Martin Slama: List of publications


Martin Slama: List of publications
Martin Slama: List of publications
1. Peer-reviewed articles in journals and edited volumes
“File Sharing and (Im)Mortality: From Genealogical Records to Facebook”, in:
Sanjek, Roger/Tratner, Susan (eds.): eFieldnotes: The Makings of
Anthropology in the Digital World, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
Press, 94–109
“From ‘Stone-Age’ to ‘Real-Time’: Exploring Papuan Temporalities,
Mobilities, and Religiosities. An Introduction” (co-authored with Jenny
Munro), in: Slama, Martin/Munro, Jenny (eds.): From “Stone-Age” to “RealTime”: Exploring Papuan Temporalities, Mobilities and Religiosities,
Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1–37
“Papua as an Islamic Frontier: Preaching in ‘the Jungle’ and the Multiplicity of
Spatio-Temporal Hierarchisations”, in: Slama, Martin/Munro, Jenny (eds.):
From “Stone-Age” to “Real-Time”: Exploring Papuan Temporalities,
Mobilities and Religiosities, Canberra: Australian National University Press,
“Marriage as Crisis: Revisiting a Major Dispute among Hadhramis in
Indonesia”, Cambridge Anthropology 32 (2), 65–80
“From Wali Songo to Wali Pitu. The Travelling of Islamic Saint Veneration to
Bali”, in: Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta/Harnish, David (eds.): Between Harmony
and Discrimination: Negotiating Religious Identities within Majority/Minority
Relationships in Bali and Lombok, Leiden: Brill, 112–143
“Hadhrami Moderns. Recurrent Dynamics as Historical Rhymes of Indonesia’s
Reformist Islamic Organization Al-Irsyad”, in: Gottowik, Volker (ed.):
Dynamics of Religion in Southeast Asia: Magic and Modernity, Amsterdam:
Amsterdam University Press, 113–132
“‘Coming Down to the Shop’: Trajectories of Hadhrami Women into
Indonesian Public Realms”, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 13 (4),
“Ethnizität und Religion als Kapital: Prozesse der Kapitalisierung von Kultur
im Indonesien nach Suharto” (co-authored with Martin Ramstedt and Christian
Warta), ASIEN. The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 123, 7–11
“Wisata Religi – Religiöser Tourismus: Spirituelle Ökonomien und islamische
Machtkämpfe in Indonesien”, ASIEN. The German Journal on Contemporary
Asia 123, 77–94
1 2011
“Von der Kolonialzeit bis ins post-9/11 Indonesien. Zur Integration arabischer
Migranten in eine muslimische Mehrheitsgesellschaft”, in: Dahlvik,
Julia/Fassmann, Heinz/Sievers, Wiebke (eds.): Migration und Integration –
wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Österreich, Göttingen, V&R unipress, 265–
“Comparing Arab Diasporas: Post-9/11 and Historical Perspectives on
Hadhrami and Syro-Lebanese Communities in Southeast Asia and the
Americas” (co-authored with Johann Heiss), Comparative Studies of South
Asia, Africa and the Middle East 31 (2), 231–250
“Paths of Institutionalization, Varying Divisions, and Contested Radicalisms:
Comparing Hadhrami Communities on Java and Sulawesi”, Comparative
Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 31 (2), 331–342
“Translocal Networks and Globalisation within Indonesia. Exploring the
Hadhrami Diaspora from the Archipelago’s North-East”, Asian Journal of
Social Science 39 (3), 238–257
“The Agency of the Heart. Internet Chatting as Youth Culture in Indonesia”,
Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale 18 (3), 316–330
“Genealogical Avenues, Long-Distance Flows and Social Hierarchy. Hadhrami
Migrants in the Indonesian Diaspora” (co-authored with Johann Heiss),
Anthropology of the Middle East 5 (1), 34–52
“The Hadhrami Diaspora as Agent of Change. A Re-consideration of SocioPolitical Developments”, in: Kauz, Ralph (ed.): Aspects of the Maritime Silk
Road: From the Persian Gulf to the East China Sea, Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz
Verlag, 25–42
“Migration, Diaspora und postkoloniale Zugehörigkeiten: Identitäten, Grenzen,
Verortungen” (co-authored with Ulrike Davis-Sulikowski and Stefan Khittel),
in: Six-Hohenbalken, Maria Anna/Tosic, Jelena (eds.): Anthropologie der
Migration, Wien: WUV, 93–109
“Konflikte, Mächte und Identitäten in Südostasien. Eine Einleitung”, in: Slama,
Martin (ed.): Konflikte – Mächte – Identitäten. Beiträge zur
Sozialanthropologie Südostasiens, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen
Akademie der Wissenschaften, 7–31
“Islam und Säkularismus als kosmopolitische Optionen. Positionierungen der
arabischen Diaspora in Indonesien”, in: Slama, Martin (ed.): Konflikte –
Mächte – Identitäten. Beiträge zur Sozialanthropologie Südostasiens, Wien:
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 239–266
“Islam Pribumi. Der Islam der Einheimischen, seine ‘Arabisierung’ und
arabische Diasporagemeinschaften in Indonesien”, ASEAS – Österreichische
2 Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften / Austrian Journal of South-East
Asian Studies 1 (1), 2008, 4–17
“Kultur, Macht und Konflikt. Sozialanthropologische Bemerkungen zum
Kulturbegriff im Hinblick auf interkulturelle Beziehungen im Rahmen von
Friedenseinsätzen”, in: Krsyl, Ludwig (ed.): Interkulturelle Kompetenz –
Voraussetzung für erfolgreiche Aufgabenerfüllung postmoderner Streitkräfte,
Wien: Institut für Human- und Sozialwissenschaften,
Landesverteidigungsakademie, 29–50
“An Old Diaspora and its New Connections. Indonesian Hadhramis and the
Hadhramaut”, Antropologi Indonesia 78, 107–113
“Orang Indonesia Keturunan Hadramaut di Bali. Sebuah Masyarakat Diaspora
dalam Perbandingan (Indonesians of Arab Descent in Bali. A Diaspora Society
in Comparison)”, Masyarakat Indonesia XXXI (2), 1–24
“Guidance into Modernities. Indonesia’s al-Irsyad in Colonial Times and in the
Present”, in: Conference Proceedings: Yemeni-Hadramis in Southeast Asia.
Identity Maintenance or Assimilation?, Kuala Lumpur: International Islamic
University Malaysia, 396–408
3. Edited books and journal issues
From “Stone-Age” to “Real-Time”: Exploring Papuan Temporalities,
Mobilities and Religiosities (co-edited with Jenny Munro), Canberra:
Australian National University Press
Ethnizität und Religion als Kapital: Prozesse der Kapitalisierung von Kultur
im Indonesien nach Suharto (co-edited with Martin Ramstedt and Christian
Warta), ASIEN. The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 123
Islam und Macht in Südostasien, Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology,
Sondernummer 1/2012
Comparing Arab Diasporas: Post-9/11 and Historical Perspectives on
Hadhrami and Syro-Lebanese Communities in Southeast Asia and the
Americas (co-edited with Johann Heiss), Comparative Studies of South Asia,
Africa and the Middle East 31 (2)
Konflikte – Mächte – Identitäten. Beiträge zur Sozialanthropologie
Südostasiens, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der
3 4. Online publications
“Einleitung: Das Seminar ‚Islam und Macht in Südostasien‘ – oder wie aus
einer Lehrveranstaltung eine wissenschaftliche Publikation wurde”, Austrian
Studies in Social Anthropology, special issue 1/2012
“Transformasi Keintiman di Indonesia? Sebuah Kajian Awal tentang Ciuman”
(Transformation of Intimacy in Indonesia? A Preliminary Study about the
Kiss), The Interseksi Foundation, Jakarta (
“BeobachterInnen beobachten. Eine Rede zur Abschlussveranstaltung des
Feldforschungsseminars in Burgauberg-Neudauberg am 1. Februar 1998”, in:
Frieser, Astrid/Kolm, Eva/Seiser, Gertraud/Six-Hohenbalken, Maria Anna
(eds.): Ethnologische Feldforschung im Südburgenland. Ein
hochschuldidaktisches Experiment, Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology,
special issue 1/2006
“Towards a New Autonomy: Internet Practices of Indonesian Youth”,
Southeast Asia Working Paper No 5, Institute for Social Anthropology,
Austrian Academy of Sciences (
“Some Thoughts on Privacy and the Internet”, International Institute of
Infonomics (
5. Entries in lexica
“Internet“, in: Kreff, Fernand/Knoll, Eva-Maria/Gingrich, Andre (eds.):
Lexikon der Globalisierung, Bielefeld: transcript, 175–178
“Globale Stadt“, in: Kreff, Fernand/Knoll, Eva-Maria/Gingrich, Andre (eds.):
Lexikon der Globalisierung, Bielefeld: transcript, 122–126
“Netzwerkgesellschaft“, in: Kreff, Fernand/Knoll, Eva-Maria/Gingrich, Andre
(eds.): Lexikon der Globalisierung, Bielefeld: transcript, 295–296
“Multiple Modernen”, in: Kreff, Fernand/Knoll, Eva-Maria/Gingrich, Andre
(eds.): Lexikon der Globalisierung, Bielefeld: transcript, 277–278
6. Book reviews
James Bourk Hoesterey. 2016. Rebranding Islam: Piety, Prosperity, and a SelfHelp Guru. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, Bijdragen tot de
4 Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
of Southeast Asia 172, 127–130
Nico J.G. Kaptein. 2014. Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the
Netherlands East Indies; A Biography of Sayyid ‘Uthman (1822–1914). Leiden
& Boston: Brill, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / Journal of the
Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 171, 386–388
Wendy Mee and Joel S. Kahn. 2012. Questioning Modernity in Indonesia and
Malaysia. Singapore: NUS Press in association with Kyoto University Press
(co-authored with Ilse Mirnig), Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs 48
(1), 215–223
Natalie M. Underberg and Elayne Zorn. 2013. Digital Ethnography:
anthropology, narrative, and new media. Austin: The University of Texas
Press, Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 22 (4), 517–518
Timo Kaartinen. 2010. Songs of Travel, Stories of Place; Poetics of Absence in
an Eastern Indonesian Society. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica,
Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and
Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 170, 141–144
Danilyn Rutherford. 2012. Laughing at Leviathan: Sovereignty and Audience
in West Papua. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, The Journal
of the Royal Anthropological Institute 19 (3), 684–685
Karen Strassler. 2010. Refracted Visions: Popular Photography and National
Modernity in Java, Durham and London: Duke University Press, The Asia
Pacific Journal of Anthropology 13 (3), 301–303
Frode F. Jacobsen. 2009. “Hadrami Arabs in Present-day Indonesia. An
Indonesia-oriented group with an Arab signature”, London: Routledge, Social
Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale 18, 368 –369
Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin and I Wayan Ardika. 2008. “Burials, texts and
rituals: Ethnoarchaeological investigations in North Bali, Indonesia”,
Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Social Anthropology / Anthropologie
Sociale 17 (3), 357–359
John T. Sidel. 2006. Riots, Pogroms, Jihad. Religious Violence in Indonesia.
Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, ASEAS –Österreichische
Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften / Austrian Journal of South-East
Asian Studies, 1 (2), 2008, 197–201
Leo Howe. 2005. The Changing World of Bali. Religion, Society and Tourism.
London/New York: Routledge, Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale
15 (2), 257–259
5 2007
Engseng Ho. 2006. The Graves of Tarim. Genealogy and Mobility across the
Indian Ocean. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press,
Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale 15 (3), 391–393
Thomas Gibson. 2005. And the Sun Pursued the Moon. Symbolic Knowledge
and Traditional Authority among the Makassar. Honolulu: University of
Hawai’i Press, Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale 14 (3), 410–411
7. Translations
Tony Rudyansjah, “Umstrittene Identitäten. Hierarchische Beziehungen und
Machtdiskurse auf Buton, Südost-Sulawesi“, in: Slama, Martin (ed.): Konflikte
– Mächte – Identitäten. Beiträge zur Sozialanthropologie Südostasiens, Wien:
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 219–238
(translation from Indonesian)