loggings - RADIODX


loggings - RADIODX
B O L E T I M E L E T R O N I C O D O D X C B - Nº 459
Samuel Cassio Martins
Escutas de Sarmento Campos
Rio de Janeiro -RJ, Brasil
Escutas em Itaipuaçu, +- 60 km do centro do Rio de Janeiro.
Sony ICF-SW77 + Longwire 10 metros
9720 17/10 0456 R Victoria, Lima Peru - gemidos em portunhol, implorando doações para caravana dos enfermos, desde
Lima indo para Cusco, “Peru está em Victoria com David Miranda”, ID 34333
9970 17/10 0430 RTBF International, Belgica - sinal bom, programa musical, locutora em frances - 43433
3255 17/10 2110 BBC, Meyertown, Africa do Sul - programa em ingles, noticiario - 25222
4905 17/10 2120 R Nacional Chade - programa musical, musicas de percussão - 22533
9735 17/10 2153 Deutche Welle, via Inglaterra - programa em inglês, sinal regular, duas garotas conversando, “special
series for girls” - 44433
4805 17/10 2255 R Difusora Amazonas, Manauas - programa esportivo, jogo futebol - 25322
Alguns sinais retornando em OT, como Radio N Angola em 4950 kHz, e ótimos sinais vindos da Europa e Asia, em todas
as faixas 41/31/25 metros.
Algo que me parece realmente, é a presença marcante da CRI em diversos idiomas, talvez até para ocupar os espaços deixados
por outras emissoras governamentais. Registrei muitas emissões interessantes em outros idiomas, com os mais peculiares
sotaques, como uma emissão da BBC para Zimbawe em idioma nativo, com muita música e “good morning Zimbawe”.
www.sarmento. blog.br
Escutas de Renato Uliana
Guarulhos-SP, Brasil
Local: Mairiporã - SP Sítio do amigo Sérgio Dória Partamian
Antena: LongWire Unifilar 30 metros sul - norte.
Material de Apoio: WRTH, PASSPORT e EiBi View
3925 0646 25/10 J R Nikkei 1, Nemuro Saporo, OM talks japonês ao fundo, 25222
3945 0130 25/10 IRN IRIB, Teheran, Alcorão, YL talks (possivelmente em urdu), Alcorão, sinal com muita estática 25232
3945 0852 25/10 J R Nikkei 2, Chiba Tokyo Nagara, mx ao fundo 25222
5020 0803 25/10 SLM Ilhas Salomão Broadcast, EE YL talks varias nx, inglês, forte estática, vários comentários da ilha 33233
5045 0600 25/10 B R Cultura Belem PA, PP apenas musicas MPB, Full ID em 06:15 som e sinal local só não foi melhor
pelo fato da forte estática em OT 45324
5055 0818 25/10 B Dif de Caceres, Caceres MT, PP OM talks, forte estática 25222
5865 0411 25/10 F R Algeriana via Issoudun, AA talks e Alcorão 35344
5900 0418 25/10 BUL R Bulgaria, Sofia Kostrinbod, RR OM talk mx estilo pop 34333
6045 0600 25/10 CAN KBS World, Korea via Sackville, SS YL various nx internacionais 35233
6155 0906 25/10 KOR KBS World, Kinjae, JJ OM talks 34444
6250 0910 25/10 KER PBS PoyangYang mx e entre as mx YL talks em coreano 34433
6270 0150 25/10 EGY ERTU R Cairo, Abu Zaabal, tx em urdu various mx tipica arabe, audio baixo 25232
6290 0146 25/10 EGY ERTU Genral Program, Abul Zaabal, AA, mx tipica OM and YL talks abt uma historia ou radionovela
ou algo parecido 35233
6518 0918 25/10 UNID Idioma estranho parecido com chines mx a talks como um novelinha //6600 22342
7200 0424 25/10 SDN R Sudão RTVC, AA OM talks varias nx //off as 04:30 43443
7210 0437 25/10 RUS Voz da Russia, SS YL talks nx de cuba e América Latina 43343
7450 0447 25/10 GRC ERA5 Voz da Grécia, Avlis, tx em Grego, OM talks História ilustrada com cantos ao estilo gregoriano,
apos 05:00 varias mx gregas com YL comentando 44444
8400 0930 25/10 TWN TENTATIVA Sound of HoPE Radio International, Sons musicais chineses barecido com sons
tibetanos... apenas sons 35333
8424 0535 25/10 GRC R Olimpia, Atenas, Apenas CW repetidamente SVO, 35333
9400 0940 25/10 PHI FEBC Manila, Iba, Mandarin YL talks mx 35333
11550,6 2222 24/10 TWN R Australia via Tawian TX para Indonésia em indonésio OM talks various mx, 22:30 ID em EE
seguido de curso de inglês ate 23:00 UTC full ID, px various nx 35333
11945 1020 25/10 AUS R Australia, Shepparton EE OM talks abt Tasnmania... varias mx estilo blue 35444
13865 0049 25/10 MRA BBG R Free Asia via Tinian nas Ilhas Marianas do Norte, tx em burmese, mx YL talk nx abt Taliban
e Pakistão 35333
15100 0039 25/10 KRE Voice of Korea, Coréia do Norte, Mandarin various mx tipicas OM talk entre as mx 24322
15170 0026 25/10 AUS CVC Int, Darwin NT, mandarin mx gospel OM and YL talks 25322
15180 0007 25/10 KRE Voice of Korea, Korea do Norte SS YL talks abt politica, ID Escutam la voz de Korea... 25332
15265 2345 24/10 ANT NHK World via Bonaire, JJ various mx classic YL talks //off as 0:00 45434
15720 0225 25/10 NZL R Nova Zelandia, Rangitaiki, EE OM talks narração de um conto ou uma história 35323
15720 2327 24/10 NZL R Nova Zelandia, Rangitaiki Int EE YL talks varios fadding 35222
Escuta em Guarulhos
7315 0516 28/10 R Dabanga com tx voltado a região de Darfur-Sudão, Vernacular OM e YL talks e nx, ID e repetidamente
R Dabanga... s/off 05:26 UTC 34232 RU
Escutas de Jorge Freitas
Feira de Santana-BA, Brasil
Degen DE 1103
Antena Dipolo de 16 metros Balun 4:1, Direção Leste/Oeste
3345 17/10 0320 SOUTH AFRICA, Channel Africa, EE, desde Meyerton, com 100 kW, sequência musical, 0325 ID por YL,
as 0326 UTC OM e YL Talk, 45333.
3915 16/10 2310 SINGAPORE, BBC, em English, desde Kranji, com 100 kW, OM e YL apresentam noticiário típico da BBC, 25332.
4950 17/10 0219 ANGOLA, R Nacional de Angoka, PP, desde Mulenvos, com 15 kW, YL diz ID e começa seqüência de mx
regional, 44433.
5120 16/10 2250 PERU, Ondas del Suroriente, SS, mx regional, as 2253 UTC YL Talk e logo após ID, volta a mx regional, 25332.
5925 16/10 2259 VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 2, em Vietnamese, desde Hanoi-Xuan Mai, com 50 kW, as 2301 UTC ID e
logo após OM e YL apresentam nx, ocasional QRM da CNR 5, 23332.
5930 23/10 2045 CZECH REPUBLIC, R Prague, SS, desde Litomysl, com 100 kW, OM e YL apresentam nx, as 2046
UTC ID por YL, YL e OM continuam com nx e acontecimentos da Republica Theca, as 2052 UTC respostas a cartas dos
ouvintes, 25432.
5970 23/10 2056 BRASIL, R Itatiaia, PP, desde Belo Horizonte, com 10 kW, temperatura de 31 º, YL informa ID e dá
informação de transito de BH, 35433.
6060 23/10 2059 BRASIL, Super Radio Deus é Amor, PP, desde Curitiba, com 15 kW, OM solicita que os afastados voltem
a igreja, as 1900 UTC inicio da Voz do Brasil, 23432.
9280 15/10 2237 TAIWAN, Family Radio, em Chinese, desde Yunlin, com 100 kW, OM Talk, 45333.
9420 26/10 2210 GREECE. Voice of Greece, em Greek, desde Avlis, com 170 kW, OM no estúdio conversa animadamente
com outro ao telefone. Moderada QRM da CRI em 9410 kHz que chega com força total, as 2213 UTC fim da conversa
ao telefone e inicia com outro (em termos de comparação até parece ouvintes ao telefone, mas acho que devem ser
comentaristas ou convidados). Tentei ouvir em 15630 kHz, mas não há sinal. As 2217 UTC curta mx grega entre conversa
do OM com outros ao telefone. Tenho para mim que realmente são ouvintes ao telefone, escuta confirmada através do link
http://tvradio.ert.gr/radio/liveradio/voiceofGreece.asp , 33333.
9425 27/10 0255 USBEKISTAN, CVC, em Hindi, desde Tashkent, com 100 kW, OM parece atender ouvintes ao telefone,
as 0257 UTC pop gospel mx, as 0300 UTC OM Talk, as 0302 UTC ID por OM, 35333.
9410 26/10 2156 CHINA, CNR 5, em Chinese, *presumida*, desde Beijing 491, com 100 kW, mx instrumental (não aquela
folclórica chinesa), acho que aguardando o fim da tx, segundo a AOKI encerra as 2200 UTC, para o início do px em
português da CRI, a portadora da R China aparece as 2157 UTC, mas ainda se ouve ao fundo a mx da CNR 5, 34333 até
antes da portadora da CRI.
9435 26/10 2228 PHILIPPINES, FEBC Manila, em Indonesian, desde Bocaue, com 100 kW, sinal ID com OM
informando a ID e a língua do programa, as 2230 UTC ID completa com frequência, logo após YL Talk. A lista AOKI
informa que essa tx é apenas aos domingos, terças, quartas e sextas, mas a ID não deixou dúvida que é uma tx
em indonésio. As 2232 UTC a tradução de um discurso de um OM em inglês para o indonésio. As 2235 UTC some
uma leve QRM como sinal de RTTY, 34333.
9575 21/10 0222 MAROCCO, R Medi 1, em Arabic, desde Nador, com 250 kW, já está chegando com bom sinal, pop mx
marroquina, as 0259 UTC YL Talk, 45444.
9590 24/10 1738 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Sudan Radio Service, EE, desde Dhabbaya, com 250 kW, interminável
sequência de local mx Sudanese, sinal máximo no S-meter, mas áudio baixo, as 1757 OM talk, mas não está em inglês ele
fala em árabe, ID com endereço, fim da tx as 1759 UTC, 34433.
9660 20/10 0235-0259 NETH ANTILLES, R Japan, PP, desde Bonaire, com 250 kW, OM e YL apresentam nx, as 0237 ID
por OM, as 0242 UTC nx em resumo, as 0246 UTC px atualidades, forte a moderada QRM da Voz da Russia em inglês em
9665 kHz. Voltando a escuta no dia 21/10 as 0235 UTC o sinal estava mais fraco e sofria forte QRM da R Voz da Rússia.
SINPO da escuta de 20/10 43443.
9695 24/10 1805 GERMANY, R Polônia, em Hebrew, desde Wertachtal, com 100 kW, OM talk, as 1806 UTC mx, pop mx
polonesa, ocasional QRM da Radio Rio Mar, sinal parece melhorando no decorrer da tx, as 1810 UTC OM volta a falar e as
1813 UTC mais mx, as 1815 UTC OM divulga um site, as 1821 UTC YL Talk, as 1828 UTC OM divulga ID e site na internet
com despedida e logo após uma mx no piano e fim da tx, 34333.
9720 20/10 0339 PERU, R Victoria, SS, *tentativa*, desde Lima, com 1 kW, OM fala e apresenta gospel mx em FV, sempre
com pouca fala do OM e uma gospel mx, (dica do log do colega Sarmento Campos), vou acompanhar melhor essa
transmissão para ver se a transmissão melhora, hoje estou com muito ruído elétrico. Voltando a escuta no dia 21/10 às
0226 UTC o sinal continua baixo sob os ruídos elétricos, mas ouve-se uma pregação eloqüente característica da IPDA.
SINPO na escuta do dia 20/10 24332.
9725 24/10 1832 AUSTRIA, Voice Of Vietnan, FF, desde Moosbrunn, com 100 kW, YL apresenta nx, as 1843 UTC a
tradução de uma entrevista gravada, as 1847 UTC curta mx vietnamita em instrumento de cordas, as 1858 UTC YL
ID e fim tx, 35433.
9730 25/10 2116 VIETNAM, FF, desde Hanoi-Sontay, com 100 kW, OM e YL Talk, as 2118 UTC pop mx vietnamita, as 2120
UTC YL fala algo sobre a musica popular vietnamita e segue outra mx, as 2125 UTC YL cita um festival e segue pop mx
vietnamita, as 2127 UTC YL ID e fim tx, 35433.
9900 25/10 2114 CHINA, CNR 1, em Chinese, desde Beijing 572, com 100 kW, dois OM conversam, 35333.
10000 25/10 2110 BRASIL, Observatório Nacional, time signal, 44433.
12015 29/10 1927 NORTH KOREA, Voice of Korea, SS, desde Kujang, com 200 kW, YL Talk com algumas menções a
compositores, as 1928 UTC OM talk, o som fechado dificulta o entendimento do espanhol, levando-se em conta também a
dicção dos locutores, ocasional QRM não identificada, as 1933 UTC mx coreana, as 1938 UTC QRM por alguns segundos
corta totalmente o sinal (semelhante à água corrente em som de efeito metalizado), as 1955 UTC ID por YL e OM, portadora
fica logo após sem modulação até as 2000 UTC quando sinal ID para o início do px em francês, sinal degradando, 25332.
13820 26/10 1745 COLISÃO entre a transmissão da Radio Marti em espanhol e a BBC em inglês. Apesar de localidades
distintas e azimute distintos, as duas se misturam e são recepcionadas com quase o mesmo sinal, uma pequena vantagem
para a Rádio Marti. Lembrando que essa colisão é relatada do ponto vista da escuta aqui em Feira de Santana. Provavelmente
nos destinos a que as duas emissoras transmitem a colisão não exista.
15000 28/10 0052 HAWAII, WWVH, time signal, 35333.
15000 25/10 1932 USA, WWV, time signal, bom sinal para uma boa propagação a noite, 35333. Voltando a frequência as
2107 UTC sinal degrada 25322.
15034 29/10 1916 CANADA, CF volmet, tem chegado quase que todas as tardes esses últimas dias por aqui, 353.
15034 24/10 1257 CANADA, CF Volmet, USB, 252.
15090 24/10 1300 KUWAIT, Radio Azadi (Free Afghanistan), em Pashto, desde Kuwait, com 250 kW, OM com frases curtas
e após um sinal, algo como destacando as notícias principais, as 1302 UTC OM e YL passam a falar alternadamente, sinal
degradando, 25432.
15115 25/10 1935 USA, Family Radio, EE, desde Okeechobee, com 100 kW, tradicional OM com consideração bíblica, 45444.
15120 23/10 1738 NIGERIA, Voice of Nigéria, EE, desde Ikorodu, com 250 kW. Percebam que segundo a lista Aoki o
azimute é 7 e nessa condição de baixa propagação é uma boa escuta. Esta é a primeira emissora dos 15000 até 15120
kHz captada essa tarde de sol 30º aqui em meu shack. OM entrevista um homem, as 1742 UTC entra uma YL na conversa.
As 1752 UTC OM com diversas menções a Nigéria. As 1800 UTC YL diz ID e site. Houve uma súbita melhora do sinal as
1746 UTC onde eu elevaria o S para 4, 35433 no inicio da escuta.
15140 23/10 1825 Portadora com sinal lá no fundo da provável R.SULTANATE OMAN que costumeiramente chega aqui.
15130 24/10 1320 SÃO TOMÉ E PRINCIPE, VOA, em Kurdish, desde Pinheira, com 100 kW, uma entrevista via telefone,
as 1326 UTC YL diz ID e site, 25332.
15160 24/10 1328 SRI LANKA, R Free Ásia, em Cambodian, desde Irana Wila, com 250 kW, as 1329 UTC ID por
YL, na verdade uma colisão entre a R Free Ásia e a R França Int em russo, mesmo horário e mesma frequência com
elevadas potências, as duas se alternavam e findaram as suas tx quase ao mesmo tempo, poucos segundos após a
França encerra a tx, 33443.
15190 23/10 1827 EQUATORIAL GUINEA, R África, EE, desde Bata, com 50 kW, OM informa ID, site e endereço nos USA,
as 1829 UTC OM com citações a Deus e a Jesus. Em uma rápida conversa pelo skype com o colega Morato ele tinha o
sinal da R Nigéria melhor do que nesse momento por mim e o da R África sinal bem baixo e com ruídos. Sinal melhorando,
35443. Voltando a frequência as 2042 UTC sinal continua bom com esse mesmo SINPO.
15195 26/10 1605 RUSSIA, EOTC Holy Synod Radio, *presumida*, em Amharic, desde Samara, com 200 kW, OM Talk,
as 1606 UTC arabic mx, as 1622 UTC forte QRM tipo turbina de avião impede a escuta (jammer?), até as 1640 UTC QRM
continuava, antes da QRM SINPO 24432, fim da tx e fim da QRM.
15275 24/10 1521 RWANDA, DW, em German, desde Kigali, com 250 kW, OMs em conversa animada, as 1522 UTC mx,
(observemos o azimute de 30, segundo a lista Aoki, e entendemos o porque do baixo sinal dessa tx mesmo com 250 kW,
levando-se em consideração também a baixa propagação hoje para os 19 metros), as 1533 UTC OM ou entrevista uma YL
ou conversa com uma correspondente. Voltando a frequência, as 1555 UTC ID por OM e fim da tx, apesar de no horário do
encerramento a interrupção da tx foi enquanto o OM ainda falava algo logo após uma curta mx, 25432.
15290 25/10 1953 CUBA, R Nacional da Venezuela, SS, desde La Habana, com 100 kW, OM com considerações políticas no px
“De primeira Mão”, as 1955 UTC ID por YL, as 1956 UTC ID completa por OM, finalizando a tx e divulgando e-mail, 45444.
15335 28/10 0100 SINGAPORE, BBC, EE, desde Kranji, com 100 kW (detalhe: azimute segundo Aoki 13), ID as 0001 UTC
e logo após OM e YL apresentam nx, 25332.
15345 25/10 1537 MAROCCO, RTV Marocaine, *presumida*, em Arabic, desde Nador, com 250 kW, OM parece entrevistar
outro por telefone, sinal baixo, com leve ruído, sinal degradando, 25432.
15350 23/10 1701 RUSSIA, Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia, em Somali, desde Sâmara, com 250 kW, OM com ID entre curta mx
orquestrada, as 1702 UTC o que parece ser ou uma oração mulçumana ou a leitura do Alcorão, 24432.
15350 24/10 1454 GERMANY, Gospel for Ásia, em Bhaojpuri, desde Wertachtal, com 250 kW, YL com sermão religioso,
pequenos picos de QRM (acredite, da R Havana Cuba em 15360 kHz que chega com o sinal estourando), as 1456 UTC
gospel mx, as 1457 UTC YL com ID, site e endereços, as 1458 UTC mx, picos da QRM da R Havana Cuba se findam um
minuto antes, as 1459 UTC fim tx, 24432.
15410 25/10 1523 GERMANY, R Farda, em Persian, desde Lampertheim, com 100 kW, px musical de modernas mx árabes
por YL, as 1535 UTC OM talk, ID e parece iniciar nx, 25432.
15415 28/10 0105 AUSTRALIA, R Austrália, EE, desde Shepparton, com 100 kW, OM Talk, // 17750 e 17665 kHz, 35333.
15420 25/10 2048 USA, WBCQ, EE, *presumida*, desde Monticello, com 50 kW, OM Talk, as 2054 UTC OM divulga um
site, sem modulação por uns segundos e volta com YL Talk, mas o sinal cai drasticamente, talvez uma nova transmissão
com novo azimute(?)(a WBCQ vende horário para programação em ondas curtas), 25322.
15476 29/10 1857 ANTARCTIC MAINLAND, LRA-36, desde San Gabriel, com 10 kW, tango argentino, forte rajada de QRM
da RDP em 15465 khz com 300 kW com larga amplitude, as 1901 UTC ID por YL e curta fala, volta mx mas dessa vez tipo
estilo andino, sinal degradando, 22332.
15530 20/10 0226 PHILIPPINES, em Vietnamese, desde Palauig-Zambales, com 250 kW, hino religioso, as 0227 UTC YL
ID e encerramento da tx ao som de instrumento de sopro, 25332.
15580 25/10 2028 VOA, EE, não consta na lista Aoki, confirmação da escuta via site on line http://www.voanews.com/
english/index.cfm , é uma transmissão para a África, “provavelmente” desde Botswana, 25322.
15610 25/10 2015 USA, EWTN (WEWN), EE, desde Vandiver, com 100 kW, missa católica, as 2020 UTC YL talk com
diversas menções a Maria e a Jesus Cristo, confirmação da escuta no site http://viewers.multicastmedia.com/viewer/
viewerframes_parent.asp?b=&p=&networkID=3001833&WMP=1&WMPv=7&RPIE=1&RPNAV=0 , as 2041 UTC ID por OM
via radio, 45444.
15630 25/10 2006 GREECE, Voice of Greece, em Greek, desde Avlis, com 100 kW, uma animada conversa entre dois OM,
35433. Voltando a frequência as 2036 UTC sinal degradou consideravelmente e está em 25332.
15630 29/10 1715 GREECE, Voice of Greece, em Greek, desde Avlis, com 100 kW, uma conversa entre o OM e um homem
ao que parece por telefone, hoje com um bom sinal, 45444.
15650 29/10 1709 SLOVAKIA, R Miraya FM, em arabic, desde Rimavska Sobota, com 150 kW, YL Talk, as 1712 UTC ID
estilo vinheta, sinal degradando, 25332.
15670 20/10 0200 CHINA, CNR 8, em Kazakh, com 100 kW, sinal ID e ID, as 0201 UTC OM e YL apresentam nx, 35333.
15740 23/10 1705 MADAGASCAR, VOA, PP, desde Talata-Volondry, com 250 kW, OMs apresentam nx do continente
africano, as 1707 UTC OM divulga ID com horário da tx, as 1707 UTC “Um bloco de notícas de Angola”. Basicamente nx
e entrevistas da África em especial de Angola e Moçambique. As 1731 UTC reinicio da tx em português, porém com sinal
mais fraco, provavelmente azimute diferente. SINPO da px das 1700 UTC 35433 e 25432 da tx das 1730 UTC. Voltando a
frequência as 1814 UTC o sinal está bom 45444. Parece que as transmissões seqüenciais não são repetições do mesmo
px, nesse momento as 1817 UTC um px sobre um cantor, as 1821 UTC fim do px, as 1822 UTC ID por OM, YL anuncia a
frequência de 12080 khz em // e lá as 1823 UTC o SINPO 25332. As 1823 UTC as principais nx.
15755 20/10 0141 RUSSIA, Voice of Rússia, em Russian, desde Irkutsk, com 100 kW, OM Talk, parece uma entrevista, as
0142 UTC ID e o que parece vinhetas ou advs, as 0143 UTC YL Talk, parece uma tx domestica pelo tipo da programação
com muitas vinhetas e curtas mx, mas é uma tx para o Extremo Oriente, 25332.
15785 29/10 1907 Um forte apito que se estende de 15785 até 15190 kHz. Em 15786 khz ouve-se uma baixa mx que
provavelmente poderia ser a R Galei Zahal, as 1910 UTC ouve-se um OM falar. Apito por motivo das falhas da propagação?
Às vezes em fração de segundos o áudio chega com sinal entendível.
15785 24/10 1543 ISRAEL, R Galei Zahal, em Hebrew, desde Tel Aviv-Yavne, com 5 kW, OM talk e local mx, as 1546 UTC
YL talk, (segundo o log do colega Brian Alexander, a frequência está em 15786.36 , verifico que a sintonia é realmente
melhor em 15786 kHz, com o degen não tenho como precisar a casa decimal da frequência), sinal fraco, sem QRM.
17470 27/10 0009 Firedrake chinês sobre a Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH, baixo sinal e a tradicional mx folclórica chinesa.
17635 28/10 0042 GUAM, KSDA-AWR, em Karen, desde Agat, com 100 kW, OM Talk. As 0045 UTC claramente entendido
“Alelúia”. Apesar da lista Aoki informar que o idioma nesse horário é o Karen, o locutor parece está falando em Burmese
segundo o meu parecer. As 0057 UTC ID e as 0059 UTC fim tx, bom sinal, 45343.
17665 28/10 0019 AUSTRALIA, R Austrália, EE, desde Darwin, com 250 kW, parece uma entrevista no estúdio. Sinal bem
mais forte que em 17750 kHz, 35333.
17705 28/10 0025 CUBA, R Habana Cuba, em Quechua, desde La Habana, com 50 kW, YL talk e mx cubana, as 0025 UTC
ID por YL, sinal bem melhor que da última vez que loguei, 35333.
17740 17/10 1005 SRI LANKA, PP, desde Irana Wila, com 250 kW, entrevista a uma medica que fala sobre relação entre
pais e filhos, fim do px “Consultório Médico” as 1015 UTC e ID. Excelente programação com entrevistas a jovens sobre as
pressões que sofrem de outros colegas sobre o uso de bebidas alcoólicas, drogas e sexo, sinal cai um pouco a partir das
1020 UTC, as 1027 vinheta VOA, AS 1029 UTC fim da tx, 45444.
17745 29/10 1627 PORTUGAL, Sudan Radio Service, *presumida*, Sudan Radio Service, desde Sines, com 250 kW,
african mx, as 1629 UTC OM e YL fazem as despedidas do encerramento do px, as 1631 UTC nx por YL com uma
entrevista a um homem, 45433.
17750 27/10 1018 Radio Free Ásia em tibetan? Sem jammer chinês? Ao fundo bem baixo ocasionalmente ouve-se uma
locução. O jammer chinês da CNR se superou dessa vez, ocultando quase que totalmente a Free Asia? Ou será que o
jammer chinês foi superado pela Free Ásia por causa da propagação? Particularmente acho que deve ser a CNR. OM e
YL apresentam nx, 44444.
17750 28/10 0000 AUSTRALIA, R Austrália, EE, desde Shepparton, com 100 kW, ID por YL e logo após OM e YL Talk o
que parece ser nx. Foi absolutamente sem querer essa escuta. Acordo bem cedo e até o horário para eu ir para o trabalho
ouço rádio. A última escuta que fiz pela manhã foi a Radio Free Ásia em 17750 kHz e ao ligar o rádio a noite nesse horário
estava na memória do degen a ultima emissora sintonizada, pensei que fosse China, mas para minha surpresa enquanto
eu pesquisava na lista AOKI a YL anunciou a ID. // 17665 e 15415 kHz, 25332.
17775 29/10 1635 USA, KVOH, SS, desde Rancho Simi, com 50 kW, OM com sermão religioso com ocasionais aplausos
dos espectadores, 35433.
17895 29/10 1643 BOTSWANA, VOA, EE, desde Selebi-Phikwe, com 100 kW, OM Talk, as 1645 UTC rap mx, as 1647 UTC
YL talk, as 1650 UTC ID por YL com a divulgação do site, 35333.
21455 29/10 1612 USA, Family Radio, EE, desde Okeechobee, com 100 kW, tradicional comentários bíblicos, 25422.
21680 27/10 1013 VATICAN STATE, Vatican Radio, PP, desde Santa Maria di Galeri, com 250 kW, nx da igreja por OM e
YL, 45444.
21745 29/10 1618 USA, Famili Radio, em Russian, desde Okeechobee, com 100 kW, OM Talk, comentários bíblicos com
menção a Deus, Jesus e Apóstolos, 25432.
Escuta de Rogildo F. Aragão
Quillacollo, Bolivia
Sony 2001D, Lowe HF 225E, longwire 26 metros.
4891,7 0120, 26 Oct, mx cumbia colombiana, s.off 01:23UTC, S-4
Escutas de Carlos Gonçalves
Lisboa, Portugal
4949.7 RNA-Canal “A”, Mulenvos, 2150-..., 18 Oct, Portuguese, music; 35322, extremely undermodulated, “à la” R.Nigeria
4770, so yet another useless signal.
4835 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 2141-2154, 17 Oct, Aus. songs, chatter on the weather around Australia, phone-ins; 34332,
CODAR QRM; \\ 4910 vy. bad, 5025.
5025 VL8K, Katherine NT, 2143-2155, 17 Oct, cf. \\ 4835 above; 34342, QRM de CUB, and only means to alleviate this was
by using either the 20 m T2FD or the K9AY; \\ 4910 also parallel, but vy. poor.
6020 R.Australia, Shepp. VIC, 1015-1049, 16 Oct, Pidgin to PNG, talks, news at 1030; 25432.
9710 1032-..., 16 Oct, Pidgin to PNG, news; 35444. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4700 R.San Miguel, Riberalta, 2216-2228, 15 Oct, Castilian, advertisements, infos; 35332.
4782.1 R.Tacana, Tumupasa, 2225-2233, 15 Oct, Castilian, infos, TCs; 24321.
4865 R.Logos, Stª Cruz de la Sierra, 2214-2226, 15 Oct, Castlian, pops in rlgs. propag. prgr; 34322, QRM de B.
5915 Myanma R (p), Yegu, 1439-1500, 18 Oct, Vernacular, talks, light songs 6 music; 24421, blocked at 1500.
6070 CFRX, Toronto ON, 2211-2220, 16 Oct, CFRB relay, talks abt. various topics, infos; 32441, adj. QRM.
6159.95 CKZN, St. John’s NF, 2116-2135, 15 Oct, CBC-Radio 1 IDs, issue on olympic games, interviews; 33442, adj. QRM;
\\ 1400 CBG Gander NF.
6159.1 ditto, 0923-f/out 1030, 19 Oct, talks, CBC news at 1000; 24432, adj. QRM.
6165 RD. Natle. Tchadienne, Gredia, 1409-1557, 16 Oct, Vernacular, talks, ID at 1418,..., Koranic prayer in progress at
1555; 25342; blocked at 1600.
I have observed it on 4905 too where it is heard irregularly, but not on 7120.
4319 AFN, Diogo Garcia, 1838-1857, 18 Oct, Weekend Roundup of CBC News; 33442, adj. uty. QRM.
4460 Voice of China, Beijing, 2134-2146, 18 Oct, Mandarin, talks w/ music background, light music; 34343; \\ 4750, 4800,
5030. Best rec’ed. via the K9AY antenna.
4750 ditto, Nanning, 2132-2140, 18 Oct, Mandarin, talks; 25321; \\ 4460, 4800, 5030 all better.
5025 R.Rebelde, Bauta, 0928-f/out 1010, 16 Oct, reports, music, chatter, news & TCs; 35443.
5005 RNGE/”R.Bata”, Bata, 2123-2152, 17 Oct, Castilian, newsreel, Spanish songs, Afr. pops after 2200; 55333 but
distorted & a bit undermodulated.
6890 R.Fana, Geja Dera (or Geja Jawe?), 1817-1835, 16 Oct, Vernacular, talks, reports; 35443, deteriorating.
7110 R.Ethiopia, Geja Dera, 1609-1812, 16 Oct, Vernacular, talks, local pops,..., news at 1800; 35433. Evening reception is superb.
7165 R.Ethiopia, Geja Jawe (or Geja Dera?), 1605-1811, 16 Oct, Vernacular, western pops, talks; 35433, but improved to
45444 at 1800.
3240 UNID Greek, 2052-..., 15 Oct, Greek songs; 35342, occasional uty. QRM; 2nd harmonic of 1620.
3295.3 UNID Greek, 2204-..., 18 Oct, Greek songs; 34332; 2nd harmonic of 1647.65, which was vy. poor.
9595 R.Nikkei, Nagara, 1010-f/out 1029, 19 Oct, repertoire of “classic” songs; 15421.
7270 Limban FM (?), via RTM (p), Kuching, Sarawak, 1425-1437, 18 Oct, Vernacular (didn’t seem like Maly, but then the
conditions were adverse), songs; 23431, QRM de UNID in Mandarin.
7285.8 R.Mali, Kati, 1237-1452, 19 Oct, French, Afr. pops,..., Vernacular, talks; 35443; \\ 9635 also vy. good.
6010 R.Mil, Cd. de Méjico, 1003-f/out 1023, 19 Octg, Castilian, talks; 25321.
6185 R.Educación, Cd. de Méjico, 0947-f/out 1025, 17 Oct, Castilian, songs, IDs; 25432.
12085 Voice of Mongolia, Khonkhor, 1016-f/out 1052, 17 Oct, Mandarin, folk music, IS, Mongolian & English ID prior to
English prgr at 1030, news, music; 35433.
6170 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 1818-1850*, 14 Oct, Dateline Pacific, news in Pac. Vernaculars; 55533, QRM de VoA in French at *1830.
6170 ditto, 0946-f/out 1125, 17 Oct, classic music “oldies”, news & weather rpt. from Natl. R, music oldies, IS, news &
weather again; 55433.
9655 ditto, 1201-1246, 19 Oct, music,..., talks; 344433; gone at recheck at 1330. Acc. to their webpage, the 17-24 Oct
schedule indicates 1059-1158.
11725 ditto, 2041-2050*, 18 Oct, report on Fiji, freq. announcemet, IS; 25433. QSY 17675.
17675 ditto, *2051-2237*, 18 Oct, IS, Pacific politics, interview, music, news at 2100,..., ditto at 2200 followed by sports and
the Dateline Pacific prgr until s/off, freq. announcement, IS; 15432; QSY 15720.
4770 R.Nigeria, Kaduna, 2120-2130, 17 Oct, English, talks, seemingly some news magazine; 45433 but terribly
4746.9 R.Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2219-2229, 15 Oct, Quechua, talks, Indian tunes; 35332.
4775 R.Tarma, Tarma, 2224-2232, 15 Oct, Castilian, rlgs. propag. prgr; 33331, uty. QRM.
4940 R.San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, 2227-2234, 16 Oct, Castilian, talks; 25331.
4955 R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2230-2240, 16 Oct, Castilian, rlgs. propag.; 45343.
3255 BBC, Meyerton, 1842-1905, 15 Oct, English to SoAfr, interviews, The World Today at 1900; 45333.
3320 SAUK/R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 1826-1906, 15 Oct, Afrikaans, talks, interviews, newscast at 1900; 45333.
4831 Voice of Russia, site?, 2119-..., 18 Oct, Russian, talks, ID at 2130, announcements; surely an external mixing spur;
23442, CODAR QRM.
7200 R.Rossii, Yakutsk, Sakhalin, 0957-f/out 1155, 17 Oct, Russsian, talks, TS, local ID, newscast, talks, news again at
1100; 35422.
3915 BBC, Kranji, 2159-2221, 18 Oct, WS in English to SEAsia, 2159-2221, 18 Oct, newscast; 44443, adj. uty. QRM. Best
rec’ed. via the K9AY antenna.
7145 R.Hargeisa, Hargeisa, Somaliland, 1607-1810, 16 Oct, Somali, local songs, talks; 25432, but improved to 35433 at 1800.
7200 SRTC, Al-Aitahab, 1416-1428, 17 Oct, Arabic, talks; 34433, adj. QRM.
3200 TWR, Mpangela Ranch, 1856-1910, 16 Oct, English, rlgs. propag., TWR Africa address; 25332.
11735 R.Tanzania, Dole, Zanzibar, 1827-..., 16 Oct, Swahili, talks; 54444, QRM de B.
4965 CVC, Lusaka, 2139-2153, 18 Oct, English, rlgs. songs; 44433, adj. uty. QRM.
6165 ZNBC-Radio 2, Lusaka, 2111-2129, 16 Oct, English, light songs, chatter; 35432, but vy. poor at 2130.
4805 R.Difª do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2230-2241, 15 Oct, TCs, newscast (not A Voz do Brasil); 34332.
4825 R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2032-2048, 16 Oct, talks; 14331, adj. QRM de CHN 4820; \\ 9675.
4845.2 R.Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 2150-2204, 15 Oct, ballads, Ave Mary at 2202; 44343, CODAR QRM, het.
w/ UNID (Brasil?) 4845.
4865 R.Alvorada, Londrina PR, 2107-2117, 18 Oct, talks, songs, webpage info, women’s prgr; 23331, CODAR QRM.
4915 R.Daqui, Goiânia GO, 2117-2128, 17 Oct, advertisements for Jornal Daqui, TCs, songs; 44433, QRM de B.
4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2137-2154, 18 Oct, music prgr Brasil Central - Sucessos!, TCs; 45433; \\ 11815 poor.
5035 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2151-2206, 15 Oct, prgr Trucão, w/ advs. & folk songs, ID+freq. announcement prior to
A Voz do Brasil at 2200; 35433; \\ 6135, 9630, 11855.
5045 R.Guarujá Paulista, Guarujá SP, 2155-2209, 15 Oct, songs; 25431.
5970 R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2207-2219, 15 Oct, A Voz do Brasil; 35433.
5990 R.Senado, Parque do Rodeador DF, 1014-f/out 1050, 16 Oct, listeners’ messages, feature about DST; 25442.
6000 R.Guaíba, Ptº Alegre RS, 2204-..., 16 Oct, newscast, not A Voz do Brasil; 13431, QRM de silent carrier + DRM like
signal on 6003.
6009.9 R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 2207-2218, 16 Oct, A Voz do Brasil; 33442, adj. QRM.
6020 R.Gaúcha, Ptº Alegre RS, 2211-..., 15 Oct, talks, songs, no Voz do Brasil relay at 2200; 23441, adj. QRM; \\ 11915.
6070 R.Capital ,Rio de Janº RJ, 2219-2229, 16 Oct, A Voz do Brasil; 24442, adj. QRM. Heard on 17 Oct at 2126
w/ IPDA preacher, rated 43443.
6090 R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 2221-..., 16 Oct, talks, songs, not A Voz do Brasil; 22441, QRM de CHN.
6105 R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2101-2116, 17 Oct, rosary; 23431, adj. & co-ch. QRM (de B); \\ 4825, 9675.
6105 R.Cultura Filadélfia, Foz do Iguaçú PR, 2114-2123, 17 Oct, rlgs. propag.; 23441, adj. & co-ch. QRM (de B).
6150 R.Record, São Paulo SP, 2104-2121, 17 Oct, announcements prior to f/ball match report Atlético Mineiro vs. São
Paulo; 34432.
9505 R.Record, São Paulo SP, 2105-2119, 16 Oct, prgr Record nos Desportos; 44433, QRM de R.Farda. It was superb
on 17 Oct at 2105 though.
9515 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2147-2206, 16 Oct, rlgs. propag., ID+freqs. announcement, advs., R.Marumby webpage,
A Voz do Brasil at 2200; 33432, co-ch. QRM till 2200.
9630 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2142-2158, 16 Oct, prgr Trucão, w/ folk songs, advs., & infos; 34433, adj. QRM.
9665.05 R.Marumby, Florianópolis SC, 2046-2102, 16 Oct, rlgs. propag.; 34433.
9675 R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, which acc. to DSWCI-SWN nº 387 of 14Oct’09 was reactivated, well, it was
indeed, but at least as early as my
16 Sep last observation, i.e. almost a whole month ago!; and now for an updated evening obs.: 2039-2103, 16 Oct, rlgs.
propag. prgr, songs, listeners sending in their requests for blessings, rosary at 2100; 44433, distorted modulation.
9695 R.Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 2041-2100*, 16 Oct, rlgs. propag, sudden s/off (as late as at 2106 on 18 Oct); 54433.
9819.88 R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP, 2044-2100, 16 Oct, rlgs. propag. prgr Falando com o Pastor, ID+freq. announcement,
TS; 54433; vy. strg. adj. QRM de CHN at 2100.
11724.9 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 1825-1849, 16 Oct, rlgs. propag. prgr & related songs; 34443, adj. QRM.
11735 R.Transmundial, Stª Mª RS, 1405-..., 16 Oct, ID+freqs announcement, stn slogan, health advice prgr; 25443.
11815 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 1221-...,16 Oct, feature on a new soap opera; 25443, some distortion.
11855 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1840-1856, 18 Oct, advertisements, prgr announcements, folk music & songs; 34443;
blocked at 1900.
11925.2 R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 1223-..., 16 Oct, news & info magazine; 24442, adj. QRM.
Escutas de Arnaldo Slaen
Buenos Aires, Argentina
15476 LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Antartic Esperanza Base, 2042-2100, October 30, `Spanish, Talk about
the ex president Italo Argentino Luder, national songs, ID as: “Desde la Base Esperanza, Antaritda Argentina, transmite
LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel........para todo el Mundo”, Nice song dedicated to Antartida. Very strong signal.
Nice reception!! 45444.
15476 LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Antartica Argentina, 2042-2100, Octubre 30, Español, Comentario
sobre el fallecido ex presidente don Italo Argentino Luder. Identificación completa: “Desde la Base Esperanza, Antaritda
Argentina, transmite LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel........para todo el Mundo”, Hermosísima canción dedicada
a nuestra Antartida Argentina. Señal muy fuerte, 45444.
Escutas de Anker Petersen
Skovlunde, Dinamarca
AOR7030PLUS , longwire 28 metros.
3396 2240-2250 ZWE 20.10 ZBC, Guineafowl, Gweru Vernacular International dancemusic 25222.
3815 2048-2107* GRL 11+13+14+20.10 KNR, Tasiilaq (USB) Greenlandic/Danish before 2100 Greenlandic
discussion, classical music, songs; at 2100 news in Danish of which I could understand several words on 20.10,
abrupt s/off 34443.
4760.00 *2354-2400 IND 11.10 AIR Port Blair Vernacular IS, Air hymn “Vande Mataram”, ann 25222.
4925.00 2248-2310 INS 11.10 RRI Jambi Bahasa Indonesia ann, Indonesian folksongs, 2259 ID: “Radio Republik
Indonesia, Jambi, “Song of the Coconut Islands”, Jakarta news and reports 35343.
5930 *1657-1727* CZE 14.10 R Prague, Litomysl English ann and IS, 1700 news in English, feature on “Czechs Today” 55555.
6005.00 1405-1700 D 14.10 R 700, Kall-Krekel German ann, German pop songs, ID 1456 and 1656: “Sie hören
Radio Sieben Hundert. Das Wetter” and weatherforecasts 35333.
3215 0330-0345 USA 01.11 WWCR, Nashville, TN English religious talk 25232 still here at this hour. Not heard on new 4755.
3350 2030-2040 KRE 31.10 KCBS, Pyongsong Korean talk 25212 deep fades // weaker 2850.
4774.95 0350-0400 CLA 01.11 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, via Salah Al-Din, No. Iraq Kurdish talk, jammed 33343.
4925 2325-2335 INS 24.10 RRI Jambi Bahasa Indonesia talk and song with heterodyne 22222.
5040 1430-1440 IND 31.10 AIR Jeypore Hindi cricket report 25232.
5045 2335-0500 B 24.10+01.11 R Cultura do Pará, Belém, PA Portuguese ID’s: “Cultura”, ann FM frequency, talk
and Brazilian pop songs 45343 - the strongest Brazilian station on 60 mb here.
5995.02 2338-2400* MLI 24.10 R Mali, Kati, Bamako French ann, African native songs, Martial anthem 34343
Splatter from 5990.
6140 *1000-1100* D Su 01.11 MV Baltic R, via Wertachtal German/English ann, ID’s, playing Rod Stewart
melodies, local news in German, touristic talk in English 55544.
6140 1015-1050 D Su 25.10 R Gloria International, via Wertachtal English ann romantic songs from 1968 and
1969, jingle ID’s 55544.
Escutas de Brian Alexander
Mechanicsburg, PA, Estados Unidos ( Via HCDX)
Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires
** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 6025.08, Radio Amanecer, 2240-2305, Oct 23, Spanish religious talk. Lite instrumental music.
Spanish religious music. IDs at 2303, 2304. Poor to fair in noisy conditions and adjacent channel splatter.
** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 6025.08, Radio Amanecer, 1014-1040, Oct 24, sign on at approximately 1014. Spanish talk.
Religious music. Good signal strength but a poor to fair overall signal due to some audio distortion & noisy conditions.
** INDONESIA. 9525.89, Voice of Indonesia, 0945-1010, Oct 24, tune-in to a fair signal strength but very weak modulation.
Improved slightly at 1004 but still very weak. Too weak to catch any program details.
** ISRAEL. 15786.36, Galei Zahal, 1420-1430, Oct 24, still slightly off nominal 15785. Hebrew talk. Local music. Good but
carrier just slightly wobbly.
** MEXICO. 6104.76, XEQM, Candela FM, Merida, 1020-1040, Oct 24, Spanish ballads. Spanish talk. In the clear with a fair signal.
** ZANZIBAR. 11735, Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1800-1810 Oct 23, no English heard today. This on a Friday. Only local
Mid-East style music. Poor in noisy conditions.
Escutas de Scott R. Barbour Jr.
Intervale, N.H. Estados Unidos (via HCDX)
NRD-545, RX-350D, MLB1, 200’ Beverages, 60m dipole
2325, AUSTRALIA, VL8T Tenannt Creek, 1029-1040, Oct 30, English. Lite pop mx & W announcer; minute of silence at
BoH; M ancr at 1031 w/ news & sound-bites; more lite pops at 1036; poor-fair at best as was //2485-Katherine.
4450, N. KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, 1050-1107, Oct 30, Korean. Usual Korean ballads; M & W announcers; 3+1 pips at
ToH into announcer w/ (P) nx thru t/out; poor-fair.
4460, CHINA, CNR-1 Beijing, 1045-1050, Oct 30, Mandarin. Talk; brief ad string into more announcers talk w/ what was
either soundbites or a remote report; poor-fair.
4835.37, R. Maranon Jaen, 0228-0240, Oct 29, Spanish. Up-tempo mx & announcer between selections; ID ancment & mx
promo at BoH; fair-poor.
4857.3, PERU, presumed R. La Hora Cusco, 0006-0008*, Oct 30, Spanish. Caught the tail end of announcement of sorts;
mx abruptly off at 0008; poor-weak.
6100, BOSNIA, Int’l Radio of Serbia Bijelina, 1926-1936, Oct 30, Russian/English. W announcer w/ talk over folk mx; ID &
URL at 1929 into English service w/ Serbian political nx & EU relations; IDs; fair.
7275, SPAIN, REE Noblejas, 1943-2000, Oct 30, Spanish/English. While bandscanning, was very surprised to stumble across
heavy metal mx from my youth, Iron Maiden!. Must have been the mx programs featured artist as M announcer; between
songs w/ Spanish talk; played several selections until 1955; then Spanish hard-rock mx into ToH ID; fair. REE rocks!.
11905, SRI LANKA,SLBC Colombo, 1154-1213, Oct 30, vernacular. Hindi mx & brief talk by announcers; three pips at ToH;
ID & choral-like mx; M ancr from 1202 w/ presumed news; fair at best.
21480, MADAGASCAR, WYFR Talata Volonondry, *1200-1217, Oct 27, English. Test transmission via RNW site; IS; ID into
Harold Camping w/ religous commentary & usual “Open Forum” prg; poor-fair w/ mild noise & fades; appeared to improve
by t/out; tnx RNW-Media Network & JB tip.
Escutas de Robert Wilkner
Pompano Beach-FL, Estados Unidos
Drake R 8, Icom 746Pro DL, NRD535D, Drake R7 noise reducing antenna
60 meter band dipole
20 to 31 October Florida logs...
2310 Australia VL8A Alice Springs NT 1030 to 1045 most mornings 2325 Australia VL8T Tennant Creek NT, 2485
Australia, VL8K Katherine NT also in. Seemed better signal during OZ winter.
3250 Honduras, Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis 1120-1200 with standard religious fare 29 Oct.
2379.88t. Brasil Radio Educadora, Limeira, SP 0915 to 0930 on 28 October.
3325.55 usb MARS station, 2315-20 with chatter in English 29 Oct.
3329.609 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 2315; 2330 with IF Notch on 746Pro to cut out CHU. Very weak, may be irregular.
3375.40 Brasil R Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira 0900 to 0915, 28 Oct. Strongest Brasil on 90 meters.
3385 Papua New Guinea Radio East New Britain Rabaul 1200 to 1215 with some audio per John Herkimer tip. 29 October .
4409.852 Bolivia, Radio Eco, Reyes 2312 -2330 with music, om ments of Radio eco is passing but not ID?, 27 & 29 October.
4451.14 Bolivia, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma 2315- 2330+ with om, fair signal noted 28, 29, 30 Oct.
4700 Bolivia Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, best Bolivia on 60 meter band 0950 and 0000 everyday. Also 4717 & 4796 Bolivia.
4800 Mexico XERTA 1020 to 1200, poor to fair, deep fades om with nx items?, 29 Oct. Not noted 2300 to 0000 same day.
4826.45 XXX Peru Radio Sicuani, Sicuani - Silent for last month!.
4828 [?] Zimbabwe VOZ 2315 strong carrier with nothing on 3396.
5020 Solomon Islands, SIBC 1000 to 1130 dominated each time by splatter from nearby Rebelde. Signal was better in the
past, when operating on this frequency. during SIBC winter months.
6025 Dominican Republic Radio Amanecer, Santo Domingo 1500 to 1530 good signal om espanol religion, 20 Oct.
6104.77 Mexico Mérida XEQM in espanol, other languages not noted, 1500 to 1520 Thanks Terry Krueger 20 Oct.
6173.887 Peru, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco 2320 to 2330 improved signal with om chatter, 29 Oct per Charles Bolland Logs.
“Cut Stones and Crossroads” by Ronald Wright [1984 Viking Press] on page 137 has a description of a visit to Radio
Tawantinsuyo. Book a gift from David Potter. rw
Escutas de Glenn Hauser
Enid-OK, Estados Unidos
** ALBANIA. R. Tirana still blocked by DentroCuban jamming against nothing(?) on 6110 between *0000 and 0100* Oct 31; see CUBA.
** BIAFRA [non]. V. of Biafra International still on 15665 in B-09, Oct 29: 1859 WHRI sign-on, 1900 to VOBI theme music.
Poor signal here with fading, heavy echo probably backscatter rather than long/short path. Fridays only 19-20. Local time
change next week probably won`t affect this, but still need to reconfirm then. Or rather, reconfirm every week, as you never
know what they will do next.
** CHAD [and non]. With a sense of foreboding, I came upon hilife music on 6165, Oct 31 at 0554, then undermodulated
French announcement, clinching that RNT was on this frequency today. But I knew that RNW would soon blast Bonaire on
at *0559 in Dutch, and so it did. In the meantime, a second weak signal became audible at 0558, no doubt Croatia which is
scheduled to start at 0600 too. Wow, three continents in three minutes on one frequency!.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 31: at 1258, nothing on 8400, JBA on 9000; 1312, poor with flutter on 10210; but at 1353, fair on
both 8400 and 9000.
** CUBA [and non]. Trying to track down Radio República, Oct 30: at 2300 found heavy jamming on 9810, a frequency they
have used before, but nothing audible under the jamming, nor at 2357. Kept checking periodically, and at 0058 Oct 31, the
Radio República ID and theme music was audible briefly over the jamming, both still going past 0101. By 0223 it was again
jamming only to be heard. So it looks like República is on 9810 at least from 23 to 02, possibly all the way to 0400, their
previous span. Lately they have been on only one frequency at a time, but not necessarily.
There is also heavy DentroCuban jamming noise on 6110. No jamming at first check 2300 Oct 30, but it started at 2359 just as
R. Tirana was about to open Albanian sesquihoiur to NAm with weak signal, and jamming quickly built up force, ruining Tirana
reception. Nothing else audible during following hour, and jamming completely off at 0100, clearing frequency for Tirana.
Possibly there is something else on 6110 really `needing` jamming by the Cubans, but more likely they are totally confused,
jamming a former frequency of VOA Spanish an hour later than they were using it in A-09.
The VOA Spanish hour is now 23-24 on 5890, 5940 and 9885, so checked those for jamming Oct 30 shortly after 2300: 5890
heavily jammed tho VOA is strong too, but no jamming audible on 5940 or 9885. By the end of the hour at 2357, jamming
had overtaken VOA on 5890. The other two VOA signals had weakened, but still could not hear any jamming on them.
Just after 2300, there was the usual lite residual/standby jamming pulsing on 9545, where it is often to be heard far beyond
the hours República ever used the frequency. At 0005 Oct 31, jamming on 9545 was heavier, roughly equal to that on 9810
and against Martí on 9565, 9825. Now is RR 9810 via Sackville, or UK???
Since RHC runs 11760 22 hours a day (and the same transmitter elsewhere during the break), it`s logical to assume that the
two dozen spurs around it will also be heard at many times other than when I am usually monitoring in the local mornings.
And so they are. Oct 31 at 0006 UT I measure -1 circa 11708.4 but don`t take time to search out all the rest, which are
certainly outgoing. How many make it depends entirely on how well propagation is holding up on that band from Cuba. At
0224 it and its +1 mate circa 11811.6 are audible but poorly.
Next check at 0547 propagation is excellent from Cuba with +1 on about 11811.9, the whines almost every 52 kHz up and down
the band, as far as 12382.8 and 11137.2 (computed, not measured exactly), i.e. 12 steps each. Not just the whine, but audio
audible as far as on +11, 12330.9, unusual. Keep fingers crossed that one does not land on Radio Saint Helena`s frequency,
I find it strange that no one else seems to be reporting these multiple spurs, altho there have been a few logs of RHC around
11710 as if that were an intentional frequency. Apparently people skip past and just ignore the extra noise out of Cuba. Don`t
take it lying down, raise hell about it, if you care about shortwave.
With all its transmitters, RHC can spare only one for English to NAm during prime time, 01-05 on 6000, as noted Oct 31 at
0219 with poor signal; while Spanish was on 5965, 6060(best), 6120(vs Iran), 6140, plus 9600, 11760 and its 24 spurs.
5-digit Spanish YL spy numbers on 5762.5, Oct 31 at 0221, only fair signal. Seemed to be USB + LSB but with carrier
reduced, an odd mode.
Another spur check around 11760 at 1303 Oct 31, found them as low as 11453 and as high as 12275, approximately. More
precisely at 1324 estimated the first ones at 11708.3 and 11811.7.
At 1309, RHC 13680 and 13760 were normal, but 13780 just a big open carrier. They could not modulate it, but kept it on as
the fulcrum to make 13680 leap over to 13880, clearly audible mixing product. At 1334 found weak 15360 also unmodulated
unlike strong 15120; and at 1401, 13780 was still OC only.
** EGYPT. R. Cairo, English to NAm on unexpected 6270, Oct 31 at 0212, explaining a bit o` Qur`an in English, then
recitation in Arabic. Roughly same signal level as Arabic service on 6290, lower modulation on 6270 but sufficient. Until,
that is, the news which followed, checked at 0217 when the YL caster was hard to make out. 6270 is the same frequency
used for English to Europe at 2115-2245, so we wondered it if was a mistake at 0200-0330. Perhaps not, once they realized
winter nitepath MUF would not hold up to 7540, originally planned to continue from A-09 usage.
** HUNGARY. Altho English has long since been banished, Radio Budapest holds on for dear life, with one hour in Hungarian
still on the air to NAm, 0200-0300 on 6100. Fair signal at 0216 Oct 31, considerably weaker a semihour later. There had been
signs in previous seasons that MR would switch to an external relay site, but this is still registered as JBR in Hungary itself.
** INDIA. AIR National Channel, 9425 via Bengaluru, Oct 31 opening at 1318 good with IS and Vande Mataram, so where
is the Aligarh 9470 blob today? Just above, centered about 9440 with // audio, but a lot weaker. At 1356, 9425 had some
quick audio dropouts during music, how annoying; by then just some noise on 9440 and could not be sure it was still the
blob; however, the DRM from Irkutsk on 9440-9445-9450 got out of the area in B-09. Recheck at 1431, 9425 had news in
English by YL starting with US relations, 1435 back to Hindi. Meanwhile the VBS on 9870 from before 1318 had stronger
signal with music and commercials.
** IRAN [and non]. They sure know how to pick `em at VIRI! Both English frequencies of `V of Justice` to NAm in B-09 are
under collisions, 7250 and 6120 at 0130-0230. Oct 31 at 0102 I find VOR WS in English on 7250, somewhat weaker than
// Moldova 6240. 7250 is `Armavir` site all evening USward, so why in the world did Iran pick that? Yes, at 0214 check,
VORWS is atop Iran with SAH, and 6120 is of course under Cuba, which as an outlaw nation refuses to participate in HFCC,
so the Iranians could claim not to know about their usage of 6120, but what good does that do? Somebody, move!.
** ISRAEL. Galei Zahal, Oct 31 at 1326, poor with music measured on 15786.8, nothing to het yet.
** MEXICO [and non]. XEPPM, Radio Educación with 10 kW on 6185, is still getting blown away by Brasília with 250 kW
whenever the latter is on. Oct 31 at 0102, RNA was way atop the XE, ditto at 0218 check. Not sure what the current span of
RNA is, but Aoki shows it 0700-0300, 250 kW at 344 degrees, plenty close to USward and Mexicoward, altho on the wrong
frequency, 6180 where RNA used to shift occasionally. I wish they would again and stay there, as XEPPM is incapable of
coping with this itself. Then by 0300, Vatican Radio is taking over the frequency, leaving essentially zero QRM-free time in
the evening for XEPPM.
At 0601 Oct 31 I tuned to 6185 again and found an open carrier, then XEPPM joining the national anthem in progress. This
was probably a late switch from the SW programming to become // MW. Now it was making a rippling SAH with Vatican
which fortunately this date was relatively weak. Live DJ gave ID for 1060 only (is he even aware SW is still on??), from the
``cabina Vasconcelos`` (name of the studio) in Colonia del Valle (neighborhood location), sending out abrazos to listeners
called ``educaditos`` (or was it educativos?), asserting that station transmits 24/365, then into album ``Siempre Son``. With
lack of minute-by-minute program schedules any more, I am beginning to think it`s just free-form after midnight.
** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI, 6170, Oct 31 at 1346 with island music, and no co-channel from Russia audible. Ron Howard
found that missing yesterday, but back today before 1300.
** OKLAHOMA. The station hijacked from Atoka to `Catoosa` OK, axually closer to Sperry in the woods on the N side of
Tulsa, and moved to 1120 in order to free 1110 to cram yet another AM station into The Metroplex, and now pending a large
power increase for that --- had not been heard since March. I have been checking 1120 every day or two, whenever I`m in
the car in the daytime, with a handy preset (must not call them pushbuttons any more).
Never heard until Oct 30 at 2014 UT, same music-only fill format as before, pauses between cuts, from CD player at site?
Never any announcements, and no legal ID in a few minutes either side of hourtops I made sure to monitor around 2100
and 2200 UT.
By 2200 heavy SAH of about 4 Hz from KMOX, which is gaining the upper hand. KEOR should go off NLT LSS, who knows?
Which will change on November 1, of course. FCC data for this 2 kW daytimer
shows Oct SR/SS is 1230-2345 UT;
November SR/SS is 1300-2315 UT
I assume they are back on the air just to keep the license active, so may not last long. Unless they have a new buyer they
are warming up for. Last transfer approved at
was to the Catholic Diocese of Tulsa as of 3/17/09, but as we found out from Bruce Winkelman a couple months later, that
deal fell thru: http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld9044.txt
The next morning, Oct 31, Bruce heard 1120 IDing as “Hot 13-40 The Groove” at 1414 UT. Playing non-stop R&B/UC music. He says,
A “google” shows 1340 KJMU Sand Springs OK uses that slogan. Perhaps a clue to new owner? Not // 1340 KJMU at 1430 tho.
** OKLAHOMA. Late nights and early mornings I often step thru the UHF band on analog TV to see if anything is left besides
my local KXOK-32. Nothing seen lately until Oct 31 around 1515 UT when the LPTVs in OKC and/or Stillwater still did come
thru on channels 17, 19, and 21, but gone at next check a semihour later after some minor area tropo offburned as a frigid
morning was warming up fast.
** PORTUGAL. Only on weekends can we depend on a good signal from RDPI to NAm on 15560: Sat Oct 31 at 1335 strong
enough to audiblize a lite whine of slightly varying pitch, like we hear on certain other transmitters such as WWCR, WEWN.
Lo fi interview on phone, 1338 song by Antônio Braga with guitar, drums, refrain ``todo o mundo é composto de mudanças``,
but not sure of that last word.
Then at 1412 found RDPI also on // 17590, show seems named ``Hotel Internacional`` as mentioned a few times, but
squashed by the sideband of powerful REE on 17595. Portugal and Spain are inextricably nestled together in Iberia, but that
doesn`t mean they have to land 5 kHz apart on the 16m band with plenty of open space! 17590 is aimed 144 degrees from
Lisbon, and supposedly on the air every day except Saturday per HFCC, but this *was* Saturday! More accurate schedule
in DXLD 9-077 shows 17590 is Sat and Sun only, to Africa, i.e. Mozambiqueward.
** ROMANIA [and non]. Only on Saturday mornings is REE Costa Rica taking a break from 15170 (why?), allowing RRI to
come thru unscathed in the 13-15 Romanian broadcast to Europe, 290 degrees from Galbeni, so also USward. If only it
were still English. At 1313 Oct 31 I found it odd to hear Romanian being spoken with an Italian accent, but apropos, as they
were talking about spaghetti and other peninsular cuisine.
** RUSSIA. 6075, Radio Rossii, Petropavlovsk/Kamchatsky, Oct 31 at 1348, baroque music would have been nice were it
not for the motorboating carrier.
** SERBIA [non]. IRS still missing from scheduled 6190 for NAm at 01-02, instead very poor signal detectable on prolonged
A-09 channel 9675, UT Sat Oct 31 at 0102. Listen for English at 0130 except UT Sundays.
** SLOVAKIA. RSI, 7230, at 0104 Oct 31 with Slovakia Today, doing fairly well on their only NAm frequency as // 9440 is 245 degrees
for SAm, CIRAF zones 13-15. But 7230 is an illegal channel in the exclusive 40m hamband thruout the Western Hemisphere, so
hams are free to QRM it however they wish. The Slovax blatantly register 7230 for zones 7-10, 150 kW at 305 degrees, not even
pretending like the Croatians did when they were using 40m via Germany, that it is for Iceland! And this is the only English broadcast
to NAm from RSI, for which we must still be grateful, but it should be outside the hamband. Where are ARRL`s intruder-watchers?.
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Not having copied accurately WWCR`s surprise announcement about switching from PMS to
BS the day before, I was all set Saturday Oct 31 at 1359 on 13845: they said WWCR-2 carries The Overcomer Ministry MonSat 7 am-1 pm Central = 12-18 UT, Sunday 7 am-noon = 12-17 UT. Of course it`s still wrong, as this was really happening
two hours later, and at 1400 sharp, switching to the BS feed. Unless updated, it will become even more wrong Nov 1 with
the one-hour timeshift in all programming post-DST. See also USA for more on WWCR
** TAIWAN. RTI 9735 Japanese service Oct 30 was very distorted, so how is it Oct 31? At 1322, good modulation but
splattering just a tad above and below. Certainly an ailing unreliable transmitter like others upon Taiwan; even RA found itself
off-frequency tnx to Taiwan`s relay circa 11550.
** TURKEY. VOT English on 15300, Oct 31 at 1329 with IS barely audible under RFI French making a fast SAH with it,
contrary to VOT Turkish music with VG signal on clear 15350; not surprising, judging from relative azimuths.
** U S A. Checking WWCR-2, 13845, Oct 31 at 1310, had fair signal from Pastor Melissa Scott, but co-channel QRM which
as noted before could only be BBC Thailand in Kyrgyz; At 1357 some HF sporadic E had kicked in to push the WWCR signal
up to a very good level, such that the squeal on the transmitter became audible. Asserted ``you are watching the University
Network``, which as an SWL I always find offensive. 1-800 number, and // 11775 Anguilla. I was standing by for the transition
to Brother Scare: see SOUTH CAROLINA [non].
** U S A [and non]. Looking over WRMI`s latest schedule grid as of November 1, which is available in the archives of the
DXLD yg, I compute only 4 hours and 15 minutes out of the 168 hours in a week that WRMI is currently carrying Cuban exile
programming in Spanish. And it is all on Saturday and Sunday evenings. No more large blocks of Radio República or Radio
Cuba Libre, nor have there been for months.
Yet there is extensive, altho not continuous DentroCuban jamming of 9955, every day, making it difficult to hear most of
the English and other Spanish programming which has nothing to do with Cuba. Let that be a lesson: you will be punished
if you ever get involved with FueraCuban broadcasting! Complaints should be directed to Arnie Coro, a `false friend` and
meanwhile you might want to tell him you are boycotting RHC not only because of all the jamming, but all the spurs they put
out, lately polluting the entire 25 meter band and beyond.
Back to WRMI. When on the NW antenna, and the MUF holds up, 9955 can still arrive excellently with or without jamming.
Such was the case, S9+22, UT Sat Oct 31 at 0551 toward the end of La Rosa de Tokio, playing a clip of Yemen 9780. At
1300 Saturday, about equal to jamming level with repeat of PCJ Media`s special on Faith the Dog, or rather ``The Faith
Train`` instead of scheduled Wavescan and World of Radio which we hope will be back next week at timeshifted 1400 and
1430. PCJ had gained a bit over the jamming at wrapup time 1354, then WRMI QSL offer, 1400 Prague relay, 1430 Zion
Fellowship, still jammed. 1500 DX Partyline doing better vs jamming. See also CUBA [and non]
** U S A. WRNO seems drifting further off 7505.0 --- Oct 31 at 0225 by counting the 40-Hz clix on the DX-398 fine tuning,
we came to their carrier on 7505.5 or so. Still no sign of expanded schedule beyond 0200-0500.
** U S A. WEWN, 7555, Oct 31 at 1255 in Spanish announced that frequency was about to close, to be on 11550 and 12050
next hour. However, at 1307 nothing audible on 12050, tho 11550 was strong with kidsongs in Spanish plus SAH from
something under. Must be R. Sweden aimed east this semihour only as scheduled; Taiwan transmitter produces an audible
heterodyne later in the morning.
** U S A [non]. VOA Korean service, Oct 31 at 1349 on 7235 startled me with a stereo effect on my mono headphones, then
found it to be underneath open carrier with tone tests on and off, fast SAH. At 1400 this 12-15 transmission is supposed
to switch from IBB TINIAN to TINANG, Philippines site, so maybe that explains it, but why QRM itself? Just ask the guys
in Greenville and Botswana, who in B-09 no longer have to cope with a VOA English handover at 1430 on 17585. Then
checked the other VOA Korean outlets: 5890 which is Tinian thruout, was running a couple seconds behind 7235, and 9555,
which switched from Saipan to Tinang at 1300, was a couple sex ahead of 7235.
On 9360, Oct 31 at 1437 wailing YL with rock song in English, S9+18, whence? Answer at 1441, Indonesian announcement.
Cut off air at 1459:30 during some Michael Jackson, uncovering JBA IS from Radio Sweden. At 14-15 Fri/Sat/Sun only on
9360 it is VOA Indonesian, supposedly only the old 50 kW transmitter in Philippines aimed 220 degrees, VG here for that.
R. Sweden is starting a Swedish broadcast, 125 degrees from Hörby plus English at 1530.
UNIDENTIFIED. Circa 7259, ratchety noise, sounds like somebody`s spur, Oct 31 at 0235, but could not find a match above or below. It
was bothering a weak signal on 7260, presumably VOR to Latin America as scheduled from Moscow site, but I don`t think it was coming
from that transmitter; could evade it by offtuning upward. Could be just some deliberate QRhaM against the Russian intruder.
UNIDENTIFIED. 15390 with strong open carrier, Oct 31 until 1330* Likely Greenville testing prior to usage much later for
Creole, but why do they keep doing this?.
** ALBANIA. R. Tirana Oct 29 for the 2100 English broadcast: at 2105, nothing audible on 9895, and the SAH with Farda on
7520; things improved considerably by 2122, when 9895 was audible poorly in the clear; but now it is in music fill until 2126:30
closing and theme to 2128*. 7520 had also improved to RT slightly on top of Farda. Once Tirana was off at 2128, Farda from
Sri Lanka was clearly audible by itself. Checking the Albanian sesquihour from 2130, 7435 was poorly audible at 2135.
The next Albanian sesquihour, from 0000 for North America, is hit by heavy Cuban jamming on 6110 when checked at 0055
Oct 30, and presumably for the entire hour, but jamming off at 0100 clearing Tirana. Nothing is scheduled worth jamming on
6110 now, so suspect it is Radio República whose schedule is never published anywhere. More under CUBA [non]. If this
keeps up, Tirana will need to move, tnx a lot, Arnie!
Also checked 7425 for R. Tirana, Albanian at 0000-0130 // 6110. 7425 was poor, and seemed to have some weak cochannel QRM after 0100. Nothing else scheduled now, but CRI English southward from Kashgar is at 0000-0100, so
perhaps running over?.
** AUSTRALIA. The dangers of dipping in and out of domestic radio relays: On R. Australia, 9580 and 9590, Friday Oct 30
at 1259 they were plugging what would be on in the following hour after the news: Book Reading, and Sound Quality. 1300
into ABC (not RA) newscast. What about R. Australia`s own programming, Asia-Pacific at 1305, and World Football Weekly
at 1330? as at http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/programguide/universal.htm
I neglected to recheck at 1305, but at 1355 the frequencies were in a sports discussion on referees, so the ABC previews
were misguided, or rather totally wrong as far as shortwave was concerned.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 30 at 1247, fair on 8400 and 9000, poor on 10210.
** CUBA. RHC missing from 6010, Oct 30 at 0559, allowing Colombia/Mexico [q.v.] to be heard. Probably an anomaly
rather than a deliberate B-09 change, but time will tell. RHC usually waits a couple weeks after season change dates to see
how things pan out, before making its own changes, since as an outlaw nation, Cuba refuses to participate in HFCC itself.
However, since public HFCC is already available, frequency manager Arnie Coro might not wait much longer. Other 49m
frequencies were nominal at 0602 check, Spanish on 6000, 6120; English on 6060, 6140.
** CUBA [non]. Looking for Radio República, Oct 30 at 0055, do not find it or jamming on 6160, as I previously suspected,
just CBC vs CBC. Instead there was very heavy DentroCuban noise jamming on 6110 (ruining Radio Tirana Albanian to
NAm from 0000, which was entitled to think this was a clear frequency in B-09), but jamming went off at 0100 clearing
frequency for Tirana. See ALBANIA
So the jamming could be there because Radio República is now using 6110 until 0100; OR the DCJC is totally confused and
still jamming a frequency used in A-09 for VOA Spanish (NOT Martí) but at the earlier hour of 2300-2400 (but meanwhile
Cuba has gone off DST, not USA). Cuba jams VOA Spanish out of spite, even tho it is for Latin America in general, not just
Cuba. This merits American retaliation jamming of RHC in English, but that will never happen as the USA does NOT jam,
nice guys finishing last in the international radio wars.
VOA`s 23-24 Spanish broadcast is currently scheduled on 5890, 5940 and 9885, likely jammed but have not
checked. This and/or the morning broadcasts may or may not make a time change when Wáshington resumes
standard time Nov 1. They have done so previously for the convenience of Washingtonians, not listeners abroad.
See also USA re Creole 15390.
Meanwhile, 9545, the A-09 Radio República frequency starting at 2300, is still jammed not only in the evening but much
later, so is RR really still there? Need to check right at 2300 to see if it`s audible before buried by jamming. After 6110
jamming off at 0100, I searched the 49m band for another unexpectedly jammed channel but did not find one. Jamming still
audible on 9545 at 0142.
** ECUADOR [non]. 12025, Oct 29 at 2107, VTC vamping with its fill music loop, still the same at 2123 and 2139 chex, off
before 2148. This is the ``HCJB Arabic`` broadcast at 2100-2145 via Sackville, 250 kW at 73 degrees, which is really from
some other ministry and includes a portion in a north African dialect, and which in the A-seasons is on same frequency and
time via UK site instead.
But now there is no feed getting thru to Sackville (or rather not even to London VTC master control), hence the music and
total waste of resources. Perhaps the Christian crusaders have paid for the time anyway, so out it goes, programming or
not. At 2202, 12025 was back on, now with DW German via Rwanda.
** INDIA. AIR Aligarh blobcheck Oct 30: not audible, not even a carrier on 9470 at 1323, tho Bengaluru was fairly good on
9425. Nor could I find a distorted blob shifted elsewhere between 9300 and 9500, so suspect it was off the air.
** MEXICO [and non]. 6010, lacking Habana for a change, audiblized R. Mil, Oct 30 at 0559, and 0603 with jingle ID (not
the 4-note whistle of yore mimicking a car horn denoting ``es-ra-dio-Mil`` --- do they ever use that any more?), but low het
mixing with praise music, presumably the reduced signal from La Voz de tu Conciencia, COLOMBIA.
6185, R. Educación at 0602 Oct 30 with XE music, no co-channel from Vatican audible, probably due to depressed propagation
from Europe, or possibly it was off; supposed to run until 0620 now as heard previous nights mixing with XEPPM.
Here`s the SW program schedule, latest one available as of September,
http://www.radioeducacion.edu.mx/onda_corta_septiembre.pdf --times local when they were UT -5, but now applicable as UT -6. This covers only 18-24 local = 00-06 UT when SW programming
is separate from MW 1060 and from this you`d never know they stay on 6185 another six hours duplicating 1060.
The MW program grid is here, but with contradictory dates and hardly any detail after midnight! What`s with that?
** NETHERLANDS [non]. RNW`s Dutch via Tinang is no longer at 1300 on 9650, despite Sackville taking that hour off so
it would have been in the clear. Instead heard Dutch, which means it can`t be direct from Holland, on 9670 at 1253 Oct 30,
closing with satellite transmission info, 1256 national anthem, 1257 cut to English show in progress about Hebrew school,
but cut off the air at 1258*. So now instead of a full two-sesquiminute secret English broadcast there is only one uniminute!
This 9670 transmission in the clear is from 1230, supposedly ending at 1257, 250 kW, 267 degrees via TINIAN.
** PHILIPPINES. 9520, Oct 30 at 1345 with cute children`s songs in Sinhala (or so they seemed to me), good reception from
RVA, 250 kW, 280 degrees from Palauig-Zambales, at 1330-1357, much better quality for music than VOI on 9525.9.
** POLAND [non]. V. of Indonesia forces us not to listen to its English hour at 1300, by failing to apply adequate modulation
to the carrier on 9525.9, so what else is there? Polish Radio, now with good signal and modulation via, of all places,
Austria at 13-14 on 11675. Listened a while on Friday Oct 30, from 1302 with news; 1320-1322 Slawek Szefs with a press
roundup; 1324 other features, Business Week, arts talk, 1340 something about boxing (as in battering other humans, not
preparing gifts). At some point they mentioned that Poland is among the 15 richest countries, congrats! But that means
more responsibility for foreign aid. We were also noticing one or two quick chirps, two or three times a minute, not clear if
on the audio feed or some kind of QRM. Transmission ended in music two or three minutes before 1400, tho supposedly
scheduled all the way until 1400.
** SERBIA [non]. Now it`s certain that International Radio Serbia not only is still on the air, but using its A-09 instead of B-09
frequency for North America at 01-02: Oct 30 at 0102, still zilch on 6190, but Serbian on 9675, mentioning Beograd, Srbske,
etc. Fairly good signal making it this date, unlike previously. At 0142 YL in English, sounds rather like bleary-eyed OL, tho
surely not broadcasting live at 2:42 am local. Furthermore, there is some very weak co-channel QRM, possibly Brasil which
does not appear in HFCC, but seems zero-beat, unlikely for them, so more likely an ubiquitous CNR1 Beijing outlet.
** SOUTH AFRICA. 11640 in English, African-accented preacher obsessed with Jesus Christ, Oct 30 at 0612. Good reception
and not surprising since this is TWR via Meyerton at 0600-0645, 500 kW, 320 degrees, as once used for the Radio RSA
North American service. What a comedown.
** TAIWAN. RTI`s Japanese service on 9735 is usually OK, sometimes puts audible spurs on 9730 and 9740 as I have
occasionally noted, but Oct 30 at 1357 just as I tuned in, found very distorted and splattering signal with music ruining BBC
on 9740. Fortunately RTI went off at 1357:30.
You won`t find RTI entries in HFCC, since the ChiCom force Taiwan not to participate, meanwhile themselves being the
world`s premier jammer hardly in line with the spirit of HFCC cooperation; but Aoki shows this in A-09 as 13-14 via Tainan,
250 kW, 45 degrees toward Tokyo and thus also USward, likely the same in B-09.
** THAILAND. R. Thailand, English to SE Asia on 9720, fairly good with flutter, Oct 30 at 1249, W&M with Thai accent in
world news.
** U S A. The VOA Music Mix strip at 21-22 UT is now on Greenville 15580, meaning excellent reception back in the central
USA, such as Thursday Oct 29 during the Top 20 Countdown at 2130 pausing for news headlines.
Signal was equivalent to Greenville 15390 closing Creole at that hour, soon to be shifted one UT hour later despite no DST/
ST timechange in Haiti. See also CUBA [non] about VOA timeshifts.
Program title confirmed here:
except these schedules claim Top 20 Countdown and its siblings are all one hour later at 2200 UT! Are they confused about
timezones, DST, or are they really an hour later on the satellite feed? Anyhow, there`s a different genre each day during this
hour, whenever it is:
Sunday, Fusion
Monday, American Gold
Tuesday, Roots & Branches
Wednesday, Classic Rock
Thursday, Top 20 Countdown
Friday, Country Hits
Saturday, Ray MacDonald Show (who occupies many other hours on other days).
VOA uses 15580 from many different sites in English during the day, Botswana, Meyerton, São Tomé, Dhabayya, Iranawila and
only at 21-22 from Greenville. The previous hour 20-21 on 15580 which contains Music Time in Africa Sat/Sun is currently via
Sri Lanka, not much use in NAm. For that we must make do with Botswana 13710 or probably best on Bonaire 11975.
** U S A. The 0100 UT Friday broadcast of WORLD OF RADIO 1484 on WRMI, with good signal on 9955 Oct 30, since
WRMI has been using the NW antenna on UT Fridays unlike most other nights. Should be the same from November at
0200 instead.
9955 still very good S9+20 at next check 0606 with rock music during a Wire Light show on the NW antenna. In fact, I would
have to rate it as SSOB ``strongest signal on band``, better than WYFR 9680/9715!
WRMI sked effective Nov 1 shows a great many DX program repeat times, with WORLD OF RADIO at: Wed 0800, 1630;
Thu 0630, 1300; Fri 0200, 1230, 1530; Sat 0900, 1430, 2000; Sun 0900, 1615, 2000; Mon 0600; Tue 1200, 1630.
ALASKA. KNLS on new 6150 for B-09, Oct 29 at 1235 with prayer in English to God we are allowed to eavesdrop upon (or
is it vice versa? It would be presumptuous to assume God is an SWL), but co-channel QRM from music underneath. They
add up to S9+15. Then KNLS plays some Duran2. // 6915 tho reading S9+10 is much weaker-sounding, undermodulated
but no QRM, no comparison to its loud and clear neighbor WYFR on 6890 until 1245. 6915 also barely escaped ChiCom
OTH radar spanning 6860-6910.
Next talk feature on KNLS at 1240: Larry Sowter (sp? I don`t find him on the website as a staff or contributor), Sowter and
Friends, about fried pies in the South and how they are not microwave-compatible. The 6150 QRM seems to be in Chinese
but soft-spoken, unseems CNR1; maybe it is really R. Taiwan International in Chinese, as in Aoki, but supposed to be
jammed. KNLS has a penchant for picking frequencies also occupied by China and/or Taiwan.
** ALBANIA. Another check of R. Tirana`s English at 2100-2130, Oct 28: this time 9895 is making it better, fair
signal in the clear at 2115 on the portable DX-398 in the yard. 7520 still has subaudible heterodyne between
Tirana and Farda from Sri Lanka.
** CHINA. OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, Oct 29 at 1238 on 6860-6910 and a stronger set 6775-6825.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 29 at 1243: 8400 good with flutter, a bit weaker on 9000 and a bit weaker still on 10210.
** CHINA [non]. CRI Cantonese via Sackville, 9560 running a couple of characters ahead of // via Habana 9570, Oct 29 at
1248, neither with very good modulation.
** CUBA [and non]. R. Martí 5980 at 1232 Oct 29, VG signal over DentroCuban jamming, much stronger signal than on
5745. Jamming still running on 6030 and not sure if RM is on there at this hour tho scheduled, and also mixed with jamming
on 7405. How to explain the disparity between 5745 and 5980? Both are 250 kW from Greenville, but 5745 is on a type 101
antenna at 174 degrees, while 5980 is a type 701 antenna at 190 degrees. We are closer to being off the side of 5745.
9545 with residual DCJC pulses, Oct 29 at 1247, because R. República had been using it in the A-09 evenings, but are they still?
RHC 11760 spurs checked Oct 29 at 1253-1257: primary one measured on 11812.4, and the giveaway whine could also be
detected up to 12336.4 and down to 11183.6, i.e. plus and minus 11 steps of 52.4 kHz each.
** GERMANY [non]. Add another 13m channel now propagating, altho poorly, 21780, Oct 29 at 1313, DW jingle during
Hausa hour via Portugal. DWL also uses 21780 09-13 via Sri Lanka, Woofferton, UAE in English, Swahili, French.
** INDIA. AIR 9470 Aligarh is still blobbing away, its fixes only sporadic and temporary. Oct 29 at 1318 extremely distorted
spreading 9465-9485 but peaking around 9470 with AIR IS, then Vande Mataram // clear Bengaluru 9425 and not quite
synchronized. Some days they whack the beast and the blob clears up, but today still unfixed at 1330. At least they seem
to be keeping it closer to 9470 instead of jumping around over a 300-kHz range.
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Oct 29 checking for Brother Scare on WWCR, or not? At 1259, 13845 had Pastor Melissa
Scott // synchronized Anguilla 11775, but QRM underneath 13845 from fanfare and BBCWS opening in language, listed as
Kyrgyz via Thailand for a semihour.
Checked 13845 again at 1359 and caught announcement by WWCR saying they were now switching to The Overcomer
Ministry, which is scheduled 7 am - noon weekdays = 12-17 UT, and 7 am - 1 pm on Sundays = 12-18 UT (? Or did they say
Saturdays?). Trouble is, this is really starting two hours later than the announced time! And no doubt there will be another
confusing one-hour shift once DST is over Nov 1. Then did join B.S., talking about how President Obama is the anti-Christ,
the man in whom Satan will dwell. What crap.
So WWCR does acknowledge they are carrying B.S., just not on their published program schedules such as the one dated
Oct 1 at http://www.wwcr.com/program-guides/WWCR_Program_Guide.pdf
which still claims nothing but Dr Gene Scott 24/7 on 13845/5935.
Meanwhile B.S. via WWRB was already blasting its bignal on 9385 at 1331, while the day before did not get switched up
from 3185 until an hour later as Dave had hit the snooze alarm.
** THAILAND [and non]. R. Thailand`s SE Asian English broadcasts in our mornings may be our best chance to hear them,
rather than the `US` service in the evenings when propagation is problematical: Oct 29 at 1248, very poor with flutter on
9720; better at 1413 on 9725.
At least 9725 is clear unlike previous seasons, since Costa Rica is kaput, altho primetimeshortwave has yet to catch up with
that reality. Even Aoki has deleted it tho retaining many other long-inactive Latin Americans.
** U S A. WEWN on new 9390 in B-09, Oct 29 at 1236 with organ music, and this is the transmitter with the parasites plus
and minus 10 kHz, making slushy mush on FEBC Chinese 9400, and also detectable with BFO on 9380.
** U S A. WRMI, 9955 with DX Partyline Thu Oct 29 at 1250 in JSWC report about Radio Saint Helena Day, mixed with
DentroCuban jamming pulses, but readable instead of totally buried.
UNIDENTIFIED. 17750, Oct 29 at 1316 unID music, with wavering het cutting on and off, but from what happened later may
have all been out of one transmitter. Nothing at all is scheduled here after 1100 per Aoki and HFCC. At 1321 the music was
gone and was only hearing tone tests on and off, and then continuous. At 1329 tone stops, and 1330 music starts: it`s weird
sampling of something Mideast-sounding with pseudo-random repetitions every few seconds. Signal is now very good; pause
for a semiminute at 1339, resumed; at 1345 changed to full pieces of music rather than sampling, but voice-processing in order
to sound inhuman, an approach I have yet to appreciate. Off abruptly at 1353:30*, never any announcements. Someone testing
with this stuff for reasons unknown from location unknown. Band was certainly open from Europe and probably Greenville.
** ALBANIA. R. Tirana B-09 monitoring, continued, Oct 27-28:
7520 for English at 2100 is a total loss, as already observed from Europe. IBB, contrary to original registrations, has usurped
this semihour instead of starting at 2130 -- almost as if to be a spoiler, as it`s unusual to start a Persian transmission at our
hourtop instead of hourbottom (Iran`s hourtop). Even on a portable radio in OK at 2110 Oct 27, R. Farda, 332 degrees all
the way from Sri Lanka, is on top of co-channel from Tirana, which will have to find another frequency ASAP (unless IBB
relents, unlikely). Only a very poor signal making it here so far from Tirana on // 9895, but in the clear.
Albanian at 2130-2200 is now on 7435 and 6165. At 2220 Oct 27, on portable in the yard, 7435 has a poor signal in Albanian
talk; 6165 is not // with music atop, two stations mixing with a SAH. Could be Chad which sporadically uses 6165 as late as
2230, or Croatia on later than expected? 6165 is mainly for Europe, so maybe not too much QRM there.
Evening observations UT Oct 28, all from portable in the yard to escape household noise sources, so reception would no
doubt be better on the main rig with longwire:
At 0130, English sign-on audible on 7425, but very poor signal.
At 0245, English on 7425 just barely audible but in the clear. 6 MHz would propagate better for both.
0330, English on 6150 poor but audible better than 7425 earlier; maybe some weak co-channel under.
0438 during 0430 English on 6100, poor but clear.
1545 during 1530 English on 13640, poor signal but clear; no problem yet from adjacents such as Darwin 13635 or Bengaluru 1364.
** AUSTRALIA. Only VL8 signal audible Oct 28 at 1310 was 2310, music and talk, nothing detectable in high noise level on
2325 or 2485. Does this mean a propagational opening very geographically selective, or were the others off or stuck on their
60m channels at night, as sometimes happens? The one on 5025 (=2485) is blocked here by Cuba.
** BRAZIL. 5045 at 0543 Oct 28, good with novelty song, R. Cultura, Pará, now a regular here nightly. Those who don`t keep
up with events may assume it is the other Brazilian listed, R. Guarujá Paulista.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 28 at 1336: fair on 8400, null on 9000, good on 10210.
Song on 7270 // 7295, Oct 28 at 1439 --- could both be Malaysia? But would not be in //, and far too strong. Instead it`s
ChiCom CNR1 jamming as Aoki listings soon clarify, and furthermore same on // 7365 and 7385.
7270 vs V. of China, Taiwan, which just started at 1435
7295 vs VOA Chinese, via Novosibirsk at 13-15
7365 not a jammer yet but a real CNR1 channel from Shijiazhuang, then jamming RTI Taiwan after 1600
7385 vs RTI at 10-17.
** CHINA. OTH radar pules, presumed from here, Oct 28: at 1319, 4790-4840; at 1324 ranging 5770-5820, so AFN Guam
5765 barely escaped; I never hear Myanmar on 5770 anyway.
** CUBA [and non]. RHC Oct 28 at 0541: situation nominal, with English on 6140, 6060 and 6010; Spanish on 6120, 6000
with no phones ringing.
Heavy jamming against Martí 7405 bleeds far beyond, Oct 28 at 0548 with distinct pulsing on 7415, where WBCQ is already
off, but would have been bad for it earlier. Maybe that`s the QRM Noble West has been complaining about? Matching
pulse jamspur on 7395, and another weaker peak from same could be heard around 7440. Downward, there is more noise
jamming against nothing on 7365, another Martí channel but now scheduled only at 00-05.
RHC 11760 spurcheck Oct 28: first noted in bandscan at 1345 on 12017.2 with the telltale same-pitch whine as on all the
others, some of them also with RHC audio. Also 11657.2, measured on 12068.4; at 1410 measured the primary ones at
11708.6 and 11811.4, or plus and minus 51.4 kHz, then detected as low as 11297.4 and as high as 12222.6, i.e. extending
only nine steps above and below fundamental.
Meanwhile at 1407 Oct 28, RHC fundamental on 15120 had a very big het of slightly varying pitch and independent fading,
from a carrier on about 15119.8. Previously noted that only other 15120 station scheduled at this time is Saudi Arabia in
Bengali, but hard to believe all the way from there so maybe something else. RHC`s other 19m channel until 1500, 15360,
now is eclipsed by WYFR in Spanish on 15355 as noted at 1402, now scheduled 1245-1600 with a beam change at 1400
from 222 to 142 degrees upping its backward signal here.
** CUBA [and non]. What`s become of R. República in B-09? Only way to find out is by monitoring, as never registers or publishes
its own schedule. That does not keep the DentroCuban Jamming Command from finding it right away, so why be so secretive?
I may have found it on new 6160, as I was monitoring for Tirana, Oct 28 at 0130, there was Spanish plus noise jamming, and
I think I heard República mentioned. Next check at 0250 appeared to be gone, leaving traces of CKZU/CKZN which would
be big victims of the Cuban radio war whenever República may be on 6160. Too, there was now big splash from 6165 where
Bonaire RNW Spanish switches from 210 to 305 degrees usward between 0157 and 0200.
CKZN and CKZU are nonentities as far as HFCC is concerned and thus deserve no protexion whatsoever. That leaves no
transmissions to or from the Americas scheduled at any time on 6160, making it ripe for a secret República broadcast. It still
needs to be confirmed here. If so, does this make it less likely to be via Sackville instead of UK? Would CBC`s RCI nix even
a veiled transmission on 6160 in deference to other CBC transmitters on the frequency, or overlook them?.
** INDIA. Reception from AIR was very poor Oct 28, but as far as I could tell the Aligarh blob was not in play at 1340, just
very weak signal on 9470 as well as 9425.
** KOREA NORTH [and non]. Oct 28 was a Korean morning, rather than anything from PNG or Indonesia on the lower bands, at
least when I started monitoring at 1303: assertive Korean talk // on 3320 and 3250 from Pyongyang BS; at 1304 noise jamming
from North vs South on 3480, 3912, but at 1325 the S Korean cland Korean talk was atop noise jamming on 6518 // 6600.
** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 9880, Oct 28 at 1431 in Japanese with piano music, sounds almost like a hymn. Must be one
of those services obsessed with abduxions --- exactly: per Aoki, Furusato no Kaze via Darwin, AUSTRALIA at 1430-150.
** NEW ZEALAND [and non]. 6170, RNZI still with collision from Khabarovsk, Oct 28 at 1327 Russian music bothering
Dateline Pacific report on Apia aftermath; by 1435 VOR Chinese was atop RNZI with SAH. RNZI will be concerned about
this only if also a problem in its own Pacific target area.
** PHILIPPINES. 7505 with sounds of a revival; could it be WRNO back on expanded schedule? Oct 28 at 1436, soon
dashed by discussion in Chinese. Instead it is FEBC via Iba site at 330 degrees, at 1400-1630, so WRNO would be advised
to avoid this timeslot anyway.
** SERBIA [non]. Still no sign of any signal from IRS on B-09 scheduled 6190 for NAm at 01-02. Instead, Oct 28 at 0130 I
am still finding something on 9675, its A-09 frequency, but too weak to be sure what it be. There is now supposed to be one
English broadcast at 0130-0200 except UT Sundays.
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. WWCR-2, 13845 observation Oct 28: at 1352 thought I was hearing PMS again, a woman
preaching, but should have confirmed by // Anguilla 11775, because at 1421 I found 13845 to be back on Overcomer // but
not syncho with WWRB`s fading 3185. Since WWCR has never acknowledged carrying Overcomer instead of University
Network on 13845, I am beginning to wonder if whenever that happens, it`s a mistake like punching up the wrong satellite
feed channel.
** SUDAN [non]. 17745, Oct 28 at 1516, exotic music with drumming, ululating, scheduled as Sudan Radio Service via
** TURKEY. VOT English at 1330 check Oct 28: at 1345 just barely audible on 12035; at 1403 // 15300 underneath RFI in
French, producing a SAH due to non zero-beat transmitter tuning. I will not be surprised if despite this, VOT stays on 15300
for the remaining 5 months of B-09. It varies from station to station, but VOT has demonstrated an unwillingness to make
any changes once a season starts, witness 9830 which clashed with RTTY for seven months at 2200, despite our repeated
unsolicited advice to do something about it.
Sometimes it`s a standoff, as both stations claim they had priority to a frequency, but this certainly does not apply to 15300,
which RFI has used for a very long time, and also uses for many more hours a day than this one hour from VOT. Therefore
it`s obvious to any objective observer that VOT is the one which should move ASAP. Saving face, however, by not admitting
a mistake, may be more important than providing listeners (who cares about them?) with a clear frequency to hear, and
incidentally also making the program producers` work worth doing.
** U K. 13750 with VG signal in Russian interview, Oct 28 at 1423. This will be a problem for RHC if it ever resumes Aló
Presidente on Sundays from 1400 --- no, it won`t: This hour is BBC Russian via Rampisham, but scheduled M-F only.
** U S A [non]. IBB has made the mistake of picking 9325 for broadcasts from Tinang to Asia. As an outlaw nation, North
Korea refuses to participate in HFCC, and thus IBB could conclude the frequency was available, even tho any savvy SWL
would know Pyongyang has used it for sesquidecades. Per Aoki it`s currently VOK all the way from 1300 to 2050. Frequency
managers are not really doing their job if they only go by HFCC, ignoring easily available more comprehensive schedule
sources. Aoki shows Korean azimuth as 325 degrees, alternating Korean, Russian, German, but if we get it way offbeam
over here it is also likely to be a problem in much closer SE Asia.
So VOA is now scheduled on 9325 at 1300-1530, due west from Tinang, first in Vietnamese, then one hour each in Khmer
and Burmese. Oct 28 at 1336 Cambodian was getting co-channel from VOK in Korean with a fast SAH. Same situation at
next check 1427, 1429 VOA theme, Washington outro ID in English, 1430 opening Burmese still clashing.
** U S A. Dave must have overslept today, Oct 28. WWRB with Overcomer, tho a non-Brother Scare was speaking, on 3185
was still going instead of 9385 at tune-in 1338, and at repeated further chex as 3185 signal steadily sank into the daytimeabsorption noise level: 1345, 1400, 1408, 1419, 1426. Finally at 1432 switched to 9385 with usual big signal (bignal?).
** U S A [non]. 13820 Oct 28 at 1353, VG signal in S Asian language, man with clear, expressive enunciation, probably
telling a bible story, punxuated by woman making assenting murmurs. 1355 hymn theme, Family Radio Oakland address,
and also a GPO Box in Dhaka, Bangladesh --- so it`s Bengali as scheduled. I noticed this since I was expecting to hear at
least DentroCuban jamming if not R. Martí, but that does not start until 1400 while YFR allegedly goes on another hour via
Nauen to Bengal.
UNIDENTIFIED. 6150 with big steady open carrier, Oct 28 at 0540-0546:30*. No likely sources listed. Could be an IBB testonly frequency from Greenville, not used for real broadcasts.
** ALBANIA. Further observations of R. Tirana B-09 to North America:
6110 in Albanian at 0104 UT Oct 27: Fair signal but muffled audio, talk into music. There is lite interference from presumed
Cuban jamming residual clix centered about 6108. This would continue to be heard thru the evening, but not much of a
problem. Nothing audible on 7425 in the noisy inside environment, but could be heard weakly outside in the yard on DX-398
portable, where all the subsequent chex were made:
7425 at 0138 in English, poor reception; while 6110 was still open along with 6105-6115 so could be used instead with better
7425 at 0250 in English, again poor, and 6110 still available.
6150 at 0330 in English, good signal, no adjacent interference but possibly something very weak underneath on 6150.
Nothing significant listed, but Aoki reminds us of Bayrak, Brasil, and surely too early for Yakutsk.
6100 at 0430 in English, good, about the same as 6150 an hour earlier. No interference here.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 27 at 1329: best on 8400, weaker on 9000 and weaker still on 10210.
** CHINA [non]. CRI made its usual B-season switch from 9650 to 15230 for English via Sackville at 13-14, leaving a onehour gap on 9650 between KBS English and KBS Korean, but Oct 27 at 1333 there was nothing else to be heard on 9650.
However, on a good day one ought to be able to catch Radio Sonder Grense from RSA, now scheduled 07-18 with 100 kW,
275 degrees from Meyerton.
** CROATIA [and non]. As soon as Bonaire quit 6165 at 0631* Oct 27 a much weaker signal was uncovered, Slavicsounding, so presumably Deanovec, 100 kW at 320 degrees toward W Europe and consequently also NAm, which also
starts at 0600. Plus a rumbling SAH, Chad?.
** CUBA [and non]. RHC Oct 27: at 0602, 6140 in English this date, some hum, and phone JBA ringing in background
on this frequency only, not so on // 6000 or 6060. 6140 now suffering splash from 6145 which is RFI in Hausa via
Issoudun, 170 degrees but quite strong here way outside Hausa-land. Meanwhile RHC in Spanish on distorted 6120
and Camping-mixed 6000.
RHC 15120 at 1351 had an audible het on the lo side of about 200 Hz. Looks like the only possibility is BSKSA`s Bengali
service, unless it`s yet another Cuban defect.
The 11760 spurs are still going Oct 27. At 1352 centered approximately 11707.5 and 11812.5, further away from fundamental
than usual, 52.5 kHz. This time 11760 had a weak whine audible underneath otherwise good modulation, the same pitch
making the multiple spurs detectable, as low as roughly 11235 and as high as 12185, not measured.
Listened to 11760 at 1402 as Despertar con Cuba was closing until tomorrow at ``6 am``, then at 1404 current almostcorrect EST timecheck as 9:03 ``en todo el territorio nacional``. Well, duh, a small but untiny country like Cuba would never
have more than one timezone in effect! No frequency listing at this hour, into a couple minutes of news, and Voces de la
Revolución, Fidel at a fever-pitch from antaño.
** INDIA. Good thing I said ``apparently`` the Aligarh blob had been fixed as of Oct 26, since it was back Oct 27! At 1326
centred about 9472, extreme distortion spreading 9465-9480 // but not synchronized Bengaluru 9425. However, next tuneby
at 1329 found the blob replaced by normal weak properly modulated AM signal on 9470. Perhaps the engineers started up the
defective transmitter by mistake as usual at 1318, then switched to the good one a dekaminute later. So that is still progress.
** INDONESIA. VOI, 9525.9, Oct 27 at 1331, very undermodulated in W&M conversation, and soon could be recognized the
voice of the guy from Banjarmasin as usual Tuesdays for Exotic Indonesia. Useless to try to get anything out of it.
RRI, 9680, good modulation unlike the VOI transmitter down the hall at Cimanggis, Oct 27 at 1335 talking over music rather
than CCI as first seemed; 1336 song called Rosita. Aoki continues to show this closing at 1300, but consistently heard some
two hours further; and apparently the Chinese radio war no longer wages on 9680
** INTERNATIONAL. Quick check of 13m Oct 27 at 1424 shows it still getting that October MUF-bumpup, with 8 signals
audible, the usual ones on 21460, 21505, 21540, 21560, 21570, 21610, 21640, 21695, with 21470 the only absentee.
** IRAN [non]. R. Farda, Oct 27: on 15690 at 1342, ID in passing, telephone SFX, echoing // 15410. 15690 is now scheduled
all the way from 0230 to 1400 via Sri Lanka, except for one hour at 12-13 via Biblis; why?.
** KOREA NORTH [non]. Tuned in 5985 barely in time to hear a couple notes of piano music until 1430* Oct 27. Good signal,
so Shiokaze should have been easy listening from 1400, tho not likely in English on a Tuesday.
** MEXICO [and non]. Radio Educación`s co-channel QRM problems on 6185: Oct 27 at 0250 check I find a rippling fast
subaudible heterodyne already, which must be from Vatican, not scheduled to start programming until 0310 in Armenian.
Next check at 0603, XEPPM talking rather than playing anthem as 24 hours earlier so it must have been closer to 0600 this
date; but co-channel QRM still from Vatican now in Scandinavian language // 7335 mixed with Tunisia. VR finally finishes
6185 around 0620 and then I could enjoy XEPPM`s eclectic music in the clear. At 0631 it involved voice as instrument plus
synthesizer, perhaps by Philip Glass with a dose of minimalism.
At next check 0710, however, XEPPM blown away by Brasília, which must be signing on an hour earlier due to DST there.
XEPPM is such an excellent station that it deserves a worldwide clear frequency! Tell that to the Mexican authorities or
XEPPM itself who have no concept of the need for active frequency management and the ability to shift as needed. Last
year, some Mexican SW frequencies finally got recognized by HFCC, but that did no good, and they have probably been
deleted now.
** NETHERLANDS [non]. 49 meters used to be clear of most of the big relay signals after 0530, but irrelevant DST shift
in Europe has led RN via Bonaire to move its Dutch transmission one UT hour later even tho NAm remains on DST! 6165
now *0559 Oct 27 with IS for only one minute mixed with Dutch IDs, then sign-on mentioning this and several frequencies
for parts of Europe, blowing away CBC on 6160 [see NEWFOUNDLAND]. VG signal strength but lots of selective fading
and consequent heavy distortion. Also noted timesignal at 0630 and *then* national anthem until 0631* This is aimed 320
degrees for WNAm. And the transmission is axually registered until 0631, but supposedly ends four minutes earlier on
Sundays only.
** NEWFOUNDLAND. CBC Radio 1 has canceled CBC Overnight, the service it has carried for several years consisting
of `SW` stations from abroad put together for them by WRN. Now Radio Canada Immigration gets its big break, The Link
carried on CBC`s domestic network, even if it is the middle of the night. And consequently relayed back on SW by CKZN,
noted Oct 27 at 0557 as Marc Montgomery was upwrapping its first hour urging listeners to stay tuned for second hour.
Usual fast rippling SAH from CKZU, as the two CBC SW stations on 6160 cannot match their frequencies accurately.
The old schedule here http://www.cbc.ca/overnight/schedule.html has still not been updated. Andy Reid points out the daily
CBC sked http://www.cbc.ca/programguide/daily/2009/10/27/cbc_radio_one/
which shows The Link at 2-4 am local, and the rest mostly BBCWS now. To avoid further confusion, in the case
of CKZN, `local` time means Atlantic, not Newfoundland as CBC scheduling is simultaneous, not one semihour
offset. However, poetic justice at *0559 when RN Bonaire cuts on 6165 and blows away 6160. More about that
under NETHERLANDS [non].
** NEW ZEALAND [and non]. RNZI, stuck on 6170, continues to confront co-channel QRM in B-09: Oct 27 at 1320,
Dateline Pacific with considerable interference from Khabarovsk, and SAH of about 4 Hz; however, no het from
DZRM 6170.4 audible today. Meanwhile the other RNZI transmitter is idle, taking a DRM break but could be run
elsewhere as a clear AM channel.
** PORTUGAL. RDPI on new 7345, Oct 27 at 0613 giving detailed satellite, FM, DRM tuning info as they do periodically
during the day, then ID as ``RDP Internacional, Rádio Portugal, rádio pública, rádio para todos``. That about covers it. This
is ex-7240 in A-09, which in turn is now occupied by DW English via – Portugal. 7345 is now scheduled M-F only at 06-07,
45 degrees, but good here off the side.
** SERBIA [non]. IRS is supposedly scheduled in B-09, for NAm: on 6190, 0100 in Serbian, 0130-0200 English, except with
Serbian occupying the entire hour on UT Sundays. No more second English broadcast. Except I have heard nothing on
6190 checked UT Oct 25, 26 and 27. But on 27 I was hearing something Slavic on 9675 after 0100, and since nothing else
is scheduled there now in B-09, I suspect IRS have been slow to make the frequency change. More chex needed, especially
for English at 0130 on 9675 or 6190.
BTW, on the B-09 schedule found by Kai Ludwig at http://glassrbije.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategor
`S Amerika` means NORTH America. There has been speculation that IRS is not really active on SW at all, following a
change of management and very uncertain funding.
** SPAIN [non]. Confirming the co-official token language segment still exists on REE tho timeshifted post-DST to M-F 13401355 on numerous frequencies: Oct 27 at 1349 on 15170 via Costa Rica, concluding Galician segment with strong Castilian
accent, sea-chanty theme, 1350 into Basque segment which of course after the intro in Euzkadi, is really safely in Castilian so
it can easily be monitored to prevent anything pro-ETA being conveyed. First is Catalan at 1340. Meanwhile, 15170 had music
co-channel underneath about 4 Hz away. Yes, RRI is again colliding at 13-15, 290 degrees from Galbeni in Romanian.
** TUNISIA [and non]. Never mind my recent schedule for RTT that 7335 would not start until 0700. Oct 27 it`s already going
at 0611, news in Arabic mixing with Scandinavian talk from Vatican // 6185 which is also in collision, with Mexico. Did Vatican
too expect Tunisia not to start 7335 until 0700? Unlikely, as Vatican does its own thing and allows several collisions to go
on season after season. It`s up to other stations to get out of the way, if they care. RTT is // clear 7275, at least. Could the
confusion be due to a delayed DST shift? No, timeanddate.com says no DST in Tunisia this year.
** TURKEY [and non]. VOT on new 6040 via Sackville, Oct 27 at new hour-later time 0433, in correct language, English,
sufficient altho not super signal, but much better than // 6020 direct from Turkey buried against the het from Perú`s perpetually
off-frequency Radio Victoria. Any station voluntarily broadcasting on 6020.0 during the Peruvian night is incredibly foolish,
yet Turkey is not the only one; a string of them still do, blithely ignorant of the het driving away listeners:
CRI via Albania at 00-04, Turkey at 04-05, VOA French from Greenville to Africa at 0530-0630, RRI at 0630-0700 in English
DRM, Australia 0900-1100, RNW Bonaire 0930-1000 in Dutch. They all could chip in and buy Victoria a new correctly cut
crystal for a pittance, but that might not be welcomed from its clashers who would keep doing so, merely without the het.
What about VOT`s English at 1330? Oct 27 at 1347, RFI in French was atop 15300 with a fast SAH, but VOT clear on 12035.
** U K [and non]. BBCWS now quite good on 15575, with interview about paying taxes (or not) in Ireland, Oct 27 at 1343.
15575 during this hour only is 90 degrees from Skelton, while at 07-13 it`s 97 degrees from Cyprus.
** U S A. WRMI, 9955, often inaudible in the nightmiddle due to dipping MUF, was quite audible Oct 27 at 0622 with R.
Prague relay in English, VG but mixed with DentroCuban jamming pulses. WRMI on NW antenna this time?.
** U S A. KVOH already on the 17775 air at the early hour of 1421 Oct 27, VG S9+20 with praise hymn in Spanish.
Supposedly authorized only from 1500, but previously heard as early as 1445. The sun had barely risen in LA at 1409, so a
quick MUF buildup, likely facilitated by HF sporadic E not reaching VHF.
KVOH continues to be FCC-registered for another frequency, 9975 at 01-08 and 13-15, and once in a while someone claims
to have heard it in the evening, but I am not convinced it is ever really using 9975. Definite IDs required.
** U S A [non]. 9670 good with country song in Burmese, Oct 27 at 1334, then mentioning BBC, VOA and Australia, into
distorted woman-on-the-street interview. Scheduled as VOA Burmese via Tinian at 1330-1400.
** VATICAN. VR collisions: see MEXICO, TUNISIA
UNIDENTIFIED. 11785 at 1433 Oct 27 with buzz very much like the Saudi sound on 21505, later 15435, but no likely
suspects listed; atop CRI in Chinese via East Turkistan. BTW, Hmong Lao Radio on WHRI 11785 is expected to shift one
UT hour later Nov 1 to 14-15 Sun & Sat.
UNIDENTIFIED. 15465-15470-15475, DRM noise at 1346 Oct 27. Is any DRM scheduled here or on any nearby frequency
in the B-09 schedule at http://www.drm-dx.de/ ? Of course not.
UNIDENTIFIED. 15775 the center of a whiny, mushy signal with fades, so not local, Oct 27 at 1341; rather like somebody`s
spur but no matches nearby or clues.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 25: at 1323, nothing on 8400 or 9000, poor on 10210. But at 1444, 8400 was sufficient, nothing
on 9000.
** CUBA. RHC Oct 25: this date at 0538, 6140 in Spanish instead of English; Spanish also on 6120, 6000, English on 6060
and 6010, where Arnie Coro still going past 0600, so DXers Unlimited started late again.
Phone-ringing continuously now seems confined to Cuba`s spy-number frequencies, such as 5800, Oct 25 at 0543 along
with big hum, prior to hourtop modulation also heard.
11760 spurs: first check around 1250 Oct 25, usual het to 11705 Venezuela via Cuba from 11708 and the match around
11812. Did not measure or search out the others yet, but when I did start to do that at 1326 they were all gone; switched
transmitters in the meantime?
6000, big open carrier, surely would have been RHC, Oct 25 at 1314 while 5965 was modulating normally. Next check at
1441, both were playing parallel poetry.
As usual, the DentroCuban jamming command gets caught with its pants down on seasonal change dates. Altho Radio
Martí behavior is extremely predictable, jamming against nothing still going on abandoned 11845, Oct 25 at 1433, and NO
jamming against RM reactivated on 15330, excellent at 1437; now scheduled 14-20.
** CZECHIA [and non]. R. Prague now shifted one UT hour later for B-09, Oct 25 at 1405 on 13580, mailbox already with
lots of listener reaxion to reports that R. Prague may be banned from shortwave.
I went back and listened to the whole thing on the audio archive for 10.25 which is available for a week at http://www.radio.
The mailbox starts already four minutes into the file, followed by Letter from Prague at ten. One could also hear it on the
WRMI repeats into Monday 1400 on 9955.
In those six minutes, announcer explained that the Foreign Ministry is reducing the budget for 2010 by 20 percent. May
result in reduxion of SWBC as of Jan 1, 2010. Current sked valid until Dec 31. Now in talks with ministry and new sked to
be agreed on by yearend, depending on developments. All the info we have at moment, as negotiations still taking place.
English sexion is really touched by letters of support, many from those who have been regular listeners for sesquidecades
but rarely write in, such as Mike Terry from UK and Sheryl Paszkiewicz (pronounced as if it were a Czech name; the spelling
is Polish, but she says she is part Czech), Andy Reid, Roger Tidy, Chrissy Brand and other familiar names.
** GERMANY. 11985, VOA during reporters` discussion in English, Sunday Oct 25 at 1434, with long/short path echo. B-09
scheduled as Lampertheim, 100 kW at 108 degrees, so another European signal normally heard via short path off the back,
also making it around the far way.
** GERMANY [non]. DW in German with sports coverage, but surely not live at this hour, 0539 Oct 25 as now in B-09
scheduling, with huge echo, must be two sites running at once, unsynchronized. Yes: Sines, Portugal is in use 0400-0743,
-0755 on weekends, and Skelton, UK also starts at 0500, switching to Woofferton at 0600. However, at 0612 check, no echo
so perhaps Woofferton is synchronized with Sines, while Skelton is not.
DW have done this before, doubling up transmitter sites on their favorite frequency to Europe, but it seems they have to relearn each new season that feed delays need to be adjusted to avoid echoes! Even so they are likely to interfere with each
other depending on skip distances and locations. It looks like there is another big overlap on 6075 at 17-20 between Sines
and Woofferton.
** GREECE. VOG now on 15650 at 1338 Oct 25, Greek music and announcement, but by 1551 check was back on 15630,
so Miraya FM is still safe on 15650 from 1500.
** INDIA. AIR `9470` Aligarh blob seemed centered on 9460, Oct 25 at 1321 bothering 9455-9465 at least.
** INDONESIA. 4750, RRI Makassar, Oct 25 at 1319 presumed the one on top of CCI with singing. Other 4750s being
Qinghai and/or Bangladesh.
Did not get to VOI before 1400 Oct 25, but presumably still clear on 9525.9. At 1416 inserting an English ID, they are now
clear for the Malay hour, more like 9525.8.
** INTERNATIONAL. Too much going on the first day of B-09 requiring lower bandscans, but a quick check of 13m Oct 25
at 1435 found The Spanish triad, the Saudi triad, Portugal and Libya all audible. Even when this happens, adjacent `15m`
hamband is normally dead, but today it too was full of SSB signals. It takes a contest to get the hams to try 21 MHz.
** JAPAN [non]. 5955 with NHK IS, Oct 25 at 1313, new frequency for Indonesian via Yamata at 1315.
** KOREA NORTH [non]. Having heard it yesterday, checked 5910 again Oct 25 at 1412 for Shiokaze from Japan. Something
was there but could not tell what; not found on alternate 6120 yet, just Camping on 6115. Ron Howard reports Shiokaze just
moved to 5985 despite Myanmar.
** LAOS [non]. Hmong Lao Radio reactivated via WHRI 11785, not only on Sat, but 13-14 UT Sunday, as confirmed Oct 25
at 1330 check in Hmong talk.
** MADAGASCAR [non]. Looking for reactivated clandestine Radio Mada once again Sunday Oct 25 at 1551: now on my
portable, as noise sources are running in the shack, and I can only detect some weak signal on 15670, while 15640 is in
analog German via Portugal, no more DRM. R. Mada is supposed to be using Pridnestrovye at 1530-1600 Sat & Sun only
on 15670 ex-15640.
** POLAND [non]. As hoped, PRES has reaudiblized itself in NAm, after a summer of colliding with Indonesia on 9525v for
the mid-day English broadcast, which was at 1200; now 1300, but not intentionally to NAm as really only for Europe: Oct 25
at 1326 fairly good signal in the clear on new 11675, 100 kW, 300 degrees via new relay site for Poland, i.e. Austria so also
USward, talking about Poland and Czechoslovakia in WWI, and at first I guessed it was Prague as modulation is similar.
Also could hear // but one-second-ahead 11860, under splash from YFR 11855. 11860 is far less favorable for us, NEward
from Woofferton UK.
** PORTUGAL. Nothing analogous making it from European 75m broadcasters, Oct 25 at 0555, but DRM noise spreading
3990-3995-4000, depriving Region 2 hams of the top ten kHz of their band. This is DW via Sines, and scheduled to switch
to BBC Skelton at 0600.
** RUSSIA [and non]. VOR WS in English on new 9840, Oct 25 at 0532; lo-fi audio in music, then talk about a painter from
Khabarovsk; also some co-channel QRM underneath. 0617 still on, ending a program about how the Russian language has
shaped culture, something about Pushkin.
VOR now scheduled 04-07 on 9840 via Pet/Kam, 250 kW, 70 degrees to WNAm, in effect ex-13775 until 06 during A-09,
which had become quite inaudible here weeks before. The CCI on 9840 could be a Moscow transmitter carrying R. Rossii
also scheduled at this time to Europe.
7335 with very strong classical music, Oct 25 at 0535; can`t be Tunisia this early and not // 7275. Instead, as quickly
revealed by Spanish announcement at 0538, is La Voz de Rusia, the GUIANA FRENCH relay extended an hour later since
DST is irrelevantly over in Moscow, at 0200-0600, 250 kW, 318 degrees and also USward. Tunisia is now scheduled to start
7335 at 0700, only a semi-hour overlap with // 7275 until 0730.
Just as I expected, the motorboating transmitter from Petropavlovsk/ Kamchatsky on 5920 in the A-09 season has been
transferred to 6075 for the B-09 season: Oct 25 at 1308, Radio Rossii with the unstable carrier rumbling against itself, but
also some other co-channel QRM under, while abandoned 5920 was open. BBC Indonesian via Thailand is now on 6075
at 1300-1330.
Listened carefully with BFO on at 1359 to hear if the mystery CW marker 8GAL would be back on 6074 just as RR signs off
(see numerous reports in Jan-Feb-Mar DXLD issues). BFO emphasized that zero-beating this wobbly carrier was impossible.
But no sign of 8GAL thru 1402. There were however, two unsynchronized timesignals mixing, one the final gasp of RR and
carrier not cut until 1401*. What else could be on 6075 at 1400? DW via Woofferton; CRI via Kashgar, East Turkistan, is
starting Urdu, and per the preliminary new Aoki B-09 schedule at http://www.geocities.jp/binewsjp/bib09.txt
ChiCom CNR1 jamming and RTI are also starting 6075 at 1400.
6005 in Japanese, Oct 25 at 1316; this is now VOR via Komsomol`sk/Amure.
** SAIPAN. Extremely distorted signal in Chinese circa 9705, Oct 25 at 1418, spreading down to 9695 and up to 9725,
but peaking at 9705; identity soon given away by VOA jingle. At 1430 found carrier to be at constant level per meter, but
modulation bursts went on and off.
In B-09 this is scheduled as SAIPAN site, 100 kW, 310 degrees in Cantonese at 14-15, and same at 13-14 on different
azimuth, 285. Is anyone paying attention at IBB? Of course, you can`t really monitor your own signal accurately right at the
site, as everything is overloaded, but that`s no excuse with remote receivers available, and there should be metering from
the transmitter which would reveal something is very, very wrong.
** SPAIN [non]. REE via COSTA RICA, which was caught trying 5975 instead the night before until 0615, back on usual
5965 Oct 25 at 0544 producing usual big SAH and modulation mix with Vatican. Now both are scheduled to start 5965 at
0400, Vatican northward to Eu, and REE SEward to SAm, so no problem, right? Come to think of it, REE might have been
avoiding RHC instead, which greatly expanded its usage of 5965 until 0500. 5975 is now in use by Rampisham 05-06 but
available afterwards.
REE Cariari again active on 15170, hefty S9+22 level but usual muffled modulation in music, a pity, // weaker synchronized
15125, Oct 25 at 1440.
** TURKEY. It looks like VOT is victim of poor frequency planning for the English broadcast now shifted to 1330, which
used to be audible in NAm altho not intentionally, at 1230 on 15450 (and last winter on 12035). But Oct 25, 2009 at 1334
found music on 12035 and then non-English announcement. VOT should have been in opening newscast then. Not sure
what it was; could even have been Turkey with wrong program feed on the first confusing day of a new season, but Spain
is scheduled right up until 1330 on 12035, and then V of Russia, Samara from 1400.
Besides Turkish on other channels, VOT now has Urdu scheduled 1300-1355 on 11985, and that program could be what
was axually thrucoming on 12035. Further monitoring of this transmission obviously necessary.
Other VOT frequency for English at 1330-1425, 15300 has an even more obvious conflict, RFI using it straight thru from
0800 to 1700, and I think I was hearing a mix of the two as I tuned by. BTW, 12035 is now listed as the inferior Çakirlar site
at 313 degrees, while 15300 is Emirler at 95 degrees.
Also noticed hyperenthusiastic sporting commentary on 15350, Oct 25 at 1340, presumably VOT as scheduled in Turkish
0700-1355. I guess they were having a Sunday afternoon sillyballgame.
** U K [and non]. 7535, something in Chinese, but under heavy ute/RTTY QRM, Oct 25 at 1319. BBCWS Mandarin via
Thailand, 20 degrees and so also USward scheduled here at 1300-1530.
9540-9545-9550 with DRM noise, Oct 25 at 1431. This is BBC via Woofferton, 100 kW at 114 degrees, tough luck for IRIB
which is starting its analog Bengali service on 9545 at 1430, 500 kW, 100 degrees from Kamalabad, inaudible.
** U S A. After catching WTTN, ESPN Spanish sportstalk from Wisconsin on its third harmonic 4740 yesterday, I looked for
it again Oct 25 at 1319 and some later chex during that hour, but no sign of it. A quick fix?.
** U S A. Exactly one week after WWCR was caught on unscheduled 4755, it happened again, and now I am certain it is no
accident. UT Sunday Oct 25 at 0551, VG signal S9+22, certainly not a spur, and not displaying any modulation problems, on
4755 instead of 3215 with preacher. 0557 announcer talked over preacher who was not finished, for at least a semiminute to
give outro and contact info for show, Nashville Cowboy Church. As soon as this was over at 0558, modulation cut on 4755
for a few sex of open carrier and then off.
Immediately 3215 came back on with open carrier and 0559 resumed modulation with a fire-prevention PSA from Iowa State
University, WWCR ID and into Battle Cry Sounding show. No frequencies mentioned.
Unclear why they would want to use 4755 instead of 3215, but there it is, and could happen at other times. Possibly a trial
balloon to see if any USG users of the frequency object. This could also be bad news for Brasil`s Immaculate Conception.
And I hope no one guessed 4755 was PMA Micronesia reactivated after two years of empty promises.
When WWCR experimented with 15820 instead of 15825 for a few weeks, there was a note on their frequency schedule
page about that, but altho revised today Oct 25 for B-09, that page now says nothing about 4755: http://www.wwcr.com/
** U S A [and non]. 5745, good S9+17 signal but very undermodulated in Spanish La Biblia Dice, soon giving Fámily Radio
Oakland address. In B-09 WYFR is sharing 5745 with Radio Martí and WWRB during the course of a day.
7455 with very strong English preaching, Oct 25 at 1320. WYFR is now using this all the way from 0700 to 1345 at 315
degrees OKward, despite IBB Pashtun also on 7455 from Sri Lanka starting at 1200.
Also heard Harold Droning on new 6115, Oct 25 at 1411; relay via Petropavlovsk/Kamchatsky, RUSSIA.
5995 with Chinese talk, Oct 25 at 1313 --- atop Australia if it was there at all. This is also YFR via Pet/Kam in B-09.
** U S A [non]. VOA logs: see GERMANY, SAIPAN
** VENEZUELA [non]. Did not check for Aló, Presidente until 1759 UT Sunday Oct 25, and then found Hugo blustering away
via CUBA on frequencies from biggest to least signals: 13750, 17750, 12010, 11690, and JBA on 13680. Not // RHC itself
on 11760.
UNIDENTIFIED. 15570 with open carrier, Oct 25 at 1438, whence? Nothing much is scheduled on this frequency now,
earlier or later.
Escutas de Anderson José Torquato
Garopaba-SC, Brasil
Receptor: Degen1103, Antena: Long wire 10 metros
9355- WYFR, USA, SS, 0246, 31/10, Mx instrumental, Talks OM, 24232.
9400- R Bulgaria, Bulgaria, SS, 0238, 31/10, Noticiario, 24232.
9410- Voz da Turquia, Turquia, SS, 0240, 31/10, Mx instrumental e informação sobre escavações e descobertas,
9440- R Eslováquia, Eslovaquia, SS, 0244, 31/10, Id e endereço postal e eletronico, 45444.
9475- Voz da Russia, Russia, SS, 0245, 31/10, Nx politica de paises sulamericanos, 24333.
9535- REE, Espanha, SS, 0248, 31/10, Talks OM e Id, 34333.
9570- R. Int China, China, CHN, 0250, 31/10, Mx nstrumental e OM, 23232.
9575, Medi um, Marrocos, AA, 0252, 31/10, Mx arabe, 34343.
9590- R. Int China, China, SS, 0255, 31/10, Locutora fala sobre a Mx “as águas fluem no riachuelo”, 55545.
9600- R Havana, Cuba, SS, 0257, 31/10, Debates sobre obras literarias, 24333.
9620- REE, Espanha, SS, 0255, 31/10, Locutores falam sobre Mx brasileira, bossa nova. // 9535, 45444.
9635- R. Romênia Int., Romênia, SS, 0306, 31/10, Nx sobre política romena, 45454.
9660- NHK World, Japão, PP, 0235, 31/10, Noticiario, 44343.
9670- R. Free asia, ??, Tibet, 0258, 31/10, Talks OM/YL, 24322.
9690- R. Int China, China, EE, 0317, 31/10, Talks, OM/YL, 14422.
9765- REE, Espanha, SS, 0303, 31/10, Noticiarios, 23322.
9780- HCJB, Equador, Alemão, 0308, 31/10, YL, Nx??, 45343.
9840- R. Taiwan Int, SS, 0300, 31/10, Locutora se despede, horarios e frequencias, 45444.
9895- Voz da Rep Islamica do Irã, Irã, AA, 0302, 31/10, Mx Alcorão, 34343.
9965- Voz da Russia, Russia, SS, 0301, 31/10, inicio das Tx, Boletim de Noticias, 34333.
9985- WYFR, USA, EE, 0313, 31/10, Talks OM/YL, 34443.
2380 R. Educadora, Limeira-Sp, Brasil,PP, 0056, 25/10, Locutor pede contribuição para a obra de Deus, 34233.
3320 R. Sondergrense, Africa do sul, EE,0325, 25/10, Mx instrumental, e OM ,44333.
3345 Channel Africa, Africa do sul, EE, 0328, 25/10 Entrevista, Locutora YL, e entrevistado OM, 24233.
4717 R. Yura, Bolivia, SS, 0105, 25/10, OM, menção do nome Yura, 23222.
4780 R. Djbout, Djbout, AA, 0315, 25/10, Cantico do alcorão, 24232.
4790 R. Vision-Lu Salvacion, Peru, SS, 0332, 25/10, OM, sinal baixo, 14322.
4885 R Clube do Para, Brasil, PP, 0336, 25/10, Px religioso, comentarios sobre drogas, 33433.
4895 R. Novo tempo, São Paulo,Brasil, PP, 0339, 25/10, Px religioso, culto. 25444.
4965 CVC Voice , Zambia??, EE, 0321, 25/10, Px religioso, OM, 22222.
4975 R. Mundial nossa voz, São paulo, Brasil, PP, 0317, 25/10, Mx Brasileira, 33443.
4985 R. Brasil central, Goiania,Brasil, PP, 0323, 25/10, Mx Elis Regina, hora certa e Id, 44444.
5915 NBC Radio 1, Zambia, 0341, 25/10, Mx e Talks OM. Idioma desconhecido, 33323.
Escutas de Luiz Tresso
Jundiaí-SP, Brasil
88,5 31/10 0045 Rede Aleluia, px religioso, id, YL, talks, adv abt numero 7 e cultos, info abt "Catedral da Fe, Av. 7 de Setembro, centro,
Curitiba" 35323
Ontem, por toda a noite (ate 00:30h Brasilia) escutei a Rede Aleluia de Curitiba com bons sinais.
Hoje, de manha, tentei escutar outras estacoes do sul, que nao consegui ontem, mas nada. Somente a Rede Aleluia em 88,5 MHz.
Por outro lado, resolvi tentar outra experiencia que e seguir as aeronaves que sobrevoam a cidade de Jundiai no trajeto a Congonhas,
Cumbica e Viracopos.
Entao, sintonizado na frequencia de 101,3 MHz, segui algumas aeronaves manuseando a antena com as maos e tive algumas
surpresas. Num certo momento, por alguns segundos, surgiu um sinal , muito forte onde escutei a id da Transamerica. Seguindo
outra aeronave, escutei algumas infos sobre o jornal Tribuna do
Parana, na mesma frequencia. Nas outras tentativas apareceram estacoes de SP. Pesquisei na Internet e nesta frequencia parece
que existe uma unica Transamerica que esta no Rio de Janeiro. E a estacao do Parana pode ser a Jovem Pan de Maringa.
Obviamente, os dados da recepcao sao insuficientes para identificar qualquer uma das estacoes recebidas, mas a experiencia com
aeronaves se mostrou muito interessante. Para quem estiver proximo de aeroportos ou tiver rotas de aeronaves proximas, este tipo
de experiencia e muito interessante.
Escutas de Rubens Ferraz Pedroso
Bandeirantes-PR, Brasil
Receptores : Sony ICF SW 7600G, Sony ICF W 7600GR e Degen DE1103.
Antenas : LW do Degen DE1103 e RC3-FM.
107.5 NBC, Kingstown, EE, 0146, 29/10, OM/OM, talks 25332.
107.5 NBC, Kingstown, EE, 2356, 30/10, mx caribenha 45333.
103.7 Hitz FM, Kingstown, EE, 2358. 30/10, mx caribenha 45333.
96.7 Nice FM, Kingstown, EE, 0004, 30/10, mx caribenha 45333.
102.7 ZJF, Saint John’s, EE, 0149, 29/10, mx pop internacional variada 33333.
97.1 ZDK – Liberty Radio International, Saint John’s, EE, 0000, 30/10, OM, anúncios, id OM 45333.
91.1 The Observer, Saint John’s, EE, 0006, 30/10, OM/YL em conversa telefônica w/ ouvintes 45333.
102.7 ZJF, Saint John’s, EE, 0010, 30/10, mx pop internacional variada 54344.
91.9 Hitz FM, Saint John’s, EE, 02/01, 31/10, mx caribenha 35333.
100.9 Radio Magic Stéréo, Port-au-Prince, FF, 0008, 30/10, YL, nxs 34333.
92.7 FAME FM, Coopers Hill, EE, 0016, 30/10, mx caribenha ritmo reggae, depois mx hindu, id OM 35333.
91.5 Unid (Jamaica??), EE, 0018, 30/10, versão reggae de mx do grupo Reo Speedwagon (Cant fight this feeling) ?????.
92.3 Unid, SS, OM, retx de px relg da WYFR?? 33333.
98.6 RCI Guadeloupe, Point-à-Pitre, FF, 0055, 30/10, OM, nxs 43333.
98.1 98 FM, Presidente Prudente – SP, PP, 2313, 24/10, mx, jingle OM: “98 FM”, QRM Timburi FM/Andirá-PR-98.3 MHz 44444 RFP
97.3 Rádio T, Telêmaco Borba – PR, mx brasileira variada, id OM : “Rádio T”. Obs: segundo o site Tudoradio, essa emissora deixou os
92.9 MHz e passou para os 97.3 MHz, tendo assim o seu sinal, uma maior abrangência. Ela faz parte da maior rede de FM do estado
do Paraná e as emissoras dessa rede passam a se denominar “Rádio T”. Antes era “Tropical FM”.
107.5 NBC, Kingstown, EE, 0145, 24/10, OM, mx caribenha 45333.
99.9 WE FM, Kingstown, EE, 0150, 24/10, OM 43333.
96.7 Nice FM, Kingstown, EE, 0012, 23/10, mx caribenha, OM 33333.
97.1 ZDK – Liberty Radio International, Saint John’s, EE, 0148, 24/10, mx caribenha 43333.
102.7 ZJF Radio, Saint John’s, EE, 0151, 24/10, mx pop internacional variada 44344.
97.3 Radio Saint Lucia, Castries, EE, 0149, 24/10, mx caribenha, OM 45333.
95.5 (Radio Saint Lucia, Castries??), EE, 2354, 20/09, YL/OM, talks, id YL: “-----Radio Saint Lucia”, depois nxs abt Dominica, Jamaica, etc 53343.
91.2 RCI Martinique, Martinique, FF, 0203, 25/10, YL, nxs 34333.
106.2 Radio AS, QTH??, FF, 0234, 25/10, YL, nxs, mx 35333.
94.3 RFO, Morne-Rouge, FF, 2333, 21/10, OM, nxs 34333.
106.6 RCI Guadeloupe, Guadeloupe, FF, 0205, 25/10, OM/OM, talks 33333.
106.6 Unid, FF??, 0205, 25/10, mx caribenha, QRM RCI Guadeloupe – 106.6 MHz 33333.
92.9 Unid, SS, 0228, 25/10, OM, retx de px relg da WYFR 33333.
91.9 Unid (Hitz FM/ATG??), EE, mx caribenha (soca??), OM 35333.
106.1 Unid (Voice of Life/DMA??), EE, 0235, 25/10, OM, relg. Obs: O sinal sumiu pouco depois 33333.
97.7 Unid (Prov. Saint Lucia BC ou Radio Anguilla), EE, 2329, 21/10, OM, nxs 35233.
100.9 Radio Magic Stereo, Port-au-Prince, FF, 2315, 23/10, mx caribenha, OM, id OM/YL: « Radio Magic » 34343.
97.9 WGOD, Charlotte-Amalie, EE, 2318, 23/10, OM/YL, relg 43333.
107.5 NBC, Kingstown, EE, 2258, 23/10, OM, nxs 35333.
103.7 Hitz FM, Kingstown, EE, 2304, 23/10, OM/YL, anúncios 33333.
96.7 Nice FM, Kingstown, EE, 0012, 23/10, mx caribenha, OM 33333.
107.5 NBC, Kingstown, EE, 0202, 24/10, mx caribenha, YL 35333.
99.9 WE FM, Kingstown, EE, 0204, 24/10, mx caribenha 45333.
103.7 Hitz FM, Kingstown, EE, 0205, 24/10, mx caribenha 43333.
96.7 Nice FM, Kingstown, EE, 0207, 24/10, OM/OM, talks, anúncios 43333.
97.3 Radio Saint Lucia, Castries, EE 2300, 23/10, OM/YL, anúncios 55344.
102.7 ZJF Radio, Saint John’s, EE, 2302, 23/0, OM, nxs, mx, depois, YL 45333.
91.1 The Observer, Saint John’s, EE, 2308, 23/10, mx caribenha 45344.
91.9 Hitz FM, Saint John’s, EE, 2333, 23/10, mx caribenha, OM w/ anúncios, id OM 35343
106.6 RCI Guadeloupe, Guadeloupe, FF, 2306, 23/10, OM/OM, talks, QRM FF em 106.6 MHz 43333.
106.6 Unid, FF, 2306, 23/10, OM/OM, talks 43333.
92.3 Unid, SS, 2316, 23/10, OM/OM, talks, retx de px relg da WYFR 45344.
91.5 Unid, idioma??, 2335, 23/10, mx ?????.
94.1 Unid, FF??, 0039, 23/10, OM/YL, talks 32232.
102.7 Unid (ZJF Radio/ATG?), 0203, 24/10, mx pop EE variada 43343.
92.3 Unid, EE, 0208, 24/10, OM, relg. Obs: seria a mesma ouvida em SS nessa mesma freqüência? Talvez. 43343.
91.9 Unid (Hitz FM??), EE, 0213, 24/10, OM, anúncios, jingle YL: “Nine One Nine”, talks abt “Soca”, rítmo musical do Caribe, mx
caribenha (ritmo Soca) ?????.
100.9 Radio Maguc Stereo, Port-au-Prince, FF, 2315, 23/10, mx caribenha, OM, id OM/YL: « Radio Magic » 34343.
97.9 WGOD, Charlotte-Amalie, EE, 2318, 23/10, OM/YL, relg 43333.
97.3 Rádio T, Telêmaco Borba – PR, mx brasileira variada, id OM : “Rádio T”. Obs: segundo o site Tudoradio, essa emissora deixou os
92.9 MHz e passou para os 97.3 MHz, tendo assim o seu sinal, uma maior abrangência. Ela faz parte da maior rede de FM do estado
do Paraná e as emissoras dessa rede passam a se denominar “Rádio T”. Antes era “Tropical FM”.
Escutas de Anderson Torquato
Garopaba-SC, Brasil
Degen 1103, Antena Sagna
88.1- UNID, 2247, 27/10, Varias Mx caribenhas.
88.5, RCI Martinique,FF 2338, 27/10, Varias Mx caribenhas.
88.7- Joy Fm, Dominica, EE, 2317, 27/10, OM parecendo ser Id e Mx caribenha.
90.1- Joy Fm, St Lucia, FF, 2251, 27/10 Talks OM.
91.2 RCI Martinique, FF,2311, 27/10, YL com Mx caribenha ao fundo.
91.3- UNID, EE??, 2320, 27/10 forte interferencia da 91.1.
92.9- Voice of Barbados, Barbados, EE, 2257, 27/10, OM.
94.5- UNID, 2301, 27/10, OM.
95.5- ZJB, Monteserrat, EE, 2304, 27/10, Nx OM, e reporter ao vivo.
97.8- UNID,EE 2305, 27/10, OM e Mx estilo não caribenha.
104.6- RCI Martinique, 2308, 27/10, FF, OM com sinal muito baixo.
105.1- UNID, EE, 2331, 27/10, Talks OM.
106.07??- UNID, EE, 2324, 27/10, OM, forte interferencia de uma emissora brasileira em 106.9.
107.9- R Kairi, Rep. Dominicana, EE, 2315, 27/10, OM parecendo ser a Id. Sinal ótimo.
Escuta de Adriano Rossoni
Rondonópolis- MT, Brasil
Pioneer DEH-P7880MP, Antena RC3-FM
88,1 31/10 1312 B JOCKEY FM, TERESINA / PI, "Jockey 40 graus"
Eu estava sumido devido a falta de novidades em FM por aqui (Rondonópolis- MT).
Porem hoje a Es resolveu mostrar as caras foi rapidamente, mas foi o tempo suficiente para registrar sua presença, desta vez
abriu pra nordeste radio Jockey FM de Teresina-PI nada mais que 1.802 km, o áudio desta escuta pode ser ouvido em http://
www.youtube. com/adryan0
Escutas de Ivan Dias da Silva
Sorocaba- SP, Brasil
92.9 Barbados, Voice of Barbados, ouvida com ótima recepção.
Escutas de Rudolf Walter Grimm
São Bernardo do Campo-SP, Brasil
Rx: Radio Concept VW
Ant.: externa, rabicho no teto + booster na base
É ótimo rodar pelos bairros com uma freqüência em FM ativada no receptor, aquela cheia de ruídos, nada com nada.... ainda
há pouco, saindo da VW captei:
90.3 Vox FM, Americana-SP, com identificação.
Alguma ruas abaixo, já fora do bairro Terranova, com clareza ouvi a identificação de uma outra emissora, e consultando agora
na net (embora tentativa):
90.3 Mix FM, Avaré-SP (t), mx pop, e em seguida a id: “Mix FM”.
Quisera ter parado naquele local para ouvir mais da Mix FM, com outros detalhes... mais umas boas ruas em frente, voltou a
Vox, até o portão de minha casa.
Escutas de Jorge Freitas
Feira de Santana-BA, Brasil
Todas as escutas foram feitas com a antena externa dipolo conectada diretamente na entrada da antena externa do degen
1103. Vou construir outra antena dipolo em direção norte/sul, o bom é que vai servir para todas as modalidades, mas também
desejo comprar uma externa para FM. O bom da escuta é que pelo menos a noite a programação musical da maioria é boa,
rss, mas haja paciência para ouvir a ID e tiver sorte de na hora não falhar a propagação. As escutas foram gravadas, publico
amanhã no blog.
88,7 29/10 0228 B, Jovem Pan FM, Aracaju SE, "uma hora de sucessos, uma atrás da outra" "uma hora sem intervalos". Se
alternando na frequência com a Bahia FM de Salvador em tempo espaçado, bom sinal.
93,1 29/10 0335 B, Itabaiana, Itabaiana FM, revezando-se com outra emissora não identificada, px "Madrugada 93", http://
fmitabaiana.com.br/empresa.php . A Itabaina FM eu identifiquei pela radio on-line do site. A partir das 0340 UTC ela se mantém
menos tempo na frequência. As 0355 UTC, identifiquei via rádio a outra, é Sucesso FM de Salvador que ocupa mais o tempo
da frequência, http://www.93fmjequie.com.br/player/index.php.
102,3 29/10 2321 B, Ilha FM, Aracajú SE, diversas advs, início do px "Ilha Esporte Clube", bom sinal, gravado no blog.
Escutas de Samuel Cássio Martins
São Carlos- SP, Brasil
Primeiras escutas das emissoras de Barbados nesta temporada aqui em São Carlos, pude acompanhar a boa abertura entre
0100 e 0200 UTC. As emissoras foram ouvidas todos os dias a partir desta data, ou seja, 28, 29, 30, 31 de Outubro e 1 de
Novembro (UTC) em 1 de Novembro ótimos sinais indo além das 0230 UTC.
90.7 28/ 10 BBS (provável), programa musical,
92.9 28/10 Voice of Barbados (musica variada, noticias a 0130)
94.7 28/10 CBC ( programa com musicas da época da Disco , locutora)
100.7 28/10 Quality FM ( programa religioso a 0150)
Coloquei alguns audios em http://www.ipernity.com/doc/76129
O Receptor utilizado foi o Degen DE 1103 e antena telescópica ( que não é a do Degen, mas sim de um antigo
Panasonic RF 2600)

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