longitudinal
stability of an aeroplane and on the rotary' derivative
Mq, hy W. L. Cowley and H. Glauort, London, H.
Stat, off., 1921. 6 "3. tables. {*.R. C. R. & M.
no. 718)
The Effects of staggering a biplane, by Frederick K.
Norton. Washington, 1921. 3 p. diagrs. (K.A.C.A. •
Technical notes NN. 70) (Al;So Aerial age weekly,
Oct. 10, 1921, v. 14, N O . 5, p. 103-104)
An Investigation of the influence of dov-rnwash on the rotary
derivative Hq, by L- F. G. 3i.-I7.IONS and D. Ower,
London, K. U. Stat, off., 1921. 13 p. diagrs.,
tables. (A.R.C. R. i H. no, 826)
Preliminary experiments to determine scale and slipstream
effects O N a l/24th size model JN4H biplane, by
D. L. Bacon. Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off.,
10 p. diagrs,, illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical
report no. 122)
Pressure distribution over the horizontal tail surfaces
of an airplane. Part II, by Frederick H. Norton and
D, L. Bacon. Washington, U,S. Govt. print. off.,
127 p. diagrs ., illus. (N. . H . C. A. Report
no. 119)
Effect of elevator weight, by Frederick H. Norton. Avia­
tion, New Y rk, Dec. 20, 1920, v. 9, p. 453-459.
A Method for determining the angular setting of a tail
plane to givp balance at any given condition, by
L. V. i'crbor and W. F. Gerhardt. Aerial age, New
York, Dec. 13, 1920, v. 12, no. 14, p. 370-373. illus.
Correcting the longitudinal balance O F JN-6H airplanes.
Aviation, New York, dun.- 1, 1920, v. 8, p. 357-358.
Experiments on complete model tests of six aeroplanes,
by 5. F. Relf^andS. Ower. London, H. M. Stat, off.,
41 v.
diagrs,, tables, (A.R.C. R. J: ::.
no. 705)
A Method for determining the angular setting of a tailplane
to give balance under any given condition. Washington.
U.S.' Govt, rrint. off., 1920. tables. (U.S. Air
service information circular no, 102)
Methods O F correcting the longitudinal balance O F JM-6H
airplane, Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off., 1920.
tables. (U.S. Air service information circular no. 27)
Model experiments on the pitching moment and hinge moment
due to elevators of various sizes on 3.C.2C tailclone, "by H. B. Irving and A. S. Batson. London,
H, M. Str.t. off., 1980. 17 c. diagrs. . tables.
(A.B. C. R. & t'i. no. S79)
Notes on longitudinal stability and balance, by Edward P.
W.arner. Washington, 1920, 13 o. charts. (Ji.A.C.A,
Technical notes"no. 1) (Also Aerial age, Mew York,
Oct. 25, 1920, v. 12, p. 2G1-203; Sibley journal of
engineering, Ithaca, N. Y. July 1920, v. 34, p. 98-102
and Aeronautics, London, June £4, 1920, v. 13, no. 349,
p. 485-487)
Statical longitudinal stability of airplanes, by Edward P.
Warner. Washington, U.3.Govt. print. off., 1920.
28 p. illuc. (N.A.O.A. Report no. 96)
Longitudinal stability in practice. A practical method of
design, by C. W. Tinson. Aeroplane, London, May 28,
June 4, 1919, v. 16, no. 21, 22,, p. 2153-2154, 2250-/
2254. diagr.
Apparatus for the aeasurement of Mq on a complete model
aeroplane, b~. L. W. Bryant and K. B. Irving. London,
H. M". Stat, off., 1919. 3 p. diagr,
£ M,
no. 616)
Control as a criterion of longitudinal stability, by S. B.
Gates. London, E. M. St"".t. off., 1919. 11 p. diagr.
(A. R. C. R. & M. no. 636)
The Longitudinal stability of an aeroplane, by H. Glauert.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1919. 21 u. tables.
(A.R.C. R. & M. no. 63a)
Zur bercchnung der längs r-iomente von flugzeugen, von R.
Fuchs, K. Hamburger und L. Hopf. Technische berichte.
Chariottenburg, May 1918, v. 2, no. 3, p, 463-483.
The Behaviour of the slipstream on a phugoid oscillation.
London, H. M. Stat." off. 1918. 4 t. diagr.
& J;L no. 464)
C. R.
Distribution of pressure over the tallplane of a DeK.4
aeroplane, London, H. M. Stat. off., 1918. 53 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C
R. & M. no. 552)
Exploration of the slipstream velocity in a pusher
machine, by D. H. Pinsent. London, H. M. Stat, off,,
1918, 6 p. diagrs., illus., tables. (A.R.C. R. & K.
no. 444)
Full scale experiments with different shapes of tailolanes,
by H . Gläuert. London, H. 'A. Stat, off., 1918. 6 o.
diagr., tables. (A.B.C. R. 3c M. no. 532)
Investigation of the downwash behind a biplane, by C, G-. D.
Sandison, H. Glauort and J. K. Jones. London, K. '••!.
Stat, off., 1918. 16 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C
R. & M. no. 426)
Die Druckpunkt wande-runr? und ihr einfluss auf die Stabilität
von E, J. G-unbel und L. Hoof. Technische berichte,
Charlottenburg, June 1917,"v. 1, no. 4, p. 108-115.
Momentenaus^'lcIch und statische längsstnbilitat, von R.
Fuchs und L. Hopf. Technische berichte, Charlottenburg,
Mar. 1917, v, l". no. 1, p. 15-30. diagrs.
The Full scrle determination of the pitching moment of a
biplane, by S. B. G-ates. London, H. M. Stat, off.,
1917. 46 p. diagrs., illus., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no. 40G)
Prediction of the performance and longitudinal stability of
an aeroplane, including the estimation of the effect
of small changes in the design., by H. Glauert andS. 3. Gates. "London, H. X Stat, off., 1917. 19 p.
diagrs. (A.R.C. R. & 11, no. 324)
A llote on longitudinal stability, by V/. R. Douglas Shavr.
Aeronautics, London. June 9, 1915, v. 3, no. 86,
p. 390.
Systeme de variation d incidence a equilibre longitudinal
permanent, par Faul Schmitt. La Concuete de l'air
Bruxelles, Acr. 15, 1914, v. 11, no. 3, n. 113-114.
La Stability des aeroplanes. L Instabilitc catastrophique.
par A. D. Technique aeronauticme, Paris, Feb. 1, 1914,
v. 9, no. 99, p. 6S-S9. illus.
The Longitudinal motion of an aeroplane consequent on various
simple types of disturbance frcn the conditions of
steady flight, by Leonard Bairstow and J. L. Nayler.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1914. 16 p, diagrs.
R. & K. no. 118)
The Longitudinal motion of an aeroplane in a natural wind,
by Leonard Bairstov? and J. L. Nayler. London, H. U.
Stat, off., 1914. 12 P . diagr. (A.R, C. R. I- M.
no, 120)
The Longitudinal notion of an aerobians In a natura] wind
vhc-n use is nadc of the elevator, by Leonard Bairstow
and J, L. Nayler. London, H. M. Stat, off,, 1 9 1 4 . 22p.
R. & M . no.
L'äqullibre longitudinal des aéroplanes, pap Robort Gratlot.
Revue aérienne, Paris, Nov. 25, 1913, v. 6, no. 123,
p. 633-638. illus.
Staggered pianos, by Elmer G*. Still, Aeronautics, London,
Nov. .1913, v. 6, no, 69, p. 4-23.
La Stabilité longitudinals des aE'r^oI-nes . Technique aéronautique, Paris, Oct. 15, 1&I5, no. 9 2 , p. 231-232.
über län^sctabilität dor drachenflugzeu*o, von Richard
Knoll¿¡1', Zeitschrift â.es österreichischen ingenieurund architekton vcroinos, Sep. 5, 1913. illus.
(Also Z.K.M. , July 2 <, Aug. 1 2 , 26, 1 9 1 1 )
On staggered biclanos, by A. Tch^rschersky. Aeronautics,
London, Sep. 1S13, v, 6, no. 6?, o. 342.
Theorie generale de l'action stabilisatrice des empennages
horizontaux de l'aéroplane, par Georges de Both.cz.at.
Revue mécanique, Paris, AU^V. 3 1 , 1 9 1 3 , v. 3 3 , no, 2 ,
p. 1 6 2 - 1 8 7 . illus.
Skim.nors and hydroaeroplanes. The longitudinal stability,
by Janes E, Steele, Flight, London, Julv 12, 19,
1913, v. 5, no. 2 8 , £9, p. 770-771, 803-805. illus.
(Also Engineering, London, ;>r. 21, 1 0 1 3 , v. 95,
no. 2464, p. 3 8 8 - 3 8 9 )
Effect of distribution of wr-ight on stability, by Albert
Adams Merrill. AC.ro and hya.ro, Chicago, June 14,
1913, v. 6, no*. 11, p. 210.
Über die statische langsstabilität D 2 R drachenflugzeuge, von
Carl Winsolsberger. österreichische flugzeitschrlft,
Wien, June 10, 1 9 1 3 , v. 7, no. 1 1 , c. 252-258. (Also
Zeitschrift des V.D.I., Berlin, 1 9 1 3 , v. 5 7 , ç. 5C1508 and Mitteilungen über Forschungsarbeit jr. a.uc de-,
grbiete des ingonieurwesons, Berlin, iri3, v. 13?,
p. 33-77, 52)
An Attempt to obtain a greater noasuro of loncitu&Inal
stability in a model. Flight, London, Apr. 1 2 , 1913,
V. 5, no. 1 5 , P. 4 2 1 . diagrs.
Sur un ^riouveau principe de str-bilìté longitudinale des
aeroplanes, par Alexandre See. L Acroohile, Paris,
Apr. 1, 1913, v. gl, no. 7, o. 150. (Also Comptes
rendus des so.ances de l'ücademie des sciences, 1913,
v. 155, p. 613-615)
Calculations of the longitudinal stability factors of a
biplane over the whole rajree of its flying speeds,
by F. H. Brans/ell and E. F. Rclf. London, K~, M.
Stat, off., 1913. 18 p. dia:,:rs., tab],es. (A.R.C.
R, & K, no. 122)
Catastrophic instability, by Fr^dorioJ; William La,nchester.
London, K. \t. Stat, off., 1913. 10 c. di agre.,
illus. (A.R.O. R. 4 M- no. 114)
An Examination into tha longitudinal stability of a
monoplane of Bloriot typo based on the data furnished
by the model x:c erinants, Discussion of lateral
stability, in connection v ith experiments on the
same sionoc-lahc model, by L. Bairstow. London, H. M.
Stat, off., 1913. 5 p. (A.R.C
R. à M. no. 79)
Perfezionamenti nella stabilità longitudinals degli aeroplani, di Gaetano Arturo Crocco. Rendiconto delle
esperienze e degli studi eseguiti nello Stabilimento
di esperienze e costruzioni aeronautiche del genio »
1913, ' v, 2, no. 1.
The Concentration, of weight in a flying maphine and its
effect on stability, by Albert Adams Merrill. Aeronautics, New York, July 1912, v, 11, no. 1, p. 14.
Pitching of aeroplanes in flight, by I.'Iervyn O'Gorman.
Flight, London, Apr. 27, 1912, v. 4, no. 17, p. 385.
di agr.
Sur la stabilite longitudinale des aeroplanes, par Blard.
L'Acro, Paris. Apr, 2, 1912, v. 4, no. 428, p. 2.
dì agr.
Longitudinal stability, by Maurice F. Fitzgerald. Flight,
London, Feb. 24, Har. 30, 1912, v. 4, no, 8, 13,
p. 183, 298.
Longitudinal stability, by 0. D. Atkinson. Flight, Lraden,.
Feb. 10, 1912, v. 4, no. 6, 11, 16, c. 124/252, 261diagr.
L'Équìlibre longitudinale de 1 aeroplane, par Paul Leroux.
Technique aércnautiouc-, ?a.rìs, Jan., Feb. 1912, v. 5,
no. 49,' 50, 52, o. 20-24, 55-62, 110-122. illus.
Longitudinal stability in gusts, by S. L. ".'.".Ikden, Aeronautics, London, Fab. 1912, v. 5, no. 48, ç. 46.-49.
De l'influence de la courbure des voilures sur la stabilité
longitudinale des aéroplmes. par ornile AugusteDuchêne.
Technique aéronautique, Paris, Jan. 15, 1£Ï2, v. 5,
no. 50, p. 38-50. dia,çr.
Le Mécanisme dr- l'action de ; eöfenn^ea stabilisateurs
horizontaux des aéroplanes, C ? T Georges do Bothezat.
Revue mécanique, Paris, Oct. 31, V~lì, v. 29, no. 4,
p. 305-313. "illus.
Stabilité longitudinale dos aéroplanes à queue portante, par
T. Vassorot. Technique aéronautique, Paris, Oct. 15,
1911, v. 4, n". 44, p. 217-223. diagr.
La Position du centre de gravité et son influence sur la
stabilité, pai G. Espi trilli er. Technique aéronautique,
Paris, Oct. 1, 1911, v. 4, no. 43, p. 19S-208. diagr.
Queues stabilisatri ces, par F* Asti er. L Aero, Paris,
Aug. 3, 1911, v. 3, no. 228, p. 3. diagr.
Ilote on the stability of the aeroplane with forward.
balancer, by Herbert Chatley. Engineering, London,
June 16, 1911, v. 91, p. 778.
Longitudinal stability of aeroplanes considered fron the
condition of maximum angular amplitude, by Herbert
Chatley. Aeronautics, London, June 1911, v. 4, no. 40
p. 82-84. illus.
Appareil servant à redresser les aéroplanes lorsqu'ils
tombent en piquant du nez., par Georges Blerent. Revue
aérienne, Paris, Mar, 25, 1911, v. 4, no- 59, •
p. 164-165, diagr.
Longitudinal stability, by René Ozouf. Flight, London,
Mar. 11, 1911, v. 3, no. 10, p. 212.
Uber den elnfluss des schwanzsteuers auf die längsstabilität
von Fritz Edelstein. Fachzeitung- für autc~obilIsnms
und flugtechnik, Berlin, Feb. 5, 1911, v, 5, no. 6,
p. 16-18. diagr.
L'Abaissement du centre de gravité et la^stabilité des
aéroplanes, par Gascar Brunet, L'Aércnaute, Parie,
Jan/ 21, 1911, v. 44, no. 571, p. 21-22.
L Abaìssement du centre de gravite ot la stabilite des
aeroplanes , p->r L. Thouveny, L Aeronaut e , Paris ,
1?, 1910, v. 4.3, no. 566, p. 461-482. dlagr.
Lone;itudinal stability, by T. W. K, Clarke.
19, 1910, v. 2, no, 12, r. 225.
Longitudinal stabilìtv, by 3- Bruce-Walker,
26, 1910,
Flight, London,
Flight, London,
p, Acro,
L'equilibro longitudinal
Longitudinal stability ir. the Wright machine, by Walter E.
London, Jan, 11, 1910, v. £, no. 34,
et la courbure des surfaces
portante?? des aeroplanes, par Ren-i Arnou.x. Memo ir es
et travaux do la Società des Ingenieurs civils de
France, Paris, Jan. 1910, v. 53, no, 1, p. 46-59,
(Abstract Report of the Advisory committee for
aeronautics, London, 1910, t. 183-184)
Longitudinal stability of aeroplanes, by Henry T, Strong.
Scientific amerienn supplement, New York, Nov. 7,
v. 65, no, 1714," P. 292. illus.
La Stabilite longitudinale des aeroplanes, par X,
Paris, Nov/ 1903.
v. 1, no. 12.
The Stabilising effect of the stationary tail, by Gardiner
H. Bell. Bulletins of the Aerial experiment association, Beinn bhreagh, Oct. 26, 1908, n.s., no. 16.
p. 45.
Longitudinal stability, by G. H. Bryan. Knowledge and
illustrated scientific news, London, July 1907,
v. 4, no.
p; 155-156. H I Us.
Calculation of the motion of an airplane under the influence
of irregular distrubances, by . T. Jones. Washington,
Govt, print, off., 1936. 13 p.
(N.A.C.À. Report
560) (Al so Journal of th? aeronautical sciences,
1936, v. 3, no. 12, p . 419-425)
Les Incertitudes et les dangers du P. S. V, actuel.
15, 1935, 2 p. illus.
Contribution à l'étude expérimentale^sur la stabilité do
certaines cellules d'un biplan à grands angles
d'incidence, par M. Nenadovitch et II. Denis.
Technique aéronautique, Paris, 1935, no. 138, p. 296.
Kinematagraphische mes
der f lugbewegung beim abfangen an
einem flugzeug Junkers A-35, von W, Pleines. Luftfahrt
forschung", May 15, 1934, v, 11, no. 1, o. 16-25.
Wurzelabzählung bei stabilitatsfr-a.ven, von K. Th. Vahlen.
Z. A. II. IL , Apr. 19.34, v, 14, n--. 2, c. 65-70. tables.
General reoort of aorodynartic instability and the mechanism
of flutter, by T, Thoodorsen. Washington, U.S.Govt,
print, off., 1934. 21 p. dlagrs., tables. (N.A.C.A.
Recort no. 496)
Measurement of forces and moments on a "Puss Moth" model-,
by A, S. Batson. London, H. M. Stat, off,, 1934.
£1 p.
liagrs,, tables.
R. & II. no.
Pressure distribution on winj^s with ailerons, by W. L.
OoT/ley and G. A. MrMillan. London, K. M. Stat, off.,
1934. 93 p. diagrs, , tables. (A.R.C. R. & M.
no, 1525)
Les Essais de stabilité, par J. Quessette. Remaroues sur
cet exooso, tar M. Roy. L'Aéronautique, Paris,
Feb., June, July 1933. 10 p .
Bumps due to gusts, by Alexander Klemin. Aviation engineering. East Stroudsburg, Pa., Aor. 1933, v. 8, no."4,
c. 21-22.
Grundsatzliches über die Stabilität von nasser- und luftfahr zeugen , von H. Gros eck. Schiffbau, Feb. 1. 1933,
v. 34, no. 3, p. 44-4?.
Airol an p stability in t;jtylng, by 7,. Aniforlik. Washington,
1932, 12 p. dia^-rs. , illus. (U. A. Ca., Technical
memorandums no. 682) (From Z.F.M. , ?'Ünchen und Berlin,
May 28, 1932, v. £3, no. 10, p. 280-263-ï
ätude théorique et expérimentale de la stabilir? des avions,
oar J. Quessette. Paris, Gauthier--Villars 1- Cie.,
60 p.
Pressure distribution tests on a series of Clark Y biplar.e
cellules with special reference to stability, by
Richard W. Woyes. Washington, U.S. Govt, crint. off..
1932. 29 p. diagrs . , illus , , tables. ( W.ü.. G. A,
P.eport no. 417)
Problems concerning* the stability and 'naneuverability of
airplanes, by Jean Biche. Washington, 1 9 3 2 , 1 5 u,
diagrs., illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums
no. 6 6 3 ) (From Revue de la Société générale aeronauti
que, Jan. 1 9 3 2 , p. 12-19)
Problems of lift and stability in aeroplane design, by
F. Handley-Page. Proceedings of the Royal philosophical society of Glasgow, 1 9 3 1 - 1 9 3 2 , v. 6 0 , o. 3 4 - 5 3 .
Stability of static equilibrium of elastic and aerodynamic
actions on a wing, by H. R. Ocx and A. G, Pugsley.
London, K. M. S t n . off., 1 S * £ .
lllua. U.R.C.
no. 1 5 G 9 )
.^tude sur l^ri mouvements non "c remanent s des avions, par
P. Bau-dou". Bulletin du Service technioue de
l'aéronautique no. 1 1 , Oct. 1 9 3 1 . 7 0 o. diagrs.
La Stabilité st"tl^ue dans 1 A vol avec moteur, par
Marius Guibert, L'Aéronautique, Paris, Jan. 1 9 3 1 ,
v. 1 3 , no. 1 4 0 , p. 1 1 - 1 9 . illus.
effect of stabilizing forces of turbulence, by L. Prandtl.
Washington, 1 9 3 1 . 1 1 p. diagrs. (N.A.C.A. Technical
memorandums no. 6 2 5 )
The Stability of a body towed by a light 'rire, by H.
Glauert. London, K. H, Stat. off.. 193122 c.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C, R. & M.'no. 1 3 1 2 )
Wind-tunnel t^st3 on a model of the Waciti, including the
effect of the slipstream on certain derivatives, by
A. S. Hartshorn, D, ':•[. Hirst and G. F. Midwood.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1 9 3 1 .
1 5 r.. diagrs., illus
h <A. no.
Influence des lois de similitude sur la mesure des forces
et la stabilité en soufflerie, par iï. Pris. Bulletin
de la Chambre syndicale des industries aercnautioues.
Nov.-Dec. 1930- 9 p
Moments de giration et stabilité de route rar A. Lacresle.
Génie civil, Paris, Nov. 22, 1 9 3 0 , v. 9 7 , no. 2 1 ,
c. 5 1 8 - 5 2 0 . diagrs. (AISO V/.eroghilo, paris.
Kar. 1 5 , Acr.
15,' 1 9 3 0 . v,
5 8 , no.
5-6, 7 - S , p.
Remarquas sur les essais de stabilité des modèles réduits
d'avions au tunnel aérodynamique par L. Huguet. Revue
de la Société générale néronautinue, Aug. 1 9 3 0 . 5 p.
Higher aspect ratios for stability; effects of the air^heel,
by Albert S. Heinrich. Aviation, New York, Mar. 15,
1950, v. £8, no. 11, p. 525.
La Stabilite et la maniabilité des avions. Genie civil.
Paris, Feb. 28, 1930, v. 96, e. 185-188. di agra-.
C-urti SB Tanager, by A. B. Crofoot. Autonotive industries,
Philadelphia, Jan. 13, 1930, v. 62, no. 3, ;c. 90-93.
Luftkräfte und. luftkraftrrP^ent" b>ù grossen anstell inkln unaihre abhänglgkeit von der trapverks^estalt, von Richard.
Fuchs und Wilhfln Schnidt. 1. F. [\, / Jan. 14, 1930,
v. 2-L, no. l. :. 1-ie.
The Application of the- method cf operators to the calculation- of the disturbed motion of an aeroplane, by
L. W . Bryr'.nt and D. H. Williams. London, K. M- Stat,
off., 1930. 13 o. U.R.C. R. 3s H. no. 1346)
La Notion de stabilita et l avion, par A, Volmerange.
Premier congres internationale de la securité aérienne.
Paris, Cernite francais de propagande ^ércnautique,
1930, 31 p. dìagrs.
A Simplified analysis of the stability of aeroplanes, by
W. L- Cov-'ley and Sylvia W. Skan. London, H. V.. Stat.
. off,, 1930. 13 p. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1333)
Stabilite' et maniabilité des avions, par Charles Haus.
Paris, Gauthl^r-Villars, 1930. 320 p. diagre.,
Gent rage et stabilite des avions, par Marius Gitibert.
L'AeVcnautique, Paris, Oct., i'ov. 1929, v. 11, na. 125,
126, P. 339-346, 375-390. dia«;rs. , illus.
Airplane stability, by Lawrence B. Richardson. S.A.E.
Journal, Ne'.*? York, Sep. 1929, v. 25, no. 3, c. 225-232,
Unsymmetrische krafte in der flugzeugzelle, von F.. Veert.
Z.?.M. , June 14, 1929, v. 20, no. 11, p. 2?4-2?e. IlluF
Stability of airplanes, by L. E. P.i chard son. S.A.E. journal.
Ne*- York, June 1929, v. 24, no. 6, c. 662-663.
Determination of stability from flight test stick force
data, Aire lane branch report. Washington., L\ S.
Govt, print, off,, 1929. " 12 p. di^-rs., illus.,
tables. (U.S. A I R corps information circular no. 625)
The Force and moment on an oscillating aerofoil, by H.
Glauert. London, K H. St-t. off,, 1929. 7 r,
dia^rs., tables. ( a . R . C. R. A M. no. 1242)
Force measurements on airplanes, by F. Seewald. Washington
1929. 22 p. dinars., illus. ( N . A . C . A . Technical
memorandums no. 519) ( Fro^i Z.F.M., Oct. 7, 1928,
v. 19, n^. 20, p. 4?4-48lT
Göttinger six-cono-anent measurements on ^in^s and dihedral,
sweecback and warp, by Herman Blenk. U.S. Army
air corps, materiel division, .1929, («.C.T.R.
tran saction."3 no, 250 )
Infermati on obtained from air*:! an-? flight tests in the year
1927-192S, by W. Huebner. Washington, 192S. 24 p.
illus. (:*,
C."ec'nnical Liemoranduns no. 555)
(From Z.F.'., Apr. 29, 1929, v. 20, no. 8, p. 189-195)
Stability and control, London, H, M. Strt. off., 1929.
5 c. illus. (A.R, C. R, à ]{K no. 1200)
Stability derivatives of the Bristol fighter, by A . S.
Halliday. London, K. PL Stat, off,, 1929. 14 n.
diagrs,, tables. U.R.C. R, & M. no. 1277)
Stability of airplanes and n.'latcd problems, by A. King.
Journal of the Aeronautical research institute-,
Tokyo, 1929, no. 65.
Wind-tunnel pros sur L,- distribution tests on a series of
biplane wing models. Part I I , Effects of changes
in decalage, dihedral, sweepback and overhang, by
Montgomery Knight and Richard Yi', Noyes. Washington,
1929.' 6 s. diagrs., illus. ( N . A . C . A . Technical
notes no, 525)
On the stability of controlled motion, by W. L. Corley.
London, R, H. Stat, off,, 1928, 9 P. illua.
Pi. és
no. 1235)
La Stabilite dynnuique des avions, par Fr. Haus. Tbchnioue
aeronautioue, Paris, Oct. 1927, v, 13, no. 72.
P. 258-277, illus.
N aher un; :s verbal ten zur bestì3.:ung der statischen^stabi" it at
be im e-indeckfr , von A, Lì p z 1 s ch. Z. F. V.. . ' 'Un eh en,
Juri« 14, 1927, v, 18, no. 11, p. 251-256. illus.
Aerodynamical "balance for ^-lE and P-5 airplanes "by standard
analytical method for termination of center of ,-;r."vity
and mean average chord, by T. DePort. Washington,
U.S.Govt, print, off., 1927. 3 p. Illus. (U.S.
Air corps information circular no. 593)
Introduction a l'étude de la stabilité dynamique des avions,
par Fr. Haue. Bulletin du Service technique de
l'aéronautique no. 5, Bruxelles, 1927. diagrs.
a Non-dimensional forua of the stability equations of an
aeroplane, by H. Glauert. London, H. '
j -L Stnt. off. ,
10 o.
R. 5- H. no.
Wind-tunnel tests en a R..-..F. 15 aerofoil '"ith pilot planes,
by F. 3. Bradfir-ld and K. W. Clrr .. London, H. à.
Stat, off., 1927. 33 c. dinars., tables. (A.R.O.
R. à M. no. 1145)
A Surest ed method of attaining stability in the original
lay-out of an aero ciane desi -;n, by F. 3. Barnwell.
Flight, London. Apr. 29, May'27, 1926, v. IS, no. 17,
21, p. 260a-26Cd, 30Sa-308e.
Una. Le£ge aerodinamica sulla stabilità con deduzioni
balistiche, dì F. Burzio. L Aerotecnica, Pisa, 1926,
numero straordinario, p. 2S3-S97. illus.
Soiling and ya^ìn*; moments due to rolling and to ailerons.
Part I. With an appendix, on lift and dra,^ measurements.
Part II. Rolling and yawing moments due to sideslip,
by D. H. Williams and A. S. Halliday. London, H. M.
Stat, off., 1926. 39 o. diascrs., tables. (A.R.S,
R. & ™. no. 1059)
Stability and controllability of airplanes, by B. V. KorvinKrcukoVsky. Aviation, Nev? York, Apr. 27. May 4, II,
18, 25, 1925, v. 18, no, 17-21, p."462-463, 463-490,
521-522, 545-546, 574-575. diagrs,, tables.
Statik und festlgkeitslehre, von Max E. 3. Fischer.
H. Ifeusser "1910-1925. 4 v.
L'Utilisation des courbes de laboratoire pour i étude de la
stabilité et du centrale des avions, c r Jean. Kernels.
L'Acrochile, Paris, Feb. 1-15, !iar. 1-15, 1924, v. 32,
no. 3-6, c. 54-57, 89-93. Illus,
Experiments on a model of a Bristol fighter aeroolane
(l/lOth scaly). Section 1, Force and moment
measurements at various angles of yaw, by R. B, Irving
and A, S. Bat son. Section 2. Lateral derivatives by
the forced oscillation method, by R. A. Fräser, A. S,
Batson And A. G. Gadd. London, H. M. Stnt. off.,
1924. 55 p. diagrs. , illus., tables. (À.R.C.
R. & if., no'. 932)
Le Probleme de la stabilite Oes avions, E T Louis Breguct et
René Devìll-jrs. Teohnìauu moderna. Paris, Get. 1,
1923, v. 15, no. 19,
577-£9£. illus.
Considerations sur le, contrade Pt 1 éauìlibre des avions,
par Jfian L-eseurre. Tocbniau^ aórnp.-utique, Paris,
Mar. 15. 1^23, n.s., v. 14, no. 17, r. 528-538. illus.
Mechanical device f^r illustrating airplane stability.
Aerial ag^, Nr-w York, Mar. 1923, v. IS, no. 3, c. 141¬
142. illus,
'Experimental determination of aircraft stability, by T. M.
Barlow. International air con^resn, London, 1923,
p. 303-319. diagrs.
Practical method for balancing
moments, by H.
Hamburger. Washington, 1923. 31 p.
diagrs. , tables.
(N.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 179)
Stability calculations in the process cf design, by John D,
North. Aeronautical journal, London, Oct. 1922, v. 26,
no. 142, c. 408-412. diagr.
Stability. Aerial a^e, Ne* York, Mar. 2C, 1922, v. 15,
no. 2,
a Theory and its proof, bv G. A . Sp-ratt.
Aviation, New
York, Mar. 1, 1922, v. 12, no. IB, p. 510-511. illus.
Airplane stability demonstrator. Popular mechanics,
Chicago, Mar, IS??, v. 37, no. 3, p. 323. illus.
Airplane-stability tests to make flying saf«. Popular
mechanics, Chicago. Jan. 1922, v. 3?, no. 1, p. 52-53.
Airplane stability calculations and their verification by
flight tests, by Augusto Rota. Washington, 19T2. 13 p
illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums ro. 115) (From
Pronisr congrcs international de la novi-.'ntion aérienne
Paris, Nov. 1921, v. 1)
A Mechanical device for illustrating airplane stability,
by Frederic Harwood Norton. Washington, 1932, 5 p.
iilus. (N.A.C.A, Technical notes no. 76)
Quelques remarques sur la stabilite, par J.i. Velley. Revue
generale de 1'aéronautiquo, 1922, no. 15» 25 p. illus.
Stability of airplanes, by Edward P. Warner. Washington,
1922. 5 p. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums no, 92)
(Also Aerial r+re, June 26, 1922, v. 15, no. 16, p. 369)
The Wilbur Wright lecture, Scientific methods in aeronautics,
by G. I. Taylor. Aeronautical journal, London,
Sec. 1921, v. 25, nn. 129, o. 474-491. illus.
Some observations on stability and v/hat it yeans. Flight,
London, Kar. ¡51, 1921, nr.. 640, v, 13, no. 13, p, "233.
Aeroplane stability. Times engineering supplement, Mar. 1921,
no. 557, P. 102.
Experiments with model airplanes, by A. A. Merrill. Avia¬
tion, New York, Nov. 29, 1920, v. 9, p. 549; Jan, 31,
1921, v. 10, p. 132-133. diagre;.
Sichtbare Stabilisierung von luftfahrzeugen, von Friederich
Budig. Z.F.M., Hünchen, Jan. 31, 1921, v. 12, no. 2,
p. 22-26.
Aeroplane balance, by L. Hug'uot. Washington, 1921. 23 p,
dìagrs, (N.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 51) (Also
Aerial age, Now York, Juno 20. 27, July 11, 1921, v. 13,
no. 15, 16, 18, P. 345-346, 371-373, 417-419)
Determination of rotary derivatives, by E. F. Reif,
T. Lavender and E . Ovar. With an appendix on approximate formulae for rotary derivatives, by K. Glauert.
London, K. U, Stat, off,, 1921, 21 P. diasrs,, tables.
(A.R.C. R. &
no. 809)
Experimental determination of tailplanc characteristics, by
H. Glauert and I. L. Peatfield. London, H. 1,1. S"aP,
off., 1921. 22 p. charts, tables. U.R.C. R. & W
no. 761)
Note relating to two oscillation methods in use for determining rotary derivatives of models, by L. F. G.
Simmons. London, H. a. Stat, off., 1921. 10 p.
diagrs. (A.R.C. R. è M. w. 711)
Stability terms. Report of the Accidents investigation
sub-commit tee. London, H. M Stat, off., 1921. 6 p.
(A.R.C. R. à Ii. nn. 745) (Also Aeronautical journal,
London, Nov. 1P21, v, 25, p. 584-587)
Vérités premlèr-vs sur la stabilité, par Henri 3ouché.
L Aeronautloue, Paris, Oct. 1920, v. 2, no. 17, p. 205
Centrage des avions, oar L. Huguet. Vie technique et indus
trielle, May, July 1920, v. 1, no. 3, 10, p. 118-122,
303-306. illus.
Naval architecture In aeronautics, by Jcrorns Clarke Huns.aker. Journal of the R . A . S . , London, July 1920,
V. 24, nn. 15. p. 321-405. dia ,*ra. , tables.
Stability ajid balance in nirolrnos, by D. R. Kusted. Aviation, Nev? YnrK. Apr. 1, 1920, v. 8, no. 5, p. 193-194.
Effects of wind upon the stability and maneuverability of
an airolane in flight, by Temple N. Joyce. Aviation,
Kcv York, Fob. 1, 1920, v. 8, no. 1, p. 18-19. diagr.
Bumpiness in flying; effects of wind and other weather
conditions on'the flight of airplanes, by C. Brooks
and others. Scientific f\r:erican. New York, Feb. 1920,
p. 126-130.
Diagrams of airolane stability, by H, Batenan. Washington,
U.S. Govt, print, off., 1920. 25 o. diagrs.
(ÏI.A.C.Â. Report no. 95)
A Method for determining the rotary derivatives, Un .and
Nr of model3, b L, F. G. Sinmons and H. Bater.ar..
London, K. iL Stat, off., 1920. 5 p. diarcrs.
(A.R. C.
R. & :I. nn.
Instability of ancrican airplanes, by W . R. Ballou Sciiir.tl
flc anerican, Nov; York", Feb. 3, 191^, v. I2G, c. 118¬
119. illus.
Analysis of phu^'Olds by a recording air-speed indicator,
by H. Glauert. London, H. K. Stat, off.., 1919. 6 z.
(A.R.C. R. & K. no. 576)
The Calculation of the periods and darrein.-: factors of
aeroplane oscillations and a, comparison "fith observations, by B. M. Cave-BrovTnc-Cave. London, H. V\.
Stat, off., 1919. 3 0 c. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C.
R. & 11, no. 570)
Forces, moments, and interferences on a l/12th acalo model
of B-S.23 fitted with R.A.F. 18 wing section, by
S. B, Gates and J. K. Jones. London, K- li, Stat. off.
1919, 23 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & 1.1.
no. 658)
Measurement of the derivatives Mq and Nr for a number of
aeroplane models, by G-. P. Douglas. London, H. il.
Stat, off., 1919. 15 o. diagrs., tables, (A.R.C.
R. è. M. no. 580)
El esentar v aerodyna:.iicß. XI. Stability, by Claude Farmer i
S1yJn>:, London, Au*. 7,
v. 4, no. 81,
138, 140.
Forces and moments on a moclcl of S.E.5 yawed, rolled and
pitched., in accordance with the instructions g-iven in
letter fron Controller of the Technical department,
Sent ember 1-i, 1913, Referendum 526SS/Act., by L. W,
Bryant. London, h\ H- Stat, off., 191Ó. 3 o. tables
(A-R.C. R. i Ä . no. 546)
Forces and moments on a wing caused by cross winds, by
C. K. Powell, London, H. H, Stat, off., 1918. 7 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & 11. no. 394)
Der Momentenausgleioh in der praxis, van K. Hamburger.
Technische berichte, Chariottenburg, 1918, v, 3, no. 7
p. 292-30?. diagrs., tables.
The Flotation of an aerofoil about a fixed, axis, by H.
C-louert, London, H. ?I, Stat, off., 1918. 9 p,
diagrs. (A.R.C. ?.. 1 EL no. 595)
or. Aerial a-.5,
'Stability in general, bv Harlan D. Fowl
New York, Dec. 17, 31, 1917, v. 6, no. 14, 15,
p. 606-307, 617, 703-705. diagr.
La Stabilisation des navircs et des avions, par H. Volta.
La Bpture, Paris, Oct. 20, 1917, v. 45, no. 2279,
p, 241-2*±6. lllus.
Hotes on stability of aeroplanes from the user's standpoint
Flying, London, Feb. 21, Kar.
Il, 1C17, v". 1,
no. 5, 10-12, p. 111-113, 215-217, £37-238, 259.
Stability in flight, by D'Arcy Wentworth Tho-pson. Nature,
London, Jan." ?5, 1917, v. 98, no. 2405, p. 409.
Full scale stability experiments on a B.E.S3 with E.A.F.
15 wing section- London, H. V.. St-t. off., 1917, 18
diagrs., lllus. ( A . R . C R. à M. no. 326)
Full scale stability experiments with R.A.F. 14 wing section,
by H. Glauert. London, K. M. Stat, off., 1917."' 6 p.
diagrs., tables. (A.R. C. R.. a M. nc. 505)
Die Stabilisierung der flugzeuge, von C. W, Vogelsang.
Berlin, 0. J. S. Volckmann nachf., 1917. 94 p. diagrs.
Die Statische Stabilität des doppeldeckers, von R. Fuchs
und L. Hopf. Technische berichte, Charlottenburg,
1917, v. 2, no. 1, p. 33-43. lllus.
Sobrc la. estabilidad <?,.;•! aeroplane-. por Luiz Brin^as.
Tohtli, Mexico, Oct. 31, Deo. 3.1. 1916, v. 1, no. 10,
IS, p. 243-244, 290-294. lllus
Aeroplane stability. Scientific arter lean supplement,
Ne* York, May 13, 1916, no. 2106, p. 320.
Dynamical stability of aeroplanes, by Jerome Clarice Hunsaker.
Washington, Smithsonian institution, 1916. 78 p,
diagrs., lllus. (Abstracts Flight, London, Dec. 7,
14, 1916, V. 8, no. 49, 50, p. 1080-1031, 1103-1104;
Aeronautics, London, Seo.-Dec. 1916, v. 11, n^. 153¬
167, p. 191-192, 210-212, 255-257, 306-309^ 406-408,
421-424; Aerial age, New York, July 24, 31, Aug. 14,
1916, v. 3, no. 19, 20, 22, p. 569-570, 598-599,
664-665, 672-673; Aviation and aeronautical engineer­
ing, Now York, Aug. 1, 1916, v. 1, no. 1, p. 17-20
and Scientific amerlcan supplement, July 1, 1916,
no, 2113. 11 p.)
Forces and moments on triolanes, by E. A. Griffith and
C. H. Powell. London, H. II. Stat, off., 1915.
diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & K. no. 250)
24 p.
Graphical solution nf stability biquadratic, by R. G. Harris.
London, H.
Stat, off., 1915. 33 p. diagrs., lllus.,
tables. (A.R.C. R. ä M. no. 262)
Gyroscooic stability of a flying machine, by G. "reenhill.
London, K. M. Stat, off., 1916. 2 p. U.R.C. R. h f.i.
no. 29?)
An Investigation of the elements which contribute t; statical
and dynamical stability, and of the effect* of varia­
tion in those elements, by Alexander Klemin, Edward P.
Warner and George M. Denkinger. Washington, U.S.r-cvt.
print, off. , 1916- 11 c. dia.grs. (H.A.O.A. Report
no. 17)
Stable biplane arrangements, by Jerome Clarke Kunsaker,
London, The Bedford press, 1916. 11 D. dia<ra.
(Fr^m Engineering, Jan. 7, 14, 1916)
The Stability of an aeroplane which has springs in its
control surface connections, by Leonard Bairstow and
R. Jones. London, K. X Stat, off., 1915. 6 p.
R. & K. no.
The Stability of aeroplanes. The various intricate problems
of balance Fli.\ht, Lnnc^-n, Oct. 9, 1214, v. 6", no. 41,
p. 10£4-1025. (A].so Scientific a^icrican supplement,
Now York, Sep. 36, 1914, no. 2021, p. 205-207)
Stability of aeroplanes, by Orvilio Wright, Journal of the
Franklin institute, S.;P. 1914, v. 173, no. 3, p. 249¬
253. (Also Smithsonian institution, Annual report.
1914. P . 30S-S16; Aeronautics, New York, Seo. 15,
1914, v, 14, no. 5, p. 67-63, 78 and Aerial a^p,
July 10, 1915, v. l / n o . 18, p. 428-429)
Gyroscopic action of rotary engines. The effect of altering
the position of the axis of rotation on the stability
of an aeroplane. Flight, London, June 19, 1914, v, 6,
no, 25, p. 654-556. illus.
La Stabilite dps^aeroplanes, par Leonard Bairstow.
Technique aeronautiaue, Paris, May 1, 1914, v. 9,
no. 105, p. 269-278.' illus.
Stability of the aeroplane, by Aikitu Tanakadate. Romazisekai, Tokyo, Apr. 1914, v. 4, no. I, p. 10-11. illus.
The Stability of acroolanoa.
v. 6, no. 5, p. 120.
Flight, London, Jan. 31, 1914,
Aeroplanes in gusts. Snaring fli.-jht and the stability of
aeroplanes, by S. L. Walkden. Loudon, S. & F. N. Sron;
New York, Spon & Chamberlain, 1913, 1914. 280 p. illus..
Experiments on models in free flight, in illustration of the
conclusions arrived at from the mathematical investiga­
tion of stability, by Leonard Sairstov/ and J. L. Nay 1 er.
London, H. H. Strt. off., 1914. 10 p. Illus. U.R.C.
R. & M. no. 117)
Experiments on tall planes and elevators, fins and rudders.
London, H. H. Stat, off., 1914. 50 P . charts, d i ^ r s . ,
tables. (A.R.C. R. h II. no. 156)
London, '
of the stability of an aeroplane when in
flight, by Leonard Bairstow and J, L. Nayler.
H. M. Stat, off., 1914. 80 p. diagra.,
(A.R^C. R. & H . no. 154)
der flugzeugo, von G. H. Bryan.
Springer, 1914. 139 o. diagrs., illus.
L'Aéroplane et la stabilité, par Lnisel. La Conquête de
l'air, Bruxelles, Dec. 1*, 191?, v. 10, no. 23, p. 370¬
Note conplérsentaire au sujet de l'action des remous sur la
stabilité des aéroplanes en riarche, par Alayrac.
Technique aéronautique, Paris, Dec. ï, 1913, no. 95,
J .
Q'£c .
Grit icisn of Albert Ada ".n Morrill ;'; theories, by Lawrence
B. Sperry, aircraft, New York, Dec. 1913, v. 4, no. 10,
c. £23, 231.
Stability in flying machines. Criticism on Mr. Merrill's
paper, by Lawrence B. Sperry. Aeronautics, New York,
Dec. 1913, v. 13, no. 5, p. 210-211.
Expériences de Pogoud, par Adolphe Pegoud. La Conquête de
l'air, Bruxelles, Nov. 15, 1913,'"v. 10, no. 22,
o. 352-355. diagr.
Stability In flying nachines, by Albert Adams Merrill.
Flight, London, Nov. 15, 1913, v. 5, no. 46, p. 1255¬
1258. illus. ( . H . ! s o hl. 5. M.S. journal j New York,
Oct. 1913, v. 35, no. 10, c. 1463-1478 and Aircraft,
New York, Aug. 1913, v. 4, no. 6, p. 127T~
Nouvelles experiences de stabilité. Revue aérienne, Paris,
Oct. 25, 1913, v. 6, no. 121, p. 5S5.
Discussion on stability. With special reference tr> Mr.
0'Gorman's and Mr. Dunne's papers presented Jan. 29th
1913. Aeronautical journal, London, Oct. 1913, v. 17,
no. 63, p. 235-244.
La Stabilité de aéroplane. L'Aern-nécanique, Bruxelles,
S C P . 10, 1S13, v. 5, no. 2, p. 12.
Stabilité des aéroplanes. Influence de la vitesse .surl'effet des remous sur un avion pr_ marche. 3ffet du
recul d'un canon sur la stabilité, par .nlayrac
Technique aéronautioue, Aug. 1, Seo.l, 1913, n^-. 87,
89, p. '65-73. diagr.
Vorschläge zur Stabilisierung, von Wilhelm Miegl. Fnehzeitung
für automobilismus und. flugtechnik, Berlin, Aug . 10-24,
1915, v. 7, nn, 32-34, p. 13-15. illus.
Sécurité et autostabilité, par René Desmons. La Conquête de
l'air, Bruxelles, July'l, 1313, v. 10, no. 13, p. 212.
S'~>jne remarks on stability. Flight, London, June £8, 1S13,
v. 5, no, 25, p. 711-712. illus.
A Simple fornula for eweutin, - ^yr'-scooic forces in an
aeroplane, by S. V. Kuntinr/t m .
Scientific american
supplement, « Q W York, Apr. IS, 1913, no. 1946, p. £47.
The Mathematical theory of .-croc-l'ine stability, by E. H.
Harper. Aeronautical journal, London, Jan., Aor. 1913,
v. 17, no, 65, 63, p. 11-31, 45-49. illus.
L EmcBnn.age, par Pierre Riviere. L'Aero ohile, Paris,
'Mar. 15, 1913, v. 21, no. 6, p. 124.
The Gyroscopic action of rotary motors in aeroplanes, by
Herbert Chatley. Engineering, London. Fob. 7, 1913,
v. 95, no, 2450, û. 203.
Solving the stability problem; the Fokker, Aero and hydro,
Chicago, Jan. 11, 1S13, v. 5, no, 15, p. 268-269.
A proposées idées du capitaine Duchêne, par Paul Jaraes.
L Aerophile, Paris, Jan. 1, 1913, v. 21, no, 1,
p. 14-15. diagr.
Gyroscooic force in aviation, by D. W. Starrett. Aircraft,
Nerv York, Jan, 1913, v. 3, no. Il, p. 316-317.
En auoi consiste la stabilité? par Alexandre See. Paris,
Gauthier-Viliars, 1913. 36 p. (Abstracts L Aerophile,
Paris, Oct. 15, 1912, v, 20, no. 20, P . 4-58-4Ò6 and
Aeronautical journal, London, Oct. 1913, v. 17, no. 68,
p. 267)
The Experimental determination of rotary coefficients, by
Leonard Bairstow and L. A. HacLachlan. Lonc.-n,
H. M. Stat, off., 1913. 8 p. diacre. ( A . R . C . R. C- M.
no. 78)
Investigation into the stability of an r.eroplane ith an
examination into the condition necessary in order that
the symmetric and ?-synnotric oscillations can be considered independently, by Leonard 3airstow, B. tielvill
Jones and A. W. H. Thompson. London, H,
St^.t, off.,
1913. 37 p. diagrs. '(A.R.C. R. & M. no. 77)
Metiioa of experimental determination of the forces and
moments on a model of a complete aeroplane; with the
results of measurements on a model of a. monoplane of
a Bleriot type. Edited by the National physical
laboratory aeronautical staff. London, H. ï-ï. Stat.
off., 1913. 19 p. diagrs. (A.R.G. R. à M. no. 74)
Note on the stability of the flying machine as affected by
consideration relating to propulsion, by F.
Lanchester. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1913. 5 p.
diagr. (A.R.C. R. & ;ì. no. 115)
En quoi consìste la stabilite? car René Desmons.
L'Aero, Paris, Dac. 30, 1912, v. 5, no. 697, p, 2.
Gyroscopes as stabilisers, by C. Kingsley-Fìeld, Flight,
London, Nov, 30, 1912, v. 4, no.' 48, p, 1126. di'agr.
À propos de la stabilite', par Loisel. La Conquête de
l'air, Bruxelles, Nov. 1, 1912, v. 9, no." 21, p. 4.
La Stabilité des aéroplanes, par Willy Volgt. L'Aérophile,
Paris, Nov. 1, 1912, v. 20, no. 21, p. 496.
Sur la stabilite, car Alexandre See. Technique aéronautique,,
Paris, Nov. 1, 1912, v. 6, no. 69, p, 276-281,.
Sur la stabilite des aéroplanes, par Henri Mirguet.
L Aerophile, Paris, Nov. 1, 1912, v. 20, no. 21,
c. 494-496. illus.
Gyroscopic action, by R. C. Clinker. Flight, London,
June 29, Oct. IS, 1912, v. 4, no. 26,' 41, p. 599,
925. dia :r.
Cryroscopic fortfe of the revolving motor, by Ralph !£,
Pearson. Flight, London, Sep. 21, 1912, v, 4, no. 3 S
p. 865-866.
Les Papiers inédits du Charles Renard. Technique aéronautique , Pari s, Sep. 15, ID12, v. 6, no. 66, p. 161¬
168. diagr.
De la sécurité en aeroplane. Stabilite - relations de la
stabilité et de la sécurité, par Lucas Girardvill=.
Mémoires et compte rendu de la Société des ingénieurs
civils de France, Paris, Sec. 1912, v. 65, no. 9,
p. 383-394.
Flexible win^s and stability, by John V. L. Hall.
London, Aug. 10, 1912, v. 4, no. 32, p. 738.
Note on aeroplane stability, by Herbert Chatley. Aeronautics, London, -July 1912, v. 5, n<~>. 53, p. 207.
The Effects of gyroscopic action. G-yroscooy enemy of
stability, 'by E. Adrian v. Muffling. "Fly, Philadelphia, Apr. 1912, v. 4, no. 6, p.' 11-13. illus.
Gyroscopic action in flying machines, by G, Wichmann.
Flight, London, Mar. 23, 1912, v. 4, no. 12, p. 272.
L'Equilìbri de l'aóroolane.
v. 4, no. 415, p. 2,
L'Aero, Paris, Mar- 20, 1912,
Der Rotations^otor und die Stabilität, von A. Fuchs,
österreichisch^ flu>--: Zeitschrift, Wien, F^b. 10,
1912, v. 6, no. 3, p. 70,
Uber Stabilität von aeroclämm, Versammlung von Vertretern
der flugwissenschaft in Gottingen, von August v.
Parseval. Z,F.M., Berlin, Feb. 10, 1912, v. 3, no. 3,
p. 25-30. illus.
Sur la forme des ailes d'aéroplanes au point de vue de la
stabilité, par E. Durand-Greville. Technique aéronautique, Paris, Feb, 1, 1912, v. 5, no. 51, p. 89-93Propellers as disturbers of stability, by S, L. Walkden.
Aeronautics, London Sep.-Nov. 1911, v. 4, no. 45,
45, p. 165-166, 223, Feb, 1912, v. 5, no, 43, p. 44.
Propellers as disturbers of stability, by Bertram G.
Cooper. Aeronautics, London, Oct. 1911, Jan. 1912,
v. 4, 5, no. 44, 47, p. 13, 194.
Théorie simplifiée des effets ^yrosccpiques, par G. Clauzel.
Revue mécanique, Jan. 1912.
F^tude graphique de la stabilité de l'aeroplan- en air
calme et en air agité, par A. Délaunay. Paris,
H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1912. 38 p. diagrs.
Note relative to gyroscopic couples on aerrpi^.r.es, by
Mervyn O'Gorman. London, H. M. St?t. off., I.12.
3 p.
R. & M. no, 81)
Practical gyroscopic balancing, by Herbert Ch tley.
London, Technical publishing co,, 1912. 50 p.
illus. (Reviewed Aeronautical Journal, London,
July 1912, v. 15, no. 63, p. 213)
The Stability of aeroplanes. An investigation of the air
pressure on aeroplane surfaces, by Albert Peter
Thurston. Scientific american supplement, Ne^î York,
Dec. 16, 1911, no, 1876, p. 396-397. lllus.
Observations et notes en vue d'améliorer la stabilité des
aéroplanes, par J. Van de Putte. La Conquête de
l'air, Bru.-.eìles, Dec. 1, '1911, v. 8, no. 25, p. 2-3.
Stability of the aeroplane in distributed air, by Emile
Auguste Duchêne. Aeronautics, London, Dec. 1911,
v. 4, no. 46, p. £5?.
Stabilité, par Victor Lamothe. L'Aero, Paris, Nov. 21,
1911, v. 4, nr.. 295, p. 6.
Über die Stabilisierung der flugmaschine, von K. L- Deutsche
Zeitschrift für lüftschiffährt, Berlin, Nov. 1, 1911,
v. 15, no, 22, p. 22-23.
La Question de stabilité, par E. Allary Fils. L'Aero,
Paris, Aug. 27, 1911, v. 3, no. 234, p. 2.
Aeroplane stability, by Arthur Holly Compton. Scientific
american supplement, New York, Aug. 1£, 1911, no. 1858,
o, 100-102. diagr.
L'Effet gyrose.ooe, oar Bouchard-Praceiq.
May~25, 19ÌL1, v. 3, no. 20S, p. 2.
L'Aero, Paris,
Propulsion et stabilisation des aéroplanes, par Paul
Hemmet. Revue de l'aviation, Paris, flay 1, ltll. v, 6,
no. 54, p. 100.
The Stability of aeroplanes by means of the gyroscope.
Aeronautics, London, May 1911, v. 4, no. 39, p. 51-52Problems relating to aircraft, by Mervyn 0'Gorman.
Flight, London, Mar. 11, Apr. 22, 1911, v. 3, no. 10¬
16,"p. 210-212, 232-234, 266, 300, 322, 362-363,
(Also Aero, London, Mar. 15, 22, 1911, v. 4, no. S5,
96, o. 208-214, 243-247. illus.)
Stabilisation des aeroplanes au noyen de gyroscopes, par
Lucas Girardville. L'Aero, Paris, "iar. 5, 1911, v. 3,
no. 185, p. 5. (Also L Aerophile, Paris, Feb. 15,
1911, v. 19, no. 4, p. 84-85; Genie civil, Par is-*
Jan. 28, 1911, v. 31, no. 13, p, 274; Comptes rendus
de l'Académie des sciences, Paris, Jan. 16, 1911,
v. 152, p. 127-129 and L Aero-mécanique, Bruxelles,
Mar. 10, 1910, v. 3, no. 8 p. 63)
La Stabilité des aeroplanes, par Paul Hemmet. Revue de
1'aviation, Paris, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, 1911, v. 6, no. 51,
5?, p. 40-41, 62-63Suppression des manoeuvres instables ou rationnelles, par
Louis Reix. Revue aérienne, Paris, Feb, 25, 1911,
v. 4, no. 57, o. 109-110. diagr.
La Forme des ailes, et la stabilité des aéroplanes, par
3. Durand-C-rèville, L'Aemohile, Paris,, Feb. 15,
1911, v. 19, no. 4, p. 91.
Note sur la balance différentielle oar À, Guarin. L'Aerophile, Paris, Feb. 15, I'll, v. 1^, no. 4, p. 85-88.
Zur fra ;<? des gyrostatischen effektes von rotatlonsmotoren,
von Albert Kapteyn. Fachzeitschrift für flugtechnik,
Berlin, Feb. 5, 1911, v. 5, no, 6, p. 21. diagr,
La Stabilité des aéroplanes tt celle des oiseaux, par
Joseph Cousin. Genie civil, Paris, Jan. 14, 1911, v. 31,
56, no. 11, 14^2, p. 233. (Also Revue aérienne, Nov, 25,
Kreiselwirkungen im flugzeug, von Albert Bets. Z.F.M.,
München und Berlin," 1911, v, 2, o. 22S-232Tratta.to di aviazione dell' eauilibrio negli aeroplani,
di A. Faccioli. Turin, Bocca, 1911. 224 p. illus.
Gyroscopic effect, by Christopher, W. C. Wheatley. Flight,
London, Dee. 24, 1910, v. 2, no. 52, p. 1062.
E*tude de la stabilite de 1 aéroplane, préface de Paul
Palnleve, par Georges de Bothezat. Paris, H. Dunod
et S. Pinat, 1911." 192 p. illus. (Also Wiener
luftschiffahrtszeitschrift, Wien, Nov. 15, li.M,
v. 10, no, 22, p. 431)
The Stability of aeroplanes. Part II. Aeronautics, Lir.don,
Dec, 1910, v. 3, no. 12, p. 184-186.
The Gyroscopic force of rotary engines, by Albert "aeteyn.
Flight, London, Nov. 19, 1910, v. 2, no. 47, p, 942¬
944. illus.
Stability in aviation; an introduction to dynamical stability
as applied to the motions of aeroplanes, by George
Hartley Bryan. New York, Macmillan and company, 1911,
192 P . illus.
The Stability of flying machines, by Herbert Chatley.
Engineering, London, Jan.-June 1910, v. 89, o, 265¬
266, 301-303, 533, 800-801, July-Dec. 1910, v. SO,
p. 37-38, 80-81, 524-525. illus,
The Stability of aeroplanes, by Rudolphe 3oreau. aero­
nautics , London, Nov. lolO, v. 3, no, 11, p. 164-166.
Stability of the Voisin biolanr, by Simon.
Oct. 15, 1910, v. 2, no. 42, p. 852.
Flight, London,
Stabilité des aeroplanes, par Líaésaux . L Aéro-mécanique,
Bruxelles, Oct. 10, 1910, v. 3, no. 3, o. 25-26.
Rotary engines as gyroscopes, by A. V. Hughes. Aero,
London, Jun^ 28, 1"1C, v. 2, no. 58, o. 525.
Aeroplanes rigides et stables, oar Lawrence Kargrave.
L Aeronaute, Paris, June 11, 1910, v. 43, p. 539,
p. 210-213. diagr.
Stabilité des aéropla.nes•, par J. Armengaud. L'Aeronaute,
Paris, June 11, 1910,'v. 43, no. 539, p. 209-210.
Aeroplane stability, by Lawrence Hargrave. Engineering,
London, Jan.-June 1910, v. 89, p. 688. i1lus.
Stability, by E. B. Pausey.
v. Z, no. 47, p. 23?.
Aero, London, Acr. 12, 1910,
A Suggested improvement in aeroplanes. Velocity and
stability, by A. lAelih. Scientific amerlcan supple­
ment, New York, Apr, 10, 1910, no. 1791, p. 287.
Aeroplane stability, by George Hartley Bryan. Scientific
~amercean supplement, New York, Aor. 2, 1910, no. 178?,
p. 222-223. (Also Nature, London, Mar. 3, 1910,
v. 83, no. 2105, p. 10-13)
Les Effets gyroscoplques sur les aeroplanes, par E. Barbet.
L Aero-ne'canique, 3ruxelles, liar. 10, 1910, v. 3,
no. 6, p. 52-63.
Stability, by Walüer E. Fox.
v. 2, no. 42, p. 192.
Aero, LoncLon, Liar, 8, 1910,
M- R. Arnoux expose queloues résultats d experiences
personelles sur la stabilité des aeroplanes actuéis,
par A. C. Genie civil, Paris, Feb. 5, IS.-. 10, v. 30,
nn. 14, p. 274-275.
Sur un nouveau mode d équilibrage des aéroplanes, par
Albert Bazin. L Aeraphile, Paris , Feb. 1, IE. 10, v. 18,
no. 3, p. 52-54. diagr,, illus.
équilibre, centrage, classification des aéroplanes, par
R. Saulnier. Paris, Librairie aéronautique, 1 S Ì O .
L'équilibre des aeroola.nes, ;oar René Desmons. Paris,
F. L. Vivien, 1310. 51 p. illus. (Also L'Aeronaute, Paris, Bec. 4, 1909, v. 42, no. 512, o. 125-126)
Flugïïiaschine mit kreisirletabilisiorun-', von Gustav Hees.
Flugsport, Frankfurt a, IL, K l O , v. 2, p. 404-413.
Stabilität der flugmaschinon, von Hans Jansen, Unterricht
in m-athemathikhen naturels s enschaf ten, Berlin, 1910,
V. 16, P , 104-110.
Stabilité des aero-planes. Surface métacentrique, par M.
Brillouin. Paris, K. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1910. 78 e.
The Stability of flying machines, by A. W. Johns,
ing, London, IE. 10, v. 90, p. 98.
Principes d'équilibre des bateaux appliqués aux aéroplanes,
par Francis Pasche. L Aéronaute, Paris, Nov. 6, 1909,
n.s., v, 42, no. 508, p. 35.
Stability of aeroolanes, by Herbert Chatley. Nature,
London, Sep. 23, 1309, v. 81, no. 2082, p. 366.
Efficiency versus stability, by Alexander Graham Bell.
Beinn Bhreagh recorder, Beinn Rhreagh, N, S., Aug. 11,
100S, v. 1, 'p. 91-93.
Early experiments of Otto and Gustav Lilienthal, b Gustav
Lilienthal. Aeronaut icn.1 Journal, London, July 1Q03,
v. 1 3 , p. 8 5 - 8 7 . illus.
Di un importante coefficiente di stabilità negali aeroplani,
di Gaetano Arturo Crocco. Bolletino de la Società
italiana, Roma, June 1909, v. 5, no. 6, p. 217-21S.
(Abstract Report of the Advisory committre fer
aeronautics, London, 1303-1910, p. 161-162)
Aviation - la stabilité des aéroolnnes, par Lucien. Fourni er.
Nature, Paris, Feb. 20, 1309, v. 37, no. 1SS5, P. 184¬
189. illus.
Form and stability of aercolanes, by W. R. Tu.rnbulï .
Scientific ameri can suoolement, New York, Jan. 30,
1909, v. 67, no. 1726, p, 68-70. äiagrs.
L'Effort'pour determiner conditio ne de gyration de"> rvions.
La Nature, Paris, Jan. S, 1309, v. 37, no. 1359, p. 59.
À propos de la stabilite des aeroplanes. La Conquete de
l'air, Bruxelles, Jan. 1909, v. 6, no. 1, p. 4-5.
Memorandum on stability, by George Grsenni11. London,
H. M. Stat, off., 190^. 3 o. illus. (A.R.C. R. & ft.
no. 7)
La Stabilisation dee aeroplanes. Comment on pourralt
l'obtenlr a l'aidc reflexes naturois, -oar Etienne
Maigre. Revue dea idóes, Paris, ILO:,, v. 5, o. 155¬
Summary of papers relating to the stability of airships and
aeroplanes, b^ F. J. Sclby. London, H. M. Stat, off,,
1909. £9 p. lllus. (A.R.C, R. ù M. no. IS)
Flying machines and their stability, by A. Mallock.
Nature, London, Dec. £4, 1908, v. 79, no. £043, P. ££0.
La Stabilite d'un aeroplane, par A. Quignasse.
Paris, Dec. 1908, v. 1, no. 14.
Nochmals der kreisel im alenate der Stabilität serhaltunp,-,
von H. Kroner, Illustrierte aeronautische Mitteilungen
Berlin, Nov. 1908, v. IS, no. £3, p. 721-722. diagrs.
Stability of aeroplane support for flying machines, by F.
H. Wenham. The Aeronautical journal, London, July
1908, v. 12, no. 47, p. 82-83. diagrs.
Die Stabilität von flugapparaten, von Hermann Zwick.
Illustrierte aeronautische nitteilungen, Berlin,
Jan. 3, Feb. 18, Mar. 3, IS, May 18, June 3, 1908,
no, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, o. 1-b, 73-77, 99-105, 121-129,
241-244, £75-281. diagrs.
Nates sur le probième de 1'aeroplane (equilibra et stabilite
par E. Bogaert„ Paris, 1&Ö3, p. 68. diagrs.
Stability of aeroplanes, by G. J. Hendrickson. Aeronautics,
New York, 1908, v. 3, no. 2, p. 22-25, diagrs,
equilibro and stabilite des aeroplanes, par Leyat, La
Revue de 1'aviation, Paris, July 15, Aug. 15, 1907,
v. 2, no, 8, 9, p. 11, 12. diagr.
La Stabilite par róflexes, par,Charles ot Gabriel Volsln.
capltaìnr. Fcrber. et Andre Joliot. La Revue de
1'a.viation, Paris, July 15, 1907, v. 2, no. 8, o. 3-4.
La Stabilite, Dar A. Juteau. La Revue de l'aviaticr.,
Paris, June 15, 1007, v. 2, no, 7, p. 8-9. di agra.
Sur la stabilite des aéroplanes, L Acrophile, Paris,
June 1907, v. 15, no. 8, p. 140-143. diagrs.
Research.es on the foriss and stability of ccroplanes, by
W. R. Turnbull. Physìca? reri^v.', Her York, Mar, 1907,
v. £4, n^. 3, p. 285-302. din^i-a.
La Stabilito des aeroolanes r;-t la eonstruction rationelle
dos ••••l'L'is suatontatours, ~oov Edi.v:>nd Seux, L'Aerophilc, Pari«, Tar. 1907, v. 15^ no, 3, p. 54-55,
(Also Coiroto!-: rnnduü do l'Aca&énie dos scìences,
Paris, Jan. 8, 1G0S, v. 142, p. 7G-81)
Sul la s t abi 1 ì t b dog] i aar o plan I, di 2d:v.o nd Seux. Boi leti no
de la Società aeronautica italiana, Roma, Jan., Feb.
1906, v. 3, no, 1-2, p. 31.
Sul equilibrio delle machine volanti, di £. Arturo Crocco,
Roma, Enrico Voghera, 1305. 14 p, (Front Revista
di Artiglierìa e genio, Rosa, 19Ö5, v. 2, p, 23-46;
Dor Schwebeflug- und die fallbcwegung ebener taf sin.in der
luft. Uber die Stabilität der flugappnrate, von
Friedrich Ahlborn. L. Frlederichsen and Hamburg,
1897. 51 p, diagre., illus. (Sonderabdruck aus
band XV der Abhandlungen aus dem gebiete der
naturwis sens chafton. Hamburg, 1897)
tfber die Stabilität der flug.appa.ra.te. Abhandlungen aus
dem gebiete der naturwissenschaften, Natur'visser.sohaf
licher verein, Hamburg, 1897. v. 15.
Zur nechanik der vogelfluges. Part I. Der -"chyrebeflu" und
die fallbewegung ebener tafeln in der luft, Part II
Über die Stabilität der flugapparate, von Fr. .-Jilborn,
1896-1837, p. 216.
Die Stabilität von drachenfliegorn, von Vf. Kress. Zeitschrift für luftschiffahrt, Berlin, 18^3, v. 15,
no. 8-9, p. 236-237.
Über dio Stabilität des drac'isr.flie^crs in ruhiger und
bewegter luft, von W, Kress. Zeitschrift für luft¬
schiffahrt, Berlin, 1895, v. 15, no. 2—3. p. 64-73.
Stability of aéroplanes and flying machines. Proceedings
of the Conference on aorial navigation, Chicago,
189?, by A. F, Zahra. Aeronautics, New York, Aug.
1894, v. 1, no. 11, p. 143-147. diagrs.
Stp.bilitc- des appareils destines à se mouvoir dans 3'air,
par Croce-SpincTli. L Aeronaute, Paris, 1869, v. 2,
ho. 2, 5, p. 22-26, 73-77. diagrs.
CSTÎ ' I T T ^ " Î
:, R
Some ronarh.T'tlo stallin.: experiments, by ft. E. Gray,
Flight, July 16, 2 3 , Sop. 3, 1936, p. 94-97, 120-121,
On the stalling of highly tapered wings, by C. 3 . Killikan.
Journal of the aeronautical sciences, 1936, v. 3,
no, 5, p. 145-150. illus,, tables.
Stalled! A discussion of causes and prevention of airplane
stalling, by R. H. Upson. Aviation, Sep. 1935, V . 34,
p. 17-20,
Tapered wing stalling, by P. P. Nazir. Journal of the
R.A.S.VAug. 1935, v. 39, p. 750-756. diagrs,
High angle stall and spin, by G. P. Peed, Jr.
Oct. 1934, v. 25, P. 28-30.
Aero digest-,
Stalling, by B.
Jones. Journal of the R . A , S . , S O P . 1 9 3 4 *
v. 38, no. 285, o. 753-770.
Flight, June 7, 1934.
An Experimental study of the stalling of wings, by
k. Jones. London, K. li. Stat, off., 1933.
diagr. (A.R.C. R. & IL no. 1588)
How to avoid stalls and spins, by J. S. Harriott.
flying, Sep. 1932.
Sxperinrnts on the Ha^ker-Hornbill biplane. Part I. Fullscale investigation of the stability of the Hornbill
at the stall, by S. 3. Gates, A. Or."erad and K. A.
Fairtharnc. London, K. :l. 3t-t. n_f., 1932. illus,
(A.R.C. R. & K. no. 1422)
The Lateral stability of an aeroplane beyond the stall,
by L. W. Bryant, I. M. W. Jones and G. L. pawsoy.
London, H, M . Stat, off., 1932. illus, ( A . K . C .
R, à M. no. 1519)
The Dangerous sideslip of a stalled airplane and its
prevention, by Richard Fuchs and Wilhelm Schmidt.
Washington, 1931. 16 o. dinars. (N.A.C.A.
Technical memorandums no, 633) (From Z.F.M,, Munchen
und Berlin, July 14, 19 31, v. 22, no. 13, p. 393-400}
Full-scale determination of the :viOtions at the stall, of
a Bristol fighter aeroplano fitted with auto control
slots and interceptors, by A . Grmerod. London,
H. J.!. Stat, off., 1031. 4 p. diagrs. (A.R. C.
H. h
no. 1442)
La Velocita miniar, doll aeroplano o la perdita di
velocità, dì A , Sula. Rivista aeronautica, Roma,
Nov. 1930. v. 10, no. 11, o. 237-280. diagrs.
Longitudinal contro], and stability when stalled, by E. T.
Jones and R. P. Alston. London, H. K. Stat, off.,
1930. 8 p, dlagrs. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1367)
The Motions, at a stall, of a Bristol fighter aeroplane
with slot and aileron control on both planes, by
K. V7. Clark. London, H. M. Stat, off.', 1930. ? o.
diagrs., tables. (A, FLO. R. & M. no. 1341)
Stalled flight tests on a Bristol fighter fitted with auto
control slots and interceptors, by R- P. Alston.
London, K. M. Stat, off., 1930. 3 p. diagrs., Illus
. .(A.R. C. R. à K. no. 1338)
Full scale determination of the motion of an Avrò aeroplane when stalled, ,by K. W. Clark and w. G. J-nnings
London, H. H. Stat, 'off., Aor. 1929. 6 o. diasrs.
(A.R. C. H. & M. no. 1253}
The Longitudinal control of an aeroplane beyr.d the stall,
by H. }£, Garner and K. Y. Wright. London, H. li.
Stat, off., 1929. 6 o. diasrs. (A.R.C. R. à & ,
no. 1193)
Records of the lateral motions of - stalled Bristol
fl,;hter aeroplane with slots up:n the u_vper "ins"
tips. Experiments made in the Cambridge university
air scuadrcn, by 3. Liei vili Jones and C. E. Lfeltland.
London, H. 5£. Stat, off., 1929. 8 p. diagrs.
(A.R.C. R, & M. no. 1236)
Stalled flight tests of a moth fitted with auto control
slnts and interceptor, by E. T. Jones, C. E. Haitland
and ff. E. Purdin. London, H. H- Stat, off., 1929.
3 p.
R. £ M . no.
Insti'umont records of the lateral motions of a stalled
Bristol fighter aeroplane, by 3. Melvill Jones and
0. E. Maitland. London, K. M. Stat, off., 1928¬
33 p. diagrs. (A.R.C. R. a K. no. 1181)
Notes on longitudinal stability at stalling in gliding
flight, bv S. B. Gates. London, H.
Stat, off.,
1S28. 7 p. dla^rs. {A.F-.O. R. C: U. no. 1161)
Stall-proof airplanes, by G. Lr.chrAnn. Washington,
Jan. 1927. 14 p. illua. (H.ä.C.A. Technical
memorandums no. 30o) (From Jnhrbuch der W. G. L. ,
1925 and Berichte- und ab'^-ndlungen der W. G. L. ,
Hay 1926)
Stalled flying, by S. Scott-Hall. Journal of the R.A.S.,
London, Oct. 1&E6, v, 30, no. ISO, p. 612-614.
Motes on stalled flying, by C. Kowarth. Journal of the
R.A.5., London, June 1926, v. 30, no. 136, o, 394¬
Devices for prevention of stalled flight, by Paul Mazer.
Washington, 1926. 13 p. illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical
meoorandums no. 389) (Front L Aeronautiquc, Oct, 1926,
v. 8, no. 89, p. 333-3371
On the prevention of accidental stalling, by H. L. Bramson.
Flight, London, Aug* 13, 1625, v. 17, no. 33, p. 526,
On accidental stalling, by K. L. Brar.son. Slipstream,
Dayton, Ohio, Aug. 1925, v. 6, no. 8, P. 23-24.
(Also Flight, London, Juno 18, 1925, v. 17, no. £5,
p. 369)
Ehglish stalling demonstration.
v. 18, p. 577. illus.
Aviation, Hay 25, 1925,
The Stalled airplane. Aerobiane, Feb. 11, 1S25, v. 27,
no. 6, c. 124-125.
The Behavior of certain aeroplanes when the controls are
abandoned in stalled flight, by H. L. Stevens.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1925, 9 P. illus.
(A.R.C. R. & K. m . 1020)
Step-by-step calculations upan the asymmetric moments of
stalled aeroplanes, by 8. Melvill Jones and
A, Trevelyan, London, K. M, Stat, off., 1925. 22 P.
diagr. (A.R.O. R. & M. no. S99)
Determination of lift and drag coefficients during a
stall by means of accelcromettrs, by F. W. Meredith.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1923. 10 p. diag'rs. ,
Illua. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 881)
Notes on stalled flying, by R. M. Hill and H. L. Stevens.
London, H. 11. Stat, off., liv-r.2, 9 '0. illus.
U.R. C. R. d M. no. 963;
Der Überzogene flu;v, seine gefahren und S'/ine beeinflussung
durch"dip Vonstrufction, von K. Hopf. S.F.M., Feb. £3,
1920, V. 11, nn. 4, p. 52-54. illus.
Slip stream in relation to stability at stalling speeds,
by B.. A. Kerrill. Aeronautical engineering, New York,
Dec. 15, 1317, v. 3, no. 10, p. 687. diagr.
The Stalling speed of aeroplanes. Aeronautics, London,
Sep- 20, 1916, v. 11, no. 153, p. 186-187. illus.
Theoretical determination of air forces and moments on '/rings,
by W. H. Miller and. P, M. Magruder. Aero digest.
Jan. 1937, p. 32, 35, 36. illus.
Operator solutions in airplane dynamics, by Alexander Kleain
and Benjamin F. Ruffner. Journal of the aeronautical
sciences, May 1936, v. 3, no, 7, p. 252.
Airplane design; aerodynamics, second edition, by Edward P*
Warner. New York, McGrav Hill book company, inc., 1936.
598 p. bibliog. , dia.gr3. , illus.
Einfiihrung in die mechanic des fluges, von Wilhelm ilueller.
Leipzig Verlag Dr. Jasn.ecfce,'1336. 115 p. illus.,
Elements of practical aerodynamics, by Erad.Iey Jones.
New York, Wiley, 1936. 398 p. diagrs., illus., tables,
Engineering aerodynamics, by V/alter S. Diehl. Mew York,
The Ronald press company, 1936. 556 p. diagrs.,
illus., tables, (Revised edition)
Fluglehre; vortrage über théorie und berechnung der flug¬
zeuge in elementarer darstellung, von Richard v. Mises.
5 aufl., neu bearbeitet von K. Hohcnemsor. Berlin,
J, Soringer, 1936, 324 p. diagrs.
Aerodynamic theory; a general review of progress under a
grant of the Guggenheim fund for the promotion of
aeronaut ics , by William Frederick Durand. Berlin,.
J. Springer, 1935. 222 p. diagrs.
Einführung in die technische, strömt.n,-;slehrf-, von Bruno
JSck. Berlin, J. Springer, i:.3F. tilarre.. illus.
Flu.Tzeugberechnun,;. Grundlagen de r- 8tro:-,iun, .'slehro und
flu vmcch/uiik, von Rudolf Jposchko. München, R. Oldenbourg, l ? 35.
Technical aerodyn'- u c s , by Karl Dawson Wood, New York.,
McGraw-Hill, K 3 5 . 330 p. diagrs. illus., tnbles.
Applied hydro and 'aeromechanics, based on lectures of
L. Prandcl: translated by J. P. Den Kartog. by
Oskar G. Tietjens. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1954.
311 p. blbllng. , diag'rs. , illus. , tables.
Mechanics of flight, by A, C, Kermode, New York, Pitman
and s^ns, 1934. 20? p. diagrs., illus.
The Principals of aerodynamics, by Max Michael Münk.
Washington,Author, 1933. 252 p. diagrs., illus.
Applied wing theory, by Elliott G. Reid.
McC-rav-Hill, 1932. 196 p.
Ne " York,
Aufgaben aus der obarstufe in technischer mechanik; höhere
festigkeitslehre, flugmcchanik, ahnlichkeltsmechanik,
aynamlk der wellen, von Ludwig Föppl. München,
R. Oldenbourg, 1S32. dingrs., tables.
étude des trajectoires et des qualités aérodynamiques
d'un avion par l'emploi d'un appareil cinématographique
de bord, par Antoine Magnan et A. Sainto-Laguë.
Paris, E. Blonde1 La Rougery, 1932. 93 p. dia^rs.,
illus. (Pub. scient, tech. Hin. de l'air no. 0)
É*tiide mécanique du vol de l'avion à l'usage äes techniciens;
cours professe à l'école spéciale de travaux aéronautiques, par Maxime Robin. Paris ^-t Liège, 1.
Déranger, 1932, 254 p. diagrs., illus.
The Nornal acceleration experienced by aeroplanes flying
Ihmugh vertical air currents. Part I. The calculation of the acceleration experienced hy an aeroplane
flying through a given gust, by H. R. Fischer.
London, H. M. Stat, off., 1932. 16 P. diagrs.,
tables. ( A . A . C. R. & K, m . 1463)
Simple aerodynamics -<nd the airplane, 4th edition, by
Charles K. Montoith. New York, Ronald Press, 1932.
504 p. dlagrs., illus, , tables.
Aerodynamics for pngin^sra, Part VI, by K. A. Piercy.
Aircraft engineering', London, Mar. 1^.31, v. 3, no, 25,
P, 67-69.
Dynamics of oirplanos "\nd airplane structures, by John E.
Younger and Baldwin M, Woods. New York, J. Wiley and
sons, inc. , L^nclon, Chapnan and Hall, ltd. , 1951.
263 p. dla-'-a'ii., illu«.
Elementi dl aviasione, dl Gaetano Arturo Crocco.
A. StoeX, 1931. dinars., illus.
Die Grundlagen der luftfahrt. Fluglehrc. Part I,
Bewegung, Part II. Kräfte. Part III. Drehkräfte,
von Hermann Friclce, Oldenburg, Gerhard Stalling,
Principles of flight, by E . a. Stalker, ]Se* York, Ronald
press, 1931, 428 p.
Mechanical engineer's handbook. New York, McGraw-Hill,
1030. 2284 p. diugrs., illus,, tables,
Simplified, aerodynamics, by Alexander Klecin. Chicago,
The G^o&heart-Wilcox company, inc., 1930. 323 ).
dlagrs., Illus.
A Study of polynomial equations, by W. L. Copley and
Sylvia"ff.Skan. Londnn, K. M. Stat, off., 1930.
20 p. tables. (A.R. C. R. & M. nn. 1325)
Vortrage über nerodynavAk und verwandter ^ebi'-te (Aachen
1929),von a, Gilles, L. Hopf und Th.'v. Karnan.
Berlin, J. Springer, 1930. diagr., Illus.
Generalized curves for accelerated m^ti^n of airplanes,
by K. Glauert, London, H. ft. Stat, off., 1929.
11 p. dia;vrs, , tables. (A.R.C. R. £ M. no. 1291)
On the numerical solution of eauations with complex roots,
by R. A. Frazer and Vil. J. Duncan. Proceedings of the
Royal society of London, 1928, ser. A,, v. 125, no.
A.796, p. 68-82. tables.
The Pressure distribution over the horizontal and vertical
tail surfaces of the F6C->i pursuit airplane in violent
maneuvers, by R. V. Rhode. Washington, U.S. Govt,
print, off., 1929. £0 p. diagrs., illus,, tables.
(N.A.C.A. Report no, 30?^
Elements of aviation; an explanation of flight principles,
by Vlrglnius Evans Clark. New York, The Ronald press
company, 1928. 193 p. diagrs., illus,
Engineering aerodynamics, by Walter S. Diehl, New York,
The Ronald press company, 1928. 288 p. diagrs.,
Airplane design; aerodynamics, by Edward , Warner.
New York, McGraw-Hill book company, inc., 1927.
diagrs,, Illus.
598 p.
Cours d'aéronautique professé à l'école d'application du
génie maritime, par S. Leroux. Paris, Beranger,
1927. 359 p. âiagrs,, illus., tables.
Operational methods In mathematical problems, by Harold
Jeffreys. Cambridge, University press, 1927. 99 p.
diagrs. (Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics no. £3)
The Elements of aerofoil and airscrew theory, by H. Gl&usrt,
Cambridge, University press, 1926.
Getriebekinematlk als riistseug der getriebedynamik, von
Friedrich Proeger. Berlin, V, D. I. Verlag, 1928.
73 p. diagrs.
On Bernoullis numerical solution of algebraic eauations,
by A. C. Aitkin. Proceedings of the Royal society cf
Edinburgh, 1925-1926, v. 46, pt. 3, p. 289-305.
Accelerations In flight, by J. H, Dcclittle. Washington,
U.S. Govt, print, off., 1925. 18 p. illus. (N.A.C.A.
Report no. 203)
Mécanique âe l'aviation; application des méthodes de la
mécanique rationelle a l'étude du vol et de la construction des avions, par Antoine Charles Alayrac,
Paris, Gauthier-Villarà et Cie, 1925. 34? p. diagrs.
A Text-book of aeronautical engineering, by Alexander
Kiemin. London, Sir Isaac Pitman and sons, 1925.
diagrs., illus., tables.
Elementary aeronautical science, by Ivor 3. Hart and
W. Laidler. Oxford, Clarendon cress, 1923. diagrs.,
Lot Zaglowy i aparaty âa^lowe. Piotr Tulacs. , Warszawa,
Wojsko'vy instytut naukowo-wydat-niczy, 1923, 99 p.
diagrs.. illus.
The Small angular oscil].atlons of airplanes in steady
flight, by Frederic K. Norton. Washington, U.S. Govt,
print, off., 1923, 8 p. diagrs., illus., table.
(N.A.C, A. Report no. 174)
A Study of controllability, angular velocity and dynamic
stability of an airplane about the axis of -oitch.
Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off., 1923, diagrs.
(U.S. Air service information circular no. 418)
Aerodynamik, von Richard Fuchs und Ludwig Hopf. Berlin,
R. C. Schmidt und co., 1922. 466 p. diagrs.,
tables. (Handbuch der flugzeugkunde, v. 2)
Differential equations in airplane mechanics, by M. T.
Carleman. Washington, 1922. 9 p. (N.A.C.A.
Technical memorandums no, 67) (From La Technique
aéronautique, May 1921)
The Dynamics of the aeroplane, by René Dévillers. London,
E. & F. N. Spon, ltd,, 1922. 302 p. diagrs.
Acceleration derivatives in the case of a body moving in
an ideal fluid, by R. Jones. London, H. IL Stat,
off., 1921. 6 p. tables. (A.R.C. R. i !£. no. 743)
Accelerations in flight, by Frederic H. Norton and Edward T
Allen, Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off., 1921. 3 c
diagrs., illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical report no. 99)
The Canonical forms of the equations of motion in still
and gusty air, by G. H. Bryan. London, H. M. Stat,
off., 1921. 41 p. (A.H.C. R. & U. no. 689)
The Dynamics of the airplane, by Kenneth Powers Williams.
New York, John Wiley and sons, inc., 1921. 138 p.
bibliog., diagrs., illus.
General theory of the steady motion of an airplane, by
George de Botheaat. Washington, U.S. Govt, orint.
off., 1921. 70 p. illus. (¡¡.A.C.A. Report no. 97)
A Textbook of aerial engineering; the problem, of flight,
third edition, by Herbert Chatley. London, Griffen,
1921. 131 p. bibliog., diagrs., illus., tables.
Theory of initial motions and its application to the'
aeroplane. Seing a sequel to R. & H. 689 on
Canonical forms of the equations of motion of an
aeroplane in still and gusty air, by George H. Bryan.
London, K. M. Stat, off., 1921. 23 p. (A.R.C. R. à Aino. 744)
Aeronautics, a class text, by Edwin Bidwell Wilson.
New York, John Wiley pnd sons, inc., 1920. 265 p.
Aeronautics in theory and experiment, second edition, by
William Lewis Cowley. London, É. Arnold, 1920.
331 p. illus., plates.
Applied aerodynamics, by Leonard Bairstow. London, Longmans, Green and company, 1920. 565 p. diagrs.,
plates, tables.
Applied aerodynamics. Part I. Performance, Part £.
Stability and control, by George Paget Thompson.
New York,Henley, 1920. diagrs,, tables.
Fliegerlsraftlehre, von Otto Heinrich Wiener. Leipzig
S. Hirzel, 1920. 240 p. bibliog., diagrs.
Textbook of applied aeronautic engineering, by Henry
Woodhouse. Ne?r York, The Century company, 1920.
324 p. diagrs., illus.
Theorie du vol des avions, par Rodolphe Soreau.
E. Chiron, 1920. 63 p". diagrs.
Indications sur le problème de 1 "-avion, par René Devillers.
L'Aéronautique, July 1919, v. 1, no. 2, p. 22-28. illus.
Dynamics of flight, "bv G. P. Thomson. Sngin.er, London,
liar, 14, 1319, v. 127, p. 252-253,
Report on measurement of accelerations on aeroplanes in
flight, "by C-. F. C. Searle and W. Cullinore. London,
K. M. Stat, off., 1918. 23 o. diagrs. (A.R.C.
R. & li, no. 469)
Theory of an airplane encountering suste, by Edwin Bidwell
Wilson. Washington, U. S. Gort, print, off., 1919.
7 p. (N.A.C.A."Report no. 27)
Aerodonetics, by Frederick Willi-pa Lànches'tftap.
Constable a,n,d company, Ite!., 1917.
La Ivlécanique de !•aviation; preface du colonel Paul Renard.
Paris, Librairie aeronauticue, 1917. 159 p. diagrs..
Preliminary report on measurements of accelerations on
aeroplanes in flight, by G. F. C. Searle and F, A.
Lindemann. London, H. M. Stat, off., 1917. 9 p.
illus. (A.R.C. R. & M. no, 376)
Aérodynar.iique; cours professe à l'accie imperiale technique
de Moscow par N, Joukowskì; tr. du russe par S.
Drsowiecki'J par Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovskiu. Paris,
Gauthier-Villane, 1916. diagrs-, illus.
Einführung in die dynamik der flugzeuge^mit besonderer
berücksichtlgung der mechanischen ähnlichkeit, von
Hans Georg Bader. Berlin, 1916. 46 p, (Forschungsarbeiten aus dem gebiete des ingenieurwesens no. 189,
Theory of an airplane encountering gusts, by Edwin Bid ;ell
Wilson. Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 19IS.
5 p. diagrs . ~(N. A. C. A. Report no. 21)
Flight without formulae; simple discussions on thecechanics of the aeroplane, by amile Auguste Duebene.
Translated from the French by -John K. Ledebc^r,
Lonemans, Green and company, London and He** York,
1914. 211 D. diagrs.
Aeroplani e dirigibili, di Alessandro Guidoni. Roma,
Officina poligrafica italiana, 1913. 15 p. diagrs.
Momentum in air. Flight, London, Oct. 5, 1912, v. 4*
no. 40, p. 897.
ïhe A B C of dynamics, by R. de Villamii.
P. N. Spun, 1912* 155 p. illus.
London, E. and
The Dynamics of mechanical flight, by Sir Alfred George
Greenhill. New York, Van Nostrand. 1812. 121 p".
dlagrs., illus., tables.
Flying machine dynamics and the us- of a speed indicator
for making an aeroplano saf:-, by Archibald Black.
Aircraft, New York, Ssp. 1911, v. £, no. 7, p, 2-40.
Dynam i a s of the flying ma chi ì : : ;, by J am es S . Stephens.
Aircraft, Sew York, Aug. 1Q1P, v. 2, no. 5, p. 196-197.
diagr, ( AI so Journal of t'-: i Western society of
engine ars, Chicago, June 1911, v. 13, no. 6, p: 471-478)
La. Stabilisation at l'atterrissage des aeroplanes, par
Marcel Armengaud. La Concuete äe l'air, Bruxelles,
Feb, It-j 1911, v. 6, no, 4, p. 4,
A er o dy na m i k ; einiges am t *.v er k über das f 1 i egen, aus dem
engl is eli en über s et st von C. und A. Runge und Frederick
William Lanohcster. Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner,
1909-1911, v. 2, diagrs., illus.
The Aeroplane. The principles of dynamic flight, by
Thomas O'Brien, J. H. Ledeboer and C, C. Turner. London, Longraans, Green and company, IS11. 127 p. illus.
Langley memoir on mechanical flight, by Samuel Pierpont
Langley. Washington, Smithsonian institution, 1911,
320 p. illus.
À propos du théorème^des quantités de mouvement, par G.
Daloz. Revue aérienne, Paris. Dec. 10, 1910, v. 3,
no. 52, p. 688-639.
Le Théorème des quantités de ni ou v ornent dans 1' aérodynamique, oar Witold Jarko?rski. Revue aérienne, Paris,
Nov. 25, 1910, v. 3, no. 51, c. 556-662.
Ë*tude géométrique sur l'équilibre et la décente rectlligne
de l'aéroolane, oar L. Lecornu. L'Aeronaut e, Paris,
Apr. 30, May 7, 1910, v. 43, no. 533, 534, t. 153-154,
160-1Ô1. illus.
L'Aéroplane, étudié st calculé par les mathématiques élémentaires, par Emile Auguste Duchêne. Paris, R.
Chapelot et compagnie, 1910. 306 p. diagrs., illus.
3tatik des fluges, von YV. Buchalo,
Pfc-iffer, 1910.
Stuttgart, Greiner und
Sustentation, propulsion, evolution de 1 '^aeroplane, par
Henri Dujardin. Paris, Librairie aeronautique 1910.
65 p. dlagrs., illus.
A Textbook of aerial engineering; the problem of flight,
second edition, by Herbert Chntley. London, Griffen,
1910. 131 p. bibliog., diagrs., illus., tables.
The Dynamics of flight, by Frederick William Lanchester.
Engineering, London, Jtin.-Jum'; 1909, v. 9?, p. 602-603Wissenschaftliche fragen der flugtechnik, von H. Reissner.
Deutsche inathematischo vereinlgung, 1909, v* 18,
p. 25-37.
Researches and experiments in aerial navigation, by Samuel
Pierpont Langley. Washington, U. S, Govt, erint. off.,
A Test-book of aerial engineering} the problem of flight,
first edition, by Herbert Chat ley. London, Griffin,.
1907. 119 p* bibliog., diagrs., illus,, tables.
Note sulla dinamica dell'aeroplano, dì Emanuele Vali1er.
Bolistino della Società aeronautica italiana, Roma,
Jùly-Sep. 1905, v. 2, no. 7-9, p. 146-147.
Notes sur la dynamique de I aeroplane, par. Emanuele Vallier.
Paris, V. C, Dunod, 1905, 98 p. dìagrs, (From
Revue mccanìoue, Paris, July-Dec. 1904, v, 15, e. 5-32,
101-117, 342-356, 539-543)
Le Problème general du vol et la force centrifuge, par
A. Averly. Paris, C. Dunod, 1904, 95 p. diagrs,
Ë"tude du mouvement d'un aviateur-aéroplane, cr,r L. J.
Henry, Nantes, H. Schwob et eie, 1902." 124 p.
Experiments in aerodynamica, by Samuel Pierpont Langley.
Washington, Smithscnian Institution, 1902. 115 p.
diagrs., tables.
Per Dynamische flug, von Georg Wellner. Brünn, Verlag
der k.k. Technischen hochsohule, 1899. 46 c. diagrs.
Dynamic flight, by A, M. Herring, Aeronautical annual
Boston,' 1896, no. 2, c. 39-101.
On operators in physical mathematics; Pr,rts I , I I , by
Oliver Hearisiue. Proceedings of the Royal society
of London, Feb. 2, 1895, v. 52, o. 504-529, June 15,
1895, v. 54, p. 105-143. tables.
Dio Gesetze des fluges, von Victor Daltrop. Breslau, J,
Max und ca., 1893. 43 p.
Natürliche fliegesystemc, deren wissenschaftliche tfnträthselung und praktischer ausbau. Sechs vortrage von
?. W. Lippert. Wien, Mans, 18S4. 1 2 9 p . dlagrs.,
Theorie dvnanique, oar Duconciu;l.
Paris, 1B33, p< 406.
Les Kondes III, V,
Abhandlung über öio bovogun^eri der luftmasenine, von
Johann Froyhorr v, Paccaasi. Wien, J. Th, Edler von
Trattner, 1734, 34 p. tables.
Addison, Vernon L.
Ahara, E. V.
Ahlborn, Friedrich
Aitkin, A. C,
Alayrac, Antoine Charles
Allen, Edward T .
Allward, G. A.
Allwork, P. H.
Alston, R. P.
Anderlik, E.
Anderson, R. F,
Armengaud, J.
Armengaud, Marcel
Andrews, W. R.
Arnold, A- J.
Arnouv, Rem*
Asano, T .
Astier, F,
Atkinson, 0. 13.
Averly, A.
Backer, J. W. P,
Bacon, D. L.
Bacon, R. H. S.
Bader, Georg Hans
Bairstow, Leonard 25,60,75,76
Ball, Robert S.
Ballon, Yi\ K.
3anki, Donat
Baranoff, Aleris von 40,50,57
Barbaudy, Georges
Barbet, E.
Barlow, T. T-u
Barnwell, F. 3.
Baron, A.
Barton, Alexander F.
Basebe, Arthur C.
Bateman, H.
Batson, A. S.
Bau&oux, ?.
Baumann, A .
Bazin, Albert
Beard, A. ?,
Becker, Fritz
Bedell, F.
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bell. Gardiner H.
Bellenger, George
Berriman, Algernon E*
Bertln, Lucien
Bettison, George H.
Beta, Albert
Biche, Jean
Blechteler, Curt
Bienen, Theodor
Bierent, Georges
Biot, M.
Bleak, Herman
Bl^riot, Louis
Blyth, J. D.
Eo^aert, S.
Rotas, H.
Booth, Willia.u
Borcau, Rodolohe
Bothczat, Georges de
Bou chard-Frac e i q
Bouche, Henri
Bowman, R. G.
Boykow, H.
BoykO"', J. M.
Bradfield, F. B.
Bramson, M. L.
Braranell, F. H.
Bre'guet, Louis
Brillouin, ¥..
Bringas, Luiz
Brockway, F. G
Brooks, C.
Brown, G- C.
Brown, w. G-.
Bruce-Walker, 3.
Brunet, Gaapar
Bryan, George Hartley
Bryant, L. W.
Buchalo, »7.
Budig, Friedrich
Budwig, G. GBurelli, Vincent J.
3urzio, Filloco
Cairo, Gunther
A .
Campbell, N. R.
Cantoni, Alberto
Carafoli, Slie
Caria, Ugo de
Carleman, M. T.
Carroll, Thomas
Cave-Br o<?'n^-Cave, B. .
Chstley, Herbert
92,94,97,98,109,112 '
Clark, K. W.
Ciarle, Vìrginius Evans
Clarke, T. W. K.
46 ,62,79
Clauael, G-.
Clinker, R. C.
Coales, J. D.
Cody, S. F.
Conns to n, Arthur Kolly
Constantin, L.
Coombes, L. P,
Cooper, Bertram G.
Couannlor, Henry A.
Courtney, Frank T.
Cousin, Joseph
Gowlev, VYillif?.7n I.e^ls 2,65,70
Coy, H. Roxbee
Crane, K . C .
Crocco, Gaetano Arturo 61,7?
Crofoot', A . 3.
Oroseek, H.
Crouzon, 0.
Crowley, J. W.
Cullìmore, W.
Cushing, R. K.
Daloz, G-.
Daltrop, Victor
Davis '
Davy do ?, N. P.
Dearborn, C, H.
Dolauney, A.
Delbègue, R.
Denkinger, George K.
DePort, T.
Desmons, René
Dovillers, René
Dìehl, Walter S. 13,28,68,71
Dodd, Maurice
Doolittle, Jones H.
Douglas, D. W.
Douglas, G. P.
Doutre, Ad.
Dryden , Hugh L .
Draewieki, S.
Duchèno, EmilB Auguste
Dujardìn, Henri
Dumas, Alexandre
Duncan, W. J.
Duouy, Pierre
Durand, William Fredorlc 105
Durand-Greville, S.
E., R.
Eck, Bruno
Edelstein, Fritz
Edgcumbe, Kenelm
Slani, K. 0.
El pol, Heinz
Esi-rin, B.
Es"italiier, G.
Est-rr.o. Ferdinand d'
Et -.ve, Albert
Sul a, A .
Faccioli, A .
Frge, A.
Fan deux, Q-.
Farmer, Claude
Felix, James H.
Fenton, G. B.
Ferber, Captain
Ferry, Ervin Sidney
Fewstcr, T. H.
Fils, E. Allary
Fischer, H. R.
Fischer, Max E. E.
Fitzgerald, Maurice F.
Fligh, W. S.
Foepol, Ludwig
Forbes, V. F.
Forissier, Auguste
Fournier, Lucisn
Fo^lor, Harlan D.
Fox, Walter £.
Francis, H. A.
Francis, R, K.
Fraaer, R- A.
Frlcke, Herman
Fucha A.
Fuchs, Richard
Fukntsu, R.
G, , R, T.
Gadd, A. G.
Galbraith, S. L ,
Gallon, C,
Garges, J. P. D.
Garner, H. M,
Gates, S. B. 27,31,32,36 37,
Geckeler, Josef
Gehlen, Karl
Gerhardt, W. F.
Gibson, Theodore
Gilles, A.
Girardville, Lucas
Glaser, W. H.
Glauert, H.
Goldman, L. Beauclerc
Gough, 11, N,
Graham, R. R.
Gramitzki, H. J.
Gratiot, Robert
Gray, W. E.
Green, Ernest M.
Greenhill, Alfred George 111
Greenhlll, George
Griffith. E. A.
Guerin, A.
Gugl1elmet to, A1do
Guibert, Marlus
Guidoni, Alessandro
Gumbel, S. J.
Gwinn, J. H
H. , L.
H-.gg, A I E.
Hall, John v. L.
Hallid.ay, A. S.
Kamabs, Genjiro
Hamburger, H.
Kandley-Page, F.
Hankins, G. A.
Hanna, John G.
Hardy, J. K.
H argrav e, La^T enc e
Harper, C. B.
Harper, E. H.
Harris, R. G.
1,7, 9
Harris, Thomas A .
Hart, Ivor B.
Hartley, J. K.
Hartshorn, A. 3. 7,10,11,12,
Kaus, Ch. Frederic 2,3,40,43,
Hawkins, E. C,
Heald, R, H.
Heariside, Oliver
Heidelberg, V,
Hsimstaedt, Oscar
Heinrich, Albert S
Heinz. F.
Keinze, Edwin P.
Kele-Shaw, H. S.
Helmet, Paul
Hendrickson, C. J
Kenry, L, J.
Herrera, Coronel
Herring, A. M.
Herrmann, K.
Hertel, Heinrich
Higgins, G. J.
Hill, G. T. R.
Hill, R. M.
Hirst, D. it.
Kodek, Viktor
Koff, Wilhelm
Hohonemser, K.
Hoitma n n, Ant on
Hoot, Henry Irvin
Hopf, H.
Hoof, Ludwig
Hounsfield, F. R. C.
Kovgard, P. E.
Howarth, C.
Huebner, Walter
50,65,66,67,83 16,22,39,40
Hughes, A. V.
Huguennrd, E.
Kuguet, L.
Kume*Roth"ry, J. H.
Kunsaker, Jerome Clarke
Hunt, V7. E.
Huntington, E. V,
Husteà, D. R.
Irving, H, 3.
14,17,19,23,31 , 33 , 34, 35 , 36,
37,38,39,40,41 ,42,55,56,58,
Jacobs, Eastman H
Ja e s chke, Rudo1f
James, Paul
Jansen, Hans
Jarkowski, Witold
Jeffreys, Harold
Jenney, Willis, "i
Johns , A. .
Johnson, C. L.
Johnson, Valentin
e Eduard 26
joliot. André
Jones, 3. Melvill
59,92,101,102, 19.20,24,35
Lacresle, A.
Jones, Bradley
Laurent, Louis
Jones, E. T.
10,12,56, 69
Lavender, T.
Lecornu, L.
Jones, I. M, W. _
Lodoboer, John Henry
Jones, J, H.
Lee, John G.
Jenes, L. J.
Leglise, Pierre
Jones, R.
Legrand, G.
Jon?s, Robert T.
Leib, A.
Joyce, Temple N.
Le Maître, W.
Jute ai")., A,
Le Page, V. Laurence
Walter V,
Loobre, G.
Kann, Heinrich
Leroux, 3,
Kapt oyn, Albort
Leroux, Paul
Karman, Theodore
Les '-'urr*, Jcan
Kat z mayr, Ri char à
Lesh, L. J.
Kauffmann, Paul A- G.
Kelham, Thomas
Kenv/orthv, C, R. L.
Lilirnthal, Gustav
Kerber, L. V.
Kermode, A . 0.,
Linâ.-minn, F. A.
Kerneis, Juan
Lio"oort, P, W.
Lieoiach, A.
Kiel, Heinrich Georg
Lock, C. K. H.
King, A.
Kingsley-FIEIA, C93
Lockyer, C. S, w
Loening, Grover Cleveland 1 3
Kirkuo, T. A.
Kirachbauv-,, H. W.
Xirste, Leon
Kl e i n vi a e ch t or, J.
64 Lombard, A . E.
Lyons, P. M.
Klomin, Alexander
K.• B.
Knight, Montgomery
, L. T,
56, G3
Knoetzseh, Kana Dietrich
Knoller, Richard
Kosnig, Georg
MacDlll, Leslie
Koeopen, J. V.
Koning, C.
Kooonn, D. C.
Koopcn, Otto C.
HcJIillan, G. A.
Korvin-Kroukovsky, 3. V.
Kraruo, Marius G.
Kress, V.
Kromcr, H.
Kruse, Kclnuth
Mallock, Henry Reginald
L., K.
50 ,99
Lacaine, J,
Lachmann, G. V.
Lafon, Charles
Mnrrollos, K. J. de
LnIdler, W,
Lamb, Dean I.
Lamothe, Victor
Mathias , Gotthold 10,50 , D 4 , 55
Lanchester, Frcderlck WilMattioli, G. D.
Maser, Paul
Langley, Samuel Pierpont 111
Mfi&vedeff, Nicolas
Meredith, Al1ert
F. W. Adams
Hot calf, A. G, B. 1,16,21,63
Mettnm, H. A.
Jieugnlot, A .
Tfid^ood, G. F.
Hiegl, Wilhelm
Kiki, Tetsuo
Miller, H. 3.
Miller, Ii. P.
Killer, W. H.
MilliKan, Clarke B.
Mineiii, Carlo
Kirguet, Henri
7.11 sea, Richard v.
Mj.62tal, Franz
Mokrzycki, Gustav o Andro
Kongo, Louis de
Monish, 3. H.
Monnin, Jean
iviont ei t h, Ch a s. Kort on
Moräne, Robert
Iloreau, Albort
Horse, A . L.
Mueller, Horst
Mueller, R. K.
rueller, Wilhelm
Muffling. E. Adrian v.
Münk, Max Michael
Nayler, J. L.
Nimfuehr, Raimond
Noalhat, H.
North, John D.
Korton, Frederic Karwood
Norton, W, H. •
Noycs, Riehard VI,
Ober, Shatsveil
O'Brien, Thoma3
Ofstie, Rr,lph A.
0'Gorman, Meryyn
Olley, Maurice
Ornerod, A.
O^er, E.
Hees, Gustav
Möllnj A.
Ozouf, René
Paccassl, Johann v,
Pacotte, Julien
Page, G. E.
Parker, Percy
Parkin, J. H.
Parry, R. D.
Parsevai, August v.
Pasche, Francis
Fausoy, E. V.
Pawscy, G. L.
Pearson, Ralph ttl.
Peatfleld, I. L.
Peeô , Jr. , Gerland' Powell 37
Pégcuc, Adolphe
Perring, F. G- A,
Poaek, R.
Potorsohn, E,
Pfalsner, Paul
Phiops, Walter K.
Piercy, N. A,
Pillard, M.
Pinsent, D, K.
Piopard, À. J, Sutton
Pitcairn, Harold F.
Platt, S. C.
Pleines, Wilhelm
8,16 ,39,40
Poggi, L.
Powell, C. FT.
Prandtl, Ludwig
Pris, M.
21 ,22,81
Pro ^ger, Frledri ch
Prooosto, S. del
Pu^sley, A. G.
66, SI
Pur din, W. E,
Quosactte, J.
Qulgnrsse, A.
F/iabo, M.
Rat eau, Au^u st e
Ravàt, J, F.
Rebuffet, F.
Regnr.rd, Paul
Rcgnauit, Henri
Raid, Elliot G105
Reid, H. J. S.
Reissnc-r, H.
Reix, Louis
RAlf, E. F.
19,43 ,53,59
Renard, Charles
Renard, Paul
Renateau, L.
Renaud, R.K. V .
Riabouchinsky, D.
Richardson, C. L.
Richardson, Lawrence B •
JÜ cht er,
Riviere, Pierre
Robin, Maxim
Robins, E. Temple
Roche, J. A.
Rodet, Joseph
Root, L. E.
Rota, Auguste
Roy, Maurice
Ruffror, Jr., Benjamin F. .17
Rüssel, C-. C. D.
S., W.
J. H.
S&inte-Lagud, A .
Salkowski , E.
Sandleon. G. G. D.
Saulninr, R. r,
S ,yp.
\V. H.
Scarborough, James 3.
Scb^ubel, F. N.
Schmeidler, V7crner
'S chin i dt, W ilh eIm
23 ,30
53 , aD U
36, 37
Schmitt, Paul
Schronic, Oscar
Schwarz, R.
Scott-Hall, S.
36,57, 103
Scudder, Nathan Frost
Searle, G. F. C.
Seowald, F*
Seidraan, 0,
Seiferth, R.
Selby, F. J.
Seilers, Matthew 3.
Sencuoue, A.
Sorby," J. E.
Seux, Edmond
Shav, Williar.; R. Douglas
Shortal, Josooh Adams
49 ,54
Sinrnonds, 0. E.
Simmons, L. F. G,
Skan, Sylvia W.
Skutsch, Reinhard
Slavin, J , J .
Smith, R. K.
Smith, T . 0.
Somnorville, William S.
Soreau, Rodolohe
Soulo, Hartley Akin
37, €6
Soufcbvpll. R. V.
Sporry, Lawrence B.
Spratt, G. A .
3t.?.ll:or, E. A .
St*-.rrc;tt, D. W.
Stechens, A . V.
i?tephens, Jan.es S.
Stevens, K. L.
Still, Einer G.
Strong, Henry I.
Strother, D. K.
Studley, B.
Sutton, Harry A.
Syoyama, Nituo
Tanakadate, A!hi tu
Taylor, G. I.
Tchorschersky, A.
Theodorsen, Theodore
Thompson, A. W. H,
Thompson, D Arcy-Wentworth 88
Thompson, F. L.
Thomson, George Paget
Thouveny, Louis
Thurston, A, F.
Thurston, Albort Peter
Tietjens, Oscar G.
Tinson, G. W.
Toeofor, Karl
Toussaint, A.
Tonnesend, D.
ToTnsend, H. 0. K.
sv pl y an, A .
Trigona del In, Floresta,
Tumbu) 1, W. R.
Turner, C, C.
TJpSün, Ralph K.
Vahlen, K. Th.
Valle, Fl.
Vallier, Smanuele
Van de Putte, J.
Vasserot, T,
Vellay, E.
Volley, M«
Vernham, Noel M. H.
Vetschinkin, V. P.
Villamil, H. de
Vogelsang, C. W.
Vogt, R.
Voigt, Willy
Voisin, Charles
Voisin, Gabriel
Voimerange, A.
Volta, H'.'
Walkd^n, S. u.
5 7P ,90,34
Warner, Eduard P.
Warsao, J. H.
Watter, ?I.
Weick, F. S.
Weiss, Jose
Well ner, C-eorg
Wenham, F. H.
WenzInger, Carl J.
Wetnore, J. W.
Wetter, J.
Whcntley. J. B.
Wheeler, N. F.
Wiohmann, ¡1.
Wiener, Otto Hcinrich
Wieselsbcrgcr, C.
Wilcox, Philip Wakeman
Wlldeblood, K. S.
Williams, Alford
Williams, Jr., A. J.
Williams, B. V.
Williams, D. K.
82, 84
Willians, Kenneth Powers 109
t.'ilson, Edwin Bidv/ell
Wimscris, H. E.
V/intringiiaa, T. H.
Wol o-inor, 'v.
Wood, Karl Dav-'son
•tinod, R. licKinnon
Wood, W. S.
Voodhouse, Henry
Woods, Baldwin. M.
Wright, K. V.
Wright, Orvllle
Wright, T. ?.
X. .
Younger, John E.
Zahn, Albert Brands
Zhukovskiu, Nicolai
Zinmermar, C. B.
Zv-'ick, Hermann

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