18 Ideen für den Deutschunterricht


18 Ideen für den Deutschunterricht
Auf einen Blick: 18 Ideen für den Deutschunterricht
1. “Geschirrspülmaschine”:Write the word (or any longer word that has to do with a topic you are
covering) and class brainstorms 2-3 words that begin with the letters in “Geschirrspülmaschine”.
2. “Splatsch”: Have a Los and Ende on opposite sides of the board, with circles representing lilly pads
in between. In the circle, write a number. Volunteers “spring” from one side of the board to the
other by identifying the number in the circle. You could use other topics such as the opposite of
the word in the circle, the past tense form of the verb, or only give the first letters and the student
has to come up with the rest of the word.
3. Wo liegt der Fehler: Write a text on the board or overhead with mistakes. Students play detective
and find the errors. You can also distribute a paper copy for students to complete alone, with a
partner or a group.
4. “Scattegories.” Make a list of topics relating to words students have learned (Verkehrsmittel,
Dinge, die man im Kühlschrank findet, Wörter, die mit S anfangen, Länder in Europa, u.s.w. Divide
class into 2 teams. Show/tell teams the first topic. Teams have 1 minute (or longer if needed) to
come up with words that fit under that topic. When the time is up, one group reads their list out
loud. If the opposing team also has the word on their list, both teams have to mark it out. Teams
receive 1 point for every items they have that their opponents don’t have.
5. Kreise an der Taffel: Draw large, different colored circles on the board. Label der, die, das.
Students come to front and draw a card with a word or picture on it. Students names object (or
reads the word) and sticks it into the proper circle. (Sticky-tack on the back of the card).
Alternative: Divide board into +positive and –negative sides. Students come forward and draws a card
with a word/picture/sentence. Student either reads the word/sentence or describes the picture. Places
card under correct heading.
6. Bingo: Selbst gemacht. Give students paper with empty Bingo boxes. Write word list on the board.
They can either pick the words for their boxes, or draw a picture of the word. Teacher then
describes what the word/picture refers to. (Bett: “Wenn ich müde bin, gehe ich
ins__________/Hier kann man schlafen.)
7. Ein Wort weniger: Write a very long sentence with lots of adjectives/adverbs on the board.
Students take turns erasing one word in the sentence, but the sentence must still make sense after
the word has been erased. Each student reads his sentence after s/he has erased a word.
8. Tea Party: Make a set of cards with either a picture (Kopfschmerzen) or a question “Hast du
Allergien? Students walk around the room and greet each other. Students either use the word in a
sentence “Ich habe Kopfschmerzen, was hast du?” or ask the question, and reply. Students
SWITCH cards and find a new partner.
9. Wie ist die richtige Reihenfolge?: Take a short story and cut it into strips (sentences/parts of
paragraph, etc.) Students put it back together in correct order. You can also make an easy
assignment with scrambled sentences.
10. die Katze und die Maus: Divide students into 2 lines that stand shoulder to shoulder. According to
the question posed, one line will jump left and the partner tries to touch them on the shoulder or
the opposite. zB: nach links: etwas, was man essen kann: nach rechts etwas was man trinken kann.
Teacher calls out “Orangensaft” . The trinken line springs away from their partner, while the essen
line tries to catch them before they make it.
11. eine Geschichte erzählen: Give students a piece of paper that they section off into 6 boxes.
Teacher tells a story in segment. Students draw the episode. Important: teacher repeats each
segment several times as students are drawing it. “Mein schlechter Tag” 1st segment: Der Hund hat
meine Hausaufgaben gegessen.” As you go back and retell the story, students can write it words in
the box that will be clues. They then try to retell the story to a partner.
12.TPR Verbs: Write a list of 10 verbs on the board. For each verb there’s an action. One by one- go
through the verbs and practice the action
1. say and perform verb together
2. teacher says verb, students perform verb
3. teacher performs verb: class imitates and says verb
4. each student performs a verb: class says it
Later you can use this to practice conjugation: one girl and one boy perform. Was macht er/sie? When
they perform together: Was machen sie? Or give command to partner sitting face to face. “Du kochst, du
schwimmst, du spielst Tennis.” Or later with modal verbs: Er kann springen, sie kann surfen, u.s.w.)
13.Hör gut zu: Play a song or part of a dialogue. Students receive a transcript with words whited-out.
Students fill in missing text. (easier: give students a word bank at top or bottom)
14. Vor/nach im Wörterbuch. The chosen student thinks of a word (maybe related to a category) a
writes it down on a card. Students take turns guessing the word. The volunteer only says whether
his/her word would come “vor” or “nach” the guess.
15.Back-to-Back survey: Create a survey with 2 sets of questions: Students sit back to back. First
student begins and reads his question. Partner responds with a one word answer. ja/nein,
nie/manchmal/oft, u.s.w.
16.Buchstabieren: Teacher spells out a word (best if it relates to a category) slowly (repeating each
letter 2-3 times if necessary), as students write the letters. When a student thinks he knows it, he
slaps desk and says “Ich hab’s” . After being called on, he finishes spelling the word and says it.
17. Vier gewinnt: Draw a large 4-4 grid on the board. Number squares 1-16. Teacher makes a list of 16
questions, a mixture of richtig/falsch, single word answer, complete the sentence, translate the
word, u.s.w. Class is divided into x’s and o’s. First team (x) starts by choosing a number. Teacher
reads question. If the answer is correct, x gets the box. If wrong, team 0 gets to choose a number
(can choose the one that x just missed). The goal is to get 4 x’s or 0’s in a row.
18. Schiffversinking.
down the side
(same verb)
Ich wohne
Wohnst du
Wir wohnen
(different verb)
Ich komme
Ich arbeite
Ich gehe
at the top
in der Stadt
weit von hier?
hinter dem Park
um 12.00
um 8.00
um 9.15