Sept 15 to Sept 252015


Sept 15 to Sept 252015
September 15 – 18 de Setembro, 2015
Monday/ Segunda-feira -7:00pm (bilingual Mass)
Exaltation of the Cross/ Exultação da Santa Cruz
Terça-feira, 15 de Setembro – 7:00 pm
Décio Frada e Primos – M. Frada
Augusto Moniz – Nadir Moniz
Jaime Cabral – Evangelina Cabral
Virginio Medeiros – Alice Medeiros
Wednesday, September 16 – 7:00 pm
Dolores Silva – Friends
Maria Gertrudes Antunes & Parents
Purgatory Souls – Maria Rebelo
Altino Resendes – Orisia Couto & Family
Quinta-feira, 17 de Setembro – 7:00 pm
Ernesto R. Silva – Dolores L. Silva
Sogros de Zulmira Soares
Manuel Branco e Familiares – Esmeralda Branco
Rosalina Martins – Deolinda Miranda
Friday, September 18 – 9:30 pm
Beginning of school year – Mass for all 3 schools
Laura Sheppard – Holy Cross School, staff and students
Special intention
Sábado / Saturday, September 19, 2015
6:00 pm – Missa em Português
Domingo / Sunday, September 20, 2015
9:00 am – Missa em Português
11:00 am – English Mass
First Reading: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 Second Reading: James 3: 16-4:3
Gospel: Mark 9: 30-37
First Reading: Numbers 11: 25-29 Second Reading: James 5: 1-6
Gospel: Mark 9: 38-43, 45, 47-48
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 2nd. Weekend of the month!
Thanks for your generosity towards St. Vincent de Paul every 2nd weekend of
the month!
As summer draws to a close, the Holy Cross Children’s Liturgy program
has begun. Please bring children to the 11:00 am mass to participate and
learn about the weekly readings that is taught at a level so that they can
understand and grow in faith. All are welcome to join!
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
A preparation course for the Catechumen begins Sept. 16th at St. Patrick’s
Church. Call the Parish @ 519-455-4740 if you know someone who wants
to participate. As the Catechumen go through their journey we ask that
you keep them in your prayers.
Rehearsals to prepare will start Sunday Sept 20th @ 6:00pm.
All youth and children of our Parish are invited to participate … see you all there!!!
September 22 – 25 de Setembro, 2015
Terça-feira, 22 de Setembro – 7:00 pm
Acção de Graças por José e Dina Cabral
Afonso Amaral, Avós e Padrinho – Pais
Intenções de Natália Pacheco
António Serafim e Familiares
Wednesday, September 23 – 7:00 pm
Altino Resendes – Orisia Couto & Family
Maria Moniz Travassos – Manuel e Maria Rebelo
Ilda Catunto – Januário Umbelina
Norberto Pereira Matos – José & Normanda Medeiros
Quinta-feira, 24 de Setembro – 7:00 pm
Maria Costa – Celestino Costa
David José de Sousa – Esposa
Odilia Lima – Eduarda de Sousa
Eduardo de Melo – Silvestre Vieira
Friday, September 25 – 9:30 pm
José Furtado, wife and daughter – Maria Rebelo
Sábado/ Saturday, September 26, 2015
6:00 pm – Missa em Português
Domingo/ Sunday, September 27, 2015
9:00 am – Missa em Português
11:00 am – English Mass
August 29 – 30 de Augusto….........................................................$ 2,365.00
September 5 – 6 de Setembro........................................................$ 2,522.00
Building Fund for September……….……………………………………..$ 1,155.00
Thanking all who financially contribute with our Community of faith.
Nossa gratidão para os que contribuem para a vida desta Comunidade de Fé.
Attention parents and grandparents of children in grades 3 to 7, the catechism program
begins Friday Sept 25th (6:30 pm to 8:30 pm). For more information or to enroll call
the Parish Office@ 519-455-4740 or Connie Brandão at 519-685-6312.
Why Catholic? Fall Sessions (Believe, Profession of Faith)
This session begins October 19th. any new comers interested in joining the
program please call the office for more information. As participants and their
leaders go through this journey of faith learning the Catechism in their small
communities your prayers are appreciated!
LIFE – CHAIN (Sunday October 4th, 2015 from 2:30pm -3:30 pm)
Join this cross city (cross country) witness to LIFE as we hold pro-life signs and silently
pray for LIFE, in solidarity with the voiceless little ones in our city who die each day by
abortion. You can bring a chair, arrive at approx. 2:15 pm, the drop off location for our
parish: Wellington & Weston (Chain will spread from Weston to Bond). Call the
office @ 519-455-4740 or Natalia @ 519-659-0592 if you need assistance.
HOLY CROSS- YOUTH GROUP (Bus trip to Merlin)
On behalf of the Pilgrims going to Poland, we would like to thank all those who came
and joined us for the bus trip to the Shrine of Our lady of the Rosary in Merlin. We
thoroughly enjoyed the day… God bless everyone who participated. Our profit was
$739.00. The Holy Cross Pilgrims!
FUNDRAISER: (Holy Cross Pilgrims going to Poland)
(Malassadas / Thanksgiving weekend)
Elephant ears will be on sale after all masses October 10th and 11th. Please
come out and support this event, by purchasing them and sharing them
with your family. Donated ingredients such as flour, oil etc. can be left at
the office or in the church. Profits going towards the Holy Cross Pilgrims.
Join 40 DAYS for LIFE at Victoria Hospital!
"40 Days for Life" – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. Kickoff event
starts at St. George Church 1164 Commissioners Rd west in Byron, Friday Sept. 25th. @
7:30pm. Prayer vigil begins Sept 23rd through Oct 31st. between 7:00am-7:00pm,
except on Sundays. (Feel free to bring a chair). Our parish needs volunteers to cover
one whole day. Contact the Parish Office or Natalia @ 519-659-0592. To book online,
visit: You can also pick up a handout from
the welcome desk besides the elevator. For more info please see the poster on the
The LIVING ROSARY in the Schools
Looking for additional volunteers for the 13th year of praying the rosary with
elementary school students in their classroom. Several volunteers are retiring this year
after many years of service. If you have a devotion to the Mother of God and her
Rosary and would like to instruct the young in praying the rosary, perhaps in a school
in your own parish, Our Blessed Mother needs you for just one hour per month.
Training is provided. To come and see, please contact us. Rosemarie & Terry Lyng at
Programa do RCIA
O programa para preparar os nossos catecúmenos inicia 16 de Setembro na Paróquia
de St.Patrick´s. Se conhece alguém que deseje participar neste programa, ligue para
Paróquia: 519-455-4740.
Vamos caminhar todos em oração pedindo a Deus pelos nossos catecúmenos.
Por qué ser católico? Etapa para o Outono
(Profissao de fé, que explica em quem cremos ?)
A sessão para o Outono inicia no dia 19 de Outubro. Aceitamos membros
novos, para participar ligue para a paróquia. Este programa é uma
excelente oportunidade para aprofundar e enriquecer a nossa fé católica
com a comunidade paroquial. Todos são convidados a participar.
(Venda de Malassadas/ fim de semana de Acção de graças)
Organiza-se um fim-de-semana de venda de malassadas para angariar
fundos para os jovens da paróquia que vão participar na jornada mundial
da juventude na Polónia. Será após as missas, nos dias 10 e 11 de
Outubro. Pedimos a vossa colaboração com donativos para os ingredientes, tais como:
farinha, óleo, ovos, açúcar etc. Estes donativos podem ser entregues no escritório da
paróquia ou à D. Amélia Frada.
Life – Chain -Unidos pela vida! (4 de Outubro das 2:30pm -3:30 pm)
Mais uma vez pedimos a todos para se unirem e dar testemunha de paz e oração
contra o aborto. O lugar de encontro para a nossa paróquia é na Wellington e
Weston St. (Ligue para a paroquia ou para Natália Medeiros 519-659-0592 para mais
40 DIAS de oração pela vida! No Hospital Vitória
Esta campanha anual inicia de 23 de Set. até 31 de Outubro. Este ano nossa paroquia
foi convidada a participar um dia inteiro. Precisamos de voluntários, junte-se a esta
vigília e reze pelos pré-nascidos e seus pais e por todos aqueles envolvidos na indústria
do aborto. Milhares de vidas já foram salvas pelo mundo e muitos corações mudados
(Pode trazer sua cadeira) A saída deste evento vai ter lugar em St. George Church 1164
Commissioners Rd west no Byron, Sexta-feira 25 de Setembro as 7:30pm.
Podem contactar Natália Medeiros pelo telefone: 519-659-0592 para mais informação
ou ligar para a Paroquia.

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