Cyclic assembly instead of special ma- chines


Cyclic assembly instead of special ma- chines
Mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung
Cyclic assembly instead of special machines
Marika Nitscher
[email protected]
Tel. +49 (911) 669859-7417
Fax +49 (911) 669859-77
LPKF Fürth completes restructuration
New production rooms, and a larger management team – LPKF in
Fürth is getting fit for further growth. The implementation of new
production processes has positive effects on clients and economic
“In the past, LPKF had compelling solutions in the form of outstanding individual systems for laser plastic welding. We have now begun the production of customizable basic machines – which not only benefits us, but
also our clients,” explains Markus König, one of the managing directors of
the LPKF production site in Fürth/Germany. A great deal of effort was re-
WeldingQuipment GmbH
quired to get this far.
Alfred-Nobel-Str. 55-57
90765 Fürth
The most important step was moving out of the restricted rooms in Erlan-
Amtsgericht Fürth: HRB 14026
USt.-IdNr.: DE 289091188
gen into the spacious production buildings in Fürth, as well as the construction of a new, modern office block. This contains the Application Center, which is equipped with several testing rooms, laser systems and
measuring devices for welding tests and to qualify the own processes of
our clients. At the site in Fürth, the production services company LaserMicronics uses its own LPKF laser systems for ramp-up and series produc-
Markus König
Lars Ederleh
To push ahead the transition to multi-model production, the management
has been taken over by two recognized experts: Lars Ederleh and Markus
Member of LPKF Group
König. Lars Ederleh, who was previously the managing director of La-
Aktien: Prime Standard
ISIN 0006450000
serMicronics GmbH, is primarily responsible for Marketing, Service and
Sales, whilst Markus König is responsible for Operations and Development, and therefore also the production organization and cooperation be-
Abdruck frei, Beleg erbeten
tween the production sites.
» Weitere Pressemeldungen
Radical restructuring of the production flows took place at the beginning of
April. Instead of the design and production of individual special machines,
the work now concentrates on cyclic assembly of high-performance basic
machines. These models are then used to realize customized modifications in subsequent fast and cost-efficient processes. Cyclic assembly
opens up greater flexibility for complex technical developments which
benefit whole production lines rather than individual systems. The first
throughput of a complete line has now been completed, and confirmed the
Mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung
expected advantages. “Our customers are very keen on this concept. We
have been able to slash the construction time by almost half, and therefore also significantly reduce the lead times and manufacturing costs. We
can also prepare quotes much faster than before, and it makes it easier
for provide services – which naturally benefits our customers in particular,”
says a very satisfied Lars Ederleh.
Six steps to produce a laser welding system: line production significantly reduces manufacturing times. Customized modifications are carried out at the
seventh station.
LPKF Laser & Electronics AG produziert Maschinen und Lasersysteme,
die in der Elektronikfertigung, der Medizintechnik, der Automobilindustrie
und bei der Herstellung von Solarzellen zum Einsatz kommen. Rund 20
Prozent der Mitarbeiter sind im Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung beschäftigt.