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131121_Scholz_Presentation_ERIS (3,3 MiB)
Metal and Steel Recycling: Contribution to more Sustainability (Dr. Beate Kummer, Scholz AG/Germany, Communication and Political Affairs) ERIS, Hochschule Aalen, November, 21st, 2013 Essingen, September 2012 Table of Contents 1. Scholz AG – A Look Inside 2. Scrap and other Raw Materials for Industry 3. Recycling: Resource Saving and Climate Protection 4. Demands in the Future 2 Global Footprint 500 locations in more than 20 countries Recycling is a local business Worldwide material availability and proximity to customers Sales benefits from international network Business areas 2012: EUR 4,7 bn sales, sold tonnage 9.9 m tons • Fe/NE Aluminium Iron Other 89 % of sales 3 % of sales 5 % of sales 3 % of sales Recycling and Trading with Iron Copper Stainless Steel Aluminium Other Metals Processing and Resale Trading and Production of Primary, Secondary and Deoxidationaluminum Ingots Wire Liquid Aluminium Granules Trading and Production Alloyed Stainless Steel Quality Steel Tool Steel Stainless Steel Processing and Refinement Thermal Treatment Peeling Directional Polishing Forging Disposal Concepts (i. e. industrial dismantling) Servicing Concepts (i. e. container services) Logistic Concepts 500 Collection and Processing Facilities in >20 Countries, 32 Shredding Machines, >7,500 Employees 4 Table of Contents 1. Scholz AG – A Look Inside 2. Scrap and other Raw Materials for Industry 3. Recycling: Resource Saving and Climate Protection 4. Demands in the Future 5 Tremendously Growing Population needs more resources year by year It took all of human history up to the early 1800s for world population to reach 1 billion people, and until 1960 to reach 3 billion. Today, the world gains 1 billion people every 11 years. (www.populationaction.org). More needs for Infrastructure, intelligent traffic systems Lagos Quelle: Bundeszentrale für politisch Bildung Buenos Aires Quelle: Picture Alliance Totally different Consumptions per Head Raw Material consumption/head/year* Consumptions in tons per person 180 160 156 140 120 100 100 Production 80 Consumption 60 40 20 0 23 8 Hong Kong *Numbers 2008 Luxembourg 27 19 USA 22 12 Germany 17 12 China 5 4 India Quelle: SZ-Grafik: Al Mohtasib; Quelle: CSIRO World steel production (Mio. t) 1600 1513 1416 1400 1346 1329 1240 1200 1224 More EAF-production with higher demands for steel scrap 1129 1000 800 600 400 365 395 416 411 409 442 344 Source: BIR, 2012 200 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 World Steel Production Of which EAF Production 9 Future growth rates of steel production / consumption Strong Growth in Emerging Markets ~ 500 ~ 400 C.I.S. Europe North America + 1% Turkey China ~140 + 4% + 1% + 7% India ~50 Asia (excl. China) + 7% South America Per capita steel consumption in kgs. ~150 + 3% + 3% Today the key forces that drive the iron and steel market upwards are the expanding infrastructure in the emerging economies, booming industrialization and urbanization. The overall growth rates of the mentioned areas is forecasted to reach up to 6% p.a. in the coming five years which promises lasting demand growth for iron and steel. Per capita steel consumption in emerging markets is still far below developed markets which will drive further growth in the steel sector and will finally enhance the further development of the scrap recycling sector. Source: IISI; The Economist; Merchant Research & Consulting Ltd., Iron & Steel Market Review (Jan. 2012); Scholz Estimates 10 Aluminium-Scrap-Market: Production and Consumption In Mio to 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Global Production Global Consumption Consum. Europe Consum. USA Consum. China Consum. India 2006 2007 2008 Quelle: World Bureau of Metal Statistics, Natixis Commodity Markets Limited 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Aluminium-Scrap-Market: International Trading increases Al-Scrap flow 1995 Al-Scrap flow 2011 Quelle: OEA, European Aluminium Association, 2011 Copper-Scrap-Market: Production and Consumption 2006 - 2013 In Mio to 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 Global Production 13 Global Consump. 12 Consum. Europe 11 Consum. USA 10 Consum. China 9 Consum. India 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2006 2007 2008 Quelle: World Bureau of Metal Statistics, Natixis Commodity Markets Limited 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Resource dependancy of EU and sustainability impacts Source: R. Kunze, ACEA, 2012 14 Table of Contents 1. Scholz AG – A Look Inside 2. Scrap and other Raw Materials for Industry 3. Recycling: Resource Saving and Climate Protection 4. Demands in the Future 15 Most Innovative Recycling Plant in the EU in Leipzig The biggest recycling location in EU Recycling Rates: ~ 90 % for end-of-life vehicles and electronic scrap Throughput: ~ 650.000 tons scrap/year Investment since 1991: ~ 60 Mio. € Scholz: More Recycling and less Incineration PREVENTION REUSE RECYCLING ENERGY RECOVERY DISPOSAL Urban Mining: Recycling of used Constructions Verwertung von Elektronikschrott Recycling technology: New demands for higher recycling rates and resource saving potential 3. Die Dienstleistungen und Produkte Climate Change and Recycling ? What are the positive contributions of the sector? Recycling means less energy consumption, less green house gas emissions and less raw material consumption…. Quelle: www.epochtimes.de Sustainability Factors in Recycling Sector 1 ton recycled steel scrap* save 1 t CO2-equiv., 650 kg iron ore and 500 kg coal. 1 ton recycled Aluminium save 9,87 t CO2-equiv. and 1 ton recycled Copper saves 3,52 t CO2-equiv. • • • Referenz: Produktion von Rohstahl/Eisen aus Eisenerz/Primärroute Contributions to a Green Economy Scholz Group saves every year by scrap recycling in different countries 10 Mio. tons of C02-equiv., 6,5 Mio. tons of iron ore and 5 Mio. tons of coal C02-Savings are equivalent to the C02-emissions of 1 Mio. EU citizens per year (or 1,2 % of the total German C02-emissions) Raw material savings are equivalent to the consumptions of 0,5 Mio German people per year Table of Contents 1. Scholz AG – A Look Inside 2. Scrap and other Raw Materials for Steel Works 3. Secondary Raw Material: Chances and Risks 4. Demands in the Future 22 Recycling of cars in the future means more research 5% 2% 9% 5% 11% 10% 7% 2% 6% 3% 7% 3% Others 10% 12% 13% Cu/Zn/Mg 4% 3% 4% 12% 9% 13% 8% 23% 45% 15% 5% Elastomers 16% Other Plastics 35% Ferrous 31% 38% 21% 2005 Other steel High-strength steel/HSS 13% 2000 Aluminium 2010 2015* * Expected average conc. (w/w %) of materials in cars by Booz&Company prognosis) Source: Booz&Company, Freedonia, European Auto. Manufact. Assoc., AMM, Cardiff Business School, Advanced Manufacturing Journal, Porsche AG Risks of losses through low reycling rates Globalisierung Source: Umicore, 2011 Urban Mining can increase collection rates Herausforderungen und Zusammenfassung Landfills, buildings… as raw material sources for metals, plastics and other secondary raw material all over the world (Ex.: „Waste pickers“ in Agbogbloshie in Accra, Ghana) Source: C. Höges/DER SPIEGEL, www.exzellenz.nrw.de BK 08.12.2010 Markets with lower standards as a major demand Exports of scrap as a risk? We have to compete with markets like China or other BRIC states and other market conditions! 2009: 3.100.000 t Al-Srap flows 1995: 420.000 t Al-Scrap Flows Source: Aurubis, GDA, 2009 Recycling as a demand and a need for all metals Marine plastic pollutions Microparticles in the oceans are risks for the food chain Plastic waste in oceans are a big secondary raw material source Quelle: www.litterbugs arelosers.com Quelle: www.socialg ypsy.wordpr ess.com Quelle: www.crankygoat.com Seite 28 Conclusions Recycling business is an increasing market for ressource efficiency Recycling technologies have to be implemented in less developed countries Recycling has a positive impact for green house gas savings Recycling is triggered bei diverting waste from landfills Recycling needs also further research (chances for cooperation projects) Recycling will be pushed by increasingg energy prices (higher energy prices provide e.g. an advantage to substitute iron ore by scrap, but availability is limited) People in Europe live as they would have 3 planets! Our footprint is too big!! RECYCLING has an important positive sustainable Impact! W.Pekny, Greenpeace CEE Seite 30 Thank you for your attention and your time! Scholz AG Am Bahnhof 73457 Essingen/Germany Telephone +49 (0) 7365 84-0 Telefax +49 (0) 7365 1481 [email protected] www.scholz-ag.de