10 days special offer 10 days


10 days special offer 10 days
H l i \ f g l t FAHJft of•'•• N e s f e B u
Mm. Bay** k » rttanwd horn* to
Devid Kin«sto° *•» * * • m e t for
paint. Walter Colby aad Allen Fair
are on the job.
Mr. aad Mrs. Amos Pheliac have
gone to the state fair at Ayrarose.
They will be guests of Mr. aad Mrs.
William Butler.
The championship ball gam* between Brasher and Helena was played
at North Lawrence and won by the
Brasher boys Saturday.
Last Friday Floyd Firman, of this
place, was married to Miss Spotswood,
of Norfolk. May many happy years
be in the future for toem.
Mrs. James Shiankk and son
Romaine and Mrs. Melotte were in
Massena and Mrs. Shinnkk crossed
over to Cornwall Friday and Saturday.
Marion Kennehan has gone to Winstead, Conn., Miss Lillie Bauvier to
Topper Lake, Gertrude Desmond to
Atlantic City and Loretta Kennehan
to Landing Bridge to teach.
Frank and William Mason spent a
few days last week at the Mason home
before going to Cuba where they, in
connection with their brother, Dr.
Fred, have purchased a tobacco plantation.
The death of Herbert Ellsworth, of
Kansas City, was sad news to his
many friends here. He was one of
our business men for years and very
highly respected.
A t a m Church it hoeae recovering
JSrett* aa injury.
Mrs. Evans and son are visitingbar aunt, Mrs, Scullen.
KeO Ifarpfcy was at the supervisors
banquet at Canton last week.
Mr. aad Mrs. James Phillips, of
Hfemni are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Oswald, of Topper Lake,
was the guest of Mrs.Gokey*s family
last week.
Mrs. H. Courier has returned from a
visit to her daughter Carrie end little
daughter at Day's Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Roffie Church, of Watertowa, visited the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Hilts, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Carney and
daughter were here last week from
Morrisonville, N. 7 . They came in
their auto.
James Taylor, of Massena, had resumed his studies at the high school.
He is boarding with his grandmother,
Mrs. M. Taylor.
Mrs. Gearge Haley and son and
If men had to do the housework,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Butler, of Wa- they would have only paper dishes,
tertown, are guests at the William and a little blaze after each meal.
Butler home.
Take care to keep your friends,
J. H. McCarthy and Will Hill are then you needn't care about your
improving their homes with white enemies.
Hire Goods for Suae Mascy
S U M Goods for Leu Money.
Kauffman's Department Store
Hie Month of September is Bringing
Forth Many New Arrivals and
Such Goods as are the Present
Wants of Man, Woman and Child
Among the very latest arrivals is a very fine line of La.
dies'and Misses' High Grade Coats and Suits, ranging in
price from $10.00 to $35.00. All in the very latest models
and materials.
Have received a nice line of Girls' and Children's dresses
in grades to ran from 25c up to $3.00.
Gentlemen, we are anxious to show you through the
$ i a g Pis Custom Made line and the Celebrated Hart,
Schaffner & Marx High Grade Ready-to-Wear Clothing. We
have some very nice garments to show you for the boys, also
a complete line of Trousers in all grades from $t np to $6.
Dont forget we have the Rain Coat you want for all
ages, both male and female. Be prepared for that rainy spell.
New arrivals of Gingham, Calico. Outings, Prints, Percales and other yard goods. Prices from 5c per yard up.
We carry the most complete line of Footwear in this
section of the country. Also very complete lines of Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, Fancy Goods, etc.
Just take a glance through our lines of Hats, Caps,
Dress and Work Shirts, Overalls and Work Coats.
Ladies, are you interested in Muslin and Cambric Under
Garments, Shirt Waists of every description, House Dresses,
Wrappers and Skirts?
And now for the Bed Blankets, Comfortables, Pillows,
Sheets, Pillow Cases, Rugs, Oil Cloth, Umbrellas, Trunks,
Stat Cases and sundry other articles too numerous to mention.
Get in line, join the crowd. They are all headed for
the "Big Store."
Kaiiffman's Department Store
S M i w ^ S p ^ U . t K « f f » „ - . a r e 30 lb*, aas^r 11.00, l i b . ure
Lard Me, 4%0 lbs.
J o d a Graekers 25e. 4 lbs. Cow Braad Soda «,»,
0, 8a
^w r t f ? * ! ? 1 ' ^ 6 "J**", Naptha Soap 25c, 8 boxes Sardines 25c,
lib. Davis Baking Powder Ma, 1 pkg. Yeast 4c.
Mrs. Antofae k the goast of 1
Natte Gmrltr B e r t n w the
grandson, Arthur Leao, far a few
Bride ef JDaaJel CmmXkf.
day*. •
William Carville attended the C o n Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leao want to
fair Saturday.
Northneld, Canada, this weak to spend
Mrs. N . H . Denfeon, of Massena, is
a few days with relatives.
Mr.'and Mrs. Myron Rickard are tha goast of Miss Sarah Carville.
visiting relatives in LaHarmour Bay, Mr. and Mrs. John N. Praahaw spent
Sunday with friends in Massena.
Ont., and other places in .Canada.
Charles Fletcher and John Hamlin
Mr. and Mrs. Bay Henry entertained their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. have a force of men working on the
Eamon, of Maple Ridge, one day re- new hall.
Daniel Connolly, of Bombay, and
George Orcutt and little Miss Nellie Cr.-^ley, of this place,
Bernice and .Joel visited her sister, ware married at Bogansburg last
Mrs. Richard Hartford, several days week Tuesday. Their friends extended best wishes and congratulations.
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bailey, of
Mrs Baxter, of Montreal, was the
guest of her brother. Rev. James S t Regis Falls and Miss Mary
Baxter, at Pine View cottage during Crowley, of Utica, were guests of J.
R. Crowley in town Tuesday having
the past week.
Mrs. Mosher and little daughter attended the Connolly-Crowley wedClista, of Morristown are at the home ding.
Our school commenced last week
of her father, Darius Reynolds, for
Tuesday with L G. Goodell, of Mca few weeks visit.
At the third quarterly meeting of Graw, N. Y., as principal, Miss M. J.
this charge held in the M. E. church, Beatty, of Hogansburg, intermediate
Massena Center, Monday afternoon of and Miss Gertrude Hamlin, of this
this week a unanimous invitation place, in the primary department
was extended to Rev. James Baxter
to remain during the rest of the conNORTH LAWRENCE
ference year.
Miss Wood spent Sunday at her
Those from this place who attended home in Lisbon.
Cornwall fair last week were Mr. and
W. Martin, of Brasher, was a caller
Mrs. H. R. Fish, Mrs. Frank Atwood, in town the past week.
Mrs. Gogola, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Albert Merrill, of Elmira, was a
Lavine, Bertha Lavine, Mrs. Hamp- caller at M. D. Quenell's Wednesday.
ton, Mr. Bristol and Mrs. Robert .Francis Hoag has returned from
Kanoff and Elma and Elburn Kanoff. Lake Placid where he spent the sumMr. and Mrs. William Curtis en- mer.
tertained the Ladies Aid society, of
Mrs. Annie Chambers is spending
Massena Center, at tneir home at several days with friends in Norwood
Massena Point last Wednesday p. m. and Stockholm.
A bountiful tea was served from 5 to
Mrs. Harry Stevens, of Moira,
7 and although tbe weather was in- spent Thursday at the home of her
clement a very goodly number was mother, Mrs. C. Cole.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Rowell have
Although the work on the school gone to Massena to live. We are very
bouse is not yet completed our school sorry to have them leave our village.
is in session having commenced MonMrs. F. L, Davis and sister, Mrs.
day, September 8, with two teachers, Donell, from St. Albans, Vt., spent
Miss Belle Walmsley and Miss Ger- the past week end with friends in
trude Murphy, both of Massena. The Cornwall, Ont.
four grades from first to fourth inMiss Katie Brownson spent several
clusive will be in the town hall until days in Malone the past week and
the repairs on the school house are attended the wedding of Miss Blanche
Merrill and Mr. Ansby.
Intention Goed.
"I'II u he plaj
••Then what 1st
ue doing in thnt
crowd so much of
the time?"
"J ust t r y i n g
Thomas Carroll had a new telephone
put in Monday.
Mrs. John Bullard, of Sterlingville,
and Mrs. Henry Atwater, of Massena,
are spending a week with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson,
Miss Agnes Finnegan, of Syracuse,
spent Sunday with her brother Albert
and family. Miss Finnegan sails from
New York city Tuesday night for
Tammany admits it made almost as
great an error in nominating Mayor
Gaynor four years ago as it did in
nominating Governor Sulxar last yaar.
Lucy Strong is visiting friends in
Beatrice Merrell is attending the
union school at Winthrop this term.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spotswood, of
Norfolk were guests at Tye Rogers'
Mrs. Mildred Hanson visited her
husband at N. E. Glidden's Saturday
and Sunday.
Frances Goodnongh, of Winthrop,
has begun her school in this district
She boards with Mrs, V. E. Strong.
Benjamin Heywood, wife and daughter Marion were guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Vernon Marsh at Old Forge Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parr have
relatives visiting them from Canada,
also the Misses Lucy, of Ogdensburg,
are guests at their home.
Noel Glidden went to Canton Sunday to visit his mother. He found
her feeling quite a bit improved since
visiting her two weeks ago.
Con Sullivan and little daughter
Mary and his two sisters, Nell and
Mary, spent the week end at Mas
»ena with their brotner, Pat Sullivan,
and family.
Wedding Printing:
30 Day** Free Trial
Edna—Isn't Mai generous?
Marion—Tes. she's always firing
some one's secrets away,—Chicago
On* Advantage.
She-And in wh*t way is man snpertor-to WOIHBU?
lie— tVfll. he doesn't have- to rsi'll Ij'
CDC or tbo jieistlbiirs tu fasten Us vest
"t! tbe buck.—rim-iunati Eniininav
Pursuant to an order of AMc K.
Eerriman, Surrogate of tha County of
S t Lawrence, and according toefce
Statute in such, cases made aad provided, notice is hereby girert to all
persons having claims against the
estate of James Listen, late of Brash«
er in said county, deceased, that they
are required to exhibit the same, with
the vouchers thereof, to She subscriber, at the law office of B. S. O'Neill la
the village of Massena, N . Y., in said;
county, oa or before the 20th day ot
March, next.
Dated, September 9th, 1013.
Atfy. for Execute*,
100 pounds best granulated sugar (or $2.95
With each $20 purchase at my store, $10 worth of groceries (not
includingflouror sugar) and $10 worth of dry goods, clothing, shoes,
ladies' and gents' furnishings.
Fall and Winter Stock
The assortment is large. You do not have to buy what you do not
wamybut youcanbuy just what you need and want I guarantee
the prices as low and quaUty as grxid as anywhere else in town.
wmmmmmmmm ""••• 11I11
OMMaaaWU>>A. lAWa^a^k
«* £
mmmmmm wfmmmmmmJBt
There are hundreds and hundreds of Massena vxmtn who, if asked, would tell
New Tailored Suits
dj | O C A
Other New Models From
$ 2 2 . 5 0 to
These suits are makers' samplesmore desirable even than regular goods,
more care being given to? every little
detail of the making. -Many different
models, materials and colors to select
•••'^ v
Handsome new models made of excellent worsteds each showing the perfect
lines and graceful "set" thaf only the
expert tailor can impart to a garment.
Navy aad black. All sizes at #13.50.
N e w Tailored Suits
Refined styles with many splendid
features to commend them. Shown in
poplins, repps, eta
Coat: shows the
latest cutaway effect—draped skirt model.
Choice of navy, brows and black at
f 16.50. .
' <9R" B w ^ w ^ W P M P * -•
New FaH Coats
. $10.00
$25.00 to
Smart cutaway models shown in the
new materials and shades. Splendid
tailor work shows in every one of them.
These separate coats come from one of
oar best makers and we've priced them
especially low.
Massena, N. Y.
Be needed a>
a t dha^te.aa^
STONE & co.
yon that when they want a really gfood suit they come to this store for if.
Isn't that the best kind of proof of the character of merchandise sold here ?
And women know; you may be sure of that. They shop around
—they see and compare, and thus this suit department has
become known as the best place in the town to buy thoroughly
dependable garments. „
There's a wonderful variety of exclusive models in th* most fashionable weaves'
and colors.
Suits for the short woman who would add inches to her height—soils for the
stout woman to give just the desired slender effect
And every garment, no matter how low the price, is tailored in such a thorough way—insuring lasting shapeliness. Yon'll be delighted when you see them.
Standard OQ mrvhred tfce blew it
received whea tbe federal eootte ordered it to dleselr*. The M pieces
have paid abett *MMgM0 fa drrldeada. Tbe old eomoear neld ' tid>
these models
were guests of L. E. Baraett and
family one day last week.
Our school opened last week with
the former teachers, Miss Crowley and
Miss Edith Bill Wnittaker, in charge.
Several from bete attend Norfolk high
school and go by train or bicycles.
A Hungarian wedding took place at
the close of church service Sunday,
tbe wedding party numbering about
forty, gaily garbed, and toe ceremony
was performed by the pastor, Rev.
The boys raided a patch of melons
Belonging to one of oar dtisens a few
nights ago and they ware very lucky
not to g e t into any of the traps s e t
The owner of the melons claims to
know who committed the-depredations
and is uncertain as yet as to whether
• ^^^W»
Don't buy a suit anywhere without first seeing
James Baxter, of Massena Center,
With thefirstten pianos soldfromthis add we give free delivery, stool*
scarf, instruction boot, twenty pieces up-todafe sheet mnsie, tea musie boobs
comprising 62? pages of popular songs and Instrumental pieces and a beautiful
piano polished mttsie cabinet worth $13M.
We have sold pianos m Canton for thirtr-threa years and more of them
than any other dealer in Northern New ¥ork. We contract for pianos: in; quantities, paying spot cash and can do better for yon than our Utfie eoiripetStors
even if they are **city dealers!"
Write for nut pamphlet "Graft in the Piano Bnsmess'^ also oar spot cash
prices on all pianos.
—— More New Fall Suits .—-—
to Show This Weelc
he will prosecute or not
«pecial offcr expire! Sqit 20
SsDtagptJHioson the square tftaatH no misrap'ressatatioa, ao esaossive
pro% no pay to age ?ts, no coramksion to attybidytotielp make sales. A tea
years' warranty backedfrycombined resources attorofcotared Haoosand dollars, SatisEea easterners.
I ata willing to seal *Wsfin'eSims piasuo to yaar home far your, careful inspection. I want fott and your friends to look carefully for-flaws., £ want
YOU to compare it with piano3 sold by exefcsive ageate rtp .to §330, and even
I30O. Gompatafeeferae,aetfan, case, style, materials aad finish with any
olhar piano you wish aad I wOi cheerfully abide the result. You can. bay on
these easy terms: $5,03 down and $54111 a month'. $15.30 down and $15.00
quarterly or name yonr own terms within reason. :
is putting ourflowingwell in a more
presentable condition, which will be
The Village Improvement Society
appreciated by all.
Mrs. Margaret Rickard and
W e have a large stock of fruit jars in all sizes
at very reasonable prices. Let us send you
some. B O Y T O D E L I V E R .
-Wbj- didn't yoa speak to Mr. Baj»sb.iw vtieu he bo wed V He's all rlj.-hf
etrtr if be hasn't much style. Hf'« 8
diamond in tbe ron}.-(i.*"
The new driving park was opened /'A diamond in the rtmsa ought to
Saturday with a large attendance and be eut-'V-Cblcajw Sews.
horse racing by local horses, also a
ball game between Helena and Brasher, the score standing 11 to 10 in favor "I can- cordlaJlj" reeommeinl these
of Brasher, "Saturday, September 13, cakes, Miss Gladys. They are made
there will be a ball game between the with a literal percentage of albumen."
married and single men of this place. —Punch.
F. T. Kernan spent a few days of
last week in Montreal.
Dr. McConnell made a flying business trip to New York on Friday,
Natalie Thompson spent the past
week with her sister, Mrs. Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon and family
visited his home near Alexandria the
past week.
Rose Lantry and brother Michael
left Friday to attend the high school
at Watertown,
Alex McDonald is very low at this
writing. Mr. Hall, his son-in-law, arrived here on Friday.
The many friends of Mrs. Henry M.
Bero gave her a pleasant surprise on
Monday, the occasion being her birthday. They presented her with a
complete set of silverware.

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