football – bibliographie


football – bibliographie
American Football ... vom Kick-off zum Touchdown
Bowy, Eberhard; Knitter, Wolfram; Rosenstein, Marcus;
3. Auflage, Verlag Weinmann, Berlin 1992
American Football. SportRegeln.
Auerbach, Michael;
Falken-Verlag, Niedernhausen/Ts. 1996
American Football - verständlich gemacht
Foehr, Donna Poole;
Copress Verlag, München 1990
American Football. Supersport
Auerbach, Michael; Goslar, Claus; Hoch, Dieter;
Sportverlag, Berlin 1992
Best Shots
The Greatest NFL Photography Of The Century
DK Publishing, Inc., New York 1999
Faszination American Football
Kalwa, Jürgen;
Copress Verlag, München 1995
Football America
Celebrating Our National Passion.
Barber, Phil; Didinger, Ray;
Tuner Publishing, Inc., Atlanta 1996
Football and American Identity
Gerhard Falk
The Haworth Press, Binghamton, New York, 2005
Football Made Simple: A Spectators Guide.
Ominsky, Dave; Harari, P.J.
First Base Sports, Inc., Los Angeles, California 1998
Gewinnen ... beim American Football
Band 1 - Offense - Strategie und Technik
Band 2 - Defense - Strategie und Technik
Wilkinson, Bud; Kreutner, Walter W.; Olszewski, Gerald;
Walter Rau Verlag, Düsseldorf 1993
American Football. Die Wochenzeitung.
Huddle Verlags GmbH, Berlin, 4. bis 17. Jahrgang, 1992-2005
Joe Montana’s Art and Magic of Quarterbacking
Joe Montana with Richard Weiner
Henry Holt & Company, Inc.
New York, New York 10011, 1997
NCAA 2001 Football Records
The National Collegiate Athletic Association
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 2001
Plassmann, Jens;
rororo Sport, Rowolth Taschenbuch Verlag, Hamburg 1995
NFL Football. The Official Fans’ Guide 1996-97
Smith, Ron;
Carlton Books Limited, NFL Properties, New York, 1996
Notre Dame Football A to Z
Layden, Joe;
Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas 1997
That´s American Football
Meier, Gerold;
Paul Pietsch Verlag, Stuttgart, 2000
The Official NFL 2005 Record & Fact Book
A National Football League Book.
Workmann Publishing Co., New York, 2005
Total Football
The Official Encyclopaedia of the National Football League
Caroll, Bob [et al.], editors;
HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., New York 1997 (1st Edition)
Understanding Football Like A Pro
The Complete Idiot’s Guide
Theisman, Joe; Tarcy, Brian;
alpha books, Simon & Schuster Macmillan Co., New York, 1997
Understanding American Football
The Simplest, Clearest, and Most Detailed Guide for Spectators
McCorduck, Ed;
NTC Publishing Group, Inc., Lincolnwood (Chicago), Illinois 1998
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