Performance pays off Anti foot pain


Performance pays off Anti foot pain
Information for the well-being of your feet
Straight cut and
granulation tissue
more on page 2
more on page 2
It works… Panthenol
Performance pays off
ccording to a survey conducted in 2009 by the
German Ramblers' Association, more than 50%
percent of the German population regularly
enjoys hiking through nature. Since April 2010, the
German Ramblers' Association has been offering
additional encouragement. With its movement and
health initiative “Let’s go – every step keeps you fit“, the
association has created the German hiking badge.
Supported by the Federal Ministry of Health, hikers and
backpackers can get their hiking fitness pass, in which
they can document all their hiking tours.
A lot of kilometres
The demands that must be fulfilled to be awarded the first
grade badge, the bronze badge, are not exactly sailing.
The badge is awarded according to the number of
kilometres the applicant has hiked: adults have to hike
200 kilometres within one calendar year, young people
150 and children 100. Disabled people have to
distance. The required
number of kilometres has
to be accomplished in the
course of at least ten hikes
in the calendar year as
regular exercise has a
positive effect on health. If
applicants take part in a
hike lasting several days, only three of these days will
count. For the silver badge the required number of
kilometres have to be accomplished for three years
successively, for the gold badge five years successively.
Everyone can get it
Various hiking activities of the hiking associations,
which are affiliated to the German Ramblers`
Association as the umbrella organisation, are evaluated.
The membership of a hiker in a hiking club is not
Anti foot pain
or more than 130 years, the recipe containing the ingredients special
medicinal soap, vaseline, lanolin and talcum has been safely and securely
protecting skin from mechanical abrasion if it is applied to feet on a
regular and long-term basis. The natural essential oils contained in GEHWOL
FOOTCREAM, such as thyme oil, also reduce the production of sweat to a
normal extent, inhibit excessive bacterial degradation of the foot sweat and
disinfect the foot, whereby it is protected from inflammation and fungal
infections. Camphor activates the blood circulation and
improves the performance of the feet. Cooling menthol
refreshes the feet. Therefore the cream is an ideal companion
when you are hiking. If a layer of one millimetre is applied to
the skin area to be protected, it inhibits skin abrasion and
Foto: Ferienwelt Winterberg
According to a survey, 50 percent of the German population is interested
in gentle exercise in the countryside. Regular hiking trips have also been
honoured with the German hiking badge since last year. However,
candidates must walk a few kilometres before they achieve this honour.
required to receive the badge. The participation in the
activities is confirmed by the respective hiking guide
after the tour in the hiking fitness pass.
The fitness initiative exceeded all expectations in 2010.
"We have received lists from all over Germany almost
every day. 1050 hiking badges were awarded during the
first few months“, rejoiced Ute Dicks. The manager of
the German Ramblers` Association also anticipates a
great interest in the badges in the coming season.
The German hiking badge was developed in cooperation
with the Department of Physiotherapy of the University
of Applied Science in Osnabrück. The positive effects on
health have led many health insurance companies to
award points in their bonus programmes.
In the Harz Mountains, the Vosges or the Alps – many
regions have their own hiking badges and needles.
Among the hiking population, it has become a popular
sport to collect as many different badges as possible and
to present these at the social gathering after a long march.
Many badges and needles can also be acquired
commercially. But the awards one has won oneself are
the best.
You can find further information concerning the German
hiking badge on the website of the German Ramblers'
Straight cut and granulation tissue
From babies to old age – this occurs in all sectors of society: ingrown nails can push deeply into
the nail bed and cause painful inflammation. This torture to the feet can be eliminated by preventative measures and the appropriate care.
Nail edges are straightened, bothersome nail parts and
corns are removed from the nail fold. In difficult cases,
nail correction clips could help. This almost painless
and non-invasive treatment is an alternative to surgery.
A doctor must be consulted in extreme cases.
Self prevention
To prevent ingrown nails or the recurrence of ingrown
nails, there are many practical tips available apart from
cutting the nails straight. The first thing is that the
cause must be remedied. This includes checking the fit
of shoes and changing the shape of the shoe, if this is
necessary. Feet change in the course of life. GEHWOL
pressure protection articles made of polymer gel are
suitable for balancing pressure points in shoes. The
regular application of GEHWOL med Nail Softener also
prevents nails from becoming ingrown.
Beautiful nails are usually an indication of healthy nails.
inger and toe nails consist of natural horn material
(keratin). This grows from the nail bed by an
average of 0.5 to 1.2 millimetres per week. A
healthy toe nail consists of 100 to 150 layers of horn,
which explains its hardness. If any disturbance arises
during the growth phase, for example due to impact
injuries, illnesses or deficiencies, these will also have
an impact on the appearance of the nail.
Ingrown nails (Unguis incarnatus) bore deeply into the
soft tissue at the edges of nails, the nail furrows, which
can lead to painful irritation or inflammation of the nail
wall (paronychia). Granulation tissue is formed. This
tissue grows over the edge of the nail to protect and
close the wound. This causes the nail to grow deeper
into the nail bed. They frequently then become
Analysis of cause
Ingrown nails and the associated excessive skin growth
are among the most common nail complaints. Foot
specialists estimate that up to 30 percent of their clients
are affected. These nail problems can be found both in
men and women, from babies to old age.
It is usually the big toes that are affected. The main
causes of this extremely unpleasant and enduring foot
problem are the wrong distribution of pressure,
changes in the arch of the foot and/or the toes,
hereditary (for example, excessively long toes),
inappropriate footwear (too small, too narrow, too
pointed, too high heels) and faults in nail care. Cutting
the nails wrongly is often the reason for corneal layers
growing into the tissue. In contrast to finger nails, toe
nails must be cut straight across, as otherwise the edge
of the nail is bit by bit pushed into the nail bed by the
pressure of the shoes.
The right medicine
As is the case with the majority of complaints, there are
many tips concerning ingrown nails, which often do
not help, or if they do, only in mild cases, and some of
them are even counterproductive. One example of
such a tip is:
"Cut the nails into a round shape“. Experienced
chiropodists do not give such recommendations. In
many cases, the foot specialist is best able to alleviate
the problems. He/she knows the right procedure to
quickly soothe the pain and prevent inflammations.
Many people suffer from a sensitive skin. Dry
central heating air, UV radiation but also
excessive or the wrong care can irritate
sensitive areas of skin. Unpleasant symptoms
such as reddening, itching or flaking of the
skin are prevented by the human bodily
vitamin panthenol.
Foto: FOTOLIA /FikMik
anthenol is also defined as provitamin B 5. In the
form of panthotenic acid, it is found in every
living cell in humans and is involved in many
important metabolic processes, for example, in the
formation of new skin cells. It becomes active wherever
continuous renewal naturally takes place – in the skin,
hair and nails.
Skin regeneration
Panthenol belongs to the chemical group of the
alcohols. The skin-compatible ingredient is well
known for its skin regenerating properties.
The correct nail cutting technique is also of great
significance. It is not only the cutting of nails into a
round shape that is the problem. The front corners of
nails are often cut too short or the nails as a whole are
cut too short. A mistake made by many tall, young
people with big feet, but also by athletes, so that the
allegedly too long toe nails do not disturb in the shoe.
Parents also often cut the nails of their offspring too
short. Although well-meant, this creates a tendency for
ingrown nails.
With increasing age, or in the case of severe strain and
pressure, this capability declines. Panthenol can help
here. It is extremely well absorbed by the skin where it
GEHWOL pressure protection articles made of polymer
gel provide significant relief for ingrown toe nails.
is converted to the “actual“ vitamin B5, the panthotenic
acid. Panthenol easily permeates the skin and does not
only activate the important cellular regeneration
process, it also smoothes and beautifies the skin and
makes it look younger.
But panthenol can do more than this. It also has an
inflammation-inhibiting reaction and heals itching skin
rashes, allergic skin diseases, fissures, cracks and
calluses. Moreover, it makes the skin resistant to the
penetration of bacteria, fungi and other germs by
strengthening the skin barrier. Furthermore, panthenol
also influences the moisturisation of the skin:
by binding water in deeper layers of the skin.
With these outstanding properties, the provitamin is
ideal for application in cosmetic products. Also in foot
care. For example, the valuable skin vitamin unfolds its
diverse effects in the GEHWOL med Salve for cracked
Handel brachte
om 13. bis 17. Jahrhundert galt Winterberg als
Hansestadt, da die Stadt am Schnittpunkt der
Heidenstraße von Köln nach Kassel und der
Heerstraße von Frankfurt nach Soest lag. Die schlechten landwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen führten dazu,
dass der Handel eine zentrale Rolle als Lebensgrundlage im Leben der Stadt spielte. Einige Kriege und verheerende Feuerkatastrophen setzten dem Sauerlandstädtschen vor allem im Mittelalter stark zu.
Foto: Ferienwelt Winterberg
Südwestlich von Kassel und nordöstlich von
Siegen liegt eine Perle deutscher Mittelgebirgsstädte. Das kleine Städtchen Winterberg
bringt mit seinem Konzept „AktivZeit“ Erholung, Gesundheit und Spaß für die ganze
Familie und das ganze Jahr hindurch.
Ski und Rodel „gut“
Foto: Ferienwelt Winterberg
Doch seit jeher lassen sich die Winterberger nicht
unterkriegen. Und so führten sie zu Beginn des 20.
Jahrhunderts das Skifahren ein, was sich für die nachfolgende Zeit als Aufschwungsmotor erweisen sollte.
Das Hochsauerland im Südosten Nordrhein-Westfalens
mit seinen 700 bis 843 Meter hohen Bergen und der
atemberaubend schönen Landschaft bietet ideale Voraussetzungen für den Wintersport. Winterberg verfügt
über 82 Abfahrten mit einer Gesamtlänge von 46 Kilometern. Von der leichten „blauen“ Abfahrt bis zu
schweren „schwarzen“ – für jeden Skifahrer ist etwas
dabei. Wandern im Schnee auf den 30 Kilometer
Die faszinierende Landschaft des Hochsauerlands ist ein
beliebtes Ziel für Nordic Walking-Begeisterte.
Schneesicher: Im Januar und Februar finden Wintersportler gute Schneeverhältnisse für Ski alpin, Langlauf und
Rodeln vor – beste Voraussetzung für eine aktive Zeit.
Wanderwegen oder gespurte Loipen für den Langlauf
ergänzen das umfangreiche, winterliche Angebot in der
Berühmt ist Winterberg für seine Rodelbahn. Im Eiskanal saust jedes Jahr mindestens einmal die Weltelite der
Rennrodler, Skeleton- und Bobfahrer dem Ziel entgegen. Sie ist die Heimbahn erfolgreicher Sportler wie
Weltmeisterin und Olympiasiegerin Sandra Kiriasis
oder Ex-Europameister René Spies. Skurriles wie die
„Schneeball-Schlacht Weltmeisterschaft“ oder das
„Chill and destroy Snowboard und Freestyle Festival“
ziehen Besucher in Winterberg ebenfalls in ihren Bann.
Doch auch in der schneefreien Zeit ist die Gegend um
Winterberg alles andere als arm an Attraktionen. Für
Wanderfreunde sind im Bergwanderpark Sauerland
460 Kilometer Wanderwege ausgewiesen. Winterberg
ist das „Nordic Aktiv“-Zentrum und bietet 30 Kilometer
markierte Wege. Auf 700 Kilometer Strecke können
sich Radfahrer und Mountainbiker austoben.
Viele weitere sportliche Angebote mit viel oder weniger Leistungsanspruch machen das Sauerland-Städtchen zu einem bewegten Ort. Dies wurde mit Unterstützung der Sporthochschule Köln 2008 in ein bundesweit einzigartiges Konzept gegossen. Die „AktivZeit
Always elastic
ou cannot do much against ingrown nails? Far
from it! There is a whole range of possibilities to
prevent the painful bodily reaction. The first one
is the selection of appropriate footwear. Shoes that are
too narrow press against the toes and the nail is pushed
under the nail fold.
Regular pedicures and nail care also contribute to the
reduction of the tendency for nails to become ingrown.
GEHWOL med Nail Softener provides effective aid in
such cases. If nails are treated with the nail softener
every day, they will remain elastic and will not harden.
Das Projekt wird durch den Europäischen Fonds für
Regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) und das Ministerium für
Wirtschaft, Energie, Bauen, Wohnen und Verkehr des
Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen gefördert. Die Entschleunigung vom Alltag, die Steigerung der Lebensqualität
durch Naturerlebnisse und die Stärkung der physischen
Gesundheitsfaktoren wie Ausdauer, Kraft und Körperwahrnehmung gehören dabei zu den Zielen.
Information und Buchung
Tourist Information Winterberg
Hauptstraße 10, 59955 Winterberg
Telefon: 02981 925032
E-Mail: [email protected]
Aktivität im Fokus
GEHWOL med Nail Softener
Ingrown nails are usually unpleasant and painful. So it would be better not to allow the nails
to become ingrown in the first place.
GEHWOL med Nail Softener effectively
prevents this malaise.
Winterberg“ will mit Sport, Bewegung und dem Erleben in einer intakten Natur den erfolgreichen Weg zur
physischen und mentalen Gesundheit, zu mehr Wohlbefinden und mehr Lebensqualität im Älterwerden
ebnen. Bewährte Angebote dazu sind beispielsweise
Yoga-Walking oder E-Biken.
Healing effect
To achieve this effect, the nail softener uses the special
medicinal soap that has been tried and tested for many
centuries. The first soap recipe over 6000 years ago
focussed on the healing effect, rather than only on the
cleaning effect. Today the soap is used in cosmetic
products. It is an effective measure against horny,
cracked, dry and rough skin. It softens the horny skin
and restores the elasticity and resistance of the skin if
used on a regular basis. These properties are unfolded
in the special medicinal soap contained in GEHWOL
med Nail Softener.
Elastic nails have a lower tendency to becoming
ingrown. The nail softener provides effective protection
if used on a regular basis. The ingredient bisabolol from
the chamomile flower prevents reddening and
abrasion. It also protects against the fungi that cause
foot infections and sweat-degrading bacteria.
Fördern die „AktivZeit Winterberg“.
Everyone can protect himself/herself
It is estimated that almost 32 percent of the
citizens of Europe are infected with foot
or nail fungi. Regular foot care makes a
significant contribution to reducing the risk.
kin fungi can survive for months on objects such
as shoes, socks, or on the floor. Consequently
possibilities of infection are increased where
people walking barefoot could come into contact with
infectious flakes of skin, especially in the sauna, in the
swimming baths, in showers, in changing rooms and
even in shoe shops when you try on new shoes.
Long-term treatment
The creaming of the feet with appropriate foot care
products is primarily aimed at supporting the self
protection of the skin. Therefore fat and moisture improve the barrier function of the skin against fungi and
other germs. Natural essential oils with an antimicrobial
effect such as rosemary oil, lavender oil or eucalyptus oil
together with antifungal active ingredients such as
climbazole help to prevent infections in combination
with the care formula. Appropriate foot care products are
available from exclusive chiropodist practices and from
cosmetic institutes.
Know-how for all cases
But not everyone who comes into contact with skin and
nail fungi becomes infected. A healthy and intact skin
is not so easily infected. In contrast, the risk is greater
in patients who already have skin problems with their
feet related to illness or hygiene. For example, this is the
case with many diabetics, and this is the reason that
fungal disorders on the feet are more frequently detected
in diabetic patients.
Appropriate skin care therefore helps to prevent fungal
disease. However, if an infection should occur,
dermatologists and foot care specialists have a trained
eye for the skin condition of their patients. Chiropodists
and beauticians as well as pharmacists offer a wide, to
some extent, exclusive range of products; this means
they can explain the effective benefits and the use of
these products to their patients.
Fungi, bacteria and other pathogens can easily
penetrate the skin if the skin barrier is impaired.
20 GEHWOL-Produktsets für gepflegte Füße und Beine
zu gewinnen!
So geht’s: Finden Sie heraus, welche intensive
Pflegecreme die Elastizität der Haut wieder
herstellt und wirksam dabei hilft, Schrunden
zu vermeiden, und gewinnen Sie je ein fünfteiliges Set mit hochwertigen GEHWOL-Fußund -Beinpflegepräparaten – zusammen mit
einem kuscheligen Handtuch.
it den GEHWOL-Produkten unserer Gewinnsets kommen Sie mit warmen und gepflegten
Füßen durch feuchtkalte Wintertage. Im
GEHWOL Wärme-Balsam sorgen Extrakte aus Algen,
Paprika, Ingwer, ätherische Öle aus Rosmarin und
Lavendel sowie belebender Kampfer für ein angenehmes Wärmegefühl und wirken durchblutungsanregend.
Trockene Haut wird mit GEHWOL med Lipidro Creme
GEHWOL Balsam (normale Haut)
GEHWOL Wärme-Balsam
GEHWOL Bein-Balsam
GEHWOL med Lipidro Creme
GEHWOL pflegendes Fußspray
zusammen mit einem kuschelig weichen Handtuch
intensiv gepflegt. Harnstoff, Glycerin, Sanddorn- und
Avocadoöl und ein belebender Algenextrakt bringen die
Haut in ihr natürliches Gleichgewicht. Hochwertige
Pflegesubstanzen in den GEHWOL-Fußcremes und im
GEHWOL Bein-Balsam stärken die Fuß- und Beinhaut
und machen sie weich, geschmeidig und widerstandsfähig auch gegen Fußpilz. Spray-Liebhaber genießen
eine ausgewogene und reichhaltige Pflege mit dem
GEHWOL pflegenden Fußspray.
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