Curriculum vitae


Curriculum vitae
Cynthia Barbosa da Silveira
Curriculum Vitae
Postdoctoral Researcher
San Diego State University
Rohwer Lab, NLS 301
5500 Campanille Drive
San Diego, CA
[email protected]
Ph.D. in Genetics, 2011 - 2015
Rio de Janeiro Federal University, RJ, Brazil.
Dissertation: The role of bacteria and viruses in the productivity and benthic -pelagic coupling of
coral reefs.
Supervisor: Fabiano L. Thompson
Visiting PhD student at San Diego State University, CA, USA; May, 2014 – May 2015.
Supervisor: Forest Rohwer
M.Sc. in Biochemistry, 2009-2011
Rio de Janeiro Federal University, RJ, Brazil.
M.Sc. Thesis: Prokaryotic communities from Atlantic Rain Forest and coastal Atlantic Ocean.
Supervisors: Orlando B. Martins and Ricardo P. Vieira
B.S. in Marine Biology, 2005-2009
Fluminense Federal University, RJ, Brazil.
B.S. Monograph: Prokaryotic communities associated to marine sponges.
Supervisors: Orlando B. Martins and Ricardo P. Vieira
Publications (Accepted/ In review/ In preparation)
1. Silveira, C.B., Cavalcanti, G.S., Walter, J., Dinsdale, L., Bourne, D. and Thompson, F. Microbial
processes driving coral reef productivity and organic carbon fluxes. 2016. Accepted in FEMS
Microbiology Reviews.
2. Silveira, C.B., Gregoracci, G.B, Coutinho, F.H., Silva, G.G.Z, Haggerty, J.M., Cabral, A., Dinsdale,
E.A., Edwards, R.A., Paranhos, R., Francini-Filho, R.B., Wegley-Kelly, L., Rohwer, F., and
Thompson, F.L. Genomic adaptation and transfer of bacterial virulence genes in coral reef
viruses. 2016. In review.
3. Silveira, C.B, Gregoracci, G.B, Coutinho, F.H., Silva, G.G.Z, Haggerty, J.M., Cabral, A., Dinsdale,
E.A., Edwards, R.A., Paranhos, R., Francini-Filho, R.B., Rohwer, F., and Thompson, F.L. Diurnal
dynamics in the microbial community associated to the coral Mussismilia braziliensis. 2016. In
4. Coutinho, F.H., Silveira, C.B., Gregoracci, G.B., Dutilh, B., and Thompson, F.L. Marine viruses
discovered through metagenomics shed light on viral strategies through the oceans. 2016. In
5. George, E., Mullinix, J, Hartmann, A.C., Silveira, C.B., Roach, T., Edwards, C., Vermeij, M.J.A., Felts,
B., Bailey, B., Nulton, J., Salamon, P., Luque,A., and Rohwer, F.L. Coral reef geometry wars:
Using coral geometry to predict coral-algal competition outcomes. 2016. in prep.
1. Silveira, C. B. and Rohwer, F. Piggyback-the-Winner in host-associated microbial communities. NPJ
Biofilms and Microbiomes 2, 16010. 2016.
2. *Knowles B., *Silveira C.B., Bailey, B.A., Cantu, V.A., Cobián-Guemas, A.G., Green, K.T., Silva
G.G.Z., Quistad S.D., Lim Y.W., Sanchez S.E., Coutinho F.H., Hester E., Haggerty M., George
E.E., Little M., Oliveira L., Thompson C.C., Haas A.F., McDole-Somera T., Young C., Hisakawa
N., Furby K., Zyglinski B., Dinsdale E.A., Paranhos R., Kelly L.W., Sandin S., Smith J., Brainard
R., Gregoratti G., Edwards R.A., Nulton J., Thompson F.L., and Rohwer F. Lytic to Temperate
Switching of Viral Communities. Nature, 531 (7595), 466-470. 2016.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
3. Haas, A.F., Fairoz, M.F.M., Kelly, L.W., Nelson, C., Lim, Y.W., Knowles, B., Dinsdale, E.A., Edwards,
R. A., Giles, S., Hatay, M., Hisakawa, N., Maughan, H., Pantos, O., Roach, T., Sanchez, S.E.,
Silveira, C.B., Sandin, S., Smith, J., Rohwer, F. Global microbialization of coral reefs. Nature
Microbiology 1, 16042. 2016. Cover article.
4. Somera, T.M., Bailey, B., Barott, K., Grasis, J., Hatay, M., Hilton, B.J., Hisakawa, N., Nosrat, B.,
Nulton, J., Silveira, C.B., Sullivan, C., Brainard, R., Rohwer, F. Energetic differences between
bacterioplankton trophic groups and coral reef resistance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.0467. 2016.
5. Silveira, C.B., Silva-Lima, A.W., Francini-Filho, R.B., Marques, J.S.M., Almeida, M.G., Rezende, C.E.,
Paranhos, R., Moura, R.L., Salomon, P.S., and Thompson, F.L. Microbial and sponge loops
modify fish production in phase-shifting coral reefs. Environmental Microbiology 17 (10), 38323846. 2015.
6. Coutinho, F.H., Silveira, C.B., Pinto, L.H., Salloto, G.R.B., Cardoso, A.M., Martins, O.B., Vieira, R.P.,
Clementino, M.M. Antibiotic Resistance is Widespread in Urban Aquatic Environments of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. Microbial Ecology, 68(3), p. 441-452, 2014.
7. Silveira, C. B., Cardoso, A. M., Coutinho, F. H., Lima, J. L., Pinto, L. H., Albano, R. M., Clementino, M.
B. M., Martins, Orlando B., Vieira, Ricardo P. Tropical Aquatic Archaea Show Environment Specific Community Composition. Plos One, 8, p.e76321, 2013.
8. Bertino-Grimaldi, D., Medeiros, M.N., Vieira, R.P., Cardoso, A.M., Turque, A.S., Silveira, C.B., Albano,
R.M., Bressan-Nascimento, S., Garcia, E.S., De Souza, W., Martins, O.B., Machado, E.A.
Bacterial community composition shifts in the gut of Periplaneta americana fed on different
lignocellulosic materials. SpringerPlus, 2(609), 2013.
9. Lins-de-Barros, M.M., Cardoso, A. M., Silveira, C. B., Cardoso, A. M., Lima, J.L., Clementino, M.M.,
Martins, O.B., Albano, R.M., Vieira, R.P. Microbial Community Compositional Shifts in Bleached
Colonies of the Brazilian Reef-Building Coral Siderastrea stellata. Microbial Ecology, 65, p.205213, 2013.
10. Cavalcanti, G.S., Gregoracci, G.B., Dos Santos, E.O., Silveira, C.B., Meirelles, P.M., Longo, L.,
Gotoh, K., Nakamura, S., Iida, T., Sawabe, T., Rezende, C.E., Francini-Filho, R.B., Moura, R.L.,
Amado-Filho, G. M., Thompson, F.L. Physiologic and metagenomic attributes of the rhodoliths
forming the largest CaCO3 bed in the South Atlantic Ocean. The ISME Journal, v.8 (1), p.52-62,
11. Silveira, C.B., Vieira, R.P., Cardoso, A.M., Paranhos, R., Albano, R.M., Martins, O.B. Influence of
Salinity on Bacterioplankton Communities from the Brazilian Rain Forest to the Coastal Atlantic
Ocean. Plos One, v.6, p.e17789, 2011.
12. Lins-de-Barros, M.M., Vieira, R.P., Cardoso, A. M., Monteiro, V.A., Turque, A.S., Silveira, C. B.,
Albano, R.M., Clementino, M.M., Martins, O.B. Archaea, Bacteria, and Algal Plastids Associated
with the Reef-Building Corals Siderastrea stellata and Mussismilia hispida from Búzios, South
Atlantic Ocean, Brazil. Microbial Ecology, v.59, p.523-532, 2010.
13. Turque, Aline S., Batista, Daniela, Silveira, Cynthia B., Cardoso, Alexander M., Vieira, Ricardo P.,
Moraes, Fernando C., Clementino, Maysa M., Albano, Rodolpho M., Paranhos, Rodolfo,
Martins, Orlando B., Muricy, Guilherme Environmental Shaping of Sponge Associated Archaeal
Communities. Plos One, v.5, p.e15774, 2010.
14. Almeida, Welington I., Vieira, Ricardo P., Cardoso, Alexander Machado, Silveira, C. B., Costa,
Rebeca G., Gonzalez, Alessandra M., Paranhos, Rodolfo, Medeiros, João A., Freitas, Flávia A.,
Albano, Rodolpho M., Martins, Orlando B. Archaeal and bacterial communities of heavy metal
contaminated acidic waters from zinc mine residues in Sepetiba Bay. Extremophil es, v.13,
p.263-271, 2009.
15. Turque, Aline S., Cardoso, Alexander M., Silveira, Cynthia B., Vieira, Ricardo P., Freitas, Flávia A.
D., Albano, Rodolpho M., Gonzalez, Alessandra M., Paranhos, Rodolfo, Muricy, Guilherme,
Martins, Orlando B. Bacterial communities of the marine sponges Hymeniacidon heliophila and
Polymastia janeirensis and their environment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Marine Biology, v.155,
p.135-146, 2008.
16. Turque, A. S., Silveira, C. B., Vieira, R. P., Muricy, G., Cardoso, A. M., Clementino, M. B. M., Martins,
O. B. Microrganismos Associados a Poríferos. Biotecnologia Ciência & Desenvolvimento, v.37,
p. 64-69, 2008.
17. Clementino, M. B. M., Vieira R. P., Cardoso, A. M., Nascimento, A. P. A., Silveira, C. B., Riva, T. C.,
Gonzalez, A. S. M., Paranhos, R., Alvano, R. M., Ventosa, A., Martins, O. B. Prokaryotic
diversity in one of the largest hypersaline coastal lagoons in the world. Extremophiles, v. 12(4),
p. 595-604, 2008.
Book Chapters
Silveira, C. B., Thompson, F.L. The Family Alcanivoraceae. In The Prokaryotes, 7th Edition. Rosenberg,
E.; DeLong, E.F.; Lory, S.; Stackebrandt, E.; Thompson, F. Springer, 2014, vol 6, p 59 – 68.
Cardoso, A.M.; Coutinho, F.H.; Silveira, C. B.; Ignacio, B. L.; Vieira, R. P.; Salloto, G.R.; Clementino, M.
B. M.; Albano, R. M.; Paranhos, R.; Martins, O.B. Metagenomics in Polluted Aquatic
Environments. In Water Pollution. In Tech, 2012, p. 89-104.
Funding and Awards
Nominee for the CAPES Dissertation Award – Biological Sciences I (under evaluation for 2016 edition).
National award by the Brazilian Coordination for Improvement of High Education (CAPES).
Finalist (top 3) for the CAPES/Natura Award for Excellence in Research – Biodiversity and Conservation
(under evaluation for 2016 edition) with the publication Silveira et al., 2015.
ISME16 Travel Award – International Society for Microbial Ecology Symposium 2016, Montreal, with the
abstract “Piggyback-the-Winner: Lytic to Temperate Switching of Viral Communities”.
Science Without Borders Postdoctoral Fellowship 2015/2016 - Awarded by CNPq (National Council of
Research and Technology, Brazil) to develop research at San Diego State University, CA.
Most collaborative poster award - Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Program Student Symposium,
SDSU, San Diego, CA, 2015, with the abstract Piggyback the Winner: community -level lytic to lysogenic
Science Without Borders Ph.D. Fellowship 2014/2015 - Awarded by CNPq (National Council of Research
and Technology, Brazil) to develop part of the Ph.D. research at San Diego State University, CA.
Nota 10 Ph.D. Fellowship 2014 – Awarded by FAPERJ (Research Support Foundation of Rio de Janeiro
State, RJ, Brazil) to Ph.D. students with highest performances in top graduate programs in Rio de Janeiro
Nota 10 M.Sc. Fellowship 2010 - Awarded by FAPERJ (Research Support Foundation of Rio de Janeiro
State, RJ, Brazil) to M.Sc. students with highest performances in top graduate programs in Rio de Janeiro
Piggyback-the-Winner: Lytic to temperate switches in viral communities. (Accepted) International Society
for Microbial Ecology Symposium. Montreal, Canada, August 2016.
Viruses as reservoirs of bacterial virulence genes in coral reefs. International Coral Reef Symposium,
Honolulu, June 2016.
Lysogeny is a successful strategy in high cell abundance environments. American Society for
Microbiology Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. May 2015.
The role of bacteriophages in coral reef ecology. Student Research Symposium – San Diego State
University. San Diego, CA. March 2015.
Microbial loop, carbon recycling and phage dynamics in coral reefs. Invited speaker at the San Diego
Coral Club. San Diego, CA. September 2014.
Microbial Loop Impacts on the productivity of South Atlantic Reefs. American Society for Microbiology
Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. May 2014.
Lecturer in Biochemistry
Fluminense Federal University, RJ, Brazil. Nov 2012 – Jan 2014.
Teaching Assistant in Biochemistry
Rio de Janeiro Federal University, RJ, Brazil. Feb 2010 – Apr 2010.
Domingos Savio (undergraduate, B.Sc. in Biology). Jan 2014 – May 2014. Fluminense Federal
University. Project: Dissolved Organic Carbon Consumption by Marine Bacteria in Coral Reefs.
Felipe H. Coutinho (undergraduate, B.Sc. in Biology). 2009 – 2010. Rio de Janeiro Federal University.
Project: Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance in Natural Aquatic Environments of Rio de Janeiro
(resulted in publication of paper in Microbial Ecology journal; see Coutinho et al. in publications
list above).
AD-hoc peer review
BMC Genomics
Frontiers in Microbiology
ARMS as a tool for marine science education with high school students. Collaboration with High Tech
High teachers to teach the scientific method and local marine ecology in San Diego, CA. 2016.
Phage discovery in An Illustrated History of Phage Research (Illustrated by Anthony Weeks). 2015 Year
of the Phage Conference, SDSU, San Diego, CA.
Protein translation performance to primary school students. Sábado da Ciência, Espaço Ciência Viva
(Science Saturdays, Sciences Alive Center), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 2009.
Protein translation performance to primary school students. Ciência na Praça – Praça Afonso Pena,
organized by Espaço Ciência Viva (Science at the Park – Afonso Pena Park, organized by
Sciences Alive Center), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 2009.
Field Work
Nov 8th to Nov 22nd, 2015. Scientific Assessment in Curaçao – Blue Halo Initiative, Waitt Institute.
Location: Curaçao. Activities: coral interfaces high-resolution imaging and water and coral
sampling by SCUBA diving, processing of water chemistry and metagenomic samples.
Jan 21th to Feb 21th, 2015. American Samoa and Pacific Remote Islands Reef Assessment Monitoring
Program (ASRAMP 2015). NOAA. Activities: Water and coral mucus sampling by SCUBA diving,
processing of water chemistry and metagenomic samples.
Feb 1st to Feb 7th, 2014. Location: Abrolhos Bank, BA, Brazil. Activities: Operations planning, training of
students, water and coral sampling by SCUBA diving, bacterial plating, processing of water
chemistry and metagenomic samples.
Jul 10th to Jul 16th, 2012. Location: Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, PE, Brazil. Activities: In situ
fluorometry of calcifying algae (Diving-PAM) by SCUBA diving, settlement experiments, calcifying
algae productivity experiments, water sampling, processing of water chemistry and metagenomic
Feb 1st to Mar 12th, 2012. Location: Abrolhos Bank, BA, Brazil. Activities: Water sampling by SCUBA
diving, in situ fluorometry of benthic organisms (Diving-PAM), CTD deployment, bacterial plating,
bacterial production incubations, in situ benthic production incubations, processing of water
chemistry and metagenomic samples.
Aug 8th to Aug 16th, 2011. Location: Abrolhos Bank, BA, Brazil. Activities: Water sampling by SCUBA
diving, In situ fluorometry of benthic organisms (Diving-PAM), in situ benthic production
incubations, diel monitoring of coral reef microbial and viral communities.