1) Escreva frases com as palavras abaixo. a) LITTLE: . b) M


1) Escreva frases com as palavras abaixo. a) LITTLE: . b) M
PROFESSOR (A): Andressa Corrêa
TURMA: Nível 2
1) Escreva frases com as palavras abaixo.
a) LITTLE:______________________________________________________________________.
b) MUCH: ______________________________________________________________________.
c) FEW:________________________________________________________________________.
d) MANY_______________________________________________________________________.
2) Coloque as palavras em ordem e forme frases.
a) gets / up / very / She / usually / early
b) raining / It / is
c) The children / are / the / playing / garden / in
d) My father / in / works / a / bank
e) am / I / documentary / watching / a
f) too / Our / speaks / fast / teacher
g) every / ride / to school / morning / my bike / I
h) crossing / The boy / street / the / is
i) live / a / They / house / very / in / big
j) We / golf / never / play
3) Complete as frases com os verbos no Presente Simples.
a) They usually __________ golf. (play)
b) They _____________ near the park (not / live)
c) What _______ he ________ (want) ?
d) Vitor _________________ his homework (not /do)
e) Where __________ you ________ (work) ?
f) My Mum ____________ in a school (teach)
g) Wilma often ___________ me a lot (help)
h) My dog ___________ very fast.(run)
i) What _________ you ________ for a living (do) ?
4) Escreva o significado das Wh-words.
a) WHAT:
c) HOW:
d) WHO:
e) WHEN:
5) Complete as perguntas usando as Wh-words.
a) ______________do you want to eat?
Pasta and cheese.
b) ______________do they smoke?
c) ______________does John work?
At that bank.
d) ______________do you play tennis?
Early in the morning.
6) Responda.
a) How often do you play golf?
b) How often do you watch TV?
c) How often do you surf?
d) How often do you take a shower?
7) Traduza os advérbios.
a) SOMETIMES: ________________________
b) NEVER: _____________________________
c) USUALLY: ___________________________
d) OFTEN: _____________________________
e) RARELY: ____________________________
8) Observe as figuras e escreva os verbos no imperativo correspondentes.
9) Complete com MANY ou MUCH
a) There is too ____________ water here.
b) My husband has lost ____________ money.
c) How ____________ girls were present in school today?
d) How ____________ money do you have in your wallet?
e) It was difficult to be on time because there was too ____________ work.
f) My father doesn’t eat ____________ butter but he drinks too ____________ coffee.
g)There are so ____________ people on bus, that I can’t find a seat.
h) We went to the zoo yesterday. We saw ____________ lions but few tigers.
i) How ____________ milk can a baby drink in an hour?
j) She has ____________ friends in her class.
10) Complete com LITTLE ou FEW.
a) There is __________ money in my account.
b) There is __________milk in the fridge.
c) There is __________ on the table.
d) There is __________ sugar in the jar.
e) They have __________ chocolate for eating.
f) There are __________apples in the cupboard.
g) There are __________oranges in the tree.
11) Escreva frases com as palavras abaixo.
a) SOMETIMES: ______________________________________________________________
b) NEVER: __________________________________________________________________
c) USUALLY: ________________________________________________________________
d) OFTEN: __________________________________________________________________
e) RARELY:__________________________________________________________________
12) Observe o calendário e responda.
a) What day is the 21st May?
The 21st May is ____________________________.
b) What day is the 7th May?
c) What about the 30th May?
d) And the 18th May?
13) Corrija as frases abaixo.
a) How much are the hat?
b) It are fifty dollars.
c) I have 15 years old.
d) How old are Ana?
e) How much is the pants?
14) Responda.
a) When is your birthday?
b) When is your mother’s birthday?
c) When is you best friend’s birthday?

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