Who wrote Harry Potter? Fertigkeit: Zusammenhängend Sprechen


Who wrote Harry Potter? Fertigkeit: Zusammenhängend Sprechen
Who wrote Harry Potter?
Fertigkeit: Zusammenhängend
Niveau A2
Ich kann mich in einigen Sätzen zu einem
bekannten Thema zusammenhängend und
verständlich äußern.
Ich kann kurze gelesene oder gehörte Texte mit einfachen Worten wiedergeben.
Der Schüler / Die Schülerin liest den Artikel über Joanne Rowling. Anschließend
trägt er / sie wesentliche Informationen aus dem Artikel ohne Textunterstützung
zusammenhängend vor.
Einzelarbeit, Vortrag im Plenum
ca. 20 Minuten
Die Aufgabe gilt als erfüllt, wenn einige wesentliche Informationen über die Autorin
in zusammenhängender Rede verständlich wiedergegeben werden, etwa so:
Joanne Rowling was born in England. After university she worked as a secretary
and as an English teacher. She worked on the first Harry Potter book for years, but
the publishers did not want to print the book. When one took interest at last the book
became a bestseller. The books that followed were all big successes. They were
translated into many languages and they were all filmed. Joanne Rowling lives in
Scotland with her husband and three children.
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© BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“
Aufgabe Who wrote Harry Potter? Blatt 1 von 1
Read the article about J.K.Rowling carefully. Then put it away.
Tell the class or your group the main facts about the author and her
Lies den Artikel über J.K. Rowling gründlich. Lege den Text beiseite.
Informiere die Klasse oder deine Arbeitsgruppe über die wichtigsten
Fakten aus dem Artikel.
"I am a lucky person," says Joanne Rowling.
Who made Harry Potter? Meet J.K. Rowling
"I am a lucky person, doing what I love best in the world. I'm sure that I will always be a writer.
The greatest reward is the enthusiasm of the readers."
Joanne Rowling was born near Bristol,
England. After she graduated from Exeter
University, she found work as a secretary, and
later spent time teaching English in Portugal
before moving to Edinburgh, Scotland, with her
daughter. She currently lives in Scotland with
her husband and three children.
Rowling first thought of Harry while being on a
train in 1990. She worked on the book for
several years but a lot of publishers rejected
her manuscript before one took interest.
Harry Potter's magic has touched a huge
audience of all ages all over the world. In
America, there are over 103 million books in
print, and each title has been No. 1 on The
New York Times and USA Today bestseller
J. K. Rowling has won lots of international
children’s book awards as well as many other
honours. She has even been named an Officer
of the British Empire.
In 1998, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
was published in the United States, kicking off
Harry-mania. Suddenly, kids were reading
again, and their parents wanted to read the
same books! The second and third books were
published in the spring and fall of 1999. On
July 8, 2000, the release of Harry Potter and
the Goblet of Fire became a big sensation, with
bookstore events taking place at midnight. The
book won the title of the "fastest-selling book in
Warner Bros. has made films of all of Harry
Potter’s adventures that have been published
to date. With over a quarter of a billion books
sold, the books have been translated into 61
languages and can be bought in over 200
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© BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“